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Velká Británie a evropská integrace: Vliv zahraničního obchodu a měnové politiky na britský vztah k Evropě mezi lety 1941 a 1973 / The United Kingdom and the European Integration: Influence of foreign trade and monetary politics on the British attitude towards Europe between the years 1941 and 1973Matera, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The master's thesis The United Kingdom and the European Integration: Influence of foreign trade and monetary politics on the British attitude towards Europe between the years 1941 and 1973 explores the relationship of the United Kingdom towards European integration in a period from the end of the Second World War to the point of becoming a member of the European Economic Community in 1973. The relationship of the United Kingdom with Europe is studied by analysing international monetary and trade politics of the United Kingdom, its economic standing in the world and comparative strength of Pound Sterling. All of these variables played a key role in the development of aforementioned relationship. The aim of the thesis is to ascertain the role played by international monetary and trade politics of the United Kingdom in relation to European integration. The research itself is divided into three chapters and overall defined and underpinned by conjoining two theories of hegemonic stability and aspects of realist school of political economy. First chapter examines the emergence and development of Bretton Woods system and American economic hegemony. Following chapter explores the relationship between the United Kingdom and the Sterling Area. Final chapter deals with British economic relationship towards...
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Mediální obraz Číny v českých denících v roce pořádání letních olympijských her 2008 / Media image of China in Czech daily newspapers in the year of holding the 2008 Summer Olympic GamesJanecká, Petra January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Media image of China in Czech daily newspapers in the year of holding the 2008 Summer Olympic Games" tries to capture a media image of China in Czech daily newspapers represented by MF Dnes, Pravo and Hospodarske noviny. The analysed time period is the whole year 2008, the year of the Summer Olympic Games in Peking, when China got even into the biggest interest of media. The method of the diploma thesis is to examine chosen articles with quantitative content analysis which tries to answer the questions regarding the thematic agenda of the newspapers connected to China, originality of the stories or the positive or negative character of the articles in general. Last but not least the analysis takes into account the phenomenon of Olympic Games and the tense events around them which also brought its part of articles and topics. As the analysis deals with a trio of newspapers with various reader's profiles, it focuses on differences among them too.
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Finanční vyhodnocení zakázky v kontextu stavebního podniku / Financial Analysis of a Construction Contract in Context of a Construction CompanyKohútová, Linda January 2018 (has links)
This diploma´s thesis is focusing on financial management of the construction order. First part of diploma´s thesis is dealing with financial management, financial analysis and management options. The practical part discusses financial plan, economic results and financial analysis of particular construction orders, which are evaluated within one year. The objective of the thesis aims to analyze impacts on the operating economy and evaluate construction contract in context of a construction company. The result is to evaluate financial analyses of construction orders and company´s too.
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Modelování vývoje cen u dodávané stavební produce v krizovém období / PRICE MODELING OF BUILDING PRODUCTION IN THE CRISIS PERIODTruska, Adam Unknown Date (has links)
The largest post-war economic crisis, which began spreading to the world in the second half of 2008, hit all sectors negatively. An important lesson from the analysis of the crisis is not its causes, but rather the reference to the drawbacks of globalization, in the form of dismantling the consequences of this crisis. Building industry is a specific branch of the Czech economy, which has responded to the outbreak, the course and the retreat of crisis, in a unique way. Both pre-investment and investment phases of a construction project are time-consuming, resulting in a delayed response - inertia, to changes in the state of the economy that are reflected in aggregate demand from which demand for construction output is derived. The thesis focuses mainly on the development market, where it focuses in detail on evolution of housing construction in the pre-crisis, crisis and post-crisis period. The set of incorrect steps, decisions and inactivity of residential developers caused a unique phenomenon - the house-offer crisis. Therefore, the result of the work is methodological recommendations - a set of steps whose observation should reduce the negative effects of the crisis on the construction industry and avoid the re-emergence of the house-offer crisis. Economic cycles give us two assurances: each growth is followed by fall and vice versa. Nowadays it is not possible to predict the causes of the future crisis or its length, but it is important to prepare for it.
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Kalkulace pojistné částky při pojišťování staveb / Calculation of Sum Insured for Insurance of BuildingsStejskal, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with the determination of the sum insured in the insurance of houses. For this purpose are used three methods of real estate valuation. These procedures are compared with the methods of insurers. The methods are applied in the practical part of the concrete houses and results of the methods are compared.
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Posouzení rozdílů mezi cenou nabídkovou a cenou zjištěnou podle oceňovacího předpisu u bytů v Karlových Varech / To assess differences between the bid price and the price determined by the pricing regulation for apartments in Karlovy VaryKrupař, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the comparison of selected methods of valuation for the property type flat in Karlovy Vary - Stara Role, specifically prefabricated insulated houses. The theoretical part describes the basic concepts associated with the valuation, it describes methods of valuation and detailed description of location . The practical part of the thesis is focused on the valuation of flats according to the current price regulation. Comparative and yield methods are used in this valuation. The conclusion of the final price of these methods is processed and evaluated.
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Babiš vs. Bakala. Komparace mediálního obrazu Zdeňka Bakaly v denících MF Dnes, Hospodářské noviny a Právo / Babiš vs. Bakala. Comparison of the Media Image of Zdeněk Bakala in the MF Dnes, Hospodářské noviny and Právo DailiesTrojanová, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to analyze the media image of the influential Czech businessman Zdenek Bakala who is also the owner of the company Economia, publisher of Hospodarske noviny. Bakala is a member of a small group of Czech billionaires who have completely taken control over the most important media groups and thus all national dailies over the last decade. Politician Andrej Babis is also concidered as one of them. His entry into the media market after the acquisition of the Mafra was the most significant moment for the rise of the so-called oligarchization of domestic media. Czech media ownership changes have raised suspicions that these modern media magnates have acquired the media in order to defend their economic and political interests. There are concerns mainly because they could influence the content of the media and thus disrupt editorial freedom and jeopardize the functioning of the entire media system. They can also use their media power to influence public opinion, which is largely shaped by the media. This thesis will therefore want to verify whether the owners use their influence in their media. This assumption will be demonstrated on the analysis of Zdenek Bakala's media image. Firstly, the research examines the way his own Hospodarske noviny informed about him and finds...
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Databáze s obchodně-marketingovými informacemi a jejich využití z pohledu marketingového pracovníka / Business and marketing information databases and their usage from marketing manager's point of viewPospíšilová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is engaged in business and marketing information databases about economic subjects registered in the Czech Republic which are available on the Czech market. It monitors the rise and development of databases in general, deals with the databases of businesses and provides an overview of the most important providers of information about companies and their information products. Analyzes two selected databases of companies and describes the practical examples of their usage from marketing manager's point of view.
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Neetablovaná pravice v ČR: Vliv neetablovaných pravicových subjektů na politické a společenské prostředí v ČR a podmínky pro jejich vznik a rozvoj na začátku 2. dekády 21. století / The extra-parliamentary right in the Czech Republic: The impact of the extra-parliamentary right-wing subjects on Czech politics and society and the conditions for their formation and growth in the second decade of the 21. centruryJanečková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this graduate thesis is to analyze if and how the extra-parliamentary subject Akce D.O.S.T. influence the society and if the subject can be described as radical right-wing populist. Case Mudd's concept of the populist radical right was applied in the Citizen Association Akce D.O.S.T. to answer to these questions. On the basis of the Piero Ignazi' s theory silent counterrevolution follows the evaluation if the current conditions for the growth of the extreme and radical right-wing parties and similar subjects are favourable in the Czech Republic and if their growth could be expected. Attention is also focused on whether the economic conditions that have an impact on voters, influence their support for right-wing parties.
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Indie jako hospodářská velmoc a její vývoj od konce studené války / India as an economic superpower and its development since the end of the Cold WarHradecký, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This work discusses the change in Indian position in international relations during the Cold War. It is a qualitative case study, which is also dedicated to finding influences that caused the change in the Indian position. Work includes the following sections. The first part describes the theory of international relations relevant to the study of the Indian position within the great power relations. Next part analyzes India's economic development and historical development of India's foreign policy and relations with the most important global actors. The final chapter is a study of global governance institutions and policies of BRICS and its position to the institutions of global governance.
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