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Vazões ambientais em hidrelétricas : Belo Monte e MansoSouza, Christopher Freire January 2009 (has links)
Impactos sócio-ambientais negativos têm colocado a gestão do meio ambiente e dos recursos hídricos em cheque. Produção econômica intensiva, especialmente onde existem hidrelétricas, tem conduzido à perda de abundância e riqueza de espécies e conseqüente diminuição de produção de serviços ambientais à sociedade. Em contrapartida, avanços científicos em ecologia têm demonstrado que a conservação de regimes hidrológicos é o caminho para conservação de ecossistemas e para manutenção da produção de serviços ambientais. É neste contexto que cresce em importância a ferramenta de vazões ambientais, que tem como propósito compatibilizar interesses dos diferentes setores de produção, ao manter em corpos d’água regimes hidrológicos que produzam melhores resultados sócio-econômicos com menores impactos ambientais. O objetivo desta pesquisa é propor um método para a escolha de vazões ambientais, especialmente em regiões com escassez de informações ecológicas. O método proposto fundamenta-se na relação de influência direta entre conservação de regimes hidrológicos, conservação de ecossistemas e produção de serviços ambientais. Para isto, as alterações de regimes hidrológicos são quantificadas para qualificar o grau de conservação do ambiente e de produção econômica por serviços ambientais. O método consiste em diagnosticar alterações hidrológicas, elaborar potenciais regras de vazões ambientais, simular numericamente sua aplicação e prognosticar seus impactos via estudos de alteração hidrológica e de produção econômica por atividades antrópicas. A aplicação da metodologia foi dividida em dois estudos de casos. No primeiro, foram analisadas vazões ambientais para o projeto de aproveitamento hidrelétrico de Belo Monte, no rio Xingu, que ainda não sofre de alterações significativas do regime hidrológico. O segundo estudo consistiu do estudo do grau e da extensão de alteração do regime hidrológico pelo aproveitamento múltiplo da Usina de Manso, no rio Manso, afluente ao rio Cuiabá que drena ao Pantanal. Como resultado, o método mostrou ser flexível a diferentes configurações de disponibilidade de informação, além de possibilitar a escolha de vazões ambientais de forma transparente, colaborativa e participativa. A confiabilidade do método, no entanto, depende da representatividade das informações hidrológicas e do grau de incertezas quanto à relação entre alteração hidrológica, degradação de ecossistemas e perda de produção econômica, quando dados ecológicos são escassos. / The natural flow paradigm has not been considered in the Brazilian water resources and environmental management systems yet. Environmental flows studies have just been considered by Brazilian scientific community with too few, if any, experimental studies being undertaken. However, such a tool needs to be considered urgently, once environmental flows sustain ecosystem and their environmental services, which are of great importance to society. This thesis aims to propose a method to subsidize environmental flows selection, especially in regions where ecological data is scarce. We have based such method on the direct influential relation between flow regime alteration, ecosystem degradation and environmental services loss, applying hydrologic alteration indices as proxies of ecosystems degradation and environmental services loss. This new method consists on diagnosing hydrologic alteration, developing potential environmental flows rules, numerically simulate them and assessing theirs impacts on hydrologic alteration and economic production by human activities. The method application was split in two case studies in order to use different sets of its techniques. The former study consisted on assessing environmental flows downstream the projected UHE Belo Monte, located in the Xingu river, a tributary to the Amazon river. In this study only one flow station was applied with its “naturalized” flows as a benchmark. The latter study consisted on assessing the degree and extension of APM Manso dam hydrological impacts, located in a tributary to the Brazilian Pantanal. In this study, data from different stations where used as benchmarks. As a result, this hydrological method showed flexibility to work with different information settings, while it could be applied in a transparent, participative and collaborative approach. However, its confidence relies on hydrological data representativity and on the uncertainty over the relation between hydrological alteration, ecosystems degradation and loss of environmental services, when ecological data are scarce.
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Optimizing two-dimesional shallow water based flood hydrological model with stream architecturesSarates Junior, Adiel Seffrin January 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo explorar as dificuldades bem como os benefícios da utilização de arquiteturas Streams para a simulação de eventos hidrológicos baseados nas equações de águas rasas. Pra tal, é criado embasamento sobre modelagem hidrológica e os algumas classes de modelos existentes, arquiteturas heterogêneas e mais especificamente do modelo bidimensional usado baseado nas equações de Saint-Venan. Com isso é construida a linha de tempo referente às otimizações aplicadas ao modelo inicialmente serial até sua versão otimizada para GPUs, exibindo cada passo tomado em forma de algoritmo para chegar ao objetivo. Com estas otimizações foi obtido um speedup de quatro vezes para pequenas áreas e de 10 vezes com uma resolução média para uma grande área com um alto nível de detalhamento, quando comparado com uma versão de 24 threads. / This study aims to explore the difficulties and the benefits of using Streams architectures for the simulation of hydrological events based on shallow water equations. For this purpose, is created foundation on hydrological modeling and some classes of existing models, heterogeneous architectures, and more specifically the two-dimensional model based on the equations used Saint-Venan. A timeline is constructed relating the applied optimizations beginning from the first serial model optimized for a GPU version showing each step taken in the form of an algorithm to reach the best performance. With these optimizations a speedup about 4 times was obtained for small areas and 10 times with a middle level of detailing for a large area with a high level of detailing. These results were produced comparing the GPU performance with a CPU and 24 threads version.
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Vazões ambientais em hidrelétricas : Belo Monte e MansoSouza, Christopher Freire January 2009 (has links)
Impactos sócio-ambientais negativos têm colocado a gestão do meio ambiente e dos recursos hídricos em cheque. Produção econômica intensiva, especialmente onde existem hidrelétricas, tem conduzido à perda de abundância e riqueza de espécies e conseqüente diminuição de produção de serviços ambientais à sociedade. Em contrapartida, avanços científicos em ecologia têm demonstrado que a conservação de regimes hidrológicos é o caminho para conservação de ecossistemas e para manutenção da produção de serviços ambientais. É neste contexto que cresce em importância a ferramenta de vazões ambientais, que tem como propósito compatibilizar interesses dos diferentes setores de produção, ao manter em corpos d’água regimes hidrológicos que produzam melhores resultados sócio-econômicos com menores impactos ambientais. O objetivo desta pesquisa é propor um método para a escolha de vazões ambientais, especialmente em regiões com escassez de informações ecológicas. O método proposto fundamenta-se na relação de influência direta entre conservação de regimes hidrológicos, conservação de ecossistemas e produção de serviços ambientais. Para isto, as alterações de regimes hidrológicos são quantificadas para qualificar o grau de conservação do ambiente e de produção econômica por serviços ambientais. O método consiste em diagnosticar alterações hidrológicas, elaborar potenciais regras de vazões ambientais, simular numericamente sua aplicação e prognosticar seus impactos via estudos de alteração hidrológica e de produção econômica por atividades antrópicas. A aplicação da metodologia foi dividida em dois estudos de casos. No primeiro, foram analisadas vazões ambientais para o projeto de aproveitamento hidrelétrico de Belo Monte, no rio Xingu, que ainda não sofre de alterações significativas do regime hidrológico. O segundo estudo consistiu do estudo do grau e da extensão de alteração do regime hidrológico pelo aproveitamento múltiplo da Usina de Manso, no rio Manso, afluente ao rio Cuiabá que drena ao Pantanal. Como resultado, o método mostrou ser flexível a diferentes configurações de disponibilidade de informação, além de possibilitar a escolha de vazões ambientais de forma transparente, colaborativa e participativa. A confiabilidade do método, no entanto, depende da representatividade das informações hidrológicas e do grau de incertezas quanto à relação entre alteração hidrológica, degradação de ecossistemas e perda de produção econômica, quando dados ecológicos são escassos. / The natural flow paradigm has not been considered in the Brazilian water resources and environmental management systems yet. Environmental flows studies have just been considered by Brazilian scientific community with too few, if any, experimental studies being undertaken. However, such a tool needs to be considered urgently, once environmental flows sustain ecosystem and their environmental services, which are of great importance to society. This thesis aims to propose a method to subsidize environmental flows selection, especially in regions where ecological data is scarce. We have based such method on the direct influential relation between flow regime alteration, ecosystem degradation and environmental services loss, applying hydrologic alteration indices as proxies of ecosystems degradation and environmental services loss. This new method consists on diagnosing hydrologic alteration, developing potential environmental flows rules, numerically simulate them and assessing theirs impacts on hydrologic alteration and economic production by human activities. The method application was split in two case studies in order to use different sets of its techniques. The former study consisted on assessing environmental flows downstream the projected UHE Belo Monte, located in the Xingu river, a tributary to the Amazon river. In this study only one flow station was applied with its “naturalized” flows as a benchmark. The latter study consisted on assessing the degree and extension of APM Manso dam hydrological impacts, located in a tributary to the Brazilian Pantanal. In this study, data from different stations where used as benchmarks. As a result, this hydrological method showed flexibility to work with different information settings, while it could be applied in a transparent, participative and collaborative approach. However, its confidence relies on hydrological data representativity and on the uncertainty over the relation between hydrological alteration, ecosystems degradation and loss of environmental services, when ecological data are scarce.
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Optimizing two-dimesional shallow water based flood hydrological model with stream architecturesSarates Junior, Adiel Seffrin January 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo explorar as dificuldades bem como os benefícios da utilização de arquiteturas Streams para a simulação de eventos hidrológicos baseados nas equações de águas rasas. Pra tal, é criado embasamento sobre modelagem hidrológica e os algumas classes de modelos existentes, arquiteturas heterogêneas e mais especificamente do modelo bidimensional usado baseado nas equações de Saint-Venan. Com isso é construida a linha de tempo referente às otimizações aplicadas ao modelo inicialmente serial até sua versão otimizada para GPUs, exibindo cada passo tomado em forma de algoritmo para chegar ao objetivo. Com estas otimizações foi obtido um speedup de quatro vezes para pequenas áreas e de 10 vezes com uma resolução média para uma grande área com um alto nível de detalhamento, quando comparado com uma versão de 24 threads. / This study aims to explore the difficulties and the benefits of using Streams architectures for the simulation of hydrological events based on shallow water equations. For this purpose, is created foundation on hydrological modeling and some classes of existing models, heterogeneous architectures, and more specifically the two-dimensional model based on the equations used Saint-Venan. A timeline is constructed relating the applied optimizations beginning from the first serial model optimized for a GPU version showing each step taken in the form of an algorithm to reach the best performance. With these optimizations a speedup about 4 times was obtained for small areas and 10 times with a middle level of detailing for a large area with a high level of detailing. These results were produced comparing the GPU performance with a CPU and 24 threads version.
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Solute pathways in a forested ecosystem : a drainage basin approachCarter, A. D. January 1983 (has links)
The project sought to identify direct links between calculate hillslope solute fluxes and input/output budgets in a forested drainage basin in the United Kingdom. An intensive, short term monitoring and data collection programme was devised in order to quantify the major components for the hillslope hydrological cycle, the seasonal changes in overstorey and understorey biomass, and the chemical composition of ecologically and pedologically derived samples. Gross and net precipitation, infiltration, and soil moisture fluxes, groundwater movement and streamflow were monitored to identify the possible pathways which solutes might follow. Regular sampling of the oak and bracken vegetation, litterfall and litter enabled calculation of biomass accumulation and the rate of uptake and release of plant nutrients. The spatial variability of soil properties was quantified, but subsequent soil sampling permitted identification of seasonal trends in exchangeable action and soil water solute concentrations. All hydrological and ecological samples were analysed for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and chloride. PH, specific conductance and organic carbon were measured for selected samples. The high infiltration capacity of the soil promoted rapid vertical movement of water towards a perched water table. The presence of soil macropores and the high permeability of the soil precluded the generation of throughflow on the hills-lope. Stream discharge was mainly controlled by groundwater fluxes from the perched water table. Although seasonal trends in the solute concentration of water samples and in the nutrient assimilation of vegetation were identified, isolated events, such as frassfall and storm-period litterfall, were shown to contribute significant quantities of nutrients to the forest floor, The importance of solute movement via macropores, especially phosphorus, was emphasised, with particular reference to plant availability. The relative stability of the ecosystem was reflected in the balance of the input/output budgets of solutes, with, the exception of calcium and magnesium losses which were attributable to weathering of the calcareous bedrock. Bivariate and multivariate statistical analysis showed that no single biogeochemical process on the hillslope could be identified as exerting a dominant controlling influence on stream water chenistry, through isolated events may affect concentrations in the short term.
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Dam safety in a hydrological perspective-Case study of the historical water system of Sala Silver MineFridolf, Tina January 2004 (has links)
The old water system in Sala, formerly belonging to thesilver mine, is analysed with regard to dam safety focusing onthe hydrological aspects. The hydrological safety of the riskclass I dams in the area, built in the 16th century, is notconsidered adequate according to the Swedish guidelines fordesign flood determination. A review is made of internationalprinciples for design flood determination. The overview showsthat there is no common principle used internationally whendealing with design flood for dams. In some countries there isan ambition to implement risk assessment for evaluation ofhydrological safety. However, at present Australia is the onlycountry that has fully integrated risk assessment in theirdesign flood guidelines. A risk assessment of the water systemin Sala shows that neither increasing the spillway capacity norimplementing flood mitigation measures in the watershed haveany significant effect on dam safety in the area. Nothingindicates that watersheds with a high presence of mires, likein the Sala case, should be particularly well suited forimplementing flood mitigation in the watershed as a dam safetymeasure. In order to safely handle the design flood in Sala andavoid dam failure due to overtopping the flood needs to bediverted from the water system. <b>Key words:</b>dam safety; design flood; flood mitigation;hydrological; risk assessment
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Assessment of Impacts of Upstream Developments and Climate Change on Carp River WatershedZango, Baba-Serges 11 May 2021 (has links)
A SWAT hydrological model is developed to evaluate the individual and combined impacts of urbanization and climate change on water quantity (discharge) and quality (N and P) of the watershed of Carp River in Ontario, Canada. Seven numerical experiments (scenarios) were developed to represent the different configurations of the watershed in terms of land use (either current or projected) and climate regime (current or future, observed or simulated). The reference period is 1990-2018, and the future period is 2021-2050. The 2017 land use was used to represent the reference period. The future land use is the projected 2050 land use obtained from the City of Ottawa. The future climate was obtained by downscaling the outputs of nine (9) Regional Climate Models (RCMs) under two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs): RCP4.5 and RCP 8.5. The developed scenarios are the following:
• S0o (baseline scenario) corresponding to the current land use map and the observed climate regime on the reference period
• S0m is similar to S0o except that RCM outputs are used instead of the observed climate on the reference period
• S1 corresponds to the future land use and historical climate regime on the reference period.
• S0M45/S0M85 corresponds to the current land use and the future climate regime under RCP4.5 (S0M45) and RCP8.5 (S0M85)
• S1M45/S1M85 corresponds to the future land use map and future climate regime under the two RCPs.
The changes or impacts on quantity and quality in each scenario were estimated by comparing the results with the baseline scenarios S0o/m (reference) at two levels: globally (at the main outlet) and locally (at the outlet of an upstream sub-watershed). For a consistency purpose, S0o is used when assessing land-use change scenario while S0m was the reference in climate change and combined effects scenario. This allowed the comparison to be consistent with the same climate data frame. The results showed that climate change is likely to be the most dominant factor affecting discharge and nitrogen, while urbanization will control the quantity of phosphorus. Unsurprisingly, the combined effect had a more significant impact on water quantity and quality. However, the impact is not additive, and the relationship is not linear. Compared with S0, the annual average discharge increased by 1.57%, 5.49%, 7.52%, 6.75%, and 9.34% in S1, S0M45, S0M85, S1M45, and S1M85, respectively. In comparison, the change for annual N load was estimated at -1.88%, 29.62%, 2.03%, 24.84%, and -1.20% respectively. Change in annual average P was respectively 26.49%, 1.07%, -4.49%, 23.81% and 19.15%. Local impact assessment indicates the impact in upstream sub-watersheds may differ from the main outlet's impact in terms of magnitude and direction of change. Therefore, only considering global change may lead to a wrong interpretation of the impacts over the watershed. It is, therefore, necessary to evaluate the impacts at the local level as well.
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Hazard map based on the simulation of sludge flow in a two-dimensional model, Case Quebrada Malanche-Punta Hermosa -Lima-PerúGarcia, Luis Jimenez, Iruri Guzman, Osnar, Hurtado, Sissi Santos 30 September 2020 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / This research presents the numerical simulation to reproduce the transport and deposition processes of the sludge flow on March 15, 2017, strongly impacting the town of Pampapacta in Punta Hermosa-Peru.The debris flow initiation process in the basin was represented by hydrographs obtained from the estimated volumes of stormwater runoff and solid materials. The sludge flow was modeled in Flo2D to calculate hazard maps with the discharge event and others with different return periods.The numerical simulation results show acceptable results in relation to what happened. The model used to assess the hazard due to debris flow can predict and delineate, with acceptable precision, potentially hazardous areas for a landslide. The application of the proposed methodology to assess the hazard of disasters due to debris flows in basins and streams is useful to understand the extent of the impact of the mud flow during extreme weather events, as well as to develop emergency plans and formulate disaster policies.
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Vulnerability curves for masonry buildings affected by hyperconcentrated flows as natural disaster risk management tools for the quantification of material damageJara, A., Quispe, T. Y., Castillo, L. F. 06 January 2022 (has links)
The damage assessment caused by floods, earthquakes, hurricanes among others phenomenons in the world are analyzed with methodologies such as "Vulnerability curves". In Peru, disasters caused by hyperconcentrated flows are alarming due to a climatic variability such as the "El Nio Costero"phenomenon. Therefore, this research has developed vulnerability curves for 1 and 2-story confined masonry buildings in Urb. San Idelfonso, Ica - Peru; linking the variables: flow depth, associated with the event produced by heavy rains at the top of the "Quebrada Cansas"caused by the "El Nio Costero"phenomenon in 2017, and the percentage of the damage based on the methodology of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), whose formula is the repair value and total building value. The monetary amounts and items of the buildings are obtained from the RM 415-2017-VIVIENDA of the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation of Peru. The process consisted of hydrological modeling in HEC-HMS, hydraulic modeling in FLO-2D, damage percentage estimate and vulnerability curves production. Finally, the vulnerability curves for hyperconcentrated flows were contrasted with similar studies regarding curves for flooding and debris flow. The results of the investigation showed that the "El Nio Costero"phenomenon in 2017 had an economic impact of at least 1.3 million soles in Urb. San Idelfonso. In addition, at least 24 buildings had a complete damage and 21 buildings an extensive damage.
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Avaliação de indicadores de alteração hidrológica na bacia hidrográfica do rio Madeira : grandes obras hidráulicas, sedimentos e os possíveis impactos na dinâmica fluvial /Castro, Nelson Pereira de January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Cesar Rocha / Resumo: O regime hidrológico do rio Madeira é caracterizado pela sazonalidade dos volumes de água na bacia hidrográfica. As variações do clima e as ações antrópicas são os principais responsáveis pelas alterações nestes volumes. Para avaliar tais mudanças alguns indicadores podem ser analisados levando em consideração períodos com regime de fluxo natural e alterado. Os Indicadores de Alteração Hidrológica (IAH) são ideais para comparar regimes hidrológicos afetados por usinas hidrelétricas, que criam barreiras no fluxo natural e modificam o regime de vazões. Calculados com métodos paramétricos e não paramétricos, o IAH leva em consideração as análises das estatísticas de médias, desvio padrão e percentuais dos hidrogramas fluviais. No rio Madeira, as hidrelétricas de Jirau (3.750 MW) e Santo Antônio (3.568 MW) entraram em operação a fio d’água no ano de 2012. Como resultado este trabalho apresentou anos úmidos após o término destas obras hidráulicas gerando vazões mais altas que as médias do período anterior as usinas. O ano de 2014 (grande cheia) pode ser considerado um ano atípico e pode ter camuflado os resultados, elevando as médias de vazões e outros indicadores observados no IAH, denominado período pós impactos. Além das variações de vazões bem definidas nos períodos úmido e seco, a bacia hidrográfica do Madeira é uma grande produtora e transportadora de sedimentos. Foram encontrados valores médios de retenção de sedimentos pelos barramentos na ordem de 17%, o que pode indicar ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The hydrological regime of the Madeira River is characterized by the seasonality of water volumes in the river basin. The changes in climate and anthropic actions are mainly responsible for the changes in these volumes. In order to evaluate such changes some indicators can be analyzed taking into account periods with natural and modified flow regime. The Indicators of Hydrological Alteration (IHA) are ideal for comparing hydrological regimes affected by hydroelectric plants, which create barriers in the natural flow and modify the flow regime. Calculated using parametric and nonparametric methods, the IHA takes into account the statistical analysis of means, standard deviation and percentages of fluvial hydrograms. In the Madeira River, Jirau hydroelectric plants (3,750 MW) and Santo Antônio (3,568 MW) entered operation in 2012 and result this paper presented wet years after the completion of these hydraulic works. The year 2014 (large flood) can be considered an atypical year and may have camouflaged the results, raising the averages of flows and other indicators observed in the IHA, called post-impact period. In addition to well-defined variations and flows in the wet and dry periods, the Madeira basin is a major producer and sediment conveyor. Averages values of sediment retention were found in the order of 17% of suspened sediment. / Mestre
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