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Ústavněprávní aspekty korespondenčního hlasování při výkonu volebního práva / Constitutional aspects of postal voting in the exercise of the right to voteŘehořek, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Resumé The topic of this diploma thesis is Constitutional aspects of postal voting in the exercise of the right to vote. The main aim of this diploma thesis is to provide the answer to the following couple of questions: Should the postal voting be introduced in the Czech Republic? And if the answer is yes, what would be the most suitable form? The right to vote is an essential part of a democratic state and it is a fundamental right of every citizen of the Czech Republic over 18 years of age. The Czech Republic allows its citizens to exercise their right to vote abroad, however, the current state of the legislation may be considered problematic. In the thesis, I provide the arguments for such conclusion; the main argument being very low turnout of voters abroad in comparison with the estimated number of citizens residing abroad on both long and short term basis. Although all citizens have guaranteed the same rights, the current electoral legislation in fact causes serious disadvantages to the voters abroad; the electoral legislation requires repeated personal attendance in distant embassies, where the voter can exercise his right to vote. Furthermore, I mention the problematic aspects of the right to vote within the territory of the Czech Republic, which are connected especially to the possibility of voters...
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Bezpečnost elektronického hlasování / Security of an Electronic Voting SystemFritzová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Electronic elections, also known as i-voting might help in removing the crisis in our democracy, which is reflected in non-cooperation in the opportunity of expressing their opinions during direct elections. Automation that is brought by i-voting process could mean reducing the risk of human error and also the risk of votes manipulation. On the other hand, the introduction of i-voting means the rise of new risks and vulnerabilities, which could attacker exploit to breach the security i-voting process. Thesis analyzes the Estonian electronic election system and system SERVE in terms of infrastructure and functionality of their components, identifies and suggests the basic possibilities of attacks on these systems. A special section is devoted to the electronic election system in Norway, where the cryptographic theory, which is the base for this system, was reviewed and the evidence that proofs the safety of this system was designed. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Bezpečnost elektronického hlasování / Security of an Electronic Voting SystemFritzová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Electronic elections, also known as i-voting might help in removing the crisis in our democracy, which is reflected in non-cooperation in the opportunity of expressing their opinions during direct elections. A reasonable set up of information and communication technologies in technical and financial terms could help that elections would be attended by more voters. The implementation of electronic elections could achieve that the way of governance in the democratic republic will be truly represented by the view of the vast majority of people who are authorized to elect. The introduction of the i-voting system could be efficient from the financial point of view. This electoral process could reduce the risk of human error as well as the risk of manipulation of votes since most of the processes would be automated. Thesis proposes a definition of the basic requirements for an ideal i-voting system which compares the requirements for ensuring the safety of two previously proposed electronic electoral systems. Thanks to a deeper analysis of these two systems the thesis also describes the imperfection in safety and it raises the possibility of basic attacks on components and systems properties due to imperfections in security.
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Škálovatelné hlasování s ochranou soukromí hlasů založené na blockchainu / Scalable 1-out-of-k Blockchain-Based Voting with Privacy of VotesStančíková, Ivana January 2021 (has links)
The main subject of this work is the assessment of electronic voting systems with regard to their required and achieved properties. The goal of this project is designing an electronic voting protocol that satisfies the requirements for privacy protection while also being scalable and fault-tolerant. Existing protocols are examined and compared according to their properties. The design proposed in this work uses smart contracts on blockchain and combines the approaches from the examined solutions. Scalability is achieved by dividing the process of voting between several smart contracts. Each of these contracts carries out the voting in small scale with only a subset of voters and the partial results are then aggregated. The problem of finding a suitable platform for implementation of the proposed protocol is also addressed in this work.
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Youth participation in electoral process in GhanaBoateng, Anthony January 2019 (has links)
The democratic structure and institutions of government of Ghana resumed force on December 7th, 1992, after decades of military rule. For democracy to be considered ideal, it must satisfy certain criteria among which elections are prominent. Though it does not suffice to claim perfection of democracy on the basis of countless successful elections and peaceful transitions, elections are vital in the process of democratization. The youth of Ghana has been sidelined in the process of meaningful and responsible electoral process; their roles have been reduced to the perpetuation of election crimes by politicians of power and influence. Though, the youth have shown interest in politics through forms such as influencing executive decisions through positive agitations, serving as supporting bases for parties and assisting in fundraising, serving as polling agents for their sympathized parties, and performing election functions on behalf of the Electoral Commission, these roles are limited to a few youth who have proven themselves worthy, a chunk of the youth avail themselves to be used as tools in the hands of politicians to perpetuate crime. Their desire to engage in politics and electoral process in a useful way has been barred by a number of factors. 25 politically knowledgeable respondents were selected, interviewed through social media platforms, it was identified that, the youth are not entirely disregarded in the political and election process, nonetheless, their involvement is conditional on the whims of political god-fathers who use the youth in meeting their political ends. Their apathy towards elections is borne from their disappointment in the political leaders. Conscious state policy to motivate the youth to take up meaningful electoral roles and the need to establish a youth political party whose leadership is strictly youth was recommended.
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Bordovo hlasování jako alternativa k ostatním typům ordinálních většinových volebních systémů / Borda rule as an alternative to other types of ordinal majoritarian electoral systemsŠvec, Radek January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the less studied electoral systems, which are called ordinal. These methods allow the voters to order the candidates according to their preferences. The work provides a historical insight into this issue with regard to economics and political science theories, based on the concept of the Condorcet winner. Condorcet winner is the person who defeats all other candidates in pairwise elections and by theorists of the electoral system is the ability to choose the Condorcet winner essential. The work examines three electoral methods - alternative and suplementary vote and Borda rule. These electoral systems are analyzed in terms of effects to system of political parties, political actors and the electorate, with the emphasis on the utilization rate of preferential votes. These aspects are examined on the basis of the actual election results obtained from the website of the electoral commissions and independent institutions. Based on these data, a mathematical model that compares the effects of electoral systems is then created. The conclusion summarizes the results of the analysis and the author expresses further recommendations to address these electoral methods, not only professionally and scientifically, but also as real alternatives for real election.
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Ochrana menšinových akcionářů po rekodifikaci českého soukromého práva / Protection of minority shareholders after the recodification of Czech private lawKolesár, Rastislav January 2015 (has links)
Protection of minority shareholders after the recodification of Czech private law This thesis is concerned with the instruments designated for protection of minority shareholders, their reasons and aims. The thesis critically assesses Czech legislation concerning the protection of minority shareholders, with the focus on new instruments and interpretation ambiguities and having regard to the opinions of professional public. After assessing the opinions of professional public, the author presents his own view on interpretation ambiguities. The thesis is systematically divided into seven chapters. Chapter One includes general terminology definitions. Terms shareholder, Czech public limited company, minority shareholder and qualified shareholder are explained. The term of protection of minority shareholders is explained here as well. Chapter Two includes general summary of the legislation concerned with protection of minority shareholders. The chapter divided according to the individual legal areas containing the protection. It includes complex outline of minority shareholder rights, with regard to their reasons and aims. Chapter Three includes detailed view and justification of use of correspondence voting, the instrument of attendance of general meetings by technological means, and cumulative...
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Politická makrogeografie Evropského parlamentu / Political Macro-geography of the European ParliamentRec, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis has several objetcs. The main objective is to answer the research question and seven hypotheses including elections to the European Parliament and MEPs behaviour from individual europarties. Some hypotheses include the participation of the electorate of the member states in elections to the EP, while others relate to participation of MEPs in voting, cohesion and coalitions that are formed in the parliament. Data on voting are obtained thanks to a project created by the London School of Economics. These data are already clearly adjusted, because official data on voting the European Parliament show in a form that could not be analyzed without software support. After the introduction follow two chapters, in which there is described theoretical framework involving the search of relevant sources on the European Parliament, describing his position within key institutions of the EU, its function, history, and empowerment to the election of MEPs to the europarties. The results show some charasteristic patterns in the European Parliament. MEPs in most cases hold the party line rather than national. However, there are some cases, where individual nations across europarties vote uniformly, even though this behavior in some of them oppose to the attitude of a majority of the party. Large...
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Volby do zastupitelstev obcí v České republice / Elections to Municipal Councils in the Czech RepublicPacovský, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
- Elections to Municipal Councils in the Czech Republic The topic of my Master'degree thesis are the elections to municipal councils in the Czech Republic. I chose this topic mainly because these elections receive considerably less attention of professional literature and the media than other kinds of elections, particularly the elections to the Chamber of Deputies. It is so, although the decisions made by the municipal councils often have the biggest impact on the lives of ordinary people. Also this year, there were some interesting cases related to the elections to municipal councils that the Constitutional Court had to decide and that only made my interest greater. The aim of this thesis is to give a complex description of the legislation concerning the elections to municipal councils, to try to give some evaluation of this legislation and to suggest some possible changes to this legislation. This thesis consists of introduction, eight chapters and conclusion and its structure is essentially based on the structure of the Act No. 491/2001 Sb., on Elections to Representative Bodies of Municipalities and on Amendments to Certain Other Laws as amended. The introduction pursues the reasons why the elections to municipal councils receive such relatively small attention and the problems which the...
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Politické aspkety územní samosprávy - mechanismus komunálních voleb / Political Aspect of Local GovernmentNovotná, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the local elections in 2014. It focuses on the District Děčín. The aim is to assess the importance of preferential votes in the distribution of political seats in municipal councils. Meaning of preferential votes is assessed using the variation coeficient, which is calculated for all the municipalities in district Děčín. The operational objective is to evaluate the use of preferential votes in the electoral behavior, which also results from the values of the variation coefficient.
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