Spelling suggestions: "subject:"host gas""
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Modeling and Numerical Investigation of Hot Gas Defrost on a Finned Tube Evaporator Using Computational Fluid DynamicsHa, Oai The 01 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Defrosting in the refrigeration industry is used to remove the frost layer accumulated on the evaporators after a period of running time. It is one way to improve the energy efficiency of refrigeration systems. There are many studies about the defrosting process but none of them use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation. The purpose of this thesis is (1) to develop a defrost model using the commercial CFD solver FLUENT to simulate numerically the melting of frost coupled with the heat and mass transfer taking place during defrosting, and (2) to investigate the thermal response of the evaporator and the defrost time for different hot gas temperatures and frost densities. A 3D geometry of a finned tube evaporator is developed and meshed using Gambit 2.4.6, while numerical computations were conducted using FLUENT 12.1. The solidification and melting model is used to simulate the melting of frost and the Volume of Fluid (VOF) model is used to render the surface between the frost and melted frost during defrosting. A user-defined-function in C programming language was written to model the frost evaporation and sublimation taking place on the free surface between frost and air. The model was run under different hot gas temperatures and frost densities and the results were analyzed to show the effects of these parameters on defrosting time, input energy and stored energy in the metal mass of the evaporator. The analyses demonstrate that an optimal hot gas temperature can be identified so that the defrosting process takes place at the shortest possible melting time and with the lowest possible input energy.
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Heat and Smoke Transport in a Residential-Scale Live Fire Training Facility: Experiments and ModelingBarowy, Adam M 25 August 2010 (has links)
"Understanding fire behavior is critical to effective tactical decision making on the fireground, particularly since fireground operations significantly impact the growth and spread of the fire. Computer-based simulation is a flexible, low-cost training methodology with proven success in fields such as pilot training, space, and military applications. Computer-based simulation may enhance fire behavior training and promote effective fireground decision making. This study evaluates the potential of the NIST Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) and Smokeview to be utilized as a part of a computer-based fire fighter trainer. Laboratory compartment fire experiments and full-scale fire experiments in a live-fire training facility were both conducted as part of the NIST Multiphase Study on Fire Fighter Safety and the Deployment of Resources. The laboratory experiments characterized the burning behavior of wood pallets to design a repeatable fire for use in the field experiments. The field experiments observed the effects of varying fire fighter deployment configurations on the performance times of fire fighter actions at a live fire training facility. These actions included opening the front door and fire suppression. Because the field experiments simulated numerous fire department responses to a repeatable fire, data were available to evaluate FDS simulation of heat and smoke spread, and changes in the thermal environment after the front door is opened and fire suppressed. In simulating the field experiments, the laboratory-measured heat release rate was used as an input. Given this assumption, this study has two objectives: 1) to determine if simulations accurately spread heat and smoke through a multi-level, multi-compartment live fire training facility 2) to determine if the simulations properly reproduce changes in the thermal environment that result from two typical fire fighter actions: opening the front door and fire suppression. In simulation, heat and smoke spread to measurement locations throughout the test structure at times closely matching experimentally measured times. Predictions of peak temperatures near the ceiling were within approximately 20% for all measurement locations. Hot gas layer temperature and depth were both predicted within 10% of the floor to ceiling height. After the front door was opened, temperature changes near the door at the highest and lowest measurement locations matched with temperature changes in the experiments. After fire suppression, FDS simulated temperature decay at a rate within the range measured in the field experiments and approximated the total rise of the hot gas layer interface in the burn compartment 250 seconds after suppression."
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Desulfuración de gas de síntesis a alta temperatura y presión por absorción en óxidos regenerablesPerales Lorente, José Francisco 04 April 2002 (has links)
DE LA TESISEs una contribución al desarrollo de un nuevo método de purificación de gas de síntesis en plantas IGCC, que posibilita un incremento de la eficiencia energética de las plantas de obtención de energía, a partir de combustible fósil, y con ello reducir la emisión de gas de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera. Se estudia un proceso nuevo por absorción regenerativa en óxidos metálicos, capaz de eliminar los contaminantes del gas a alta temperatura, aprovechando con ello el contenido energético asociado al intervalo térmico, que los procesos actuales pierden en la purificación por vía húmeda. Se enumeran a continuación los objetivos concretos alcanzados, con las fases del trabajo desarrollado:1- Estudio de la cinética de la reacción de purificación del gas de síntesis, siguiendo las reacciones de absorción no catalíticas, con deposición de sólido, realizando un estudio exhaustivo, para conseguir unos modelos de reacción gas-sólido que contemplen el mayor número de posibilidades. Se ha pretendido crear una herramienta de simulación con el menor número de restricciones a la hora de aplicarlo a cualquier reacción que involucre cambio en la estructura del sólido con la conversión del mismo, para de este modo no tener un modelo cautivo de un determinado tipo de sorbente.2- Se han obtenido los parámetros cinéticos experimentalmente, mediante análisis termogravimétrico, aplicables a los modelos desarrollados, para el caso concreto del sorbente disponible.3- Se han modelizado matemáticamente los posibles reactores que pueden emplearse en la eliminación del compuesto H2S de este gas de gasificación, especialmente los reactores de lecho fluidizado de burbujeo, ya que poseen muy buenas cualidades de homogeneidad de temperatura y concentraciones. Se ha realizado el estudio de sensibilidad a las variaciones de los parámetros de funcionamiento. 4- Se ha construido una planta experimental a pequeña escala que ha permitido probar el sorbente con garantías en los resultados, para lo que se la ha dotado de los elementos de control y análisis de gas necesarios. 5- Se han realizado un número de experimentos suficiente para estudiar el comportamiento del sorbente en estudio, y para la obtención de datos experimentales que han permitido la validación de los diferentes modelos desarrollados.6- Se han obtenido las siguientes conclusiones resumidas:6.1 Se ha obtenido la cinética propia de la reacción gas-sólido no catalítica del sistema estudiado, viendo la influencia de la composición del gas en la velocidad de reacción. La cinética de primer orden describe adecuadamente los procesos de absorción y regeneración, habiéndose obtenido los parámetros cinéticos correspondientes. 6.2 Utilizando los modelos cinéticos desarrollados se proponen los valores de las características estructurales que optimizarían el comportamiento del sólido, en cuanto a su capacidad de retención de contaminante sulfurado: Porosidad no superior al 30% y área superficial de alrededor de 25 m2/g (frente a los valores actuales del 50%y 8,93 m2/g).6.3 El análisis termogravimétrico ha permitido identificar y cuantificar los valores de los diferentes parámetros que intervienen en la reacción gas-sólido: el coeficiente de reacción intrínseca superficial, la difusividad del gas en la capa de sólido formado, y el coeficiente de transferencia de masa gas-sólido. Asimismo las pruebas experimentales realizadas han puesto de manifiesto la influencia de la composición del gas en la cinética de reacción. 6.4 El equipo piloto de reacción experimental a pequeña escala, capaz de operar a alta temperatura y presión, ha permitido la validación de los modelos desarrollados del sistema de desulfurización, demostrándose que son una herramienta adecuada para su estudio, tanto para diseño, como en operación y control avanzado. Como posible continuación se presentan las siguientes posibilidades en la tarea de modelización: Estudiar modelos más precisos basados en ecuaciones de continuidad multifásicas, para su aplicación en sistemas de computación de alto rendimiento, o bien desarrollar modelos basados en reglas lógicas. En cuanto al desarrollo del sorbente, se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de continuar en su desarrollo para alcanzar los valores de las características señaladas. / OF THE THESISThis thesis is a contribution to the development of a new method of synthesis gas purification in IGCC plants, that make possible a further increase of the energy efficiency, and with this to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas to the atmosphere. It is studied a regenerative absorption in metallic oxides, capable of the elimination of the pollutants from the high-temperature gas, but taking advantage of the energy contents associated with the high temperature process streams, which is lost in the purification by wet route. The objectives and conclusions reached in the development of the thesis work are summarized below:1- The study of the kinetics of the purification reactions of the synthesis gas, non catalytic absorption reactions, with solid deposition. An exhaustive study has been carried out, to obtain some gas-solid reaction models that envisage a great number of possibilities. It has been created a simulation tool with a reduced number of restrictions that makes possible its use with any reaction that involves changes in the structure of the solid thus ensuring generality and independence of a given type of sorbent.2- The kinetic parameters have been obtained by thermogravimetric analysis for the concrete case of the available sorbent to be used in the testing of the developed models. 3- Appropriated type of reactors that can be employed in the elimination of the H2S compound of the gas contemplated have been identified and modeled. Special attention has been given to the bubbling fluidized bed reactors, since they possess very good properties of temperature and concentrations homogeneity. It has been accomplished the sensibility study to the variations of the operation parameters.4- An experimental bubbling fluidized bed reactor plant at bench-scale has been built that has permitted to extract the data from the selected sorbent with guarantees in the results.5- A sufficient number of experiments to study the behaviour of the selected sorbent under study have been accomplished successfully, and the experimental data obtained have permitted the validation of the different developed models.6- The specific conclusions reached are: 6.1. The study of the no-catalytic gas-solid reaction of the system studied shows that kinetics of first order describe adequately the absorption and regeneration processes.6.2. The accomplished experimental tests have shown the influence of the composition of the gas in the kinetics mechanism. The kinetic parameters are very dependent of the composition of the gas, not only of the reactive species, specially of the components that determine the reducing power.6.3. The thermogravimetric analysis has permitted to identify the values of the different parameters that appear in the gas reaction-solid: the coefficient of superficial intrinsic reaction, the diffusivity of the gas in the formed solid layer, and the gas-solid mass transfer coefficient.6.4. Using the developed kinetic models, the values of the structural characteristics that would optimise the behaviour of the solid are proposed, concerning its capacity of retention of sulfured pollutant: Porosity not superior to 30% and superficial area of about 25 m2 / g (as compared to the current values of the 50% and 8,93 m2 / g).6.5. The experimental small scale BFB pilot plant, capable of operating at high-temperature and pressure, has permitted the validation of the developed models for the desulphurisation system. The models developed have demonstrated that they are an adequate tool for the study, design, as well as the operation and advanced control of the system under study. As possible continuation of this thesis work in the modelization task the following is indicated: To study more accurate models based on fundamental multiphasic continuity equations, or else to develop models based on logic rules. With respect to development of the sorbent, the need of continuing in its development to reach the values of the indicated characteristics is shown.
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Aerothermodynamic Modeling And Simulation Of Gas Turbines For Transient Operating ConditionsKocer, Gulru 01 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, development of a generic transient aero-thermal gas turbine model
is presented. A simulation code, gtSIM is developed based on an algorithm which
is composed of a set of differential equations and a set of non-linear algebraic
equations representing each gas turbine engine component. These equations are
the governing equations which represents the aero-thermodynamic process of
the each engine component and they are solved according to a specific solving
sequence which is defined in the simulation code algorithm. At each time step,
ordinary differential equations are integrated by a first-order Euler scheme and
a set of algebraic equations are solved by forward substitution. The numerical
solution process lasts until the end of pre-defined simulation time. The objective
of the work is to simulate the critical transient scenarios for different types of
gas turbine engines at off-design conditions. Different critical transient scenarios
are simulated for two di® / erent types of gas turbine engine. As a first simulation,
a sample critical transient scenario is simulated for a small turbojet engine. As
a second simulation, a hot gas ingestion scenario is simulated for a turbo shaft
engine. A simple proportional control algorithm is also incorporated into the
simulation code, which acts as a simple speed governor in turboshaft simulations.
For both cases, the responses of relevant engine parameters are plotted and
results are presented. Simulation results show that the code has the potential to
correctly capture the transient response of a gas turbine engine under different
operating conditions. The code can also be used for developing engine control
algorithms as well as health monitoring systems and it can be integrated to
various flight vehicle dynamic simulation codes.
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Analysis of material degradation and its effect on weld seam strength during serial hot gas weldingAlbrecht, Mirko, Seefried, Andreas, Gehde, Michael 28 January 2025 (has links)
In order to achieve short cycle times, gas temperatures of 500 °C or higher are used for welding plastics by means of serial hot gas welding. These temperatures are often distinctly higher than the decomposition temperature of the plastic to be joined. The thermal stresses can lead to chemical degradation and physical aging. This can negatively affect the lifetime of the weld and lead to premature failure. In this study, the fusion layers of polypropylene and polyamide are analyzed in terms of their thermal and thermal oxidative degradation using viscometry and FTIR spectroscopy. The results show that a detection of chain degradation and degradation products in the individual melt layer depths is possible. Furthermore, correlations between the depth of degradation and the weld strength can be identified. This characterization shows the first results of a holistic approach to the influence of thermal degradation in the weld seam as a function of the process parameters and their effects on weld seam properties. With the right joining strategy, it is possible to achieve high weld strength without the use of nitrogen and the associated material degradation. This could result in a significant cost reduction for the industry.
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Optimalizace svařovacích parametrů pro bezkontaktní svařovací technologie vybraných termoplastů / Optimization of welding parameters for welding contactless technologies of selected thermoplasticsBRŮHA, Stanislav January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the technology of noncontact hot plate welding and hot gas welding and with the optimizing of welding parameters of the chosen thermoplastics, especially of POM and PPA. The individual chapters in the theoretical part focus on following topics: technology of noncontact hot plate welding, technology of noncontact hot gas welding, description of the test welding machines and tools, main process parameters and evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of each technology. In the practical part the welding parameters are optimized by the Design of Experiment systematic, the short-term capability machine and the microtome analysis are evaluated. In the end there are the results of the welding parameters optimization and comparison of noncontact welding technologies.
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Mise en forme à chaud de tôles fines en alliage AA 5383 : Approches expérimentales et numériques / Forming of deep-parts in AA5383 alloy : experimental and numerical approachDu, Rou 27 September 2019 (has links)
Les alliages d'aluminium ont été largement utilisés dans l'industrie automobile et maritimes en raison des avantages d'une faible densité, d'une bonne résistance à la corrosion. Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire de thèse s’intéressent à la mise en forme à chaud de tôles minces en alliage d’aluminium AA5383. L'objectif principal est de réduire le temps de formage sans sacrifier l'intégrité de la pièce. Tout d'abord, le comportement à la déformation à chaud de l'alliage AA5383 est caractérisé expérimentalement. Une campagne expérimentale comprenant d’essais de traction uniaxiale, de traction entaillées, de cisaillement et de gonflement libre est réalisée pour couvrir une plage importante de températures (623~723 K) et de vitesses de déformation (10-4~10-1 s-1). Ensuite, les modèles de matériau, tels qu'une règle de flux composite avec le critère de plasticité BBC2003 et le critère de dommage Mohr Coulomb Modifié, sont développés et mis en œuvre dans ABAQUS à l'aide du sous-programme utilisateur. Enfin, les simulations numériques des processus de formation de gaz sont effectuées et comparées aux résultats expérimentaux correspondants. / Aluminum alloys have been extensively used in the automotive and marine industry due to the advantages of low density, high strength to weight ratio and good corrosion resistance. Major challenge of their application lies in the ability to form deep-drawing shapes. Superplastic Forming is widely used to produce this type of parts. However, high forming cycle time due to the low forming strain rate limits their wide application. The present dissertation focuses on hot forming strategies to produce deep drawing parts from AA5383 aluminum thin sheets. The main objective is to reduce the forming time without sacrificing the part integrity. Firstly, the hot deformation behavior of the AA5383 alloy is experimentally characterized. An experimental campaign, including uniaxial tension, notched tension, shear and free bulging tests, is performed to cover an important range of temperatures (623~723 K) and strain rates (10-4~10-1 s-1). Then, the material models, such as a composite flow rule with the BBC2003 anisotropic yield criterion and the modified Mohr-Coulomb damage criterion, are developed and implemented in ABAQUS by using user subroutine. Finally, the numerical simulations of the gas forming processes are performed and compared with the corresponding experimental results.
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Modelling Dust Processing and Evolution in Extreme Environments as seen by Herschel Space Observatory / Modélisation de processus qui agissent sur la poussière et de son évolution dans les régions extrêmes comme observé pas Herschel Space ObservatoryBocchio, Marco 16 September 2014 (has links)
L'objectif principal de mon travail de thèse est de comprendre les processus qui agissent sur la poussière pendant le couplage entre le milieu interstellaire galactique et le milieu intra-amas. Ce processus est d'intérêt particulier dans les phénomènes violents comme les interactions galaxie-galaxie ou le "Ram Pressure Stripping" causé par la chute d'une galaxie vers le centre de l'amas.Initialement, je me suis concentré sur le problème de la destruction de la poussière et le processus de chauffage, en re-visitant les modèles présents en littérature. J'ai particulièrement insisté sur les cas des environnements extrêmes comme le gaz chaud de type coronale (e.g., IGM, ICM, HIM) et les chocs interstellaires générés par les supernovae. Sous ces conditions les petits grains sont détruits rapidement et les gros grains sont chauffés par les collisions avec les électrons énergétiques, en rendent la distribution spectral d'énergie de la poussière très différente de ce qu'on observe dans le milieu interstellaire diffus.Pour tester nos modèles j'ai les appliqués au cas d'une galaxie en interaction, NGC 4438. Les données Herschel de cette galaxie indiquent la présence de la poussière avec une température plus élevée de ce qu'on s'attendait.Avec une analyse à plusieurs longueurs d'onde on montre que cette poussière chaude semble être dans un gaz ionisé et chaud et donc subir à la fois le chauffage collisionnel et la destruction des petits grains.De plus, je me suis focalisé sur l'énigme de longue date à propos de la différence entre les échelles de temps de destruction et formation de la poussière dans la Voie Lactée. Basées sur l'efficacité de destruction de la poussière dans les chocs interstellaires, les estimations précédentes portent à une durée de vie de la poussière plus courte que l'échelle de temps typique de sa formation dans les étoiles AGB. En utilisant un modèle de poussière récent et les dernières estimations pour l'évolution de la poussière, on a réévalué la durée de vie de la poussière dans notre Galaxie. Finalement, j'ai tourné mon attention au phénomène de "Ram Pressure Stripping''. La galaxie ESO 137-001 représente un des meilleurs cas pour étudier cet effet. Sa longue queue H2 intégrée dans une queue de gaz chaud et ionisé soulève des questions sur son possible arrachement de la galaxie ou sa formation en aval dans la queue. Basé sur des récentes simulations numériques, j'ai montré que la formation des molécules de H2 sur la surface des grains dans la queue est un scénario viable. / The main goal of my PhD study is to understand the dust processing that occurs during the mixing between the galactic interstellar medium and the intracluster medium. This process is of particular interest in violent phenomena such as galaxy-galaxy interactions or the "Ram Pressure Stripping'' due to the infalling of a galaxy towards the cluster centre.Initially, I focus my attention to the problem of dust destruction and heating processes, re-visiting the available models in literature. I particularly stress on the cases of extreme environments such as a hot coronal-type gas (e.g., IGM, ICM, HIM) and supernova-generated interstellar shocks. Under these conditions small grains are destroyed on short timescales and large grains are heated by the collisions with fast electrons making the dust spectral energy distribution very different from what observed in the diffuse ISM.In order to test our models I apply them to the case of an interacting galaxy, NGC 4438. Herschel data of this galaxy indicates the presence of dust with a higher-than-expected temperature.With a multi-wavelength analysis on a pixel-by-pixel basis we show that this hot dust seems to be embedded in a hot ionised gas therefore undergoing both collisional heating and small grain destruction.Furthermore, I focus on the long-standing conundrum about the dust destruction and dust formation timescales in the Milky Way. Based on the destruction efficiency in interstellar shocks, previous estimates led to a dust lifetime shorter than the typical timescale for dust formation in AGB stars. Using a recent dust model and an updated dust processing model we re-evaluate the dust lifetime in our Galaxy. Finally, I turn my attention to the phenomenon of "Ram Pressure Stripping''. The galaxy ESO 137-001 represents one of the best cases to study this effect. Its long H2 tail embedded in a hot and ionised tail raises questions about its possible stripping from the galaxy or formation downstream in the tail. Based on recent hydrodynamical numerical simulations, I show that the formation of H2 molecules on the surface of dust grains in the tail is a viable scenario.
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Nanofiber Filter Media for Air FiltrationRaghavan, Bharath Kumar 11 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigation of trace components in autothermal gas reforming processesMuritala, Ibrahim Kolawole 10 January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Trace component analysis in gasification processes are important part of elemental component balances in order to understand the fate of these participating compounds in the feedstock. Residual traces in the raw synthesis gas after quench could bring about the poisoning of catalysts and corrosion effects on plant facilities. The objective of this work is to investigate the effects of quenching operation on the trace components during test campaigns of the autothermal non-catalytic reforming of natural gas (Gas-POX) mode in the HP POX (high pressure partial oxidation) test plant. In order to achieve this, Aspen Plus simulation model of the quench chamber of the HP POX test plant was developed to re-calculate the quench chamber input amount of different trace compounds from their output amount measured during test points of the Gas-POX campaigns.
Variation in quench water temperatures from 130 °C to 220 °C and pH value of quench water as well as the resulting variation in Henry´s and Dissociation constant of the traces (CO2, H2S, NH3 and HCN) changed the distribution of traces calculated in the quench water. The formation of traces of organic acid (formic acid and acetic acid) and traces of BTEX, PAHs and soot in the quench water effluent were discussed. The discrepancies between equilibrium constant and reaction quotient (non-equilibrium or real) for the formation of NH3 and HCN at the exit of the gasifier were discussed. The assessment of the results in this work should lead to the improvement in the understanding of trace components and concepts that could be employed to influence their formation and reduction.
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