Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hygienic""
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A Social Ekonomic Study of a Small-Scale Biogas Facility. : Designing and construction for a single household for the production of biogas from easily accessible substrates such as human faeces, household waste, garden waste and manure. / En socioekonomisk studie utav en småskalig biogasanläggning. : Design och uppförande för produktion av biogas för ett enskilt hushåll från lättillgängliga substrat vilka är mänskliga fekalier, hushållsavfall, trädgårdsavfall och gödsel.Nygren, Viktor January 2013 (has links)
Increased access to energy is a key factor to reduce poverty and to gain increased development and prosperity. Access to energy is not equally distributed globally. On average a Swedish person consumes more energy than 12 individuals in Tanzania. The Msambara village arose in the 1930s. 80% of the inhabitants are children and the families are large. Life expectancy is 52 years for women and 54 for men. The entire region is very poor and the standard of living in Msambara is low, even compared to other parts of the country. In rural Msambara in Tanzania the cooking method is very primitive and is usually carried out indoors on three stones. Indoor pollution is contributing to eye infections. Incomplete combustion not only emits greenhouse gases increasing global warming, but also more directly emits particles effecting human health. Women and girls are particularly vulnerable to burning caused by air pollution, especially since they are responsible for cooking. The women pull a heavy load in the household work. They are responsible for raising and caring for children, managing farms, collecting firewood, fetching water, visiting the market and cooking for the family. The adoption of biogas technology reduces the need for traditional energy and thereby reduces environmental degradation. In addition, the residue is an improved agricultural fertiliser. Biogas technology has social considerations; burning of biomass for cooking reduces indoor air pollution and reduces workload to collect firewood, often performed by women. Moreover, biogas is desirable from an economic point of view. The method in this work can conveniently be divided into three different parts. These are the designing and construction process as well as the socio-economic study. The socio-economic component is split into two different sections, which are field study and data modelling. The study shows that the social negative impact may or may not be reduced by the introduction of the biogas facility, but the biogas facility in the way it is made will potentially contribute to sustainable economic growth for the household. It also shows that the household’s organic waste produced from human, animal, kitchen and garden waste is enough to provide the necessary gas needed for cooking and no additional firewood will be needed. Two diary cows, in addition to the household’s waste, will provide enough gas needed to introduce cooling capacity for food storage. By adding cooling capacity in the household, time will be saved from the food preparation process but the introduction of biogas itself will not reduce the individual work burden when no cooling capacity is installed. The study also shows that placing the digester in the ground makes a stable environment for the mesophilic and methanogenic microbes. The Socio-economic study indicates that by introducing an alternative method to cooking, positive health effects will arise and the household benefits economically. It is not possible from this thesis to conclude that by adding and treating human toilets as a substrate that possible health benefits will take place. / Sammanfattning Ökad tillgång till energi är en nyckelfaktor för att minska fattigdom och för att få ökad utveckling och välstånd. Tillgången till energi är inte jämnt fördelad globalt. En svensk person konsumerar i genomsnitt mer energi än 12 individer i Tanzania. Byn Msambara uppstod på 1930-talet, 80 % av invånarna utgörs av barn, familjerna är stora. Medellivslängden är 52 år för kvinnor och 54 år för män. Hela regionen präglas av fattigdom och levnadsstandarden i Msambara är låg, även jämfört med andra delar av landet. I Msambara som ligger på Tanzanias landsbygd är tillagningsmetoden mycket primitiv och utförs vanligen inomhus på tre stenar. Den rökiga inomhusmiljön leder ofta till ögoninfektioner. Den ofullständiga förbränningen frigör inte bara växthusgaser och bidrar till den globala uppvärmningen, utan mer direkt avges partiklar som påverkar människors hälsa. Kvinnor och flickor är särskilt utsatta för luftföroreningar eftersom de är ansvariga för matlagning. Kvinnorna drar ett tungt lass i hushållsarbetet. De är ansvarig för uppfostran och vårdnaden utav barnen, hushållsarbetet, sköta jordbruket, samla ved, hämta vatten, besöka marknaden och att laga familjens mat. Introduktion av biogasteknik minskar behovet av traditionell energi och miljöbelastningen. Rötresten är dessutom ett förädlat gödningsmedel. Biogas introduktionen ger positiva sociala konsekvenser då det leder till reducerade luftföroreningar inomhus och minskar behovet av att införskaffa ved, vilket nästan undantagslöst utförs av kvinnor. Dessutom är biogas positivt ur ekonomisk synvinkel. Arbetsmetoden är tydlighetens uppdelat i tre delar. Nämligen dimensionering av rötkammaren, uppförandet av densamma och en okonstlad socioekonomisk studie som i sin tur är uppdelad i en fältstudie och simulering. Studien kan inte visa på att summan av de sociala negativa effekterna minskar med införandet av biogasanläggningen men däremot att den potentiellt bidrar till stärkt ekonomi för hushållet. Den visar också att hushållens organiska avfall som produceras i form av avfall från människor, djur, kök och trädgård är fullt tillräckligt för att producera den nödvändiga gasen som behövs för matlagning. Ingen ytterligare ved kommer att behövas. Två kor förutom hushållets avfall ger den biogas som krävs för att driva ett kylskåp vilket ökar hållbarheten vid matförvaring. Genom tillförandet av kyleffekt till hushållet frigörs tid vilket innebär en tidsbesparing. Införandet av biogas i sig minskar inte den individuella arbetetsbördan. Studien visar också att placeringen av rötkammaren i marken utgör en stabil miljö för de mesofila metanogena. Den socioekonomiska studien visar att införandet av den alternativ matlagningsmetoden medför positiva hälsoeffekter och är ekonomiskt gynnsamt för hushållet. Från denna studie är det inte möjligt att dra slutsatsen att tillförandet och behandlingen av den mänskliga toaletten i rötprocessen ger hälsofördelar.
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Compostagem termofílica de lodo de esgoto: higienização e produção de biossólido para uso agrícola / Thermophilic composting of sewage sludge: hygienization and production of biosolids for agricultural useLeite, Thiago de Almeida 09 September 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal acompanhar o tratamento do lodo de esgoto gerado na estação de tratamento de esgotos de Jundiaí através da compostagem termofílica em leiras revolvidas mecanicamente sob a perspectiva da higienização e produção de biossólido para uso agrícola, em conformidade com o arcabouço legal existente. Foram monitorados nove lotes de esgoto, entre janeiro e dezembro de 2014. O tempo de acompanhamento de cada lote variou de 64 a 124 dias, com realização de coletas somente após o fim do tratamento, com exceção da temperatura que foi monitorada durante toda a fase termofílica do processo. Os seguintes parâmetros físico químicos foram considerados: temperatura, pH, umidade, sólidos totais e orgânicos, carbono orgânico, nitrogênio, relação C/N, capacidade de troca catiônica CTC, metais pesados e nutrientes. Por sua vez, as variáveis microbiológicas acompanhadas foram: coliformes termotolerantes, Salmonella sp. e ovos de helmintos. Os resultados das análises laboratoriais evidenciaram nítido decaimento microbiano após a compostagem termofílica. Ausência de salmonela já no lodo bruto, remoção total de coliformes termotolerantes e valores abaixo do limite estabelecido pela Resolução CONAMA 375/2006 e instruções normativas do Ministério da Agricultura, com redução média de 80,2 por cento , no que se refere a presença de ovos viáveis de helmintos. O sistema de compostagem também demonstrou capacidade de degradar e estabilizar a matéria orgânica, registrando relação C/N média de 13,70 ao fim dos tratamentos. Mesmo recebendo contribuição industrial, os metais pesados analisados Ar, Ba, Cr, Cd, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se e o Zn estiveram dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação, inclusive na torta de lodo, excetuando Cd e o Ni. Significativa capacidade de troca catiônica média (315,44mmol/kg) e pH médio elevado (9,0) registrados no biossólido podem ter contribuído para a diminuição da concentração destes elementos no produto final. Os resultados também sugerem a disponibilidade de nutrientes (Ca, K, Mg, P e S) às plantas quando da prática do uso de biossólido na agricultura, com incrementos nos valores de Ca, K e Mg no produto final. / The present study aimed to monitor the treatment of the generated sewage sludge treatment plant in Jundiaí sewage through thermophilic composting in windrows mechanically plowed from the perspective of disinfection and production of biosolid for agricultural use, in accordance with the legal framework existing. Nine lots of sewage were monitored between January and December 2014. The monitoring period of time of each lot varied from 64 to 124, with sampling only after the end of treatment, except the temperature was monitored throughout the phase thermophilic process. The following physical-chemical parameters were considered: temperature, pH, moisture, total and organic solids, organic carbon, nitrogen, C/N, cation exchange capacity - CTC, heavy metals and nutrients. In turn, the microbiological variables were monitored: thermotolerants coliforms, Salmonella sp. and helminth eggs. The results of laboratory analyzes showed sharp microbial decay after the thermophilic composting. Salmonella absence already raw sludge, total removal of fecal coliforms and values below the limit established by CONAMA Resolution 375/2006 and regulatory instructions of the Ministry of Agriculture, with an average reduction of 80.2 per cent in relation to the presence of viable helminth eggs. The composting system has also demonstrated ability to degrade and stabilize organic material, recording C/N ratio average of 13.70 after the treatment. Even getting business tax, heavy metals analyzed Ar, Ba, Cr, Cd, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se and Zn were within the limits set by the legislation, including the dewatered sludge, except for Cd and Ni . Significant capacity cation exchange medium (315,44mmol / kg) and high average pH (9.0) recorded in biosolids may have contributed to the decrease in concentration of these elements in the final product. The results also suggest availability of nutrients (Ca, K, Mg, P, and S) to plants when using sewage sludge in agriculture, with increments the values Ca, K and Mg in the final product.
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Compostagem termofílica de lodo de esgoto: higienização e produção de biossólido para uso agrícola / Thermophilic composting of sewage sludge: hygienization and production of biosolids for agricultural useThiago de Almeida Leite 09 September 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal acompanhar o tratamento do lodo de esgoto gerado na estação de tratamento de esgotos de Jundiaí através da compostagem termofílica em leiras revolvidas mecanicamente sob a perspectiva da higienização e produção de biossólido para uso agrícola, em conformidade com o arcabouço legal existente. Foram monitorados nove lotes de esgoto, entre janeiro e dezembro de 2014. O tempo de acompanhamento de cada lote variou de 64 a 124 dias, com realização de coletas somente após o fim do tratamento, com exceção da temperatura que foi monitorada durante toda a fase termofílica do processo. Os seguintes parâmetros físico químicos foram considerados: temperatura, pH, umidade, sólidos totais e orgânicos, carbono orgânico, nitrogênio, relação C/N, capacidade de troca catiônica CTC, metais pesados e nutrientes. Por sua vez, as variáveis microbiológicas acompanhadas foram: coliformes termotolerantes, Salmonella sp. e ovos de helmintos. Os resultados das análises laboratoriais evidenciaram nítido decaimento microbiano após a compostagem termofílica. Ausência de salmonela já no lodo bruto, remoção total de coliformes termotolerantes e valores abaixo do limite estabelecido pela Resolução CONAMA 375/2006 e instruções normativas do Ministério da Agricultura, com redução média de 80,2 por cento , no que se refere a presença de ovos viáveis de helmintos. O sistema de compostagem também demonstrou capacidade de degradar e estabilizar a matéria orgânica, registrando relação C/N média de 13,70 ao fim dos tratamentos. Mesmo recebendo contribuição industrial, os metais pesados analisados Ar, Ba, Cr, Cd, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se e o Zn estiveram dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação, inclusive na torta de lodo, excetuando Cd e o Ni. Significativa capacidade de troca catiônica média (315,44mmol/kg) e pH médio elevado (9,0) registrados no biossólido podem ter contribuído para a diminuição da concentração destes elementos no produto final. Os resultados também sugerem a disponibilidade de nutrientes (Ca, K, Mg, P e S) às plantas quando da prática do uso de biossólido na agricultura, com incrementos nos valores de Ca, K e Mg no produto final. / The present study aimed to monitor the treatment of the generated sewage sludge treatment plant in Jundiaí sewage through thermophilic composting in windrows mechanically plowed from the perspective of disinfection and production of biosolid for agricultural use, in accordance with the legal framework existing. Nine lots of sewage were monitored between January and December 2014. The monitoring period of time of each lot varied from 64 to 124, with sampling only after the end of treatment, except the temperature was monitored throughout the phase thermophilic process. The following physical-chemical parameters were considered: temperature, pH, moisture, total and organic solids, organic carbon, nitrogen, C/N, cation exchange capacity - CTC, heavy metals and nutrients. In turn, the microbiological variables were monitored: thermotolerants coliforms, Salmonella sp. and helminth eggs. The results of laboratory analyzes showed sharp microbial decay after the thermophilic composting. Salmonella absence already raw sludge, total removal of fecal coliforms and values below the limit established by CONAMA Resolution 375/2006 and regulatory instructions of the Ministry of Agriculture, with an average reduction of 80.2 per cent in relation to the presence of viable helminth eggs. The composting system has also demonstrated ability to degrade and stabilize organic material, recording C/N ratio average of 13.70 after the treatment. Even getting business tax, heavy metals analyzed Ar, Ba, Cr, Cd, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se and Zn were within the limits set by the legislation, including the dewatered sludge, except for Cd and Ni . Significant capacity cation exchange medium (315,44mmol / kg) and high average pH (9.0) recorded in biosolids may have contributed to the decrease in concentration of these elements in the final product. The results also suggest availability of nutrients (Ca, K, Mg, P, and S) to plants when using sewage sludge in agriculture, with increments the values Ca, K and Mg in the final product.
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Uso de estufa agrícola para secagem e higienização de lodo de esgoto. / Use of greenhouse to dry and hygienization of the sewage sludge.Lima, Márcia Regina Pereira 22 February 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa buscou avaliar a secagem e higienização em estufa agrícola de excesso de lodo ativado gerado em Estações de Tratamento de Esgoto que tratam esgoto doméstico, localizadas na Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória, Espírito Santo e, à partir dos resultados, estimar a área e o custo de investimento necessários para a instalação da estufa. A intenção foi atingir os padrões para lodo Classe A (Resolução no 375/2006 do Conama), que possibilita o uso do material na agricultura. A estufa possuía cobertura e revestimento lateral em lona plástica translúcida para impedir a penetração de água e possibilitar a penetração da radiação solar. O estudo foi dividido em duas etapas, ou seja, num primeiro momento, houve a avaliação do lodo digerido aerobiamente, com e sem cal, e, num segundo, a do lodo não encaminhado ao digestor, com e sem cal. Cada etapa era composta de três ciclos (repetições) com procedimentos metodológicos diferenciados e tempo de duração aproximado de 70 dias. Com o monitoramento temporal dos parâmetros estudados em cada ciclo, foi possível avaliar e definir a melhor configuração para a otimização da técnica estudada. As concentrações de substâncias inorgânicas no lodo usado na pesquisa já se apresentavam com valores bem inferiores aos padrões do Conama. Os parâmetros de interesse agronômico monitorados apresentaram valores atraentes sob o aspecto agronômico. Com relação aos vírus, os resultados apresentados foram inconclusivos e, em face disso, os resultados não foram usados nas considerações finais acerca do processo utilizado. Diante dos resultados obtidos, é razoável afirmar que entre as condições metodológicas testadas, a melhor configuração para o uso da estufa agrícola na secagem e higienização do lodo, atendendo aos padrões para lodo Classe A (exceto vírus), foi: tempo de secagem aproximado de 36 dias; forma de disposição do lodo com altura igual a 10cm; período de revolvimento de três vezes por semana; lodo sem adição de cal. Essa configuração possibilita obter um biossolido com umidade final de, aproximadamente, 25%, resultando numa diminuição do volume bastante expressiva, de cerca de 76%. As estimativas de dimensão e custo, também foram realizadas. / This research aimed at assessing the dry and hygienization in a greenhouse excess of the activated sludge generated in Wastewater Treatment Plants that treats domestic sewage, located in the Metropolitan Region of the Great Vitória, Espírito Santo, and from the results, estimate the area and the cost of investment required for installation from the greenhouse. The intention was to meet the standards defined for sludge Class A (375/2006 Resolution of Conama) which enable the use of the material in the agriculture. The greenhouse had coverage and coating side canvas translucent plastic to prevent the ingress of water and allow the penetration of solar radiation. The study was divided into two stages, i.e. first, there was an assessment of the aerobically digested sludge behavior and, with and without lime, and second, the sludge which was not sent to the digester, with and without lime. Each part was composed by three cycles (repetitions) with differentiated methodological procedures and time of duration approximately of 70 days in order to evaluate the best configuration for the optimization of the studied technique. The concentrations of inorganic substances in the utilized sludge in the research were already presented with much lower values in relation to the standards of Conama. The parameters of monitored agricultural interest show interesting values under an agricultural aspect. In relation to virus, the presented results were inconclusive. Therefore, they were not used in the final considerations in relation to the utilized process. In face of the obtained results, it is reasonable to state that among the tested methodological conditions, the best configuration for the use of agricultural greenhouse in the dry and hygienization of the sludge, meeting the standards for the sludge Class A (except virus) was: the time of dry approximately 36 days; form of sludge disposition with 10 cm height; revolving period of 3 times a week; sludge without the addition of lime. With this configuration, it is possible to obtain a biosolid with moisture of approximately 25% resulting in a very expressive decreasing of volume, around 76%. Estimates of the size and cost were also performed.
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Uso de estufa agrícola para secagem e higienização de lodo de esgoto. / Use of greenhouse to dry and hygienization of the sewage sludge.Márcia Regina Pereira Lima 22 February 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa buscou avaliar a secagem e higienização em estufa agrícola de excesso de lodo ativado gerado em Estações de Tratamento de Esgoto que tratam esgoto doméstico, localizadas na Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória, Espírito Santo e, à partir dos resultados, estimar a área e o custo de investimento necessários para a instalação da estufa. A intenção foi atingir os padrões para lodo Classe A (Resolução no 375/2006 do Conama), que possibilita o uso do material na agricultura. A estufa possuía cobertura e revestimento lateral em lona plástica translúcida para impedir a penetração de água e possibilitar a penetração da radiação solar. O estudo foi dividido em duas etapas, ou seja, num primeiro momento, houve a avaliação do lodo digerido aerobiamente, com e sem cal, e, num segundo, a do lodo não encaminhado ao digestor, com e sem cal. Cada etapa era composta de três ciclos (repetições) com procedimentos metodológicos diferenciados e tempo de duração aproximado de 70 dias. Com o monitoramento temporal dos parâmetros estudados em cada ciclo, foi possível avaliar e definir a melhor configuração para a otimização da técnica estudada. As concentrações de substâncias inorgânicas no lodo usado na pesquisa já se apresentavam com valores bem inferiores aos padrões do Conama. Os parâmetros de interesse agronômico monitorados apresentaram valores atraentes sob o aspecto agronômico. Com relação aos vírus, os resultados apresentados foram inconclusivos e, em face disso, os resultados não foram usados nas considerações finais acerca do processo utilizado. Diante dos resultados obtidos, é razoável afirmar que entre as condições metodológicas testadas, a melhor configuração para o uso da estufa agrícola na secagem e higienização do lodo, atendendo aos padrões para lodo Classe A (exceto vírus), foi: tempo de secagem aproximado de 36 dias; forma de disposição do lodo com altura igual a 10cm; período de revolvimento de três vezes por semana; lodo sem adição de cal. Essa configuração possibilita obter um biossolido com umidade final de, aproximadamente, 25%, resultando numa diminuição do volume bastante expressiva, de cerca de 76%. As estimativas de dimensão e custo, também foram realizadas. / This research aimed at assessing the dry and hygienization in a greenhouse excess of the activated sludge generated in Wastewater Treatment Plants that treats domestic sewage, located in the Metropolitan Region of the Great Vitória, Espírito Santo, and from the results, estimate the area and the cost of investment required for installation from the greenhouse. The intention was to meet the standards defined for sludge Class A (375/2006 Resolution of Conama) which enable the use of the material in the agriculture. The greenhouse had coverage and coating side canvas translucent plastic to prevent the ingress of water and allow the penetration of solar radiation. The study was divided into two stages, i.e. first, there was an assessment of the aerobically digested sludge behavior and, with and without lime, and second, the sludge which was not sent to the digester, with and without lime. Each part was composed by three cycles (repetitions) with differentiated methodological procedures and time of duration approximately of 70 days in order to evaluate the best configuration for the optimization of the studied technique. The concentrations of inorganic substances in the utilized sludge in the research were already presented with much lower values in relation to the standards of Conama. The parameters of monitored agricultural interest show interesting values under an agricultural aspect. In relation to virus, the presented results were inconclusive. Therefore, they were not used in the final considerations in relation to the utilized process. In face of the obtained results, it is reasonable to state that among the tested methodological conditions, the best configuration for the use of agricultural greenhouse in the dry and hygienization of the sludge, meeting the standards for the sludge Class A (except virus) was: the time of dry approximately 36 days; form of sludge disposition with 10 cm height; revolving period of 3 times a week; sludge without the addition of lime. With this configuration, it is possible to obtain a biosolid with moisture of approximately 25% resulting in a very expressive decreasing of volume, around 76%. Estimates of the size and cost were also performed.
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Desaguamento e higienização de lodo de esgoto utilizando estufa agrícola sobre leitos de secagemLozer, Juliana Guasti 31 August 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-08-31 / O lodo de esgoto é o resíduo produzido em maior volume nas Estações de Tratamento de Esgoto e, após ser submetido a algum processo de higienização pode ser utilizado
como biossólido na agricultura. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho apresenta como principal objetivo o estudo do desempenho de estufas agrícolas sobre leito de secagem
no desaguamento e na higienização do lodo de descarte de uma estação de tratamento de esgoto operada por reatores anaeróbios de fluxo ascendente e manta de lodo
associado a um biofiltro aerado submerso, fundamentado na exposição prolongada do lodo à radiação solar em leitos de secagem. A pesquisa foi realizada em escala real na
Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto de Castelo, em três repetições consecutivas, com duração de 28 dias cada. Em cada repetição foram utilizados quatro leitos de secagem,
destes, dois foram cobertos com módulos de estufa agrícola e os outros ficaram expostos às alterações climáticas. As cargas de sólidos totais aplicadas nos leitos de secagem variaram de 6,4 kgSST.m-2 a 17,8 kgSST.m-2 durante as três repetições do experimento, sendo objeto de comparação dos resultados. Em relação à remoção do teor de umidade da massa de lodo, o leito coberto 1, que apresentava menores taxas de sólidos totais aplicadas, foi o que obteve melhores resultados, alcançando teores de umidade de até 6,8%. Para os parâmetros microbiológicos, ao final dos 28 dias do
experimento foi constatado que: apenas o leito coberto 2 na repetição 2 apresentou resultados de coliformes termotolerantes abaixo de 103 NMP/gST. Apenas na repetição
3 obteve-se ausência de Salmonella em todos os quatro leitos de secagem e, por fim, as reduções nas concentrações de ovos viáveis de helmintos não foram suficientes para enquadrar o biossólido como Classe A conforme estabelecido pela Resolução n° 375/2006 do Conama / The sewage sludge is the main waste, in volume, in Sewage Treatment Plants and, after undergoing hygienization processes, it can be used as biosolid in the agriculture. In this
scenario, the objective of this research is to study greenhouses performance on dewatering and sanitation of discarded sludge, based on long exposition to sunlight on
dewatering beds, in a Sewage Treatment Plant applying Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor associated with submerged aired biofilter. This research was carried on large scale at the Sewage Treatment Plant of Castelo using three consecutive
repetitions lasting 28 days each. For all the runs it was used four dewatering beds, two covered by greenhouse modules and two exposed to weather conditions. The total solids rate applied on the dewatering beds ranged from 6,4 kgSST.m-2 to 17,8 kgSST.m-2, being used as comparing parameter for the outcomes. For the sludge water content removal, the covered bed 1, which had lesser total solid rates, showed the best results, reaching total solid rates of up to 6,4%. For microbiologic parameters, it was observed by the end of the 28 days: only the covered bed 2, during the second repetition, showed results of fecal coliform below 10³ NMP/gST; only for repetition 3 was not observed Salmonella in all four beds; and viable helminths eggs reduction was not enough for
characterizing biosolid as Class A, according established by 375/2006 Resolution of Conama
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A concep??o de ensino sob medida na obra hygiene mental e educa??o (1927), de Luiz Ant?nio dos Santos LimaSilva, Juliana da Rocha e 05 August 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-05 / This dissertation examines the concept of the personalized teaching proposed by the physician and educator from Rio Grande do Norte Luiz Antonio dos Santos Lima, in his doctoral thesis "Mental Hygiene and Education," published in 1927. To do so, we start from the assumption that this thinker appropriated part of the educational theory formulated by ?douard Clapar?de - specifically, in the case of the teaching concepts of the personalized teaching and comprehensive education designed by the Swiss intellectual - and, considering the Brazilian social reality of early twentieth century, reframed these concepts, adapting them to the country context. To implement the proposed idea, the bibliographical study was the option chosen, and so was done through a theoretical research which had as a reference authors whose studies referred to the Brazilian historical moment in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, our examined time frame. As for the understanding and the methodological analysis of discourse, seen as socially constructed, the Foucault postulations were studied under an analytical approach, in which the disciplinary society is analyzed from the relations of power and knowledge that exist in it. The main source of this research was the work of "Mental Hygiene and Education," published as a requirement to the obtainment of Luiz Antonio s medical degree by the Rio de Janeiro Medicine School. Thus, it was found that the conception of personalized learning to the comprehensive education of students, as proposed in the doctoral thesis of Luiz Antonio dos Santos Lima, was related to abnormalities of mental character that children could present. School education was thought in a way by the potiguar thinker that it could be applied as deep as the moral, intellectual and behavioral deviations of the individual were, making use of hygiene practices of the minds through a normalizing process towards a civilized and developed future of the Brazilian nation which would manage, watch and fix the thoughts of the school students / Esta disserta??o examina a concep??o de ensino sob medida proposta pelo m?dico e educador potiguar Luiz Antonio dos Santos Lima, em sua tese de doutoramento Hygiene Mental e Educa??o , publicada no ano de 1927. Para tanto, partimos da hip?tese de que esse pensador apropriou-se de parte da teoria educacional formulada por ?douard Clapar?de especificamente, dos conceitos de ensino sob medida e educa??o completa pensados pelo su??o e, considerando a realidade social brasileira do in?cio do s?culo XX, ressignificou esses conceitos, adaptando-os ao contexto do pa?s. Para a execu??o do proposto, optou-se pelo estudo bibliogr?fico, no qual foi feito o aporte te?rico da investiga??o, tendo como refer?ncia os autores cujos estudos remetiam ao momento hist?rico brasileiro do final do s?culo XIX e in?cio do s?culo XX, nosso recorte temporal. Quanto ? compreens?o e tratamento metodol?gico do discurso, tido como socialmente constru?do, aderiu-se ao enfoque anal?tico das postula??es foucaultianas, nas quais a sociedade disciplinar ? analisada a partir das rela??es de poder e saber nela existente. A principal fonte de pesquisa foi a obra Hygiene Mental e Educa??o , publicada como requisito da Faculdade de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro para Luiz Antonio obter o diploma de m?dico. Desse modo, constatou-se que a concep??o de ensino sob medida para a educa??o completa dos escolares, proposta na tese de doutoramento de Luiz Antonio dos Santos Lima, estava relacionada ?s anormalidades de car?ter mental que as crian?as pudessem apresentar. O ensino escolar pensado pelo potiguar seria na medida dos desvios morais, intelectuais e comportamentais do indiv?duo e faria uso das pr?ticas de higieniza??o das mentes num processo normalizador que, voltado para o futuro civilizado e desenvolvido da na??o brasileira, controlaria, vigiaria e corrigiria os pensamentos dos escolares
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Efterbehandling av biogödsel : Ett försök med avskiljning och uppsamling av kväve och vatten genom ammoniakstripping i en efterhygieniseringsprocessPettersson, Hanna, Törnvall, Elin January 2017 (has links)
During this master thesis, the possibility of ammonia removal from digestate in combination with after hygienization has been investigated. The aim of the work was to see how much ammonia that could be removed but also the properties of other process parameters such as TS/VS content, pH and alkalinity of the digestate. It was also of interest to study the energy balances for a process that combines ammonia stripping with after hygienization. The purpose of hygienization in a biogas plant is to kill pathogens. To study ammonia stripping combined with after hygienization, a prototype of an ammonia stripper was built in a laboratory. The digestate was heated to the hygienization temperature of 70 °C and air was led through with the help of a peristaltic pump by the end of the system. Condensate was trapped in a bottle by cooling the tube and the gases were brought to another bottle containing 1 M sulfuric acid. Ammonia and sulfuric acid reacted and formed ammonium sulfate. The process was also tested with closed system using vacuum to decrease the boiling point and thereby create more condensate. The results from the experiments showed that with an air stripping process most of the ammonium was trapped in the sulfuric acid while with a vacuum process more ammonium was trapped in the condensate. The most important parameters to achieve a good ammonia removal were air flow and time. With the vacuum system, more condensate was removed. The removal of condensate could make it possible to recirculate process fluid from the stripping process and thereby save energy in the centrifugation part which is used to create a solid part of the bio digestate. It was concluded from the experiments that air stripping is more effective when it comes to ammonium recovery. The process could be improved by using higher air flow which could decrease the time to less than one hour, which is the desired hygienization time. However, it is desired to keep the pump flow as low as possible since it is energy consuming. A chemical increase of the pH would also be of interest to try since previous tests showed a strong correlation between high pH-value and good ammonia stripping. More tests overall are of interest to ensure a reliable result. Still, the combination of after-hygienization and ammonia stripping would contribute to a better environment and a sustainable agriculture with a natural and nutritious digestate.
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Poruchovost městských čistíren odpadních vod / Failure rate wastewater treatment plantsBoryśová, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the sludge management in wastewater treatment plants. It provides a basic overview of methods for modifying risk material in sludge ending. The main goal of this work is to create a fault trees based on faults which occurred in the sludge management facilities. Furthermore, it was created frequency of failures assessment of the objects on wastewater treatment plant in Hodonín. Provided information were obtained during excursions of WWTP Hodonín and Zbýšov.
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