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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of Specialized Laser Doppler Velocimeters for High Resolution Flow Profile and Turbulence Spectral Measurements

Brooks, Donald Ray 05 June 2014 (has links)
Fluid dynamicists are always in need of innovative instruments for flow velocity measurements. An ideal instrument would be non-intrusive, have a very fine spatial resolution as well as a very fine temporal resolution, be able to measure three-components of velocity, and be compact. Through recent advancements, laser Doppler velocimetry can now meet all of those requirements making it an important part of aerodynamicist's research toolbox. The first paper presented in this manuscript style thesis explains the development of an advanced three-velocity component, spatially-resolving laser-Doppler velocimetry (LDV) system for highly resolved velocity measurements in situations with limited optical access. The new instrument, a next generation version of the previously developed 'comprehensive' LDV technology, enables measurements of three components of velocity and particle position in the axial direction all through a single transceiving lens. Described here is the design process and the final design for the 'compact, comprehensive' LDV (Comp²LDV). The probe was designed to achieve ± 10 micron root-mean-square uncertainties in axial particle position, which combined with the long measurement volume, allow researchers to obtain a three-velocity-component velocity statistics profiles over a span of approximately 1.5mm without the need for traversing. Results from measurements in a flat plate turbulent boundary layer very near the wall have compared favorably to data from previous studies. The second paper focuses on the motion and evolution of coherent structures in supersonic jet flows and how that relates to the intense noise the flows generate. As a preliminary study to experimentally address these relationships, novel non-intrusive measurements using two-component laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) have been conducted at exceptionally high data rates to lend insight into the statistical behavior of noise-generating flow structures. A new heated supersonic jet facility has been constructed to provide supersonic flow at total temperatures ratios (T₀/Tₐ) up to 3. In the present work, the instrumentation is validated via comparison of LDV measurements along the centerline of a screeching cold jet with microphone and high-speed shadowgraph results. Reynolds stress spectra are presented for an over-expanded case (nozzle pressure ratio of 3.2) of a design Mach number 1.65 nozzle operated cold (T₀/Tₐ = 1). A preliminary study was then conducted in the near-nozzle shear layer, up to x/d = 4.0, at design nozzle pressure ratio (4.58) and total temperature ratio of 2.0. Results are presented for Reynolds stress time-delay correlations and power spectra at Re_d = 1.1M for this case. The stream-wise Reynolds normal stress spectra are compared with published spectral behavior reported by other researchers, indicating a similar spectral shape in the downstream stations as previously measured with LDV and hot wire anemometry for cold jets, but which differ in shape from density-based techniques. / Master of Science

Experimental Investigations Of Surface Interactions Of Shock Heated Gases On High Temperature Materials Using High Enthalpy Shock Tubes

Jayaram, V 06 1900 (has links)
The re-entry space vehicles encounter high temperatures when they enter the earth atmosphere and the high temperature air in the shock layer around the body undergoes partial dissociation. Also, the gas molecules injected into the shock layer from the ablative thermal protection system (TPS) undergo pyrolysis which helps in reducing the net heat flux to the vehicle surface. The chemical species due to the pyrolysis add complexity to the stagnation flow chemistry (52 chemical reactions) models which include species like NOx, CO and hydrocarbons (HCs). Although the ablative TPS is responsible for the safety of re-entry space vehicle, the induced chemical species result in variety of adverse effects on environment such as global warming, acid rain, green house effect etc. The well known three-way-catalyst (TWC) involves simultaneous removal of all the three gases (i.e, NOx, CO, Hydrocarbons) present in the shock layer. Interaction of such three-way-catalyst on the heat shield materials or on the wall of the re-entry space vehicle is to reduce the heat flux and to remove the gases in the shock layer, which is an important issue. For the re-entry vehicle the maximum aerodynamic heating occurs at an altitude ranging about 68 to 45 km during which the vehicle is surrounded by high temperature dissociated air. Then the simplest real gas model of air is the five species model which is based on N2, O2, O, NO and N. This five species model assumes no ionization and no pyrolysis gases are emitted from the heat shield materials. The experimental research work presented in this thesis is directed towards the understanding of catalytic and non-catalytic surface reactions on high temperature materials in presence of strong shock heated test gas. We have also explored the possibility of using shock tube as a high enthalpy device for synthesis of new materials. In the first Chapter, we have presented an overview of re-entry space vehicles, thermal protection system (TPS) and importance of real gas effects in the shock layer. Literature survey on TPS, ablative materials and aerothermochemistry at the stagnation point of reentry capsule, in addition to catalytic and non-catalytic surface reactions between the wall and dissociated air in the shock layer are presented. In Chapters 2 and 3, we present the experimental techniques used to study surface reactions on high temperature materials. A brief description of HST2 shock tunnel is presented and this shock tunnel is capable of generating flow stagnation enthalpies ranging from 0.7 to 5 MJ/kg and has an effective test time of ~ 800 µs. High speed data acquisition system (National Instruments and Yokogawa) used to acquire data from shock tube experiments. The experimental methods like X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman and FTIR spectroscopy have been used to characterize the shock-exposed materials. Preliminary research work on surface nitridation of pure metals with shock heated nitrogen gas is discussed in Chapter 2. Surface nitridation of pure Al thin film with shock heated N2 is presented in Chapter 3. An XPS study shows that Al 2p peak at 74.2 eV is due to the formation AlN on the surface of Al thin film due to heterogeneous non-catalytic surface reaction. SEM results show changes in surface morphology of AlN film due to shock wave interaction. Thickness of AlN film on the surface increased with the increase in temperature of the shock heated nitrogen gas. However, HST2 did not produce sufficient temperature and pressure to carry out real conditions of re-entry. Therefore design and development of a new high enthalpy shock tunnel was taken up. In Chapter 4, we present the details of design and fabrication of free piston driven shock tunnel (FPST) to generate high enthalpy test gas along with the development of platinum (Pt) and thermocouple sensors for heat transfer measurement. A free piston driven shock tunnel consists of a high pressure gas reservoir, compression tube, shock tube, nozzle, test section and dump tank connected to a vacuum pumping system. Compression tube has a provision to fill helium gas and four ports, used to mount optical sensors to monitor the piston speed and pressure transducer to record pressure at the end of the compression tube when the piston is launched. Piston can attain a maximum speed of 150 m/s and compress the gas inside the compression tube. The compressed gas bursts the metal diaphragm and generates strong shock wave in the shock tube. This tunnel produces total pressure of about 300 bar and temperature of about 6000 K and is capable of producing a stagnation enthalpy up to 45 MJ/kg. The calibration of nozzle was carried out by measuring the pitot tube pressure in the dump tank. Experimentally recorded P5 pressure at end of the shock tube is compared with Numerical codes. Calibrated pressure P5 values are used to calculate the temperature T5 of the reflected shock waves. This high pressure and high temperature shock heated test gas interacts with the surface of the high temperature test materials. For the measurement of heat transfer rate, platinum thin film sensors are developed using DC magnetron sputtering unit. Hard protective layer of aluminum nitride (AlN) on Pt thin film was deposited by reactive DC magnetron sputtering to measure heat transfer rate in high enthalpy tunnel. After the calibration studies, FPST is used to study the heat transfer rate and to investigate catalytic/non-catalytic surface reaction on high temperature materials. In Chapter 5, an experimental investigation of non-catalytic surface reactions on pure carbon material is presented. The pure carbon C60 films and conducting carbon films are deposited on Macor substrate in the laboratory to perform shock tube experiments. These carbon films were exposed to strong shock heated N2 gas in the shock tube portion of the FPST tunnel. The typical shock Mach number obtained is about 7 with the corresponding pressure and temperature jumps of about 110 bar and 5400 K after reflection at end of the shock tube. Shock exposed carbon films were examined by different experimental techniques. XPS spectra of C(1s) peak at 285.8 eV is attributed to sp2 (C=N) and 287.3 eV peak is attributed to sp3 (C-N) bond in CNx due to carbon nitride. Similarly, N(1s) core level peak at 398.6 eV and 400.1 eV observed are attributed to sp3-C-N and sp2-C=N of carbon nitride, respectively. SEM study shows the formation of carbon nitride crystals. Carbon C60 had melted and undergone non-catalytic surface reaction with N2 while forming carbon nitride. Similar observations were made with conducting carbon films but the crystals were spherical in shape. Micro Raman and FTIR study gave further evidence on the formation of carbon nitride film. This experimental investigation confirms the formation of carbon nitride in presence of shock-heated nitrogen gas by non-catalytic surface reaction. In Chapters 6 and 7, we present a novel method to understand fully catalytic surface reactions after exposure to shock heated N2, O2 and Ar test gas with high temperature materials. We have employed nano ZrO2 and nano Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 ceramic high temperature materials to investigate surface catalytic reactions in presence of shock heated test gases. These nano crystalline oxides are synthesized by a single step solution combustion method. Catalytic reaction was confirmed for both powder and film samples of ZrO2. As per the theoretical model, it is known that the catalytic recombination reaction produces maximum heating on the surface of re-entry space vehicles. This was demonstrated in this experiment when a metastable cubic ZrO2 changed to stable monoclinic ZrO2 phase after exposure to shock waves. The change of crystal structure was seen using XRD studies and needle type monoclinic crystal growth with aspect ratio (L/D) more than 15 was confirmed by SEM studies. XPS of Zr(3d) core level spectra show no change in binding energy before and after exposure to shock waves, confirming that ZrO2 does not change its chemical nature, which is the signature of catalytic surface reaction. When a shock heated argon gas interacted with Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 compound, there was a change in colour from pale yellow to black due to reduction of the compound, which is the effect of heat transfer from the shock wave to the compound in presence of argon gas. The reduction reaction shows the release of oxygen from the compound due to high temperature interaction. The XPS of Ce(3d) and Zr(3d) spectra confirm the reduction of both Ce and Zr to lower valent states. The oxygen storage and release capacity of the Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 compound was confirmed by analyzing the reduction of Ce4+ and Zr4+ with high temperature gas interaction. When Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 (which is same as Ce2Zr2O8) in cubic fluorite structure was subjected to strong shock, it changed to pyrochlore (Ce2Zr2O7) structure by releasing oxygen and on further heating it changed to Ce2Zr2O6.3 which is also crystallized in pyrochlore structure by further releasing oxygen. If this heating is carried out in presence of argon test gas, fluorite structure can easily change to pyrochlore Ce2Zr2O6.3 structure, which is a good electrical conductor. Due to its oxygen storage capability (OSC) and redox (Ce4+/Ce3+) properties, Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 had been used as oxygen storage material in three-way-catalyst. Importance of these reactions is that the O2 gas released from the compound will react with gas released from the heat shield materials, like NOx, CO and hydrocarbon (HCs) species which results in reduction of temperature in the shock layer of the re-entry space vehicle. The compound Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 changes its crystal structure from fluorite to pyrochlore phase in presence of shock heated test gas. The results presented in these two Chapters are first of their kind, which demonstrates the surface catalytic reactions. In Chapter 8, we present preliminary results of the oxygen recombination on the surface of heat shield material procured from Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) used as TPS in re-entry space capsule (Space capsule Recovery Experiment SRE-1) and on thin film SiO2 deposited on silicon substrate. The formation of SiO between the junctions of SiO2/Si was confirmed using XPS study when shock exposed oxygen reacted on these materials. The surface morphology of the ablated SiO2 film was studied using SEM. The damage induced due to impact of shock wave in presence of oxygen gas was analyzed using Focused Ion Beam (FIB) microscope. The results reveal the damage on the surface of SiO2 film and also in the cross-section of the film. We are further investigating use of FIB, particularly related to residual stress developed on thin films due to high pressure and high temperature shock wave interaction. In Chapter 9, conclusions on the performance of FPST, synthesis of high temperature materials, catalytic and non-catalytic surface reactions on the high temperature material due to shock-heated test gases are presented. Possible scope for future studies is also addressed in this Chapter.

Untersuchung zur Praxis der Atemgasklimatisierung auf deutschen Intensivstationen. Eine nationale Studie. / Study on the medical practice of conditioning the respiratory air on German intensive care units

Glismann, Tobias Michael 06 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Distribution, Abundance, and Food Habits of Larval Fish in a Cooling Reservoir

Mitterer, Lana Gayle 12 1900 (has links)
Analysis of larval fish collected at four stations in a 330-ha cooling reservoir indicated Dorosoma spp. were most numerous at all stations, followed by Lepomis spp. and Percina Macrolepida. Largest numbers and greatest diversity of larval fish were found at the station least affected by thermal effluent; the mid-lake station provided the smallest numbers and least diversity. The two warmwater stations were intermediate, with similar numbers and diversity. Diversity and abundance of zooplankton between stations were similar to those of fish. The most abundant zooplankter (Bosmina) was generally selected against by Dorosoma, Lepomis and Micropterus spp. larvae except when the larvae were quite small ((10mm). Cyclopoid copepods were most often selected by all larvae.

Improving soil water determination in spatially variable field using fiber optic technology and Bayesian decision theory

Sayde, Chadi 22 March 2012 (has links)
Achieving and maintaining sustainability in irrigated agriculture production in the era of rapidly increasing stress on our natural resources require, among other essential actions, optimum control and management of the applied water. Thus, a significant upgrade of the currently available soil water monitoring technologies is needed. The primary goal of this work was to reduce the uncertainties of spatially variable soil water in the field. Two approaches are suggested: 1) The Bayesian decision model that implicitly accounts for spatial variability at minimal cost based on limited field data, and 2) The Actively Heated Fiber Optic (AHFO) method that explicitly accounts for spatial variability with high sampling density at relatively low cost per measurement point. The Bayesian decision model uses an algorithm to integrate information embodied in independent estimates of soil water depletion to derive a posterior estimation of soil water status that has the potential to reduce the risk of costly errors in irrigation scheduling decisions. The sources of information are obtained from an ET based water balance model, soil water measurements, and expert opinion. The algorithm was tested in a numerical example based on a field experiment where soil water depletion measurements were made at 43 sites in an agricultural field under center pivot irrigation. The results showed that the estimates of the average soil water depletion in the field obtained from the posterior distributions of soil water depletion proved to outperform simple averaging of n soil water depletion measurements, up to n = 35 measurements. For n< 3, the model also provided a 39% average reduction in risk of error derived from non-representative measurements. The AHFO method observes the heating and cooling of a buried fiber optic (FO) cable through the course of a pulse application of energy as monitored by a distributed temperature sensing (DTS) system to reveal soil water content simultaneously at sub-meter scale along the FO cable that can potentially exceeds kilometers in length. A new and simple interpretation of heat data that takes advantage of the characteristics of FO temperature measurements is presented. The results demonstrate the feasibility of AHFO method application to obtain <0.05 m³m⁻³ error distributed measurements of soil water content under laboratory controlled conditions. The AHFO method was then tested under field conditions using 750 m of FO cables buried at 30, 60, and 90 cm depths in agricultural field. The calibration curve relating soil water content to the thermal response of the soil to a heat pulse was developed in the lab. It was successively applied to the 30 and 60 cm depths cables, while the 90 cm depth cable illustrated the challenges of soil heterogeneity for this technique. The method was used to map with high spatial (1m) and temporal (1hr) resolution the spatial variability of soil water content and fluxes induced by the non-uniformity of water application at the surface. / Graduation date: 2012

Experimental studies in jet flows and zero pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layers

Örlü, Ramis January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with the description and development of two classical turbulent shear flows, namely free jet and flat plate turbulent boundary layer flows. In both cases new experimental data has been obtained and in the latter case comparisons are also made with data obtained from data bases, both of experimental and numerical origin. The jet flow studies comprise three parts, made in three different experimental facilities, each dealing with a specific aspect of jet flows. The first part is devoted to the effect of swirl on the mixing characteristics of a passive scalar in the near-field region of a moderately swirling jet. Instantaneous streamwise and azimuthal velocity components as well as the temperature were simultaneously accessed by means of combined X-wire and cold-wire anemometry. The results indicate a modification of the turbulence structures to that effect that the swirling jet spreads, mixes and evolves faster compared to its non-swirling counterpart. The high correlation between streamwise velocity and temperature fluctuations as well as the streamwise passive scalar flux are even more enhanced due to the addition of swirl, which in turn shortens the distance and hence time needed to mix the jet with the ambient air. The second jet flow part was set out to test the hypothesis put forward by Talamelli &amp; Gavarini (Flow, Turbul. &amp; Combust. 76), who proposed that the wake behind a separation wall between two streams of a coaxial jet creates the condition for an absolute instability. The experiments confirm the hypothesis and show that the instability, by means of the induced vortex shedding, provides a continuous forcing mechanism for the control of the flow field. The potential of this passive mechanism as an easy, effective and practical way to control the near-field of interacting shear layers as well as its effect towards increased turbulence activity has been shown. The third part of the jet flow studies deals with the hypothesis that so called oblique transition may play a role in the breakdown to turbulence for an axisymmetric jet.For wall bounded flows oblique transition gives rise to steady streamwise streaks that break down to turbulence, as for instance documented by Elofsson &amp; Alfredsson (J. Fluid Mech. 358). The scenario of oblique transition has so far not been considered for jet flows and the aim was to study the effect of two oblique modes on the transition scenario as well as on the flow dynamics. For certain frequencies the turbulence intensity was surprisingly found to be reduced, however it was not possible to detect the presence of streamwise streaks. This aspect must be furher investigated in the future in order to understand the connection between the turbulence reduction and the azimuthal forcing. The boundary layer part of the thesis is also threefold, and uses both new data as well as data from various data bases to investigate the effect of certain limitations of hot-wire measurements near the wall on the mean velocity but also on the fluctuating streamwise velocity component. In the first part a new set of experimental data from a zero pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer, supplemented by direct and independent skin friction measurements, are presented. The Reynolds number range of the data is between 2300 and 18700 when based on the free stream velocity and the momentum loss thickness. Data both for the mean and fluctuating streamwise velocity component are presented. The data are validated against the composite profile by Chauhan et al. (Fluid Dyn. Res. 41) and are found to fulfil recently established equilibrium criteria. The problem of accurately locating the wall position of a hot-wire probe and the errors this can result in is thoroughly discussed in part 2 of the boundary layer study. It is shown that the expanded law of the wall to forth and fifth order with calibration constants determined from recent high Reynolds number DNS can be used to fix the wall position to an accuracy of 0.1 and 0.25 l_ * (l_* is the viscous length scale) when accurately determined measurements reaching y+=5 and 10, respectively, are available. In the absence of data below the above given limits, commonly employed analytical functions and their log law constants, have been found to affect the the determination of wall position to a high degree. It has been shown, that near-wall measurements below y+=10 or preferable 5 are essential in order to ensure a correctly measured or deduced absolute wall position. A  number of peculiarities in concurrent wall-bounded turbulent flow studies, was found to be associated with a erroneously deduced wall position. The effect of poor spatial resolution using hot-wire anemometry on the measurements of the streamwise velocity is dealt with in the last part. The viscous scaled hot-wire length, L+, has been found to exert a strong impact on the probability density distribution (pdf) of the streamwise velocity, and hence its higher order moments, over the entire buffer region and also the lower region of the log region. For varying Reynolds numbers spatial resolution effects act against the trend imposed by the Reynolds number. A systematic reduction of the mean velocity with increasing L+ over the entire classical buffer region and beyond has been found. A reduction of around 0.3 uƬ, where uƬ is the friction velocity, has been deduced for L+=60 compared to L+=15. Neglecting this effect can lead to a seemingly Reynolds number dependent  buffer or log region. This should be taken into consideration, for instance, in the debate, regarding the prevailing influence of viscosity above the buffer region at high Reynolds numbers. We also conclude that the debate concerning the universality of the pdf within the overlap region has been artificially complicated due to the ignorance of spatial resolution effects beyond the classical buffer region on the velocity fluctuations. / QC 20100820

Numerical Studies of Natural Convection in Laterally Heated Vertical Cylindrical Reactors: Characteristic Length, Heat Transfer Correlation, and Flow Regimes Defined

Hirt, David Matthew 14 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Characterization of the Performance of Sapphire Optical Fiber in Intense Radiation Fields, when Subjected to Very High Temperatures

Petrie, Christian Matthew 10 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Thermal Characterization of Heated Microcantilevers and a Study on Near-Field Radiation

Park, Keunhan 05 April 2007 (has links)
Recently, remarkable advances have been made in the understanding of micro/nanoscale energy transport, opening new opportunities in various areas such as thermal management, data storage, and energy conversion. This dissertation focuses on thermally-sensed nanotopography using a heated silicon microcantilever and near-field thermophotovoltaic (TPV) energy conversion system. A heated microcantilever is a functionalized atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilever that has a small resistive heater integrated at the free end. Besides its capability of increasing the heater temperature over 1,000 K, the resistance of a heated cantilever is a very sensitive function of temperature, suggesting that the heated cantilever can be used as a highly sensitive thermal metrology tool. The first part of the dissertation discusses the thermal characterization of the heated microcantilever for its usage as a thermal sensor in various conditions. Particularly, the use of heated cantilevers for tapping-mode topography imaging will be presented, along with the recent experimental results on the thermal interaction between the cantilever and substrate. In the second part of the dissertation, the so-called near-field TPV device is introduced. This new type of energy conversion system utilizes the significant enhancement of radiative energy transport due to photon tunneling and surface polaritons. Investigation of surface and bulk polaritons in a multilayered structure reveals that radiative properties are significantly affected by polariton excitations. The dissertation then addresses the rigorous performance analysis of the near-field TPV system and a novel design of a near-field TPV device.

Temperiertes Innenhochdruck-Umformen von Rohren aus Magnesium- und Aluminiumlegierungen

Seifert, Michael 25 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Potenziale des temperierten Innenhochdruck-Umformens mit flüssigen Wirkmedien (T-IHU) von Rohren aus verschiedenen Magnesium- und Aluminiumknetlegierungen werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit aufgezeigt. Neben der Werkstoff- und Halbzeugcharakterisierung, der Auslegung von temperierten Innenhochdruck-Umformanlagen und –werkzeugen, den Thermografiemessungen am Halbzeug unter Realbedingungen und der Verifizierung der Simulationsergebnisse des T-IHU-Werkzeuges war der inhaltliche Schwerpunkt die systematische experimentelle Bestimmung der maximalen Umfangserweiterung ∆u<sub>max</sub> in Anhängigkeit von der Umformtemperatur ϑ<sub>u</sub>, dem Werkstoff und der Wanddicke s<sub>0</sub> im Temperaturbereich von 22°C bis 300°C an drei Versuchsgeometrien T-Stück, Zylinder und Quader bei Innendrücken bis 800 bar. Neben dem Einfluss der Prozessparameter, der Werkstoff- und Halbzeugeigenschaften und der Ausgangswanddicke wurde der signifikante Einfluss der Umformtemperatur und der Umformgeometrie auf die erreichbaren Umfangserweiterungen herausgearbeitet und systematisch dargestellt. Es wurden Umfangsdehnungen von bis zu 120 % (bei ϑ<sub>u</sub> = 300°C) erzielt. Die experimentelle Bestimmung der minimal auszuformenden Bauteilaußenradien erfolgte unter Anwendung der statistischen Versuchsplanung. Aus den Regressionsgleichungen wurde eine neue Berechnungsgleichung für den maximalen Innendruck p<sub>imax</sub> generiert. Durch die Verifikation dieser Gleichung konnte die hohe Genauigkeit bei der Vorausberechnung des erforderlichen Innendruckes bei einem vorgegebenen minimalen Bauteilaußenradius R<sub>min</sub> in Abhängigkeit von der Zugfestigkeit R<sub>m</sub> als f (Umformtemperatur) und der Wanddicke s<sub>0</sub> nachgewiesen werden. Die Auslegung der T-IHU-Werkzeug- und Anlagentechnik kann damit wesentlich genauer er­folgen. Durch die Bauteilanalysen nach dem T-IHU-Prozess konnten die hohe Maß- und Formgenauigkeit und die hohe und gleichmäßigere Oberflächengüte nachgewiesen werden. Trotz der beginnenden dynamischen Rekristallisation lag bei allen Versuchswerkstoffen eine Erhöhung der Werkstofffestigkeit in der Umformzone vor. Bei den Untersuchungen bzgl. des T-IHU des Realbauteiles „PKW-Querträger vorn“ konnten die Kenntnisse der Grundlagenuntersuchungen auf ein komplex geformtes Realteil übertragen und erweitert werden. Es zeigte sich, dass der Einsatz von T-IHU-Magnesiumbauteilen ein erhebliches Potenzial für weitere Gewichtsreduzierungen von Leichtbaukonstruktionen besitzt. / This paper presents the potential applications of temperature-supported hydroforming of various magnesium and aluminium alloy tubes using active liquid media. It includes details of material and semi-finished product characterisation, the design of temperature-supported hydroforming equipment and tools, thermography measurements on the semi-finished product under real conditions and verification of simulation results for the temperature-supported hydroforming tool. The main focus, however, was the systematic, experimental approach to determining the maximum increase in perimeter ∆u<sub>max</sub> as a function of the forming temperature ϑ<sub>u</sub>, the material and the wall thickness s<sub>0</sub> in the temperature range 22°C to 300°C for three trial geometries (T‑piece, cylinder and cuboid) at internal pressures of up to 800 bar. In addition to studying the effect of process parameters, material properties, semi-finished product characteristics and initial wall thickness, the paper also presents the finding that forming temperature and forming geometry have a significant impact on achievable increases in perimeter. Perimeter expansions of up to 120 % were attained (at ϑ<sub>u</sub> = 300°C). Statistically designed experiments were used to determine the minimum component outside-radii to undergo the forming process. A new equation for calculating the maximum internal pressure p<sub>imax</sub> was generated from regression equations. By verifying this equation, it was possible to demonstrate the high level of accuracy in predicting the internal pressure required for a given minimum component outside-radius R<sub>min</sub> as a function of the tensile strength R<sub>m</sub> as f(forming temperature) and of the wall thickness s<sub>0</sub>. This means that the temperature-supported hydroforming tool and system equipment can be designed far more accurately. Component analyses after the temperature-supported hydroforming process demonstrated the high level of dimensional and geometrical accuracy and the high quality and more consistent surface finish. Despite the onset of dynamic re-crystallisation, the strength of the material was increased in the forming zone in all the materials tested. The knowledge gained from researching the fundamental principles was applied to a real component with a complex shape in studies of temperature-supported hydroforming of the "front car cross-member", which provided further useful insights. It was found that the use of temperature-supported hydroforming magnesium components has considerable potential for further weight reduction in lightweight constructions.

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