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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Erfassung der T-Zell-Aktivierung mittels des Proliferationsmarkers pSTAT5 zur Detektion chronischer HBV-Infektionen

Vanderheyden, Johanna 28 July 2023 (has links)
Der Nachweis einer chronischen Hepatitis-B Infektion hat in der Transfusionsmedizin aufgrund der potenziellen Übertragung durch Bluttransfusionen einen bedeutenden Stellenwert. Das etablierte Screening umfasst einen direkten HBV-DNA Nachweis sowie einen indirekten Virusnachweis über Anti-HBs- und Anti-HBc-Antikörper. Dieses Screening erfasst den Großteil aller Infektionen. Der Nachweis der okkulten Hepatitis B Infektion, einer Form der chronischen HBV-Infektion, stellt sich jedoch herausfordernd dar. Ursächlich dafür ist unter anderem, dass die HBV-DNA im Blut der okkult-Infizierten in sehr geringer Quantität vorliegt und die Anti-HBs-Antikörper im Laufe der Infektion nicht mehr nachweisbar sind. Eine Erfassung der antigenspezifischen Immunantwort in T-Lymphozyten stellt eine Alternative zu dem beschriebenen Verfahren dar. Etablierte immunologische Verfahren zur Erfassung der antigenspezifischen Immunantwort sind MHC-Tetramer-Messungen und die Detektion, der von T-Lymphozyten produzierten, intrazellulären Zytokine, wie z.B. INF-. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde pSTAT5 als neuer intrazellulärer Aktivierungsmarker untersucht, welcher als Teil des JAK-STAT-Signalweges eine prominente Rolle in der T-Zell-Aktivierung nach der Stimulation mit einem Antigen spielt. Es wurde untersucht, ob T-Lymphozyten aus Blutspenden und daraus hergestellten Buffy-Coats zur Analyse des Aktivierungsmarkers pSTAT5 isolierbar sind und ob dafür, alternativ zu der Dichtezentrifugation, eine auf Fab-Streptameren-basierende Immunaffinitätschromatografie genutzt werden kann. Darüber hinaus wurde überprüft, inwieweit sich die pSTAT5-Bestimmung eignete, um isolierte, mit Peptid stimulierte virusspezifische T-Zellen durchflusszytometrisch zu detektieren. Aufgrund der hohen Seroprävalenz wurde zunächst die T-Zell-Antwort auf Peptide des Zytomegalievirus untersucht. Abschließend erfolgte die Analyse der STAT5-Phosphorylierung an isolierten T-Zellen chronisch HBV-Infizierter. Die Untersuchungen zeigten, dass die Fab-Streptamer-basierte Immunaffinitätschromatografie die Selektion funktionsfähiger Zellen mit Hilfe von entsprechenden Fab-Fragmenten ermöglicht. In dieser Arbeit wurden CD4+ Zellen und CD81+ periphere mononukleäre Blutzellen isoliert. Um die Qualität und Ausbeute der hergestellten Zellisolate zu untersuchen, erfolgte in einem ersten Schritt die durchflusszytometrische Analyse selektionierter CD4-Zellisolate im Vergleich zum Ausgangsmaterial Buffy-Coat. Die Isolation der T-Lymphozyten erfolgte vergleichend mittels konventioneller Dichtezentrifugation und der Immunaffinitätschromatografie sowohl aus heparinisiertem Vollblut als auch aus Buffy-Coats. Als Positivkontrolle wurden die Zellen zunächst antigenunspezifisch mit PHA und anti-CD3/CD28-Antikörpern sowie in weiteren Versuchen mit CMV-Peptiden (pp65, IE1) sowie HBV-Peptiden (core, envelope, capsid) kurzzeit-kultiviert und durchflusszytometrisch auf die Expression von pSTAT5 untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Fab-Streptamer-Immunaffinitätschromatografie hochreine Präparate lieferte. Im CD4+ Zellisolat waren durchschnittlich 98,2 % CD4+ Zellen nachweisbar, dabei wurden B-Lymphozyten, NK-Zellen und CD8+ T Lymphozyten vollständig depletiert. Die vergleichende Stimulation der T-Zell-Isolate mit Hilfe beider Methoden nach antigenunspezifischer Stimulation führte zu einem signifikanten (p<0,01) Anstieg des pSTAT5 im Vergleich zur unstimulierten Kontrolle. Der Anteil der STAT5+ Zellen lag in den dichtezentrifugierten Präparaten vor und nach Stimulation höher als in den mit Immunaffinitätschromatografie isolierten Proben. Es eigneten sich sowohl heparinisiertes Vollblut als auch Buffy-Coats aus Vollblutspenden zur Isolation der T-Zellen. Die Stimulation dieser Zellen von CMV+-Spendern mit CMV-Peptiden resultierte in einem signifikanten Anstieg (p<0,05) der Frequenz der pSTAT5+ CD4+ T-Lymphozyten in den dichtezentrifugierten Zellen von 9,3 % ± 3,6 % (unstimuliert) auf 21,6 % ± 6,9 %. Im Zellisolat stieg die Frequenz signifikant (p<0,01) von 0,6 % ± 0,7 % (unstimuliert) auf 7,2 % ± 9,8 %. Somit wiesen die dichtezentrifugierten Zellen einen dreifachen und das CD4+ Zellisolat einen siebenfachen Frequenzanstieg nach antigenspezifischer Stimulation gegenüber der Kontrolle auf. Die Stimulation von T-Zellen CMV–-Spender führte hingegen zu keinem nachweisbaren Anstieg der pSTAT5+ T-Zellen im Vergleich zur Kontrollpopulation. In den mit beiden Methoden isolierten T-Zellen chronisch HBV-Infizierter wurden prozentual mehr pSTAT5+ Zellen in den mit HBV-Peptiden stimulierten CD4+ T-Lymphozyten gemessen als in den Kontrollproben. In den dichtezentrifugierten Zellen stiegen die Phosphorylierungsraten signifikant (p<0,01) von 0,6 % ± 0,3 % auf 1,8 % ± 1,2 %, im CD81-Zellisolat signifikant (p<0,05) von 2,3 % ± 3,4 % auf 5,3 % ± 7,8 % an. In Summe zeigte sich, dass die Fab-Streptamer-Immunaffinitätschromatografie eine hohe Qualität und Standardisierbarkeit der Zellisolation aufweist. Sie könnte als eine Alternative zu der konventionellen Dichtezentrifugation eingesetzt werden. Die durchflusszytometrische Analyse des Aktivierungsmarkers pSTAT5 ermöglichte eine schnelle Erfassung der T-Zell-Aktivierung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten STAT5-Phosphorylierungen sowohl nach antigenunspezifischer Stimulation als auch nach Stimulation mit CMV- und HBV-Peptiden detektiert werden. Dieser immunologische Test ist in der Transfusionsmedizin bisher nicht etabliert und könnte ergänzend zu herkömmlichen Screenings bei der Erfassung von okkult HBV-Infizierten Anwendung finden. Speziell könnte dieses Verfahren bei fraglichen Befunden ausgewählter Spender im Rahmen transfusionsmedizinischer Routine-Diagnostik ergänzend anwendbar sein. Die Eignung des Assays zur Erfassung von T-Zell-Antworten gegen weitere Antigene stellt einen Ausgangspunkt für zukünftige Untersuchungen dar.

Síndrome de superposición de hepatitis autoinmune y colangitis biliar primaria asociada a trombosis de vena porta post COVID-19 / Overlap syndrome of autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cholangitis associated with portal vein thrombosis post COVID-19

Zumaeta Rodríguez, Thalía Isabel, Carrasco Lozano, Luis Enrique, Zamudio Romero, Silvia Patricia, Maya Pérez, Luis Alberto 10 December 2021 (has links)
Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 53 años con antecedentes de artritis reumatoide que, tras recuperarse de un cuadro de COVID-19grave, desarrolló hemorragia digestiva como manifestación de hipertensión portal e insuficiencia hepática progresiva. Basados en la serología y ecografía, se diagnosticó un síndrome overlap de hepatitis autoinmune y colangitis biliar primaria asociado a trombosis de vena porta. La respuesta a la corticoterapia y anticoagulación fue favorable. El compromiso hepático, inducido por el virus, está descrito en la COVID-19. Sin embargo, pueden desarrollarse enfermedades autoinmunes y fenómenos tromboembólicos, teniendo el hígado como órgano diana.

Příprava nanočástic pro terapii viru žloutenky typu B / Preparation of nanoparticles for hepatitis B viral therapy

Kružíková, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) represents one of the hot topics of current basic and pharmaceutical research. Although an effective vaccine against HBV exists since 1982, the world prevalence of chronic infection is still alarming. The infection can lead to significant liver damage, often resulting in hepatocellular carcinoma. Chronic HBV infection cannot be cured due to the fact that the viral genome persists in the infected hepatocyte hidden from the host immune response as well as from the antiviral treatment. One of the novel approaches aiming for HBV cure suggests that this cccDNA pool could be destroyed using gene editing tools such as CRISPR/Cas9 system. In order to shift this gene editing system to possible medicinal application, CRISPR/Cas9 has to be specifically delivered into the target cell in order to minimize its putative off-target activity. This thesis focuses at first on the design and efficacy testing of new sgRNAs targeting HBV cccDNA and secondly, it describes modular lipid nanoparticles developed specially for delivery of the CRISPR/Cas9 system in the form of RNA. Keywords: hepatitis B virus, CRISPR/Cas9, gene editing, lipid nanoparticles, mRNA delivery, targeted delivery

T-cell Dysfunction by HCV Core Protein Involves PD-1/PD-L1 Signaling.

King, Billy Ellis 05 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In 1989 the hepatitis C virus was identified as a significant cause of post-transfusion hepatitis. Nearly two decades later there is still no vaccine, inadequate treatment options, and limited understanding of how the virus establishes chronicity in the majority of the people it infects. Recent reports suggest that the interaction of a negative co-stimulatory pathway mediated by PD-1 and PDL-1 is associated with persistent viral infection. The role, if any, that PD-1/PDL-1 has in HCV infection is unknown. In this study we report that PD-1 is upregulated in T-cells from persons with chronic HCV infection when compared to healthy donors. In addition, PD-1 and PDL-1 are upregulated on T-cells from healthy donors when exposed to extracellular HCV core protein (a nucleocapsid protein that is immunosuppressive); upregulation of PD-1 is mediated by core's ability to bind to the complement receptor gC1q. We also report that the observed T-cell function can be restored by blocking the PD-1/PDL-1 interaction. Our results indicate that HCV core can upregulate an important negative T-cell signaling pathway that is associated with viral persistence. This upregulation of PD-1/PDL-1 represents a novel and perhaps shared mechanism that viral pathogens may use to subvert the human immune response. It also represents a potential new treatment option for the millions of people who suffer from chronic hepatitis C infection.

Insufficiency of DNA Repair Enzyme ATM Promotes Naive CD4 T-cell Loss in Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection

Zhao, Juan, Dang, Xindi, Zhang, Peixin, Nguyen, Lam Nhat, Cao, Dechao, Wang, Lin, Wu, Xiaoyuan, Morrison, Zheng D., Zhang, Ying, Jia, Zhansheng, Xie, Qian, Wang, Ling, Ning, Shunbin, El Gazzar, Mohamed, Moorman, Jonathan P., Yao, Zhi Q. 10 April 2018 (has links) (PDF)
T cells have a crucial role in viral clearance and vaccine response; however, the mechanisms regulating their responses to viral infections or vaccinations remain elusive. In this study, we investigated T-cell homeostasis, apoptosis, DNA damage, and repair machineries in a large cohort of subjects with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. We found that naive CD4 T cells in chronically HCV-infected individuals (HCV T cells) were significantly reduced compared with age-matched healthy subjects. In addition, HCV T cells were prone to apoptosis and DNA damage, as evidenced by increased 8-oxoguanine expression and γH2AX/53BP1-formed DNA damage foci—hallmarks of DNA damage responses. Mechanistically, the activation of DNA repair enzyme ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) was dampened in HCV T cells. ATM activation was also diminished in healthy T cells exposed to ATM inhibitor or to HCV (core protein) that inhibits the phosphoinositide 3 kinase pathway, mimicking the biological effects in HCV T cells. Importantly, ectopic expression of ATM was sufficient to repair the DNA damage, survival deficit, and cell dysfunctions in HCV T cells. Our results demonstrate that insufficient DNA repair enzyme ATM leads to increased DNA damage and renders HCV T cells prone to apoptotic death, which contribute to the loss of naive T cells in HCV infection. Our study reveals a novel mechanism for T-cell dysregulation and viral persistence, providing a new strategy to improve immunotherapy and vaccine responses against human viral diseases.

Protection of CD4+ T Cells From Hepatitis C Virus Infection-Associated Senescence via ΔNp63-miR-181a-Sirt1 Pathway

Zhou, Yun, Li, Guang Y., Ren, Jun P., Wang, Ling, Zhao, Juan, Ning, Shun B., Zhang, Ying, Lian, Jian Q., Huang, Chang X., Jia, Zhan S., Moorman, Jonathan P., Yao, Zhi Q. 27 June 2016 (has links)
T cell dysfunction has a crucial role in establishing and maintaining viral persistence. We have previously shown a decline in miR‐181a, which regulates CD4+ T cell responses via DUSP6 overexpression, in individuals with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Here, we describe accelerated T cell senescence in HCV‐infected individuals compared with age‐ and sex‐matched healthy subjects. Mechanistic studies revealed that up‐regulation of transcription factor ΔNp63 led to the decline of miR‐181a expression, resulting in an overexpression of the antiaging protein Sirt1, in CD4+ T cells from HCV‐infected individuals. Either reconstituting miR‐181a or silencing ΔNp63 or Sirt1 expression in CD4+ T cells led to accelerated T cell senescence, as evidenced by an increased senescence‐associated β‐galactosidase (SA‐β‐gal) expression, shortened telomere length, and decreased EdU incorporation; this suggests that HCV‐induced T cell senescence is counterregulated by the ΔNp63–miR‐181a–Sirt1 pathway. An increase of IL‐2 production was observed in these senescent CD4+ T cells and was driven by a markedly reduced frequency of Foxp3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells and increased number of Foxp3− effector T (Teff) cells upon manipulating the ΔNp63–miR‐181a–Sirt1 pathway. In conclusion, these findings provide novel mechanistic insights into how HCV uses cellular senescent pathways to regulate T cell functions, revealing new targets for rejuvenating impaired T cell responses during chronic viral infection.

Anemia. CAM. Hypertension. Preventive Medicine. Acute Renal Failure. Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2. Hepatitis. Menopause, and others

Blackwelder, Reid B. 01 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Unsafe Injection Procedures and Staff Training

Cope, Afton D., Glenn, L. Lee 01 October 2012 (has links)
The study by Rehan et al. [1] was evaluated for support of the conclusion was by the data. The deviations from recommended practices were infrequent and not shown to be clinically significant. Although a strong study, the conclusion that world-wide education programs are needed is not warranted.

Improving Knowledge of Hepatitis C Screening Guidelines Among a Population of Family Medicine Residents

Jones, Curry, Garner, Chris, Stoltz, Amanda 05 April 2018 (has links)
Hepatitis C is the most common chronic bloodbourne infection in the United States, with an estimated prevalence of 2.7 million. The total cost of care for this patient population was estimated to be $6.5 billion in 2013. Since 1998, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have recommended hepatitis C screening for specific high risk populations, but until recently there was no recommendation for age-based screening. The recent advent of new, more efficacious therapies for hepatitis C have made early identification significantly more important. Consequently, the CDC updated its recommendations in 2012 based on recent evidence to include one-time screening for all individuals born between 1945 and 1965. In 2013, the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) also incorporated this recommendation into their hepatitis C screening guidelines. In spite of this, there is some debate in the medical community regarding cohort screening for hepatitis C, and some data indicates widespread misunderstanding of current screening recommendations among primary care providers. The purpose of this project was to evaluate current knowledge and understanding of hepatitis C screening guidelines among a group of family medicine residents at East Tennessee State University, and to improve their knowledge in order to promote more appropriate screening practices in their patient population. To accomplish this, 13 question surveys were administered to residents to assess their current knowledge. Following these surveys, residents attended an education session covering current recommendations from the CDC and USPSTF. The 13 question survey was administered again in the post-intervention period. A t-test revealed that post-intervention survey scores increased significantly on 8 out of 13 questions. The intervention was successful at improving knowledge of current hepatitis C screening recommendations in the target population. Future research should be directed at broadening the intervention to include a variety of other providers, and at assessing the impact on execution of screening in the patient population, particularly regarding application to people born in the specified birth cohort.


Ranson, Carly Anne 01 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Hepatitis C virus is currently the most common chronic blood borne pathogen in the United States, with only half of those infected aware of their condition. The cost for treatment is higher with Harvoni® (ledipasvir/sofosbuvir) than Viekira Pak® (ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir and dasabuvir). With finite resources available to treat patients, it is important to understand which clinical factors may influence treatment selection decisions. Methods: The study is a 12-month medical record review within the Veterans Affairs (VA) system to evaluate significant relationships between selected clinical and sociodemographic factors and HCV treatment selection with either Harvoni® or Viekira Pak®. Clinical and demographic information was collected as well a presence of interacting medications, contraindication to components of the treatment regimen, and the treatment regimen indicated and selected. Results: In total, 25,717 patients were extracted from the database and were compared by the use of frequency charts and logistic regression analysis with results reflective of the nationally reported numbers. There was a statistically significant difference in the prescribing pattern between the VA Northern California Health System (station 612) and the other stations nationally with Viekira Pak® prescribed more often in that station. Station 612 utilized an electronic decision tree (otherwise known as a ‘quick order’) during the medication ordering process. In a comparison between station 612 and the other stations within the VA a notable difference in the impact of drug-drug interactions on the prescribing patterns was found within station 612. Conclusion: Many methods can be used to ensure optimal treatment for HCV infections. In station 612 the use of a decision tree may have assisted in avoidance of potentially modifiable factors which enabled for a higher utilization of the less expensive treatment option, Viekira Pak®, for HCV infections, thereby potentially allowing for more Veterans to be treated with finite resources.

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