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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ventilator-associated Complications In The Mechanically Ventilated Veteran

Grano, Joan 01 January 2013 (has links)
Surveillance of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) has been the common outcome measurement used for internal and external benchmarking for mechanically ventilated patients; and although not a clinical definition, it is commonly used as an outcome measurement for research studies. Criteria in the VAP definition include both subjective and objective components, leading to questions of validity. In addition, recent legislation has mandated the public reporting of healthcare-associated infections, including VAP, in many states. Infectious disease experts have recently recommended monitoring a new outcome, ventilator-associated events (VAE), that contain specific objective criteria. The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) have refined this definition and released a new VAE protocol and algorithm, replacing the VAP surveillance definition, as a result. The VAE protocol assesses for ventilatorassociated conditions (VAC). The primary aims of this study were to determine the incidence of VAC; and to assess four predictors for VAC, including two VAP prevention strategies (use of the subglottic secretion drainage endotracheal-tube [SSD-ETT]), and daily sedation vacation); and two patient-related factors (alcohol withdrawal during mechanical ventilation, and history of COPD). In addition, the incidence for VAE, using a new national algorithm was determined. Using a retrospective study design, electronic medical records of 280 veterans were reviewed to identify cases of VAC using the VAE algorithm. The setting was two intensive care units (ICU) at a large Veterans Administration Healthcare System (VAHCS) from October 2009 to September 2011. In addition to demographic information, variables were collected to determine if cases met event criteria (VAC, infection-related ventilator-associated complication iii [IVAC], and possible or probable VAP). Incidence rates were calculated for VAC and IVAC. Comparative data between those with and without VAC were assessed with independent sample T-test or non-parametric equivalents. The study sample was predominantly male (97.1%), Caucasian (92.1%), non-Hispanic (90.7%); with a mean (SD) age of 67.2 (10.4) years. Twenty patients met the VAC definition resulting in a VAC incidence of 7.38 per 1000 ventilator days. There were no statistically significant differences in demographics or disease characteristics found between the two groups (patients with VAC and patients without VAC). Using logistic regression, the impact of the four predictors for VAC was assessed. None of the four explanatory variables were predictive of the occurrence of VAC. Secondary outcomes (e.g. mechanical ventilation days, ICU days, hospital days, and mortality) of veterans with VAC were compared to veterans without VAC. Results indicated that the VAC group was associated with a significantly longer duration of ICU stay, longer mechanical ventilation period, more likely to have a tracheostomy, and had a higher mortality during hospitalization. Expanding mechanical ventilation quality performance measures to include VAE/VAC provides a better representation of infectious and non-infectious ventilator-associated problems, and provides more accurate morbidity and mortality in this high-risk ICU population. Further research is necessary to explore patient characteristics and prevention strategies that impact the development of all VAC.

Hospital-associated infections and the safety of alcohol hand gels in children

Kinnula, S. (Sohvi) 04 September 2012 (has links)
Abstract Viral infections are common in childhood and a usual cause for hospitalization. Viruses are easily transmitted among children both in pediatric wards and in other child care facilities, like child day-care centers. Hand hygiene is an important part of prevention of the transmission of viruses. Since hospitalization times are getting shorter, hospital-associated infections often manifest after discharge. The aim of the study was to evaluate the magnitude of hospital-associated infections during and after hospitalization in pediatric wards with a focus on the effect of the ward structure. Data were collected during two periods of two years in the pediatric infectious diseases ward in Oulu University Hospital; data collection in the latter period was done using electronic follow-up methods. A two-year study period was also carried out in University Children’s hospital in Basel and in North Karelia Central Hospital in Joensuu. Paper questionnaires and electronic questionnaires were compared as methods of doing continuous surveillance of hospital-associated infections during and after hospitalization. The safety of alcohol-based hand gels in children’s use was studied using alcometer measurements after hand rub. Experiences on the use of alcohol-based hand gels in child day-care centers were collected by interviewing the personnel with questionnaires. Altogether 5.8 to 17.5% of hospitalized children (N=7046) got a hospital-associated infection; 65 to 93% of the infections became evident after discharge. The number of hospital-associated infections was lowest in wards where single rooms and cohorting based on infection etiology were used. Increased risk for hospital-associated infection was associated with young age, longer hospitalization time and a shared room. A higher response rate was achieved with electronic follow-up compared with questionnaires on paper, 84 vs. 61%. The costs of follow-up were €13.61 and €15.07 per patient in electronic and conventional follow-up, respectively. Electronic follow-up decreased annual expenses by 17.1%. Alcohol-based hand gels were found to be safe in children’s use, as no absorption was detected despite several contacts between hands and mucous membranes. Personnel in child day-care centers were active in using hand rubs and found them useful and easy to use. Earlier, there had been one incident with fire when using matches while hands were still wet with alcohol. The majority of hospital-associated infections in children become evident after discharge, and electronic follow-up is useful in evaluating their magnitude. The number of hospital-associated infections can be decreased with single room bedding and careful infection control. Alcohol-based hand gels are safe in children’s hand hygiene. / Tiivistelmä Lapset sairastavat usein virusinfektioita, jotka ovat yleinen sairaalahoidon syy. Virukset leviävät herkästi lasten keskuudessa, lastentautien osastoilla ja lapsiryhmissä, kuten päiväkodeissa. Virusten leviämistä voidaan estää hyvällä käsihygienialla. Lyhyiden hoitoaikojen vuoksi osa virusten aiheuttamista sairaalainfektioista ilmenee vasta kotona. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää sairaalainfektioiden määrä hoidon aikana ja kotiutuksen jälkeen sekä osastorakenteen vaikutus sairaalainfektioihin lastentautien osastoilla. Sairaalainfektioaineisto kerättiin Oulun yliopistollisen sairaalan lasten infektio-osastolla kahtena kahden vuoden jaksona, joista jälkimmäisessä käytettiin sähköistä seurantajärjestelmää. Lisäksi kahden vuoden aineistot kerättiin Pohjois-Karjalan keskussairaalan lastentautien osastolla ja Baselin yliopistollisen sairaalan lastenosastoilla. Paperikyselylomakkeilla ja sähköisesti tehdyn sairaalainfektioseurannan toteutusta verrattiin. Lisäksi tutkittiin alkoholikäsihuuhteiden käytön turvallisuutta lapsilla päiväkotiolosuhteissa. Alkoholin imeytymistä tutkittiin poliisin tarkkuusalkometrillä käsihuuhteen käytön jälkeen. Oulun kaupungin päiväkodeista kysyttiin käsihuuhteiden käyttökokemuksista kyselylomakkeilla. Sairaalainfektion sai 5,8-17,1 % sairaalassa hoidetuista lapsista (N=7046). Infektioista 65-93 % tuli oireisiksi kotiutuksen jälkeen. Sairaalainfektioiden määrä oli pienin osastoilla, jossa käytettiin yhden hengen huoneita ja potilaiden kohortointia taudinaiheuttajan mukaan. Sairaalainfektion riskiä lisäsivät lapsen nuori ikä, pitkä sairaalahoitoaika ja jaettu potilashuone. Sähköisessä sairaalainfektioseurannassa oli parempi kotiutuksen jälkeinen vastausprosentti kuin paperilomakkeilla, 84 % vrt. 61 %. Potilasta kohden kuluja tuli sähköisessä seurannassa 13,61 euroa ja paperilomakkeilla tehdyssä seurannassa 15,07 euroa. Sähköisen seurannan käyttö laski vuosikuluja 17,1 %. Alkoholikäsihuuhteiden käyttö todettiin turvalliseksi lapsilla. Useista limakalvokontakteista huolimatta käsihuuhteen käytön jälkeen alkoholia ei imeytynyt verenkiertoon. Käsihuuhteiden käyttö päiväkodeissa on aktiivista, ja henkilökunta koki sen helpoksi ja hyödylliseksi. Aiemmin oli tapahtunut yksi vaaratilanne tulen kanssa tulitikkua sytytettäessä käsien ollessa vielä käsihuuhteesta märät. Lasten sairaalainfektioista suuri osa ilmenee kotiutuksen jälkeen, ja näiden infektioiden määrää voidaan arvioida sähköisellä seurantajärjestelmällä. Sairaalainfektioiden määrää voidaan vähentää käyttämällä yhden hengen huoneita ja huolehtimalla hyvästä hygieniasta. Alkoholihuuhteiden käyttö lasten käsihygieniassa on turvallista.

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