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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


López Martínez, Juan Ángel 18 April 2017 (has links)
Combining the most recent technologies in concrete, Ultra-High-Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) arises as a promising material for the near future. UHPFRC have shown how flexible concrete can be to adapt to the ever-changing social and environmental demands. With its high flexibility composition and its mechanical properties, UHPFRC is full of both unexplored and unexploited possibilities. Engineers should take responsibility for this task. However, it is fair to acknowledge that this is not an easy task and it requires the development of reliable and widely accepted design standards provided by the scientific community. A major concern about durability, long-lasting structures and reduction of maintenance cost, as well as the development of new concrete technologies, improved knowledge of fibre effect and a huge growth in the fibre industry accompanied by fibre price reduction have led, among other factors, to the development of new types of concrete whose mechanical behaviour substantially differs from conventional fibre-reinforced concrete. This is why current characterisation methodologies and design standards must be reviewed and adjusted to these newer materials. However, design standard revision cannot disregard former milestones achieved thanks to decades of hard work. It must offer an integrated view in which new types of concrete comprise existing ones in a broader group, because at the end of the day and despite having newer and improved properties, new types of concrete are still concrete. That is how it should be understood and how it must be reflected in newer codes and standards. The work presented herein is focused on one of these recently developed materials that embraces major advanced technologies in concrete: Ultra-High-Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC). This work is specifically focused on those crucial requirements for the development and widespread use of it, such as constitutive tensile characterisation and classification. This work includes a deep revision of the uniaxial tensile behaviour of concrete and its development as fibre technology has evolved. In addition, traditional characterisation standard methods as well as those recently developed for its specific use on UHPFRC are reviewed and called into question. Throughout the document, the development of different methodologies to determine the uniaxial constitutive tensile behaviour of UHPFRC from bending tests are shown, together with a simplified characterisation proposal specially developed for being included in a standard. All developed methodologies presented herein are checked and validated. These methods are specifically designed for their application on experimental results obtained from a special type of four-point bending test, whose standardisation proposal for UHPFRC is also shown. Finally, a classification proposal is presented as a function of more relevant UHPFRC tensile parameters necessary for design that can be directly obtained from the standard characterisation test method suggested. Proposed classification encompasses the existing classification for conventional reinforced and fibre-reinforced concrete. In it, both plain concrete and fibre-reinforced concrete are presented as a particular case of a more general tensile constitutive response for concrete. Standard methodology and classification proposed are in accordance with the evolution of concrete and unify historic milestones achieved by the international research community. / El Hormigón de Muy Alto Rendimiento (HMAR) combina los últimos avances tecnológicos en hormigón y se erige como un material prometedor para el futuro. El HMAR ha demostrado su gran capacidad para adaptarse a las cada vez más exigentes demandas sociales y medioambientales. Con un gran abanico de posibilidades en su dosificación para conseguir las propiedades mecánicas deseadas, el HMAR es un material lleno de posibilidades aún sin explorar y sin explotar. Los ingenieros tienen la responsabilidad de esta tarea. Sin embargo, es justo reconocer que no se trata de una tarea fácil y que requiere de un desarrollo previo de códigos de diseño adecuados y ampliamente aceptados por parte de la comunidad científica. La aparición de nuevas tecnologías, el mayor conocimiento sobre la aportación de las fibras así como su industrialización y bajada de precios, las mayores preocupaciones sobre la durabilidad estructural, incremento de la vida útil o la reducción de los costes de mantenimiento, entre otros factores, han derivado en el desarrollo de nuevas tipologías de hormigones cuyo comportamiento mecánico difiere de manera sustancial de los tradicionales hormigones con fibras. Es por ello que tanto la readaptación de las metodologías de caracterización como las metodologías de diseño deben ser reformuladas. Y esto debe hacerse de manera no disruptiva, es decir, manteniendo la línea de los hitos alcanzados en los hormigones con fibras convencionales de manera que queden integrados en metodologías de caracterización y de diseño que los engloben, porque al fin y al cabo, y aunque con nuevas y mejores propiedades mecánicas, los nuevos hormigones siguen siendo hormigones. Así debe ser entendido y así debe quedar reflejado en las nuevas normativas. El presente trabajo se centra en uno de esos nuevos materiales desarrollados con el avance de las nuevas tecnologías como es el HMAR. En especial, este documento se centra en ese aspecto tan fundamental para el desarrollo de nuevos hormigones como es la caracterización mecánica y la tipificación. Este trabajo incluye una revisión del comportamiento mecánico uniaxial a tracción del hormigón y de su evolución con la aparición de las diferentes tecnologías. Además, se revisan y se ponen en cuestión los sistemas tradicionales de caracterización, así como los nuevos sistemas desarrollados en los últimos años para su empleo específico en el HMAR. A lo largo del documento se desarrollan diferentes metodologías para la obtención del comportamiento constitutivo a tracción del HMAR, así como la propuesta de una metdología simplificada de caracterización especialmente diseñada para ser incluida en una norma, todas ellas debidamente validadas. Estas metodologías son de aplicación específica a los resultados experimentales obtenidos mediante un ensayo a cuatro puntos sin entalla, cuya propuesta de estandarización para el HMAR ha sido también desarrollada. Finalmente, se presenta una propuesta de tipificación de acuerdo a los parámetros más relevantes del comportamiento a tracción del HMAR que son necesarios para el diseño y que pueden ser directamente obtenidos del ensayo de caracterización propuesto. Esta clasificación engloba a la clasificación existente para el hormigón armado convencional y los actuales hormigones con fibras, de manera que se presenta la actual definición de hormigón con fibras como un caso particular de estos nuevos hormigones, respetando al máximo la evolución de este material y aunando los logros conseguidos por la comunidad científica. / Dins de les combinacions de les tecnologies més recents en el formigó, el formigó de molt alt rendiment (UHPFRC) sorgeix com un material prometedor per al futur pròxim. L'UHPFRC ha demostrat poder ser un formigó flexible per adaptar-se a les sempre canviants demandes socials i mediambientals. Amb una gran flexibilitat en la seua composició i les seues propietats mecàniques, l`UHPFRC està ple de possibilitats de ser explorades i explotades. Els enginyers han de prendre la responsabilitat d'aquesta tasca. No obstant això, és just reconèixer que això no serà fàcil i requerirà el desenvolupament de normes de disseny fiables i àmpliament acceptades per la comunitat científica. Hi ha una gran preocupació al voltant de la durabilitat, la vida útil de les estructures i la reducció del cost de manteniment, juntament amb el desenvolupament de noves tecnologies de formigó, un millor coneixement de l'efecte de la fibra i un enorme creixement en la indústria de la fibra acompanyat per la reducció del preu de la fibra, han conduït, entre altres factors, al desenvolupament de nous tipus de formigons, el comportament mecànic dels quals es diferencia substancialment dels formigons reforçats amb fibres convencionals. És per això que les metodologies de caracterització actuals i les normes de disseny han de ser revisades i ajustades a aquests nous materials. No obstant això, la revisió del codis de disseny no pot prescindir de les antigues fites aconseguides gràcies a dècades de treball dur. S'ha d'oferir una visió integrada en la qual els nous tipus de formigons integren els ja existents en un grup més ampli, ja que, al cap i la fi i malgrat tenir propietats noves i millorades, els nous tipus de formigons són encara un tipus de formigó. Així es com s'hauria d'entendre i reflectir-se en els nous codis i normes. El treball presentat en aquest document es centra en un d'aquests materials que s'han desenvolupat recentment i que abasta les principals tecnologies avançades en el formigó: el Formigó de Molt Alt Rendiment Reforçat amb Fibres (UHPFRC). Aquest treball se centra específicament en els requisits fonamentals per al desenvolupament i l'ús generalitzat d'aquest, com ara la caracterització i classificació del comportament constitutiu a tracció. Aquest treball inclou una revisió profunda del comportament a tracció uniaxial del formigó i els seus canvis al temps que la tecnologia de les fibres ha evolucionat. A més, els mètodes tradicionals estàndard de caracterització, així com els recentment desenvolupats per al seu ús específic en l'UHPFRC són revisats i qüestionats. Al llarg del document, es mostra el desenvolupament de diferents metodologies per a determinar el comportament constitutiu a tracció uniaxial de l'UHPFRC, juntament amb una proposta de caracterització simplificada especialment desenvolupada per poder ser inclosa en normativa. Totes les metodologies desenvolupades presentades en aquest document han estat comprovades i validades. Aquests mètodes estan dissenyats específicament per a la seva aplicació en els resultats experimentals obtinguts a partir d'un tipus especial d'assaig de flexió a quatre punts, a més també s'inclou una proposta d'estandardització per a l'UHPFRC. Finalment, es presenta una proposta de classificació en funció dels paràmetres més rellevants del comportament a tracció de l'UHPFRC que són necessaris per al disseny i que es poden obtindre directament del mètode d'assaig estàndard suggerit per a la caracterització de l'UHPFRC. La classificació proposada té amb compte la classificació existent per al formigó armat convencional i el reforçat amb fibres. En ella, tant el formigó en massa com el formigó reforçat amb fibres es presenten com un cas particular d'una resposta constitutiva a tracció més general per al formigó. La metodologia estàndard i la classificació proposada estan d'acord amb l'evolució de formigó i unifica l / López Martínez, JÁ. (2017). CHARACTERISATION OF THE TENSILE BEHAVIOUR OF UHPFRC BY MEANS OF FOUR-POINT BENDING TESTS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/79740 / TESIS

Nové operační řešení u morbus Perthes pomocí anteromediální redukční osteotomie hlavice / Anteromedial wedge reduction osteotomy as a new surgical procedure in treatment of Morbus Perthes

Burian, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Morbus​ ​Perthes​ ​(LCP)​ ​is​ ​an​ ​idiopathic​ ​defect​ ​in​ ​the​ ​blood​ ​flow​ ​of​ ​the​ ​proximal femoral​ ​epiphysis,​ ​where​ ​morphological​ ​and​ ​functional​ ​pathologies​ ​of​ ​the​ ​hip​ ​joint occur.​ ​Unfavorable​ ​prognostic​ ​factors​ ​include​ ​aspheric​ ​and​ ​incongruent​ ​hip,​ ​often manifested​ ​by​ ​the​ ​appearance​ ​of​ ​hinge​ ​abduction.​ ​The​ ​head​ ​is​ ​no​ ​longer​ ​remodeling after​ ​"golden"​ ​period​ ​of​ ​remodellation.​ ​Anteromedial​ ​Wedge​ ​Reduction​ ​Osteotomy (AWRO)​ ​is​ ​a​ ​new​ ​surgical​ ​method​ ​to​ ​improve​ ​the​ ​shape​ ​and​ ​reduce​ ​the​ ​femoral head​ ​and​ ​thus​ ​extend​ ​the​ ​life​ ​of​ ​a​ ​significantly​ ​altered​ ​hip​ ​joint. We​ ​evaluated​ ​10​ ​patients​ ​after​ ​the​ ​AWRO​ ​and​ ​established​ ​3​ ​hypotheses,​ ​in​ ​the clinical​ ​part​ ​of​ ​the​ ​study.​ ​1st​ ​hypothesis​ ​"AWRO​ ​leads​ ​to​ ​the​ ​reshape​ ​of​ ​the​ ​head" was​ ​confirmed​ ​following​ ​the​ ​Stulberg's​ ​classification.​ ​2nd​ ​hypothesis​ ​"AWRO​ ​leads to​ ​a​ ​reduction​ ​in​ ​the​ ​mediolateral​ ​diameter​ ​of​ ​the​ ​head",​ ​was​ ​confirmed​ ​by​ ​measuring the​ ​capitodiaphyseal​ ​index,​ ​which​ ​was​ ​reduced​ ​in​ ​all​ ​femoral​ ​heads​ ​after​ ​AWRO. The​ ​3rd​ ​hypothesis​ ​"Harris​ ​Hip​ ​Score​ ​improved​ ​in​ ​medium-term​ ​follow​ ​up​...

The modelling and optimal design of a three degree-of-freedom XYθz micro-motion stage.

Handley, Daniel Charles January 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents an investigation of the modelling and optimal design of a particular 3-degree-of-freedom (DOF) XYθz micro-motion stage. This stage provides micron-scale motion in X and Y directions and a rotation about the Z-axis. Such a stage can be used for applications where positioning of components with micrometre, or even nanometre positioning accuracy is required. Some applications are; the positioning of samples in a scanning-electron-microscope; the positioning of masks in lithography; aligning fibre-optics and lasers; and manipulation of micro-scale objects in micro-biology or micro-systems assembly. The XYθz micro-motion stage investigated in this study uses a particular topology of monolithic compliant mechanism and three stack piezoelectric actuators. The compliant mechanism used is a 3RRR (three revolute-revolute-revolute) parallel compliant mechanism using flexure hinges. This parallel mechanism uses three RRR linkages. Each of the three RRR linkages uses three circular profile flexure hinges. Each flexure hinge provides predominantly rotational motion about one axis. This topology of mechanism has a symmetrical structure and provides numerous advantages that make it appropriate for use in a micro-motion stage. However, as yet this topology of compliant mechanism has only been investigated by a handful of researchers and it has not been used in any commercially developed systems. The design methodology of a stage using the 3RRR compliant mechanism has not been investigated in detail. In this thesis a study is presented that investigates different approaches to model the 3RRR compliant mechanism and also considers the piezo-actuator modelling, to give the complete XYθz micro-motion stage. Three models are presented and compared; the Pseudo-Rigid-Body Model (PRBM); a two-dimensional Finite-Element-Model (2-D FEM); and a third model is developed that is similar to the PRBM, but uses analytical equations to model the multiple degree-of-freedom compliance of the flexure hinges. The models developed are then used in parametric study so that the relationship between design parameters and output behaviour can be understood. An optimal design approach is then presented to develop an XYθz micro-motion stage for a particular application in a Scanning-Electron-Microscope (SEM). Finally experimental validation of the models is presented. The results of this study indicate which modelling approaches are accurate enough to prove useful for design, while also considering which models are computationally simple enough to be efficient and easy to use. The kinematic and dynamic behaviour of the 3RRR compliant mechanism and XYθz micro-motion stage is discussed in detail. This includes; a comprehensive description of the stage workspace, defining reachable and constant-rotation workspace areas; a discussion of actuator coupling; and in depth investigation of the modes of vibration. The results of the parametric study provide useful insight to aid the design of the XYz micro-motion stage and help simplify optimal design. The parametric study also highlights the difference in trends predicted by different modelling methods, which demonstrates the importance of using an appropriate model in design. The experimental validation demonstrates the accuracy of some modelling approaches while highlighting the limited accuracy of others. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1272186 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Mechanical Engineering, 2007

Αντοχή και ικανότητα παραμόρφωσης μελών οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος, με ή χωρίς ενίσχυση

Μπισκίνης, Διονύσιος 01 August 2007 (has links)
Η παρούσα διατριβή ανήκει στο γενικότερο θεματικό πεδίο της σεισμικής αποτίμησης, σχεδιασμού ή ανασχεδιασμού κατασκευών οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος με βάση τις μετακινήσεις. Οι σύγχρονες μέθοδοι αυτού του τύπου, στηρίζονται σε έλεγχο και σύγκριση της σεισμικής απαίτησης με την ικανότητα των μελών της κατασκευής σε όρους μετακινήσεων παρά σε όρους δυνάμεων. Δημιουργείται επομένως η ανάγκη για απλό και αξιόπιστο υπολογισμό της συμπεριφοράς μελών οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος σε κάμψη και διάτμηση, σε όρους μετακινήσεων. Το αντικείμενο της παρούσης διατριβής είναι η ανάπτυξη προσομοιωμάτων για τον υπολογισμό των βασικών χαρακτηριστικών της συμπεριφοράς καμπτόμενων μελών οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος και συγκεκριμένα: της ροπής διαρροής, της παραμόρφωσης στη διαρροή, της ενεργού δυσκαμψίας, της παραμόρφωσης στην αστοχία, της διατμητικής αντοχής σε ανακυκλιζόμενη φόρτιση, της αντοχής μελών με χαμηλό λόγο διάτμησης και της συμπεριφοράς υπό διαξονική καταπόνηση. Εξετάζονται μέλη διαφόρων τύπων και διαφορετικής διατομής, μέλη με ενίσχυση μανδύα οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος ή μανδύα σύνθετων υλικών, καθώς επίσης και μέλη με μάτιση του διαμήκους οπλισμού στην περιοχή πλαστικής άρθρωσης. Για την ανάπτυξη των προσομοιωμάτων, καθώς και για τον έλεγχο άλλων παλαιότερων, αναπτύχθηκε και αξιοποιήθηκε βάση πειραματικών δεδομένων μελών οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος με περισσότερα από 2800 πειράματα από τη διεθνή βιβλιογραφία. Για τον υπολογισμό της ροπής και της καμπυλότητας στη διαρροή, αναπτύσσονται απλές σχέσεις υπολογισμού, βασιζόμενες σε ανάλυση σε επίπεδο διατομής και καθορίζονται τα κατάλληλα κριτήρια διαρροής. Αναπτύσσονται ακολούθως σχέσεις υπολογισμού της παραμόρφωσης στη διαρροή, και συγκεκριμένα της γωνίας στροφής χορδής του μέλους στη διαρροή, θy, ως άθροισμα τριών όρων: καμπτικής παραμόρφωσης, διατμητικής παραμόρφωσης και παραμόρφωσης λόγω ολίσθησης των ράβδων διαμήκους οπλισμού από την περιοχή αγκύρωσης. Προτείνονται δε δύο εναλλακτικοί τρόποι υπολογισμού της ενεργού δυσκαμψίας, ένας θεωρητικός και ένας καθαρά εμπειρικός. Στη συνέχεια εξετάζεται η παραμόρφωση στην αστοχία και προτείνονται δύο εναλλακτικοί μέθοδοι υπολογισμού της γωνίας στροφής χορδής στην αστοχία, θu. Η 1η βασίζεται στον υπολογισμό της καμπυλότητας στην αστοχία, φu, με εφαρμογή του κατάλληλου προσομοιώματος περίσφιγξης του σκυροδέματος, και στην εφαρμογή της φu σε μήκος πλαστικής άρθρωσης ίσο με Lpl, ενώ η 2η σε καθαρά εμπειρικές εξισώσεις. Εξετάζεται ακολούθως η διατμητική αντοχή σε ανακυκλιζόμενη φόρτιση και προτείνονται προσομοιώματα για αστοχία σε διαγώνιο εφελκυσμό ή αστοχία σε λοξή θλίψη, μετά την καμπτική διαρροή. Στη συνέχεια εξετάζεται η συμπεριφορά μελών οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος υπό διαξονική καταπόνηση. Εξετάζονται επίσης μέλη με χαμηλό λόγο διάτμησης και προτείνονται νέα αντιπροσωπευτικότερα κριτήρια για τον χαρακτηρισμό ενός μέλους ως “κοντό μέλος”, καθώς και νέα μεθοδολογία υπολογισμού της αντοχής των μελών αυτών, με κατάλληλο συνδυασμό του προσομοιώματος των Shohara and Kato, 1981 και των Φαρδής και συνεργάτες 1998. Ακολούθως εξετάζονται μέλη ενισχυμένα με μανδύα σύνθετων υλικών και προτείνονται προσομοιώματα υπολογισμού της γωνίας στροφής χορδής στη διαρροή και την καμπτική αστοχία, καθώς και προσομοίωμα υπολογισμού της διατμητικής αντοχής. Στη συνέχεια εξετάζεται η συμπεριφορά μελών με μάτιση του διαμήκους οπλισμού στην περιοχή πλαστικής άρθρωσης, καθώς και η εφαρμογή μανδύα σύνθετων υλικών για την ενίσχυση της περιοχής αυτής. Τέλος εξετάζεται η συμπεριφορά στη διαρροή και στην αστοχία, μελών ενισχυμένων με μανδύα οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος. Η ανάπτυξη όλων των προτεινόμενων προσομοιωμάτων της διατριβής βασίζεται στην καλύτερη δυνατή συμφωνία με τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα της βάσης δεδομένων, χωρίς όμως να θυσιάζεται η απλότητα και η ευχρηστία αυτών. / The present Thesis belongs in the general field of seismic assessment, design and redesign of concrete structures with displacement based procedures. Modern methods of this kind are based in controlling and comparing seismic demand with structural elements capacity in terms of displacements rather than forces. This leads in the need of estimating reinforced concrete elements performance under bending and shear, in terms of displacements. The object of the Thesis is development of models for calculating the basic performance characteristics of reinforced concrete elements under bending, in particular: yield moment, deformation at yielding, effective stiffness, deformation at ultimate, shear strength under cyclic loading, maximum strength of members with low shear ratio and behavior under biaxial loading. Members with various types of section and various characteristics are included, as also members retrofitted with FRP jacket or concrete jacket and members with lap-splice of longitudinal reinforcement in plastic hinge region. In order to develop new models and check older ones, a database of more than 2800 experiments from international literature on reinforced concrete elements was created and used here. Simple equations and procedures are suggested for calculating yield moment and corresponding curvature, based on section analysis, by specifying the appropriate yield criteria. Equations for calculating deformation at yielding, in particular chord rotation at yielding, θy as the sum of deformations due to bending, due to shear and due to slippage of longitudinal reinforcement from anchorage zone, are also developed. Calculation of effective stiffness is based on two alternative models, one theoretical and one purely empirical. Deformation at ultimate is then examined where two methods for calculating chord rotation at ultimate are suggested. 1st one is based on ultimate curvature, φu, where an appropriate concrete confinement model is used, and plastic hinge length Lpl, while 2nd one is based on purely empirical equations. Shear strength under cyclic loading is also examined and new models for calculating shear strength for shear tension and shear compression failure after flexural yield are developed. Behavior of reinforced concrete elements under biaxial loading is then examined. Elements with low shear ratio are also covered and new, more representative, criteria to characterize an element as a “short element” are suggested. A procedure based on an appropriate combination of Shohara and Kato 1981 model and Fardis et al. 1998 model is then suggested for calculating maximum strength of such “short elements”. Retrofitted members with FRP jacket are then examined and models for chord rotation at yielding and ultimate, as well as for shear strength are suggested. Behavior of members with lap-splice of longitudinal reinforcement inside plastic hinge region is then examined, including also retrofitting of this region with FRP jacket. Performance at yielding and ultimate of retrofitted members with concrete jacket is also examined. Development of all the suggested models of the Thesis is based on best fit with experimental results of the database, without sacrificing simplicity and applicability of the models.

The modelling and optimal design of a three degree-of-freedom XYθz micro-motion stage.

Handley, Daniel Charles January 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents an investigation of the modelling and optimal design of a particular 3-degree-of-freedom (DOF) XYθz micro-motion stage. This stage provides micron-scale motion in X and Y directions and a rotation about the Z-axis. Such a stage can be used for applications where positioning of components with micrometre, or even nanometre positioning accuracy is required. Some applications are; the positioning of samples in a scanning-electron-microscope; the positioning of masks in lithography; aligning fibre-optics and lasers; and manipulation of micro-scale objects in micro-biology or micro-systems assembly. The XYθz micro-motion stage investigated in this study uses a particular topology of monolithic compliant mechanism and three stack piezoelectric actuators. The compliant mechanism used is a 3RRR (three revolute-revolute-revolute) parallel compliant mechanism using flexure hinges. This parallel mechanism uses three RRR linkages. Each of the three RRR linkages uses three circular profile flexure hinges. Each flexure hinge provides predominantly rotational motion about one axis. This topology of mechanism has a symmetrical structure and provides numerous advantages that make it appropriate for use in a micro-motion stage. However, as yet this topology of compliant mechanism has only been investigated by a handful of researchers and it has not been used in any commercially developed systems. The design methodology of a stage using the 3RRR compliant mechanism has not been investigated in detail. In this thesis a study is presented that investigates different approaches to model the 3RRR compliant mechanism and also considers the piezo-actuator modelling, to give the complete XYθz micro-motion stage. Three models are presented and compared; the Pseudo-Rigid-Body Model (PRBM); a two-dimensional Finite-Element-Model (2-D FEM); and a third model is developed that is similar to the PRBM, but uses analytical equations to model the multiple degree-of-freedom compliance of the flexure hinges. The models developed are then used in parametric study so that the relationship between design parameters and output behaviour can be understood. An optimal design approach is then presented to develop an XYθz micro-motion stage for a particular application in a Scanning-Electron-Microscope (SEM). Finally experimental validation of the models is presented. The results of this study indicate which modelling approaches are accurate enough to prove useful for design, while also considering which models are computationally simple enough to be efficient and easy to use. The kinematic and dynamic behaviour of the 3RRR compliant mechanism and XYθz micro-motion stage is discussed in detail. This includes; a comprehensive description of the stage workspace, defining reachable and constant-rotation workspace areas; a discussion of actuator coupling; and in depth investigation of the modes of vibration. The results of the parametric study provide useful insight to aid the design of the XYz micro-motion stage and help simplify optimal design. The parametric study also highlights the difference in trends predicted by different modelling methods, which demonstrates the importance of using an appropriate model in design. The experimental validation demonstrates the accuracy of some modelling approaches while highlighting the limited accuracy of others. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1272186 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Mechanical Engineering, 2007

Structural Studies on the Role of Hinge involved in Domain Swapping in Salmonella Typhimurium Stationary Phase Survival Protein (SurE) and Sesbania Mosaic Virus Coat Protein

Yamuna Kalyani, M January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
A unique mechanism of protein oligomerization is domain swapping. It is a feature found in some proteins wherein a dimer or a higher oligomer is formed by the exchange of identical structural segments between protomers. Domain swapping is thought to have played a key role in the evolution of stable oligomeric proteins and in oligomerization of amyloid proteins. This thesis deals with studies to understand the significance of hinges involved in domain swapping for protein oligomerization and function. The stationary phase survival protein SurE from Salmonella typhimurium (StSurE) and Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) coat protein have been used as models for studies on domain swapping. This thesis has been divided into eight chapters. Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction to domain swapping, while Chapters 2 to 6 describes the studies carried out on StSurE protein, Chapter 7 deals with studies on SeMV coat protein. The final Chapter 8 provides brief descriptions of various experimental techniques employed during these investigations. Chapter 1 deals with a brief introduction to domain swapping in proteins. Examples where different domains are exchanged are cited. Then it describes physiological relevance of domain swapping in proteins and probable factors which promote swapping. Finally it also discusses the uncertainties that are inevitable in protein structure prediction and design. Chapter 2 describes the structure of Salmonella typhimurium SurE (StSurE; Pappachan et al., 2008) determined at a higher resolution. The chapter also deals with the sequence and structure based comparison of StSurE with other known SurE homolog structures. A comparative analysis of the relative conservation of N- and C-terminal halves of SurE protomer and variations observed in the quaternary structures of SurE homologs are presented. Then a brief introduction is provided on function of StSurE. The conserved active site of StSurE that might be important for its phosphatase activity is described. A plausible mechanism for the phosphatase activity as proposed by Pappachan et al. (2008) is presented. Crystal structures of StSurE bound with AMP, pNPP and pNP that was determined with the view of better understanding the mechanism of enzyme function is presented. These structures provide structural evidence for the mechanism proposed by Pappachan et al. (2008). Finally a substrate entry channel inferred from these structures is discussed. SurE from Salmonella typhimurium (StSurE) was selected for studies on domain swapping as there is at least one homologous structure (Pyrobaculum aerophilum - PaSurE) in which swapping of the C-terminal helices appears to have been avoided without leading to the loss of oligomeric structure or function. It was of interest to examine if an unswapped dimer of StSurE resembling PaSurE dimer could be constructed by mutagenesis. To achieve this objective, a crucial hydrogen bond in the hinge involved in C-terminal helix swapping was abolished by mutagenesis. These mutants were constructed with the intention of increasing the flexibility of the hinge which might bring the C-terminal helices closer to the respective protomer as in PaSurE. Chapter 3 presents a comparative analysis of the hinges involved in C-terminal helix swapping in PaSurE and StSurE. Based on the comparison of structure and sequence, crucial residues important for C-terminal helix swapping in StSurE were identified as D230 and H234. The chapter describes the construction of mutants obtained by substituting D230 and H234 by alanine and their biophysical characterization. Finally it describes structural studies carried out on these mutants. The mutation H234A and D230A/H234A resulted in highly distorted dimers, although helix swapping was not avoided. Comparative analysis of the X-ray crystal structures of native StSurE and mutants H234A and D230A/H234A reveal large structural changes in the mutants relative to the native structure. However the crystal structures do not provide information on the changes in dynamics of the protein resulting from these mutations. To gain better insights into the dynamics involved in the native and mutants H234A and D230A/H234A, MD simulations were carried on using GROMACS 4.0.7. Chapter 4 deals with a brief description of the theory of molecular dynamics, followed by results of simulation studies carried out on monomeric and dimeric forms of StSurE and dimeric forms of its mutants H234A and D230A/H234A. The conformational changes and dynamics of different swapped segments are discussed. Crystal structures of H234A and D230A/H234A mutants reveal that they form highly distorted dimers with altered dimeric interfaces. Chapter 5 focuses on comparison of dimeric interfaces of the native StSurE and hinge mutants H234A and D230A/H234A. Based on the analysis, three sets of interactions were selected to investigate the importance of the interface formed by swapped segments in StSurE mutants H234A and D230A/H234A. One of the selected sites corresponds to a novel interaction involving tetramerization loop in the hinge mutants H234A and D230A/H234A resulting in a salt bridge between E112 – R179’ and E112’ – H180 (prime denotes residue from the other chain of the dimeric protein). This salt bridge seems to stabilize the distorted dimer. It is shown by structural studies that the loss of this salt bridge due to targeted mutation restores symmetry and dimeric organization of the mutants. Loss of a crucial hydrogen bond in the hinge region involved in C-terminal helix swapping in SurE not only leads to large structural changes but also alters the conformation of a loop near the active site. It is of interest to understand functional consequences of these structural changes. StSurE is a phosphatase, and its activity could be conveniently monitored using the synthetic substrate para nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) at pH 7 and 25 ºC. Chapter 6 deals with the functional studies carried out with various StSurE mutants. The studies suggest that there is a drastic loss in phosphatase activity in hinge mutants D230A, H234A and D230A/H234A, while in the salt bridge mutants the function seems to have been restored. Few of these mutants also exhibit positive cooperativity, which could probably be due to altered dynamics of domains. Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) is a plant virus, belonging to genus sobemovirus. SeMV is a T=3 icosahedral virus (532 symmetry) made up of 180 coat protein (CP) subunits enclosing a positive-sense RNA genome. The asymmetric unit of the icosahedral capsid is composed of chemically identical A, B and C subunits occupying quasi-equivalent environments. Residues 48 – 59 of the N-terminal arms of the C subunits interact at the nearby icosahedral three-fold axes through a network of hydrogen bonds to form a structure called the “β-annulus”. Residues 60 – 73 form the “βA-arm” that connects the N-terminal β-annulus to the rest of the protomer. Various studies on SeMV-CP suggest that different lengths of the N-terminal segments affect the assembly of virus. It might be possible to exploit this flexibility of the N-terminus in SeMV-CP to introduce swapping of this segment between two 2-fold related C subunits as is found in Rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV), another sobemovirus, with which SeMV shares significant sequence similarity. Chapter 7 focuses on attempts made to examine the mutational effects planned to introduce domain swapping. The strategy used for introducing swapping in SeMV-CP was based on the sequence of the βA-arm or the hinge involved in swapping of β-annulus in RYMV. TEM images of the mutant virus like particles obtained suggest that they are heterogeneous. These mutants could not be crystallized, probably due to the heterogeneity. However, the assembly of the expressed proteins to virus like particles was profoundly influenced by the mutations. Chapter 8 discusses various crystallographic, biophysical and biochemical techniques used during these investigations. Finally the thesis concludes with Conclusions and Future perspectives of the various studies reported in the thesis. In summary, I have addressed the importance of amino acid residues and interactions of hinges involved in domain swapping for the quaternary structure and function of proteins.

Statické řešení věžového vodojemu / Analysis of structure of watertower

Roudný, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The work deals with design of load-bearing structure of watertower. The solution include design and assessment of all main parts of watertower according to ČSN EN 1992 in the ultimate limit state and the serviceability limit state (crack limitation).

Design of body assemblies with distributed tasks under the support of parametric associative design (PAD)

Tecklenburg, Gerhard January 2011 (has links)
This investigation identifies how CAD models of typical automotive body assemblies could be defined to allow a continuous optimisation of the number of iterations required for the final design and the number of variants on the basis of Parametric Associative Design (PAD) and how methodologies for the development of surfaces, parts and assemblies of the automotive body can be represented and structured for a multiple re-use in a collaborative environment of concept phase of a Product Evolution (Formation) Process (PEP). The standardisation of optimised processes and methodologies and the enhanced interaction between all parties involved in product development could lead to improve product quality and reduce development time and hence expenses. The fundamental principles of PAD, the particular methodologies used in automotive body design and the principles of methodical development and design in general are investigated. The role which automotive body engineers play throughout the activities of the PEP is also investigated. The distribution of design work in concept teams of automotive body development and important methodologies for the design of prismatic profile areas is critically analysed. To address the role and distribution of work, 25 group work projects were carried out in cooperation with the automotive industry. Large assemblies of the automotive bodies were developed. The requirements for distributed design work have been identified and improved. The results of the investigation point towards a file based, well structured administration of a concept design, with a zone based approach. The investigation was extended to the process chain of sections, which are used for development of surfaces, parts and assemblies. Important methods were developed, optimised and validated with regard to an update safe re-use of 3D zone based CAD models instead of 2D sections. The thesis presents a thorough description of the research undertaken, details the experimental results and provides a comprehensive analysis of them. Finally it proposes a unique methodology to a zone based approach with a clearly defined process chain of sections for an update-safe re-use of design models.

Vliv dlouhých optovláknových tras na polarizační stav světla a jejich využití pro napájení polarizačních senzorů / Long optical fibre routes influence on the polarizing state of light and uses it for powering polarization sensors

Panascí, Marco January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the influence of long fiber optic paths on the polarization state of light and their use for powering polarization sensors. The aim of the diploma thesis was to design the arrangement of optical fiber components so that the polarization properties of light at the end of the path are further usable for sensory purposes. Four partial measurements with a long path (in a laboratory setting, laying in the ground, on a curtain, under the influence of external influence) and one measurement without a path under the influence of external influence were designed. The overall measurement results demonstrate that for the functional power supply of long-distance sensor systems, an existing single-mode fiber can be used (laid by laying in the ground), into which a light source for a given sensor system would be multiplexed. In the discussion, all types of measurements are analyzed and compared with each other. Finally, the overall result is summarized and applications are described in which such a sensor system could be used.

Der Thüringer Wald im Zeitraum der Stefan-Unterperm-Entwicklung - ein Abschnitt der Zentraleuropäischen N-S-Riftzone innerhalb des Mitteleuropäischen Großschollenscharniers

Andreas, Dieter 11 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die einer unterschiedlichen Genese zuordenbaren tektonischen Strukturen, welche sich im Raum des Thüringer Waldes bündeln, formten in einem gerichteten Entwicklungsablauf das komplizierteste und vielseitigste hochoberkarbonisch-unterpermische Strukturgebäude Mitteleuropas. In dieser Arbeit wird der Versuch einer Synthese der strukturellen und der daran geknüpften vulkanogen-sedimentären Entwicklung innerhalb der permokarbonischen Thüringer Wald-Senke und ihres unmittelbaren mitteleuropäischen Umfeldes unternommen. Sie stützt sich dabei maßgeblich auf die Ergebnisse langfristig durchgeführter Kartierungsarbeiten, die in diskontinuierlichen Bearbeitungsphasen seit 1957 bis in die 90er Jahre des vergangenen Jahrhunderts erfolgten. Einbezogen werden die Ergebnisse von insgesamt 54 Forschungs- und Erkundungsbohrungen, die zu einem Großteil im Kontext dieser Arbeiten geteuft worden sind. 36 Bohrprofile werden hier erstmals vollständig beschrieben und publiziert. Neben einer nochmaligen Überprüfung der gesamten lithostratigraphischen Abfolge in der permokarbonischen Thüringer Wald-Senke besteht die Zielstellung der Arbeit in deren Einbindung in die regionale mitteleuropäische strukturelle Entwicklung während dieser Zeitspanne, beginnend bei den potenziellen variszisch-kollisional angelegten Wurzeln der permokarbonischen Strukturen, über ihre weitere tektono-magmatische Ausgestaltung bis hin zur Ausprägung der postvariszischen Großschollenfelderung Mitteleuropas am Ende des Permokarbons.

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