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Numerical Modelling of Staged Combustion Aft-injected Hybrid Rocket MotorsNijsse, Jeff 26 November 2012 (has links)
The staged combustion aft-injected hybrid (SCAIH) rocket motor is a promising design for the future of hybrid rocket propulsion. Advances in computational fluid dynamics and scientific computing have made computational modelling an effective tool in design and development. The focus of this thesis is the numerical modelling of the SCAIH rocket motor in a turbulent combustion, high-speed, reactive flow accounting for solid soot transport and radiative heat transfer. The SCAIH motor has a shear coaxial injector with liquid oxygen injected centrally at sub-critical conditions: 150K, 150m/s (Mach≈0.9), and a gas-generator gas-solid mixture of one-third carbon soot by mass injected in the annual opening at 1175K, and 460m/s (Mach≈0.6). Flow conditions in the near injector region and the flame anchoring mechanism are of particular interest. Overall, the flow is shown to exhibit instabilities and the flame is shown to anchor directly on the injector faceplate with temperatures in excess of 2700K.
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Etude expérimentale et développement numérique d'une modélisation des phénomènes physicochimiques dans un propulseur hybride spatial / Experimental study and numerical development of physical-chemical phenomena model in a hybrid rocket motorMangeot, Alexandre 19 December 2012 (has links)
La propulsion hybride utilise classiquement un comburant liquide (ou gazeux) injecté dans une chambre de combustion qui contient le carburant à l'état solide. La flamme de diffusion, qui apparait à la rencontre des deux flux de matière, est autoentretenue par la pyrolyse du carburant consécutive à l’apport de chaleur produite par la combustion. Afin d'améliorer les performances de ce type de propulsion, il est nécessaire de bien comprendre le couplage physicochimique des phénomènes. Le couple d'ergols polyéthylène/mélange gazeux dioxygène et diazote a été choisi pour cette étude. Les caractéristiques du polyéthylène ont été déterminées par des analyses physicochimiques, elles permettent de mettre en évidence un effet de la pression et de la nature de l'atmosphère sur la composition des produits de pyrolyse. Un banc d'essais de combustion avec une instrumentation a permis de caractériser le comportement du polyéthylène en situation réelle. Les données acquises ont été analysées afin d'obtenir des grandeurs physiques pertinentes à comparer avec des résultats de simulations. Pour effectuer des simulations de chambre de combustion de propulseur hybride, le développement d'un modèle numérique instationnaire et bidimensionnel a débuté. De nombreux cas test "académiques" sont présentés et ont confirmés la bonne implémentation des méthodes numériques de résolution et des équations physiques et chimiques. Cependant, lors des simulations de la chambre de combustion complète, une divergence de pression est apparue dont les causes ont été activement recherchées. / The hybrid space propulsion classically employs a liquid (or gaseous) oxidizer injected into the combustion chamber which contains the solid reducer. The diffusion flame, which appears at the confluence of the oxidizer and reducer mater fluxes, is auto-entertained by the fuel pyrolysis piloted by the heat which is provided to it by the combustion. In order to increase performances of this propulsion system, it is necessary to well understand the coupling effect of the physical and chemical phenomena. The propellants couple polyethylene/gaseous oxygen and nitrogen mixture has been chosen for this study. Properties of the polyethylene have been determined by several chemical analyses, showing that there are a pressure and atmosphere nature effects on the pyrolysis chemical composition. A test bench with instrumentation allowed to characterize the behavior of the polyethylene in real situation. Data acquired have been analyzed in order to obtain physical variables relevant for comparing the numerical simulations results. To undertake simulation of the combustion chamber of hybrid rocket, a new numerical model has been developed. Numerous "academic" test cases are presented and confirmed a good implementation of the numerical method and of the physical and chemical models. Nevertheless, during simulations of hybrid combustion chamber, a pressure divergence has appeared thus causes have been actively investigated.
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Design and Analysis of a Reusable N2O-Cooled Aerospike Nozzle for Labscale Hybrid Rocket Motor TestingGrieb, Daniel Joseph 01 February 2012 (has links)
A reusable oxidizer-cooled annular aerospike nozzle was designed for testing on a labscale PMMA-N20[1] hybrid rocket motor at Cal Poly-SLO.[2] The detailed design was based on the results of previous research involving cold-flow testing of annular aerospike nozzles and hot-flow testing of oxidizer-cooled converging-diverging nozzles. In the design, nitrous oxide is routed to the aerospike through a tube that runs up the middle of the combustion chamber. The solid fuel is arranged in an annular configuration, with a solid cylinder of fuel in the center of the combustion chamber and a hollow cylinder of fuel lining the circumference of the combustion chamber. The center fuel grain insulates the coolant from the heat of the combustion chamber. The two-phase mixture of nitrous oxide then is routed through channels that cool the copper surface of the aerospike. The outer copper shell is brazed to a stainless steel core that provides structural rigidity. The gaseous N2O flows from the end of aerospike to provide base bleed, compensating for the necessary truncation of the spike. Sequential and fully-coupled thermal-mechanical finite element models developed in Abaqus CAE were used to analyze the design of the cooled aerospike. The stress and temperature distributions in the aerospike were predicted for a 10-sec burn time of the hybrid rocket motor.
[1] PMMA stands for polymethyl methacrylate, a thermoplastic commonly known by the brand name Plexiglas®. N2O is the molecular formula for nitrous oxide.
[2] California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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Thrust Augmented Nozzle for a Hybrid Rocket with a Helical Fuel PortMarshall, Joel H. 01 May 2018 (has links)
A thrust augmented nozzle for hybrid rocket systems is investigated. The design lever-ages 3-D additive manufacturing to embed a helical fuel port into the thrust chamber of a hybrid rocket burning gaseous oxygen and ABS plastic as propellants. The helical port significantly increases how quickly the fuel burns, resulting in a fuel-rich exhaust exiting the nozzle. When a secondary gaseous oxygen flow is injected into the nozzle downstream of the throat, all of the remaining unburned fuel in the plume spontaneously ignites. This secondary reaction produces additional high pressure gases that are captured by the nozzle and significantly increases the motor’s performance. Secondary injection and combustion allows a high expansion ratio (area of the nozzle exit divided by area of the throat) to be effective at low altitudes where there would normally be significantly flow separation and possibly an embedded shock wave due. The result is a 15 percent increase in produced thrust level with no loss in engine efficiency due to secondary injection. Core flow efficiency was increased significantly. Control tests performed using cylindrical fuel ports with secondary injection, and helical fuel ports without secondary injection did not exhibit this performance increase. Clearly, both the fuel-rich plume and secondary injection are essential features allowing the hybrid thrust augmentation to occur. Techniques for better design optimization are discussed.
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Simulation of Combustion in a Hybrid Rocket EngineAndersson, Oscar January 2023 (has links)
A numerical investigation on the combustion mechanics of a hybrid rocket engine is performed through unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes simulation. The hybrid rocket engine model is based on an experimental laboratory scale engine design operating on GOX and HDPE as a propellant. A simple convection heat flux model is used to determine the heat transfer to the fuel wall. The project is done with the goal of finding the fuel regression rate in mind, as it is an essential parameter for determining engine performance. The results show early results of the fluid- and thermodynamics occurring in the combustion chamber. Propellant mixing is shown to not be optimal as a significant part of the exit flow consists of high concentrations of oxidizer that has not reacted with the fuel. The flame temperature is shown to be relatively high inside the combustion chamber. It is concluded from the simulations that the model needs further improvement in order to accurately compute the flow as well as the heat transfer to the fuel. To determine the regression rate, radiation should be implemented into the heat transfer model.
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Experimental Review of Methods for Performance Enhancement of Paraffin Fueled Hybrid Rocket MotorsClay, Reed 09 August 2019 (has links)
While paraffin has the potential to be a high performance fuel for hybrid rockets, sloughing-off of portions of the fuel during the burn, fuel-liner delamination during fabrication, difficult ignition, and the escape of significant amounts of unburned paraffin droplets from the combustion chamber have hindered efforts to demonstrate superior performance in paraffinueled hybrid motors. This work investigates several methods for enhancing the performance of paraffin-based hybrid motors including the use of anti-sloughing baffles in the grain liner, ignition media to ensure repeatable and prompt engine start, improved methods for fuel grain production, and aluminum and potassium nitrate additives. The results of the tests demonstrate modest improvements in anti-sloughing and total impulse, compared to the baseline paraffin fuel grain. Difficulty achieving sufficiently repeatable results with the available commercial motor prevented some of the research goals from being completed but lead to a better understanding of the factors affecting the performance space.
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Spacecraft & Hybrid Rocket Motor Flight Model Design for a Deep Space Mission : Scalable Hybrid Rocket Motor for Small Satellite PropulsionMolas Roca, Pau January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis, the design and particularities of a unique and revolution- ary scalable propulsion system are presented. A spacecraft mechanical design is included together with a mission definition, aiming to provide a context for a technology demonstration in space of an Hybrid Rocket Motor (HRM) as satellite thruster. Rocket motors have been around for many decades, with their use mainly focused on launch vehicles and large satellites, thus restricting the access to space to institutions with big budgets. To overcome this limitation, the application of a cost-effective type of rocket motor without a heritage of space utilization is explored. This is the implementation of an HRM as satellite thruster. In Chapter 2, the characteristics of this particular case of chemical rocket motor are presented in detail. The HRM applied for the present mission is a particular case of an in- house developed motor design method. As presented in Chapter 7, a scalable and versatile mechanical and propulsion design have been elab- orated following the maturation of a scalability software (Appendix A). The combination of these constitute a valuable tool allowing for a fast and accurate motor design for the desired scenario. Taking advantage of this straightforward tool, an attractive mission was defined to provide a meaningful context for the maiden use of an HRMin space. A micro satellite deep space mission, defined in Chapter 3, was chosen to validate the tool and prove Hybrid Rocket Motors (HRMs) capabilities, showing the benefits of its use over other propulsion systems already available, specifically in the small satellite family. The spacecraft design was tackled aiming to support the motor’s scalable concept while complying with the mission requirements and space standards. The out- come is an easily adaptable satellite design, justified in Chapter 8. The performed structural simulations are outlined in Appendix C to validate the developed design. Ultimately, this thesis work intends to provide the space community with a noteworthy product, opening the access to interplanetary missions provided the reduced mission costs of small satellites mounted with anHRM as propulsion system. Arising from the thesis content, research papers (Part v) have been published and presented in distinguished congresses, contributing to space development.
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Design of a modular small-scale PMMA/Air hybrid rocket research enginevon Platen, Gustaf January 2023 (has links)
Rocket propulsion using the hybrid-propellant scheme is a technology that offers much promise in applications where high-performance liquid rocket engines are deemed too complex and solid rocket motors are considered to lack performance or safety. However, despite extensive research, there is still a lack of knowledge in the theoretical aspects of hybrid rocketry, especially in the area of fuel-oxidizer mixing and fuel regression rate. This lack of a good theoretical model makes the implementation of good, practical solutions and mature, well-functioning designs more diffcult. This disadvantages the hybrid rocket engine when compared to liquid rocket engines or solid rocket motors.In this study, a hybrid rocket engine burning polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) with compressed air has been designed to the point of a preliminary design defnition. PMMA is a transparent material, and this has been utilized to create a transparent-chamber rocket engine where engine processes can be studied with various optical methods withoutinterrupting or disturbing the operation of the engine. The function of hybrid rocket engines, the technological solutions involved in designing working hybrid rocket engines and the constituent parts of hybrid rocket engines have been studied. The nature of the trade-offs between performance and simplicity that occur when designing a rocket engine are also studied, with a focus on maximizing simplicity, safety and minimizing expenses, while still designing an engine that fulfills basic requirements. The results include a design defnition with a preliminary user’s guide, a feasibility study, and a summary of the results of the hybrid rocket performance model that was used to determine appropriate design parameters.
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Modélisation des instabilités hydrodynamiques dans les moteurs-fusées hybrides / Hydrodynamic instabilities modeling in hybrid rocket enginesMessineo, Jérôme 26 October 2016 (has links)
Les moteurs-fusées hybrides combinent les technologies des deux autres catégories de moteurs à propulsionchimique, et associent un combustible et un oxydant stockés respectivement sous phase solide et liquide.Cette architecture offre un certain nombre d’avantages, comme par exemple des coûts plus faibleset une architecture simplifiée par rapport à la propulsion bi-liquide; la possibilité de réaliser de multiplesextinctions et ré-allumages et une bonne impulsion spécifique théorique par rapport à la propulsion solide,et enfin une sécurité de mise en œuvre accrue et un impact environnemental faible vis-à-vis de ces deuxautres modes de propulsion. Comme toutes les chambres de combustion, celles des moteurs hybrides peuvent subir des oscillations de pression sous certaines conditions de fonctionnement. Ces instabilités se traduisent par des fluctuationsde poussée qui peuvent dégrader la structure d’un lanceur ou d’un satellite. Des phénomènes diverspeuvent être à l’origine des fluctuations de pression observées dans les moteurs hybrides.L’objectif de la thèse est de proposer une modélisation des instabilités d’origine hydrodynamique quiapparaissent dans les moteurs hybrides. Une exploitation nouvelle de la base de données disponible àl’ONERA a servi de support pour la modélisation, ainsi que des simulations numériques instationnaires 2Det 3D réalisées à l’aide du code CFD CEDRE. Les instabilités sont provoquées par la formation périodiquede structures tourbillonnaires dans la chambre de combustion, qui génèrent des fluctuations de pressionlors de leur passage dans le col de la tuyère. L’originalité du modèle, basé sur la théorie classique degénération tourbillonnaire dans une cavité, consiste à prendre en compte les variations géométriques dela chambre de combustion au cours des tirs. Ces variations ont un effet sur la vitesse de l’écoulement, surla zone de recirculation dans la post-chambre, ainsi que sur les tourbillons eux-mêmes. Enfin, plusieursnouveaux essais du moteur hybride HYCOM ont été effectués et confrontés au modèle développé dans lecadre de la thèse. / Hybrid rocket motors combine solid and bi-liquid chemical propulsion technologies and associate asolid fuel and a liquid oxidizer in its classical configuration. This architecture offers several advantagesover liquid propulsion such as lower costs and a simplified architecture. The possibility of performingmultiple extinctions and re-ignitions and a good theoretical specific impulse is also an improvement inregard to solid propulsion. Hybrid engines also have improved safety and a lower environmental impactthan other chemical propulsion systems. As in all combustion chambers, hybrid engines suffer from pressure oscillations under specific operating conditions. These instabilities provoke thrust fluctuations that can damage the launcher and payloads.Various phenomena can induce the pressure oscillations observed in hybrid rocket engines.The objective of this thesis is to propose a model of hydrodynamics instabilities that appear in hybridengines. A new exploitation of the database available at ONERA, and unsteady 2D and 3D numericalsimulations were used for the modeling. The instabilities are provoked by the periodic formation ofvortices in the combustion chamber that generate pressure fluctuations when passing through the nozzlethroat. The originality of the model, which is based on the classical theory of vortices generation ina cavity, consists in taking into account the geometrical variations of the combustion chamber duringoperation. These variations have an effect on the flow velocity, on the recirculation area in the postchamberand on the vortices. Finally, several new firing tests of the hybrid engine HYCOM have beenperformed and compared to the model developed in this thesis.
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Development and Testing of a Hydrogen Peroxide Injected Thrust Augmenting Nozzle for a Hybrid RocketHeiner, Mark C. 01 December 2019 (has links)
During a rocket launch, the point at which the most thrust is needed is at lift-off where the rocket is the heaviest since it is full of propellant. Unfortunately, this is also the point at which rocket engines perform the most poorly due to the relatively high atmospheric pressure at sea level. The Thrust Augmenting Nozzle (TAN) investigated in this paper provides a solution to this dilemma. By injecting extra propellant into the nozzle but downstream of the throat, the internal nozzle pressure is raised and the thrust is increased, and the nozzle efficiency, or specific impulse is potentially improved as well. Using this concept, the payload capacity of a launch vehicle can be increased and provides an excellent option for single stage to orbit vehicles.
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