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Studium objemových změn pojivových silikátových směsí / Study of volume changes of binders silicateNováček, Jaroslav Unknown Date (has links)
In theory, this work is devoted to the principles and methods of measurement of volume changes of mortars and concretes. Emphasis is placed on cement self-levelling screeds with initial shrinkage compensation. In the practical part of the work is devoted to the development of prototype measuring system designed for non-contact detection of volume changes hydrating silicate. Using the new measurement method is also practically examined the influence of boundary conditions on hydration volume changes of selected silicate binders, cement mortar and cement levelling compound based on four different connective concepts. In the calculation, this work focuses on the numerical modelling of volume changes of the examined compounds.
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MD-Simulationen zur Adsorption von Additiven aus wässriger Lösung auf Calciumsulfat-FlächenFritz, Susanne 28 May 2015 (has links)
Die Adsorption von Additiven an den Oberflächen eines Kristallisates wird als eine hauptsächliche Ursache für die Beeinflussung von Kristallwachstum und Morphologie angesehen und spielt bei vielen Kristallisationsprozessen eine entscheidende Rolle. Gerade für die Calciumsulfate, die im Millionen-Tonnen-Maßstab jährlich in Deutschland verarbeitet werden, stellt der Additiv-Einsatz einen Hauptkostenfaktor dar, während gleichzeitig die Additivwirkung mechanistisch nicht ausreichend gut verstanden und damit derzeit nicht vorhersagbar ist.
Zur Erlangung eines besseren Verständnisses wurden mit Hilfe von molekulardynamischen Computersimulationen die Prozesse in den Grenzflächen zwischen festen Calciumsulfaten und wässriger Additivlösung auf atomarer Ebene analysiert. Wesentlicher Untersuchungsschwerpunkt war dabei die Rolle des polaren Lösungsmittels Wasser auf die Wechselwirkung zwischen verschiedenen ionischen Additivspezies und den Salzkristallen.:1. Einleitung und Zielsetzung 1
2. Literatur 6
2.1. Kristallstrukturen der Calciumsulfate 7
2.2. Kristallmorphologie und relevante Kristallflächen 10
2.2.1. Kristallwachstum und Morphologie der Calciumsulfate 10
2.2.2. Theoretische Methoden zur Morphologievorhersage 13
2.2.3. Morphologievorhersage für die Calciumsulfate 18
2.3. Struktur von Mineral-Wasser-Grenzflächen 20
2.3.1. Experimentelle Untersuchungen 20
2.3.2. Simulationen 25
2.4. Morphologiebeeinflussung der Calciumsulfate durch Additive 26
2.4.1. Additive für Calciumsulfate und deren Wirkungsweise 26
2.4.2. Beeinflussung der Gipsmorphologie durch Zitronensäure und
Aminosäuren 28
2.5. Stand der Technik von Adsorptionssimulationen 31
2.5.1. Methodenüberblick 31
2.5.2. Molekulardynamische Adsorptionssimulationen 33
2.5.3. Modellierungen und Simulationen der Calciumsulfat-Additiv-
Wechselwirkung 44
3. Methodik 47
3.1. Simulationsbasis 49
3.1.1. Randbedingungen und Annahmen 49
3.1.2. Simulationsmethoden und -parameter 51
3.1.3. Kraftfeld 55
3.1.4. Erstellen von Simulationsboxen 60
3.2. Simulationen zur Morphologievorhersage 65
3.2.1. Durchgeführte Simulationen 66
3.2.2. Berechnung der Morphologie im Vakuum 68
3.2.3. Berechnung der Morphologie in Lösung 69
3.2.4. Zusammenfassung 72
3.3. Simulationen der CaSO 4 -Wasser-Grenzfläche 74
3.3.1. Durchgeführte Simulationen 74
3.3.2. Charakterisierung der Oberflächenstabilität 75
3.3.3. Strukturelle Charakterisierung der Hydratationsschichten 77
3.3.4. Kinetische Charakterisierung der Hydratationsschichten 82
3.3.5. Thermodynamische Charakterisierung der Hydratations-
schichten 83
3.3.6. Zusammenfassung 87
3.4. Simulation der Adsorption 89
3.4.1. Durchgeführte Simulationen 89
3.4.2. Berechnung der Adsorptionsenergie 103
3.4.3. Berechnung der Freien Adsorptionsenergie 106
3.4.4. Zusammenfassung 112
4. Ergebnisse und Diskussion 114
4.1. Morphologievorhersage und Flächenauswahl 115
4.1.1. Die Morphologie im Vakuum 115
4.1.2. Die Morphologie in Lösung 123
4.1.3. Flächenauswahl 126
4.2. Die Mineral-Wasser-Grenzfläche 127
4.2.1. Oberflächenstabilität 127
4.2.2. Strukturelle Charakterisierung der Hydratationsschichten 133
4.2.3. Kinetische Charakterisierung der Hydratationsschichten 153
4.2.4. Thermodynamische Charakterisierung der Hydratations-
schichten 162
4.2.5. Einfluss der Simulationsmethodik 166
4.3. Die Adsorption 167
4.3.1. Einfluss des Lösungsmittels 167
4.3.2. Einfluss des Additivs 176
4.3.3. Einfluss der Fläche 186
4.3.4. Einfluss der Simulationsmethodik 201
5. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 211
Abkürzungsverzeichnis V-1
Literaturverzeichnis V-6
Abbildungsverzeichnis V-34
Tabellenverzeichnis V-38
A. Methoden A-1
A.1. Erstellen von Simulationsboxen mit Kristallschichten A-2
A.1.1. Randbedingungen A-2
A.1.2. Erstellen der Elementarzelle A-3
A.1.3. Erstellen der Oberflächenelementarzelle A-3
A.2. Voruntersuchungen zur Adsorption A-8
A.2.1. Ausgangssituation A-8
A.2.2. Finden energetisch günstiger Konformationen A-11
A.2.3. Berechnung der Freien Adsorptionsenergie A-13
A.2.4. Berechnung der Adsorptionsenergie A-23
A.3. Clusteranalyse A-24
B. Tabellen B-1
C. Abbildungen C-1
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Propuesta de mejora del proceso de planificación de proyectos en una empresa de construcción con sistema drywallRosario Mabel, Andía Cabrera 10 December 2018 (has links)
La presente tesis es una “Propuesta de mejora del proceso de planificación de proyectos en una empresa de construcción con sistema drywall” desarrollada en una PYME del rubro construcción. La propuesta está basada en herramientas de ingeniería para contrarrestar el problema identificado en la empresa en estudio que es la demora en la entrega de proyectos de construcción. Para ello, en la presente tesis está estructurada en 6 capítulos.
En el capítulo 1 se presenta el Marco teórico, en el cual se define el sistema constructivo drywall, metodologías y herramientas de mejora aplicables al proceso de planificación de proyectos de construcción y a la reducción y/o eliminación de demora en la entrega al cliente. En el capítulo 2 se presenta el diagnóstico, en el cual se describe la empresa, las condiciones en las que opera, el problema, los procesos involucrados con el problema, causas raíces, impacto económico y las herramientas aplicables a la reducción y/o eliminación del problema. En el capítulo 3 se desarrolla la evaluación de alternativas de solución, en el cual se describe el plan de implementación de las herramientas 5S y Last Planner System. En el capítulo 4 se muestra la validación de la propuesta de mejora compuesta por juicio experto y la validación económica. En el capítulo 5, se muestra el impacto de la mejora en los stakeholders mediante una matriz Leopold. Finalmente, en el capítulo 6 se muestran las conclusiones y recomendaciones de la presente tesis. / This thesis is a "Proposal for improvement of the project planning process in a construction company with gypsum panel system" developed in an SME of the construction sector. The proposal is based on engineering tools to counteract the problem in the company in the study that is the delay in the delivery of construction projects. For this, in this thesis is structured in 6 chapters.
Chapter 1 presents the theoretical framework, which defines the construction system of drywall, methodologies and tools to improve the planning process of construction projects and the reduction and / or elimination of the delay in delivery to the client. In chapter 2 the diagnosis is presented, in which the company is described, the conditions in which it operates, the problem, the processes related to the problem, the root causes, the economic impact and the tools applicable to the reduction and / or the elimination of the problem. Chapter 3 describes the evaluation of solution alternatives, and describes the implementation plan of the 5S and Last Planner System tools. Chapter 4 shows the validation of the improvement proposal composed of expert judgment and economic validation. In Chapter 5, the impact of the improvement on stakeholders is shown through a Leopold matrix. Finally, chapter 6 shows the conclusions and recommendations of this thesis. / Tesis
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Distribuição elementar e de radionuclídeos na produção e uso de fertilizantes fosfatados no Brasil / Elemental and radionuclides distribution in the production and use of phosphate fertilizers in BrazilSaueia, Cátia Heloisa Rosignoli 01 September 2006 (has links)
O fertilizante é considerado um componente essencial para a agricultura, pois sua utilização aumenta e repõe os nutrientes naturais do solo, perdidos por desgaste ou erosão. No processo de obtenção dos fertilizantes fosfatados, o concentrado de rocha reage com ácido sulfúrico concentrado produzindo ácido fosfórico e sulfato de cálcio (fosfogesso), como subproduto. O ácido fosfórico é utilizado para a produção do superfosfato triplo (TSP), superfosfato simples (SSP), monoamônio fosfato (MAP) e diamônio fosfato (DAP). A rocha fosfatada usada como matéria prima apresenta em sua composição radionuclídeos das séries naturais do urânio e tório. Durante o ataque químico do concentrado de rocha, as espécies presentes na reação, estáveis e radioativas, são redistribuídas entre o ácido fosfórico (matéria prima dos fertilizantes), e o fosfogesso, de acordo com sua solubilidade e características químicas. Enquanto os fertilizantes são comercializados, o fosfogesso fica estocado em pilhas podendo impactar o meio ambiente. Com a finalidade de entender a distribuição dos elementos e dos radionuclídeos no processo industrial de produção de fertilizantes fosfatados, foram analisadas amostras de concentrado de rocha, de fertilizantes (SSP, TSP, MAP e DAP) e fosfogesso de três procedências nacionais denominadas indústrias A, B e C. A técnica utilizada para a análise elementar foi a análise por ativação com nêutrons, que permitiu analisar os elementos Ba, Co, Cr, Fe, Hf, Na, Sc, Ta, Th, U, Zn e Zr, e as terras raras, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb e Lu. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que em geral, as terras raras se distribuem de forma homogênea em todos os fertilizantes e no fosfogesso, exceto o Lu. Os fertilizantes SSP e TSP apresentaram concentrações de todos os elementos analisados da mesma ordem de grandeza da rocha de origem. O mesmo comportamento foi observado nos fertilizantes MAP e DAP, exceto para os elementos Co, Sc e U. Os elementos pertencentes à série radioativa natural do urânio (238U, 234U, 230Th, 226Ra e 210Pb), do tório (232Th, 228Ra e 228Th) e o K-40, foram determinados por meio da espectrometria gama e alfa. As amostras de fertilizantes MAP e DAP, que são diretamente derivadas do ácido fosfórico, apresentaram baixa concentração para o 226Ra, 228Ra e 210Pb, enquanto que para o U e Th as concentrações encontradas foram da mesma ordem de grandeza da rocha de origem. Os fertilizantes SSP e TSP, que são obtidos pela mistura de ácido fosfórico com concentrado de rocha, apresentaram concentrações mais elevadas para os radionuclídeos das séries naturais. Avaliou-se a exposição devido a sucessivas aplicações de fertilizantes e fosfogesso, calculando-se a dose interna devida à aplicação por 10, 50 e 100 anos. Os valores encontrados estão abaixo do limite de 2,4 mSv a-1, mostrando que esta prática é negligenciável. / Fertilizer is considered an essential component for agriculture, because its use increases the natural soil nutrients, which are lost slow waste or erosion. The Brazilian phosphate fertilizer is obtained by wet reaction of igneous phosphate rock with concentrated sulphuric acid, giving as final product, phosphoric acid and dihydrated calcium sulphate (phosphogypsum) as by-product. Phosphoric acid is the starting material for triple superphosphate (TSP), single superphosphate (SSP), monoammonium phosphate (MAP) and diammonium phosphate (DAP). The phosphate rock used as raw material presents in its composition, radionuclides of the U and Th natural series in. During the chemical attack of the phosphate rock, this equilibrium is disrupted and the radionuclides and the elements migrate to intermediate, final products and by-products, according to their solubility and chemical properties. While the fertilizers are commercialized, the phosphogypsum is disposed in stack piles and can cause an impact in the environment. In order to evaluate the radionuclides and the elements distribution in the industrial process of phosphate fertilizer production, samples of concentrated rock, fertilizers (SSP, TSP, MAP and DAP) and phosphogypsum from three national industries (A, B and C), were analyzed. The characterization of the elements Ba, Co, Cr, Fe, Hf, Na, Sc, Ta, Th, U, Zn and Zr, and the rare earths La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb and Lu, were performed by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The results obtained showed that, in general, the rare earth elements are distributed uniformly in the fertilizers and phosphogypsum, except for Lu. The elemental concentration present in the fertilizers SSP and TSP are of the same order of magnitude of the source rock. The same behavior was observed in the fertilizers MAP and DAP, except for the elements Co, Sc and U. The radionuclides of the U series (238U, 234U, 230Th, 226Ra, 210Pb) and of the Th series (232Th, 228Ra, 228Th) and 40K were determined by gamma and alpha spectrometry. The fertilizers samples, with are derived directly from phosphoric acid, MAP and DAP, presented in their composition low activity concentrations for 226Ra, 228Ra and 210Pb. For U and Th, the concentrations founded in MAP and DAP are more significant, similar to the source rock. SSP and TSP fertilizers, which are obtained by mixing phosphoric acid with different amounts of phosphate rock, presented higher concentrations of all radionuclides of the natural series. Long-term exposure due to successive fertilizer and phosphogypsum application was evaluated. Internal doses due to the application of phosphate fertilizer and phosphogypsum for 10, 50 and 100 years were below 2.4 mSv y-1, showing that the radiological impact of such practice is negligible.
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Distribuição elementar e de radionuclídeos na produção e uso de fertilizantes fosfatados no Brasil / Elemental and radionuclides distribution in the production and use of phosphate fertilizers in BrazilCátia Heloisa Rosignoli Saueia 01 September 2006 (has links)
O fertilizante é considerado um componente essencial para a agricultura, pois sua utilização aumenta e repõe os nutrientes naturais do solo, perdidos por desgaste ou erosão. No processo de obtenção dos fertilizantes fosfatados, o concentrado de rocha reage com ácido sulfúrico concentrado produzindo ácido fosfórico e sulfato de cálcio (fosfogesso), como subproduto. O ácido fosfórico é utilizado para a produção do superfosfato triplo (TSP), superfosfato simples (SSP), monoamônio fosfato (MAP) e diamônio fosfato (DAP). A rocha fosfatada usada como matéria prima apresenta em sua composição radionuclídeos das séries naturais do urânio e tório. Durante o ataque químico do concentrado de rocha, as espécies presentes na reação, estáveis e radioativas, são redistribuídas entre o ácido fosfórico (matéria prima dos fertilizantes), e o fosfogesso, de acordo com sua solubilidade e características químicas. Enquanto os fertilizantes são comercializados, o fosfogesso fica estocado em pilhas podendo impactar o meio ambiente. Com a finalidade de entender a distribuição dos elementos e dos radionuclídeos no processo industrial de produção de fertilizantes fosfatados, foram analisadas amostras de concentrado de rocha, de fertilizantes (SSP, TSP, MAP e DAP) e fosfogesso de três procedências nacionais denominadas indústrias A, B e C. A técnica utilizada para a análise elementar foi a análise por ativação com nêutrons, que permitiu analisar os elementos Ba, Co, Cr, Fe, Hf, Na, Sc, Ta, Th, U, Zn e Zr, e as terras raras, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb e Lu. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que em geral, as terras raras se distribuem de forma homogênea em todos os fertilizantes e no fosfogesso, exceto o Lu. Os fertilizantes SSP e TSP apresentaram concentrações de todos os elementos analisados da mesma ordem de grandeza da rocha de origem. O mesmo comportamento foi observado nos fertilizantes MAP e DAP, exceto para os elementos Co, Sc e U. Os elementos pertencentes à série radioativa natural do urânio (238U, 234U, 230Th, 226Ra e 210Pb), do tório (232Th, 228Ra e 228Th) e o K-40, foram determinados por meio da espectrometria gama e alfa. As amostras de fertilizantes MAP e DAP, que são diretamente derivadas do ácido fosfórico, apresentaram baixa concentração para o 226Ra, 228Ra e 210Pb, enquanto que para o U e Th as concentrações encontradas foram da mesma ordem de grandeza da rocha de origem. Os fertilizantes SSP e TSP, que são obtidos pela mistura de ácido fosfórico com concentrado de rocha, apresentaram concentrações mais elevadas para os radionuclídeos das séries naturais. Avaliou-se a exposição devido a sucessivas aplicações de fertilizantes e fosfogesso, calculando-se a dose interna devida à aplicação por 10, 50 e 100 anos. Os valores encontrados estão abaixo do limite de 2,4 mSv a-1, mostrando que esta prática é negligenciável. / Fertilizer is considered an essential component for agriculture, because its use increases the natural soil nutrients, which are lost slow waste or erosion. The Brazilian phosphate fertilizer is obtained by wet reaction of igneous phosphate rock with concentrated sulphuric acid, giving as final product, phosphoric acid and dihydrated calcium sulphate (phosphogypsum) as by-product. Phosphoric acid is the starting material for triple superphosphate (TSP), single superphosphate (SSP), monoammonium phosphate (MAP) and diammonium phosphate (DAP). The phosphate rock used as raw material presents in its composition, radionuclides of the U and Th natural series in. During the chemical attack of the phosphate rock, this equilibrium is disrupted and the radionuclides and the elements migrate to intermediate, final products and by-products, according to their solubility and chemical properties. While the fertilizers are commercialized, the phosphogypsum is disposed in stack piles and can cause an impact in the environment. In order to evaluate the radionuclides and the elements distribution in the industrial process of phosphate fertilizer production, samples of concentrated rock, fertilizers (SSP, TSP, MAP and DAP) and phosphogypsum from three national industries (A, B and C), were analyzed. The characterization of the elements Ba, Co, Cr, Fe, Hf, Na, Sc, Ta, Th, U, Zn and Zr, and the rare earths La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb and Lu, were performed by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The results obtained showed that, in general, the rare earth elements are distributed uniformly in the fertilizers and phosphogypsum, except for Lu. The elemental concentration present in the fertilizers SSP and TSP are of the same order of magnitude of the source rock. The same behavior was observed in the fertilizers MAP and DAP, except for the elements Co, Sc and U. The radionuclides of the U series (238U, 234U, 230Th, 226Ra, 210Pb) and of the Th series (232Th, 228Ra, 228Th) and 40K were determined by gamma and alpha spectrometry. The fertilizers samples, with are derived directly from phosphoric acid, MAP and DAP, presented in their composition low activity concentrations for 226Ra, 228Ra and 210Pb. For U and Th, the concentrations founded in MAP and DAP are more significant, similar to the source rock. SSP and TSP fertilizers, which are obtained by mixing phosphoric acid with different amounts of phosphate rock, presented higher concentrations of all radionuclides of the natural series. Long-term exposure due to successive fertilizer and phosphogypsum application was evaluated. Internal doses due to the application of phosphate fertilizer and phosphogypsum for 10, 50 and 100 years were below 2.4 mSv y-1, showing that the radiological impact of such practice is negligible.
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Mateřská škola / KindergartenNeradová, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
The subjekt of this diploma thesis is design and project documentation of a kindergarten in city Jihlava. New building is situated in the western part of the city HorníKosov. The kindergarten is designed for preschool education 48 children from 3 to 7 years. The building is without cellar. The building has two floors. In the 1st floor there are two separate classes with sanitary facilities and facilities for teachers. Two separate classes have a common dining room with kachen facilities and sanitary facilities for her employees. In the second floor there is lenguage class for 12 children, storage, directors office, office of speech therapy and sanitary facilities. The object is base on concrete foundation strips. The vertical load-bearing constructions are made of ceramics bricks. The walls are insulated with combination of contact thermal insulation system and ventilated facade with facade cladding of cement-bonded particle board. Ceiling construction is made of prestressed hollow-core slabs. Roof construction over single-storey parts of the building is designed as a vegetation flat roof. Roof construction over the two-storey part of the building is designed as a warm flat roof. Next to the object is situated parking slots for cars. Altogether is designed 13 places, which 1 is designed for disabled people.
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Sigrid Blomberg och altargruppen i Oskarshamns kyrka : en kvinnas verk / Sigrid Blomberg and the altarpiece in the church of Oskarshamn : a woman’s work of artAndersson, Anna-Malin January 2020 (has links)
Sigrid Blomberg and the altarpiece in the church of Oskarshamn – a woman’s work of art, is an essay with the aim to describe, analyse and to discuss the gypsum altarpiece in the city church of Oskarshamn and its artist, the Swedish sculptor Sigrid Blomberg. The essay begins with a brief historical description of the situation for female artists in Sweden at the turn of the 20th century and a comment on the material chosen for the altarpiece – gypsum. This is followed by a short summary of the life of Sigrid Blomberg and two other examples of her work to illustrate and discuss similarities with the altarpiece in the church of Oskarshamn. This is followed by a description of the church and its interior, as well as the altarpiece’s history, creation process and problems. The essay then focuses on an analysis of the different parts, as well as the whole, of the altarpiece – characters, meanings and interpretations. The essay ends in a discussion of the findings and the author’s conclusions regarding the altarpiece and the artist’s place in the art history. Central in the essay is the apparent lack of female artists in the art canon and the reasons and effect due to this. The author uses a semiotic method and a feminist theory premiss to find the answers to questions such as: why was a female artist chosen for the assignment; how does the artwork compare to other, equivalent and contemporary artworks; how may the placing of the work have effected the perception of the altarpiece; have the perception changed over time; and finally what’s characteristic for the artist Sigrid Blombergs idiom?
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Horský hotel / Mountain hotelVandrovec, Aleš January 2014 (has links)
Master’s thesis theme is mountain hotel project. The hotel has one lower basement and four aboveground floor. It has trditional look and the roof is double-pitched. Floor projection looks like letter "L". Main part has measurements 25,3 x 14,1 m and it has four floor. Extension is on northwest side of main part. It has measuremnts 11,85 x 9,5 m and three floor. Facede of basement and first floor is from stone facing mansory. Facade od second floor of main patr of buildings id timbered looks like curb. Third and fourth floor are attic, gable is vertical timbered. Facade of second floor of extension is plaster on ETICS. The gable od extension is vertical timbered. Roof covering is alpen shingle from larch wood. Foundations of house are shallow. The construction system is walled. The lower basement is built from masonry BS Klatovy BD30 and other wall are from masonry Porotherm . Floor structures are from monolithic reinforced concrete, thickness 220 mm. House stairs are prefabricated double-flight. Partition wall are mostly built from mansory Porotherm 11,5 P+D. Lintols above windows and doors in facadeare made by reverse of floor slab and inside of disposition are made by ceramics lintols Porotherm. Floor structures are floating with impact insulation in whole house. In living rooms wear layers are from oak parquet block and in common rooms, toilets, bathrooms and technical rooms is ceramics paving. Wall’s surfaces are made from patent plaster and in lower basement are made from two-coat work with white coat. Toilets and bathrooms are tilled with ceramic tiles. All distributions of building equipment are covered with gypsum plasterboard ceiling. All windows and doors in facade are made by wooden profile Solid comfort SC78 and glazed by triple glazing unit (Uw,max=0,9 W/m2.K), exception is main entrance door, It is made by aluminum profile and it is automatically opened.
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Zdravotnické středisko Hlinsko / Medical center HlinskoPilný, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design and elaboration process of a project documentation of medical center in city Hlinsko. New building is situated in the northern part of the city in the area determined for constructions of public infrastructure. It´s a four-floor object with partial basement and slant mansard and flat vegetative roof.Object is based on foundation strips and footings made from reinforced concrete.The bearing and internal walls are designed from KALKSANDSTEIN lime sand blocks.The beams and collums are used in the placed designed with open disposition.The ceiling in 1.PP is designed as reinforced concrete for securing fire safety.The rest od ceiling constructions is designed from prestressed concrete panels SPIROLL,with exception in 4.NP,where the ceiling constructions are made from solid roof system YTONG KOMFORT,which is layed on frame system made of steel and reinforced concrete.The peripheral walls of 1.PP are made from lost formwork, which is insulated with extruded polystyrene.The walls in floors above ground are insulated with combination of external thermal insulation system (ETICS) and ventilated facade with CEMBRIT SOLID and PATINA facade cladding panels. The building is functionally divided into several part.Cafe, pharmacy, ambulance and medical center, each with it´s own entrance.Pharmacy is equipped with shop, medicine mixer and storage.Ambulance is equipped with garage slots, background for employees, room of crisis preparedness and operating center.Medical centrum is equipped with emergency, RTG, operating theater, rehabilitations and other types of examination rooms.Each examination room is equipped with waiting room.For more comfort the center has a background for employees.The whole object is designed with forced air exchange. Designed object is barrier-free.In front of the building is situated parking slots for cars, motorbikes and ambulances.Total number of slots is 74 places, which 5 is designed for disabled people.
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