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Caractérisation expérimentale et numérique de la dégradation des réservoirs hyperbares en composite bobiné soumis à des chocs / Experimental and numerical characterization of degradation on hyperbaric wound composite tanks subjected to shocksPham, Thanh Tung 20 December 2013 (has links)
Cette étude vise à développer des connaissances sur le comportement d’un réservoir d’hydrogène àhaute pression en composite bobiné (fibre de carbone et résine époxy) soumis à des chocs en service, c'est-àdireà étudier les endommagements générés ainsi que leur évolution et leurs conséquences en service. Dansun premier temps, une étude micrographique sur les réservoirs impactés à des niveaux d’énergiecaractéristiques des chocs habituels de manutention a été réalisée afin d’observer les configurationsd’endommagement induites. Par la suite, différentes techniques d’impact sont comparées pour sélectionnercelle permettant de reproduire ces endommagements représentatifs des chocs subis par les réservoirs sur deséprouvettes prélevées dans des cylindres bobinés. Ces échantillons sont testés en traction monotone afin dequantifier l’abattement des propriétés mécaniques induites par l’endommagement. Puis, une approche demodélisation de l’évolution des dommages d’impact a été développée. Dans un souci de ménager le caractèreopérationnel de l’approche, elle est construite à partir d’outils simples permettant de traduire l’effet de lafissuration matricielle, de la rupture des fibres et du délaminage. Pour décrire la ruine de la structure, uneapproche de type « analyse progressive de la rupture » a été utilisée. Une fois validé sur éprouvette, lemodèle est appliqué au comportement de réservoirs complets afin d’estimer la tolérance aux dommages et deprévoir la diminution de pression d’éclatement provoquée par les chocs. / This study aims to develop knowledge about the behavior of a wound composite high-pressurehydrogen tank subjected to impact in service, that is to say, to study the damage generated and their evolutionand their consequences in service. At first, a micrographic study of reservoirs impacted at energy levelscharacteristic of common in-service shocks is performed to observe damage induced configurations.Thereafter, various impact techniques are compared to select the one able to reproduce this representativedamage on specimens cut from wound composite cylinders. These samples are tested under monotonictension to quantify the reduction of the mechanical properties induced by damage. Then, a model for theevolution of impact damage is developed. In order to maintain the operational nature of the approach, it isbuilt from simple tools to capture the effect of matrix cracking, fiber breakage and delamination. To describethe collapse of the structure, a "progressive failure analysis" is used. Once validated on specimens, the modelis applied to the behavior of wound composite tanks to estimate damage tolerance and predict the burstpressure decrease caused by shocks.
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The effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on acute ankle sprains /Skelton, Deborah. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Hyperbarické prostředí a jeho vliv na fyzický výkon / Hyperbaric environment and its impact on the physical performanceMuráňová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Title: Hyperbaric environment and it's impact on physical performance Objectives: To investigate possible impact of of hyperbaric environment on individual's performance compared to normobaric environment with constant physical load. To outline the hyperbaric environment from physical side of view. To determine the usability of these effects for Training and regeneration purposes for athletes. Methods: The five respondents completed two sessions of Kinderman-Schnabell test. There was a seven days gap between hyperbaric and normobaric sessions to exclude the influence of fatique. Each session consisted of 40 seconds of sub-maximal load and a maximal load after 40 minutes rest. The squats were used as anaerobic type of load. The responders were taken a blood samples from finger and earlobe to state the level of lactate. Other measured indicators were blood pressure, heart and respirátory rate. The respondents also stated the subjective level of fatique using visual scale Results: The hyperbaric environment of 3 ATA had a significant effect on heart rate reduction. The sub-max load average was 86 bpm (resp. 99 bpm at normobaric environment) and the max-load average was 101 bpm (resp. 120 bpm normobaric). No significant effect was measured on blood pressure level averages. The sub-max load indicated...
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Kidney preservation experimental and clinical experiences /Løkkegaard, Hans. January 1975 (has links)
Thesis--Copenhagen University. / Summary in Danish. Includes bibliographical references (p. 96-120).
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An experimental study of the use of hyperbaric oxygen treatment to reduce the side effects of radiation treatment for malignant diseaseWilliamson, Raymond Allan January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Therapeutic Radiation has been used for the treatment of cancer and other diseases for nearly a century. Over the past 20 years, Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment (HBOT) has been used to assist wound healing in the prevention and treatment of the more severe complications associated with the side effects of Therapeutic Radiation Treatment (TRT). The use of HBOT is based on the premise that increased oxygen tissue tension aids wound healing by increasing the hypoxic gradient and stimulating angiogenesis and fibroblast differentiation. As it takes up to 6 months for a hypoxic state to develop in treated tissue, following radiation treatment, current recommendations for HBOT state that it is not effective until after this time. During this 6 month period, immediately following TRT, many specialized tissues in or adjacent to the field of irradiation, such as salivary glands and bone, are damaged due to a progressive thickening of arteries and fibrosis, and these tissues are never replaced. Currently, HBOT is used to treat the complications of TRT, but it would be far better if they could be prevented . . . In summary, this experimental model has fulfilled its prime objective of demonstrating that HBOT is effective in reducing the long-term side effects of therapeutic radiation treatment in normal tissue, when given one week after the completion of the radiation treatment and statistically disproves the Null Hypothesis that there is no difference in the incidence of postoperative complications or morbidity of TRT when 20 intermittent daily HBOT are started one week after completion of TRT. This project provides an extensive description of the histological process and also proposes a hypothesis for the molecular events that may be taking place.
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Kidney preservation experimental and clinical experiences /Løkkegaard, Hans. January 1975 (has links)
Thesis--Copenhagen University. / Summary in Danish. Includes bibliographical references (p. 96-120).
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Vliv hyperbarického prostředí na jemnou motoriku / Effect of hyperbaric environment on fine motor skillsLes, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Title: Effect of hyperbaric environment on fine motor skills Objectives: The aim of study is to assess the changes fine motor skills due to hyperbaric environment in preparation for selected tests of fine motor skills. Methods: The first method was used empirically - research. Then the method chosen of compilation of the information obtained. The basic method to work was the experimental measurement method specially constructed tests on fine motor skills. All measured values were statistically processed as follows. Results: The results were formulated as a percentage, graphs and tables. Recording was carried out by recording the time data. Their percentage of the overall approach to the exercise time mastering fine motor skills in different environments. All results obtained were processed and evaluated. Keywords: depth intoxication, fine motor skills, hyperbaric environment, hyperbaric chambers, diving
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Coping During Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Predictors and InterventionHodge, Rachel Elizabeth January 2008 (has links)
The present research sought to understand patient experiences during Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) by using 24 HBOT patients (17 men, 7 women) to examine the relationship between individual variables and anxiety, and providing One Session Exposure Therapy (OSET; Öst, 1989) if necessary. Pre-HBOT participants completed the following measures: State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI; Spielberger, 1983), Claustrophobia Questionnaire (CLQ; Radomsky, Rachman, Thordarson, McIsaac, & Teachman, 2001), Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI; Reiss, Peterson, Gursky, & McNally, 1986), and Treatment Credibility/Expectancy Questionnaire (CEQ; Devilly & Borkovec, 2000). State Anxiety was assessed pre-HBOT and at the tenth and last sessions. Findings suggest Dispositional Anxiety (STAI-Trait + ASI), Expectancy of symptom improvement (CEQ), and gender were significantly predictive of State Anxiety before and during HBOT. Limitations and directions for future research are discussed.
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Otoproteção à lesão pelo ruído: efeitos da Oxigenoterapia Hiperbárica e Corticoide / Otoprotection against acoustic trauma: Effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and corticoidGleice Cristina Colombari 21 November 2011 (has links)
As investigações sobre os efeitos da oxigenoterapia hiperbárica (OHB) em lesão por ruído são escassas e apontam para diferentes efeitos em função do momento de intervenção. Dentre os trabalhos já descritos foi observado efeito lesivo da OHB quando aplicada imediatamente ao trauma acústico, contudo, efeito positivo foi observado quando aplicada após 2 e 6 horas. Com relação aos tratamentos usados para trauma acústico, alguns estudos descrevem o uso de corticoides como melhor alternativa, mas recentemente estudos apontam para a sua combinação com OHB como a terapêutica com maior beneficio nas lesões por ruído. O presente estudo teve como objetivos avaliar o momento da intervenção pela OHB após 2, 4 e 6 horas de repouso auditivo após exposição ao ruído e avaliar a associação terapêutica entre a OHB e corticoterapia (CT). Cobaias albinas foram expostas a um ruído branco na faixa de 4 kHz com intensidade igual a 110dB NPS por 72h e divididas em cinco grupos terapêuticos: OHB com início após 2, 4 e 6h de repouso auditivo após exposição ao ruído, CT isolada e OHB após 6 horas de repouso associada a CT. O tratamento durou 5 dias, sendo uma sessão terapêutica por dia. Todos os animais tiveram a função auditiva avaliada pelo Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico (PEATE) e pelas Emissões Otoacústicas Produtos de Distorção (EOAPD) em três momentos: pré-ruído, pós-ruído e pós-tratamento. Após a eutanásia dos animais e preparação dos espécimes cocleares, todas as cócleas foram analisadas através de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). Não houve diferença estatística significativa entre os momentos de intervenção pela OHB após 2, 4 e 6 horas, contudo, os dados de MEV demonstraram que uma maior otoproteção ocorreu quando a intervenção foi realizada após um maior repouso auditivo. Apesar da não diferença estatística significativa, os achados anatômicos e funcionais permitiram concluir que a associação terapêutica entre a OHB e a corticoterapia desempenhou um melhor efeito otoprotetor e terapêutico se comparada a essas mesmas terapias isoladas. / Investigations on the effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in noise injury are scarce and point to different effects depending on the time of intervention. Among the work already described has been observed damaging effect of HBOT when applied immediately after the acoustic trauma, however, positive effect was observed when applied after 2 and 6 hours of rest after the trauma. Studies describe the use of corticosteroids as the best alternative to treat acoustic trauma, but recent studies point to their combination with HBOT as the major benefit in lesions by noise. This study aimed to evaluate the time of intervention by HBOT after 2, 4 and 6 hours of rest after hearing noise exposure and to evaluate the association between HBOT and corticoid. Female guinea pigs were exposed to a white noise on 4kHz at 110dB SPL during 72 hours and divided into five treatment groups: HBOT after 2, 4 and 6 hours of rest after the noise exposure, corticosteroid therapy and HBOT combined with corticoid. The treatment lasted five days, being a therapy session per day. All animals were exposed to Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (DPOAE) and Auditory Brainstem evoked Response (ABR) in three moments: before and after exposure to the noise and after the treatment. All cochleae were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). There was no statistically significant difference between the moments of intervention by HBOT after 2, 4 and 6 hours, however, the SEM data showed that a greater otoprotection occurred when the intervention was performed after a higher auditory rest. Although not statistically significant, the anatomical and functional findings concluded that the association between HBOT and corticosteroid therapy played a better otoprotective and therapeutic effect compared to those same therapies alone.
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Otoproteção à lesão pelo ruído: efeitos da Oxigenoterapia Hiperbárica e Corticoide / Otoprotection against acoustic trauma: Effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and corticoidColombari, Gleice Cristina 21 November 2011 (has links)
As investigações sobre os efeitos da oxigenoterapia hiperbárica (OHB) em lesão por ruído são escassas e apontam para diferentes efeitos em função do momento de intervenção. Dentre os trabalhos já descritos foi observado efeito lesivo da OHB quando aplicada imediatamente ao trauma acústico, contudo, efeito positivo foi observado quando aplicada após 2 e 6 horas. Com relação aos tratamentos usados para trauma acústico, alguns estudos descrevem o uso de corticoides como melhor alternativa, mas recentemente estudos apontam para a sua combinação com OHB como a terapêutica com maior beneficio nas lesões por ruído. O presente estudo teve como objetivos avaliar o momento da intervenção pela OHB após 2, 4 e 6 horas de repouso auditivo após exposição ao ruído e avaliar a associação terapêutica entre a OHB e corticoterapia (CT). Cobaias albinas foram expostas a um ruído branco na faixa de 4 kHz com intensidade igual a 110dB NPS por 72h e divididas em cinco grupos terapêuticos: OHB com início após 2, 4 e 6h de repouso auditivo após exposição ao ruído, CT isolada e OHB após 6 horas de repouso associada a CT. O tratamento durou 5 dias, sendo uma sessão terapêutica por dia. Todos os animais tiveram a função auditiva avaliada pelo Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico (PEATE) e pelas Emissões Otoacústicas Produtos de Distorção (EOAPD) em três momentos: pré-ruído, pós-ruído e pós-tratamento. Após a eutanásia dos animais e preparação dos espécimes cocleares, todas as cócleas foram analisadas através de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). Não houve diferença estatística significativa entre os momentos de intervenção pela OHB após 2, 4 e 6 horas, contudo, os dados de MEV demonstraram que uma maior otoproteção ocorreu quando a intervenção foi realizada após um maior repouso auditivo. Apesar da não diferença estatística significativa, os achados anatômicos e funcionais permitiram concluir que a associação terapêutica entre a OHB e a corticoterapia desempenhou um melhor efeito otoprotetor e terapêutico se comparada a essas mesmas terapias isoladas. / Investigations on the effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in noise injury are scarce and point to different effects depending on the time of intervention. Among the work already described has been observed damaging effect of HBOT when applied immediately after the acoustic trauma, however, positive effect was observed when applied after 2 and 6 hours of rest after the trauma. Studies describe the use of corticosteroids as the best alternative to treat acoustic trauma, but recent studies point to their combination with HBOT as the major benefit in lesions by noise. This study aimed to evaluate the time of intervention by HBOT after 2, 4 and 6 hours of rest after hearing noise exposure and to evaluate the association between HBOT and corticoid. Female guinea pigs were exposed to a white noise on 4kHz at 110dB SPL during 72 hours and divided into five treatment groups: HBOT after 2, 4 and 6 hours of rest after the noise exposure, corticosteroid therapy and HBOT combined with corticoid. The treatment lasted five days, being a therapy session per day. All animals were exposed to Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (DPOAE) and Auditory Brainstem evoked Response (ABR) in three moments: before and after exposure to the noise and after the treatment. All cochleae were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). There was no statistically significant difference between the moments of intervention by HBOT after 2, 4 and 6 hours, however, the SEM data showed that a greater otoprotection occurred when the intervention was performed after a higher auditory rest. Although not statistically significant, the anatomical and functional findings concluded that the association between HBOT and corticosteroid therapy played a better otoprotective and therapeutic effect compared to those same therapies alone.
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