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Caracterização da resistência à deformação a quente do aço baixo carbono microligado ao vanádio / Carachterization of the hot deformation resistance of a low carbon steel microalloyed with vanadiumCunha, Emerson Fernandes da January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho, realizado em cooperação com a Gerdau Riograndense, tem por finalidade avaliar o comportamento do aço GG1013-M, um aço baixo teor de carbono microligado com vanádio e manganês, na laminação a quente no que tange a sua resistência à deformação, possibilitando assim a tomada de decisão em relação a modificações no processo. Foram realizados testes em simulador termomecânico Gleeble™ para determinação das temperaturas a serem usadas no teste prático no laminador, onde testou-se lotes que cobrissem toda a amplitude da faixa de composição química da qualidade do aço em estudo. No teste prático no laminador, foram retiradas amostras para os ensaios mecânicos, onde identificou-se, por intermédio do tratamento de dados em software estatístico, a influência da variação dentro da faixa da composição química sobre os limites de escoamento e resistência. Como resultado, conseguiu-se determinar a faixa de temperatura mais provável, onde a resistência a deformação a quente é menor, minimizando ou eliminando as conseqüências da redução de ductilidade a quente por conta do endurecimento da matriz por precipitação dos elementos de liga em forma de compostos. / This work was conducted in cooperation with Gerdau Riograndense aiming at the evaluation of the hot rolling behavior of a low carbon steel microalloyed with manganese and vanadium (internally GG1013-M steel).The deformation resistance was evaluated, allowing for the decision in relation to changes in the process. A thermomechanical simulator GleebleTM was used to determine the temperatures to be used in practical tests in the rolling mill, where it was tested different material batches covering the large range of chemical compositions for this kind of steel. Mechanical tests were performed on samples taken from the practical tests in the rolling mill. From this tests the influence of chemical composition variation on the yeld strength and maximum stress was studied. As a result, we were able to determine the most likely range of temperatures for a minimization of hot strentgh, therefore also minimizing or eliminating the consequences of the reduction in the hot ductility due precipitation hardening of the matrix.
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Caracterização da resistência à deformação a quente do aço baixo carbono microligado ao vanádio / Carachterization of the hot deformation resistance of a low carbon steel microalloyed with vanadiumCunha, Emerson Fernandes da January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho, realizado em cooperação com a Gerdau Riograndense, tem por finalidade avaliar o comportamento do aço GG1013-M, um aço baixo teor de carbono microligado com vanádio e manganês, na laminação a quente no que tange a sua resistência à deformação, possibilitando assim a tomada de decisão em relação a modificações no processo. Foram realizados testes em simulador termomecânico Gleeble™ para determinação das temperaturas a serem usadas no teste prático no laminador, onde testou-se lotes que cobrissem toda a amplitude da faixa de composição química da qualidade do aço em estudo. No teste prático no laminador, foram retiradas amostras para os ensaios mecânicos, onde identificou-se, por intermédio do tratamento de dados em software estatístico, a influência da variação dentro da faixa da composição química sobre os limites de escoamento e resistência. Como resultado, conseguiu-se determinar a faixa de temperatura mais provável, onde a resistência a deformação a quente é menor, minimizando ou eliminando as conseqüências da redução de ductilidade a quente por conta do endurecimento da matriz por precipitação dos elementos de liga em forma de compostos. / This work was conducted in cooperation with Gerdau Riograndense aiming at the evaluation of the hot rolling behavior of a low carbon steel microalloyed with manganese and vanadium (internally GG1013-M steel).The deformation resistance was evaluated, allowing for the decision in relation to changes in the process. A thermomechanical simulator GleebleTM was used to determine the temperatures to be used in practical tests in the rolling mill, where it was tested different material batches covering the large range of chemical compositions for this kind of steel. Mechanical tests were performed on samples taken from the practical tests in the rolling mill. From this tests the influence of chemical composition variation on the yeld strength and maximum stress was studied. As a result, we were able to determine the most likely range of temperatures for a minimization of hot strentgh, therefore also minimizing or eliminating the consequences of the reduction in the hot ductility due precipitation hardening of the matrix.
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Caracterização da resistência à deformação a quente do aço baixo carbono microligado ao vanádio / Carachterization of the hot deformation resistance of a low carbon steel microalloyed with vanadiumCunha, Emerson Fernandes da January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho, realizado em cooperação com a Gerdau Riograndense, tem por finalidade avaliar o comportamento do aço GG1013-M, um aço baixo teor de carbono microligado com vanádio e manganês, na laminação a quente no que tange a sua resistência à deformação, possibilitando assim a tomada de decisão em relação a modificações no processo. Foram realizados testes em simulador termomecânico Gleeble™ para determinação das temperaturas a serem usadas no teste prático no laminador, onde testou-se lotes que cobrissem toda a amplitude da faixa de composição química da qualidade do aço em estudo. No teste prático no laminador, foram retiradas amostras para os ensaios mecânicos, onde identificou-se, por intermédio do tratamento de dados em software estatístico, a influência da variação dentro da faixa da composição química sobre os limites de escoamento e resistência. Como resultado, conseguiu-se determinar a faixa de temperatura mais provável, onde a resistência a deformação a quente é menor, minimizando ou eliminando as conseqüências da redução de ductilidade a quente por conta do endurecimento da matriz por precipitação dos elementos de liga em forma de compostos. / This work was conducted in cooperation with Gerdau Riograndense aiming at the evaluation of the hot rolling behavior of a low carbon steel microalloyed with manganese and vanadium (internally GG1013-M steel).The deformation resistance was evaluated, allowing for the decision in relation to changes in the process. A thermomechanical simulator GleebleTM was used to determine the temperatures to be used in practical tests in the rolling mill, where it was tested different material batches covering the large range of chemical compositions for this kind of steel. Mechanical tests were performed on samples taken from the practical tests in the rolling mill. From this tests the influence of chemical composition variation on the yeld strength and maximum stress was studied. As a result, we were able to determine the most likely range of temperatures for a minimization of hot strentgh, therefore also minimizing or eliminating the consequences of the reduction in the hot ductility due precipitation hardening of the matrix.
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Coke properties in simulated blast furnace conditions:investigation on hot strength, chemical reactivity and reaction mechanismHaapakangas, J. (Juho) 01 November 2016 (has links)
The blast furnace – basic oxygen furnace route remains the most utilised process route in the production of steel worldwide. Coke is the main fuel of the blast furnace process, however, coke producers and blast furnace operators are facing significant challenges due to increased demands on coke quality and decrease of prime coking coals. The estimation of coke performance in the industrial process through accurate laboratory analyses is of increasing importance.
In this doctoral thesis, the aim was to study phenomena related to coke properties and its analysis methods in blast furnace simulating conditions. A new method was introduced to measure the hot strength of coke using a Gleeble 3800 thermomechanical simulator. The hot strengths of industrial cokes were determined at various temperatures and several coke properties, which were believed to affect hot strength, were determined. The effect of H₂ and H₂O in the blast furnace shaft gas were determined in relation to coke reactivity, threshold temperature, and the gasification mechanism.
The results obtained by this thesis show that the Gleeble device is suitable for study of coke hot strength. The coke strength was significantly decreased for all three coke grades at temperatures of 1600 °C and 1750 °C when compared to room temperature or 1000 °C. The deformation behaviour of coke was fragile up to 1000 °C, but became at least partially plastic at 1600 °C, and the plasticity further increased at 1750 °C. Notable changes were observed in the deformation behaviour between coke grades at high temperatures. The presence of H₂ and H₂O in the BF shaft gas strongly increased coke reactivity and changed the reaction mechanism of coke to be more surface centric in a specific temperature range. The reactivity of coke in the conditions 100 vol-% CO₂ did not directly correlate with reactivity in a simulated blast furnace shaft gas, which suggest that the widely utilised CRI test does not accurately estimate coke reactivity in the industrial blast furnace process. / Tiivistelmä
Masuuni – konvertteri yhdistelmä on edelleen käytetyin prosessireitti teräksen tuotantoon ympäri maailman. Koksi on masuunin tärkein polttoaine. Koksintuottajat ja masuunioperaattorit ovat suurten haasteiden edessä johtuen koksin kasvaneista laatuvaatimuksista ja parhaiden koksautuvien kivihiilten ehtymisestä. Koksin suoriutumisen arviointi masuunin olosuhteissa tarkoilla laboratorioanalyyseillä on yhä merkittävämmässä roolissa.
Tässä väitöskirjassa tavoitteena oli tuottaa uutta tietoa koksin ominaisuuksista ja sen analyysimenetelmistä simuloiduissa masuunin olosuhteissa. Uusi metodi esitettiin koksin kuumalujuuden määrittämiseksi Gleeble 3800 termomekaanisella simulaattorilla. Teollisten koksilaatujen kuumalujuuksia määritettiin eri lämpötiloissa ja useita koksin mitattiin, joilla uskottiin olevan vaikutus kuumalujuuteen. Lisäksi työssä tutkittiin masuunin kuilun kaasuatmosfäärissä H2 ja H2O kaasujen vaikutusta koksin kemialliseen reaktiivisuuteen, kaasuuntumisen kynnyslämpötilaan ja reaktiomekanismiin.
Tässä työssä esitetyt tulokset osoittavat että Gleeble soveltuu koksin kuumalujuuden määritykseen. Koksin lujuus aleni merkittävästi kaikilla kolmella koksilaadulla kuumennettaessa 1600 ja 1750 °C lämpötiloihin verrattuna huoneenlämpötilaan tai 1000 °C lämpötilaan. Koksin muodonmuutos oli haurasta aina 1000 °C lämpötilassa, mutta muuttui osittain plastiseksi 1600 °C lämpötilassa ja plastisuus kasvoi kun lämpötilaa nostettiin 1750 °C:een. Huomattavia eroja havaittiin eri koksilaatujen muodonmuutoskäyttäytymisessä korkeissa lämpötiloissa. H₂ ja H₂O kaasujen läsnäolo kuilun kaasuatmosfäärissä kasvatti voimakkaasti koksin reaktiivisuutta ja muutti kaasuuntumismekanismia pintakeskisemmäksi rajatulla lämpötila-alueella. Koksin reaktiivisuus 100 % CO₂ kaasussa ei korreloinut suoraan simuloidun masuunin kuilun kaasuatmosfäärin kanssa. Tämä tulos indikoi sitä että maailmalla yleisesti käytetty CRI testi ei ennusta tarkasti koksin reaktiivisuutta masuunissa.
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Влияние химического состава на горячую прочность и восстановимость железорудного сырья в доменной плавке : магистерская диссертация / The effect of chemical composition on the hot strength and reducibility of iron ore raw materials in blast furnace smeltingКотюков, Т. Д., Kotyukov, T. D. January 2024 (has links)
Любое железорудное сырье представляет собой минеральную композицию железосодержащих фаз, состав, микроструктура и физико-механические свойства которой зависят от химического и фазового состава исходной шихты. Повышение качественных характеристик железорудных материалов является одним из наиболее эффективных способов улучшения технико-экономических показателей доменного процесса. Качество готовой продукции зависит от целого ряда технологических параметров, одним из которых является горячая прочность железорудного сырья. Сырье должно обладать высокой горячей прочностью и выдерживать без разрушения ряд фазовых превращений при восстановлении в доменной печи вплоть до отделения шлака от металла. Помимо этого, сырье должно обладать хорошей восстановимостью, то есть способностью легко отдавать кислород, связанный в оксиды газообразному восстановителю. Химический состав железорудного сырья оказывает существенное влияние на его восстановимость и горячую прочность. Поэтому управление химическим составом позволит подобрать оптимальный состав сырья для наилучших показателей плавки. Исследования горячей прочности сырья важны для существующего доменного процесса, так как образование мелочи во время восстановления негативно сказывается на газопроницаемости столба шихтовых материалов; более высокая восстановимость способствует сокращению времени пребывания железорудного сырья в доменной печи и росту доли косвенного восстановления окислов железа, что приведёт к снижению удельного расхода кокса; исследования в области восстановимости железорудного сырья способствуют развитию новых технологий и инноваций в металлургической отрасли, может привести к разработке новых методов восстановления и использования рудного сырья. / Any iron ore raw material is a mineral composition of iron-containing phases, the composition, microstructure and physico-mechanical properties of which depend on the chemical and phase composition of the initial charge. Improving the quality characteristics of iron ore materials is one of the most effective ways to improve the technical and economic performance of the blast furnace process. The quality of the finished product depends on a number of technological parameters, one of which is the hot strength of iron ore raw materials. The raw material must have high hot strength and withstand without destruction a number of phase transformations during reduction in a blast furnace up to the separation of slag from metal. In addition, the raw material must have good reducibility, that is, the ability to easily transfer oxygen bound into oxides to a gaseous reducing agent. The chemical composition of iron ore raw materials has a significant effect on its reducibility and hot strength. Therefore, chemical composition management will allow you to select the optimal composition of raw materials for the best melting performance. Studies of the hot strength of raw materials are important for the existing blast furnace process, since the formation of fines during recovery negatively affects the gas permeability of the column of charge materials; higher recoverability reduces the residence time of iron ore raw materials in the blast furnace and an increase in the proportion of indirect reduction of iron oxides, which will lead to a decrease in the specific consumption of coke; research in the field of recoverability of iron ore raw materials contributes to the development of new technologies and innovations in the metallurgical industry may lead to the development of new methods for the recovery and use of ore raw materials.
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