Spelling suggestions: "subject:"neurochemistry,"" "subject:"electrochemistry,""
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Características hidrogeoquímicas da bacia de drenagem do rio Sorocaba, SP: processos erosivos mecânicos e químicos / Hydrogeochemical characteristics of the Sorocaba River basin drainage, SP: mechanical and chemical erosion processesFernandes, Alexandre Martins 08 August 2012 (has links)
A caracterização hidrogeoquímica da bacia do rio Sorocaba foi realizada a partir do estudo detalhado das cargas fluviais particulada e dissolvida, considerando a dinâmica dos transportes das principais espécies químicas, bem como os aportes atmosféricos e antrópicos, identificando os processos erosivos mecânicos e químicos predominantes na bacia de drenagem. A caracterização hidrológica permitiu identificar os principais mecanismos de recarga e descarga na bacia de drenagem e determinar o escoamento superficial rápido, revelando os períodos de maior potencial erosivo nos últimos 20 anos. O estudo da dinâmica da carga fluvial particulada mostrou a ocorrência de processos de remobilização e sedimentação ao longo da bacia, permitindo verificar um aumento do transporte fluvial específico em 2,5 vezes das nascentes até a foz. A erosão mecânica, calculada com base no transporte de sedimentos finos em suspensão junto à foz do rio Sorocaba, foi de 55,70 t km-2 a-1, indicando uma taxa de degradação física de 37,88 m Ma-1. A origem da matéria orgânica na carga particulada fluvial se mostrou associada aos efluentes domésticos após caracterização isotópica do 13C. O comportamento hidroquímico fluvial evidenciou uma diferença de predomínio de espécies químicas dissolvidas entre as cinco estações de amostragem, permitindo verificar a influência dos processos de diluição fluvial, de acordo com as relações concentração x vazão. O modelo geoquímico utilizado permitiu estimar o CO2 atmosférico/solo consumido durante o processo de alteração de rochas na bacia de drenagem em 198 x 103 moles km-2 a-1, dos quais 98% foi relacionado à alteração de silicatos. O modelo de reconstituição desse consumo nos últimos 59 anos mostrou-se pouco variável, entretanto o modelo associado exclusivamente aos silicatos indicou um aumento no mesmo período, a uma taxa de 2,7 x103 moles km-2 a-1. Comparada com a erosão mecânica, a erosão química se mostrou inferior em cerca de 2,5 vezes, enquanto que, ainda em termos de erosão química, as taxas de alteração de silicatos e carbonatos na bacia de drenagem foram de 9,4 e 5,3 m Ma-1, respectivamente. O índice de alteração de rocha RE, determinado a partir dos dados geoquímicos das águas fluviais, indicou a mudança de um possível domínio de estabilidade da caulinita para o das argilas 2:1, evidenciando a ocorrência do processo de bisialitização / The hydrogeochemical characterization of the Sorocaba River basin was performed from the detailed study of particulate and dissolved river loads. Considering the main chemical species transported, as well as the atmospheric and anthropogenic inputs, it ws identified the mechanical and chemical erosion processes prevailing in the drainage basin. The hydrologic characterization identified the main mechanisms of recharge and discharge in the drainage basin, and allowed to determine the quickly surface runoff, showing periods of increased erosion potential in the last 20 years. The study of the particulate load dynamics demonstrated the occurrence of sedimentation and remobilization processes in the basin, allowing to verify a specific fluvial transport increased by 2.5 times from headwaters to the mouth of the Sorocaba River. The mechanical erosion, calculated based on the fine suspended sediments transported at the mouth of the Sorocaba River, was 55.70 t km-2 yr-1, indicating a physical degradation rate of 37.88 m Myr-1. The origin of organic matter present in the particulate load was associated to domestic sewage, after isotopic characterization of the 13C. The fluvial hydrochemical performance revealed the predominance of different dissolved chemical species between the five sampling stations, enabling to verify the influence of fluvial dilution processes, according to the concentration-discharge relationships. The geochemical model used allowed us to estimate CO2 atmospheric / soil consumed during the alteration rocks process in the drainage basin of 198 x 103 mol-1 km2 yr-1, which 98% was related to silicates alteration. The reconstitution model of this consumption in the last 59 years has shown to be little variable, however the model exclusively associated with silicates demonstrated an increase during same period, in a rate of 2.7 x 103 moles km-2 yr-1. Compared to mechanical erosion, the chemical erosion was inferior to about 2.5 times, whereas, also in terms of chemical erosion, the silicate and carbonate alterations rates in the drainage basin were 9.4 and 5.3 m Myr-1, respectively. The rock alteration index RE, determined from the geochemical data, indicated a possible change in the kaolinite stability domain to the clays 2:1, indicating the occurrence of the bisialitization process
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Comportamento do N inorgânico dissolvido em águas superficiais e sub-superficiais em área com cultivo de cana-de-açúcar / Behavior of dissolved inorganic N in surface and sub-surface waters in a cultivated sugar cane areaFernandes, Alexandre Martins 25 August 2008 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar constitui-se em uma importante atividade agrícola no Brasil, sendo que sua produtividade relaciona-se a vários fatores, entre os quais a disponibilidade de quantidades adequadas de nutrientes, com destaque para o nitrogênio. Entretanto, o constante uso de fertilizantes aumentam a possibilidade de contaminação ambiental, principalmente de corpos de água. No presente trabalho foram avaliados o comportamento do N inorgânico e demais íons majoritários dissolvido presentes nas águas superficiais e sub-superficiais em áreas cultivadas com cana-de-açúcar, considerando as contribuições atmosféricas, e suas implicações ambientais. Em área experimental localizada no município de Santa Cruz das Palmeiras, SP, foram coletadas amostras de água em quatro pontos: pluviômetro, Ribeirão dos cocais, extrator de solução do solo e lençol freático; e analisadas por cromatografia iônica e microtitulação de Gran. Os principais íons majoritários foram caracterizados para cada ponto de amostragem considerando além de suas concentrações, a variabilidade sazonal e os transportes de carga dissolvida e potencial de perdas por lixiviação ao longo do período estudado. Observou-se que as águas de chuva e do Ribeirão dos Cocais apresentaram as menores concentrações iônicas, com um Total de Sólidos Dissolvidos (TDS) médio de 5,28 e 3,71 mg L-1, respectivamente; a solução do solo as maiores concentrações, com TDS médio variando de 78,67 a 130,56 mg L-1; e, as águas do lençol freático concentrações com valores intermediários, com TDS médio de 12,72 mg L-1. A participação dos íons nitrogenados dissolvidos no TDS foi de 17,87% para as águas de chuva, com picos de concentração dos íons NO3- e NH4+ no início dos períodos chuvosos; para os demais pontos de amostragem essa participação foi inferior a 5%, sem variações significativas ao longo do período estudado. Entre os íons nitrogenados, o NO3- foi a espécie de maior participação no TDS em todos os pontos de amostragem, com aportes atmosféricos na ordem de 35,68 kg a-1 em 2006 e 34,66 kg a-1 em 2007, e um transporte fluvial médio estimado de 46,16 kg para o período de cheia em 2007, o que representou o dobro da estimada para o período de estiagem do mesmo ano e correspondeu a 82% do NID transportado no período. Foi possível verificar também que durante o período de amostragem de solução do solo, janeiro a abril de 2006, os fluxos de água foram sempre descendentes, indicando um potencial de perdas por lixiviação na ordem de 2,94 kg ha-1 no período para os íons nitrogenados, com destaque para o NO3- com 1,59 kg ha-1 no período. As razões íon/Cl- estabelecidas mostraram que houve influência dos aportes terrestres locais nas águas de chuva e evidenciaram o controle dos aportes atmosféricos totais (chuva) sobre as águas do Ribeirão dos Cocais e do lençol freático, além de indicarem que não ocorreu a lixiviação da solução do solo para o lençol freático. Ainda assim, os riscos de contaminação associadas à cultura da cana-de-açúcar não podem ser desconsiderados, indicando a necessidade de mais estudos / The sugar cane is an important agricultural activity in Brazil and its productivity is related to several factors, such as the availability of suitable nutrients quantities, with emphasis on the nitrogen. However, the constant use of fertilizers increases the possibility of environmental contamination, mainly in water bodies. In this study were evaluated the inorganic N performance and other major dissolved ions present in surface and sub-surface waters in sugar cane areas, considering the atmospheric contributions and its environmental implications. In the experimental area, located in the municipality of Santa Cruz das Palmeiras, Brazil, were collected water samples in four points: pluviometer, Cocais stream, soil solution extractors and groundwater, which were analyzed by ionic chromatography and Gran microtitration. The major ions were characterized for each sampling point considering, beyond their concentrations, their seasonal variability and the dissolved loads transports and potential for loss by leaching during the studied period. It was observed that the waters samples from rain and Cocais stream had the lowest ionic concentrations, with average Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of 5.28 and 3.71 mg L-1, respectively; soil solution presented the greatest concentrations, with average TDS ranging from 78.67 to 130.56 mg L-1, and in the groundwater samples the concentrations presented intermediate values, with TDS mean of 12.72 mg L-1. The participation of dissolved nitrogen ions in TDS was 17.87% for the rain waters, with concentration peaks for NO3- and NH4+ at the beginning of the rainy periods; for other sampling points such participation was less than 5%, without significant changes over the studied period. Among the nitrogen ions, the NO3- had the higher participation in TDS for all the sampling points, with atmospheric inputs of 35.68 kg y-1 in 2006 and 34.66 kg y-1 in 2007, and an average stream transport of 46.16 kg for the high water period in 2007, which was twice higher than the estimative for the low water period in the same year corresponding to 82% of the transported NID in this period. It was also verified that during the soil solution sampling, January to April 2006, the water flows had always descending movement, indicating a loss potential by leaching about 2.94 kg ha-1 for the nitrogen ions in the period emphasizing the NO3- with 1.59 kg ha-1. The íon/Cl- ratios showed that there was influence of the local land contributions in the rain waters and they demonstrated the control of the atmospheric total contributions (rain) in the waters of Cocais stream and groundwater, in addition, they also indicated that there was not soil solution leaching to the groundwater. Yet, the risks of contamination associated with the sugar cane plantations can not be disregarded, indicating the need for more studies
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Interconectividade de aquíferos e os efeitos da drenagem ácida de mina na qualidade das águas da Bacia carbonífera de Santa Catarina (SC)Hoelzel, Marlon Colombo January 2018 (has links)
A mineração do carvão no sul de Santa Catarina se desenvolve há mais de um século e a falta de gerenciamento ambiental nos empreendimentos mineiros causou significativas alterações de qualidade nos recursos hídricos superficiais e subterrâneos da Bacia Hidrográfica do Araranguá. Além da alteração na qualidade das águas, fenômenos de abatimento de minas subterrâneas ocasionaram o fraturamento das camadas sobrejacentes, e permitiram a ampliação dos processos de circulação dos sistemas aquíferos com corpos hídricos superficiais. Como objetivo de melhorar o entendimento sobre os impactos na qualidade das águas e nas condições de fluxo subterrâneo, foram analisadas amostras das águas de 9 poços do Sistema Aquífero Rio Bonito, 4 poços do Sistema Aquífero de Leques Aluviais e 6 amostras de águas superficiais das mesmas microbacias onde estão instalados os poços. As análises hidroquímicas indicam uma predominância de águas bicarbonatadas cálcicas e sódicas, que quando em contato com a drenagem ácida de mina são transformadas em águas sulfatadas. Os valores isotópicos de δ2H e δ18O das amostras evidencia semelhança com a composição isotópica das águas meteóricas, contribuindo com a hipótese da forte interação da água subterrânea com as águas freáticas e superficiais, que ocorre devido à tectônica rúptil que afeta as litologias gonduânicas, e é intensificada pela presença das minas de subsolo. / Coal mining in southern Santa Catarina has been developed over a century and the absence of environmental management in mining projects caused significant quality changes in the surface and underground waters of the Araranguá Basin. In addition to the change in water quality, collapses have occurred in underground mines which caused the fracturing of overlying layers and allowed the expansion of aquifer systems and its integration with surface waters circulation processes. In order to better understand the impacts on water quality and groundwater flow conditions, samples of 9 wells from Rio Bonito Aquifer System, 4 wells from Alluvial Fan Aquifer System and 6 from surface waters of the same catchments were analyzed. Hydrochemical analysis indicates a predominance of calcium and sodium bicarbonate waters which when in contact with acid mine drainage are transformed into sulfated waters. The isotopic values δ2H and δ18O shows similarity to isotopic composition of meteoric waters, contributing to the hypothesis of the strong interaction between groundwater, waters from water table and surface waters, which occurs due to the ruptured tectonics affecting gondwana lithologies and it is intensified by the presence of underground mines.
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Comportamento do N inorgânico dissolvido em águas superficiais e sub-superficiais em área com cultivo de cana-de-açúcar / Behavior of dissolved inorganic N in surface and sub-surface waters in a cultivated sugar cane areaAlexandre Martins Fernandes 25 August 2008 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar constitui-se em uma importante atividade agrícola no Brasil, sendo que sua produtividade relaciona-se a vários fatores, entre os quais a disponibilidade de quantidades adequadas de nutrientes, com destaque para o nitrogênio. Entretanto, o constante uso de fertilizantes aumentam a possibilidade de contaminação ambiental, principalmente de corpos de água. No presente trabalho foram avaliados o comportamento do N inorgânico e demais íons majoritários dissolvido presentes nas águas superficiais e sub-superficiais em áreas cultivadas com cana-de-açúcar, considerando as contribuições atmosféricas, e suas implicações ambientais. Em área experimental localizada no município de Santa Cruz das Palmeiras, SP, foram coletadas amostras de água em quatro pontos: pluviômetro, Ribeirão dos cocais, extrator de solução do solo e lençol freático; e analisadas por cromatografia iônica e microtitulação de Gran. Os principais íons majoritários foram caracterizados para cada ponto de amostragem considerando além de suas concentrações, a variabilidade sazonal e os transportes de carga dissolvida e potencial de perdas por lixiviação ao longo do período estudado. Observou-se que as águas de chuva e do Ribeirão dos Cocais apresentaram as menores concentrações iônicas, com um Total de Sólidos Dissolvidos (TDS) médio de 5,28 e 3,71 mg L-1, respectivamente; a solução do solo as maiores concentrações, com TDS médio variando de 78,67 a 130,56 mg L-1; e, as águas do lençol freático concentrações com valores intermediários, com TDS médio de 12,72 mg L-1. A participação dos íons nitrogenados dissolvidos no TDS foi de 17,87% para as águas de chuva, com picos de concentração dos íons NO3- e NH4+ no início dos períodos chuvosos; para os demais pontos de amostragem essa participação foi inferior a 5%, sem variações significativas ao longo do período estudado. Entre os íons nitrogenados, o NO3- foi a espécie de maior participação no TDS em todos os pontos de amostragem, com aportes atmosféricos na ordem de 35,68 kg a-1 em 2006 e 34,66 kg a-1 em 2007, e um transporte fluvial médio estimado de 46,16 kg para o período de cheia em 2007, o que representou o dobro da estimada para o período de estiagem do mesmo ano e correspondeu a 82% do NID transportado no período. Foi possível verificar também que durante o período de amostragem de solução do solo, janeiro a abril de 2006, os fluxos de água foram sempre descendentes, indicando um potencial de perdas por lixiviação na ordem de 2,94 kg ha-1 no período para os íons nitrogenados, com destaque para o NO3- com 1,59 kg ha-1 no período. As razões íon/Cl- estabelecidas mostraram que houve influência dos aportes terrestres locais nas águas de chuva e evidenciaram o controle dos aportes atmosféricos totais (chuva) sobre as águas do Ribeirão dos Cocais e do lençol freático, além de indicarem que não ocorreu a lixiviação da solução do solo para o lençol freático. Ainda assim, os riscos de contaminação associadas à cultura da cana-de-açúcar não podem ser desconsiderados, indicando a necessidade de mais estudos / The sugar cane is an important agricultural activity in Brazil and its productivity is related to several factors, such as the availability of suitable nutrients quantities, with emphasis on the nitrogen. However, the constant use of fertilizers increases the possibility of environmental contamination, mainly in water bodies. In this study were evaluated the inorganic N performance and other major dissolved ions present in surface and sub-surface waters in sugar cane areas, considering the atmospheric contributions and its environmental implications. In the experimental area, located in the municipality of Santa Cruz das Palmeiras, Brazil, were collected water samples in four points: pluviometer, Cocais stream, soil solution extractors and groundwater, which were analyzed by ionic chromatography and Gran microtitration. The major ions were characterized for each sampling point considering, beyond their concentrations, their seasonal variability and the dissolved loads transports and potential for loss by leaching during the studied period. It was observed that the waters samples from rain and Cocais stream had the lowest ionic concentrations, with average Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of 5.28 and 3.71 mg L-1, respectively; soil solution presented the greatest concentrations, with average TDS ranging from 78.67 to 130.56 mg L-1, and in the groundwater samples the concentrations presented intermediate values, with TDS mean of 12.72 mg L-1. The participation of dissolved nitrogen ions in TDS was 17.87% for the rain waters, with concentration peaks for NO3- and NH4+ at the beginning of the rainy periods; for other sampling points such participation was less than 5%, without significant changes over the studied period. Among the nitrogen ions, the NO3- had the higher participation in TDS for all the sampling points, with atmospheric inputs of 35.68 kg y-1 in 2006 and 34.66 kg y-1 in 2007, and an average stream transport of 46.16 kg for the high water period in 2007, which was twice higher than the estimative for the low water period in the same year corresponding to 82% of the transported NID in this period. It was also verified that during the soil solution sampling, January to April 2006, the water flows had always descending movement, indicating a loss potential by leaching about 2.94 kg ha-1 for the nitrogen ions in the period emphasizing the NO3- with 1.59 kg ha-1. The íon/Cl- ratios showed that there was influence of the local land contributions in the rain waters and they demonstrated the control of the atmospheric total contributions (rain) in the waters of Cocais stream and groundwater, in addition, they also indicated that there was not soil solution leaching to the groundwater. Yet, the risks of contamination associated with the sugar cane plantations can not be disregarded, indicating the need for more studies
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Padrões hidroquímicos e isotópicos do sistema aquífero serra geral do Município de Carlos Barbosa, região nordeste do estado do Rio Grande do SulBortolin, Taison Anderson January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho buscou avaliar a existência de diferentes padrões hidroquímicos e isotópicos dos aquíferos fraturados do Sistema Aquífero Serra Geral (SASG), relacionando esses padrões com as profundidades das entradas de água. O estudo foi desenvolvido a partir do inventário e cadastramento de poços tubulares existentes na região do município de Carlos Barbosa - RS, do levantamento e interpretação de dados geológicos e hidrogeológicos, além da coleta e análise de amostras de água de poços tubulares que estão em operação e são utilizados pela companhia de abastecimento CORSAN. Para este trabalho foram utilizadas informações hidroquímicas e isotópicas da água de 12 poços tubulares e 3 fontes, além de análise isotópica mensal da água da chuva. A análise dos resultados foi realizada através dos diagramas de Piper, Schoeller e Stiff, além de análise estatística de agrupamento a fim de verificar padrões semelhantes entre os pontos amostrados. Os resultados obtidos permitiram evidenciar que a maioria dos poços apresentam profundidade de até 150 metros com vazões médias que variam de 5 a 20 m³/h, localizados em zonas de média e alta densidade de fraturas, as quais possuem orientação preferencial para noroeste. Quanto à hidroquímica, as águas que circulam por esses aquíferos são do tipo bicarbonatadas cálcicas ou magnesianas, predominando as águas bicarbonatadas mistas e cálcicas, com pequenas variações em relação à concentração dos íons e suas razões iônicas. Essas características hidroquímicas são típicas de águas que circulam por estruturas de rochas vulcânicas ácidas e indicam um baixo tempo de residência, sendo as concentrações variáveis com as profundidades das entradas da água. A avaliação entre a correlação de padrões hidroquímicos com a profundidade das entradas de água permitiu a identificação de dois grupos. O primeiro grupo é caracterizado por poços que apresentam entradas de água localizadas em profundidades inferiores a 30 metros e águas com baixa concentração de íons. No segundo grupo estão inseridos poços cujas entradas de água estão localizadas entre 50 e 112 metros e apresentam águas com uma maior concentração de íons como cálcio, sódio, bicarbonatos e maiores valores de condutividade e sólidos totais dissolvidos. A explicação dessas diferenças está relacionada com a circulação de água e com tempo de interação água-rocha que ocorre de forma diferente dependendo da profundidade das entradas de água. A análise de isótopos das águas de poços, fontes e da água da chuva apresentam semelhanças isotópicas indicando que água subterrânea pode ser caracterizada como originada por infiltração da precipitação nas áreas de recarga. Por fim, a caracterização hidroquímica e isotópica indicam que as águas subterrâneas dessa região apresentam baixo grau de mineralização e baixo tempo de residência, sendo que as exceções foram encontradas em poços que possuíam entradas de água mais profundas. / This study aimed to evaluate the existence of different hydrochemical and isotopic patterns of fractured aquifers of Serra Geral Aquifer System (SGAS), relating these patterns with depths of water intakes. The study was developed from the inventory and registration of wells in the region of Carlos Barbosa - RS, the survey and interpretation of geological and hydrogeological data, and the collection and analysis of samples of water from wells that are in operation and are used by the supply company CORSAN. Hydrochemical and isotopic information from 12 wells and 3 water sources were used for this work, in addition to monthly isotopic analysis of rainwater. The analysis was performed using diagrams as Piper, Schoeller and Stiff, and statistical cluster analysis to verify similar patterns between the sampling points. The results have highlighted that most wells have depths up to 150 meters with average flow rates ranging from 5 to 20 m³/h, located in areas of medium and high density of fractures, which have preferential orientation to the northwest. As for hydrochemistry, water circulating through these aquifers are the calcic or magnesian bicarbonate type , predominantly mixed and calcic bicarbonate waters, with minor variations in the concentration of ions and their ionic reasons. These hydrochemical characteristics are typical of waters that circulate structures and acidic volcanic rocks indicate a low residence time, and the varying concentrations with depths of water inputs. The evaluation of the correlation between patterns hydrochemical with water entry's depth allowed the identification of two groups. The first group is characterized by wells that have water intakes located bellow than 30 meters and waters with low concentration of ions. In the second group are inserted into wells whose water inlets are located between 50 and 112 meters and water present in a higher concentration of ions such as calcium, sodium, bicarbonates and higher values of conductivity and dissolved solids. The explanation of these differences are related to the circulating water and water - time interaction rock occurs differently depending of water entry's depth. Analysis of isotopes of water wells and sources of rainwater present isotopic similarities indicating that groundwater can be characterized as caused by infiltration of rainfall areas recharging. Finally, the hydrochemical and isotopic characterization indicate that the groundwater in this region have low grade mineralization and low residence time, with the exceptions were found in wells that had water intakes deeper.
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Variabilidade química das àguas na Bacia do Alto Paraguai: uma compartimentação do Pantanal Mato-grossense / Chemical variability of waters in the upper Paraguay basin: a compartimentation of the Pantanal-MT, BrazilRezende Filho, Ary Tavares 29 August 2011 (has links)
A Bacia do Alto Paraguai é definida pelo trecho compreendido entre as nascentes do Rio Paraguai e a confluência deste com o Rio Apa, e abrange planaltos, depressões e a vasta planície do Pantanal, a maior zona úmida continental do planeta. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é propor uma compartimentação do Pantanal com base em seu funcionamento atual. Para isto, utilizou-se de um conjunto de métodos, análise em componentes principais (ACP), análise em fatores de correspondência (AFC), e análise de deconvolução pelo modelo EMMA (End-Members Mixing Analysis). Essas análises foram aplicadas em amostragens de águas coletadas sob diferentes escalas, desde a da Bacia do Alto Paraguai até a da Nhecolândia, uma sub-região do Pantanal (MS). Esses procedimentos permitiram discriminar, hierarquizar e espacializar os fatores responsáveis pela variabilidade química das águas. Os resultados mostram que a composição química das águas que alimentam a planície pode ser considerada como uma mistura de três perfis químicos, definidos pelo tipo de rocha (calcário, arenito, cristalino) que explica 50% da variância total, e pelo uso e ocupação do solo (adubação de nitrogênio no planalto) responsável por 15% da variância total. As distribuições dos perfis químicos permitiram identificar grandes regiões, e áreas limítrofes entre elas com justaposição de perfis químicos contrastados, tanto no planalto quanto na planície. Apesar de ter-se observado algumas modificações na composição química das águas entre as estações seca e úmida, essas duas amostragens mantém discriminadas as mesmas regiões. Na subregião da Nhecolândia, a evaporação e as precipitações salinas a ela associadas (calcita e Mg-calcita, Mg-silicatos K-silicatos) respondem por 76% da variância total. A influência antrópica (adubação com potássio e nitrogênio nas zonas agrícolas do planalto) respondem por cerca de 10% da variância total. Evaporação, processos redox, uso e ocupação do solo foram apontados como as principais fontes de variabilidade na composição química das águas na Nhecolândia. / The Upper Paraguay Basin is defined by the stretch from the headwaters of the Paraguay River to the confluence with the Apa River. It includes plateaus, depressions and the vast floodplain of the Pantanal, the world largest continental wetland. The aim of this work is to propose a partitioning of the Pantanal based on its current functioning. A set of methods was used, including, principal components analysis (PCA), correspondence factor analysis (CFA), and A PCA-based EMMA procedure (End-Members Mixing Analysis). These methods were applied to water sampling collected at different scales, from the Upper Paraguay River Basin to the Nhecolândia, a sub-region of the Pantanal (MS). It allowed discriminating, prioritizing and spatializing the factors responsible for the variability in water chemistry. The results show that the chemical composition of the waters that supply the floodplain can be considered as a mixture of three end-members, defined by the type of rock (limestone, sandstone, crystalline), which explains 50% of the total variance, and the land use (nitrogen fertilization on the plateau), which accounted for 15% of the total variance. The distributions of chemical profiles discriminated large regions, and areas with juxtaposition of contrasting chemical profiles, both in the highlands and the floodplain. Although some changes occur in the chemical composition of water between dry and wet seasons, these two sets of samples have drawn the same regions. In the sub-region of the Nhecolândia, evaporation and associated salt precipitations (Mg-calcite and calcite, Mg-silicates silicates K) account for 76% of the variance. The anthropogenic influence (K and N-fertilization in agricultural areas of the plateau) accounts for about 10% of the variance. Evaporation, redox processes, land use were identified as major sources of variability in the chemical composition of surface waters in the Nhecolândia.
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Hydrogeology and Hydrochemistry of the East-Central Portion of The Salt Lake Valley, Utah, as Applied to Wellhead Protection in a Confined To Semiconfined AquiferGadt, Jeff W. 01 May 1994 (has links)
The Safe Drinking Water Act includes provisions for state wellhead protection programs which address wellhead protection areas. In Utah, these areas are called drinking water source protection (DWSP) zones. Zones Two and Three are delineated according to analytical or numerical techniques, which are based on hydrogeological and time-of-travel data, as well as recharge information, accumulated through the use of hydrogeologic and hydrochemical techniques. The primary conclusions of this research are:
1) A fence diagram and site hydrostratigraphic diagram show that the hydrogeology is more complex than previously has been thought . The principal aquifer at the target well site comprises a sequence of mostly coarse-grained units interspersed with thinner fine-grained units. The supposedly unconfined shallow aquifer is confined in most parts of the valley, including the target well site. 2) The recovery rate of water levels in the monitor wells in response to pumping of the target well indicates that horizontal groundwater flow velocities are low at the target well site. X 3) Interpretation of major ions relative to the depth of uppermost open interval of the various sample wells indicates that the deeper of the three major water-bearing zones (below 300 to 350 feet [91 to 107 meters]) is not well connected to the upper two zones. 4) The chemical evolution of the water along the westernmost of three discrete flowpaths indicates a change from young calcium bicarbonate water to moderately mature sodium-sulfate water. 5) Sample waters recharged from the northern Wasatch Mountains have higher total-dissolved-solids (TDS) contents then sample waters recharged from the southern Wasatch Mountains . 6) The discrepancy between many of the δ18O, δD, and tritium data as to the probable recharge area(s) indicate that the sample wells must be evaluated on an individual basis regarding the source of recharge water. 7) The tritium data demonstrate that those wells located farthest out into the valley or having the deepest uppermost open interval furnish the lowest tritium values. 8) Based on the 14C dating technique , the groundwater at the target well site appears to be between 1300 and 5300 years old. 9) There is little risk of contamination at the target well site, in terns of the 15-year time-of-travel DWSP zone (Zone 3).
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A Geologic and Hydrochemical Investigation of the Suitability of Central Utah's Navajo Sandstone for the Disposal of Saline Process Water and CO2Randall, Kevin L. 01 May 2009 (has links)
Salt water is produced from the Ferron Sandstone Member of the Mancos Shale in central Utah as part of the production of coalbed methane (CBM) and is disposed of by injection predominantly into the Navajo Sandstone between 4,500 feet to 7,300 feet and is considered to be a hazardous waste. Local government agencies are concerned about the potential impacts on shallow groundwater because of this disposal method.
Water samples were gathered from four shallow water-supply wells, and nine salt water disposal (SWD) wells to compare hydrochemistries as an indicator of potential mixing. Shallow water-supply wells are likely recharged by local precipitation while the source of CO2 is from atmospheric and/or soil CO2 gas and comparatively, are low in total dissolved solids. Carbonate mineral dissolution is the source of CO2 in the SWD wells and is exceptionally high in TDS. The SWD water appears to be old water and displays an evaporative signature.
A geologic analysis was conducted for the Drunkards Wash gas field using 479 digital gas well logs. Three subsurface faults were identified with one fault in the north and the other two in the central part of the gas field near the eastern and western flanks. These faults were further confirmed by comparing average monthly gas and water production from the first 24 months in these faulted areas to adjacent control areas. Areas near faults reveal two to six times greater gas production than that of the associated control areas, and water production is greater by nearly an order of magnitude. This difference is likely due to the fracturing associated with the damage zone near the faults allowing for increased flow of gas and water.
Due to the high injection pressures the vertical hydraulic gradient has been reversed from downward to upward. However, due to the thick sequences of shale separating the disposal aquifers and the shallow aquifers the estimated time required for the disposal waters to migrate to the surface would be at least 2,000 years. I conclude that the saline waters produced from the Ferron Sandstone are being safely sequestered in deeply buried, extensive and geologically-sealed aquifers.
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Spatial and temporal variation in the hydrochemistry of marine prawn aquaculture ponds built in acid sulfate soils, Queensland, Australia.Groves, Sarah Anne, Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Many brackish water aquaculture ventures in Australia and overseas have established ponds in coastal regions with acid sulfate soils (ASS). Acid sulphate soils are known to leach relatively high concentrations of metals, acid (metal and H+ ion) and sulfur, however very little is known about how these leached elements affect the water quality of aquaculture ponds. The main objective of this thesis was to describe the hydrochemical processes controlling the water chemistry in the water column and sediment pore water in the studied aquaculture ponds over time and space. Water samples providing the spatio-temporal data were collected from the ponds with the use of adapted sampling methods commonly used in the groundwater environment. A transect of five nested piesometers was installed in two prawn ponds at Pimpama, south east Queensland, Australia. Each piesometer nest contained a multilevel with eight outtakes, a mini ?? horizontal, and a slotted piesometer. Water samples were collected from each nested piesometer on a bi-monthly basis over the prawn-growing season. The unstable elements and water quality variables (pH, Eh, DO, EC, water temperature) were measured in the field. Stable elements were analysed in the laboratory using ICP-OES and ICP-MS. Soil samples were collected at the end of the season for elemental analysis. A number of key sediment/water interactions and processes such as precipitation/dissolution reactions, oxidation-reduction reactions, photosynthesis, adsorption and seawater buffering were identified as important controls on pond water conditions. This is the first study to provide detailed hydrochemcial analysis of the pond water over time and space and aided in identifying that even shallow water bodies can be chemically heterogeneous. Analysis of the water and sediment highlighted the selection of metals that can be associated with ASS and that are mobilised from pond sediments under certain chemical conditions. In Pond 7 Al, As, Ni and Zn concentrations were generally higher at the beginning of the grow-out season. Variability of the metal concentration was observed between the water column (0 ?? 1500 mm) and the pore-water (0 - -1000 mm). The highest concentration of Al (1044 ??g/L) and Zn (104 ??g/L) were sampled in the water column (approximately 400 mm from the surface of the pond). The highest concentration of As (130 ??g/L) and Ni (73 ??g/L) were sampled in the pore water sediment (associated with ASS). Elevated Mn and Fe2+ concentrations were also associated with the sediment pore water. The highest concentrations of Mn and Fe2+ were 4717 ??g/L and 5100 ??g/L respectively. In Pond 10, Ni concentrations (167 ??g/L) were the highest at the beginning of the grow-out season. However, As (97 ??g/L), Al (234 ??g/L) and Zn (308 ??g/L) were most concentrated during the middle of the cycle. The highest mean concentrations of these elements are As (63 ??g/L), Al (91 ??g/L) and Zn (69 ??g/L) which are each associated with the sediment-water interface. These metals are integral in degrading the pond water quality and lead to a loss of beneficial algal blooms, a reduction in pond water pH, poor growth rates and high mortality in shrimp. It is also possible that the dissolved ions and precipitated compounds that are leached from the ASS are discharged into the adjacent coastal estuary of Moreton Bay. With knowledge obtained from this PhD study, effective management and treatment systems can be developed and implemented to minimise the impact of these soils on the pond system and the water discharging into natural coastal ecosystem.
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Περιβαλλοντική υδρογεωλογική μελέτη των υδρολογικών λεκανών της ευρύτερης περιοχής του Αιγίου με τη χρήση υδροχημικών μεθόδωνΚατσάνου, Κωνσταντίνα 23 July 2008 (has links)
Στα πλαίσια της παρούσας μεταπτυχιακής εργασίας μελετώνται οι υδρογεωλογικές και υδροχημικές συνθήκες που επικρατούν στην ευρύτερη περιοχή του Αιγίου, με έμφαση στη μελέτη του προσχωματικού υδροφόρου της περιοχής.
Η περιοχή έρευνας έχει ως γεωλογικό υπόβαθρο τους σχηματισμούς της ζώνης της Πίνδου, ενώ το πεδινό και ημιορεινό της τμήμα είναι πληρωμένο από Πλειο-Πλειστοκαινικά και Ολοκαινικά ιζήματα.
Τα Πλειο-Πλειστοκαινικά ιζήματα της περιοχής που αποτελούνται από πακέτα στρωμάτων που έχουν ταπεινωθεί από τα ρήγματα αποτελούν έναν ενιαίο υδροφόρο από επάλληλα στρώματα με μεταβαλλόμενη διαπερατότητα. Υπέρκεινται ενός καρστικού υδροφόρου ορίζοντα που φιλοξενείται σε σχηματισμούς που έχουν κατακερματιστεί και στραφεί από τα κανονικά ρήγματα. Οι δυο αυτοί υδροφόροι αποτελούν και τα κύρια υδροφόρα στρώματα της περιοχής.
Τα υπόγεια νερά της περιοχής ομαδοποιούνται σε τρείς κύριους υδροχημικούς τύπους (Ca-HCO3, Ca-HCO3-SO4 και Na-HCO3). Ως προς την ποιότητά τους, κατά τόπους φαίνονται εμπλουτισμένα σε ενώσεις του αζώτου, σε ιόντα φθορίου και σε συγκεκριμένα ιχνοστοιχεία όπως ο ψευδάργυρος, ο μόλυβδος και το μαγγάνιο. Από την αξιολόγηση των αποτελεσμάτων πειραμάτων έκπλυσης και ορυκτολογικών προσδιορισμών, που αφορούν στην επίδραση που έχει η χημική σύσταση των ιζημάτων στην σύσταση του υπόγειου νερού, διαπιστώνεται ότι ο εμπλουτισμός των νερών της περιοχής των Νεραντζιών σε φθόριο πιθανά οφείλεται στην εμφάνιση λιγνιτικών οριζόντων της περιοχής. Με τη χρήση των ισοτόπων οξυγόνου και υδρογόνου διαπιστώνεται ότι το νερό του ελεύθερου υδροφόρου με μικρές αποκλίσεις προέρχεται από το μετεωρικό νερό της περιοχής. Επιπλέον από την μέτρηση του διαλελυμένου 220Rn στο νερό προέκυψε ότι τα αέρια αυτά στην περιοχή έρευνας, είναι δυνατόν να αποτελέσουν ιχνηλάτες των ενεργών ρηγμάτων της περιοχής. / In the frame of the present thesis the hydrogeological and hydrochemical conditions that prevail in the broader Aigion region are analyzed and interpreted. The study emphasizes in the unconfined aquifer of Plio-Pleistocene sediments.
The geological background of the research area consists of the carbonate rocks and the flysch of the Olonos Pindos zone, whereas at the lower parts these formations are overlain with Plio-Pleistocene sediments as well as Holocene fluvial deposits.
The study area hosts two major aquifers, one of Plio-Pleistocene sediments consisting of subsided blocks formed by tectonic activity, forming a uniform, unconfined aquifer with diverse permeability. These formations are underlain by a karstic aquifer which is faulted and rotated by normal faults.
Groundwaters of the region can be grouped in three main hydrochemical types (Ca-HCO3, Ca-HCO3-SO4 and Na-HCO3). Concerning their quality it is shown that they are enriched in nitrogen compounds and fluorine, as well in certain trace elements, such as Pb, Zn, Mn. The results from the leaching experiments and mineralogical determination, concerning the effect of the chemical composition of sediments in the groundwater chemistry indicate that there is a possible enrichment of fluorine in Neratzies aquifer due to lignite outcrops in this region. The relationship between meteoric and underground water was investigated by the use of δD and δ18O isotopes. It is concluded that the water is mainly of meteoric origin. Moreover by the measurement of diluted 220Rn in water it is suggested that, these in the research area can be used as pathfinders of active cracks and faults.
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