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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Water dynamics in the rhizosphere / How mucilage affects water flow in soils

Kröner, Eva 10 February 2016 (has links)
Die Wurzelwasseraufnahme aus dem Boden wird durch die Rhizosphäre beeinflusst. Die Rhizosphäre ist eine dünne Bodenschicht, die sich um Wurzeln herum bildet. Die Rhizosphäre wird durch Mucilage beeinflusst. Mucilage ist ein polymeres Gel, was von Wurzeln abgesondert wird und vor allem die hydraulischen Eigenschaften der Rhizosphäre verändert. Wenn es im Kontakt mit Wasser ist, kann Mucilage große Mengen an Wasser aufnehmen, aber wenn es trocken ist, wird seine Oberfläche hydrophob. Hier konzentrieren wir uns auf den Effekt von Mucilage auf die hydraulischen Eigenschaften des Bodens. Zunächst präsentieren wir experimentelle und numerische Studien, die die hydraulischen Prozesse in der Rhizosphäre nach der Bewässerung von trockenem Boden beschreiben. Bei Mucilagekonzentrationen, die niedriger als ein gewisser Schwellwert waren, konnte Wasser durch die Rhizosphärenschicht fließen, über dieser Konzentration wurde die Schicht wasserundurchlässig während der ersten Minuten bis zu Stunden nach Bewässerung. Wir präsentieren eine analytische Abschätzung der Mucilagekonzentration an der Perkolationsschwelle als Funktion von mittlerer Teilchengröße und Bodenwasserpotential nach Bewässerung. Die Abschätzung wurde an Hand von Experimenten des kapillaren Aufstiegs in Bodensäulen validiert. Wir entwickelten ein effektives Model um zu beschreiben, wir Mucilage die hydraulischen Funktionen des Bodens verändert: (a) Quell- und Trocknungsprozesse von Mucilage resultieren in Nicht-Gleichgewichtsdynamiken zwischen Wassergehalt und Wasserpotential, (b) die Präsenz von Mucilage im Boden reduziert das Wasserpotential bei einem gegebenen Wassergehalt und (c) Mucilage ist viskos und reduziert dadurch die hydraulische Leitfähigkeit des Bodens bei einem gegebenen Wassergehalt. In Experimenten mit Boden-Mucilage-Mischungen testeten wir das Model und wandten es an, um Beobachtungen von früheren Experimenten mit echten Pflanzen zu simulieren, die veränderte hydraulische Dynamiken in der Rhizophäre zeigen. Im Anhang dieser Arbeit sind zwei Studien zur Wärmeausbreitung von Erdkabeln. Hier können hydraulische Dynamiken autreten, die dem radialen Wasserfluss zu einer einzelnen Wurzel ähneln.

The detection of thermal windows in fossorial rodents with varied sociality degree

VEJMĚLKA, František January 2018 (has links)
Eight rodent species with fossorial activity differing in a number of characteristics such as ecology, climatic conditions, geographical distribution, or kinship were studied using infrared thermography in order to describe their surface temperature and its patterns. An attempt to describe the relation between surface temperature and varied social organisation in burrowing rodents was made.

Simulace odvodu tepla výkonového prvku do okolí / Simulation of heat dissipation for power component

Sedlář, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the simulation of heat dissipation for LED Seoul SZ5-P. The heat transfer is discussed first. Further, the issue of thermal management and its design is analyzed. The dependence of LED junction temperature on area of single and double layer printed circuit board is simulated with Ansys Icepak. Additionally, influences of the number and placement of vias on the printed circuit board and aluminum substrate printed circuit board are simulated. Last but not least, the equations describing the dependence of printed circuit board area on desired LED junction temperature are derived. Finally, the values of heat transfer coefficient including convection and radiation are determined for various heat losses and junction temperatures.

Textured insert for improved heat extraction in combination with high-pressure cooling in turning of superalloys

Tamil Alagan, Nageswaran January 2017 (has links)
Heat generated in a machining process is a common and critical obstacle faced in today's machining industries. The heat generated in the cutting zone has a direct negative influence on the tool life which, in turn contributes to increase the manufacturing costs. Especially, in machining of Heat Resistant Super Alloys, HRSA this is a very limiting factor. HRSA are capable of retaining their mechanical strength and hardness at elevated temperatures. This property is advantageous in the application in e.g. aero-engines but also a disadvantage, since it also lowers the machinability significantly. This work is an attempt to improve the heat transfer from the cutting zone, which would lead to an increase in the tool life. To achieve this goal, the cutting tool has been modified to create an improved interface between the coolant and tool in the high-temperature areas. Two generations of inserts have been designed and investigated. Firstly, an insert with surface texture features has been created with the purpose of increasing the available surface area for heat dissipation: First generation, Gen I. Secondly, a GenII was designed as a further improvement of Gen I. Here, several channel features on the rake face were added, reaching out from the contact zone to the near proximity of the cutting edge. This with the purpose of improving access of the coolant closer to the cutting edge. The experiments were conducted in facing operations of Alloy 718 with uncoated round carbide inserts. All experiments were carried out with high-pressure coolant assistance, with a pressure of 16 MPa on the rake face and 8 MPa on the flankface, respectively.The two generations of inserts, Gen I and Gen II, were experimentally evaluated by tool wear analysis in comparison with a regular insert. The results shows that the tool life increased significantly for the Gen I insert, compared to a catastrophic failure of the regular insert at the same conditions. Regarding the Gen II insert,an increase in tool life by approximately 30 to 40 percent compared to Gen I insert was observed.

Design of Resonant Filters for AC Current Magnification : Heating of Li-ion Batteries by Using AC Currents

Djekanovic, Nikolina January 2018 (has links)
Using alternating current in order to heat batteries at sub-zero temperatures is a method,which is investigated in-depth by an increasing number of study groups. The thesis considersthe resonance phenomenon with the intention to use alternating current amplificationand battery’s impedance in order to induce power dissipation inside the battery, and in thisway increase its temperature. A battery cell is thereby modelled as an impedance transferfunction, estimated from electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements, whichare taken for a LiNi 13Mn13Co13O2 cell. Note that at 1 kHz and room temperature (20 ◦C),the ohmic resistance of the selected cell amounts to only 0.76m. Five resonant circuitsare investigated and one of them is selected for further investigation, and as a basis for afilter design. The chosen resonant circuit lead to an LCL filter with current magnification.The experimental setup used for conducting practical experiments, offers the possibilityof operating the voltage source converter both as a Full-bridge and as a Half-bridge, withand without current control. For each possible configuration, an LCL filter and a currentcontroller are designed, taking into account the corresponding limitations in frequency,current and controller voltage. The filter design is based on a multiobjective optimizationmethod used to determine filter components that yield the highest gain value for everyconfiguration. The method minimizes two objective functions in order to find an optimalsolution. The first objective is the reversed absolute value of the gain, whereas thesecond one is the absolute impedance of the circuit, consisting of the filter and batterycells. The gain is thereby defined as the ratio between the induced cell current and thecurrent entering the circuit. The obtained results of the proposed method are experimentallyvalidated. Depending on how the filters were physically designed and taking intoaccount the corresponding voltage source converter configuration, gains of 16 were experimentallyachieved. Finally, the three investigated configurations are compared againstthe reference case (Half-bridge voltage source converter with current control and a singleinductor) regarding their power efficiencies. The power measurements showed that despitehigh obtained gains, the overall filter power losses remained approximately in thesame range, compared to the power losses of the reference case. This is due to the factthat stray resistances of the designed LCL filters easily reached values of around 40m,which hindered an efficient power transfer with the chosen voltage source converter andthe used battery cells. This further indicates the importance of building filters with lowstray resistances and in this thesis, it represents a primary source of improvement. / Användandet av växelströ m fö r att värma upp batterier är en metod som fö r närvarande undersö ks av ett flertal forskargupper. Detta examensarbete fokuserar kring hur resonans kan nyttjas fö r att ö ka strö mfö rstärkningen och, pådetta sätt, ö ka effektutvecklingen i batteriet (av LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2-typ). Battericellens impedans modelleras som en ö verfö ringsfunktion vars parametrar estimerats från tidigare genomfö rda impedansspektroskopimätningar. Vid 1 kHz och rumstemperatur är den cellens ohmska resistansen endast 0.76 mΩ. Fem mö jliga resonanta kretsar har undersö kts och en av dem valts ut fö r vidare undersö kningar. The utvalda kretsen är ett LCL-filter med vilken strö mfö rstärkning åstadkoms. Den experimentella uppställningen, i vilken praktiska test har genomfö rts, medger mö jligheten att nyttja den tillhö rande omriktaren både som en helbrygga och en halvbrygga, med och utan strö mreglering. Fö r varje mö jlig omriktarkonfiguration har ett LCL-filter och en strö mreglering tagits fram, med hänsyn tagen till uppställningens begränsningar i termer av frekvens, strö moch dc-spänningsnivå. Filtren är framtagna med hjälp av en multiobjektiv optimering vilken åstadkommer hö gsta strö mfö rstärkning mö jlig fö r varje omriktare och strö mregleringsval. Metoden minimerar tvåfunktioner fö r att finna en optimal lö sning. Den fö rsta funktionen beskriver inversen påströ mfö rstärkningen och den andra lastens (bestående av filter och tillhö rande battericell) impedans absolutbelopp. Den resulterande ö har validerats experimentellt och en strö mfö rstärkningsnivåpå 16 uppnåddes. Slutligen har de olika konfigurationerna jämfö rts i termer av verknings-grad. De genomfö rda effektmätningarna visar att trots att hö ga strö mfö rstärkningsnivåer var mö jliga såresulterade de associerade filterfö rlusterna till liknande verkningsgrader fö r alla studerade konfigurationer. Resultaten understryker fö rdelarna med hö geffektiva filtervilka representerar en mö jlig väg fö r vidare undersö kningar.

Thermoelectrical Properties of Covetics

Rana, S M Sarif January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Affectation de composantes basée sur des contraintes énergétiques dans une architecture multiprocesseurs en trois dimensions

Deldicque, Martin 06 1900 (has links)
La lithographie et la loi de Moore ont permis des avancées extraordinaires dans la fabrication des circuits intégrés. De nos jours, plusieurs systèmes très complexes peuvent être embarqués sur la même puce électronique. Les contraintes de développement de ces systèmes sont tellement grandes qu’une bonne planification dès le début de leur cycle de développement est incontournable. Ainsi, la planification de la gestion énergétique au début du cycle de développement est devenue une phase importante dans la conception de ces systèmes. Pendant plusieurs années, l’idée était de réduire la consommation énergétique en ajoutant un mécanisme physique une fois le circuit créé, comme par exemple un dissipateur de chaleur. La stratégie actuelle est d’intégrer les contraintes énergétiques dès les premières phases de la conception des circuits. Il est donc essentiel de bien connaître la dissipation d’énergie avant l’intégration des composantes dans une architecture d’un système multiprocesseurs de façon à ce que chaque composante puisse fonctionner efficacement dans les limites de ses contraintes thermiques. Lorsqu’une composante fonctionne, elle consomme de l’énergie électrique qui est transformée en dégagement de chaleur. Le but de ce mémoire est de trouver une affectation efficace des composantes dans une architecture de multiprocesseurs en trois dimensions en tenant compte des limites des facteurs thermiques de ce système. / Lithography and Moore’s law have led to extraordinary advances in integrated circuits manufacturing. Nowadays, many complex systems can be embedded on the same chip. Development constraints of these systems are so significant that a good planning from the beginning of the development stage is essential. Thus, the planning of energy management at the beginning of the development cycle has become important in the design of these systems. For several years, the idea was to reduce energy consumption by adding a cooling system once the circuit is created, a heat sink for example. The current strategy is to integrate energy constraints in the early stages of circuits design. It is therefore important to know the energy dissipation before the integration of the components in the architecture of a multiprocessor system so that each component can work within the limits of its thermal stresses. When a component is running, it consumes electric energy which is converted into heat. The aim of this thesis is to find an efficient assignment of components in a multiprocessor system architecture in three dimensions, taking into account the limits of its thermal factors.

Λειτουργική και αισθητική εφαρμογή φωτοβολταϊκών / Functional and aesthetic application of photovoltaics

Συγκρίδου, Δήμητρα 07 June 2013 (has links)
Τα φωτοβολταϊκά είναι κατάλληλες ενεργειακές συσκευές τόσο για εφαρμογή σε κεντρικές μονάδες παραγωγής ηλεκτρισμού (φωτοβολταϊκά πάρκα) όσο και σε ξεχωριστές μονάδες (κατοικίες και άλλα κτήρια). Και στις δύο αυτές περιπτώσεις, η εγκατάσταση των φωτοβολταϊκών επιδιώκεται να έχει την βέλτιστη κλίση και αζιμούθια γωνία των φβ πλαισίων, για να επιτυγχάνεται μεγιστοποίηση του παραγόμενου ηλεκτρισμού. Εκτός από τις περιπτώσεις που είναι εφικτή η βέλτιστη εγκατάσταση των φβ, υπάρχουν και περιπτώσεις που η εγκατάσταση παρουσιάζει ιδιαιτερότητα ως προς την τοποθέτηση και χρειάζεται ειδική μελέτη για την επίτευξη ικανοποιητικού αποτελέσματος. Στις περιπτώσεις αυτές και εκτός από το αυξημένο κόστος τα άλλα κριτήρια είναι κυρίως η επιλογή του κατάλληλου φβ πλαισίου και η λειτουργική και αισθητική ιδιαιτερότητα της εγκατάστασης, σε συνδυασμό με τις ενεργειακές και περιβαλλοντικές προεκτάσεις. Σκοπός της εργασίας αυτής είναι η μελέτη νέων τρόπων εγκατάστασης φωτοβολταϊκών, με την εξέταση των παραμέτρων που επηρεάζουν την ενεργειακή συμπεριφορά τους, ανάλογα του είδους και της τοποθέτησης των φβ πλαισίων, των συνθηκών θερμοκρασίας λειτουργίας, του πνέοντος ανέμου και φωτισμού και των ειδικών απαιτήσεων της εφαρμογής, στην κάλυψη των αναγκών σε ηλεκτρισμό. Ιδιαίτερη αναφορά γίνεται και στις συνέπειες από την ικανοποίηση αισθητικών απαιτήσεων των εγκαταστάσεων των φβ, επιδιώκοντας τον βέλτιστο συγκερασμό. Στην εργασία μελετάται πειραματικά και σε συνθήκες φυσικού ηλιασμού η συνεισφορά των διάχυτων και κατοπτρικών ανακλαστήρων στην ενεργειακή απόδοση των φβ, η απαγωγή θερμότητας από τα φβ με νερό ή αέρα, η εγκατάσταση των φβ σε δυσμενή ενεργειακά κλίση και αζιμούθια γωνία, η χρήση διαπερατών στο φως φβ πλαισίων, κλπ. Δοκιμάστηκαν διάφορα φβ πλαίσια (πυριτίου, CIS, λεπτού φιλμ, οργανικά, άκαμπτα, εύκαμπτα, κλπ) και προτείνονται σχεδιάσεις φβ εγκαταστάσεων για ειδικές περιπτώσεις εφαρμογών. Επιπλέον, υπολογίστηκαν και τα περιβαλλοντικά οφέλη από την ευρεία χρήση των φωτοβολταϊκών, ανάλογα με τις ιδιαιτερότητες των εφαρμογών τους. / Photovoltaics are solar energy devices suitable for applications in both central power generation units (solar farms) and in separate units (residential and other buildings). In both cases, the aim is to install the photovoltaic modules with optimum tilt and azimuth angle, so that the electrical output is maximized. However, there are times where the photovoltaic modules cannot be placed with optimum angles and special considerations must be done in order to achieve a satisfactory result. In such cases, besides the increased cost, there are other things that need to be considered, such as the selection of a suitable type of photovoltaic module, the functional and aesthetic particularities of the installation in combination with the energy and environmental implications. The aim of this thesis is to study new ways of installing photovoltaics, by examining the parameters that affect their energy behavior, depending on the type of pv module and the way they are installed, the operating temperature conditions, the wind, the lighting and the specific requirements of the installation, in order to meet the electrical needs. A particular reference is made at the consequences of satisfying the aesthetic requirements of pv installations, seeking the optimal solution between functional and aesthetic application. In this thesis, experiments are conducted in natural conditions in order to determine the effects of the sunlight contribution of diffuse and specular reflectors at the energy efficiency of photovoltaics, the heat dissipation with water or air, the installation of pv modules with an unfavorable inclination and azimuth angle, the use of transparent pv modules, etc. Furthermore, several types of pv modules are tested (silicon, CIS, thin film, organic, rigid, flexible, etc.) and suggestions are made for special applications. In addition, an estimation of the environmental benefits of the widespread use of photovoltaics is done, according to the particularities of their applications.

Optimalizovaný termodynamický senzor na bilančním principu / Optimized Thermo-dynamic Senzor with Balance P¨rincip

Řezníček, Michal January 2008 (has links)
This work deal with taking advatage of ballance thermodynamic sensors as the replacement of commercial temperature sensors.

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