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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cytosolická hydrogenáza prvoka Trichomonas vaginalis / Cytosolic hydrogenase in Trichomonas vaginalis

Dohnálková, Alena January 2015 (has links)
Trichomonas vaginalis is a flagellated microaerophilic protozoan from the group Excavata that cause trichomoniasis, the most common nonviral sexually transmitted disease in the world. This thesis deals with the study of hydrogenases, enzymes catalyzing reversible conversion of protons and electrons to molecular hydrogen. In T. vaginalis, hydrogenases have been identified so far only in hydrogenosomes, modified anaerobic mitochondia that are involved in energy metabolism. We proved the presence of this enzyme also in the cytosol of T. vaginalis. Among several hydrogenase paralogues present in the genome, we selected an appropriate gene for the putative cytosolic hydrogenase (C-Hyd) and verified its cytosolic localization in the cells with overexpressed C-Hyd protein. Based on the determination of hydrogenase activities in different cell compartments and fractions obtained by affinity chromatography, we demonstrated the hydrogenase activity of C-Hyd protein, which means that C-Hyd is a functional hydrogenase. Identification of hydrogenase in T. vaginalis cytosol changes our understanding of trichomonad core metabolism and opens the door for the research of unexplored metabolic capabilities of this parasite.

Homology pyruvát:feredoxin oxidoreduktázy z hydrogenosomů Trichomonas vaginalis / Pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase homologues from Trichomonas vaginalis hydrogenosomes

Zedníková, Věra January 2012 (has links)
Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate is a fundamental reaction of living organisms in general, leading to energy conservation. In some anaerobic or microaerophilic eukaryotic or prokaryotic organisms pyruvate decarboxylation is carried out by a single enzyme, pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PFO). PFO contains Fe-S clusters and thiamin pyrophosphate cofactor (TPP). In the reaction catalyzed by PFO, from pyruvate and Co-A arise acetyl-CoA, CO2, and two electrons are released. Those electrons are accepted by low molecular carrier proteins. Most frequently these proteins are ferredoxins or flavodoxins such as in nitrogen fixating bacteria. PFO can perform a reversible reaction. Trichomonads are mostly parasitic or endosymbiotic organisms with mitochondria-like organelles, hydrogenosomes. These organelles possess PFO which is one of the key enzymes in the metabolism of Trichomonas vaginalis hydrogenosomes. PFO of T. vaginalis, a sexually transmitted pathogen of man, plays also a role in a term of medical importance. PFO is, by a universally accepted concept, one of the key proteins acting in the activation of antimicrobial drugs against trichomoniasis 5-nitroimidazoles, including metronidazole. In the genome of T. vaginalis seven PFO genes were identified. They were named PFO A, B1, B2, C, D, E and...

Reduktivní Evoluce Organel Mitochondriálního Původu u Anaerobních Protist / Reductive Evolution of Mitochondria - Related Organelles in Anaerobic Protist

Rada, Petr January 2011 (has links)
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science Department of Parasitology Ph.D. study program: Parasitology Abstract of the Ph.D. Thesis Reductive Evolution of Mitochondria - Related Organelles in Anaerobic Protist Petr Rada Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Jan Tachezy,Ph.D. Advisor: Doc. RNDr. Ivan Hrdý, Ph.D. Praha, 2011 1 ABSTRACT Trichomonas vaginalis and Giardia intestinalis are parasitic protists of the Excavata group. Both contain anaerobic forms of mitochondria called hydrogenosomes (Trichomonas) and mitosomes (Giardia). Hydrogenosomes produce hydrogen and ATP by substarte level phosphorylation and mitosomes represent the highly-reduced form of mitochondria that do not participate in cellular energy metabolism and ATP generation. Both types of organelles lost the majority of mitochondrial pathways and their genomes during the mitochondrion to hydrogenosome transition. Consequently, hydrogenosomes and mitosomes facilitate translocation of nuclearly encoded proteins into the matrix of the organelle as well as exchange of metabolites and ions across their membranes. Little is known about the membrane machineries required for the biogenesis of the organelle and metabolite exchange and the limited knowledge of mitosomal proteomes has been mostly gained from genomic analysis and localization studies of a few...

Evoluce anaerobních heteroloboseí / Evolution of anaerobic Heterolobosea

Pánek, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
Heterolobosea is a group of mainly free-living amoebae, flagellates and amoeboflagellates closely related to Euglenozoa and Jakobida (supergroup Excavata). At least two heterolobosean lineages have reduced their mitochondria and live in low concentrations of oxygen (Psalteriomonadidae and extremely halophilic Pleurostomum). Moreover, some other presumably anaerobic species have been described in aerobic heteroloboseid genera, but their sequence data are still missing. The aim of this study is to recognize the diversity and phylogenetic position of both already described and novel non-hypersaline anaerobic heteroloboseans. We have isolated and cultivated 34 strains of free-living heterolobosean flagellates, amoebae and amoeboflagellates from freshwater, brackish and marine microoxic/anoxic habitats. 33 of these strains constitute a single clade (Psalteriomonadidae). We recognize 2 new genera and 3 new species. Phylogenetic analysis of SSU rDNA showed the genus Percolomonas is polyphyletic. The similar morphology of species formally placed within the genus Percolomonas is probably plesiomorphic. Finally, the marine strain PC4AM is morphologically unique and its morphology can not be compared with other heteroloboseans and eukaryotes. It is probably the most derived heterolobosean. Its cell structure...

Proteomická analýza organel parazitických protist / Organelle proteomics of parasitic protists

Jedelský, Petr January 2017 (has links)
Advances in DNA sequencing led to a technological breakthrough, that allowed analyzis of complete genomes including those of parasitic protists Trichomonas vaginalis and Giardia intestinalis . These organisms are studied not only for their clinical importance, but also from the evolutionary point of view for their adaptation to anaerobic environment. Genome sequencing and annotations of predicted proteins alone did not bring detail view into functioning of their mitochondrion related organelles ­ in G. intestinalis mitosomes, not­participating in energetic metabolism, in T. vaginalis hydrogenosomes, producing molecular hydrogen and ATP by means of substrate phosphorylation. Traditional methods based on a fractionation by ultracentrifuging in density gradient and subsequent biochemical and enzymological analyzes were extended by one­ and two­dimensional electrophoresis with subsequent identification of proteins by mass spectrometry. Methods of multidimensional separation of peptides produced by specific proteolysis of a complex mixture...

Comparative Cell Biology in Diplomonads

Einarsson, Elin January 2015 (has links)
The diplomonads are a diverse group of eukaryotic flagellates found in microaerophilic and anaerobic environments. The most studied diplomonad is the intestinal parasite Giardia intestinalis, which infects a variety of mammals and cause diarrheal disease. Less is known about Spironucleus salmonicida, a parasite of salmonid fish, known to cause systemic infections with high mortality. We created a transfection system for S. salmonicida to study cellular functions and virulence in detail (Paper I). The system was applied to explore the mitochondrion-related organelle (MRO) in S. salmonicida. We showed that S. salmonicida possesses a hydrogenosome (Paper II) with a higher metabolic capacity than the corresponding MRO of Giardia, the mitosome. Evolutionary analysis of key hydrogenosomal proteins showed ancient origin, indicating their presence in the ancestral diplomonad and subsequent loss in Giardia. Annexins are of evolutionary interest since these proteins are found across all kingdoms. Annexin-like proteins are intriguingly expanded into multigene families in Giardia and Spironucleus. The annexins of S. salmonicida were characterized (Paper III) with distinct localizations to various cellular structures, including a putative adhesion structure anterior in the cell. The disease-causing Giardia trophozoites differentiate into infectious cysts, a process essential for transmission and virulence of the parasite. Cysts are often spread via contaminated water and exposed to environmental stressors, such as UV irradiation. We studied the survival and transcriptional response to this stress factor (Paper IV) and results showed the importance of active DNA replication machinery for parasite survival after DNA damage. In addition, we studied transcriptional changes along the trajectory of encystation (Paper V), which revealed a coordinated cascade of gene regulation. This was observed for the entire transcriptome as well as putative regulators. Large transcriptional changes appeared late in the process with the majority of differentially regulated genes encoding hypothetical proteins. We studied the localizations of several of these to gain information of their possible function. To conclude, the diplomonads are complex eukaryotic microbes with cellular processes adjusted to match their life styles. The work in this thesis has provided insight of their adaptations, differences and similarities, but also new interesting leads for future studies of diplomonad biology and virulence.

Séquençage du génome du parasite intestinal Blastocystis sp. (ST7) : vers une meilleure compréhension des capacités métaboliques d'organites apparentés aux mitochondries chez ce microorganisme anaérobie / Genome sequencing of the intestinal parasite Blastocystis sp. (ST7) : towards a better understanding of the metabolic capacities of mitochondria-related organelles in this anaerobic microorganism

Roussel, Michaël 27 September 2011 (has links)
Blastocystis sp., est un straménopile parasite anaérobie fréquemment rencontré dans le tractus gastro-intestinal de l’homme et de divers animaux. Ce microorganisme, parfois responsable de désordres digestifs aigus, pourrait conduire à des troubles fonctionnels intestinaux tels que le syndrome de l’intestin irritable (IBS). Le génome de Blastocystis sp., qui a fait l'objet d'un projet de séquençage en collaboration avec le Génoscope d’Evry, nous a permis de caractériser le plus petit génome de straménopile séquencé à ce jour (18,8 Mpb), avec une capacité codante de 6020 gènes. L’acquisition de nombreux gènes par transferts horizontaux est une caractéristique majeure de ce génome, qui montre d’abondants réarrangements génomiques. Bien qu’évoluant en anaérobiose, Blastocystis sp. possède des organites morphologiquement proches des mitochondries, appelés mitochondrion-like organelles (MLOs). Nous avons montré que ces organites comportaient un génome circulaire de type mitochondrial de 29,27 kpb, mais dépourvu des gènes codant pour les cytochromes. Des analyses in silico nous ont permis de caractériser le protéome des MLOs (365 protéines), conduisant à l’établissement d’un modèle prédictif des voies métaboliques associées à ces organites, avec notamment une chaine respiratoire limitée aux complexes I et II. Nous avons ainsi montré que les MLOs présentent des caractères communs aux mitochondries anaérobies et aux hydrogénosomes (présence d’une PFOR et d’une hydrogénase à fer), suggérant que Blastocystis sp. comporte des mitochondries anaérobies modifiées, qui résulteraient d’une adaptation du parasite à son environnement. Par ailleurs, la prédiction du sécrétome de Blastocystis sp. révèle la présence de facteurs de virulence potentiels, pouvant être impliqués dans l’altération de l’épithélium intestinal et le contournement du système immunitaire de l’hôte. / Blastocystis sp. is a highly prevalent anaerobic eukaryotic stramenopile parasite found in the intestinal tract of humans and various animals. This microorganism, sometimes associated with acute intestinal disorders, could be responsible for functional intestinal disorders such as the irritable bowel syndrom (IBS). As part of a collaborative sequencing project with the Genoscope (CEA Evry, France), we were able to caracterize the smallest stramenopile genome sequenced to date (18.8 Mbp) with a 6020 genes coding capacity. The gain of many genes through horizontal gene transfer is amajor characteristic of this genome, which shows extensive genomic rearrangements. Despite the anaerobic nature of Blastocytists sp., this eukaryote harbours nevertheless mitochondrion-like organelles (MLOs). We have shown that these organelles have a 29.27 kbp mitochondrial-type circular genome that lacks cytochrome coding genes. In silico analysis allowed us to predict the MLOs proteome (365 proteins), with the subsequent predictive model of the metabolic pathways associated with these organelles, including an electron transport chain (ETC) restricted to complex I and II. We have shown that MLOs shared common characteristics with anaerobic mitochondrion and hydrogenosomes (presence of a PFOR and an iron-hydrogenase), which could mean that Blastocystis sp. harbours modified anaerobic mitochondrion that resulted from the parasite adaptation to its anaerobic environment. In addition, Blastocytis sp. secretome prediction reveals the presence of potential virulence factors, which could be involved in the degradation of the intestinal epithelium as well as the host immune system bypass.

Prokaryotické proteíny antioxidačnej obrany v hydrogenozómoch Trichomonas vaginalis / Prokaryotic proteins of antioxidant defense in Trichomonas vaginalis hydrogenosomes

Smutná, Tamara January 2016 (has links)
Parasitic protists with modified mitochondria represent important and exciting group of organisms, not only from the view of eukaryotic cell evolution but also because these parasites are causative agents of serious and widespread diseases. The study and understanding of their biology is thus necessary for the development of new antiparasitic drugs. These organisms reside in host body cavities with low concentrations of oxygen and while they lack typical mitochondria, they possess mitochondrion-related organelles which still integrate many physiologically important processes. Trichomonas vaginalis is an anaerobic flagellate inhabiting mucosal surface of vagina. Instead of canonical mitochondria, T. vaginalis possesses organelles termed hydrogenosomes. These organelles harbor pathways of ATP-generating metabolism via substrate-level phosphorylation, dependent on enzymes prone to oxidative damage, such as pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase and Fe-Fe hydrogenase. Because the environment of trichomonads is not fully anaerobic, the parasite had to develop complex strategies to cope with both oxygen and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by host immune system cells. Recent data from T. vaginalis proteomic and genomic analyses revealed the presence of bacterial-type proteins potentially participating...

Charakterizace železo-sirných flavoproteinů z hydrogenosomu Trichomonas vaginalis / Characterization of hydrogenosomal iron-sulfur flavoproteins from Trichomonas vaginalis

Pilařová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
Trichomonas vaginalis is flagelated microaerophilic protozoan parasite from Excavata group, which causes trichomoniasis, the most common nonviral sexually transmitted disease in the world. It causes vaginitis in women and uretritis in man and it can also cause problems for example during pregnancy. This thesis is aimed on the characterisation of hydrogenosomal iron-sulfur flavoproteins (ISF) from Trichomonas vaginalis, proteins, which were only recently discovered in the proteome of hydrogenosome of T. vaginalis. Specifically, we have focused on characterisation of ISF3 which is, according to our data, active homodimer and binds flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and iron-sulphur centre in its active site. The iron- sulphur centre is not characterised yet. ISF3 is able to reduce oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, sodium nitrate and metronidazole also in the enzymatic system with PFO and ferredoxin. Next, I tried to reduce ammonium sulphate with ISF3, but unsuccessfully. These results correspond with the activities obtained for ISF from Methanosarcina thermophila, where ISF reduces oxygen and hydrogen peroxide to water. In addition, ISF3 is able to reduce nitrogen compounds. It is important according to the fact, that metronidazole is a drug from the group of 5−nitroimidazoles. The other results show the decrease...

Comparative Genomics in Diplomonads : Lifestyle Variations Revealed at Genetic Level

Xu, Feifei January 2015 (has links)
As sequencing technologies advance genome studies are becoming a basic tool for studying an organism, and with more genomes available comparative genomics is maturing into a powerful tool for biological research. This thesis demonstrates the strength of a comparative genomics approach on a group of understudied eukaryotes, the diplomonads. Diplomonads are a group of single cell eukaryotic flagellates living in oxygen-poor environments. Most diplomonads are intestinal parasites, like the well-studied human parasite Giardia intestinalis. There are seven different G. intestinalis assemblages (genotypes) affecting different hosts, and it’s under debate whether these are one species. A genome-wide study of three G. intestinalis genomes from different assemblages reveals little inter-assemblage sexual recombination, supporting that the different G. intestinalis assemblages are genetically isolated and thus different species. A genomic comparison between the fish parasite S. salmonicida and G. intestinalis reveals genetic differences reflecting differences in their parasitic lifestyles. There is a tighter transcriptional regulation and a larger metabolic reservoir in S. salmonicida, likely adaptations to the fluctuating environments it encounters during its systemic infection compared to G. intestinalis which is a strict intestinal parasite. The S. salmonicida genome analysis also discovers genes involved in energy metabolism. Some of these are experimentally shown to localize to mitochondrion-related organelles in S. salmonicida, indicating that they possess energy-producing organelles that should be classified as hydrogenosomes, as opposed to the mitosomes in G. intestinalis. A transcriptome analysis of the free-living Trepomonas is compared with genomic data from the two parasitic diplomonads. The majority of the genes associated with a free-living lifestyle, like phagocytosis and a larger metabolic capacity, are of prokaryotic origin. This suggests that the ancestor of the free-living diplomonad was likely host-associated and that the free-living lifestyle is a secondary adaptation acquired through horizontal gene transfers.  In conclusion, this thesis uses different comparative genomics approaches to broaden the knowledge on diplomonad diversity and to provide more insight into how the lifestyle differences are reflected on the genetic level. The bioinformatics pipelines and expertise gained in these studies will be useful in other projects in diplomonads and other organismal groups.

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