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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comportamento de filhotes de baleia jubarte, Megaptera novaeangliae, na região ao redor do Arquipélago dos Abrolhos, Bahia (Brasil) / Behavior of humpback whales calves, Megaptera novaeangliae, around Abrolhos Archipelago, Bahia (Brazil)

Tatiana Lemos Bisi 11 September 2006 (has links)
A fim de caracterizar o comportamento de filhotes de baleia jubarte, este estudo foi conduzido ao redor do Arquipélago dos Abrolhos, um importante sítio de nascimento e cria da espécie no Brasil. Foram investigados aspectos do desenvolvimento comportamental dos filhotes, diferenças comportamentais entre filhotes nascidos em diferentes temporadas reprodutivas e, também, a influência da presença de um escorte no comportamento dos filhotes. Os dados foram coletados entre os anos de 1998 a 2004, entre os meses de julho a novembro, a partir de um ponto fixo de observação no topo da Ilha de Santa Bárbara, no Arquipélago dos Abrolhos. O método utilizado foi o de amostragem de animal focal, com registro de todos os eventos e estados comportamentais realizados pelos filhotes, com o auxilio de um teodolito. 207 observações focais foram analisadas, totalizando 313,65 horas de amostragem. Os filhotes apresentaram um repertório comportamental bastante diverso e com uma grande variação quanto à taxa de ocorrência. Os eventos mais freqüentes foram ARQUEAMENTO DO PEDÚNCULO, SALTO, EXPOSIÇÃO DE UM LOBO DA CAUDAL e BATIDA DE CAUDAL; os poucos freqüentes ou raros foram SLASH DE CAUDAL, BARRIGA PARA CIMA, ACENANDO e ALONGAMENTO DO PEDÚNCULO. Entre os estados comportamentais, os filhotes permaneceram a maior parte do tempo em NATAÇÃO, sendo observado em média 42,21% do tempo. MILLING foi o segundo estado mais freqüente (média: 29,86%), seguido de REPOUSO (média: 20,91%) e ATIVO (média: 7,02%). A alta freqüência de ocorrência de alguns eventos e o tempo gasto em NATAÇÃO sugerem a importância desses comportamentos no desenvolvimento da coordenação e aptidão motora, fortalecimento da musculatura e melhora da resistência nos filhotes. Dessa maneira, os filhotes desenvolvem habilidades necessárias para interações sociais futuras e reprodução e, também, para necessidades do momento, como o desenvolvimento da relação com a mãe, amamentação e preparação para a migração. A análise do comportamento dos filhotes nas três fases da temporada reprodutiva mostrou que os filhotes aumentaram a taxa de ocorrência dos eventos ARQUEAMENTO DO PEDÚNCULO, EXPOSIÇÃO DE CABEÇA, BATIDA DE CABEÇA, EXPOSIÇÃO DE UM LOBO DA CAUDAL e EXPOSIÇÃO DE PEITORAL. Entretanto, não foi possível identificar estágios de desenvolvimento específicos. Dez dos 18 eventos comportamentais apresentaram diferenças na taxa de ocorrência entre filhotes de temporadas distintas, assim como a proporção do tempo gasto em REPOUSO pelos filhotes foi diferente. Apesar destas diferenças observadas entre alguns anos, não foi identificado um padrão temporal. Na presença de um escorte o comportamento dos filhotes mudou: a taxa de ocorrência de ARQUEAMENTO DO PEDÚNCULO, EXPOSIÇÃO DE CABEÇA e COLO foi significativamente menor. Adicionalmente, os filhotes permaneceram mais tempo em NATAÇÃO e menos tempo em REPOUSO do que quando estavam acompanhados apenas de suas mães. Alguns trabalhos sugerem que a presença de um escorte pode proporcionar proteção ao filhote, porém, diante das alterações comportamentais observadas, e do aumento da velocidade média de natação, a presença do escorte parece não trazer benefícios, pelo contrário, parece ter um efeito negativo para o filhote, ao menos em termos energéticos. / To characterize the behavior of humpback whales calves, a study was conduct around Abrolhos Archipelago, an important nursing area for the species in Brazil. It was investigated aspects of the behavioral development of calves, behavioral differences between calves of different breeding seasons and also the effects of the presence of one escort in the behavior of calves. The data were collected from 1998 to 2004, through the months of July to November, from a land-base station on the top of Santa Barbara Island at the Abrolhos Archipelago. The chosen method was animal focal sampling, with record of all behavioral events and state occurrences, using a theodolite. A total of 207 focal observations were analyzed, comprising 313.65 hours of sampling. Humpback whales calves exhibit a very diverse behavioral repertoire, with a strong variation in the occurrence rate. More frequent events were PEDUNCLE ARCH, BREACH, EXPOSITION OF HALF OF THE FLUKE and TAIL SLAP; and the less frequent were TAIL SLASH, BELLY-UP, TAIL WAVE and PEDUNCLE ELONGATION. Among the behavioral states, calves remained more time SWIMMING (mean: 42.21%). MILLING was the second most frequent state (mean: 29.86%), followed by RESTING (mean: 20.91%) and ACTIVE was the least frequent (mean: 7.02%). The high frequency of occurrence of some behavioral events as well as the high proportion of time SWIMMING suggest that these behaviors are important to the development of coordination and motor ability and also to muscle strengthening. In this way, the calves can develop abilities needed to future social interactions and reproduction, but also to current needs, as in the development of the relationship with its mother, for nursing and for preparing to migration. There was a significant effect of phase of the season on rate of occurrence of PEDUNCLE ARCH, HEAD EXPOSITION, HEAD SLAP, EXPOSITION OF HALF OF THE FLUKE and PECTORAL EXPOSITION. However it was not possible to identify a specific development stage. Ten of 18 behavioral events showed variation in the rate of occurrence along the seven breeding seasons studied, also the proportion of time RESTING state showed a significant difference among seasons. Despite the observed differences among some years, they did not show any pattern. In the presence of one escort the behavior of calves changed. The rate of occurrence of PEDUNCLE ARCH, HEAD EXPOSITION and LAP was significant lower. Besides, calves remained more time SWIMMING and less time RESTING than when calves were only accompanied with their mothers. Studies suggest distinct functions to escorts, including provide protection to calves. However in face of the behavioral changes and increase in speed of swimming, the presence of one escort seems not to be an advantage, on the contrary seems to have a negative effect to the calf, at least in the energetic demand.

Determining abundance and stock structure for a widespread migratory animal : the case of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in British Columbia, Canada

Rambeau, Andrea Louise 05 1900 (has links)
Developing appropriate management plans for species at risk requires information about their population structure and abundance. For most cetacean populations, few reliable population estimates are available and even fewer distributions have been mapped. Accurate abundance estimates can be determined from capture-recapture data if assumptions are met, however this can be difficult when the animal in question demonstrates both strong site fidelity and large-scale migrations, and different models can result in dramatically different results. I explored these issues by examining a 15-year dataset (1992-2006) of photo-identifications of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in British Columbia (BC), Canada. I used multiple capture-recapture models to compare how the definition of population and variation in effort affected estimates of population size, and I explored means to correct for these biases. I also considered stock structure by examining individual breeding ground destinations, movement, and localized site-fidelity within BC. Across the six models considered, the BC humpback whale abundance in 2006 ranged between 1,428 and 3,856 individuals. The Lincoln-Petersen estimate (1,428-1,892) likely best described the number of humpback whales in BC during summer 2006. The effort-standardized Jolly-Seber model (1,970-2,331) is more representative of the larger population of humpback whales that uses or passes through BC over multiple years. Ultimately, selecting the best estimation model requires defining the ‘population’ of interest and accounting for spatial and temporal distribution of sampling effort. British Columbia provides feeding habitat and a potential migratory corridor for whales that breed in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Forty-four percent of the 1,986 humpback whales considered were sighted in BC in more than one year. Identifications were highest from May to October, with a peak in September, but humpback whales were present in BC in all months of the year. Whales showed strong site fidelity with a median re-sighting distance of 75 km between years, and a maximum re-sighting distance that ranged from 0.41 km to 842 km. Matching rate within BC decreased as a function of north-south distance, though no clear north-south boundary could be established. Stock structure of humpback whales in British Columbia is complex and should be considered in managing this population. / Science, Faculty of / Zoology, Department of / Graduate

Návrh rychloběžné vodní turbíny s tvarovanou náběžnou hranou lopatky oběžného kola / Design of high-specific speed hydraulic turbine with contoured shape of the runner blade

Fojtíková, Marcela January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis is devoded to examination of influence of bumped leading edge of hydraulic turbines ruber blade to characteristics of blade cascade. Thesis is based on hydraulic turbine which countoured/bumped leading edge of blade was created using previous studies on NACA profiles. The main goal of this thesis is to Compare shaped leading edge with flat leading edge using CFD calculations. Programms like SolidWorks and Gambit were used to calculate geometrics and meshes.

Efeito de parâmetros ambientais na migração de baleias-jubarte (Megaptera novaeangliae) entre Mar de Scotia e Banco dos Abrolhos / Effect of environmental parameters in the migration of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) between Scotia Sea and Abrolhos Bank

Abras, Daniela Rodrigues 24 February 2015 (has links)
Fatores exógenos, como fotoperíodo, temperatura da superfície do mar e abundância de presas, e endógenos, como os ciclos circadianos e circanuais e alterações metabólicas são conhecidos como iniciadores dos movimentos migratórios. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer os principais parâmetros iniciadores da migração das baleias-jubarte. Foram analisados o fotoperíodo, índice de oscilação do oceano austral (SOI), temperatura da superfície do mar, concentração de clorofila-a e densidade de krill em relação ao número máximo de indivíduos avistados e o dia do pico de avistagem. O fotoperíodo mostrou ser o principal fator que influencia a migração da Antártica em direção a Abrolhos, enquanto que o caminho contrário, além de fotoperíodo, parece ser influenciado também pelo os fatores tais como temperatura da superfície do mar e a quantidade de presas disponíveis no verão anterior. Quanto maior a densidade de krill, maior o número máximo de indivíduos avistados e a temporada reprodutiva mais longa. O SOI mostrou ter influência no ciclo reprodutivo do krill. Valores negativos registraram maior densidade de krill e valores positivos, menor densidade de krill, através do modelo GLM. Altos valores de TSM apresentaram correlação negativa com a densidade de krill, e com o número de baleias avistadas e o tempo de permanência na área reprodutiva, indicando que o aquecimento da região antártica impõe condições não favoráveis para a temporada reprodutiva das baleias. / Exogenous factors, such as photoperiod, sea surface temperature and abundance of prey, and endogenous, such circadian and circannual cycles and metabolic changes are known as initiators of migratory movements. This work aims to establish the main parameters initiators of the migration of the humpback whales. The photoperiod, the Southern Ocean Index (SOI), the sea surface temperature, the chlorophyll-a concentration and the density of krill were analyzed in relation to the maximum number of individuals sighted and the duration of the reproductive season. The photoperiod showed to be the main factor that influences the migration from Antarctica to Abrolhos, while the opposite way, besides photoperiod, seemed to be influenced also by other factors such as sea surface temperature and the amount of prey available in the previous summer. The higher the density of krill, the greater the maximum number of individuals sighted and the longer the reproductive season. The SOI showed to have influence on the reproductive cycle of krill. Negative values correspond to higher density of krill, and positive values, lower density of krill, through the GLM model. High values of TSM presented negative correlation with the density of krill, and with the number of whales sighted and the reproductive season duration in the reproductive area, indicating that the Antartic warming impose unfavorable conditions for the reproductive season of whales.

Efeito de parâmetros ambientais na migração de baleias-jubarte (Megaptera novaeangliae) entre Mar de Scotia e Banco dos Abrolhos / Effect of environmental parameters in the migration of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) between Scotia Sea and Abrolhos Bank

Daniela Rodrigues Abras 24 February 2015 (has links)
Fatores exógenos, como fotoperíodo, temperatura da superfície do mar e abundância de presas, e endógenos, como os ciclos circadianos e circanuais e alterações metabólicas são conhecidos como iniciadores dos movimentos migratórios. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer os principais parâmetros iniciadores da migração das baleias-jubarte. Foram analisados o fotoperíodo, índice de oscilação do oceano austral (SOI), temperatura da superfície do mar, concentração de clorofila-a e densidade de krill em relação ao número máximo de indivíduos avistados e o dia do pico de avistagem. O fotoperíodo mostrou ser o principal fator que influencia a migração da Antártica em direção a Abrolhos, enquanto que o caminho contrário, além de fotoperíodo, parece ser influenciado também pelo os fatores tais como temperatura da superfície do mar e a quantidade de presas disponíveis no verão anterior. Quanto maior a densidade de krill, maior o número máximo de indivíduos avistados e a temporada reprodutiva mais longa. O SOI mostrou ter influência no ciclo reprodutivo do krill. Valores negativos registraram maior densidade de krill e valores positivos, menor densidade de krill, através do modelo GLM. Altos valores de TSM apresentaram correlação negativa com a densidade de krill, e com o número de baleias avistadas e o tempo de permanência na área reprodutiva, indicando que o aquecimento da região antártica impõe condições não favoráveis para a temporada reprodutiva das baleias. / Exogenous factors, such as photoperiod, sea surface temperature and abundance of prey, and endogenous, such circadian and circannual cycles and metabolic changes are known as initiators of migratory movements. This work aims to establish the main parameters initiators of the migration of the humpback whales. The photoperiod, the Southern Ocean Index (SOI), the sea surface temperature, the chlorophyll-a concentration and the density of krill were analyzed in relation to the maximum number of individuals sighted and the duration of the reproductive season. The photoperiod showed to be the main factor that influences the migration from Antarctica to Abrolhos, while the opposite way, besides photoperiod, seemed to be influenced also by other factors such as sea surface temperature and the amount of prey available in the previous summer. The higher the density of krill, the greater the maximum number of individuals sighted and the longer the reproductive season. The SOI showed to have influence on the reproductive cycle of krill. Negative values correspond to higher density of krill, and positive values, lower density of krill, through the GLM model. High values of TSM presented negative correlation with the density of krill, and with the number of whales sighted and the reproductive season duration in the reproductive area, indicating that the Antartic warming impose unfavorable conditions for the reproductive season of whales.

All’s Whale that Ends Whale: How Correctly Identifying Antarctic-Feeding Grounds of Oceania Humpbacks Could Save an Endangered Population

Holmes, Davey 01 January 2016 (has links)
Although major whaling practices have ceased, increasing human involvement and influence in the world’s marine ecosystems continue to adversely effect global whale populations. It is a major concern throughout Antarctic waters, where endangered Oceania Humpback Whales (Megaptera novarangliae) annually feed. This study analyzes the extent to which a proposed marine protected area within the Ross Sea may indirectly harm the last remaining endangered population of Humpbacks. Using current satellite tracks of southern Humpback migrations, this model maps the effects of displaced Toothfish fisheries, and suggests further conservations efforts, based on New Zealand’s Precautionary Approach, to protect these vulnerable whales.

Site Fidelity of southern right (Eubalaena australis) and humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Algoa Bay, South Africa

Drost, Eduard F January 2016 (has links)
Mysticetes, or baleen whales, make up one of two sub-orders of the Order Cetacea within the Class Mammalia (Drikamer et al, 2013). It contains three families, each characterized by baleen plates (Drikamer et al, 2013). These baleen plates consist of keratin that replaced the tooth structures for feeding in these mammals (Drikamer et al, 2013). Other biological characteristics of these animals include paired external nares (blowholes), a sternum consisting of a single bone, symmetrical skull and the most conspicuous of all, the body length of between ten to thirty metres (Drikamer et al, 2013). It is thought that the size characteristic was probably the main factor when categorising them as cetaceans, with the Latin word ‘Cetus’ referring to ‘sea monster’ (Carnaby, 2006). In this literature review, the focus will fall on two species of mysticetes from separate families, namely that of the southern right whale, Eubalaena australis of the Balaenidae family, and the humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae of the Balaenopteridae family. Emphasis in this review will fall on the aspect of site fidelity of the mother-calf pairs.

Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) mother-calf interactions / Etude des interactions mère/jeune chez la baleine à bosse

Saloma, Anjara 15 June 2018 (has links)
Chez les baleines à bosse (Megaptera novaeangliae), le maintien des liens sociaux entre les femelles et leurs nouveau-nés implique différentes modalités sensorielles telles que l'ouïe, le toucher et la vision. Si la communication acoustique chez les mâles chanteurs de cette espèce a été largement étudiée, les sons sociaux, en particulier ceux produits par les femelles et leurs nouveau-nés, ont été peu reportés. Cette étude décrit les sons sociaux présents dans les enregistrements acoustiques axés sur les groupes mère-baleineau et discute des vocalisations produites par les femelles et les baleineaux dans les interactions mère-jeune. En considérant les sons les plus fréquents de ce répertoire vocal, une analyse centrée sur la détermination de la source des sons de bass fréquence produits par la mère a été effectuée et des analyses ont été réalisées pour mettre en évidence l'individualité de certaines vocalisations appartenant à la mère et à son petit. Une description du contexte comportemental de leur production vocale a été réalisée et parallèlement, les profils de plongée des mères et de leurs nouveau-nés ont été décrits. En outre, les femelles et leurs petits passent beaucoup de temps à la surface de l'eau. Les mères sont souvent statiques à la surface tandis que les baleineaux évoluent autour d'elles. Cette étude est également consacrée à la compréhension de leurs comportements de surface, en tenant compte des comportements initiés par les baleineaux. Des séries d’analyses ont été réalisées pour déterminer si les baleineaux présentaient des comportements de latéralisation par rapport à leur mère. Enfin, en utilisant la méthode de photogrammétrie, les tailles des femelles et des nouveau-nés ont été mesurées, ainsi que l'espace utilisée par les baleineaux autour de leur mère. / In humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), maintaining social bonds between females and their newborns involves different sensory modalities such as hearing, touching and vision. While acoustic communication in male singers of this species has been extensively studied, social sounds, especially those produced by the females and their newborns have been poorly documented. This study describes the social sounds present in acoustic recordings focused on mother-calf groups and discusses the vocalizations used by females and calves in mother-offspring interactions. By considering the most frequent sounds from their vocal repertoire, an analysis focused on the determination of the source of the low-frequency sounds produced by the mother have been carried out and analyses were performed to investigate the individuality of some vocalizations belonging to the mothers and the calves. A description of the behavioural context of their vocal production was performed and the diving profiles of mother-calf pairs were described. Moreover, females with their calves spend a lot of time on the water surface. Mothers are often static at the surface while calves move around them. This study is also dedicated to the understanding of their surface behaviours, considering the behaviours initiated by calves. A series of analyses were carried out to determine whether calves exhibited lateralization behaviours in relation to their mothers. Finally, by using photogrammetry method, mother-calf lengths were measured, and calves spatial range around their mothers was investigated.

Distribution et préférences d'habitats des baleines à bosse de l'hémisphère Sud en période de reproduction / Distribution and habitat preferences of Southern Hemisphere humpback whales during the breeding season

Trudelle, Laurène 19 February 2016 (has links)
L’étude des déplacements des baleines à bosse (Megaptera novaeangliae) en relation avec les paramètres environnementaux permet d’apporter des informations précieuses sur leur distribution et leurs préférences d’habitats. Grâce à des données d’observations opportunistes collectées dans le canal de Sainte Marie (Nord-Est de Madagascar) et des données de télémétrie collectées pour cette étude (25 baleines équipées de balises Argos), cette thèse a pour objectif l’étude des déplacements et de l’utilisation de l’habitat des baleines à bosse de Madagascar en fonction du sexe et du statut reproducteur. Des variables physiographiques et océanographiques (mesurées par satelllite) ont été extraites sous chaque position. Un schéma général d’utilisation de l’habitat en période de reproduction a également été proposé à partir de données de télémétrie provenant de différentes zones de reproduction de l’Hémisphère Sud: le Brésil (n=82 individus), l’Australie de l’Ouest (n=26) et l’Australie de l’Est (n=11). Dans le canal de Sainte Marie, nos résultats ont montré une ségrégation temporelle d’un mois avec une première partie de saison dominée par les groupes avec baleineaux et une seconde dominée par les groupes sans baleineaux (Chapitre III). La profondeur influence la distribution des groupes sociaux avec une préférence des couples mère-baleineau pour les plus faibles profondeurs (< 20 m). Le long de la côte de Madagascar, les déplacements localisés des femelles sont associés à des habitats plus profonds et plus éloignés de la côte que ce qui avait été supposé (Chapitre IV). En revanche, les mâles ne semblent pas montrer de préférences d’habitats particuliers bien qu’ils diminuent leur vitesse de nage dans les zones peu profondes. En zone océanique, les individus se déplacent de façon plus erratique dans les eaux les moins profondes, de faible courant ou les plus riches en chlorophylle a. La vitesse du courant de surface ne semble pas être un facteur majeur dans le déplacement des baleines à bosse. Cependant, elles semblent suivre la même direction que celui-ci lorsque ce dernier est fort. Notre étude comparative entres les zones de reproduction a montré que la distribution spatiale varie selon la période de la saison, entre les sites étudiés et selon le sexe (Chapitre V). En début et fin de saison, les mâles se déplacent de manière plus directe et exploitent des zones plus au large que les femelles, notamment celles avec baleineau. Au pic de la saison, les mâles et les femelles effectuent des déplacements plus localisés. La prise en compte des différences dans la variabilité spatio-temporelle des mâles et des femelles en zone de reproduction apparait être une nécessité pour mieux comprendre l’écologie des baleines à bosse et contribuer à la conservation de l’espèce. / Of key importance for the comprehension of humpback whales’ (Megaptera novaeangliae) distribution patterns and habitat use is to quantify how ecological and environmental factors affect the distribution of animals, which requires knowledge on dispersal movements of individuals. Using an opportunistic sightings dataset collected in the Sainte Marie Channel (Northeast of Madagascar) and satellite telemetry data acquired for this study (25 tagged whales), the aim of this thesis was to study the movements and the habitat use of humpback whales in Madagascar during the breeding season, according to sex and reproductive status. Physiographic and oceanographic variables (measured by satellite) were extracted under each position. A general distribution pattern of habitat use during the breeding season was also proposed based on additional humpback whales tracks from others breeding grounds of the Southern Hemisphere: Brazil (n=82 individuals), the Western Australian coast (n=26), and the Eastern Australian coast (n=11). In the Sainte-Marie Channel, groups without calves dominated the first 30 days of the breeding season, followed by an increase in groups with calves (Chapter III). Water depth influenced the distribution of social groups with mother-calf pairs more frequently found in relatively shallow water (0-20 m). Along the coast of Madagascar, over the shelf, females showed localized behavior in deep water and at large distances from shore suggesting that their breeding habitat extends beyond the shallow coastal waters (Chapter IV). Males’ active swimming speed decreased in shallow waters, but we found no influence of environmental parameters on males’ movements. In oceanic habitats, both males and females showed localized behaviors in shallow waters and high surface chlorophyll-a concentrations. The active swimming speed accounts for a large proportion of the whale observed speed while observed direction of tagged whales tending to be closer to the current direction when the current intensity was high. Our comparative study between breeding areas showed that the spatial distribution varies according to the period of the season, between the studied sites, sex and breeding status (Chapter V). Early and late in the season, males moved more directly and in more offshore areas than females, especially females with calves. At the peak of the season, both males and females performed more localized movements than at the other periods. Accounting for differences in the spatio-temporal variability of the distribution of males and females in the breeding grounds seems a necessity to better understand the humpback whales ecology and contribute to the species conservation.

Caracterização temporal da estrutura de grupos e do comportamento de baleias jubarte (Megaptera novaeangliae) na área de reprodução da região do Arquipélago dos Abrolhos (Bahia, Brasil). / Temporal characterization of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) group structure and behavior in Abrolhos Archipelago breeding area (Bahia, Brazil).

Morete, Maria Emilia 20 March 2007 (has links)
Baleias jubarte usam a costa leste do Brasil como área de reprodução e cria. As águas ao redor do Arquipélago dos Abrolhos são importantes devido a grande concentração de grupos com filhotes. Um estudo de 7 anos (entre 1998 e 2004) foi realizado, a partir de um ponto fixo de observação em terra, a fim de se investigar padrões temporais na estruturação de grupos e no comportamento de baleias jubarte. Dependendo das condições climáticas e de visibilidades eram realizadas varreduras com duração de 1 hora e na seqüência, observações de grupo ou indivíduo focal. Concomitante com o aumento da população brasileira de baleia jubarte, o número de avistagens de baleias adultas ao redor do Arquipélago aumentou, especialmente de 2002 a 2004, porém avistagens de filhotes somente aumentaram durante a temporada 2004. De uma forma gradual baleias chegam, se concentram e partem de Abrolhos, refletindo a migração segregada e as alterações de status sociais dos indivíduos. A medida que a temporada progride, ocorre uma mudança na freqüência das diferentes categorias de grupo de baleia jubarte, de grupos sem filhotes para grupos com filhotes, assim como os comportamentos, os quais, dentro de cada categoria de grupo, parecem estar adequado ao estágio de desenvolvimento do filhote (para aqueles grupos com filhote) e refletem o que parece estar relacionado a busca por oportunidades de acasalamentos e interações sociais. Ao longo das 7 temporadas estudadas, não houve mudanças na estruturação de grupos de baleias jubarte, nem houve alterações comportamentais marcantes. Porém, verificou-se que na presença de barcos num raio de 100-300 metros, fêmeas (mães) permanecem menos tempo em repouso e filhotes ficam menos tempo em comportamento de provável amamentação. Existe a preocupação de que repetidas mudanças comportamentais decorrentes de fatores antrópicos possam levar a população a risco, já que em espécies como baleias, as alterações a nível populacional podem levar muitos anos para ser detectadas. Logo é sugerido que estudos seguindo a mesma metodologia sejam continuados para que comparações sejam possíveis. Um estudo de longo-prazo permitiria uma investigação continua dos padrões (ou alterações deles) com que as baleias jubarte utilizam a área e como vêm respondendo as pressões antrópicas. / Humpback whales use the east coast of Brazil as a breeding and calving area. The waters surrounding Abrolhos Archipelago are important because of the high concentration of humpback whale groups with calves. A seven-year study (1998 - 2004) was conducted, from a land base station, to investigate temporal patterns of group structure and behavior of humpback whales. Depending on weather and sightability conditions, one-hour-scans were done followed by observations of animal or group focal follows. Concomitant with the observation of an increasing Brazilian humpback whale population, the number of adult whales sighted around the Archipelago increased, especially from 2002 to 2004. However, sightings of calves only increased during 2004 season. The humpback whales gradually arrive, concentrate and leave the region, reflecting segregated migration and individual social changes. As the season progresses, the frequency of different groups categories changes, from groups without calf to groups with calf, as well as the behaviors, which, within each group category, seems to be appropriate to calf development stages (for groups with calf) and reflect what seems to be related to the search for mating opportunities and other social interactions. During those 7 seasons, there were no changes in humpback whale group structure, nor were there strong behavioral changes. However, it was observed that, in the presence of vessels around 100 to 300 meters, mothers spent less time resting and calves spent less time in activities probably related to suckling. There is a concern that behavioral changes caused by anthropogenic factors may put the population at risk and changes at population level may take several years to be detected. So, it is suggested that studies following the same methodology continues, allowing further future comparisons. A long-term study would permit continued investigation of humpback whale use patterns (or theirs alterations) showing their responses to anthropogenic pressures.

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