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Estudo do transporte de cargas elétricas por sílicas amorfas hidratadas sob campo elétrico de alta intensidade / Study of the electrical charge transport by amorphous silica on high intensity electric fieldPerles, Carlos Eduardo 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Pedro Luiz Onófrio Volpe / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T00:32:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: A idéia do trabalho desenvolvido surgiu da observação causal de um fenômeno, no qual partículas de sílicas amorfas eram arrastadas paralelamente às linhas de um campo elétrico DC ao qual esse material foi submetido. É um estudo inédito, não havendo nenhum relato na literatura, de forma que todo o instrumental foi exclusivamente projetado e montado em laboratório para possibilitar o desenvolvimento do trabalho proposto. Realizou-se um estudo científico completo do fenômeno observado, com a seguinte seqüência: observação do fenômeno proposição de modelo exploração do potencial de aplicação. As primeiras observações permitiram concluir que o arraste das partículas de sílica gel ao longo do campo elétrico só ocorria quando as partículas estavam hidratadas e que cargas elétricas eram ¿armazenadas¿ sobre essas partículas até atingirem um valor crítico no qual a força eletrostática agindo sobre elas superava as forças opostas (gravitacional e capilar). O fluxo de partículas entre os dois eletrodos gerava uma corrente elétrica através do sistema. Observações posteriores indicaram que, embora o filme de água superficial fosse essencial para a ocorrência do fenômeno, a taxa de transporte de cargas aumentava até determinado ponto com a diminuição da camada de hidratação. Resultados indicaram que não havia evidências de processos faradaícos ocorrendo, sugerindo que o fenômeno ocorre por injeção de elétrons diretamente na banda de condução do filme de água organizado sobre a sílica, com a formação de hidratos eletrônicos. Observações experimentais sob desidratação gradual dessas partículas, permitiram o estabelecimento de relações quantitativas entre os parâmetros obtidos das curvas experimentais e propriedades superficiais da sílica, como área específica, sugerindo o potencial de aplicação do fenômeno numa possível técnica analítica / Abstract: This work was developed based on a casual observation of an electrostatic phenomenon, in which particles of amorphous silica were dragged by a DC electric field in which that material was submitted. It is a study without absolutely any report in the literature and, thus, all the necessary instrumental was exclusively projected and assembled in the laboratory to make possible the development of this project. In this work a complete scientific study was performed to understand this phenomenon, following the sequence: phenomenon observation proposal of model exploration of the application potential. The first experimental data allowed to conclude that only hydrated silica particles are dragged by the electric field and that electric charges were stored on those particles until a value in wich the electric force overcame the opposite forces acting on the particles (gravitational and capillary). This flow of particles between the two metallic electrodes generates, in the system, an electric current. Subsequent experimental experiments confirmed that the superficial water layer was essential for the occurrence of the phenomenon, however, but the capacity to transport the charges increased with the decrease of the hydration layer. It was also possible to conclude that there are no evidences of redox reactions happening, indicating that the phenomenon occurs due the injection of electrons in the conduction band of the structured water film on the silica surface, by forming hydrated electrons (H2O)n -. The obtained data of the curves of electric current vs. time during gradual dehydration (flow of dry air 1 L min) allowed to establish quantitative relationships between obtained parameters of the experimental curves and the silica surface properties, as specific area, indicating a strong potential of application of this phenomenon in analytical techniques / Doutorado / Físico-Química / Doutor em Ciências
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Approximating Many-Body Induction to Efficiently Describe Molecular Liquids and Clusters With Improved AccuracyJacobson, Leif David 26 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Nature Of Solute-Solvent Interaction : Effect Of Solvent Polarity On Excited State Structure Of 2,2,2-Trifluroacetophenone And Effect Of Hydrogen Bonding In Hydrated Electron Absorption SpectrumChowdhury, Brojokishore 11 1900 (has links)
In solution, the environment around the solute is determined solely by the solvent molecules, which are present closer to the solute. This interaction between solute and solvent shell is very crucial for equilibrium structure and reactivity of the solute. In the thesis, first we have investigated control of solvent polarity on the excited structure of 2,2,2 trifluroacetophenone and later effect of electronic excitation on the solvent shell organization has been described.
It has been reported in literature that the lowest energy triplet configuration of 2,2,2 trifluroacetophenone corresponds to n,π* state. There are some other reports in favor of the probable existence of 2,2,2 trifluroacetophenone in n,π* lowest triplet state. Thus, transient absorption and time resolved resonance Raman spectroscopic methods have been used along with theoretical calculations to investigate the discrepancy in the assignment of the lowest triplet state configuration It has been observed that the lowest triplet state of 2,2,2 trifluroacetophenone is indeed nπ* and there is a solvent polarity induced change in triplet state energy ordering and structure changes.
The absorption spectrum of hydrated electron is broad and structureless. So, it was though that the broadening feature could be attributed to homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening. Transient resonance Raman spectrum of the water bending mode in presence of hydrated electron has been recorded at different excitation wavelengths. Interestingly, it has been observed that, peak position of water bending mode in presence of hydrated electron alters with change of excitation wavelength. A model has been proposed based on the experimental data.
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Simulace interakcí iontů s (bio)molekulami ve vodném prostředí / Structure and dynamics of electronic defects in liquid waterMaršálek, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
Title: Structure and dynamics of electronic defects in liquid water Author: Ondřej Maršálek Institute: Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Supervisor: prof. Mgr. Pavel Jungwirth, DSc. Supervisor's e-mail address: pavel.jungwirth@uochb.cas.cz Abstract: In this thesis we present ab inito molecular dynamics simulations of two different electronic defects in water. Photoionization of liquid water produces a cationic hole, which undergoes ultrafast dynamics and forms the hydrated proton and the hydroxyl radical as its products. We study both the dynamics and spectroscopy of this process. The hydrated electron is a key intermediate in radiation chemistry of aqueous systems. We simulate its equilibrium properties in anionic water clusters as well as the dynamics of vertical electron attachment to cold and warm clusters. The hydrated electron reacts with a hydrated proton to form a hydrogen atom. We examine this reaction at a finite temperature in a larger cluster as well as in more detail in a smaller cluster. Because both of the electronic defects studied here are challenging open-shell species, we put emphasis on benchmarking and testing our computational setup. Six published articles are attached to the thesis. Keywords: density functional theory,...
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Monte Carlo simulation of the radiolysis of water by fast neutrons at elevated temperatures up to 350°C / Simulation Monte Carlo de la radiolyse de l'eau par des neutrons rapides à températures élevées allant jusqu'à 350°cButarbutar, Sofia Loren January 2014 (has links)
Résumé : Le contrôle de la chimie de l'eau dans un réacteur nucléaire refroidi à l'eau nécessite une compréhension détaillée des effets de la radiolysede l'eau afin de limiter la corrosion et la dégradation des matériaux par oxydation générée par les produits de cette radiolyse. Toutefois, la mesure directe de la chimie dans le cœur des réacteurs est extrêmement difficile, sinon impossible, en raison des conditions extrêmes de haute température et haute pression, et les champs d’irradiation mixtes neutrons/γ, qui ne sont pas compatibles avec l'instrumentation chimique normale. Pour ces raisons,des modèles théoriques et des simulations sur ordinateur sont essentielles pour la prédiction de la chimie sous rayonnement de l'eau de refroidissement dans le cœur et son impact sur les matériaux. Dans ce travail, des simulations Monte Carlo ont été utilisées pour calculer les rendements des principales espèces (e[indice supérieur -][indice inférieur aq], H[indice supérieur •], H[indice inférieur 2], [indice supérieur •]OH et H[indice inférieur 2]O[indice inférieur 2]) formées lors de la radiolyse de l’eau liquide neutre par des neutrons mono-énergétiques de 2 MeV à des températures entre 25 et 350 °C. Le choix des neutrons de 2 MeV comme énergie d'intérêt est représentatif du flux de neutrons rapides dans un réacteur. Pour l'eau légère, la contribution la plus significative à la radiolyse vient des quatre premières collisions des neutrons qui produisent, dans la majorité des cas, des protons avec des énergies de recul de ~1.264, 0.465, 0.171 et 0.063 MeV et des transferts d’énergie linéique (TEL) moyens respectivement de ~22, 43, 69et 76 keV/[micro]m. Par ailleurs, nous avons négligé les effets des radiations dus aux ions de recul de l’oxygène. Les rendements moyens finaux peuvent alors être estimés comme étant la somme des rendements résultant de l’action de ces protons après pondérations en fonction de l’énergie déposée. Les rendements ont été calculés à 10[indice supérieur -7], 10[indice supérieur -6] et 10[indice supérieur -5] s. Les valeurs obtenues sont en accord avec les données expérimentales disponibles. En comparant nos résultats avec les données obtenues pour les rayonnements à faible TEL (rayons γ de [indice supérieur 60]Co ou électrons rapides), nos rendements calculés pour les neutrons rapides ont montré une dépendance en température essentiellement similaire, mais avec des valeurs plus faibles pour les rendements en radicaux libres et des valeurs plus élevées pour les rendements moléculaires. Nous avons également utilisé les simulations Monte Carlo pour étudier l'existence de la chute rapide de la constante de vitesse de réaction de l'électron hydraté (e[indice supérieur -][indice inférieur aq]) sur lui-même – l’une des principales sources de formation de H[indice inférieur 2] – au-dessus de 150 °C. Cette dépendance en température a été observée expérimentalement en milieu alcalin par divers auteurs, mais jamais en milieu neutre. Lorsque cette baisse de la constante de vitesse d’auto-réaction de e[indice supérieur -][indice inférieur aq] est incluse dans nos codes de simulation, tant pour des rayonnements de bas TEL (grappes isolés) que de haut TEL (trajectoires cylindriques), g(H[indice inférieur 2]) montre une discontinuité marquée à la baisse à ~150°C, ce qui n'est pas observée expérimentalement. Les conséquences de la présence de cette discontinuité dans le rendement en H[indice inférieur 2] pour les rayonnements à bas et haut TEL sont discutées. Enfin, nous avons tenté d’expliquer l'augmentation – considérée comme anormale – du rendement en H[indice inférieur 2] en fonction de la température au-dessus de 200 °C par l’intervention de la réaction des atomes H[indice supérieur •] avec l'eau, préalablement proposée par Swiatła-Wojcik et Buxton en 2005. La constante de vitesse de cette réaction est toujours controversée. // Abstract : Controlling the water chemistry in a water-cooled nuclear power reactor requires understanding and mitigating the effects of water radiolysis to limit the corrosion and degradation of materials by oxidizing radiolysis products. However, direct measurement of the chemistry in reactor cores is extremely difficult due to the extreme conditions of high temperature, pressure, and mixed neutron/γ-radiation fields, which are not compatible with normal chemical instrumentation. For these reasons, theoretical models and computer simulations are essential for predicting the detailed radiation chemistry of the cooling water in the core and the impact on materials. Monte Carlo simulations were used to calculate the yields for the primary species (e[superscript -][subscript aq], H[superscript •], H[subscript 2], [superscript •]OH, and H[subscript 2]O[subscript 2]) formed from the radiolysis of neutral liquid water by mono-energetic 2-MeV neutrons and the mechanisms involved at temperatures between 25 and 350 °C. In this work, we chose 2-MeV neutron as our energy of interest since it is known as representative of a fast neutron flux in a nuclear reactor. For light water, for that chosen energy, the most significant contribution to the radiolysis comes from the first four neutron collisions that generate mostly ejected protons with energies of ~1.264, 0.465, 0.171, and 0.063 MeV, which had, at 25 °C, mean linear energy transfers (LETs) of ~22, 43, 69, and 76 keV/[micro]m, respectively. In this work, we simply neglected the radiation effects due to oxygen ion recoils. The average final fast neutron yields could be estimated as the sum of the yields for these protons after allowance was made for the appropriate weightings (by using the Eq (2) in Chapter 4) according to their deposited energy. Yields were calculated at 10[superscript -7], 10[superscript -6] and 10[superscript -5] s. Our computed yield agreed reasonably well with the available experimental data. By comparing our results with data obtained for low-LET radiation ([superscript 60]Co γ-rays or fast electrons), our computed yields for fast neutron radiation showed essentially similar temperature dependences over the range of temperature studied, but with lower values for yields of free radicals and higher values for molecular yields. In this work, we also used our Monte Carlo simulation to investigate the existence of drop of hydrated electron (e[superscript -][subscript aq]) self-reaction rate constant at 150 °C. One of the main sources of H[subscript 2] formation is the self-reaction of hydrated electrons. The temperature dependence of the rate constant of this reaction (k[subscript 1]), measured under alkaline conditions, reveals that the rate constant drops abruptly above ~150 °C. However, when this drop in the e[superscript -][subscript aq] self-reaction rate constant is included in our code for low (isolated spurs) and high (cylindrical tracks) linear energy transfer (LET), g(H[subscript 2]) shows a marked downward discontinuity at ~150 °C which is not observed experimentally. The consequences of the presence of this discontinuity in H[subscript 2] yield for both low and high LET radiation are discussed. Another reaction that might explain the anomalous increasing of H[subscript 2] yield with temperature is the reaction of H[superscript •] atoms with water previously proposed by Swiatla-Wojcik and Buxton (2005) whose rate constant is still in controversial.
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