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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zhodnocení a návrh optimalizace personální situace ve vybrané firmě se zaměřením na motivaci pracovníků / Evaluation and Optimization Proposal of Personnel Situation in the Selected Company With Focus on Motivation of Employees

Ondráčková, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
Diploma thesis is dealing with contemporary situation in family center Bruno family park in Brno. Theoretical part is brief summary of theoretical background from available literature about human resource management, personnel work, employee motivation, remuneration, job satisfaction, etc. Analytical part contains evaluation actuall personnel situation in the family center, evaluates positive sides and negative sides from sight of employees and management as well. To get needed informations was used survey research between employees and part-time workers and interview with management. This thesis is also focused on job satisfaction and motivation of part-time workers, becouse they are the largest group of workers in company. In proposal part are sugestions of identified problems and try to optimalization of actuall situation.

Motivační systém firmy / System of Motivation in the Company

Pokorný, Jan January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals the analysis current incentive system in society and the subsequent proposal for its improvement. First part is theoretical basic for the problematic of motivation. In the theoretical part are explained the basic concepts associated with motivation of employees and we will focus on human resource management too. The next section analyses the current situation in selected company. On the basic of the analysis I will develop proposals that will increase the motivations of the employees.

Řízení lidských zdrojů u McDonald's / McDonald's human resource management

Popelář, Jan January 2008 (has links)
Master’s thesis solves the question of human resource management in the McDonald’s restaurant. My thesis has two main parts. The first is desk study with fundamental terms. Practical part forks on first analysis part, where you can find information about the company, and second concept part, which considers about next motivation possibilities and implementation of new motivation method. In the end of the thesis you can find income estimation and complete evaluation.

Návrh motivačního systému a jeho vliv na spokojenost ve společnosti / Proposal of a Motivation System and its Impact on Satisfaction in Company

Moravec, Petr January 2009 (has links)
Cílem této diplomové práce je návrh na zlepšení motivačního systému společnosti Baude Kabeltechnik s.r.o. Pro analýzu současné spokojenosti zaměstnanců byl použit dotazníkový průzkum a rozhovory s vedením společnosti. Jak pro analýzu, tak pro návrhy byly využity poznatky z nejznámějších teorií motivace. Návrhy by měly zlepšit pracovní prostředí, zvýšit spokojenost zaměstnanců, zvýšit produktivitu a snížit pracovní absenci, což povede ke zvýšení tržeb a ziskovosti společnosti.

Návrh assessment centra na pozici HR manažera / The Assessment Centre Design for the HR Manager Position

Kolibová, Adéla January 2010 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá navrhnutím Assessment centra pro pozici HR manažera ve vybraném výrobním podniku. V teoretických východiscích práce jsou uvedena témata, která souvisí s cílem diplomové práce. Dále je v práci provedena analýza pracovního místa, aby mohly být vytvořeny vhodné podmínky pro nastavení klíčových kompetencí HR manažera. Tyto klíčové kompetence slouží jako základ pro navrhnutí Assessment centra, které poté může být využito jako efektivní výběrová technika.

Návrh účinné přípravy expatriotů na jejich působení v Číně / Proposal for Effective Preparation of Expatriates for an International Assignment in China

Varhaník, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Cieľom diplomovej práce je priblížiť Čínsku kultúru a zvyky pre expatriatov alebo čitateľov, ktorí budú v budúcnosti integrovaný do Čínskeho obchodného prostredia, ako aj navrhnúť efektívny koncept prípravy na tamojšie pôsobenie. K dosiahnutiu tohto cieľa použil autor tejto práce kombináciu štúdia relevantných teoretických poznatkov a osobných rozhovorov s vrcholovými manažérmi spoločností, ktoré sa podieľajú na obchodovaní s Čínou alebo inak spolupracujú s Čínskymi výrobnými závodmi.

Einflusskompetenz 2.0 – eine Analyse erfolgsstrategischen Nutzerverhaltens in webbasierten Business-Netzwerken

Dopheide, Niklas, Staar, Henning, Böhm, Karl Maximilian, de Schrevel, Eva, Janneck, Monique January 2014 (has links)
Im Arbeitskontext ist das auf die Beeinflussung anderer Personen ausgerichtete Handeln ein wichtiges Element beruflichen Erfolgs. Dazu gehören beispielsweise Aktivitäten wie die Selbstdarstellung bei der Bewerbung oder in Verhandlungssituationen, der Aufbau gewinnbringender sozialer Netzwerke sowie der Erhalt relevanter arbeitsbezogener Informationen. Ausgeprägte mikropolitische Kompetenzen gelten dabei als hilfreich, um solche sozialen Einflussversuche in Organisationen erfolgreich zu gestalten und die eigene Karriere zu fördern. Zusätzlich zu solchen „Einflusskompetenzen“ werden seit einigen Jahren durch wesentliche Um- bzw. Neugestaltungen von Arbeitsprozessen und -strukturen weitere personale Fertigkeiten für den beruflichen Erfolg und die Karriere relevant: So wird durch eine steigende Virtualisierung von Arbeits- und Geschäftsprozessen und der damit verbundenen Nutzung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IuK) der kompetente Umgang mit den verwendeten Medien zu einer wesentlichen Schlüsselqualifikation im beruflichen Kontext . Um am Markt als Unternehmen oder Arbeitnehmer sichtbar und handlungsfähig zu sein, ist die Nutzung webbasierter Dienste zur medialen Darstellung der eigenen Identität sowie zum Austausch fachbezogener Informationen mittlerweile fester Bestandteil. Im vorliegenden Beitrag soll am Beispiel von XING, dem mit mehr als sieben Millionen Mitgliedern im deutschsprachigen Raum führenden beruflichen Online-Netzwerk, untersucht werden, welche medien- und einflussbezogenen Fertigkeiten der Nutzer relevant sind, um erfolgreich diese Plattform zu nutzen. Es werden Konzepte zur Medien- und Einflusskompetenz, die Mthodik beschrieben und Ergebnisse dargestellt.

COUNTING CARROTS... : A quantitative cross-section study on the distribution of motivation incentives in Central Stockholm's banks according to bank-employees

Francisson, Frank B. January 2020 (has links)
Counting Carrots… as this cross-section study is entitled studied the distribution of motivation incentives in Central Stockholm’s banking sector and if it varied for different groups of bank-employees, according to bank-employees. This variation in the distribution of employee benefits was examined quantitatively in accordance to three explanatory variables: 1 – Job position, 2 – Bank size and 3 – the Gender of respondents. On account of the above variables, three hypotheses were propounded from: the concept of separating firm ownership and control, economies of scale and experience and the theory on labor market dualism. Concerning Bank size, empirical proof showed that the distribution of employee incentives in Big banks varied more than it did in Small banks thanks to cost and resource saving advantages. Nevertheless, this study was unsuccessful in producing adequate empirical evidence to indicate such variation in motivation incentives when considering employees’ Job position and Gender. This lack of empirical proof contradicted notions from relevant theoretical constructs on divorcing firm ownership from control and from the dual labor market theory. In some respects, conclusions arrived at were not consistent with what Davydenko et al. (2017) observed in Poznan, Poland on a similar topic about incentives diversity. In future, more work remains to be done which should include more features of motivation incentives such as their quality versus quantity or/and their degree of effectiveness in elevating employee engagement with the intent to improve or complement the produced findings from this study. / Denna tvärsnittsstudie har undersökt variabilitet på de verktyg som banker i Stockholm använder för att höja motivationen bland sina anställda. Studiens metod har varit kvantitativ, där respondenterna utgjorts av bankanställda i Stockholm. Studiens insamlade data har sedan granskats mot tre förklarande variabler: 1 – anställningsposition, 2 – storleken på den bank som respondenten är anställd på, och slutligen 3 – respondentens kön. Beträffande anställningsposition och kön lyckades studien inte finna några övertygande empiriska bevis på att dessa variabler hade någon tydlig effekt på hur motivationsincitamenten mottogs. Däremot förefaller storleken på banken vara av betydelse, där större banker erbjuder större incitamentvariabilitet för sina anställda, än små banker. I vissa fall har de slutsatser som dragits varken varit förenliga med den relevanta teorin eller i överensstämmelse med vad Davydenko et al. (2017) observerade när de studerade ett liknande ämne i staden Poznan. I framtiden återstår emellertid mer arbete, vilket bör utgå från en större mängd egenskaper av incitamentsverktyg. Till yttermera visso bör motivationsincitamentens kvalitet kontra kvantitet studeras med frågor såsom huruvida specifika personalförmåner verkligen uppfyller sitt tänkta syfte eller ej. Detta för att komplettera och/eller nyansera de upptäckter som gjorts i Att räkna morötter...

A Comparative Analysis between Traditional Accounting and Human Resources Accounting (HRA) Practices on HRManagerial Decision-Making Process.

Sarker, Nivedita, Koilakos Chouzouris, Georgios January 2021 (has links)
Human resource accounting is a concept that was created to deal with the problem of the measurement of the value of human capital. This concept can be very influential for many different human resource practices. This concept is of the utmost importance as it deals with one of the biggest problems within the sectors of accounting and human resources, the constant seeking of an acceptable way of acknowledging human capital in the financial statements as an asset and not as an expense. The skills and knowledge that people can bring into a company are vital for its prosperity and yet no realized. Hereby identifying the similarities and differences in the decision-making factors of HR managers between traditional accounting and human resources accounting (HRA) focused organizations, we want to examine the perceptions of managers who work under both types of organizations. Therefore, the research question we have formulated is the following: What are the similarities and differences between the decision-making processes of HR managers of Traditional accounting and Human Resource Accounting focused organizations? The field of HRA is not new. It is approximately 70 years old, but progress in it has stopped for a while now. The problem besides that is that it is not accepted by international accounting principles. However, nowadays more and more companies try to find a way to allow them to use HRA. In this paper, we have managed to interview HR managers that are currently working under HRA or traditional accounting practices. We selected HR practices in which HRA can have a strong influence so that we can understand and examine how it influences the decision-making process of the managers. The choice of Patterson´s model was based on the fact that it contains four HR practices (recruitment and selection, training and development, retention and turnover, and performance management), in which HRA has a strong influence. Overall, our findings showed us that when it comes to recruitment & selection, and retention & turnover there are more differences between HRA-focused and traditional accounting-focused organizations than in the practices of training & development and performance management. The main difference in recruitment and selection is that HRA-focused organizations make decisions based on measuring the total cost and value of their resources; in training and development the main difference is that HRA-focused organizations calculate the cost of learning by HRA; in retention and turnover, the main difference is that HRA focused organizations can calculate and forecast all cost have already spent and need to spend for replacement an employee, and finally in the performance management the main difference is that HRA focused organizations take into serious consideration the job level of their employees in contrast to traditional accounting focused ones. This offered us the chance to develop a suggested framework. It is based on Patterson’s model but also includes our findings. Finally, we believe that this paper has the possibility to contribute in many different ways. For example, it can be used as a manual from HR managers in order to help them see and understand the differences and similarities between HRA and traditional accounting and extensively manage to focus on the important factors for each respective practice. Moreover, the findings could contribute to the general evolution of HRA, as this paper is one of the few that have approached the HRA concept via qualitative research.

Hodnocení pracovníků v sociálních službách / Evaluation of employees in social services

Cupáková, Adéla January 2012 (has links)
CUPÁKOVÁ, Adéla. Evaluation of employees in social services. Praha, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, 2012. 124pp. Master Degree Thesis. The diploma thesis is concerned with the evaluation of workers in social services. The topic is examined through the perspective of quality and human resource management. The first chapter of the theoretical part examines the concept of quality in social services. The next chapter is devoted to the quality management system implementation and the general principles of change management. The third chapter explores the theoretical concept of quality, as well as the quality standards in social services. The last chapter discusses the employee appraisal system as a part of human resource management. The practical part of the thesis opens with an introduction of the organization where the research was carried out. The company's current employee appraisal system is described. The next chapters explain the methodology of the conducted qualitative research. The techniques used for data collection include document analysis and semi-structured interviews. In total, 23 interviews with the company's workers were conducted and analyzed. The later chapters discuss the research results and recommendations concerning the employee appraisal system, which were submitted to...

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