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Řízení o přestupcích proti bezpečnosti a plynulosti silničního provozu (se zaměřením na postupy prováděné před zahájením řízení a řízení v 1. stupni) / Proceedings for administrative transgressions against the safety and smooth highway traffic (with a special regard to acts carried out before trial and the first-instance proceedings)Neuvirt, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is "Proceedings for administrative transgressions against the safety and smooth highway traffic". Although there is no such special type of proceedings, it is an issue which deserves an attention. Every one of us is a part of highway traffic every day. Therefore it is important not only to know the rules by of it but also the rules and principles of the proceedings in which are transgressions against safety and smooth highway traffic heard. The aim of this thesis is to provide the complex summary of the proceedings for administrative transgressions against the safety and smooth highway traffic and to give notice of its unusualness from the basic proceedings for administrative transgressions. This thesis also points out the inaccuracies, wrongness and ambiguities of the proceedings' rules and also reflects and comments the latest amendments to relevant acts. The thesis is divided into nine chapters, from which the first and the last ones are introduction and conclusion. The second chapter clarifies the term administrative transgressions. The third chapter briefly describes the administrative transgressions against the safety and smooth of highway traffic and the interests safeguarded by them. The fourth chapter gives the overall summary of the administrative proceedings. The...
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Přestupky proti bezpečnosti a plynulosti provozu na pozemních komunikacích / Administrative transgressions against the safety and smooth traffic flow on highwaysSárová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The presented thesis refers to the administrative transgressions against the safety and smooth traffic flow on highways. This is very actual topic currently, because everybody meets with these administrative transgressions in his life. The thesis is composed of seven chapters. The first chapter introduce us with the history of legislation in the period from the formation of the Czechoslovak republic in 1918 to the presence. The following chapter describes relevant legislation. This chapter contains general regulation of liability for transgressions, as well as discusses the constituent elements of transgressions and ends with characteristic of the constituent elements defined by the Law of highway traffic. In the third chapter, I focused on the comparison of transgressions and crimes. First I compared the general arrangement for liability for crimes and transgressions. Furthermore, I have listed which crimes could be committed in connection with the highway traffic, and then I looked on, in my opinion, mostly committed crimes. The fourth chapter deals with the sanctions that may be imposed for transgressions. The rules on penalties are prescribed by Law of transgressions; the specific amount of sanctions is set by the Law of highway traffic. The administrative transgressions against the safety and smooth...
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Lane Preference in a Simple Traffic ModelKrometis, Justin 06 May 2004 (has links)
We examine the effect of lane preference on a quasi one-dimensional three-state driven lattice gas, consisting of holes and positive and negative particles, and periodic boundary conditions in the longitudinal direction. Particles move via particle-hole and, with a lesser rate, particle-particle exchanges; the species are driven in opposite directions along the lattice, each preferring one of the lanes with a given probability, <I>p</I>. The model can be interpreted as traffic flow on a two-lane beltway, with fast cars preferring the left lane and slow cars preferring the right, viewed in a comoving frame. In steady-sate, the system typically exhibits a macroscopic cluster containing a majority of the particles. At very high values of <I>p</I>, a first order transition takes the system to a spatially disordered state. Using Monte Carlo simulations to analyze the system, we find that the size of the cluster increases with lane preference. We also observe a region of negative response, where increasing the lane preference <I>decreases</I> the number of particles in their favored lane, against all expectations. In addition, simulations show an intriguing sequence of density profiles for the two species. We apply mean-field theory, continuity equations, and symmetries to derive relationships between observables to make a number of predictions verified by the Monte Carlo data. / Master of Science
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Effect of vehicle type on highway traffic flow : effects of vehicle type on speed, delay and capacity characteristics of highway traffic flow in the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia determined by an examination of traffic dataAlkaim, Al-Akhdar January 1987 (has links)
The thesis considers the effects of vehicle type on highway traffic control. The effects of vehicle type on the capacity of traffic signal approaches are examined by the experimental determination of passenger car units at intersections in London and West Yorkshire and in addition saturation flows and lost times are examined. Vehicle type effect at roundabout entries are investigated and the results of field observations reported. Details are given of the gap acceptance of varying vehicle types, the effect of vehicle type on delay and comparisons are made with existing recommendations for the capacity design of roundabout entries. Observations of traffic flow on a rural motorway are used to demonstrate the effect of vehicle type on speed and observed values are fitted to a normal distribution. Overtaking behaviour is also examined and conclusions drawn of the relative effect on capacity of vehicle type. A review is given of the effects of vehicle type on the design and operation of the highway system in Saudi Arabia.
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Утицај физичко-географских фактора на планирање и пејзажно уређење инфраструктурног коридора - аутопута Београд - Нови Сад / Uticaj fizičko-geografskih faktora na planiranje i pejzažno uređenje infrastrukturnog koridora - autoputa Beograd - Novi Sad / The influence of physical-geographical factors on planning and landscape design of the infrastructure corridor of highway route Belgrade - Novi SadSentić Ivana 20 May 2019 (has links)
<p>Истраживање у овом раду усмерено је на саобраћајни инфраструктурни коридор Београд -Нови Сад, Србија. Главни акценат је на изучавању односа пута и природе која је саставни део просторне целине којој аутопут припада. Рад има<br />за циљ да укаже на важност изучавања физичко-географских фактора приликом изградње саобраћајнице, ради остваривања што безбеднијег<br />саобраћаја. Посебан осврт је на климатске елементе, као не толико видљиве, али врло угрожавајуће факторе безбедности одвијања саобраћаја. Установљено је да се утицај климатских елемената може врло успешно контролисати вегетацијом, те је и ток истраживања био усмерен ка том правцу. Климатски подаци су преузети из CARPATCLIM базе, након чега се приступило њиховој<br />евалуацији. Добијени резултати су потврђени израдом ЧЕК-ЛИСТИ на терену и графичком обрадом података у GIS софтверском програму.Потом тога је уследило и анкетно истраживање безбедности одвијања саобраћаја на аутопутевима у Србији, посматрано из угла возача. Резултати су обрађени у SPSS софтверском програму. На крају, истраживање је истакло деонице саобраћајног<br />инфраструктурног коридора Београд – Нови Сад, најугроженије утицајима климатских елемената.Истакла се могућност ублажавања утицаја климатских елемената на безбедност одвијања саобраћаја предочавањем адекватног модела пејзажног уређења леве и десне стране коловоза пута.</p> / <p>Istraživanje u ovom radu usmereno je na saobraćajni infrastrukturni koridor Beograd -Novi Sad, Srbija. Glavni akcenat je na izučavanju odnosa puta i prirode koja je sastavni deo prostorne celine kojoj autoput pripada. Rad ima<br />za cilj da ukaže na važnost izučavanja fizičko-geografskih faktora prilikom izgradnje saobraćajnice, radi ostvarivanja što bezbednijeg<br />saobraćaja. Poseban osvrt je na klimatske elemente, kao ne toliko vidljive, ali vrlo ugrožavajuće faktore bezbednosti odvijanja saobraćaja. Ustanovljeno je da se uticaj klimatskih elemenata može vrlo uspešno kontrolisati vegetacijom, te je i tok istraživanja bio usmeren ka tom pravcu. Klimatski podaci su preuzeti iz CARPATCLIM baze, nakon čega se pristupilo njihovoj<br />evaluaciji. Dobijeni rezultati su potvrđeni izradom ČEK-LISTI na terenu i grafičkom obradom podataka u GIS softverskom programu.Potom toga je usledilo i anketno istraživanje bezbednosti odvijanja saobraćaja na autoputevima u Srbiji, posmatrano iz ugla vozača. Rezultati su obrađeni u SPSS softverskom programu. Na kraju, istraživanje je istaklo deonice saobraćajnog<br />infrastrukturnog koridora Beograd – Novi Sad, najugroženije uticajima klimatskih elemenata.Istakla se mogućnost ublažavanja uticaja klimatskih elemenata na bezbednost odvijanja saobraćaja predočavanjem adekvatnog modela pejzažnog uređenja leve i desne strane kolovoza puta.</p> / <p>The research in this paper focuses on the highway corridor Belgrade - Novi Sad, Serbia. The main issue is relationship between the highway and surrounding nature, as an integral part of the spatial entity which the highway belongs to. In order to achieve high level of the traffic safety, the paper emphasizes a high importance of studying the physical-geographical factors in the process of highway construction. Particular attention was directed to, not so visible, but very endangering factors of road safety - climate elements. It was found that the influence of climate elements is strong and it could be successfully controlled by vegetation. Data were taken from CARPATCLIM database and their evaluation was confirmed by obtained field data in CHEK-LISTS and by data evaluation in GIS. This was followed by a survey on the traffic safety of the highways in Serbia,from the driver's aspect of view. Results were processed in the SPSS. Finally, the research emphasized the most endangered sections of the traffic infrastructure corridor Belgrade - Novi Sad,affected by the climate elements. Landscape design of left and right side of the highway has been highlighted as a possibility of mitigating the influence of climate elements.</p>
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A Critical Review of the Procedure to Develop the State Highway Safety PlanAckerman, Kathryn R. 24 March 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Validity of Self-Reported Data on Seat Belt Use: The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.Samples, Agnes Mary Banks 01 May 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Personal lifestyle and behavior are associated with the 10 leading causes of death for Americans. Motor vehicle crashes kill more than 40,000 people and injure more than 3 million people annually in the United States, representing one of America's most serious health and economic problems. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), someone in America is injured in a motor vehicle crash every 14 seconds and someone is killed every 12 minutes (as cited in Ad Council, 2003). It is widely accepted that increased use of safety belts and reductions in driving while impaired are two of the most effective means to reduce the risk of death and serious injury of occupants in motor vehicle crashes.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and NHTSA monitor the use of seat belts by surveying the population. The CDC annually conducts a telephone survey called the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). The NHTSA conducts an observational survey called the National Occupant Protection Use Survey (NOPUS).
The purpose of this study was to examine three questions when estimating safety belt use in the United States: (1) Does the BRFSS differ from NOPUS? (2) Is there regional variation in the differences between BRFSS and NOPUS? (3) Do BRFSS and NOPUS data differ significantly depending on whether the safety belt law is primary, secondary, or none?
In this study, the two surveys were compared. Three research hypotheses were tested in the null format at the .05 level of significance using a two-tailed test. The z test was used to determine the difference in the nominal data of the two independent proportions.
The results of the study revealed that there is a difference between the self-reported BRFSS survey and the NOPUS observational data.
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Effect of vehicle type on highway traffic flow: Effects of vehicle type on speed, delay and capacity characteristics of highway traffic flow in the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia determined by an examination of traffic data.Alkaim, Al-Akhdar January 1987 (has links)
The t h e s i s c o n s i d e r s t h e e f f e c t s of v e h i c l e
type on highway t r a f f i c flow. The e f f e c t s of v e h i c l e
type on t h e c a p a c i t y of t r a f f i c s i g n a l approaches are
examined by t h e experimental d e t e r m i n a t i o n of passenger
c a r u n i t s a t i n t e r s e c t i o n s i n London and West Yorkshire
and i n a d d i t i o n s a t u r a t i o n flows and lost t i m e s a r e examined.
. Vehicle type e f f e c t s a t roundabout e n t r i e s
a r e i n v e s t i g a t e d and t h e r e s u l t s of f i e l d o b s e r v a t i o n s
r e p o r t e d . Details a r e given of t h e gap acceptance of
varying v e h i c l e t y p e s , t h e e f f e c t of v e h i c l e type on
delay and comparisons a r e made with e x i s t i n g recommendat
i o n s f o r t h e c a p a c i t y design of roundabout e n t r i e s .
Observations of t r a f f i c flow on a r u r a l motorway a r e
used to demonstrate t h e e f f e c t of v e h i c l e type on speed
and observed v a l u e s a r e f i t t e d t o a normal d i s t r i b u t i o n .
Overtaking behaviour is a l s o examined and conclusions
drawn of t h e r e l a t i v e e f f e c t on c a p a c i t y of v e h i c l e t y p e .
A review is given of t h e e f f e c t s of v e h i c l e type on t h e design and o p e r a t i o n of t h e highway system in Saudi Arabia.
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The Development of an Improved Finite Element Muscle Model and the Investigation of the Pre-loading Effects of Active Muscle on the Femur During Frontal CrashesMendes, Sebastian B 31 August 2010 (has links)
"Mammalian skeletal muscle is a very complicated biological structure to model due to its non-homogeneous and non-linear material properties as well as its complex geometry. Finite element discrete one-dimensional Hill-based elements are largely used to simulate muscles in both passive and active states. There are, however, several shortfalls to utilizing one-dimensional elements, such as the impossibility to represent muscle physical mass and complex lines of action. Additionally, the use of one-dimensional elements restricts muscle insertion sites to a limited number of nodes causing unrealistic loading distributions in the bones. The behavior of various finite element muscle models was investigated and compared to manually calculated muscle behavior. An improved finite element muscle model consisting of shell elements and Hill-based contractile truss elements in series and parallel was ultimately developed. The muscles of the thigh were then modeled and integrated into an existing 50th percentile musculo-skeletal model of the knee-thigh-hip complex. Impact simulations representing full frontal car crashes were then conducted on the model and the pre-loading effects from active thigh muscles on the femur were investigated and compared to cadaver sled test data. It was found that the active muscles produced a pre-load femoral axial force that acted to slightly stabilize the rate of stress intensification on critical stress areas on the femur. Additionally, the active muscles served to direct the distribution of stress to more concentrated areas on the femoral neck. Furthermore, the pre-load femoral axial force suggests that a higher percentage of injuries to the knee-thigh-hip complex may be due to the effects of active muscles on the femur. "
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