Spelling suggestions: "subject:"history off emotions"" "subject:"history oof emotions""
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“Histórias fingidas” : admiração e maravilhamento no Amadís de GaulaAlberto, Rodrigo Moraes January 2015 (has links)
Reflexo de um processo histórico anterior, os romances de cavalaria fazem surgir no final do medievo ibérico uma nova moda literária, que mescla a tradição míticocavaleiresca com as mudanças sociais que caracterizam o movimentado período histórico. Estes libros se configuram durante quase um século como um sucesso de mercado, modelo de experiência máxima da nobreza cavalheiresca em um mundo cujos baluartes mostram-se movediços e sensíveis. Para além de conter uma coleção de mirabilia como objeto, estes romances são dispositivos maravilhantes que têm função e criam significações em um momento de experiência deslocada, num jogo de perspectiva. Sob a história das emoções, este trabalho se propõe a analisar a admiração no mundo ibérico quinhentista a partir da construção do dispositivo de maravilhamento. / Reflection from a previous historical process, the chivalric romances do arise at the end of the Iberian medieval a new literary fashion, blending the mythic-chivalric tradition with social changes that characterize the bustling historical period. These libros are configured for nearly a century as a market success is a model and height of a focused literature to chivalrous nobility, in a world where their moral and aesthetic strongholds show is unstable and sensitive. These novels are wrapped device boggling's appearances. Stemmed from the need to rethink the wonderful study. This study analyzes the admiration and the Iberian world from the sixteenth century construction of the wonder device.
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'As fowle a ladie as the smale pox could make her' : facial damage and disfigurement in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century EnglandWebb, Michelle Louise January 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates facial damage and disfigurement in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England, with a primary emphasis upon acquired disfigurement as a result of trauma or disease. It considers facial damage and disfigurement from the perspectives of those whose own faces were affected, those who encountered others with damaged faces, and the medical practitioners who treated and wrote about facial damage. The central research questions addressed here are: what was it like to have, to see, or to treat an atypical face in early modern England? The thesis is structured so that it addresses three main aspects of this subject. The first is the medical and surgical treatment of the face, and the ways in which medical practitioners discussed the facially damaged patients whom they encountered. The second main area of research is the impact that the gendered framework of early modern society had upon responses to facial difference. The third area of research is into the role played by disgust in determining reactions to some facial damage. This section of the thesis investigates the non-visual aspects of some facial damage and the extent to which the fluids and smells produced by the damage caused by conditions such as the pox might have resulted in stigmatisation. Together, these three strands of research form a wide-ranging investigation into the experience of, and responses to, facial damage and disfigurement in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England.
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The Franco-American love affaire : transnational courtship and marriage patterns during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries / L’histoire d’amour Franco-Américaine : modèles de relations et mariages transnationaux aux dix-neuvième et vingtième sièclesLeopoldie, Nicole 29 September 2017 (has links)
Situé dans les méthodologies de l’histoire transnationale, l’histoire culturelle, et l’histoire des émotions, cette œuvre examine et compare des modèles de fréquentation et de mariage entre la France et les Etats-Unis pendant les dix-neuvième et vingtième siècles. Les pratiques sociales de fréquentation et de mariage étant devenues des mécanismes aux travers desquels les frontières étaient franchies et de nouveaux espaces culturels étaient créés, ils représentent d’importants éléments d’enchevêtrements transnationaux. Ainsi, cette œuvre non seulement cherche à examiner comment des modèles visibles de mariage transnationaux émergent de ces espaces sociaux créées par ces rencontres interculturelles entre les deux sociétés, mais aussi à montrer comment les dynamiques de ces rencontres ont changé avec le temps. Bien que d’autres études sur le sujet ont pointé du doigt les évidentes raisons socio-économiques de ces mariages, je soutiens que de telles rationalisations sont simplement trop étroites et que de plus larges réflexions doivent inclure les motivations culturelles et émotionnelles, motivations qui ont toujours été en arrière-plan. En localisant et en identifiant les espaces transnationaux qui ont contribué à ces mariages, et en analysant les dimensions culturelles et émotionnelles de ces espaces, j’argumente que les acteurs de ces mariages étaient principalement guidés par un fort attachement émotionnel aux différences culturelles perçues, attachement qui va au-delà de l’unité sociale nationale. Au sein de ces contextes globaux changeant des dix-neuvième et vingtième siècles, ces mariages soulèvent donc d’importantes questions concernant la construction familiale, le rôle du mariage dans la construction d’une cohésion et d’une appartenance nationales, et la perméabilité des frontières nationales pendant les différentes étapes de la construction nationale. / Situated in the methodologies of transnational history, cultural history, and the history of emotions, this work examines and compares courtship and marriage patterns that occurred between France and the United States during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Because the social practices of courtship and marriage became mechanisms through which borders were crossed and new cultural spaces were created, these relationships represent important elements of transnational entanglements. This work, therefore, not only seeks to examine the ways in which observable patterns of transnational marriage emerged out of social spaces of cross-cultural encounter between the two societies but also how the dynamics of those encounters changed over time. While existing scholarship on the subject has pointed to obvious socio economic motivations for these marriages, I contend that such rationalizations are simply too narrow and that greater analytical considerations need to include both cultural and emotional motivations that were always in the background. By locating and identifying transnational spaces that produced marriages, and analyzing the cultural and emotional dimensions of those spaces, I argue that marriage participants were largely driven by a strong emotional attachment to perceived cultural differences that stretched beyond the national polity. Within the shifting global contexts of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, these marriages, therefore, provoke important questions regarding family formation, the role of marriage in the making of national cohesion and belonging, and the permeability of national borders during different stages of the national project.
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Les souvenirs de la détresse. L’écriture de l’affectivité dans quelques Mémoires français du XVIIe siècle / Memory of emotional distress. Writing emotions in the seventeenth century French MemoirsSubotic, Goran 16 January 2018 (has links)
En rédigeant des récits rétrospectifs sur leurs vies, les mémorialistes du XVIIe siècle prétendent davantage rendre compte de leur vie publique et des événements historiques que de témoigner sur leur vie privée, sur leur intériorité et sur les aspects de leur personnalité. Peut-on dès lors dire dans les Mémoires ce qui fait mal ? Quelles sont les modalités scripturales de l’expression de l’émotion ? Quels effets narratifs un tel récit a-t-il sur la composition générale de l’oeuvre ?Cette thèse s’interroge sur l’écriture de l’affectivité dans un contexte de la tradition mémorielle du XVIIe siècle dont le discours sur l’émotion fait l’objet d’un double contrôle. D’une part, les interventions éditoriales posthumes des Mémoires, informées par une vision historiographique du genre, modifient les textes originaux pour qu’ils paraissent moins personnels et moins partiaux en vue de contribuer à l’Histoire. D’autre part, l’écriture des Mémoires se réalise dans un contexte social et culturel qui veut que le discours émotionnel, aussi bien écrit que parlé, soit soumis à un régime de la modération des émotions et à une autocensure quand il s’agit de parler de soi. L’écriture de l’émotion dans les Mémoires doit dès lors être comprise dans ses conditions culturelles de production en tant que dépendante d’une situation sociale spécifique du mémorialiste.L’expression du désarroi est le produit d’une incessante négociation entre le silence et la parole, entre le dicible et l’indicible, entre ce qu’il convient de dire et ce qu’il convient de taire. C’est ce point de tension qui apparaît dans les récits de l’expérience personnelle des auteurs entre l’expression de l’émotion ressentie par les narrateurs à la première personne, d’une part, et l’effort pour atténuer leur sensibilité dans le geste de l’écriture, d’autre part, qui fait le noyau principal de cette recherche. / One of the most significant characteristics of the seventeenth century French Memoirs is their proximity to the historiographical practice. Rather than being accounts of the author’s inwardness, or stories about the evolution of their personality and private life, Memoirs are narratives whose main focus is witnessing historical events. These texts showcase author’s public life, career and participation in political events. However, it is not rare for these authors to personally witness bloodshed, the horrors of war, rejection, exile, injustice or grief, and remembering those experiences does not seem to leave them indifferent. Is it possible for these historical narratives to express emotional distress, pain and trauma, given that the personal discourse in Memoirs is often subjected to layers of censorship?This dissertation examines the expression of affectivity in the specific context of seventeenth-century memorial tradition in which the emotional discourse is subdued by two main types of control and regulation. On the one hand, editors profoundly modify original texts so that they seem less personal and, hence, less partial, subsequently increasing their status as credible historical sources. On the other hand, the practice of Memoir writing is taking place in a social and cultural context which is hostile to the uninhibited emotional discourse and self-expression.The expression of emotional distress is a result of a continuous dialogue between silence and the written word, between what can and cannot be expressed, between what is appropriate to say and what is appropriate to stay silent about.We studied discourses and narrative practices which allow authors to witness about their emotional distress and to express, voluntarily or involuntarily, what they feel. We insisted on the discourses which elude both social control and editorial interventions; in other words, parts of the Memoirs where affectivity is expressed despite all odds.
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The affective communities of Protestantism in North West England, c.1660-c.1740Smith, Michael January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation explores how feeling was of central importance to the religiosity of Protestants in the north west of England between 1660 and 1740. It demonstrates how in their personal, familial, public and voluntary religious practices these Protestants understood the cultivation of emotions, or more precisely 'affections', as indispensable for the fulfilment of their devotional exercises. Each of these practices was constructive of communities that were linked by feeling and within which different forms of affective norms were expected. These communities preserved much of that godly culture which had otherwise characterised English Protestantism in the earlier seventeenth century. Moreover, by doing so they frequently minimised in part the importance of conformity to the Church of England. Friendships were maintained between conformists and nonconformists and they shared in a culture of religious feeling, which drew on the same topoi in their religious activities. This thesis will make original contributions to a number of debates. It challenges the prevailing narratives of a 'reaction against enthusiasm' dominating the religious discourse of the period. In contrast, it suggests that through the cultivation of feeling, Protestants in the period between the re-establishment of the Church of England and the Evangelical Revival continued to experience a vital religiosity. It thus also questions the suitability of describing some religious movements as inherently more 'emotional' than others. A more viable exploration can be found in differing forms of emotionality in different religious cultures. By examining the north west of England the thesis also revises the notion that the region was spiritually impoverished before the rise of Methodism, or that the religion provided by the Church of England and Protestant nonconformity failed to engage its attendants. The thesis is divided into five chapters which explore the affective communities to which English Protestants of the period and region belonged. These communities were concentric and sequential, in that the individual Protestant might pass between all of them depending upon their devotional practice. Chapter One examines personal religious devotion, conducted mostly alone. It demonstrates the unity between feeling and reason in personal experience of God. Chapter Two examines family religion and how it was defined by a meditative affect and engaged in by a broad spectrum of Protestant affiliation. Chapter Three explores public worship and its central role within the devotional economy; being both the affective crescendo of devotional practice and being a source of pious affections. Chapter Four looks at voluntary religious practices, showing how friendship was defined by its devotional nature and how the various religious societies of the period continued to promote an affective religiosity. Chapter Five considers clerical communities and how these were maintained across lines of conformity and also provided significant spiritual succour to the ministers of conformity and nonconformity in the region.
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“Histórias fingidas” : admiração e maravilhamento no Amadís de GaulaAlberto, Rodrigo Moraes January 2015 (has links)
Reflexo de um processo histórico anterior, os romances de cavalaria fazem surgir no final do medievo ibérico uma nova moda literária, que mescla a tradição míticocavaleiresca com as mudanças sociais que caracterizam o movimentado período histórico. Estes libros se configuram durante quase um século como um sucesso de mercado, modelo de experiência máxima da nobreza cavalheiresca em um mundo cujos baluartes mostram-se movediços e sensíveis. Para além de conter uma coleção de mirabilia como objeto, estes romances são dispositivos maravilhantes que têm função e criam significações em um momento de experiência deslocada, num jogo de perspectiva. Sob a história das emoções, este trabalho se propõe a analisar a admiração no mundo ibérico quinhentista a partir da construção do dispositivo de maravilhamento. / Reflection from a previous historical process, the chivalric romances do arise at the end of the Iberian medieval a new literary fashion, blending the mythic-chivalric tradition with social changes that characterize the bustling historical period. These libros are configured for nearly a century as a market success is a model and height of a focused literature to chivalrous nobility, in a world where their moral and aesthetic strongholds show is unstable and sensitive. These novels are wrapped device boggling's appearances. Stemmed from the need to rethink the wonderful study. This study analyzes the admiration and the Iberian world from the sixteenth century construction of the wonder device.
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“Histórias fingidas” : admiração e maravilhamento no Amadís de GaulaAlberto, Rodrigo Moraes January 2015 (has links)
Reflexo de um processo histórico anterior, os romances de cavalaria fazem surgir no final do medievo ibérico uma nova moda literária, que mescla a tradição míticocavaleiresca com as mudanças sociais que caracterizam o movimentado período histórico. Estes libros se configuram durante quase um século como um sucesso de mercado, modelo de experiência máxima da nobreza cavalheiresca em um mundo cujos baluartes mostram-se movediços e sensíveis. Para além de conter uma coleção de mirabilia como objeto, estes romances são dispositivos maravilhantes que têm função e criam significações em um momento de experiência deslocada, num jogo de perspectiva. Sob a história das emoções, este trabalho se propõe a analisar a admiração no mundo ibérico quinhentista a partir da construção do dispositivo de maravilhamento. / Reflection from a previous historical process, the chivalric romances do arise at the end of the Iberian medieval a new literary fashion, blending the mythic-chivalric tradition with social changes that characterize the bustling historical period. These libros are configured for nearly a century as a market success is a model and height of a focused literature to chivalrous nobility, in a world where their moral and aesthetic strongholds show is unstable and sensitive. These novels are wrapped device boggling's appearances. Stemmed from the need to rethink the wonderful study. This study analyzes the admiration and the Iberian world from the sixteenth century construction of the wonder device.
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Känslans patriark : sensibilitet och känslopraktiker i Carl Christoffer Gjörwells familj och vänskapskrets, ca 1790-1810 / Patriarch of feeling : sensibility and emotional practices in the family and friendship circle of Carl Christoffer Gjörwell, c. 1790-1810Lindblom, Ina January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is a study of how the culture of sensibility was expressed in the everyday practices and social relations of the Gjörwell family. Headed by publicist, publisher and royal librarian Carl Christoffer Gjörwell (1731-1811), the Gjörwell family served as the centre of a wide circle of friends in late 18th-century Stockholm. Gjörwell has been regarded as one of the first Swedish representatives of 18th-century sensibility as well as an archetype of the Swedish cult of friendship. Due to his effusive emotional expressiveness and passionate friendships with other men, Gjörwell has largely been derided as effeminate by researchers from the 19th century onwards. Using theoretical perspectives from the field of the history of emotions (more concretely the perspectives of William Reddy, Barbara Rosenwein and Monique Scheer) this study centres on the emotional practices of the Gjörwell family, especially taking aspects of gender, class, sexuality and power into account. Gjörwell’s vast collection of family and friendship correspondence forms the empirical basis of this study. This study shows that the Gjörwell family and circle of friends in many ways could be regarded as an emotional community in which primarily emotions of happiness and joy are expressed. Furthermore, this study shows how the exercise of power could form part in the creation of an emotional community, as Gjörwell makes constant attempts to influence the way family members and friends manage their emotions, strongly dissuading them from the expression of melancholy. Although he has been viewed as effeminate by posterity, Gjörwell in fact regards himself as manly. This is due to his ability to remain joyful through adversities which testifies to his strong, and therefore manly, nervous organisation. This study thus further illustrates how a marked shift in masculine gender norms took place between the 18th and 19th centuries. This study also shows how expression of tender emotion could be a way of reinforcing personal status. This was due to the close association made between sensibility and virtue, in itself a central concept during this era. As Gjörwell is denied recognition in his professional life, the expression of tender emotion – and thus of virtue – becomes an important aspect of his personal life.
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The body (un)balanced : humoral theory and late medieval literatureMayrhofer, Sonja Nicole 01 May 2015 (has links)
My dissertation examines late medieval literature through the lens of medical history, especially humoral psychology. Although the humors are still of interest to the history of medicine, they are often overlooked in current literary criticism. My project examines how the humors influenced representations of bodies in medieval literary texts (St. Erkenwald, Chaucer's Franklin's Tale, Richard Coer de Lyon, and Marie de France's Yonec). In chapters exploring the connection between the humors and religious devotion, marriage, cannibalism, and shape-shifting, I show that humoral psychology was not just a medical theory known to medieval medical practitioners, but also a deeply influential cosmology for the literary representation of bodies and emotions.
I approach this project from two angles, using a methodology that relies on textual analysis and cultural contextualization. My work also aligns itself with scholars who have explored early modern works through the lens of historical phenomenology (Smith, Paster, Floyd-Wilson, Rowe). The project moreover encourages and contributes to the dialogue between the humanities and sciences in general and literature and medicine more specifically, as it makes connections to medical theories post-Descartes (Damasio) and to current scholarship regarding non-Western medical practices (Horden; Hsu) that discuss debates about balancing emotions and locating those emotions within the physical body. My project thus provides an analytical approach for interpreting medieval literature via medical models while also showing what the medieval period can contribute to the ongoing work of assessing the role of emotions in the past and its continued resonance in current medical debates.
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"Jag fäller då mången saknadens tår öfver flydda sällare år" : En känslohistorisk studie av amerikabrev från 1886-1925 / "I shed many tears for the loss of better years" : A history of emotions of American letters from 1886-1925Johansson, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to explore the emotional dimension through letters from three immigrants that left Sweden 1887, 1892 and 1901. The questions asked were the following: 1) which emotions are expressed in relation to the Swedish society, 2) which emotions are expressed to the American society and 3) what are the main differences between the emotions of Swedish and American society? With the use of Martha Nussbaum’s theory of emotion, Hugo Nordlands discontinuity perspective and Barbara Rosenwein’s emotional communities as theoretical framework, the results show that homesickness, nostalgia and concern are the prominent emotions in relation to Swedish society. They are related to the emotional objects of family, friends and the letter-writer’s place of origin. Hope and affinity are the prominent emotions in relation to American society, related to the emotional objects of friends, holiday seasons and language. The emotional differences between the Swedish society and the American society are individual, and constitutes from the letter-writers identification with, and adaption to, the American society in addition to their actions, future hopes and dreams.
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