Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hormone ""
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Η νυχθημερήσια διακύμανση της TSH σε νεογνά και βρέφηΚουλούρης, Αριστείδης 08 April 2010 (has links)
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Aplicacao do metodo do radioimunoensaio na dosagem do hormonio de crescimento humano no plasmaHIGA, OLGA Z. 09 October 2014 (has links)
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00203.pdf: 1432783 bytes, checksum: d2a399f27f88b4a93cdad210e33ea6a6 (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IEA/D / Instituto de Biociencias, Universidade de Sao Paulo - IB/USP
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Medida da taxa de secrecao de cortisol no homem (Utilizacao de cortisol-1,2-tritio)HANADA, SEICO 09 October 2014 (has links)
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00971.pdf: 662593 bytes, checksum: 457a86be88dd734ec231748d8b91bd4b (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IEA/D / Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade de Sao Paulo - FMVZ/USP
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Dosagem do cortisol livre do plasma pelo metodo da diluicao isotopicaSHIMIZU, TAKEKO 09 October 2014 (has links)
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00033.pdf: 604992 bytes, checksum: bd0adbafb06db10f288569995b703e3f (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IEA/D / Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade de Sao Paulo - FMVZ/USP
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Acao do propiltiouracil e perclorato de potassio sobre alguns parametros da funcao tireoidiana do rato (estudo realizado com o emprego do I-125)SUGAVARA, SUEMI 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:23:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:57:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
01285.pdf: 1338586 bytes, checksum: 66375650824e982de91454877d67af8a (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade de Sao Paulo - FMVZ/USP
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Postexercise hemodynamics: Interactions of sex, training status, and fluid regulationLynn, Brenna Meaghan, 1977- 06 1900 (has links)
xiv, 233 p. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / In general, postexercise hypotension is characterized by a sustained increase in systemic vascular conductance that is not completely offset by ongoing increases in cardiac output. These hemodynamic changes are present immediately after a single bout of moderate-intensity dynamic exercise in healthy (sedentary and endurance exercise-trained) and hypertensive humans. The mechanisms underlying this postexercise hypotension are currently under investigation; however, the overall hemodynamic response may be altered in response to different factors related to sex, training status, and fluid regulation. The purpose of this dissertation was to investigate the contribution of endogenous hormones associated with the normal menstrual cycle and training status and sex on postexercise hemodynamics and to better understand how fluid replacement and heat-stress affect postexercise hemodynamics in a group of highly trained men. In Chapter IV, the contribution of the menstrual cycle and sex to postexercise hemodynamics was investigated. The results showed that postexercise hemodynamics are largely unaffected by sex and factors associated with the menstrual cycle. In Chapter V, the role of heat-stress and fluid replacement on the postexercise cardiac hemodynamics in a group of endurance exercise-trained men was investigated. These data suggest that fluid replacement and heat-stress mitigate the previously observed fall in cardiac output during exercise recovery in trained men. In Chapter VI, the study investigated the hemodynamic profile in well-hydrated sedentary and trained men and women during recovery from exercise. In contrast to previous research, the results showed a lack of variation in the postexercise hemodynamic response across categories of subjects as there was no evidence of a sex and training interaction. Thus, it appears that factors such as heat-stress and fluid replacement can alter postexercise hemodynamics in trained men; however, factors such as menstrual cycle, sex, and training status do not seem to influence the hemodynamic recovery profile. Yet substantial variation in the postexercise response across individuals remains unexplained.
This dissertation contains my previously published and my co-authored material. / Adviser: John R. Halliwill
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Hormones and cooperative behaviours in the Damaraland mole-rat (Fukomys damarensis)Vullioud, Philippe January 2018 (has links)
Large individual differences in cooperative contributions are common within animal societies such as cooperative breeders, where helpers care for offspring which are not their own. Understanding this variation has been a major focus in behavioural ecology and while evidence has shown that individuals are capable to adaptively adjust their cooperative behaviours, the physiological mechanisms underlying such adjustments remain poorly understood. Steroid hormones are prominent candidates to regulate cooperative behaviours due to their ability to integrate internal physiological state and environmental stimuli to produce an adaptive behavioural response. In this thesis, I investigate the effects of two steroid hormones, Cortisol (CORT) and Testosterone (T), in the regulation of cooperative behaviours in the Damaraland mole-rat (Fukomys damarensis). Because these hormones are susceptible to both modulate and be modulated by cooperative contributions, I experimentally tested both sides of this relationship. I show that, despite the absence of correlation between CORT and T and cooperative contributions, experimental increases of cooperative contributions elevate CORT levels, but not T (Chapter 3). Additionally, experimental increases of CORT levels in female helpers raised their cooperative contributions by more than one half demonstrating the regulatory effect of CORT on cooperative behaviours (Chapter 4). As breeding opportunities are likely to affect cooperative contributions and because T is a likely candidate to mediate a trade-off between future reproduction and current cooperation, I tested the effects of experimental increases of T levels in female helpers. I show that such elevations have no measurable effect of aggression, dispersal tendencies (both important to attain a breeding position) or cooperative contributions (Chapter 5). Taken together, the results of this thesis demonstrate that CORT can both respond to and regulate cooperative behaviours and suggest that this hormone may play a major role in the adaptive regulation of cooperative behaviour.
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Indução a espermiação do mandi-pintado, Pimelodus britskii no período reprodutivo (Teleostei: Pimelodidae)Damasceno, Danielle Zanerato [UNESP] 27 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
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000777123.pdf: 900554 bytes, checksum: f64f40c857c81a9b6e9e00e1c3faa069 (MD5) / O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o sêmen de Pimelodus britskii através de diferentes métodos de coleta e doses hormonais. O experimento foi executado em dois períodos reprodutivos, novembro/2011 a março/2012 e outubro/2012 a março/2013. No primeiro período reprodutivo (Experimento 1) em todos os meses 12 peixes foram divididos em dois grupos, um grupo induzido com Extrato Hipofisádo de Carpa-EHC (3,0 mg.kg-1) e um grupo sem indução hormonal, após 240 unidades térmicas acumuladas-UTAs os peixes dos dois grupos foram eutanasiados e tiveram seus testículos macerados. No segundo período reprodutivo (Experimento 2) 30 peixes foram divididos em cinco grupos para comparação de diferentes doses de EHC e Gonadotrofina Coriônica humana-hCG na espermiação (T1: controle; T2: 3,0 mg.kg-1EHC; T3: 0,5 mg.kg-1+3,0 mg.kg-1EHC; T4: 0,5mg.kg-1+7,0 mg.kg-1EHC; T5: 200UI.kg-1hCG), sendo que neste período os mesmos peixes foram utilizados todos os meses, e após 240 UTAs o sêmen foi coletado através de massagem abdominal. Foram avaliadas a motilidade e velocidade espermática por meio do software CASA (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis). As variáveis seminais por meio do Statistica 7.0. Por meio da maceração, verificou-se alterações na cor (branco a amarelado), pH (6 a 7) e concentração espermática (11,9x109±4,16x109 a 9,15x109±3,55x109 espermatozoides/mL-1). O volume mostrou relação entre meses e tratamentos (p<0,05). Para todos os exemplares a motilidade foi superior em nov/2011, diminuindo gradativamente até fev/2012. O mesmo ocorreu em relação aos valores dos IGS (p<0,05), mostrando a ação da indução hormonal no volume seminal. Os peixes do Experimento1 liberaram volume reduzido de sêmen ... / The aim of this study was to characterize the semen Pimelodus britskii through different collection methods and hormonal doses. The experiment was run in two reproductive periods, November/2011 to March/2012 and October/2012 to March/2013. In the first breeding season (Experiment 1 ) in all months 12 fish were divided into two groups, one experimental group with Carp Pituitary Extract - EHC (3.0 mg.kg- 1) and a group without hormonal induction, after 240 units accumulated thermal-UTA fish from both groups were euthanized and had their macerated testes. In the second reproductive period (Experiment 2 ) 30 fish were divided into five groups for comparison of different doses of human Chorionic Gonadotropin-hCG and EHC in spermiation (T1: Control, T2: 3,0mg.kg-1 EHC, T3: 0,5 mg.kg-1 +3,0 mg.kg-1 EHC , T4: 0,5 mg.kg-1 +7,0 mg.kg-1 EHC , T5: 200UI.kg-1 hCG ) , and in this period the same fish were used every month, and after 240 UTA semen was collected by abdominal massage. Motility and sperm velocity were evaluated through the CASA software (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis). The seminal variables using Statistica 7.0. Through the soaking, there was color change (white to yellow), pH (6 to 7) and sperm concentration (11,9x109±4,16x109 to 9,15x109±3,55x109 spermatozoa/mL-1). The volum months showed relationship between treatments (p<0,05). For all copies motility was higher in November/2011, decreasing gradually until February/2012. The same occurred with the values of the IGS (p<0,05), showing the action of hormonal induction in seminal volume ...
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Estudo clínico e molecular da relação entre câncer de mama e doenças tireoidianasSaraiva, Patrícia Pinto [UNESP] January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
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saraiva_pp_me_botfm.pdf: 671998 bytes, checksum: a348f4b3c5f860db559660122b19db84 (MD5) / Os hormônios tireóideos, o estrógeno e outros hormônios atuam no crescimento e desenvolvimento do tecido mamário. Os receptores de estrógeno devem estar presentes para que o estrógeno possa atuar na atividade biológica das células mamárias. A presença ou ausência destes receptores no tecido tem influência direta na terapêutica e prognóstico clínico do câncer de mama. Os receptores do estrógeno e do hormônio tireóideo (T3) são membros da “superfamília de receptores” intracelulares. Estes receptores atuam na ativação da transcrição de genes alvo, através da união ao seu elemento responsivo hormonal. Ainda não se sabe de que forma o hormônio tireóideo atua no tecido tumoral mamário. Estudos epidemiológicos são contraditórios, mostrando que, quando os níveis de T3 estão elevados existe proteção contra o desenvolvimento de câncer de mama. Outros estudos demonstram haver aumento no risco e incidência do câncer mamário em pacientes hipertireoideas. Análises in vitro demonstraram que o T3, em concentrações suprafisiológicas induz a proliferação celular. Em pacientes com câncer de mama realizamos dosagens hormonais e verificamos a expressão dos receptores de estrógeno. Também foi estudada a conformação da molécula do T3 e do receptor de estrógeno, para confirmar se uma possível ligação estaria ocorrendo entre o T3 e o ER... / Thyroid hormones, estrogen and other hormones act in the growth and development of breast tissue. Estrogen receptors must be present so that estrogen can act in the biological activity of breast cells. The presence or the abscense of these receptors in tissue has direct influence on therapeutics and clinical prognostic of breast cancer. Estrogen and thyroid hormone (T3) receptors are members of intracellular “receptors superfamily”. These receptors work in the activation of the transcription of target genes, linking them to their hormonal responsive. It is not known in which way thyroid hormone act in tumoral breast tissue. Epidemiologic studies are contradicting, showing that, when T3 levels are high, there is protection agains the development of breast cancer. Other studies show that there must be an increase in the risk and incidence of breast cancer in hyperthyroidean patients. In vitro analysis present that supra-physiologicals concentrations of T3 induces cellular proliferation. We performed hormonal dosage and verified the expression of estrogen receptors in breast cancer patients. The morphology of T3 molecule and of the estrogen receptor were also studied, to confirm if a possible link would exist between T3 and ER. Our results show an existance of a clinical relation between thyroid... (Complete abstract, click electronic access below)
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Alteracoes metabolicas decorrentes do treinamento alimentar e sua influencia no controle da ingestao de alimentosLIMA, FABIO B. 09 October 2014 (has links)
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01342.pdf: 2819741 bytes, checksum: edacf0ee017df7fa3f338d48345fe58f (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas, Universidade de Sao Paulo - ICB/USP
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