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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

歩行者の交差点における信号無視行動とその態度との関連について: 公的・私的自己意識も踏まえて

北折, 充隆, Kitaori, Mitsutaka 27 December 1999 (has links)

Le management du noyau dur humain en PME pour une transmission/reprise réussie / The management of the human hard core in SME for a successful takeover

Saoudi, Lynda 03 September 2010 (has links)
Des événements auxquels sont confrontées les PME, la transmission est l'un des plus importants. Celui-ci va en effet affecter les fondements, la propriété et le pouvoir de gestion, remettant en cause la relation Cédant/Repreneur/Salariés. En effet, chacune des parties prenantes agit selon des processus différents. Alors que le cédant doit réussir à faire le deuil de son entreprise, le repreneur doit limiter les résistances au changement et se faire accepter. Enfin, le personnel en place doit faire preuve de coopération. Cette recherche vise à s'intéresser plus particulièrement aux salariés clés du cédant qualifiés ici de Noyau dur humain. Plus précisément, il s'agit d'évaluer l'impact du maintien du Noyau dur dans le succès de la transmission/reprise. Afin d'appréhender le concept de Noyau dur, il a été retenu la théorie des Actifs Spécifiques Humains (ASH) et plus précisément la théorie des Actifs Spécifiques Humains Imparfaitement Transférable (ASHIT) ainsi que le Mix social. Basés sur une étude de cas multiples, les résultats soulèvent l'existence d'un Noyau dur humain « latent » et montre l'intérêt de maintenir le Noyau dur humain de l'entreprise qui représente une extension fructueuse du concept de Noyau dur humain du cédant. Au final, un outil d'aide à la gestion et au pilotage des PME reprises axés sur le management du Noyau dur humain a été proposé. / Of all the events with which SMEs are confronted, takeover is one of the most important. It can have an effect on foundations, property and power of management, while bringing into question the seller / buyer / employee relationships. Indeed, each of the stakeholders acts according to different processes. While the assignor has to manage the mourning of his company, the rescuer has to limit resistances to change and be accepted, and staff, for their part, have to cooperate. This research takes a particular interest in the key employees of the assignor, qualified here as ?human hard core?. More precisely, it looks to estimate the impact of the preservation of the Hard core in the success of a takeover. In order to comprehend the concept of Hard core, the theory of the Human Specific Assets (HAS) has been considered and, more exactly, the imperfectly Transferable Human Specific theory of Assets (ASHIT) as well as the social Mix. Based on a study of multiple cases, the results raise the idea of the existence of a "latent" human hard core and show the advantages of maintaining the human hard core of the company which represents a fruitful extension of the concept of human hard core of the assignor. Finally, a support tool to assist the management and piloting of SMEs which centered on the management of the human Hard core was proposed.

Velocity-Dependent Nucleon-Nucleon Potentials

Bhaduri, Rajat K. 08 1900 (has links)
<p> An investigation is carried out to see whether a nonsingular two-nucleon velocity-dependent potential can give similar results as those of a model hard-core potential in the a-state in nuclear-matter. Reasons for failure of some earlier velocity-dependent model potentials to give saturation in nuclear-matter at reasonable densities are examined and a new velocity-dependent potential is proposed which gives results similar to the model hard-core potential. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Nicotine dependence and socioeconomic status in hard core smokers

Harwood, Gretchen Anne 08 August 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Self-concepts and work values of CETA clerical participants in southwestern Virginia

Berry, Margaret S. January 1981 (has links)
Previous research associated with manpower programs has tended to emphasize economic outcome measures. The focus of this study was on noneconomic outcomes (self-concepts and work values) associated with participation in structured and nonstructured clerical Employment and Training programs. A theoretical framework for the study was that self-concepts and work values were more likely to be enhanced in a structured setting as compared with a nonstructured setting. The specific problem was to determine which Employment and Training activity in ROC 1, i.e., Group 1 (public service employment and work experience) or Group 2 (skill center), produced the greater change in participants' self-concepts and work values. Two related subproblems were also studied: One problem dealt with changes that occurred in the self-concepts and work values of Subgroups 2A and 2B and the other problem dealt with the relationship of selected demographic variables and self-concepts and work values of Group 1 and Group 2 participants. ROC 1, located in the Balance of State (prime sponsor), is comprised of 13 counties and 3 cities and towns in southwestern Virginia. The 109 economically disadvantaged female subjects in this study were pre- and posttested with the Tennessee Self Concept Scale and the Work Values Inventory from April 1979 through March 1980 and included 36 subjects in Group 1 and 73 in Group 2. The data for Group 1 revealed a mean self-concept pretest score of 343.53 and a mean posttest score of 341.19, reflecting a net loss of 2.34. Six work values subscales declined between pre- and posttesting while nine increased. The data for Group 2 showed a mean self-concept pretest score of 327.75 which increased to a mean posttest score of 337.68, an increase of 9.88. Only two work values subscales had a mean gain on the posttest. All other subscales reflected a net mean decline. The pretest self-concept mean for Subgroup 2A was 313.30 and 337.20 for Subgroup 2B. Posttest mean were 329.52 for Subgroup 2A and 344.33 for Subgroup 2B. Subgroup 2A showed declines on means of 13 of the 15 work values subscales; Subgroup 2B had declines on 11 of the subscales. Correlational analyses--Pearson r, point biserial, and Spearman rho--were used to study the relationship between selected demographic variables and work values and self-concepts. In Group 1, three subscales--management, surroundings, and independence--reflected a low correlation with age, two positive and one negative, respectively. Prestige had a low positive correlation with type of occupational experience. In Group 2, altruism had a low correlation with educational level. There was little if any correlation between self-concepts and the variables mentioned above in either Group 1 or Group 2. It was concluded that (1) self-concepts were enhanced through participation in skill center programs, (2) self-concepts were net enhanced through participation in public service employment and work experience programs, (3) as self-concepts increased and work values declined in Group 1, there was less need for work to enhance the subjects' feelings of worth, (4) all subjects valued the same four out of five work values subscales highest and the same four out of five subscales lowest, (5) the work values orientation of these Appalachian disadvantaged subjects was a combination of intrinsic, extrinsic, and concomitant valuing, (6) there was generally a lack of relationship between the demographic variables and self-concepts and work values, (7) in Group 1, there was a low positive relationship between age and supervisory relations and management, a low negative relationship between age and independence, and a low positive relationship between type of experience and prestige, and (10) there was a low positive relationship between educational level and altruism in Group 2. / Ed. D.


李文秀, Lee,Wen-hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要係就我國競爭法規範為本,以國際合作之角度,從競爭法之制度規範及實務執行層面,探討寬恕政策應如何運用於各國執行競爭法規範,以有效偵測,進而防杜國際惡性卡特爾。論文架構可分為五個章節,茲分述如次: 第一章緒論在闡述本文研究的背景說明,確認打擊國際惡性卡特爾為國際競爭法合作最佳探討議題,進而提出本文之問題核心及研究動機、目的,並說明研究範圍及以比較法學及分析法學為本論文研究方法,藉以建立本文的架構與目標。 第二章為闡述國際惡性卡特爾之類型及特徵,並以比較各國立法例之方式,對應各主要國家競爭法所規範聯合行為之類型、豁免(例外許可或除外規定)及制裁方式,以瞭解惡性卡特爾於各國競爭法規範上定位;內容包括歸納及整理各國聯合行類型及制裁方式之立法例,藉以建立惡性卡特爾在國際競爭法規範上的實質內涵、規範特徵,作為本文論述的基礎架構;另深入探討國際惡性卡特爾如何開始、如何執行及運作暨何以規避法律,據以確認寬恕政策作為打擊國際惡性卡特爾之工具價值,以進一步探討於國際合作其間運用之可能性。 第三章係針對於競爭法規範制度內已採行寬恕政策有成效之法域:美國及歐盟為探討分析之對象。不僅就該等法域寬恕政策之內涵,加以詳盡說明,歸納其間之差異,並觀察該等施行實務執行經驗,以瞭解實務執行所面臨之障礙及其執行應用於打擊惡性卡特爾是否確具成效。 第四章從前開執行層面之觀察,探討其應用於國際惡性卡特爾之可行性;並以前開已採行及準備引進寬恕政策之我國為假想對象,進一步深入研析該等國家共同合作打擊國際惡性卡特爾之可行性。並針對縱向運用及橫向聯繫之不同合作模式,以進一步評估運用寬恕政策打擊國際惡性卡特爾之可行性,並一一檢測可能國際合作之途徑,以尋求可能之最佳合作管道及層次。 第五章為結論,主要歸結本文的研究成果,除就該等可行性之評估,歸納出最具高度可能性之最佳合作途徑,提供各國競爭法執法機關執法合作之建議,並對於正擬修法引進寬恕政策之我國競爭法主管機關言,予以取法外國立法例之修法建議,使國內修法趨勢得以兼顧競爭法國際合作觀點,不僅得以藉此有效防杜惡性卡特爾,更能有效拓展國際競爭法合作之空間及提昇國際競爭法合作之執行層次。 / The main idea of this thesis is to explain and study how the leniency policy is applied to fight hard-core cartel in one country and among nations. And the structure of the thesis includes five chapters. The thesis is based on the Fair Trade Law of R.O.C , comparing and analyzing the different regulations of hard-core cartel in the United States and the EU, to identify the characteristics of hard-core cartel and further explore the related issues of enforcement if leniency policy is applied to fight hard -core cartel. The thesis also explains the ways of international cooperation how leniency policy is applied to fight hard-core cartel in vertical application and horizontal connection. Finally the thesis submits that the best way of international cooperation in applying the leniency policy to hard-core cartel. In addition, the thesis also submits the suggestion for R.O.C. which plans to introduce the leniency policy in the Fair Trade Law of R.O.C to fight hard-core cartels.

Axiomata Sive Leges Motus: a mecânica racional newtoniana sob a ótica da metodologia dos programas de pesquisa científica / Axiomata Sive Leges Motus: the Newtonian rational mechanics on the views of methodology of scientific research programmes

Assis, Emerson Ferreira de 11 December 2008 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar o desenvolvimento da mecânica racional newtoniana, particularmente acompanhar sua inauguração com os Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica e a subseqüente recepção do programa pela filosofia continental, no século XVIII, por alguns intelectuais e cientistas. Utiliza-se a metodologia dos programas de pesquisa científica como referencial epistemológico na caracterização e descrição do programa, e também a abordagem historiográfica que ela implica. Epistemologicamente, procura-se escrutinar e precisar o sentido da noção de núcleo duro, em particular sua aplicação ao programa newtoniano de mecânica racional, mediante a análise detida do que Lakatos concebeu como o núcleo duro do mencionado programa, as leis dinâmicas e da gravitação apresentadas nos livros I e III dos Principia. O núcleo do programa da mecânica racional newtoniana é pensado por Newton como axiomas ou leis do movimento (Axiomata sive leges motus). Essa caracterização das hipóteses fundamentais da mecânica newtoniana aponta para sua centralidade, o que aparentemente confirma a idéia fundamental de Lakatos de que um programa de pesquisa é caracterizado pelo seu núcleo duro. A questão que motiva este ensaio pode ser formulada nos seguintes termos: dado que, segundo Lakatos, o núcleo duro é o componente conceitual (caracterizado metodologicamente) que define os contornos da prática científica em determinado campo, primeiro, não seria o núcleo duro estruturado através da correlação com outros componentes da teoria de racionalidade de Lakatos, em particular da heurística positiva? Segundo, as suposições compartilhadas pelos partidários de um programa de pesquisa possuirão alguma característica distintiva (epistemológica) que legitime sua proteção em relação à refutação? Por fim, aplicada à história da ciência, esta noção metodológica resiste a um escrutínio historiográfico? / The aim of this paper was to investigate the development of Newtonian rational mechanics, in special to analyze our rise with the publication of Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica and the consequent program reception by the continental philosophy. Was used the methodology of scientific research programs like epistemological framework in the programs characterization and description, and too the historiography approach entangled by it. Epistemologically the aim is to scrutiny and to particularize the notion of hard core, specially in your application to Newtonian rational mechanics program, through the analyze of Lakatos conception of referred programs hard core: the dynamics laws of motion and the law of gravitation , presented in books I and III of Principia. To summarize, the question which motive this paper can be formulated in the following way: accepted the supposition that the hard core is the conceptual component which define the demarcation of the scientific practice in a established scope stability, first, the hard core will be not reducible to the others components of Lakatos´ theory of scientific rationality, like a face of positive heuristics? Second, will have the shared suppositions in a scientific program any distinctive characters (epistemological) which legitimate the protection of them face the refutation? At last, applied to the History of Science, this epistemological notion resist against a historic scrutiny?

Simulace bodových procesů / Simulation of point processes

KOPECKÝ, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to create a pack of functions in Wolfram Mathematica software to simulate spatial point patterns of chosen hard-core and Gibbs processes. Then it tries to apply these models to real data, estimate the parameters of models for real data and test the validity of models. The thesis can serve as introduction into the theory of spatial point processes.

Axiomata Sive Leges Motus: a mecânica racional newtoniana sob a ótica da metodologia dos programas de pesquisa científica / Axiomata Sive Leges Motus: the Newtonian rational mechanics on the views of methodology of scientific research programmes

Emerson Ferreira de Assis 11 December 2008 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar o desenvolvimento da mecânica racional newtoniana, particularmente acompanhar sua inauguração com os Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica e a subseqüente recepção do programa pela filosofia continental, no século XVIII, por alguns intelectuais e cientistas. Utiliza-se a metodologia dos programas de pesquisa científica como referencial epistemológico na caracterização e descrição do programa, e também a abordagem historiográfica que ela implica. Epistemologicamente, procura-se escrutinar e precisar o sentido da noção de núcleo duro, em particular sua aplicação ao programa newtoniano de mecânica racional, mediante a análise detida do que Lakatos concebeu como o núcleo duro do mencionado programa, as leis dinâmicas e da gravitação apresentadas nos livros I e III dos Principia. O núcleo do programa da mecânica racional newtoniana é pensado por Newton como axiomas ou leis do movimento (Axiomata sive leges motus). Essa caracterização das hipóteses fundamentais da mecânica newtoniana aponta para sua centralidade, o que aparentemente confirma a idéia fundamental de Lakatos de que um programa de pesquisa é caracterizado pelo seu núcleo duro. A questão que motiva este ensaio pode ser formulada nos seguintes termos: dado que, segundo Lakatos, o núcleo duro é o componente conceitual (caracterizado metodologicamente) que define os contornos da prática científica em determinado campo, primeiro, não seria o núcleo duro estruturado através da correlação com outros componentes da teoria de racionalidade de Lakatos, em particular da heurística positiva? Segundo, as suposições compartilhadas pelos partidários de um programa de pesquisa possuirão alguma característica distintiva (epistemológica) que legitime sua proteção em relação à refutação? Por fim, aplicada à história da ciência, esta noção metodológica resiste a um escrutínio historiográfico? / The aim of this paper was to investigate the development of Newtonian rational mechanics, in special to analyze our rise with the publication of Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica and the consequent program reception by the continental philosophy. Was used the methodology of scientific research programs like epistemological framework in the programs characterization and description, and too the historiography approach entangled by it. Epistemologically the aim is to scrutiny and to particularize the notion of hard core, specially in your application to Newtonian rational mechanics program, through the analyze of Lakatos conception of referred programs hard core: the dynamics laws of motion and the law of gravitation , presented in books I and III of Principia. To summarize, the question which motive this paper can be formulated in the following way: accepted the supposition that the hard core is the conceptual component which define the demarcation of the scientific practice in a established scope stability, first, the hard core will be not reducible to the others components of Lakatos´ theory of scientific rationality, like a face of positive heuristics? Second, will have the shared suppositions in a scientific program any distinctive characters (epistemological) which legitimate the protection of them face the refutation? At last, applied to the History of Science, this epistemological notion resist against a historic scrutiny?

Kryptosystémy založené na problému batohu / Variants of knapsack cryptosystems

Kučerová, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is a cryptosystem, precisely a public key encryption scheme, that is based on the knapsack problem. At first we formulate terms like \mathcal{NP} -complete problem, one-way function, hard-core predicate, public key encryption scheme and semantic security which we connect in this thesis. After that we present the knapsack problem. Then we prove that the knapsack problem with appropriate parameters has a property that leads to semantic security of the encryption scheme which we present afterwards. This public key encryption scheme is based on the scheme proposed by Vadim Lyubashevsky, Adriana Palacio and Gil Segev. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

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