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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relation chaleur d'hydratation du ciment : montée en température et contraintes générées au jeune âge du béton / Relation between the hydration heat of the cement and the increase of temperature and stress at the early age in concrete

Bourchy, Agathe 19 March 2018 (has links)
L’hydratation du ciment est une réaction exothermique. Ce phénomène est particulièrement surveillé lorsque des pièces massives sont construites étant donné l’élévation de la température, le développement de contraintes thermomécaniques et le risque de réaction sulfatique interne. Compte tenu de la grande variété des formules de béton, le choix d’un ciment ayant une basse chaleur d’hydratation à 41 h n’est plus exclusif. La chaleur totale dégagée dépend d’autres paramètres de formulation tels que le dosage en ciment et l’emploi d’addition. D’un point de vue mécanique, le risque de fissuration dépend aussi du développement des propriétés mécaniques. Dans le but de mieux connaître et contrôler ces risques, une étude de l’effet de la composition du ciment sur la cinétique d’hydratation et les propriétés du ciment, et notamment, sur le dégagement de chaleur est d’abord réalisée. A la suite de cela, la formulation du béton est étudiée afin de voir son effet sur les propriétés thermomécaniques de celui-ci. Enfin, un nouvel essai permettant d’évaluer le risque de fissuration du béton est développé. Le premier chapitre présente donc tout d’abord un condensé des connaissances sur l’hydratation du ciment et de ses propriétés, suivi du type d’essais réalisés et les différents ciments fabriqués, et enfin l’analyse des résultats puis les ciments sélectionnés pour la poursuite de l’étude au niveau béton. Dans le deuxième chapitre, après une étude bibliographique du béton, une trentaine de bétons sont formulés à partir des ciments précédemment sélectionnés et sont étudiés thermiquement par mesure de chaleur d’hydratation. Grâce aux résultats obtenus, un outil de formulation permettant de prendre en compte un cahier des charges est développé. Après sélection de 9 bétons – dont l’échauffement thermique et les résistances mécaniques varient, le troisième chapitre s’attache à les caractériser de manière plus poussée au jeune âge, avec un suivi de l’évolution du module d’Young statique et dynamique, des déformations endogènes ainsi que du fluage. Un nouvel essai à l’anneau mettant en jeu l’échauffement thermique durant l’hydratation et les déformations endogènes gênées du béton est développé. L’imposition de l’échauffement thermique mesuré d’une pièce massive dans l’anneau permet de tester le béton comme s’il était utilisé dans une structure. L’utilisation d’anneau en invar ayant un coefficient de dilatation thermique inférieur à celui du béton induit, lors de l’échauffement, des contraintes en compression dans le béton, et lors du refroidissement, des contraintes en traction. Lorsque les contraintes en traction générées sont supérieures à la résistance en traction du béton, il y a fissuration. Enfin, le dernier chapitre consiste à modéliser l’essai à l’anneau avec le logiciel de calcul CESAR en prenant en compte l’évolution de l’échauffement thermique, du module d’Young, des déformations endogènes et du fluage du béton et de confronter les résultats obtenus avec les essais expérimentaux / Hydration reactions of cement are exothermic. This phenomenon is especially tracked in large concrete structures because temperature gradients create mechanical stresses which can induce the development of cracks or of Delayed Ettringite Formation (DEF). Nowadays, because of the wide range of concrete formulations, low 41 h hydration heat cement need not to be used. Hydration heat depends on other formulation parameters such as quantity of cement and addition use. From a mechanical point of view, the risk of cracking also depends on the development of mechanical properties. In this study, screenings of constituents and characteristics of cement and concrete are performed to determine which ones have the most influence on the thermal activity and on the heat released in massive concrete structures. Then, the effect of concrete formulation on its thermo-mechanical properties is studied. Finally, a new experimental test is developed in order to evaluate the risk of cracking. In the first chapter, a summary of knowledge on the cement hydration and its properties is presented. Experimental tests, fabrication of cement and results are then explained. Nine cements are selected for pursuing the study at the concrete level. The second chapter presents state of the art on concrete and the results obtained for 30 formulated concretes. Hydration heat and compressive strengths are measured. A mix design tool is created according to the results in order to meet the required specifications. In the third chapter, the risk of cracking at early age is assessed for nine different concretes, including concretes with a low heat of hydration. Characteristics of concrete at early age such as the evolution of the mechanical properties (dynamic and static Young’s modulus, dynamic shear modulus and Poisson ratio) are measured dynamically, thanks to ultrasonic waves, and statically, by loading cycles. Autogenous shrinkage is evaluated since setting. Finally, the risk of cracking is monitored using dual concentric rings for evaluating stress development due to restrained volume change. In the fourth chapter, BT-Ring test is modeled with CESAR - an IFSTTAR software – and compared to the experimental results

Problematika nvrhu a testovn­ beton pro vodonepropustn tunelov ostÄn­ / Issues of design and testing of waterproof concrete fot tunnel lining

Merta, Michael January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of waterproof concrete and testing its properties. The theoretical part is conceived through research on existing knowledge relating to waterproof concrete. Emphasis is placed on the possibility of using a waterproof concrete for structures, such is e.g. tunnel lining. The experimental part is focused on the laboratory testing of waterproof concrete. Particulary examined was the effect of various admixtures as a partial replacement of cement. Monitored was the development of compressive strength and flexural strength, development of temperature during hydration in the early stages of maturation of concrete, water resistance of concrete, concrete surface resistance to water and chemical de-icing agents, as well as development of shrinkage during concrete maturation.

Temperature reduction during concrete hydration in massive structures

Lagundzija, Sandra, Thiam, Marie January 2017 (has links)
Concrete is one of the most used building materials in the world because of its good properties. However, cement which is one of the main components in concrete, produces a high amount of heat during the hydration process. The generated heat leads to temperature rise inside the structure. This temperature rise becomes an issue for massive concrete structures, such as hydropower plants and dams, since natural cooling is no longer sufficient. In combination with restrained boundary conditions, increasing temperatures result in tensile stresses causing thermal cracking of the structure. Reducing thermal cracking in a restrained massive concrete structure can be done by lowering or controlling the temperature rise. Several methods of cooling can be used to achieve this. These methods may be divided in pre-cooling and post-cooling methods. To pre-cool concrete the cement content can be reduced by replacing it with mineral additions such as limestone, fly ash, silica fume and ground granulated blast furnace slag. Another method is to increase the size of the aggregates or to pre-cool the aggregates. Ice can also be used to reduce the temperature at casting the concrete and reduce the amount of water that is needed in the mix. The main post-cooling method is cooling pipes, with cold water circulating in the pipes to cool the structure. This master thesis project focuses on comparing the possible methods to reduce the temperature in massive concrete structures. Simulations with the computer program HACON were performed to analyse the effect of these methods. The results from this study showed that cooling pipes gave the best reduction of the maximum temperature and the maximum temperature gradient by 42 % and 76 %, respectively. However, if cooling pipes were to be avoided, the best result of the studied mineral additions was with a replacement of 30 % fly ash resulting in almost the same reduction in maximum temperature but less than one third of the reduction in the gradient. The reduction obtained with fly ash was not as efficient as cooling pipes; therefore appropriate combinations of different pre-cooling methods were also studied. The results of the combination of fly ash, ice, and larger aggregates showed even better reduction of the maximum temperature reduction compared to cooling pipes. The results also showed that the obtained temperature reductions were almost independent from the thickness of the structure. This conclusion is however only valid for massive structures, where cases with 1.5 and 3.0 m were analysed. Further study may be on finding suitable combination of pre-cooling methods to avoid the use of cooling pipes, as well as analysing the cost for the different pre-cooling methods. / Betong är ett av de mest använda byggmaterialen i världen, tack vare dess goda egenskaper. Cement, som är en av huvudkomponenterna i betong, genererar en stor värmeutveckling under hydratationen. Värmeutveckling som genereras leder till temperaturhöjningar i strukturen. Denna temperaturhöjning blir således ett problem för massiva betong- konstruktioner, såsom vattenkraftverk och dammar, på grund av att den naturliga avkylningen inte längre är tillräcklig för att avlägsna värmen. I kombination med yttre och inre tvång resulterar högre temperaturer i dragspänningar som orsakar sprickor i strukturen. Minskningen av sprickbildning i en fastgjuten massiv betongstruktur kan ske genom att minska eller reglera temperaturhöjningen. För att göra det kan flera kylmetoder användas. Dessa metoder kan delas in i förberedande kylning och efterkylning. Med förberedande kylning kan cementhalten i betong reduceras genom ersättning med mineraltillsatser såsom kalksten, flygaska, silikastoft eller markgranulerad masugnsslagg. En annan metod är att öka ballastens storlek eller att kyla ballasten. Is kan användas både för att minska temperaturen vid gjutning av betong och reducera mängden vatten som behövs i blandningen. Den vanligaste efterkylningsmetoden är användning av kylrör med cirkulerande kallt vatten för att kyla strukturen, dvs. utan att ändra mängden värme som produceras av cementhydratationen. Denna uppsats ämnar jämföra olika metoder för att reducera temperaturen i massiva betongkonstruktioner. Simuleringar har genomförts med datorprogrammet HACON i syfte att analysera inverkan av olika metoder. Resultaten från studien visade att kylrör gav den bästa minskningen av den maximala temperaturen och den maximala reduktionen av temperaturgradienten med 42 % respektive 76 %. Om kylrör ska undvikas erhålls det bästa resultatet vid användning av 30 % flygaska, vilket resulterade i en snarlik minskning i maximal temperatur med mindre än en tredjedel av reduktionen av gradienten. Då reduceringen med flygaska inte var lika effektiv som med kylrör har lämpliga kombinationer av olika förberedande kylmetoder studerats. Resultatet av kombinationen med flygaska, is och större ballast visade en ännu effektivare minskning av den maximala temperaturreduceringen jämfört med kylrör. Vidare visade resultaten även att de erhållna temperaturreduceringarna nästan var oberoende av konstruktionens tjocklek. Denna slutsats kan endast tillämpas för massiva konstruktioner, där fall med en 1.5 och 3.0 m tjock vägg analyserades. Fortsatta studier kan vara att hitta fler lämpliga kombinationer av förberedande kylmetoder för att undvika användning av kylrör, liksom att analysera kostnaden för de olika förberedande kylmetoderna.

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