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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le confort : modèles, normes, expériences : une histoire de l’habitation en France (1830-1975) / Comfort : models, standards, experiments : a History of French Housing (1830-1875)

Engrand, Lionel 01 February 2018 (has links)
Ce travail se propose d’évaluer l’incidence de la notion de confort dans l’émergence de modèles, de normes et d’expériences qui participent d’une histoire de l’habitation en France, du renouvellement de l’acception du terme dans la langue française au cours des années 1830 à l’achèvement d’un premier cycle majeur de sa démocratisation à la fin des Trente Glorieuses. Ambitions politiques et normes sociales, doctrines architecturales et usages, cycles économiques et consommation, innovations techniques, réglementations et représentations symboliques éclairent le processus de construction, d’objectivation et de diffusion de cette notion. La démocratisation du confort est notamment envisagée dans la durée comme une facette d’un récit national des « temps modernes » qui opère à différentes échelles de la civilisation quotidienne, du monde des objets aux formes urbaines en passant par l’architecture des immeubles et des espaces privés / This work aims to evaluate the impact of the notion of comfort in the emergence of models, standards and experimentations that play a part in a French housing history, covering the change of meaning of the term within the French language in the 1830s, to the completion of a first major cycle of its democratization at the end of the Trente Glorieuses. Political ambitions and social standards, architectural doctrines and domestic usages, economical cycles and consumption ideals, technical innovations, rules and symbolic representations enlighten the process of construction, diffusion and objectification of this notion. The democratization of comfort is notably seized in the long run as a facet of a national narrative of “modern times” which proceeded at different scales of the everyday civilization, encompassing the world of domestic objects, urban forms, architecture of buildings and private spaces

Être-sur-Facebook : la technique et l'habitation chez Martin Heidegger et Peter Sloterdijk

Marcotte, Bruno January 2013 (has links)
À mesure que s’accroissent le temps passé en ligne et la richesse phénoménale des environnements web, ces « médias » doivent de moins en moins être pensés comme des canaux de communication et de plus en plus comme des espaces, voire des lieux d’habitation. Au même moment, les dispositifs de communications numériques, au premier chef www.facebook.com, sont constamment accusés d’être des espaces « irréels », de rendre les relations « superficielles », etc. Cette thèse cherche à qualifier l’être-au-monde lorsqu’il prend la forme de l’être-sur-facebook en mettant en relation les questions de l’habitation, de la technique et du numérique. De façon surprenante, bien que ceux-ci n’aient jamais écrit sur le web, les pensées de Martin Heidegger et de Peter Sloterdijk fournissent d’excellentes bases théoriques à partir desquelles penser l’habitation numérique. D’une part, Heidegger ne fait pas dériver la réalité d’une ontologie matérialiste, mais existentielle, ce qui correspond bien à la praxis numérique. D’autre part, il a cherché à établir des relations entre l’habitation et la technique, ainsi qu’entre l’authenticité et la publicité, ce qui se révèle fort utile pour penser ce que peut vouloir dire le fait d’habiter un environnement technique semi-public. Quant à Sloterdijk, ses notions de sphère et d’immunité sont intéressantes pour penser le nouveau genre d’espace créé par Facebook où l’usager contrôle lui-même l’accès à son réseau. Pensé avec les catégories de Sloterdijk, Facebook.com apparait comme un milieu s’acquittant de la double exigence d’immunité et de mobilisation où l’usager fait de son propre reflet sa « maison web ». Le projet guidant la trilogie « Sphères » – penser l’existence humaine à partir de ces lieux de production et d’installation – est ainsi poussé, par-delà son attachement à la concrétude, vers le web.

Design and Analysis of a Foldable Propeller Blade

Mashin, Annan 01 January 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Deployable structures have made an immense impact in the engineering world. The concept of the deployable structure has been able to reduce costs and sizing limits across a variety of use cases. However, sizing and cost reduction are not the only reasons that deployable structures are prominent. There are unique propeller blades that have entered into the world of deployable structures, where the ability to be stowed away and deployed to a much larger diameter can increase launch flexibility, and the engine efficiencies of aircraft. Although, most of the deployable propeller blades that have been designed in studies have the usual hinge mechanism where the down side of a hinge is that it does not necessarily provide any stiffness nor does it change the diameter of the propeller blade when stowed away. However, an unique strategy, that uses the underlying principle of snap through buckling can help to negate the use of hinges. This principle allows the propeller blade itself to be folded and stowed away, where stored strain energy is used in order to self-deploy back into the original shape. This paper will present an overall approach to the structural architecture development, conceptual prototype fabrication, and computational analysis of a foldable propeller blade.

Design and Mechanical Characterization of Functionally Graded Sandwich Beams Fabricated via Additive Manufacturing

Grondin, Timothy 01 January 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Lightweight aerospace structures have been sought after since humans took flight in 1903, making major strides in NASA's pursuit of the moon with the development of sandwich panel composites. Sandwich structures typically consist of two stiff phases (i.e., face sheets) separated by a lightweight phase (i.e., core), which are stacked together through adhesive layers. Such a structural arrangement provides a high stiffness-to-weight ratio and is often used in applications where weight saving is critical. Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs), refer to multifunctional materials, which contain a spatial variation of composition and/or microstructure for the specific purpose of altering thermal and structural properties. Recent advancements in Additive Manufacturing (AM), or 3D printing, drastically increased research capabilities. This thesis poses two novel concepts. First, sandwich beams manufactured as a single unit through additive manufacturing, eliminates the need for secondary bonding used in traditional sandwich structures. Second, with the introduction of a Functionally Graded (FG) core, sandwich structures offer enhanced flexural stiffness-to-weight ratio. To test these hypotheses, the design space of sandwich beams with FG cores is analytically explored by forming governing equations from existing methods and developing specific FG performance parameters. These equations are then exploited in MATLAB to map variation of the sandwich beam stiffness-to-weight ratio as a function of core relative density. Analytical estimations are verified for a particular design point of variable core density using the Finite Element (FE) models developed in the commercial FE program ABAQUS. Both the analytical and numerical results reveal a performance increase of approximately 31% of the stiffness-to-weight ratio for a variable core density. Finally, the selected design is additively manufactured using a poly-jet printer (Stratasys J55). The flexural modulus and strength of the additively manufactured sandwich beams are measured by the three-point bend test method. The experimental results clearly match the analytical and numerical estimations.

Polyelectrolyte Functionalized Forward Osmosis for Water Reclamation From Synthetic Spacecraft Wastewater

Ripp, Alina 15 December 2022 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigated the application of a polyelectrolyte (PE)-assisted metallic iron nanoparticle-integrated forward osmosis (FO) membrane to treat synthetic spacecraft wastewater comprising urea, ammonium carbonate, and linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS). The draw solution (MgSO4) diluted via the FO operation was further treated using a nanofiltration (NF) membrane aimed at producing potable quality water by the FO-NF hybrid process. A cellulose triacetate FO membrane was functionalized by layer-by-layer deposition of polyallylamine hydrochloride (PAH) and polyacrylic acid (PAA) followed by incorporating zero valent iron nanoparticles (ZVINP) within the "bilayers". It required 14 bilayers to ensure a uniform coating as demonstrated via scanning electron microscopy image examination. The PE modification of the FO membrane counteracted the effects of membrane fouling and internal concentration polarization. Although the modified membrane appeared to accumulate slightly more foulants than the unmodified membrane, the modified membrane demonstrated higher water flux. After 10 hours of the FO operation, the water flux of the unmodified membrane observed a decreased while the modified membranes FS remained constant throughout. The reverse salt flux of the unmodified membrane was higher than the functionalized membrane. The RSF of the unmodified membrane increased while the modified membranes results remained constant throughout the process. The higher water flux of the functionalized membrane can be attributed to the deposition of PE-ZVINP that may have reduced the effects of ICP and RSF. The performance of the FO-NF hybrid process was evaluated by comparing the removal of nitrogen (TN) and total organic carbon (TOC) from the wastewater using a bench-scale setup. When using the modified FO membrane, the system removed 85.6% of TN and 86.2% TOC. This hybrid FO-NF system is expected to reduce the overall energy input and membrane operation cost when treating various wastewaters including the spacecraft wastewater.

O Estado e a produção habitacional pública / The State and the public habitation produce policies

Barbosa, Itaquê Santana 22 August 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho busca contribuir no debate acerca dos movimentos sociais, especificamente no do movimento de moradia. Oferece uma análise das dinâmicas estatais de desenvolvimento das políticas e produções habitacionais em três esferas de governo: o Governo Federal, o Governo Estadual paulista, e a Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo. O estudo aborda a atuação destes níveis de governo desde suas origens até 2002. Ele analisa os diferentes períodos do desenvolvimento desta atuação, examinando os modelos habitacionais que os caracterizaram. Esta análise focou-se na variação da distribuição das atividades fundamentais, à produção habitacional financiada por fundos públicos, presente nos diferentes programas habitacionais realizados ao longo do tempo. Assim ela procurou identificar as continuidades e descontinuidades da ação estatal. Expõe desta forma as preferências demonstradas pelo Estado em sua ação. Isto permitiu delinear o papel do movimento de moradia em alguns dos modelos habitacionais surgidos desde a Nova República. / This study intends to contribute to debate of social movements which gather dwellings. It approaches an analysis on State-oriented dynamics to develop policies and dwellings production into three branches of government: Federal, local State of São Paulo and São Paulo county level. The policies and action of these three levels are made accessible from its origins to 2002. An effort to analysis of different moments into the process of the public action is made. The models for habitation produce are under examination. The approach focuses changes in the distribution from the basic actions up to habitation produce financed by public funds. This has been found in different dwelling programs produced through all the time. The analysis attempts to identify continuities and discontinuities into the public action. It exposes by this way the preferences shown by the State performance. Such an approach allowed to outline the role of the gather dwellings movement in some of the habitation produce models that were developed since the New Republic arrival

O Estado e a produção habitacional pública / The State and the public habitation produce policies

Itaquê Santana Barbosa 22 August 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho busca contribuir no debate acerca dos movimentos sociais, especificamente no do movimento de moradia. Oferece uma análise das dinâmicas estatais de desenvolvimento das políticas e produções habitacionais em três esferas de governo: o Governo Federal, o Governo Estadual paulista, e a Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo. O estudo aborda a atuação destes níveis de governo desde suas origens até 2002. Ele analisa os diferentes períodos do desenvolvimento desta atuação, examinando os modelos habitacionais que os caracterizaram. Esta análise focou-se na variação da distribuição das atividades fundamentais, à produção habitacional financiada por fundos públicos, presente nos diferentes programas habitacionais realizados ao longo do tempo. Assim ela procurou identificar as continuidades e descontinuidades da ação estatal. Expõe desta forma as preferências demonstradas pelo Estado em sua ação. Isto permitiu delinear o papel do movimento de moradia em alguns dos modelos habitacionais surgidos desde a Nova República. / This study intends to contribute to debate of social movements which gather dwellings. It approaches an analysis on State-oriented dynamics to develop policies and dwellings production into three branches of government: Federal, local State of São Paulo and São Paulo county level. The policies and action of these three levels are made accessible from its origins to 2002. An effort to analysis of different moments into the process of the public action is made. The models for habitation produce are under examination. The approach focuses changes in the distribution from the basic actions up to habitation produce financed by public funds. This has been found in different dwelling programs produced through all the time. The analysis attempts to identify continuities and discontinuities into the public action. It exposes by this way the preferences shown by the State performance. Such an approach allowed to outline the role of the gather dwellings movement in some of the habitation produce models that were developed since the New Republic arrival

A importância do estudo das funções e atividades no projeto e dimensionamento da habitação / The importance of the study of the functions and activities in the project and dimensioning of the house

Barbosa, Andre Luiz Souza 07 December 2007 (has links)
A dissertação orientou-se em parte no aspecto conceitual da Análise da Tarefa procurando detalhar uma seqüência lógica desde seu surgimento, evolução, enfim, indo até sua aplicação nos projetos arquitetônicos. Esta seqüência exprime de forma global o teor do trabalho, procurando demonstrar uma afinidade entre a análise da tarefa e as funções e atividades na habitação. A dissertação apresenta um conjunto de seis técnicas de utilização da análise da tarefa de forma descritiva e fazendo referência a utilização da mesma, onde todas foram tabuladas e oferecidas em seqüência indicando a técnica empregada em um conjunto lógico de informações. Dando continuidade a esse conjunto de técnicas e buscando formar uma seqüência de pensamento foram apresentadas algumas teorias cientificas da administração do trabalho que tiveram inicialmente seus primeiros estudos nos ambientes das fábricas. A divisão do trabalho e os primeiros estudos relacionados à interação do homem e o seu ambiente de trabalho orientados pela ergonomia como ciência fornecem subsídios importantes para a arquitetura funcionalista do século XX, que é apresentada nesta dissertação em períodos designados como: primeira, segunda e terceira ondas. As funções e as atividades domésticas têm influência no dimensionamento do projeto e da habitação por isso passam a ser estudadas cientificamente por alguns pesquisadores. O objetivo da dissertação é apresentar um acervo de informações técnicas consagradas de padrões projetuais ergonômicos densamente embasados nas referências bibliográficas e de estudos das funções e atividades dos autores: J. J. Boueri, J. B. Pedro, Normas Suecas e do Ministério do Trabalho e da Habitação de Israel. / The dissertation was guided partly in the conceptual aspect of the Analysis of the Task trying to detail a logical sequence from her appearance, evolution, finally, going until her application in the architectural projects. This sequence expresses in a global way the tenor of the work, trying to demonstrate a likeness between the analysis of the task and the functions and activities in the house. The dissertation presents a group of six techniques of use of the analysis of the task in a descriptive way and making reference the use of the same, where all were tabulated and offered in sequence indicating the employed technique in a logical group of information. Giving continuity to that group of techniques and looking for to form a thought sequence some was presented theories inform of the administration of the work that you/they had their first studies initially in the atmospheres of the factories. The division of the work and the first studies related to the man\'s interaction and his/her working environment guided by the ergonomics as science supplies important subsidies for the architecture functional of the century XX, that is presented in this dissertation in periods designated as: first, second and third waves. The functions and the domestic activities have influence in the dimensioning of the project and of the house for that pass to be studied scientifically by some researchers. The objective of the dissertation is to present a collection of consecrated technical information of patterns ergonomic projetuais densely based in the bibliographical references and of studies of the functions and the authors\' activities: J. J. Boueri, J. B. Pedro, Swedish Norms and of Department of Labor and of the House of Israel.

"Desenho e uso do espaço habitável do apartamento metropolitano na virada do século 21: um olhar sobre o tipo "dois-dormitórios" na cidade de São Paulo"

Camargo, Érica Negreiros de 08 April 2003 (has links)
Partindo-se da hipótese da necessidade de haver uma relação entre o atual projeto de moradia e os hábitos domésticos contemporâneos, o objetivo deste trabalho é investigar o projeto de espaços habitáveis de apartamentos em São Paulo, avaliando-se a compatibilidade entre sua configuração tipológica e as transformações do uso da habitação, ocorridas nas últimas décadas do século 20 – aqui observadas a dinâmica e contínua alteração tipológica dos arranjos familiares e a invasão de novas tecnologias ao espaço doméstico. Constituindo-se uma tentativa de colaboração para o repensar do habitar metropolitano contemporâneo, esta dissertação está estruturada em quatro capítulos. O primeiro constitui-se de uma ambientação histórica do processo de modernização da indústria brasileira, englobando o início da cultura de habitar apartamentos na cidade de São Paulo, até a cristalização desse hábito, nas últimas décadas do século 20. Estabelece-se aí um paralelo entre a relação do usuário com sua moradia e a introdução de progressos tecnológicos no cotidiano doméstico. No segundo capítulo visitam-se as transformações dos modos de vida contemporâneos, dadas em função tanto das mudanças dos grupos domésticos, as quais passaram a alterar o conceito tradicional de família nuclear, quanto da invasão de novas tecnologias ao ambiente doméstico. O terceiro capítulo – etapa essencial deste trabalho – constitui-se do estudo de plantas de apartamentos de dois dormitórios lançados na Região Metroplitana de São Paulo nas décadas de 1980 e 1990 e do estudo de caso de apartamentos de dois dormitórios de um edifício situado na cidade de São Paulo, com a análise dos espaços habitados e dos diversos usos a eles atribuídos. Partindo-se do quarto capítulo, no qual se estabelecem reflexões sobre novas tendências de desenhos para o modelo do espaço habitável, este voltado à contemporaneidade urbana, estabelecem-se duas constatações básicas: Por um lado, diante das transformações dos grupos domésticos e do largo uso de novos aparatos tecnológicos no espaço da habitação, a produção de apartamentos do final do século 20 apresenta-se em descompasso com a diversidade dos novos modos de morar adquiridos, caracterizando-se por certa morosidade quanto ao surgimento de novas propostas que contemplem a variedade de perfis dos atuais grupos de usuários urbanos. Por outro lado, é definida como apenas relativa a contemporaneidade identificada no uso dos apartamentos, uma vez que antigas tradições ainda permanecem na produção do ambiente doméstico, não tendo sido totalmente substituídas pelos novos modos de viver contemporâneos. / Based on the hypothesis that there should be a close relation between today’s private-home design and the current habits of people living in those homes, this work sets out to investigate the design of the living space of apartments in São Paulo, Brazil. The objective is to analyze how well this design has kept up with changing lifestyles during the last decades of the 20th century, in especial shifting family arrangements and the permeation of new technologies in the home. This work intents to contribute towards a new assessment of contemporary metropolitan living and is divided into four chapters. The first presents a background of the modernization process of Brazilian industry, covering from the inception of apartment life in São Paulo to its widespread acceptance. This part also draws a parallel between this process and the user-home relationship, in light of the introduction of the first technological gadgets in everyday home living. The second chapter shows today’s changing ways of living, brought by both emerging demographic patterns, which have dramatically changed the conventional nuclear family, and the flood of new technologies in the domestic environment. The third chapter – an essential part of this work – analyzes floor plans of two-bedroom apartments launched in São Paulo during the 80s and 90s. It also includes a case study of two-bedroom apartments of a São Paulo building, with an examination of their living spaces and the use attributed thereto. The fourth chapter brings some reflections on current ideas on the reconfiguring domestic landscape and arrives at two basic conclusions. On the one hand, in light of shifting family patterns and the permeation of technological appliances in the domestic space, it can be said that there is a clear gap between apartments produced in the late 20th century and the new lifestyles incorporated by the users of such homes. Scarce new proposals have addressed the multiple facets of today’s metropolitan apartment dwellers. On the other hand, the use given to these apartments can be considered only relatively contemporary, since ingrained traditions are still quite present in the living space and have not been fully replaced by contemporary lifestyles.

A importância do estudo das funções e atividades no projeto e dimensionamento da habitação / The importance of the study of the functions and activities in the project and dimensioning of the house

Andre Luiz Souza Barbosa 07 December 2007 (has links)
A dissertação orientou-se em parte no aspecto conceitual da Análise da Tarefa procurando detalhar uma seqüência lógica desde seu surgimento, evolução, enfim, indo até sua aplicação nos projetos arquitetônicos. Esta seqüência exprime de forma global o teor do trabalho, procurando demonstrar uma afinidade entre a análise da tarefa e as funções e atividades na habitação. A dissertação apresenta um conjunto de seis técnicas de utilização da análise da tarefa de forma descritiva e fazendo referência a utilização da mesma, onde todas foram tabuladas e oferecidas em seqüência indicando a técnica empregada em um conjunto lógico de informações. Dando continuidade a esse conjunto de técnicas e buscando formar uma seqüência de pensamento foram apresentadas algumas teorias cientificas da administração do trabalho que tiveram inicialmente seus primeiros estudos nos ambientes das fábricas. A divisão do trabalho e os primeiros estudos relacionados à interação do homem e o seu ambiente de trabalho orientados pela ergonomia como ciência fornecem subsídios importantes para a arquitetura funcionalista do século XX, que é apresentada nesta dissertação em períodos designados como: primeira, segunda e terceira ondas. As funções e as atividades domésticas têm influência no dimensionamento do projeto e da habitação por isso passam a ser estudadas cientificamente por alguns pesquisadores. O objetivo da dissertação é apresentar um acervo de informações técnicas consagradas de padrões projetuais ergonômicos densamente embasados nas referências bibliográficas e de estudos das funções e atividades dos autores: J. J. Boueri, J. B. Pedro, Normas Suecas e do Ministério do Trabalho e da Habitação de Israel. / The dissertation was guided partly in the conceptual aspect of the Analysis of the Task trying to detail a logical sequence from her appearance, evolution, finally, going until her application in the architectural projects. This sequence expresses in a global way the tenor of the work, trying to demonstrate a likeness between the analysis of the task and the functions and activities in the house. The dissertation presents a group of six techniques of use of the analysis of the task in a descriptive way and making reference the use of the same, where all were tabulated and offered in sequence indicating the employed technique in a logical group of information. Giving continuity to that group of techniques and looking for to form a thought sequence some was presented theories inform of the administration of the work that you/they had their first studies initially in the atmospheres of the factories. The division of the work and the first studies related to the man\'s interaction and his/her working environment guided by the ergonomics as science supplies important subsidies for the architecture functional of the century XX, that is presented in this dissertation in periods designated as: first, second and third waves. The functions and the domestic activities have influence in the dimensioning of the project and of the house for that pass to be studied scientifically by some researchers. The objective of the dissertation is to present a collection of consecrated technical information of patterns ergonomic projetuais densely based in the bibliographical references and of studies of the functions and the authors\' activities: J. J. Boueri, J. B. Pedro, Swedish Norms and of Department of Labor and of the House of Israel.

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