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Gestaltung und hydraulische Berechnung von SchachtüberfällenBollrich, Gerhard 22 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Mit dem Begriff "Schachtüberfall" wird eine Hochwasserentlastungsanlage bezeichnet, bei der Überschußwasser von einem horizontalen, im Grundriß meist kreisförmigen Überfall in einen senkrechten oder schrägen Schacht geleitet und durch einen Stollen mit geringem Gefälle ins Unterwasser abgeführt wird. Der Fallschacht hat in der Regel Kreisquerschnitt und ist durch einen 90°-Krümmer mit dem Ablaufstollen verbunden. Schachtüberfälle werden in zunehmenden Maße zur Hochwasserentlastung bei Erd- und Steindämmen verwendet. Sie werden getrennt vom Dammbauwerk im Hang oder als freistehende Türme im Becken errichtet. (...)
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Výpočet regeneračního výměníku tepla / The basic design of regenerative heat exchangerSchütz, Stanislav January 2017 (has links)
Regenerative heat exchangers are established as a means of heat recovery in many industrial applications. The fixed-bed regenerators are mostly used to transfer heat from hot flue gas to cold air. In this work, several mathematical models of regenerators and several calculation methods were compared, while the preferred method is Willmott’s open method from 1964. Analysis of the influence of geometrical and operational parameters was carried out for the linear regenerator model.
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Model teplárenské sítě / Model of district heating networkKolenčíková, Jana January 2020 (has links)
Subject of this thesis is district heating and heating network model design. Firstly, it de-scribes basic principles of heat supply and its elements. Secondly, computational model of heating network is created based on grid map of the network. The model contains proposed pipeline system and calculation of heat and pressure losses. Lastly, price map for heat con-sumption points, in dependence on heat losses, is presented.
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Matematický model teplárenské sítě / Mathematical modeling of district heating netPařízková, Iva January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on creating an iterative model for thermal and hydraulic calculation of heating net in Visual Basic of Application. Flowing medium considered is hot water. Although data for heating network in Brno are recorded in this model, its use for any other heating network is possible. This model allows also calculation of minimal temperature of the source and calculation of heat loss of every consumer. This is very useful when considering, if supplying some of the consumers with the heat from a local source would not be more effective. The second part of this text is aimed to evaluation of different ways how to reduce the heat loss in heat network for source Červený mlýn. Both current situation and possibilities for the future are considered.
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Gestaltung und hydraulische Berechnung von SchachtüberfällenBollrich, Gerhard 01 December 1966 (has links)
Mit dem Begriff "Schachtüberfall" wird eine Hochwasserentlastungsanlage bezeichnet, bei der Überschußwasser von einem horizontalen, im Grundriß meist kreisförmigen Überfall in einen senkrechten oder schrägen Schacht geleitet und durch einen Stollen mit geringem Gefälle ins Unterwasser abgeführt wird. Der Fallschacht hat in der Regel Kreisquerschnitt und ist durch einen 90°-Krümmer mit dem Ablaufstollen verbunden. Schachtüberfälle werden in zunehmenden Maße zur Hochwasserentlastung bei Erd- und Steindämmen verwendet. Sie werden getrennt vom Dammbauwerk im Hang oder als freistehende Türme im Becken errichtet. (...):1. Einleitung S. 4
2. Aufgabenstellung S. 7
3. Grundlagen der hydraulischen Berechnung von Schachtüberfällen S. 9
4. Gestaltung und hydraulische Berechnung des Schachteinlaufes S. 16
5. Gestaltung und hydraulische Berechnung des senkrechten Fallschachtes S. 25
6. Gestaltung und hydraulische Berechnung des Krümmers, Ablaufstollens und Tosbeckens S. 101
7. Versuche S. 118
8. Anwendung der Ergebnisse der Arbeit auf dag Beispiel des Schachtüberfalles der Steinbachtalgperre, Westdeutschland S. 148
9. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick S. 157
10. Literaturverzeichnis S. 161
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Návrh vysokotlakého výměníku tepla / Design of high-pressure heat exchangerMarada, Petr January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to design a heat exchanger for heating natural gas in the mining process and subsequent treatment. The first part describes natural gas itself, its origin, mining and ways of treatment. There are described technologies used for finding the deposits itself or processes by which water, sulfur and solid particles are removed from the extracted gas. The next section deals with the types of heat exchangers most commonly used in industry. There are also described basic relations for heat-hydraulic calculation of heat exchanger. In the practical part the heat exchanger itself was designed. World-wide HTRI software was used for the heat-hydraulic calculation and for strength calculation according to the standard ČSN EN 13445 was used sofware Sant´ Ambrogio.
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Návrh úpravy výměníku tepla pro výrobu páry / Modification of heat exchanger for steam generationPačíska, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This graduation thesis is concerned with a thermal exchange unit issue whereof one working substance complies with a two-phase mode of a flow. This unit is made for the steam generation. The thesis is supposed to solve operation problems causes of the given unit and to make a proposal of an appropriate solution that is supported by performed calculations. Part of the the work is strength calculation. This work also introduces the thermal-hydraulic processes issue of the steam generation equipment. There are also performed thermal-hydraulic control calculations in consideration of newly set-up operation parameters of the given equipment‘s working substances.
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Výpočtové postupy příčně obtékaného svazku trubek / Calculation methods for tube banks heat exchangerHousírek, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with calculation methods of heat exchanger with cross-flow tube bundle. The first part of the thesis contains summary of generally known basic calculation relations used in calculations of heat exchangers and a detailed description of a given heat exchanger.The second part of the thesis provides a description of available calculation methods of a given aparatus required for its thermal and hydraulic calculation. The final part describes application POST in 1.0 which has been formed on the basis of these calculation methods. Using this application check calculation of exchanger with cross-flow tube bundle was carried out and gained figures compared with results gained by means of professional calculation program HTRI.
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Komplexní pevnostní návrh kondenzátoru / Complex strength design of condenserDenk, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on strength design of steam condenser. The goal of the thesis is to make strength calculations for the specific operation conditions, introduce possible solutions, provide recommendations and refer to weak points of such calculation procedures. First, thermal-hydraulic design in HTRI software is performed. Strength calculations respect ČSN EN 13445 standard. Strength calculation with imported temperature field is performed in ANSYS Workbench software. In the next step, another strength calculation is realized in Sant´ Ambrogio software. Results are evaluated in conclusion chapter, including recommendations for the possible following work.
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Návrh dvoutlakého vertikálního kotle na odpadní teplo za plynovou turbínou na zemní plyn / Design of heat recovery steam generator with two pressure levelsPtáček, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with proposal of a two-lane vertical boiler using the waste heat after gas turbine. In the first part the heat calculation has been done followed by the arrangement of particular heat exchange surfaces and the drawing of real saw diagram. There are also dimensions of drums, inlet and outlet pipes and transfer pipelines drafted. Furthermore, I have listed the materials that are used for casing the boiler and pipelines. Finally, the boiler loss is calculated and the boiler hydraulic calculation is performed. The supplement contains a boiler drawing.
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