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Sol-gel Synthesis and Photocatalytic Characterization of Immobilized TiO2 FilmsLiao, Haidong January 2009 (has links)
<p> Contamination of surface and ground water from industrial wastes and anthropogenic activities represents one of the greatest challenges to the sustainable development of human society. Heterogeneous photocatalysis, a kind of advanced oxidation process characterized by the production of highly oxidative hydroxyl radicals, is a relatively novel subject with tremendous potential in water treatment applications.</p><p> The purpose of this research was first to develop feasible hydroxyl radical detection methods, which can be used to evaluate efficiency of photocatalytic process, and second to prepare immobilized TiO2 films with high photocatalytic activities by the sol gel method.</p><p> The feasibility of Indigo carmine and phthalic hydrazide as OH-radical probes was investigated. The organic dye Indigo carmine absorbs visual light strongly at 610 nm and its destruction can be monitored conveniently in a spectrophotometer. Results showed that both <sup>·</sup>OH and HO<sub>2</sub><sup>·</sup><sub> </sub>can bleach Indigo carmine, and the bleaching yield of <sup>·</sup>OH was pH independent. The photocatalytic dye bleaching in black light UV illuminated Degussa P25 TiO2 aerated suspensions was then investigated. A strong pH dependency of the bleaching yield was found. This implies that the quantum yield of OH radical at pH 3 is one fourth compared to that at pH 10. The reaction of the OH radical with phthalic hydrazide will form strongly chemiluminescent 3-hydroxyphthalic hydrazide. Using the more specific phthalic hydrazide as OH radical probe, an even stronger pH dependent quantum yield of OH radical was found. At pH 10 the quantum yield reached the same magnitude as that obtained by using Indigo carmine, whereas the quantum yields at acidic pH were close to zero. However it was found that the addition of phosphate and fluoride anions can substantially enhance the OH radical yield at acidic pH by blocking the adsorption of phthalic hydrazide onto the TiO2 surfaces. Hence the adsorption of phthalic hydrazide to TiO2 is an important factor to consider when this method is used. <em></em></p><p> Photocatalytic TiO2 films coated on metal plates were prepared by a sol gel method using titanium isopropoxide as TiO2 precursor and isopropanol as solvent. The photocatalytic activity of the obtained films was evaluated by bleaching of indigo carmine at pH 9 under black light UV irradiation. The effect of the molar ratio of isopropanol, water and hydrochloric acid to titanium isopropoxide was studied. It was also shown that the activities of TiO2 films are considerably influenced by calcination temperature, coating cycles and the supporting materials.</p> / <p> Förorening av yt- och grundvatten från industrier och humana aktiviteter utgör en av de största utmaningarna för en hållbar utveckling av det mänskliga samhället. Heterogen fotokatalys, en slags avancerad oxidations process som kännetecknas av att starkt oxidativa hydroxylradikaler produceras, är en relativt ny teknik med stor potential för vattenrening.</p><p> Ett syfte med detta licentiatarbete var först att utveckla och genomföra olika metoder för att detektera bildningen av hydroxylradikaler såväl i laboratoriet som i tekniska miljöer. Det andra syftet med arbetet var att syntetisera immobiliserade TiO2 filmer med hög fotokatalytisk effektivitet med en sol-gel metod.</p><p> Möjligheten att använda indigokarmin och ftalhydrazid som OH-radikalprob undersöktes. Det organiska färgämnet indigokarmin absorberar synligt ljus starkt vid 610 nm vilket gör att dess nedbrytning lätt kan följas i en spektrofotometer. Resultaten av gammaradiolys visade att båda <sup>•</sup>OH och HO<sub>2</sub><sup>•</sup> kan bleka indigokarmin och att den blekning som härrör från <sup>•</sup>OH var oberoende av pH. Fotokatalytisk blekning av indigokarmin med blacklight UV bestrålning av Degussa P25 TiO2 suspensioner undersöktes sedan. Ett starkt pH-beroende av blekningsutbytet erhölls vilket tolkas som att kvantutbytet av OH-radikaler vid pH 3 är en fjärdedel jämfört med det vid pH 10.</p><p> När ftalhydrazid reagerar med OH-radikaler bildas starkt kemiluminiscent 3-hydroxy-ftalhydrazid. Med denna specifika OH-radikalprob, erhölls ett ännu starkare pH beroende. Vid pH 10 var kvantutbytet i paritet med det som erhölls med indigokarmin, medan kvantutbytet vid lågt pH var nära noll. Tillsats av fosfat- och fluoridjoner visade sig avsevärt öka OH-radikalutbytet vid lågt pH-värde genom att blockera adsorption av ftalhydrazid på TiO2 ytorna. Adsorptionen av ftalhydrazid på TiO2 är således en viktig faktor när denna metod används.</p><p> Fotokatalytiskt verksamma TiO2-filmer på metallplattor framställdes med sol-gel metoden med titan-isopropoxide som TiO2-prekursor och isopropanol som lösningsmedel. Den fotokatalytiska aktiviteten av TiO2-belagda plattor utvärderades genom blekning av indigokarmin vid pH 9 under blacklight UV-bestrålning. Effekten av olika proportioner mellan isopropanol, vatten och saltsyra till titan isopropoxide undersöktes. Det visade sig att denfotokatalytiska aktiviteten av TiO2-plattorna i hög grad påverkades av kalcineringstemperatur, beläggningscykler och materialet i plattorna.</p>
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Liquid Aerosol PhotochemistryBones, David Lawrence January 2008 (has links)
Aerosols of nitrate solutions were irradiated in the presence of radical scavengers in an attempt to measure the yield of hydroxyl radical in both the aqueous phase and the gas phase. Carbon monoxide, benzoic acid, benzene and cyclohexane were used as scavengers to trap hydroxyl radical. The products from the reaction of these scavengers with hydroxyl radical were analysed with High Performance Liquid Chromatography and mass spectrometry. The radiant flux in the chamber was measured via ferrioxalate actinometry, both with bulk liquid and aerosol droplets. Many quantitative results were obtained but several anomalies were found. This suggests that Mie theory is not capable of predicting rates of photochemical reactions within droplets.
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Kinetic Studies of Hydroxyl and Hydrogen Atom ReactionsHu, Xiaohua 05 1900 (has links)
Gas phase kinetics of the reactions involving hydroxyl radical and hydrogen atom were studied using experimental and ab initio theoretical techniques. The rate constant for the H + H2S reaction has been measured from 298 to 598 K by the laser photolysis/resonance fluorescence (LP-RF) technique. The transition state theory (TST) analysis coupled with the measurements support the suggestion that the reaction shows significant curvature in the Arrhenius plot. The LP-RF technique was also used to measure the rate constant of the H + CH3Br reaction over the temperature range 400-813 K. TST and density functional theory (DFT) calculations show that the dominant reaction channel is Br-abstraction. The reaction H + CF2=CF-CF=CF2 was first studied by flash photolysis/resonance fluorescence (FP-RF) method. The experiments of this work revealed distinctly non-Arrhenius behavior, which was interpreted in terms of a change in mechanism. DFT calculations suggest that the adduct is CF2H-CF•-CF=CF2. At lower temperatures a mixture of this molecule and CF2•-CFH-CF=CF2 is likely. The theoretical calculations show that H atom migrates in the fluoroethyl radicals through a bridging intermediate, and the barrier height for this process is lower in the less fluorinated ethyl radical. High level computations were also employed in studies of the rate constants of OH + chloroethylenes reactions. VTST calculations indicate that, except the reaction of OH + C2Cl4, these reactions present a complex behavior. For OH + C2Cl4, conventional TST calculation shows a simple positive temperature-dependence behavior.
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Nitrosilo complexos de rutênio(II) como captores de radicais de interesse biológico / Ruthenium(II) nitrosyls as radical scavengerMetzker, Gustavo 16 July 2009 (has links)
Os complexos trans-[Ru(NO)(NH3)4(L)](X)3 (1), [Ru(NO)(Hedta)] (2) e seus precursores sintéticos trans-[Ru(H2O)(NH3)4(L)](X)2 (3), trans-[Ru(SO4)(NH3)4(L)](X) (4) , onde L = isn, nic, imN, 4-pic, py, P(OEt) e X = PF6 - e BF4 -, foram testados como captadores dos radicais livres DPPHo, OHo e O2 -o em meio aquoso. O potencial de oxidação do centro metálico nos complexos (1) foram estimados utilizando eletrodo de diamante dopado com boro como eletrodo de trabalho, estando situados em meio aquoso acima de 2,0 V vs. ECS (CH+ = 1,0 x 10-3, µ = 0,1 mol L-1). Os complexos (1) e (2) mostraram-se incapazes de reagir com o radical DPPHo, exceto o complexo trans-[Ru(NO)(NH3)4(P(OEt)3)]3+, que reagiu apenas em grande excesso (50 vezes) em relação ao radical DPPHo. Os complexos (3) reagiram quando em excesso ou em proporção estequiométrica. O mecanismo pelo qual esta reação ocorre é predominantemente o de transferência de elétrons. O radical OHo foi captado pelos complexos (1), sendo provavelmente o mecanismo predominante o de transferência de elétrons pela oxidação do centro metálico [Ru(NO)]3+ a [Ru(NO)]4+, compatível com o potencial de oxidação do radical OHo (acima de 2,8 V vs. ECS) reportado na literatura para este radical. As constantes de velocidade específica para estas reações foram estimadas como estando no intervalo de 108 a 1010 M-1 s-1. Não foi observada reação entre o radical OHo e os complexos (4). Os complexos (1) e (2) captam o radical O2 -o pela redução do ligante NO+ com constantes de velocidade específicas no intervalo de 2,0 ± 1,0 x 104 a 4,2 ± 1,0 x 105 M-1 s-1, em medidas efetuadas via cinética de competição com citocromo c. Após a redução, a liberação de NO foi acompanhada via eletrodo seletivo a NO e espectrofotometricamente pela reação do NO com o citocromo c. Nas condições experimentais utilizadas, não se observou a formação do íon peroxinitrito (ONOO-). Os complexos (3) e (4) não reagiram com o radical O2 -o. / The complexes trans-[Ru(NO)(NH3)4(L)](X)3 (1), [Ru(NO)(Hedta)] (2) and their synthetic precursors trans-[Ru(H2O)(NH3)4(L)](X)2 (3), trans-[Ru(SO4)(NH3)4(L)](X) (4) , where L = isn, nic, imN, 4-pic, py, P(OEt) e X = PF6 - and BF4 -, were tested as scavengers for the radicals DPPHo, OHo e O2 -o in aqueous media. The redox potential for the metal center in the complexes (1) were obtained a using boron doped diamond electrode as working electrode. The redox potentials values for ruthenium nitrosyl complexes were higher than 2,0 V vs. SCE. The complexes (1) and (2) were unable to reduce the radical DPPHo, excepted the complex ion trans-[Ru(NO)(NH3)4(P(OEt)3)]3+. The complexes (3) react with DPPHo in stoichometric proportion. Electron transfer from the oxidation of the ruthenium(II) center seems to be the reaction pathway. The OHo radical reacts with ruthenium nitrosyls, predominantly oxidizing the metal center, yielding the fragment [Ru(NO)]4+. This reaction is exothermic since the redox potential of the OHo is around 2.8 V vs. SCE. From competition kinetics the rate constant for this reaction were estimated in the range of 108 a 1010 M-1 s-1. Since the reaction between OHo radical and the complexes (4) was not observed, the hydrogen atom transfer mechanism for the scavenger of OHo by the nitrosyl complexes ca be ruled out. The complexes (1) and (2) scavenge the radical O2 -o by the reduction of the coordinated nitrosyl with specific rate constants ranging from 2,0 ± 1,0 x 104 to 4,2 ± 1,0 x 105 M-1 s-1 as probed by competitive kinetics using cytochrome c. After reduction, nitric oxide dissociation were probed ampherometricaly using a selective NO electrode or spectrophotometrically using cytochrome c as probe. Reduction of the complexes (3) by superoxide ion was not observed and may suggest the coordinated nitrosonium as the reaction site for reduction.
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Preparação e caracterização de fotocatalisadores heterogêneos de titânio e nióbio e avaliação do potencial de fotodegradação / Preparation and characterization of niobium and titanium heterogeneous photocatalyst and evaluation of their potential in photodegradationGallo, Inara Fernanda Lage 06 May 2016 (has links)
É urgente o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias para o tratamento de água nos dias atuais. Neste contexto, os processos oxidativos avançados (POA) tem sido bem-sucedido no tratamento de contaminantes presentes em efluentes industriais e na rede de esgoto doméstico. Neste trabalho, estudamos um dos POA, a fotocatáliseheterogênea por meio da síntese de fotocatalisadores mistos de nióbio e titânio utilizando-se o método Pechini, com uma temperatura de calcinação de 470 oC. Foram sintetizados os fotocatalisadores PNB000, PNB018, PNB030, PNB070, PNB099 e PNB100, onde os números mostram aporcentagem em mols de pentóxido de nióbio presente em cada um deles. Estes fotocatalisadores foram submetidos a um segundo tratamento térmico a 800oC, durante 6 horas, e obtivemoso PNB000_01, PNB018_01, PNB030_01, PNB070_01 e PNB100_01. A caracterização dos fotocatalisadores foi feita por: análise de espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (EDS); área superficial determinadas por isotermas de adsorção e dessorção de nitrogênio, BET; imagens de microscopiaeletrônica de varredura (MEV); difração de raios-X; análises térmicas (termogravimetria e análise térmica diferencial), determinação de band gap por reflectância difusa. O potencial para serem usados como fotocatalisadores heterogêneos para degradação de compostos orgânicos foi avaliado pela eficiência fotônica de geração de radicais hidroxilas(OH)sob radiação de lâmpada UVA (15 W). A análise de EDS confirmou acomposiçãoem mol de TiO2 e Nb2O5presentes nosfotocatalisadoressintetizados. A área superficial obtida por isotermas (BET) do PNB018 (161,7 m²/g), PNB030 (130,8 m²/g), PNB070 (150,5 m²/g) mostraram-se maiores do que ado TiO2 P25 (52,68 m²/g). As imagens de MEV mostrou que estes fotocatalisadoressão constituídos de partículas manométricas. Outra característica dos óxidos com quantidade intermediária de mols de Nb2O5 (18, 30 e 70%) foi a estrutura amorfa determinada por difração de raios-X. Por sua vez, os óxidos tratados a 800oC apresentaram estruturas cristalinas edifratogramas de raios-X completamente diferentes do TiO2 e do Nb2O5, comprovando-se que são novos materiais.As medidas de energia de band gapmostrou diferenças significativas quando comparamos o TiO2 P25 (Egap 3,22eV) e o PNB000 (Egap 2,90eV). Isso leva a concluir que estes fotocatalisadores sintetizados pelo método Pechini necessitam de uma energia menor para que ocorram as transições eletrônicas. O fotocatalisador PNB070, que apresenta 70% em mols de pentóxido de nióbio, apresentouOH de 0,104 da mesma ordem de grandeza do TiO2 P25 (OH 0,134) e ligeiramente menor do que o OH do Nb2O5.nH2O (OH 0,164). Dessa maneira, supõe-se que o PNB070 tenha o mesmo potencial de eficiência que o TiO2 P25 para fotodegradações. Por sua vez, os fotocatalisadores que passaram por um segundo tratamento térmico a 800 oC mostraram valores de rendimento quântico de produção de radicais hidroxilas bem inferiores aos seus originais. Por exemplo, o PNB070_01 teve OH de 0,003. Esses resultados sugerem que o aumento da cristalinidade pode diminuir a atividade fotocatalítica, ou, que o estado amorfo dos fotocatalisadores deste trabalho favorece o aumento da velocidade de transferência de elétrons e a da fotocatálise. / Nowadays, the development of new technologies for the treatment of water is urgent. In this context, the advanced oxidative processes (AOP) has been successful in the treatment of contaminants foundin industrial effluents and domestic sewage. In this work, we have studied an AOP, the heterogenousphotocatalysis, by means the synthesis of niobium and titanium mixedphotocatalysts, employing calcination temperature of 470 oC.The PNB000, PNB018, PNB030, PNB070, PNB099 and PNB100photocatalysts were synthetized, where the numbers show the percentage in mol of Nb2O5content in each of them. These photocatalytswere submitted to a second heat treatment to 800oC during 6 hours, and PNB000_01, PNB018_01, PNB030_01, PNB070_01 and PNB100_01 were obtained. The characterization of the photocatalysts was made by: analysis of the energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS); the surface area determined by adsorption and desorption isotherms of nitrogen, BET; images of scanning electron microscopy (SEM); X-ray diffraction; thermal analysis (thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis), determination of the band gap by diffuse reflectance.Their potential to be used as heterogeneous photocatalystsfor degradation of organic compounds was evaluated by means the determination of the photonic efficiency for hydroxyl radical production (OH)under radiation of UV-A lamp (15 W). The EDS analysis confirmed the composition in mol of TiO2 and Nb2O5 present in the synthesizedphotocatalysts. Surface area obtained by isotherms (BET) of PNB018 (161.7 m ²/g), PNB030 (130.8 m ²/g), PNB070 (150.5 m ²/g) were higher than TiO2 P25 (52.68 m ²/g). SEM images showed that these photocatalysts consist of nanoparticles. Another feature of the oxides with intermediate amount of moles of Nb2O5 (18, 30 and 70%) was the amorphous structure determined by X-ray diffraction. On the other hand, the oxides treated to 800 oC showed crystalline structures and X-ray patternscompletely different from TiO2 and Nb2O5, proving that the synthetized oxides are new materials.The band gap energy measurements showed significant differences when we compare TiO2 P25 (Egap 3.22 eV) and the PNB000 (Egap 2.90 eV). This allow us to conclude that thephotocatalysts synthesized by Pechini method require lower energy in order to have electronic transitions. The PNB070 photocatalyst, which has 70% in mols of niobium pentoxide, showed OHof 0.104 of the same order of magnitude of TiO2 P25 (OH0.134) and slightly smaller than the OH of Nb2O5.nH2O (OH 0.164). For this reason, we can assume that PNB070 has the same potential of the TiO2 P25 for organic compound photodegradation. The photocatalyststhat were submittedthrough a second heat treatment at 800 oC showed quantum efficiency of hydroxyl radical production values well below their original. For instance, PNB070_01 showed OHof 0.003. These results suggest that increased crystallinity can reduce the photocatalytic activity, or the amorphous structures of the photocatalysts of this work improve the electron transfer rates and the photocatalysis.
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Nitrosilo complexos de rutênio(II) como captores de radicais de interesse biológico / Ruthenium(II) nitrosyls as radical scavengerGustavo Metzker 16 July 2009 (has links)
Os complexos trans-[Ru(NO)(NH3)4(L)](X)3 (1), [Ru(NO)(Hedta)] (2) e seus precursores sintéticos trans-[Ru(H2O)(NH3)4(L)](X)2 (3), trans-[Ru(SO4)(NH3)4(L)](X) (4) , onde L = isn, nic, imN, 4-pic, py, P(OEt) e X = PF6 - e BF4 -, foram testados como captadores dos radicais livres DPPHo, OHo e O2 -o em meio aquoso. O potencial de oxidação do centro metálico nos complexos (1) foram estimados utilizando eletrodo de diamante dopado com boro como eletrodo de trabalho, estando situados em meio aquoso acima de 2,0 V vs. ECS (CH+ = 1,0 x 10-3, µ = 0,1 mol L-1). Os complexos (1) e (2) mostraram-se incapazes de reagir com o radical DPPHo, exceto o complexo trans-[Ru(NO)(NH3)4(P(OEt)3)]3+, que reagiu apenas em grande excesso (50 vezes) em relação ao radical DPPHo. Os complexos (3) reagiram quando em excesso ou em proporção estequiométrica. O mecanismo pelo qual esta reação ocorre é predominantemente o de transferência de elétrons. O radical OHo foi captado pelos complexos (1), sendo provavelmente o mecanismo predominante o de transferência de elétrons pela oxidação do centro metálico [Ru(NO)]3+ a [Ru(NO)]4+, compatível com o potencial de oxidação do radical OHo (acima de 2,8 V vs. ECS) reportado na literatura para este radical. As constantes de velocidade específica para estas reações foram estimadas como estando no intervalo de 108 a 1010 M-1 s-1. Não foi observada reação entre o radical OHo e os complexos (4). Os complexos (1) e (2) captam o radical O2 -o pela redução do ligante NO+ com constantes de velocidade específicas no intervalo de 2,0 ± 1,0 x 104 a 4,2 ± 1,0 x 105 M-1 s-1, em medidas efetuadas via cinética de competição com citocromo c. Após a redução, a liberação de NO foi acompanhada via eletrodo seletivo a NO e espectrofotometricamente pela reação do NO com o citocromo c. Nas condições experimentais utilizadas, não se observou a formação do íon peroxinitrito (ONOO-). Os complexos (3) e (4) não reagiram com o radical O2 -o. / The complexes trans-[Ru(NO)(NH3)4(L)](X)3 (1), [Ru(NO)(Hedta)] (2) and their synthetic precursors trans-[Ru(H2O)(NH3)4(L)](X)2 (3), trans-[Ru(SO4)(NH3)4(L)](X) (4) , where L = isn, nic, imN, 4-pic, py, P(OEt) e X = PF6 - and BF4 -, were tested as scavengers for the radicals DPPHo, OHo e O2 -o in aqueous media. The redox potential for the metal center in the complexes (1) were obtained a using boron doped diamond electrode as working electrode. The redox potentials values for ruthenium nitrosyl complexes were higher than 2,0 V vs. SCE. The complexes (1) and (2) were unable to reduce the radical DPPHo, excepted the complex ion trans-[Ru(NO)(NH3)4(P(OEt)3)]3+. The complexes (3) react with DPPHo in stoichometric proportion. Electron transfer from the oxidation of the ruthenium(II) center seems to be the reaction pathway. The OHo radical reacts with ruthenium nitrosyls, predominantly oxidizing the metal center, yielding the fragment [Ru(NO)]4+. This reaction is exothermic since the redox potential of the OHo is around 2.8 V vs. SCE. From competition kinetics the rate constant for this reaction were estimated in the range of 108 a 1010 M-1 s-1. Since the reaction between OHo radical and the complexes (4) was not observed, the hydrogen atom transfer mechanism for the scavenger of OHo by the nitrosyl complexes ca be ruled out. The complexes (1) and (2) scavenge the radical O2 -o by the reduction of the coordinated nitrosyl with specific rate constants ranging from 2,0 ± 1,0 x 104 to 4,2 ± 1,0 x 105 M-1 s-1 as probed by competitive kinetics using cytochrome c. After reduction, nitric oxide dissociation were probed ampherometricaly using a selective NO electrode or spectrophotometrically using cytochrome c as probe. Reduction of the complexes (3) by superoxide ion was not observed and may suggest the coordinated nitrosonium as the reaction site for reduction.
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Effect of Raw lngredient Surface Area, Storage Time and Antioxidants on Color and Oxidative Stability of Ground Beef in 80% Oxygen Modified Atmosphere PackagingVissa, Avanthi 01 May 2004 (has links)
Fresh beef packaged in high-oxygen modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) has longer red color stability than beef in oxygen-permeable polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film. However, fresh beef in high oxygen becomes rancid by 10 days storage at 2°C. Thus the objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of various antioxidants (milk mineral, MM; sodium tripolyphosphate, STP; vitamin E, E) on color and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values of ground chuck stored in 80% oxygen MAP for 14 days at 1° C. A preliminary experiment was also done to determine the effect of raw meat history (surface area during storage and storage temperature) on stability of ground beef in 80% oxygen MAP.
For the preliminary experiment, select beef clods ( 48 hrs postmortem) were cut 11 into trim or coarsely ground and stored frozen or at 2°C in vacuum packaging (VP) for 30 days. Raw meat was then finely ground and wrapped in PVC film or in 80% oxygen. For experiment 2, fresh beef clods were coarsely ground and antioxidants (0.75 or 1.5% MM; 0.25 or 0.5% STP; 50 or J 00 ppm vitamin E) were added, followed by fine grounding and packaging in 80% oxygen MAP.
Thiobarbituric acid assay was performed as a measure of rancidity. Hunter color L*, a*, b* values were measured on raw samples through the packaging film. Trim history greatly affected stability of beef in 80% oxygen MAP. VP refrigerated trim yielded ground beef with low oxidative and color stability compared to frozen trim. In comparison of antioxidants, 0.75% MM gave highest redness values (13-15) and lowest TBA values (< 0.5) after storage of ground beef in 80% oxygen MAP for J 4 days. STP-treated beef also had low TBA values(< 0.5) at 14 days storage but samples were less red (a* of J 0-J 2) than MM- treated samples. Samples with E were slightly better than controls, with redness values of 7.9 and J0.8, respectively. Thus, iron-chelating agents (MM and STP) were very effective for preventing rancidity and improving color stability in ground beef packaged in a high oxygen atmosphere.
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Water-Metal Surfaces : Insights from core-level spectroscopy and density functional theorySchiros, Theanne January 2008 (has links)
<p>Computational methods are combined with synchrotron-based techniques to analyze the structure and bonding of water and water plus hydroxyl at metal surfaces under UHV and at near-ambient conditions. Water-metal interaction plays a crucial role in a multitude of cosmic, atmospheric and biological phenomena as well as heterogeneous catalysis, electrochemistry and corrosion. A spotlight of renewed interest has recently been cast on water-metal systems due to their relevance for surface chemical reactions related to the production and utilization of hydrogen as a clean energy carrier. In particular, H2O and OH are essential reaction intermediates in the renewable production of hydrogen from sunlight and water and in fuel cell electrocatalysis.</p><p>Fuel cells are considered one of the most promising power generation technologies for a sustainable energy future. A mechanistic understanding of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) pathway, including the role of electronic and geometric structure of the catalyst, is essential to the design of more efficient fuel cell catalysts. This is intimately connected to fundamental factors that affect the ability to form water-metal bonds as well as the site occupation and orientation of the adsorbed H2O and OH at active metal surfaces.</p><p>Key relationships related to critical issues in the fuel cell reaction are illuminated by the synergy of theory and experiment in this thesis. We emerge with a detailed understanding of the structure of the water-metal interface and the factors that rule the wettability of a metal surface, including geometric and electronic structure effects and the influence of coadsorbed species. We show that the preferred microscopic orientation of the water monolayer has consequences for macroscopic properties, and reveal the origin of the hydrophobic water layer. Finally, we identify a cooperativity effect that drives the stability of the mixed water/hydroxyl layer at metal surfaces, an important ORR intermediate.</p>
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Study of UV/Chlorine Photolysis in regard to the Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs)Jin, Jing 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis aims mainly at investigating the potential oxidizing abilities and possible applications of the UV/Chlorine process as an Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP).
Several organic compounds were used and added into the samples as challenging radical scavengers to investigate the possibilities of the UV/Chlorine process being used in the water and wastewater treatment industry. The UV/H2O2 process was selected as a reference, and experiments were carried out parallel; the results obtained earlier in the UV/Chlorine process were compared to those of the UV/H2O2 process.
Methanol was added into active chlorine solutions at both pH 5 and 10. The quantum yields for the degradation of active chlorine were calculated after the samples had been exposed to UV. Also the production of OH radicals was calculated by determining the generation of formaldehyde. The OH radical yield factors, which are significant in evaluating AOPs, were calculated both in the UV/Chlorine and the UV/H2O2 processes. In addition to methanol, para-chlorobenzoic acid (pCBA) and cyclohexanoic acid (CHA) were added to active chlorine solutions and to H2O2 solutions. The first-order reaction rate constants for the oxidation of pCBA and CHA using the UV/Chlorine process were calculated and compared to those of the UV/H2O2 process. This allowed an evaluation of whether or not the UV/Chlorine process might be efficient for the treatment of contaminated water samples containing pCBA and/or CHA.
Finally the thesis comes to a general conclusion about the efficiency of the UV/Chlorine process compared to that of the UV/H2O2 process. / Environmental Engineering
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Development of an Electrochemical Technique for Oxidative Surface Mapping to Investigate Solution-Phase Protein Dynamics with High Performance Mass Spectrometry and Advanced InformaticsMcClintock, Carlee Suzanne Patterson 01 May 2010 (has links)
Oxidative protein surface mapping has gained popularity over recent years within the mass spectrometry (MS) community for gleaning information about the solvent accessibility of folded protein structures. The hydroxyl radical targets a wide breadth of reactive amino acids with a stable mass tag that withstands subsequent MS analysis. A variety of techniques exist for generating hydroxyl radicals, with most requiring sources of radiation or caustic oxidizing reagents. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the novel use of electrochemistry for accomplishing a comparable probe of protein structure with a more accessible tool. Two different working electrode types were tested across a range of experimental parameters, including voltage, flow rate, and solution electrolyte composition, to affect the extent of oxidation on intact proteins. Results indicated that the boron-doped diamond electrode was most valuable for protein research due to its capacity to produce hydroxyl radicals and its relatively low adsorption profile. Oxidized proteins were collected from the electrochemical cell for intact protein and peptide level MS analysis. Peptide mass spectral data were searched by two different “hybrid” software packages that incorporate de novo elements into a database search to accommodate the challenge of searching for more than forty possible oxidative mass shifts. Preliminary data showed reasonable agreement between amino acid solvent accessibility and the resulting oxidation status of these residues in aqueous solution, while more buried residues were found to be oxidized in “non-native” solution. Later experiments utilized higher flow rates to reduce protein residence time inside the electrochemical flow chamber, along with a different cell activation approach to improve controllability of the intact protein oxidation yield. A multidimensional chromatographic strategy was employed to improve dynamic range for detecting oxidation of lower reactivity residues. Along with increased levels of oxidation around “reactive hotspot” sites, the enhanced sensitivity of these measurements uncovered a significant level of background oxidation in control proteins. While further work is needed to determine the full utility that BDD electrochemistry can lend protein structural studies, the experimental refinements reported here pave the way for improvements that could lead to a high-throughput structural pipeline complementary to predictive modeling efforts.
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