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The role of roads on hydrological response : Modeling and assessment for Swedish watershedsNickman, Alireza January 2014 (has links)
Understanding the role of road networks in alteration of hydrological responses is crucial for maintaining the accessibility and durability of road infrastructures. Road construction is one of the most common man made disturbances to a landscape. However, still the quantitative role of road topographical and geo-morphological properties on the hydrological response of storms in catchments is only partially understood. The aim of this study was to use new methods to estimate and quantify the flood hazard probability with reference to the most influential physical catchment descriptors and road characteristics. In addition physical based modelling was used to estimate the effect of road topography on the hydrological responses of watersheds to storms with different intensities. A simple method was developed and discussed to address the most susceptible locations to flooding along the roads. Multivariate statistical analysis (PLS) employed to quantify the flood risk probability in the road-stream crossings concerning the correlation between the quantities of the physical catchment descriptors and occurrence/absence of flooding. The most influential factors in describing the probability of flooding along the roads were topographic wetness index, soil properties, road density and channel slopes. A detailed study of simulated flow duration curves showed differences between 20 watersheds for three different storms based on a digital elevation data with and without roads. An increase in peak flow and reduced delay occurred with increased storm intensity. However, the impact of the roads was much smaller and only possible to identify by detailed examination of statistical descriptors. / <p>QC 20140214</p>
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Hydrology Modeling using HEC-HMS (Hydrological Engineering Centre-Hydrologic Modeling System) is accepted globally for event-based or continuous simulation of the rainfall-runoff operation. Similarly, Machine learning is a fast-growing discipline that offers numerous alternatives suitable for hydrology research's high demands and limitations. Conventional and process-based models such as HEC-HMS are typically created at specific spatiotemporal scales and do not easily fit the diversified and complex input parameters. Therefore, in this research, the effectiveness of Random Forest, a machine learning model, was compared with HEC-HMS for the rainfall-runoff process. In addition, Point gauge observations have historically been the primary source of the necessary rainfall data for hydrologic models. However, point gauge observation does not provide accurate information on rainfall's spatial and temporal variability, which is vital for hydrological models. Therefore, this study also evaluates the performance of satellite and radar precipitation products for hydrological analysis. The results revealed that integrated Machine Learning and physical-based model could provide more confidence in rainfall-runoff and flood depth prediction. Similarly, the study revealed that radar data performance was superior to the gauging station's rainfall data for the hydrologic analysis in large watersheds. The discussions in this research will encourage researchers and system managers to improve current rainfall-runoff simulation models by application of Machine learning and radar rainfall data.
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Análise de medidas de controle de inundações a partir da avaliação de cenários de uso e ocupação do solo na bacia hidrográfica do Córrego do Gregório, São Carlos - SP / Analysis of flood control measures from the assessment of land use scenarios in the Gregorio stream basin, São Carlos - SPDecina, Thiago Galvão Tiradentes 15 June 2012 (has links)
O processo de urbanização vem ocorrendo na maioria das cidades brasileiras de forma desorganizada. Desse modo, um problema recorrente que afeta diversos municípios brasileiros são as inundações. A falta de um planejamento que levasse em consideração a drenagem urbana no início do desenvolvimento das cidades acaba criando condições para que as inundações sejam deflagradas a cada época chuvosa. Assim, mostra-se necessária a planificação de medidas preventivas e corretivas que abordem essa questão, a fim de que os prejuízos causados pelas inundações sejam minimizados. Dessa forma, a modelação hidrológica aparece como uma poderosa ferramenta, ao tornar possível uma análise das medidas de controle, através da criação de cenários e simulação de eventos hidrológicos. Nesse contexto o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar, por meio de simulação hidrológica e hidráulica, o desempenho de algumas medidas de controle de inundação, estruturais e não-estruturais. Para tanto, com o auxílio do programa ArcGIS 9.3 e imagens de satélite de alta resolução, a bacia hidrográfica do Córrego do Gregório, em São Carlos SP, foi digitalizada e foram criados cenários alternativos que incorporaram as medidas de controle. Através da utilização dos softwares HEC-HMS e HEC-RAS foram realizadas as modelações hidráulica e hidrológica, utilizando tempos de retorno de 25, 50 e 100 anos para a chuva de projeto. Com os resultados obtidos (hidrogramas de cheia e manchas de inundação referentes a cada tempo de retorno), foi possível analisar as medidas comparando-se os diferentes cenários, e concluiu-se, para este caso, que os melhores resultados correspondem à associação das medidas estruturais e não-estruturais. Contudo, também foi verificado que, mesmo com a concretização do cenário mais favorável, o problema das inundações não seria satisfatoriamente equacionado, o que revela a necessidade de se considerar outras medidas para minimizar os prejuízos decorrentes das inundações, tais como medidas de controle na fonte, seguros contra inundações e sistemas de alerta antecipados. / The urbanization process has taken place in most Brazilian cities in a disorganized way, and floods are a recurring problem that has affected many municipalities. The lack of a planning that takes into account the urban drainage in the early development of the cities creates conditions for floods to occur in every rainy season. Therefore, the planning of preventive and corrective measures is necessary to address this issue in order to minimize the flood damages. Hydrological modeling appears as a powerful tool, as it enables the analysis of the flood management measures through the creation of scenarios and simulations of hydrological events. In this context, this dissertation analyzes the performance of some structural and nonstructural flood control measures by means of hydrologic and hydraulic simulations. The basin of the Gregório Stream, in São Carlos - SP, was scanned and scenarios that incorporate the management measures were created, both with the aid of software ArcGIS 9.3 and highresolution satellite images. Hydraulic and hydrologic modelings were performed by HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS software programs using return periods of 25, 50 and 100 years for the design storm. The results (flood hydrographs and flooding areas for each return period) allowed analyzing the measures by comparing the different scenarios and the best results corresponded to the association of structural and nonstructural measures. However, even by implementing the best scenario, the problem of flooding would not be satisfactorily solved, revealing the need to consider other measures to minimize flood damage, such as runoff source control measures, flood insurance and early warning systems.
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Análise de medidas de controle de inundações a partir da avaliação de cenários de uso e ocupação do solo na bacia hidrográfica do Córrego do Gregório, São Carlos - SP / Analysis of flood control measures from the assessment of land use scenarios in the Gregorio stream basin, São Carlos - SPThiago Galvão Tiradentes Decina 15 June 2012 (has links)
O processo de urbanização vem ocorrendo na maioria das cidades brasileiras de forma desorganizada. Desse modo, um problema recorrente que afeta diversos municípios brasileiros são as inundações. A falta de um planejamento que levasse em consideração a drenagem urbana no início do desenvolvimento das cidades acaba criando condições para que as inundações sejam deflagradas a cada época chuvosa. Assim, mostra-se necessária a planificação de medidas preventivas e corretivas que abordem essa questão, a fim de que os prejuízos causados pelas inundações sejam minimizados. Dessa forma, a modelação hidrológica aparece como uma poderosa ferramenta, ao tornar possível uma análise das medidas de controle, através da criação de cenários e simulação de eventos hidrológicos. Nesse contexto o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar, por meio de simulação hidrológica e hidráulica, o desempenho de algumas medidas de controle de inundação, estruturais e não-estruturais. Para tanto, com o auxílio do programa ArcGIS 9.3 e imagens de satélite de alta resolução, a bacia hidrográfica do Córrego do Gregório, em São Carlos SP, foi digitalizada e foram criados cenários alternativos que incorporaram as medidas de controle. Através da utilização dos softwares HEC-HMS e HEC-RAS foram realizadas as modelações hidráulica e hidrológica, utilizando tempos de retorno de 25, 50 e 100 anos para a chuva de projeto. Com os resultados obtidos (hidrogramas de cheia e manchas de inundação referentes a cada tempo de retorno), foi possível analisar as medidas comparando-se os diferentes cenários, e concluiu-se, para este caso, que os melhores resultados correspondem à associação das medidas estruturais e não-estruturais. Contudo, também foi verificado que, mesmo com a concretização do cenário mais favorável, o problema das inundações não seria satisfatoriamente equacionado, o que revela a necessidade de se considerar outras medidas para minimizar os prejuízos decorrentes das inundações, tais como medidas de controle na fonte, seguros contra inundações e sistemas de alerta antecipados. / The urbanization process has taken place in most Brazilian cities in a disorganized way, and floods are a recurring problem that has affected many municipalities. The lack of a planning that takes into account the urban drainage in the early development of the cities creates conditions for floods to occur in every rainy season. Therefore, the planning of preventive and corrective measures is necessary to address this issue in order to minimize the flood damages. Hydrological modeling appears as a powerful tool, as it enables the analysis of the flood management measures through the creation of scenarios and simulations of hydrological events. In this context, this dissertation analyzes the performance of some structural and nonstructural flood control measures by means of hydrologic and hydraulic simulations. The basin of the Gregório Stream, in São Carlos - SP, was scanned and scenarios that incorporate the management measures were created, both with the aid of software ArcGIS 9.3 and highresolution satellite images. Hydraulic and hydrologic modelings were performed by HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS software programs using return periods of 25, 50 and 100 years for the design storm. The results (flood hydrographs and flooding areas for each return period) allowed analyzing the measures by comparing the different scenarios and the best results corresponded to the association of structural and nonstructural measures. However, even by implementing the best scenario, the problem of flooding would not be satisfactorily solved, revealing the need to consider other measures to minimize flood damage, such as runoff source control measures, flood insurance and early warning systems.
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Systémy ochran a vzdáleného řízení vn rozvodny s použitím ochran s komunikací Profibus a IEC61850 / Systems of protection and remote control of medium voltage substation with using protection with communication Profibus and IEC61850Tesařík, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This Diploma thesis deals with the system for protection and remote control for MV switchgear by using protection relays with communication protocols PROFIBUS and IEC61850. The first part represents a theoretical introduction to points at issue. In the first part, the reader will get conceived with the communication standard IEC61850 and its typical architecture for MV switchgear, and also with data model based on this standard. Second part discusses the PROFIBUS communication protocol. In this part, the reader can acquire information about transmit technology and communication protocol for PROFIBUS. Last part of this theoretical chapter contains an overview on the MODBUS communication. The second part deals with the description of protection relays, which were used for the purposes of this thesis. In the first subchapter, the reader can learn about the REM620 from ABB Company, its configuration and cooperation with IEC61850 standard. Second subchapter describes the HMS Anybus communication converter. The reader will get further knowledge about description of this device and how to configure the communication protocols. In last subchapter, a description of protection relay SIPROTEC 7SJ64 produced by Siemens company is explained. With the third part starts the practical work within this thesis with protection relays. This chapter is divided into two parts; each describes different system with using the protection relays. First system contains ABB REM620 relay and HMS Anybus converter. By converting MODBUS protocol with the Anybus converter, the REM620 can be connected to PROFIBUS network. This part includes the configuration of REM620 and Anybus converter, the engineering of MODBUS and PROFIBUS protocols and testing various signals in those networks. The second system contains Siemens SIPROTEC 7SJ64 and ethernet switch. This subchapter deals with the preparation of configuration for SIPROTEC 7SJ64 and the engineering for IEC61850 communication. This part finishes with the comparing of both systems on the engineering bases. The last part of this thesis is about working with the LabVIEW instrument. Within this part, the software emulation of protection relay was made. The program offers to the user the possibility of setting input parameters as the effective values of current and voltage, the frequency and the current phase shift. Also the user can set the thresholds for protection functions, such as the Overcurrent, the Voltage and the Frequency protection. As last one, the Phase unbalance protection for the current phases is present.
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[pt] Neste trabalho foram sintetizados fotocatalisadores baseados em Ti e suportados nas sílicas mesoporosas HMS e SBA-15 preparados pelos métodos de deposição estrutural e impregnação ao ponto úmido. Os fotocatalisadores foram testados na reação de separação da água para a produção de hidrogênio usando
radiação UV. Estudou-se também a influência da razão molar Si/Ti de 20 e 40, e o uso de diferentes fontes de titânio como: isopropóxido de titânio, oxalato de titânio, butóxido de titânio, incluindo o óxido de titânio comercial P25. Também foi estudado o uso da platina e do cério como cocatalisadores. Os suportes e os
fotocatalisadores foram caracterizados pelas técnicas de ICP-OES, FRX, DRX, isotermas de adsorção e dessorção de N2, ATG, MET, MEV, DRS UV-Vis e espectroscopia de IV. Os resultados mostraram que a substituição parcial do Ti na rede da sílica mesoporosa modificou a estrutura sem destruir os canais cilíndricos dos suportes. Os fotocatalisadores preparados por deposição estrutural em HMS usando diferentes fontes de Ti apresentaram produções de H2 diferentes, seguindo a ordem isopropóxido maior do que oxalato maior do que butóxido, devido à formação de diferentes espécies de Ti isoladas tetraedricamente e octaedricamente coordenadas. Foi comprovado também que com o aumento do teor de Ti a atividade fotocatalítica diminui. A comparação entre os suportes mostraram que a produção de H2 para os fotocatalisadores baseados em HMS foram superiores aos preparados em SBA-15. Quanto aos métodos de preparo, a atividade fotocatalítica para as amostras preparadas por impregnação foi maior após 3 h de reação que nos fotocatalisadores preparados por deposição estrutural. O TiO2-P25 incorporado na HMS também criou espécies octaédricas isoladas possibilitando uma produção de H2 mais eficiente que o TiO2-P25 puro. / [en] Photocatalysts were synthesized based on Ti and supported on mesoporous silica SBA-15 and HMS. They were prepared by structural deposition and wet impregnation methods. The photocatalysts were tested in the reaction of water splitting to produce hydrogen using UV radiation. It was also studied the influence of the Si/Ti molar ratio of 20 and 40 and the use of different titanium sources: titanium isopropoxide, titanium oxalate, titanium butoxide and titanium oxide P25. Platinum and cerium were also studied as cocatalysts. The supports and photocatalysts were characterized by the techniques of ICP-OES, XRF, XRD, N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms, TGA, TEM, SEM, FT-IR and UV-Vis DRS. The results showed that when Ti was partly substituted into the silica framework the structure was modified without destroying the supports cylindrical channels. The photocatalysts prepared by structural deposition into HMS using different
sources of Ti showed different production of H2, following the order: isopropoxide more than oxalate more than butoxide due to the formation of different isolated Ti species tetrahedrally and octahedrally coordinated. It was also demonstrated that increasing Ti content the photocatalytic activity decreases. The comparison between the supports showed that H2 production for photocatalysts based on HMS were superior to those prepared with SBA-15. Regarding methods of preparation, the photocatalytic activity for the samples prepared by impregnation method was higher after 3 h of reaction than photocatalysts prepared by deposition structure. The TiO2-P25 incorporated into HMS also create the octahedral isolated species enabling a H2 production more efficient than pure TiO2-P25.
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Estimativa de cheias aplicando a técnica de hidrograma unitário com diferentes abordagens de discretização espacial em uma sub-bacia do arroio Pelotas / Flood estimation applying the unit hydrograph technique based on different spatial discretization approaches in a subwatershed of the Pelotas riverSteinmetz, Alice Alonzo, Steinmetz, Alice Alonzo 06 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-08-16T14:08:03Z
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Alice_Alonzo_Steinmetz_Estimativa_de_cheias_aplicando_a_técnica_de_hidrograma_unitário_com_diferentes_abordagens_de_discretização_espacial.pdf: 7122282 bytes, checksum: aef191b90c4f1b064f63c6126e7c0c2f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-16T14:08:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Alice_Alonzo_Steinmetz_Estimativa_de_cheias_aplicando_a_técnica_de_hidrograma_unitário_com_diferentes_abordagens_de_discretização_espacial.pdf: 7122282 bytes, checksum: aef191b90c4f1b064f63c6126e7c0c2f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-03-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / A indispensabilidade de preservação dos recursos hídricos estimula os pesquisadores a procurarem uma melhor compreensão quantitativa do ciclo hidrológico. A escassez de monitoramento hidrológico, confrontada com as grandes dimensões das bacias hidrográficas do Brasil, inviabilizam a mensuração da vazão em bacias de pequeno porte, bem como a análise de seu comportamento ao longo de um curso d’água. No tocante à gestão de cheias em bacias hidrográficas, as séries históricas de vazão são fundamentais para entender a resposta da bacia hidrográfica à ocorrência de eventos de chuvas intensas. A necessidade de dados hidrológicos repercute no desenvolvimento de modelos capazes de estimar hidrogramas de escoamento superficial direto (ESD), elemento de maior relevância para a análise de vazões resultantes de eventos extremos de precipitação. Dentre as técnicas de modelagem do ESD, destacam-se a teoria do Hidrograma Unitário (HU) e do Hidrograma Unitário Instantâneo (HUI). O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi avaliar a aplicabilidade e limitações de modelos de HU sintéticos tradicionalmente empregados na engenharia hidrológica (Triangular-HUT e Adimensional-HUA), além de modelos de HUI conceituais (Nash-HUIN e Clark-HUIC) e de suas versões geomorfológicas (Nash-HUIGN e Clark-HUIGC). Todos os procedimentos relacionados aos modelos de HU e HUI foram conduzidos considerando dois cenários de estudo: modelagem concentrada (cenário 1) e modelagem distribuída (cenário 2). A área de estudo foi a bacia hidrográfica do arroio Cadeia que é uma importante sub-bacia da bacia hidrográfica do arroio Pelotas (BHAP), situada no sul do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. As informações primordiais para a aplicação de tais modelos foram as variáveis topográficas extraídas do modelo digital de elevação e dados temporais de chuva e vazão monitorados na bacia, fazendo uso da rede de monitoramento hidrológico existente na BHAP. Dez eventos chuva-vazão foram analisados e o método do Número da Curva possibilitou estimar a distribuição temporal de precipitações efetivas para ambos os cenários. O processamento computacional constituiu-se da aplicação do software HEC-HMS e da linguagem de programação R para a análise dos modelos de HU e HUI supracitados. Para a calibração dos parâmetros dos modelos, empregou-se o algoritmo Nelder Mead. As principais constatações deste trabalho foram: i) os modelos HUIC e HUIN foram os que tiveram melhor acurácia para estimativa de vazões de pico e dos hidrogramas; ii) as formulações geomorfológicas não são universais e necessitam ser utilizadas com cautela; iii) os modelos ajustados apresentaram desempenho ligeiramente superior quando discretizado por sub-bacia; iv) os modelos que utilizam parâmetros geomorfológicos possuíram melhor desempenho quando aplicada a modelagem concentrada; v) o algoritmo Nelder Mead pode ter aplicação limitada; vi) outros algoritmos devem ser investigados em estudos futuros no intuito de buscar soluções mais adequadas; vii) no cenário 2 foi possível discretizar os parâmetros e relacionar com a realidade hidrológica da bacia em estudo. / The indispensability of preserving water resources encourages researchers to seek a better quantitative understanding of the hydrological cycle. The scarcity of hydrological monitoring in conjunction with the large dimensions of Brazilian watersheds makes it unfeasible to measure stream flow and to analyze its behavior along a watercourse in small-sized watersheds. With regard to flood management in watersheds, historical stream flow series are fundamental to understand the watershed response to the occurrence of heavy rainfall events. The need for hydrological data stimulates the development of models capable of estimating direct surface runoff (DSR) hydrographs, which is the most relevant component when analyzing stream flows originated from extreme rainfall events. Among the techniques available for DSR modeling, the theory of Unit Hydrograph (UH) and Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (IUH) should be highlighted. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the applicability and limitations of synthetic UH models traditionally used in hydrological engineering (Triangular-TUH and Dimensionless-DUH), conceptual IUH models (Nash-NIUH and Clark-CIUH) and their geomorphological versions (Nash-GNIUH and Clark-GCIUH). All the procedures involving UH and IUH models were carried out taking into account two study scenarios: lumped modeling (scenario 1) and distributed modeling (scenario 2). The study area was the Cadeia river watershed, which is an important subwatershed of the Pelotas river watershed (PRW), located in the south of Rio Grande do Sul State. The main information for the application of such models were topographical variables extracted from digital elevation model and temporal series related to rainfall and stream flow monitored in the watershed, making use of the existing hydrological monitoring network in the PRW. Ten rainfall-runoff events were evaluated and the Curve Number method was used to estimate the temporal distribution of effective rainfalls for both scenarios. The computational processing consisted of the application of both HEC-HMS software and R programming language for analysis of the aforementioned UH and IUH models. Nelder Mead algorithm was employed for calibration of the models’ parameters. The main findings of this study were: i) CIUH and NIUH were the models that had the best accuracy for estimation of peak stream flows and hydrographs; ii) the geomorphological formulations are not universal and need to be used carefully; iii) the adjusted models resulted in slightly superior performance when discretized by sub-basin; iv) the models dependent on geomorphological parameters had better performance when lumped modeling was applied; v) the Nelder Mead algorithm may have limited application; vi) other algorithms should be investigated in future studies in order to seek more adequate solutions; vii) in scenario 2, it was possible to discretize the parameters and relate them to the hydrological reality of the watershed under analysis.
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Modelování akumulace a tání sněhu v povodí Bystřice v Krušných horách / Modelling snow accumulation and melting in the Bystřice River basinKutláková, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
Dealing with the issue of spring flood events is primarily based on their causes. It is therefore important to study the processes of snow accumulation and snowmelt especially in mountain areas where the development of snow water equivalent (SWE) is primarily observed. The snow water equivalent indicates amount of the water in the snow and thus represents a runoff volume during the spring melting period and demonstrates the flood risk potential. In this thesis the lumped modelling approach of the rainfall-runoff model HEC- HMS was used. The model was applied in the Bystřice River basin in the Ore Mountains where the field measurements of the snow cover and SWE is carried out. Applied temperature-index method is the well-developed method because it takes into account both the melting during precipitation and melting in the period without any precipitation and aims to capture snow energy balance by means of air temperature. Three winter periods (2006, 2008 and 2009) were simulated. The evolution of the snow water equivalent was observed and the agreement between observed and simulated hydrographs was assessed in the closure profile Ostrov. Published results show the influence of winter course and character on the model capability to simulate the snow water equivalent and runoff. The observed and...
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Časová a prostorová variabilita vybraných odtokových epizod v pramenné oblasti Blanice / Temporal and spatial variability of selected runoff episodes in the headstream area of the Blanice RiverKodádková, Iveta January 2014 (has links)
This study is focused on the evaluation of selected rainfall-runoff episodes in terms of temporal and spatial distribution of rainfall and runoff in the upper basin of the Blanice River. HEC - HMS model with two variants of spatial discretization was used to achieve the results of the holistic approach. The main input data was quantitative precipitation estimation, which better assessed the spatial variability of rainfall fields than interpolated ground measurements. The model simulated five episodes. Contrary to expectations, southern headstream area of the basin showed lower coefficient of runoff in comparison with its northern part. Precipitation cores of epizods occurred over the northern part of the basin at the outlet. Outputs from the model were evaluated in relation to measurements carried out in the experimental basin Zbytiny. Key words: Blanice River, HEC-HMS, hydrologic modeling, quantitative precipitation estimation
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Modelamiento hidrológico e hidráulico para un sistema de alerta temprana en la quebrada Cashahuacra, distrito de Santa Eulalia / Hydrological and hydraulic modeling for an early warning system in the Cashahuacra stream, Santa Eulalia districtPalomino Ramírez, Vani, Mauricio Estrada, Luis Ricardo 11 September 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo consiste en el modelamiento hidrológico e hidráulico de la quebrada Cashahuacra ubicada en el distrito de Santa Eulalia con el fin de proponer la estructura de un sistema de alerta temprana que integre estos modelos para evitar la pérdida, primordialmente, de vidas humanas.
Se presenta una síntesis de los principales eventos de flujo de detritos ocurridos en dicho lugar así como un marco teórico que aborda conceptos básicos relacionados al estudio de la hidrología e hidráulica.
Para el modelo hidrológico, se llevó a cabo la caracterización de la quebrada Cashahuacra y se obtuvo sus parámetros principales, así también, fue necesario la adquisición de los datos históricos de precipitación. De esta manera, el modelo hidrológico fue realizado con el software HEC-HMS versión 4.2 en colaboración con ArcGIS versión 10.2.1. y su extensión HEC-GeoHMS. Así, se pudo determinar los caudales máximos bajo los periodos de retorno de 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 y 500 años.
El modelo hidráulico fue desarrollado con el software FLO-2D versión PRO. Tuvo como parámetros de entrada al hidrograma calculado por el modelo hidrológico, a la topografía digital del terreno, y a parámetros reológicos como la viscosidad y el esfuerzo de cedencia. Luego, fueron obtenidas las velocidades y profundidades máximas de los periodos de retorno mencionados líneas arriba.
Finalmente, se ha integrado estas dos modelaciones en la estructura de un sistema de alerta temprana frente a huaycos y se ha sugerido la implementación de un radar meteorológico para la quebrada en estudio. / The present work consists of hydrological and hydraulic modeling of the Cashahuacra stream located in the Santa Eulalia district in order to propose the structure of an early warning system that integrates these models to avoid the loss, primarily of human lives.
A synthesis of the main debris flow events occurring in that place is presented as well as a theoretical framework that addresses basic concepts related to the study of hydrology and hydraulics.
For the hydrological model, the characterization of the Cashahuacra stream was carried out and its main parameters were obtained, as well as the acquisition of the historical precipitation data. In this way, the hydrological model was made with the HEC-HMS software version 4.2 in collaboration with ArcGIS version 10.2.1. and its HEC-GeoHMS extension. Thus, it was possible to determine the maximum flow rates under the return periods of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 years.
The hydraulic model was developed with the FLO-2D PRO version software. It had as input parameters to the hydrograph calculated by the hydrological model, to the digital topography of the land, and to rheological parameters such as viscosity and yield strength. Then, the maximum speeds and depths of the return periods mentioned above were obtained.
Finally, these two models have been integrated into the structure of an early warning system against hurricanes and the implementation of a meteorological radar for the stream under study has been suggested. / Tesis
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