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Connectivity and runoff dynamics in heterogeneous drainage basinsPhillips, Ross Wilson 16 March 2011
A drainage basins runoff response can be determined by the connectivity of generated runoff to the stream network and the connectivity of the downstream stream network. The connectivity of a drainage basin modulates its ability to produce streamflow and respond to precipitation events and is a function of the complex and variable storage capacities along the drainage network. An improved means to measure and account for the dynamics of hydrological connectivity at the basin scale is needed to improve prediction of basin scale streamflow. The overall goal of this thesis is to improve the understanding of hydrological connectivity at the basin scale by measuring hydrological connectivity at the Baker Creek Research Basin during 2009. To this end, the objectives are to 1) investigate the dynamics of hydrological connectivity during a typical water year, 2) define the relationship between the contributing stream network and contributing area, 3) investigate how hydrological connectivity influences streamflow, and 4) define how hydrological connectivity influences runoff response to rainfall events. At a 150 km2 subarctic Precambrian Shield catchment where the poorly-drained heterogeneous mosaic of lakes, exposed bedrock, and soil filled areas creates variable contributing areas, hydrological connectivity was measured between April and September 2009 in 10 sub-basins with a particular focus on three representative sub-basins. The three sub-basins, although of similar relative size, vary considerably in the dominant typology and topology of their constituent elements. At a 10 m spatial resolution, saturated areas were mapped using both multispectral satellite imagery and in situ measurements of storage according to land cover. To measure basin scale hydrological connectivity, the drainage network was treated as a graph network with stream reaches being the edges that connect sub-catchment nodes. The overall hydrological connectivity of the stream network was described as the ratio of actively flowing relative to potentially flowing stream reaches, and the hydrological connectivity of the stream network to the outlet was described as the ratio of actively flowing stream reaches that were connected to the outlet relative to the potentially flowing stream reaches. Hydrological connectivity was highest during the spring freshet but the stream network began to disintegrate with its passing. In some drainage basins, large gate keepers were able to maintain connectivity of the stream network downstream during dry periods. The length of the longest stream was found to be proportional to contributing area raised to a power of 0.605, similar to that noted in Hacks Law and modified Hacks Law relationships. The length of the contributing stream network was also found to be proportional to contributing area raised to a power of 0.851. In general, higher daily average streamflows were noted for higher states of connectivity to the outlet although preliminary investigations allude to the existence of hysteresis in these relationships. Elevated levels of hydrological connectivity were also found to yield higher basin runoff ratios but the shape of the characteristic curve for each basin was heavily influenced by key traits of its land cover heterogeneity. The implications of these findings are that accurate prediction of streamflow and runoff response in a heterogeneous drainage basin with dynamic connectivity will require both an account of the presence or absence of connections but also a differentiation of connection type and an incorporation of aspects of local function that control the flow through connections themselves. The improved understanding of causal factors for the variable streamflow response to runoff generation in this environment will serve as a first step towards developing improved streamflow prediction methods in formerly glaciated landscapes, especially in small ungauged basins.
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A comparative analysis of the hydrological performance of reconstructed and natural watershedsBachu, Lakshminarayanarao 05 September 2008
An example of watershed disturbance activity undertaken to gain access to the oil sands is large scale mining in the Athabasca basin, Alberta, Canada. One of the remedial activities of this disturbance is the reclamation of the disturbed lands. In the process of reclamation, the overburden soil is placed back into the mined pits and reformed with soil covers (alternatively called reconstructed watersheds). In the design process of reclamation, a major concern is hydrological sustainability, which includes the soils ability to store enough moisture for the water requirements of vegetation growth and land-atmospheric moisture fluxes. Typically, the goal of the reclamation is to restore the disturbed watersheds, so that they mimic the natural watersheds in terms of the ecological sustainability. Therefore, a comparative evaluation of the hydrological sustainability of the reconstructed watersheds with natural watersheds is required.<p>The considered reconstructed watershed in this study (the flat top of the South Bison Hill, Fort McMurray, Alberta, which is about 6 years old) constitutes a thin layer of a peat-mineral mix (20 cm thick) overlying an 80 cm thick secondary (glacial till) layer on the shale formation, mimicking the natural soil horizons of undisturbed watersheds. As the reconstructed watershed is located in the boreal forest region, a mature boreal forest (Old Aspen site, about 88 years old) located in the Southern Study Area (SSA), BOREAS, Saskatchewan, Canada, is considered as a representative of natural watershed. The A-horizon with 25 cm of sandy loam texture, the B-horizon with 45 cm-thick sandy clay loam, and the C-horizon with 40 cm of a mixture of sandy clay loam and loam are considered in this study.<p>An existing System Dynamics Watershed (SDW) model (lumped and site-specific) is modified and adapted to model the hydrological processes of the reconstructed and natural watersheds, such as soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and runoff. The models are calibrated and validated on daily time scale using two years data (growing season) in each case. The hydrological processes are simulated reasonably well despite the high complexity involved in the processes of soil moisture dynamics and the evapotranspiration, for both study areas. Using the modified and calibrated models, long term simulations (48 years) are carried out on both the reconstructed and natural watersheds. Vegetation properties are switched between the reconstructed and natural watersheds and two scenarios are generated. Consequently, long term simulations are performed. With the help of a probabilistic approach, the daily soil moisture results are used to address the comparative soil moisture storage capability of the watersheds.<p>The results indicate that the selected reconstructed watershed is able to provide its designed store-and-release moisture of 160 mm (a requirement of the land capability classification for forest ecosystems in the oil sands) for the vegetation and meteorological moisture demands at a non-exceedance probability of 93%. The comparative study shows that the reconstructed watershed provides less moisture for evapotranspiration requirements than the natural watershed. The reconstructed watershed is able to provide less moisture than the natural watershed for both small and also mature vegetation scenarios. A possible reason for this may be that the reconstructed site is still in the process of restoration and that it may take a few more years to get closer to natural watersheds in terms of the hydrological sustainability. The study also demonstrates the utility of the system dynamics approach of modeling the case study under consideration. The future addition of a vegetation growth model to the hydrological model, and the development of a generic watershed modeling technique would be helpful in decision making and management practices of watershed reclamation.
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Snow hyydrology of Canadian prairie droughts : model development and applicationFang, Xing 06 September 2007
Hydrological models have been developed to estimate snow accumulation, snowmelt and snowmelt runoff on the Canadian Prairies; however, their proper scale of application is unknown in the Prairie environment. The first objective of this thesis is to examine the proper scale for pre-melt snow accumulation as snow water equivalent (SWE) and snowmelt in a Prairie first order basin. Spatially distributed and spatially aggregated approaches were used to calculate SWE and snowmelt at St. Denis National Wildlife Area (SDNWA). Both approaches used models with similar physics, but differed in the model scale at which calculations were carried out. The simulated pre-melt SWE, cumulative seasonal SWE, and daily snowmelt from the two modelling approaches were compared to field observations of pre-melt SWE, cumulative seasonal SWE, and daily snowmelt; comparisons of areal cumulative seasonal SWE, areal snowmelt, snowmelt duration, and snow-covered area were also conducted between two modelling approaches. Results from these comparisons showed that both approaches had reasonable and similar accuracy in estimation of SWE and snowmelt. The spatially aggregated approach was more computationally efficient and was selected as a modelling scale for small-sized prairie basins. <p>Another objective of this thesis is to derive a snow hydrology model for the Canadian Prairies. Physically-based hydrological models were assembled in the Cold Regions Hydrological Model Platform (CRHM) using the aggregated approach. Tests of pre-melt SWE and surface snowmelt runoff were conducted at two basins in Saskatchewan Creighton Tributary of Bad Lake and Wetland 109, St. Denis. Results showed that the snow hydrology model had a reasonable capability to simulate SWE and snowmelt runoff to the stream and wetland. <p>Droughts are natural hazards that develop frequently on the Canadian Prairies. Analyzing the impact of drought on hydrological processes and water supply is another objective of this thesis. Synthetic drought scenarios were proposed for the Creighton Tributary of Bad Lake and the corresponding impacts on the snowmelt runoff-related processes were examined. Results indicated that wind redistribution of snow was very sensitive to drought conditions, sublimation of blowing snow and snow-covered period were sensitive to drought, but winter evaporation and infiltration did not show strong trend. The results also showed that drought conditions had magnified effects on the snowmelt runoff and could cause cessation of streamflow. Also, the impacts of the recent 1999-2005 drought on the snowmelt hydrology were investigated at St. Denis. Results illustrated that three-years (1999-2002) of severe winter drought were followed by a normal year (2002-03) and then a two-year (2003-05) recovery period, and then returning to normal (2005-06). Results showed that both snowfall and rainfall during hydrological winter were consistently low for severe drought and surface snowmelt runoff was very much lower during severe drought, about 45-65 mm less compared to that in the normal periods.
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Event Based Characterization of Hydrologic Change in Urbanizing Southern Ontario Watersheds via High Resolution Stream Gauge DataThompson, Peter John January 2013 (has links)
Tracking and quantifying hydrologic change in urbanizing watersheds is a complex problem which can vary spatially and temporally throughout the effective catchment area as change occurs. Hydromodification due to urbanization usually results in a larger peak event stream discharge, a change in typical event volume, a reduced lag time between rainfall and stream discharge events, and a more complex falling hydrograph. Recently extracted Environment Canada data have allowed the creation of a high resolution instantaneous stream flow dataset dating to the late 1960s for many Ontario gauge stations. Hydrometric data were obtained for fifteen urban and semi-urban catchments within Southern Ontario ranging in size from ~50km² to 300 km² with urbanized land use assemblages varying from <5% to 80%. Utilizing automated methods, each individual runoff event from the hydrographic record was identified and characterized. Temporal changes to urban land area, land use, and road length were quantified for each watershed from aerial photography spanning the period of record at approximately 8 year intervals allowing identified trends in event hydrograph parameters to be correlated quantitatively with the alteration of the catchment over time. <br>
Increasing trends in event peak discharge were identified in all but one study catchment. Event volume was found to be consistently increasing in most of the urban watershed, while trends in event duration were observed but with no clear increasing or decreasing trend. The lack of consistent trends in the timing and distribution of flow during runoff events suggest that build-out, drainage network design, and stormwater management systems play differing roles in the neighbouring urban catchments. Changes to flood recurrence intervals through the period of urbanization were also investigated; peak magnitude of high frequency events is affected to a greater extent than low frequency or flood events. The relative change in return frequency distribution is not consistent between catchments, also the degree of alteration can differ between various recurrence intervals at a gauge. Peak discharge of some return periods appeared to decrease with urban development suggesting that the increased detention brought with urban stormwater management systems have effectively offset the increased runoff due to additional impervious area and improved drainage efficiency. A consistent relationship defining the change in geomorphically significant return periods (i.e. channel forming flow) with urbanization was identified in neighbouring urban catchments.
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Tillämpning av en markprofilmodell för hydrologiska beräkningar i avrinningsområdesskala / Application of a soil profile model for hydrological estimations in catchment scaleHellgren, Stefan January 2010 (has links)
There is a great need to reduce nutrient leaching from arable land into lakes and oceans. By using several different types of models it has previously been possible to describe nutrient losses in a catchment area with a minimum unit of sub-catchment level. At present, it is instead desirable to model a smaller catchment with an opportunity to re-connect the results to the corresponding fields in the catchment. Such models already exist but they are not fully able to properly describe Swedish conditions and land characteristics in our region. With the approach of creating such a model, SLU has developed a project with this work as its first stage. The model is expected to be created under the working name SWE-model which stands for Soil Water Environment and is in this first stage supposed to apply the SOIL model in catchment scale. During the procedure to describe the first step in the process of developing such a model adapted to Swedish conditions and which works in the catchment scale with an area of about 10-30 km2, focus has been set on calculating the transport of water flow from different hydrological response units. Regardless of the processes occurring in the soil after the water has been added, it is assumed that all the water which flows from each simulated unit is drained. In the first step the hydrologic response units were identified based on land use and soil type in the study area. With the help of a script with functions that retrieve and transform data, certain units were chosen for simulation. The script was also created in this project. Finally, the model results were aggregated and summarized for each unique unit, for each sub-catchment, and also for the whole catchment. From the results it is possible to see similarities in the flow dynamics between modeled and measured data. The efficiency coefficient has been calculated to correspond to the mean of the measured values for the whole simulation period. With an automated calibration process the model should be able to perform better. The volume error gives an indication of overestimation from the model.
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Physical and Geochemical Characterization of Two Wetlands in the Experimental Lakes Area, North-western Ontario, CanadaAnderson, Miles 24 September 2012 (has links)
Anthropogenic disruptions in the form of hydrological alterations, such as dam construction and the associated water diversions are a cause of much upheaval to local and regional ecosystems. Lake 626 within the Experimental Lakes Area of north-west Ontario, along with its downstream wetlands, 626A and 626B are one such system. Construction of a dam at the L626 inflow has completely restricted water flow, reducing and reshaping the watershed, increasing water retention time, and decreasing outflow into the wetlands. This study investigates the state of each wetland through physical and geochemical characterization during the first year following the diversion.
Previous studies have found that hydrological diversions in wetlands can lower water table levels, altering soil chemistry and producing a shift in floral and faunal communities. Ultimate consequences involve significant loss of wetland area through conversion to upland habitat. This provides a model for climatic warming scenarios, wherein sustained drought conditions can produce the same result. Boreal wetlands are surprising fragile ecosystems that store massive quantities of carbon and are at risk of releasing it in such situations. One study showed that an extended summer drought in an otherwise average year with above average precipitation produced losses of 90 g C/m2 over the course of the year. Maintenance of reduced-flow in wetlands 626A and 626B is expected to convert the system into a carbon source and reduce overall wetland area.
Radiocarbon dating has revealed that following deglaciation, both 626A and 626B basins were open water wetlands, depositing limnic peat for about 3200 and 1300 years respectively. Each site then transitioned into open sedge dominated fen – 626B to the present and 626A until about 2.5 ka BP when Sphagnum began to develop. Wetland 626B is decidedly an open shrub/sedge fen, supporting Myrica gale, Chamaedaphne calyculata and Carex rostrata / lasiocarpa communities. Wetland 626A is a bog/fen complex, sharing similar communities in the fen areas, but housing a large, centrally located bog of shrub species overlying Sphagnum hummocks. Tritium values in 626A were similar to cosmic background levels, indicating that recharge of basal pore water has not occurred in at least 60 years. Tritium in 626B was much higher, suggesting a substantial difference in hydrology or peat hydraulic conductivity between the basins. Measurement of DOC profiles showed high concentrations in near-surface water, reaching over 80 mg/L, and dropping to about 20 mg/L at maximum depths. An opposite trend was seen for DIC and CH4 profiles which increased concentration with depth (25 – 70 mg/L DIC; 75 – 700 μmol/L CH4). Isotopically however, 13C signatures from basal DIC were more positive while signatures from CH4 were typically more negative (-6 ‰ to +4 ‰ DIC; -57 ‰ to -73 ‰ CH4). Breakdown of DOC by LC-OCD showed high concentrations of humic substances and low molecular weight neutrals. The origin of humic substances in surface water became more pedogenic with increasing distance from the L626 outflow, indicating the influence of decaying wetland vegetation on the DOC of adjacent water.
A comparison between contemporary and future characterization of boreal peatlands under drought-like conditions will provide a better understanding of the impacts suffered by wetlands during hydrological alterations. The high sensitivity of wetlands to changing hydrology should also provide a measure for gauging the effects of long term climate warming. This will assist in the development of environmental policies to better govern both the establishment of water diversions and the multitude of other practices leading to climate change.
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Snow hyydrology of Canadian prairie droughts : model development and applicationFang, Xing 06 September 2007 (has links)
Hydrological models have been developed to estimate snow accumulation, snowmelt and snowmelt runoff on the Canadian Prairies; however, their proper scale of application is unknown in the Prairie environment. The first objective of this thesis is to examine the proper scale for pre-melt snow accumulation as snow water equivalent (SWE) and snowmelt in a Prairie first order basin. Spatially distributed and spatially aggregated approaches were used to calculate SWE and snowmelt at St. Denis National Wildlife Area (SDNWA). Both approaches used models with similar physics, but differed in the model scale at which calculations were carried out. The simulated pre-melt SWE, cumulative seasonal SWE, and daily snowmelt from the two modelling approaches were compared to field observations of pre-melt SWE, cumulative seasonal SWE, and daily snowmelt; comparisons of areal cumulative seasonal SWE, areal snowmelt, snowmelt duration, and snow-covered area were also conducted between two modelling approaches. Results from these comparisons showed that both approaches had reasonable and similar accuracy in estimation of SWE and snowmelt. The spatially aggregated approach was more computationally efficient and was selected as a modelling scale for small-sized prairie basins. <p>Another objective of this thesis is to derive a snow hydrology model for the Canadian Prairies. Physically-based hydrological models were assembled in the Cold Regions Hydrological Model Platform (CRHM) using the aggregated approach. Tests of pre-melt SWE and surface snowmelt runoff were conducted at two basins in Saskatchewan Creighton Tributary of Bad Lake and Wetland 109, St. Denis. Results showed that the snow hydrology model had a reasonable capability to simulate SWE and snowmelt runoff to the stream and wetland. <p>Droughts are natural hazards that develop frequently on the Canadian Prairies. Analyzing the impact of drought on hydrological processes and water supply is another objective of this thesis. Synthetic drought scenarios were proposed for the Creighton Tributary of Bad Lake and the corresponding impacts on the snowmelt runoff-related processes were examined. Results indicated that wind redistribution of snow was very sensitive to drought conditions, sublimation of blowing snow and snow-covered period were sensitive to drought, but winter evaporation and infiltration did not show strong trend. The results also showed that drought conditions had magnified effects on the snowmelt runoff and could cause cessation of streamflow. Also, the impacts of the recent 1999-2005 drought on the snowmelt hydrology were investigated at St. Denis. Results illustrated that three-years (1999-2002) of severe winter drought were followed by a normal year (2002-03) and then a two-year (2003-05) recovery period, and then returning to normal (2005-06). Results showed that both snowfall and rainfall during hydrological winter were consistently low for severe drought and surface snowmelt runoff was very much lower during severe drought, about 45-65 mm less compared to that in the normal periods.
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A comparative analysis of the hydrological performance of reconstructed and natural watershedsBachu, Lakshminarayanarao 05 September 2008 (has links)
An example of watershed disturbance activity undertaken to gain access to the oil sands is large scale mining in the Athabasca basin, Alberta, Canada. One of the remedial activities of this disturbance is the reclamation of the disturbed lands. In the process of reclamation, the overburden soil is placed back into the mined pits and reformed with soil covers (alternatively called reconstructed watersheds). In the design process of reclamation, a major concern is hydrological sustainability, which includes the soils ability to store enough moisture for the water requirements of vegetation growth and land-atmospheric moisture fluxes. Typically, the goal of the reclamation is to restore the disturbed watersheds, so that they mimic the natural watersheds in terms of the ecological sustainability. Therefore, a comparative evaluation of the hydrological sustainability of the reconstructed watersheds with natural watersheds is required.<p>The considered reconstructed watershed in this study (the flat top of the South Bison Hill, Fort McMurray, Alberta, which is about 6 years old) constitutes a thin layer of a peat-mineral mix (20 cm thick) overlying an 80 cm thick secondary (glacial till) layer on the shale formation, mimicking the natural soil horizons of undisturbed watersheds. As the reconstructed watershed is located in the boreal forest region, a mature boreal forest (Old Aspen site, about 88 years old) located in the Southern Study Area (SSA), BOREAS, Saskatchewan, Canada, is considered as a representative of natural watershed. The A-horizon with 25 cm of sandy loam texture, the B-horizon with 45 cm-thick sandy clay loam, and the C-horizon with 40 cm of a mixture of sandy clay loam and loam are considered in this study.<p>An existing System Dynamics Watershed (SDW) model (lumped and site-specific) is modified and adapted to model the hydrological processes of the reconstructed and natural watersheds, such as soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and runoff. The models are calibrated and validated on daily time scale using two years data (growing season) in each case. The hydrological processes are simulated reasonably well despite the high complexity involved in the processes of soil moisture dynamics and the evapotranspiration, for both study areas. Using the modified and calibrated models, long term simulations (48 years) are carried out on both the reconstructed and natural watersheds. Vegetation properties are switched between the reconstructed and natural watersheds and two scenarios are generated. Consequently, long term simulations are performed. With the help of a probabilistic approach, the daily soil moisture results are used to address the comparative soil moisture storage capability of the watersheds.<p>The results indicate that the selected reconstructed watershed is able to provide its designed store-and-release moisture of 160 mm (a requirement of the land capability classification for forest ecosystems in the oil sands) for the vegetation and meteorological moisture demands at a non-exceedance probability of 93%. The comparative study shows that the reconstructed watershed provides less moisture for evapotranspiration requirements than the natural watershed. The reconstructed watershed is able to provide less moisture than the natural watershed for both small and also mature vegetation scenarios. A possible reason for this may be that the reconstructed site is still in the process of restoration and that it may take a few more years to get closer to natural watersheds in terms of the hydrological sustainability. The study also demonstrates the utility of the system dynamics approach of modeling the case study under consideration. The future addition of a vegetation growth model to the hydrological model, and the development of a generic watershed modeling technique would be helpful in decision making and management practices of watershed reclamation.
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Connectivity and runoff dynamics in heterogeneous drainage basinsPhillips, Ross Wilson 16 March 2011 (has links)
A drainage basins runoff response can be determined by the connectivity of generated runoff to the stream network and the connectivity of the downstream stream network. The connectivity of a drainage basin modulates its ability to produce streamflow and respond to precipitation events and is a function of the complex and variable storage capacities along the drainage network. An improved means to measure and account for the dynamics of hydrological connectivity at the basin scale is needed to improve prediction of basin scale streamflow. The overall goal of this thesis is to improve the understanding of hydrological connectivity at the basin scale by measuring hydrological connectivity at the Baker Creek Research Basin during 2009. To this end, the objectives are to 1) investigate the dynamics of hydrological connectivity during a typical water year, 2) define the relationship between the contributing stream network and contributing area, 3) investigate how hydrological connectivity influences streamflow, and 4) define how hydrological connectivity influences runoff response to rainfall events. At a 150 km2 subarctic Precambrian Shield catchment where the poorly-drained heterogeneous mosaic of lakes, exposed bedrock, and soil filled areas creates variable contributing areas, hydrological connectivity was measured between April and September 2009 in 10 sub-basins with a particular focus on three representative sub-basins. The three sub-basins, although of similar relative size, vary considerably in the dominant typology and topology of their constituent elements. At a 10 m spatial resolution, saturated areas were mapped using both multispectral satellite imagery and in situ measurements of storage according to land cover. To measure basin scale hydrological connectivity, the drainage network was treated as a graph network with stream reaches being the edges that connect sub-catchment nodes. The overall hydrological connectivity of the stream network was described as the ratio of actively flowing relative to potentially flowing stream reaches, and the hydrological connectivity of the stream network to the outlet was described as the ratio of actively flowing stream reaches that were connected to the outlet relative to the potentially flowing stream reaches. Hydrological connectivity was highest during the spring freshet but the stream network began to disintegrate with its passing. In some drainage basins, large gate keepers were able to maintain connectivity of the stream network downstream during dry periods. The length of the longest stream was found to be proportional to contributing area raised to a power of 0.605, similar to that noted in Hacks Law and modified Hacks Law relationships. The length of the contributing stream network was also found to be proportional to contributing area raised to a power of 0.851. In general, higher daily average streamflows were noted for higher states of connectivity to the outlet although preliminary investigations allude to the existence of hysteresis in these relationships. Elevated levels of hydrological connectivity were also found to yield higher basin runoff ratios but the shape of the characteristic curve for each basin was heavily influenced by key traits of its land cover heterogeneity. The implications of these findings are that accurate prediction of streamflow and runoff response in a heterogeneous drainage basin with dynamic connectivity will require both an account of the presence or absence of connections but also a differentiation of connection type and an incorporation of aspects of local function that control the flow through connections themselves. The improved understanding of causal factors for the variable streamflow response to runoff generation in this environment will serve as a first step towards developing improved streamflow prediction methods in formerly glaciated landscapes, especially in small ungauged basins.
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The Research of Hydrologic Management with GIS: A Case Study of the Aogu Wetland, Chiayi, TaiwanChang, Yu-Liang 08 September 2011 (has links)
Aogu Farm was built on reclaimed land. Because of its rich ecological resources,
Aogu was defined as a "Major Wildlife Habitat" in Chiayi County by the Forest Service
and is also expected to reduce carbon in the plan for the flatland forest. Power pumps
are currently used to irrigate and cultivate the area. However, after becoming the
Forest Recreation Area in the future, Aogu Farm has to reduce the influence of human
beings. However, if the Taisugar Company doesn¡¦t support the plan of Forest Service or
abandons farming and stops the pumping power, the Aogu Wetlands will suffer the
crisis of coastal inundation. Hydrological models have their own characteristics. For
example, inundation models for regional drainage using one-dimensional channel flow,
two-dimensional overland flow, and runoff in the mountains all can be assessed to
solve the inundation problems in the coastal lowlands. Nevertheless, the Aogu
Wetlands, the Case Study area, has both a dry season and a wet season even in the
lowland. When rainstorms occur, the area is unable to discharge the water by gravity
but can depend only on pumps to discharge the water into the sea. Therefore, based
on the need to manage water, hydrological surveys must be conducted to assess the
hydrological impact of continuous rainfall on the Aogu Wetlands and to provide
reference information to assist in the management. In the thesis, I use both the
Geographic Information System (GIS) and the Storm Water Management Model
(SWMM) as analysis tools. Moreover, the different regions are further divided into
watershed and the route of drainage, establishing two kinds of models of watershed
hydrology for precipitation simulations. Finally, to compare these two methods, the Arc
Hydro and SWMM models are used in watershed analysis.
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