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A post-occupancy evaluation of the Hope City Housing Complex of the Greater Middelburg Housing Association, MpumalangaMoja, Bontlefeela 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Cosumer Science)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Housing White Paper (Department of Housing, 1994: 12) sets out the government's broad
housing policy and the seven strategies undertaken in the implementation of the policy. One of
the strategies is the mobilisation of housing credit through the establishment of the Social
Housing Foundation (SHF). The SHF provides training, advice, and support to emerging and
established social housing institutions. These housing institutions deliver high density
subsidised rental or installment sale housing to the beneficiaries of the State housing subsidy
scheme. The Greater Middelburg Housing Association (GMHA) is an example of such an
institution. Social housing in South Africa aims at addressing the broader quality of life of their residents,
beyond the physical dwelling in which they reside. Furthermore, the aim is to build rental
housing, which adheres to suitable quality standards, and is located close to economic
opportunities and amenities (Crofton & Venter, 2000:7). To determine the satisfaction levels
experienced by residents with regard to different aspects of their housing situation, a Post-
Occupancy Evaluation survey can be used to determine whether the objectives of the social
housing institution have been met by the housing provided. The main objective of this research study was to determine the level of housing satisfaction
experienced by residents of the Greater Middelburg Housing Association's Hope City Housing
Complex. The secondary objectives of the study were derived from the main objective and
were, firstly, to determine the residents' socio-demographic and socio-economic profiles, and
secondly to determine the residents' satisfaction levels with regard to the housing unit, the
housing complex and the management of the housing project. Thirdly the residents' overall
satisfaction with their housing situation, were determined, and lastly recommendations were
made for future developments and improvements of the Hope City Housing Complex. To
achieve these objectives, a post-occupancy evaluation study was conducted among a randomly
selected sample of 150 tenants residing in the complex. Data were obtained through a structured questionnaire, which entailed dichotomous, multiple
choice, scaled, matrix-type and open-ended questions. The scaled questions were answered on
a four-point scale, where the tenants' opinions on certain aspects of the housing unit, complex
and management, were rated. The questionnaire was administered during individual interviews
of 40 minutes each, with the head or the spouse of the head of the selected households. A
document-study of the GMHA was conducted to gain insight into the organisation's
background, aims and goals. The research results on the socio-demographic and socio-economic profile of the respondents
indicated that the target market of the housing institution was mostly couples, between the ages
of 21 and 40 years, who had dependants. The majority of the respondents indicated that they
would prefer to own housing at this stage of their lives, but that they are satisfied with renting
until they have the financial means to buy property. Most respondents had achieved grade 12
schooling and were formally employed, earning monthly household incomes between R2 000
and R3 500. Few respondents reported that they were saving regularly, and only a small
number of tenants had been in arrears with their rental payment. The results indicated that the respondents were satisfied with their overall housing situation, but
had complaints about specific aspects of the housing unit, the complex and the management.
Statistically a negative correlation was found between the satisfaction levels with the unit,
complex and management indicators and overall housing satisfaction. Concerning the unit, the respondents felt that the units, and especially the bedrooms, were too
small. They felt that the complex did not provide facilities that are needed by the residents,
such as play areas for children and a convenience store. Respondents were also dissatisfied
with the way in which tenants, who have defaulted on their rental payments, were treated by
management. Furthermore, respondents were dissatisfied with the relationship between the
management of the housing complex and the residents. The main reason for their dissatisfaction
was management's low response rate to maintenance complaints. The GMHA should encourage the tenants to attend the Tenant Training Programmes run by the
management. These programmes should outline the responsibilities of the management and the
responsibilities of the residents with regard to the maintenance of the housing units. The
GMHA should also look into providing the installment sale option as a tenure option to the
residents, as this would enable those tenants, who would like to buy property, to do so. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Behuising Witskrif (Department of Housing, 1994: 12) stel die regering se breë
behuisingsbeleid en die sewe strategieë wat onderneem is in die implementering van die beleid.
Een van die strategieë is die mobilisering van behuisingkrediet, deur die totstandkoming van
die Social Housing Foundation (SHF). Die SHF lewer opleiding, advies en ondersteuning aan
nuwe en gevestigde sosiale behuisingsinstansies. Hierdie behuisingsinisiatiewe lewer hoëdigtheid
gesubsideerde huur- of termyn-betalingbehuising aan die begunstigdes van die
Staatsbehuisingsubsidieskema. Die Greater Middelburg Housing Association (GMHA) is 'n
voorbeeld van so 'n instansie. Sosiale behuising in Suid-Afrika het ten doel om die meer omvattende lewenskwaliteit van die
inwoners, wyer as bloot die behuisingstruktuur wat bewoon word, aan te spreek. Verder is die
doel om huur-behuisingstrukture te bou, wat voldoen aan bepaalde kwaliteitstandaarde en wat
nie te ver van ekonomiese bedrywighede en geriewe geleë is nie (Crofton & Venter, 2000:7).
Om die inwoners se vlakke van tevredenheid met verskillende aspekte van hul behuising te
bepaal, kan 'n na-ingebruiknemingsevalueringopname gebruik word, om te bepaal of die
doelstellings van die sosiale behuisingsinstansies bereik word, deur die behuising wat
beskikbaar gestel word. Die hoofdoelstelling van dié navorsingstudie was die bepaling van die verskillende vlakke van
behuisingstevredenheid, soos dit ervaar word deur die inwoners wat in die Greater Middelburg
Housing Association se Hope City behuisingskompleks woon. Die sekondêre doelstellings van
die studie het voortgespruit uit die hoofdoelstelling en is eerstens die samestelling van die
inwoners se sosio-demografiese en sosio-ekonomiese profiele, tweedens die bepaling van die
inwoners se vlakke van behuisingstevredenheid ten opsigte van die behuisingseenhede, die
behuisingskompleks en die bestuur van die behuisingsprojek. Derdens is die respondente se
totale tevredenheid met hul behuisingsituasie bepaal, waarna aanbevelings vir verdere
ontwikkelinge en verbeteringe aan die Hope City Behuisingskompleks gemaak word. Om hierdie doelwitte te bereik, is 'n na-ingebruiknemingsevalueringstudie onderneem waaraan 'n
ewekansige steekproefvan 150 inwoners, wie woonagtig is in die kompleks, deelgeneem het.
Data is bekom deur gebruik te maak van 'n gestruktureerde vraelys wat digotome, multi-keuse,
geskaleerde, matriks-tipe en oop vrae bevat het. Die geskaleerde vrae bestaan uit 'n vierpuntskaal,
waarvolgens die inwoner se opinie oor sekere aspekte van die behuisingseenheid, die
kompleks en die bestuur bepaal/gemeet is. Die vraelys is tydens individuele onderhoude, van
40 minute elk, met die hoof, of die eggenoot van die hoof van die geselekteerde huishoudings,
voltooi. 'n Dokument analise van die besigheidsplan van die GMHA is onderneem om insig te
verkry in die organisasie se agtergrond, mikpunte en doelstellings. Die navorsingsresultate met betrekking tot die sosio-demografiese en sosio-ekonomiese profiel
van die respondente, het aangedui dat die teikenmark van die GMHA hoofsaaklik pare in die
ouderdomsgroep 21-40 jaar, wie afhanklikes het, is. Die meerderheid van die respondente het
aangedui dat hulle op hierdie stadium van hul lewens verkies om 'n behuisingeenheid te besit,
maar dat hulle tevrede is om te huur todat hulle finansieel in staat is om 'n huis te koop. Meeste
respondente het graad 12-skoolopleiding voltooi, en was werksaam in die formele sektor, met
maandelikse inkomstes van tussen R2 000 en R3 500. Baie min van die respondente het
aangedui dat hulle op gereelde basis spaar, en slegs enkele huurders was al agterstallig in die
betaling van hul huurgeld. Die resultate van die navorsing het aangedui dat die respondente tevrede was met hul
behuisingsituasie in die algemeen, maar dat hulle klagtes gehad het oor spesifieke aspekte van
die behuisingseenheid, die kompleks en die bestuur daarvan. Statisties is 'n negatiewe
korrelasie gevind tussen die tevredenheidsvlakke met die eenheid-, kompleks- en
bestuursindikatore en tevredenheid met die behuisingsituasie in die algemeen.
Wat die eenheid betref, het die respondente gevoel dat die eenhede, veral die slaapkamers, te
klein was. Hulle het ook gevoel dat die kompleks nie voldoen aan die inwoners se behoefte aan
fasiliteite soos speelareas vir die kinders en 'n geriefswinkel nie. Respondente was verder
ontevrede met die manier waarop die bestuur van die kompleks mense, wie tydelik nie in staat was om hul huurgelde te betaal nie, behandel. Die respondente het hulle ongelukkigheid met
die verhouding tussen die inwoners en die bestuur geopper. Die hoofrede vir die
ontevredenheid was die bestuur se traagheid om te reageer op die instandhoudingsklagtes van
die inwoners.
Die GMHA moet die inwoners aanmoedig om die Inwoner Opleidingsprogramme, wat
aangebied word deur die bestuur, by te woon. Die programme behoort die
verantwoordelikhede van die inwoners en dié van die bestuur, met betrekking tot die
instandhouding van die behuisingseenhede, te verduidelik. Die GMHA moet dit oorweeg om
die termyn-verkoopsopsie aan inwoners beskikbaar te stel, aangesien dit die inwoners van
Hope City, wie graag eiendom sou wou koop, in staat sou stel om dit te doen.
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Návrh informačního systému pro bytová družstva / Proposal of the information system for housing associationsMol, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was not only to create a development base for similar projects but also suggest solutions unique method of registration and the creation of complex Web sites without programming knowledge. The aim of the thesis was to design an information system for housing cooperatives and subsequent testing implementation of this proposal. The basis of this work was to build the requirements of existing housing cooperatives presidents and owners association presidents. For the analysis and design of information system was used analysis software designed for small projects (MMSP). This draft work was realized for subsequently testing. Testing was based on test scenarios defined in the proposal. The proposal was validated using the acceptance certificate, which examined all the proposed scenarios.
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BOZP v bytovém družstvu / Occupational Safety and Health Protection in the Housing AssociationDolenská, Monika January 2008 (has links)
The thesis defines the obligations of housing associations in the area of occupational safety and health protection. The theoretical part provides the overview of legal and normative requirements. The practical part analyses how these requirements are fulfilled in the selected housing association. Finally the thesis offers the up-to-date register of legal requirements and the recommendations for improvement.
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Tenant involvement in the organisational structures of housing associations in england : exploring the barriers 2000-2008Hay, Deborah January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the barriers to effective tenant involvement at an organisational level in housing associations by tracking, over a long period of time, the experience of tenants who get involved in the forums, panels and boards of housing associations. The focus of the research is the relationship between the tenants and the professional staff, in corporate environments where delivery of a user-focused service is purported to be the shared goal. The aim has been to explore with tenants and staff their experiences of trying to make tenant involvement work at a strategic level within the organisation. My research seeks (a) to unravel the methods used by the different actors to influence activities and outcomes, and (b) to examine their effects on the power balance in and between the groups of people in question. Clegg’s 1989 ‘Circuits of power’ theory is used to plot and analyse the processes involved in the transformation (or not) of power within the culture and practice of tenant involvement and the empowerment (or not) of the tenants who work with staff at the heart of these corporate cultures. In addition I use Somerville’s 1998 typology of empowerment to illustrate the potential for organisational change. I gather a wide range of material, using a detailed questionnaire, 17 case studies plus a further three of national level involvement initiatives, and an analysis of 112 Housing Corporation and Audit Commission inspection reports (from 2003 and 2008). To this I add my own experience as a participant observer in a range of settings over the period. This thesis is intended to shed some light on why the same barriers continue to exist and why so many involved tenants and their housing associations are still struggling to make involvement really make a difference at this level, despite a decade of intensive regulations and inspection of involvement activities.
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Aktiebolags syn på fastighetsöverlåtelser genom köpehandlingFröberg, Ida, Hellsten, Maria January 2015 (has links)
Olika aktörer på fastighetsmarknaden har svårigheter att värdesätta kommersiella fastigheter på grund av den minskade transparensen på marknaden. Den minskade transparensen är ett resultat av att färre fastigheter överlåts genom köpehandling idag. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en ökad förståelse på fastighetsmarknaden och på så vis underlätta för olika aktörer på fastighetsmarknaden att genomföra marknadsanalyser. Målet är att utreda varför vissa bolag väljer att överlåta sina fastigheter med köpehandling istället för att överlåta fastigheter genom att paketera den i ett dotterbolag. Två rättsfall har studerats för att få rättsväsendets bedömningar. Genom rättsfallen kunde det konstateras att det råder en viss osäkerhet i hur beskattningen ska genomföras vid fastighetsöverlåtelser. Denna osäkerhet kan leda till att bolagen väljer att överlåta fastigheterna genom köpehandling där rättsläget är mycket tydligare. För att utreda varför bolag väljer att överlåta kommersiella fastigheter genom köpehandling har en intervjustudie genomförts. Intervjustudien påvisade att bolagens val av överlåtelseform är beroende av de för- och nackdelar samt de skattemässiga konsekvenser som överlåtelsen medför. Intervjustudien visar även att enklare överlåtelseprocesser föredras av bolagen samt att de säljande bolagen vill uppnå en ekonomisk vinning genom överlåtelserna av fastigheterna. Slutsatsen är att säljarens val av överlåtelseform är beroende på utfallet av kalkyleringsmetoden, köparens påverkan på överlåtelseformen samt hur komplicerad överlåtelseprocessen får vara. Den ökade transparensen som överlåtelser genom köpehandling bidrar till gör att de olika aktörernas marknadsanalyser på fastighetsmarknaden kan förenklas och bli mer tillförlitliga. Utöver detta avser regeringen att tillsätta en utredning angående skatteplanering i samband med då fastigheter paketeras i bolag. Beroende på vad regeringens utredning får för utfall kan antalet överlåtelser på fastighetsmarknaden ändras vilket skulle kunna vara intressant att undersöka i en framtida studie. / Different participants in the real estate market have difficulty in valuing commercial real estate due to reduced market transparency. The reduced transparency is a result of fewer properties being transferred by way of document of purchase today. The purpose of this study is to create a better understanding of the property market and be able to provide market participant with an improved understanding how to analyze this market. The objective is to investigate why some companies choose to sell properties by way of document of purchase instead of transferring the property by using a limited company structure. Two legal cases have been reviewed for judicial assessments. The court cases analysis showed the degree of turnover of property transfers can lead to uncertainty in terms of possible tax implications. This uncertainty might lead to companies choosing to transfer properties by way of document of purchase due to the much clearer legal position. An interview study has been conducted to investigate why companies transfer commercial properties through the use of purchase document. The study showed that companies’ choice of transfer form is dependent on the advantages and disadvantages of the form together with possible tax implications. The interview study also showed a simple transfer process is preferred together with financial gains when selling properties. The conclusion is that the seller’s preferred choice of transfer form is dependent on the outcome of the project models, the purchasers’ impact and how complicated the transfer process may be. The increased level of transparency achieved by using document of purchase makes it easier for participants in the real estate market to conduct market analysis and also to make the results more reliable. In addition to this the Swedish government intends to launch an investigation into potential effects of tax planning in connection with the use of limited corporate structures. The number of transferals in the property market could potentially change dependent on the outcome of the government’s investigation and if so this could be an interesting topic for a future study.
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Návrh financování revitalizace bytového domu / Suggestion for the Financing of the Revitalizing of DwellingsKoželuhová, Vendula January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is looking for how to solve the optimal financing of the revitalization of dwelling. It is looking for any options of financing, which are offered by financial market today. The thesis compares the offers of the financial institutions and the choices of financing the revitalization. It shows possibilities of savings in the form of endowments as a state guaranteed programs „Panel“ and „Zelená úsporám“.
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Financování revitalizace panelového domu / Financing of Revitalization of Prefabricated BuildingGryga, Robert January 2010 (has links)
This master’s thesis „Financing of revitalization of prefabricated building“ deals with the possibilities of financing reconstruction of the block of flats. Based on theoretical knowledge, carried out the analysis and calculations, includes solutions for specific housing association.
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Regenerace bytových domů v Českých Budějovicích s využitím strukturálních fondů EU / Regeneration of apartment buildings in České Budějovice using the EU structural fundsBALOGOVÁ, Inka January 2012 (has links)
The objective of the work is the preparation of the project "Revitalization of the Václav Volf residential building 1379/21" to ensure the regeneration of this panel house with the use of money from the structural fund as part of the 1st closed call as declared by the statutory town of České Budějovice on the topic of the Integrated Municipal Development Plan České Budějovice, Máj Housing Estate. A partial objective of the work is an assessment of expected benefits in the field of financing the housing fund as part of the Integrated Municipal Development Plan České Budějovice. The practical part of the essay is focused on an analysis of the possibilities of drawing finances for the regeneration of the housing fund. Using calculations, I use the method of comparing financial returnability IPRM with the subsidy title PANEL, and the regeneration program known as "Green to Savings" (Zelená úsporám). The administrative process of the project is carried out in mutually interconnected activities. The conclusion shows the realization of work actually carried out with practical examples and an assessment of expected benefits in the housing fund.
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Financování rekonstrukce panelových a bytových domů pomocí dotace / The financing of panel and flat building's reconstruction using grantsPoláková, Jana January 2008 (has links)
This Master’s thesis deals with performance and disassembly possibilities of financing of panel and flat building’s reconstruction. The thesis focuses mainly on the financing through grant from the PANEL. The specific example demonstrates the analysis and subsequent selection the most appropriate method of financing the general revitalization.
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