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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fornlämningars risk och sårbarhet till följd av vintervägsaltning på det kommunala– och statliga vägnätet i ett förändrat klimat : Litteratur– och fältstudie om korrosion av artefakter, samt identifiering av riskområden genom en GIS–analys i Södermanland och Västmanland. / The risk and vulnerability of ancient historic sites as a result of winter road salting on the municipal– and state road network in a changed climate : Literature– and field study on corrosion of artifacts, identification of risk areas through GIS–analysis in the country of Södermanland and Västmanland in central Sweden.

Larsson, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
Archaeological artefacts excavated today are in a worse preserved state compare to those artefacts found before 1945. Previous research highlighted soil acidification as the main cause. However, not much research has been done to analyse other causalities, such as the spread of road salt during the wintertime and the potential deterioration that salt (sodium chloride) might cause on the physical cultural heritage. Nonetheless, it is proven that salt causes corrosion on infrastructure and on porous stone, masonry, and other composite materials in buildings. The aim of this work is to investigate how road salt move from the road surface (municipal– and state roads) and beyond, what factors might contribute to increased geographical spread and how we can limit the potential risk of damage associated with the spread of road salts to ancient historical sites. The research methods presented in this paper is a mix of field sampling study together with GIS– and literature analysis. The results show that the road salts spread according to an exponential decaying rate, where most of the road salts being spread 5–10 meters beyond the roadside. This means that cultural heritage sites within this buffer–area could be susceptible to salt induced damage to physical structures and deposited artefacts made from metals, rock, brick, and other material. Thereby it is pivotal to highlight the possible actions that can prevent the spread of road salts in a geographical landscape, and its effect on the physical cultural heritage.

Realistický model oblohy / Realistic Model of the Sky

Kussior, Zdeněk January 2007 (has links)
The paper describes a theoretical base and realization of realistic volumetric clouds visualization in an environment of real-time simulator. The first part is concerned with a meteorological background of this problem. I show international classification of ten basic cloud types including a short description and cases of occurence. The following part is concerned with an interaction between cloudiness and simulation core, which is based on the fact, that each cloud acts as a mechanical or an electromagnetic obstacle. This should be considered on some way in simulation. The next part describes technologies and practical implementations of visualization and evaluates their characteristics. Finally, the last chapter describes my implementation and tries to outline project advancement.

Fundamentals of Liquid Interactions with Nano/Micro Engineered Surfaces at Low Temperatures

Raiyan, Asif 28 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Icing Mitigation via High-pressure Membrane Dehumidification in an Aircraft Thermal Management System

Hollon, Danielle D. 08 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Effet de la végétation sur la performance des biorétentions en climat froid

Beral, Henry 05 1900 (has links)
Les systèmes de biorétention sont de plus en plus utilisés pour gérer le ruissellement des eaux pluviales urbaines. Bien que les plantes soient une composante essentielle des biorétentions, il existe à ce jour peu de preuves de la contribution des espèces choisies, en particulier dans les climats tempérés à grande variation saisonnière. Aussi, les bactéries et les champignons peuvent jouer un rôle majeur dans la performance des biorétentions en améliorant la qualité de l'eau ou en soutenant l'efficacité des plantes. Mais à ce jour, on sait peu de choses sur les microorganismes peuplant les biorétentions et encore moins sur l'influence des choix de conception de ce système et ses conséquences sur la contribution de ces organismes. D’autre part, en climat froid, l'utilisation de sels de déglaçage génère des ruissellements salins qui pourraient affecter les performances des biorétentions, notamment en impactant les processus biologiques en cours dans le système. Le but de mon étude était de comparer la contribution de la végétation à la performance des biorétentions en fonction de l'espèce plantée, de tester l'impact du ruissellement salin sur l'hydrologie et la filtration des contaminants par le système en fonction des espèces végétales utilisées, et de caractériser l'influence de ces 2 facteurs sur la diversité, la composition et l'abondance relative des bactéries et champignons au sein des biorétentions. J’ai réalisé une expérience en mésocosmes avec 4 espèces végétales couramment utilisées en biorétention et couvrant un large éventail de types biologiques (Cornus sericea, Juncus effusus, Iris versicolor, Sesleria autumnalis). Pour simuler un ruissellement printanier chargé en sel de déglaçage, l'eau de ruissellement semi-synthétique utilisée pour l'irrigation à était complétée au printemps avec quatre concentrations de NaCl (0, 250, 1000 ou 4000 mg Cl/L). Le séquençage des gènes 16S et ITS ont été utilisé comme indicateur de diversité, de composition et d'abondance relative bactérienne et fongique. En général, tous les mésocosmes de biorétention ont significativement réduit les volumes d'eau, les débits de pointe et les charges de contaminants. Certaines plantes améliorent significativement les performances en augmentant la perte d'eau par évapotranspiration pendant la période de croissance (jusqu'à 2,5 fois) et en réduisant le débit d'eau (jusqu'à 2,7 fois). Les plantes ont amélioré l’enlèvement des macronutriments, avec un enlèvement massique moyen de 55 % pour l’Azote total, 81 % pour le Phosphore total et 61 % pour le K, contre -6 % (relargage), 61 % et 22 % respectivement pour les non plantés. À l'exception des Sesleria, l’enlèvement des éléments traces par les mésocosmes plantés était généralement plus élevée que chez les non plantés (jusqu'à 8,7 %). Leur niveau de contribution suivait le même ordre que leur taux d'évapotranspiration et leur taille globale (Cornus > Juncus > Iris > Sesleria). Même à la concentration la plus élevée de NaCl testée, aucun effet sur la réduction du volume d'eau et les débits n'a été détecté. En revanche, le ruissellement chargé en sel a temporairement augmenté l’enlèvement de certains métaux tels que Cr, Ni, Pb et Zn. Dans l’ensemble, les plantes ont très bien toléré le passage du ruissellement chargé de sel au printemps. Tous les mésocosmes ont naturellement été colonisés par des bactéries et des champignons adaptés à un environnement humide et contaminé. Parmi les taxons dominants, plusieurs ont des fonctions en lien avec la performance des biorétentions, telles que l'implication dans le cycle de l'azote, la dégradation des hydrocarbures, la tolérance et la remédiation de métaux, ou des symbiotes végétaux. Ma thèse souligne l'importance du choix des espèces végétales sur la performance des biorétentions. D’une part en raison de leur contribution différentielle à la réduction du volume d'eau, des débits de pointe et l'enlèvement des contaminants, en particulier des macronutriments, et d’autre part à cause de leur influence sur la composition et l’abondance des microorganismes. Même si plusieurs des bactéries et champignons dominants ce système auraient la capacité de contribuer à la performance des biorétentions, d’autres études devront être menées pour vérifier leur activité. Finalement, ma thèse a démontré que la présence de sel de déverglaçage dans le ruissellement ne devrait pas être un frein à la mise en place de cellules de biorétention, puisque qu'aux concentrations habituellement observées à la suite d’épandages, aucun effet négatif sur la performance, la végétation ou les communautés bactérienne et fongique n’a été observé dans la présente thèse. Cependant, la libération des cations structurants du sol et l’exfiltration du sels devrait être faire l’objet d’un suivi à plus long terme. Bien que ces expériences aient permis d'analyser l'effet des espèces végétales et des sels de déverglaçage sur la réduction du volume d'eau, des débits de pointe, l’enlèvement des contaminants, et les micro-organismes, l'extrapolation de ces résultats à grande échelle doit être effectuée avec prudence. En effet, les mésocosmes sont des systèmes artificiels qui ne reproduisent pas entièrement les conditions réelles des biorétentions à grande échelle, notamment en ce qui concerne les températures hivernales inférieures à zéro, et ne sont étudiés qu’un lapse de temps. Aussi, les biorétentions réelles sont rarement plantées en monoculture, de sorte que les interactions entre les espèces végétales et les microorganismes pourraient influencer la performance du système. Pour une application réussie des conclusions de cette étude à l'échelle pratique, il serait essentiel que des projets pilotes valident ces résultats. / Bioretention systems are increasingly used to manage urban stormwater runoff. Plants are an essential component of bioretention, improving water quality and reducing runoff volume and peak flows. Although plants are an essential component of bioretentions, there is little evidence on how their contribution changes according to the species chosen, especially in temperate climates with large seasonal variations. In addition, bacteria and fungi could play a major role in bioretention performance by improving water quality or supporting plant efficiency. But to date, little is known about the microorganisms living in bioretentions and even less about the influence of the design choices of this system and therefore its consequences on the contribution of these organisms. In cold climates, the use of de-icing salts generates saline runoff which could affect the bioretentions performance, especially by reducing biological processes. The aim of my study was to compare the contribution of vegetation to the performance of bioretentions according to the species planted, to test the impact of saline runoff on the hydrology and the filtration of contaminants by the system according to the plant species used, and to characterize the influence of these 2 factors on the diversity, composition and relative abundance of bacteria and fungi within bioretentions. I performed a mesocosm experiment with 4 plant species commonly used in bioretention and covering a wide range of biological types (Cornus sericea, Juncus effusus, Iris versicolor, Sesleria autumnalis). To simulate spring salt-laden runoffs, the semi-synthetic runoff water used for irrigation was supplemented in spring with four concentrations of NaCl (0, 250, 1000 or 4000 mg Cl/L). Sequencing of 16S and ITS genes was used as bacterial and fungal diversity, composition and relative abondance indicator. In general, all bioretention mesocosms significantly reduced water volumes, peak flows, and contaminant loads. Some plants significantly increased the performances, by increasing water loss through evapotranspiration during the growing period (up to 2.5 times) and reducing water flow (up to 2.7 times). Plants improved macronutrients removal, with an average mass removal of 55% for total nitrogen, 81% for total phosphorus and 61% for K compared to –6% (release), 61% and 22% respectively for the unplanted. Except for Sesleria, mass removal of trace elements in planted mesocosms was generally higher than in unplanted ones (up to 8.7%). Their contribution level followed the same order as their evapotranspiration rate and overall size (Cornus > Juncus > Iris > Sesleria). Even at the highest concentration of NaCl tested, no impact on water volume reduction and flow rates were detected. In contrast, salt-laden runoffs temporarily increased removal of some metals such as Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn. Overall, the plants tolerated the passage of salt runoff in spring. All bioretention mesocosms were naturally colonized by bacteria and fungi adapted to a humid and contaminated environment. Among the dominant taxa, several described functions related to the bioretention performances, such as involvement in the nitrogen cycle, the degradation of hydrocarbons, the tolerance and remediation of metals, or plant symbionts. My thesis emphasizes the importance of the plant species choice on the bioretentions performance. firstly because of their differential contribution to the water volume reduction, peak flows, and the contaminants removal, in particular macronutrients, secondly through their influence on the composition and abundance of microorganisms. Even though several of the dominant bacteria and fungi found would have the ability to contribute to the performance of bioretentions, further studies will be needed to verify their activity. Finally, my thesis demonstrated that the presence of de-icing salt in the runoff should not be a hindrance to the bioretention cells implementation, since at concentrations usually observed following salt spreading, no negative effect on the bioretentions performance, on the vegetation or the bacterial and fungal communities were observed in this thesis. However, the release of soil-structuring cations as well as salts exfiltration should be monitored in the longer term. Although these experiments allowed for the analysis of the effect of plant species and de-icing salts on the reduction of water volume, peak flow rates, contaminant removal, and microorganisms, the extrapolation of these results to a larger scale must be done with caution. Despite the advantage of characterizing the performance of bioretention in mesocosms in terms of replication and factor control, it is important to recognize that this approach also has its limitations. Mesocosms are artificial systems that do not fully replicate the real-world conditions of large-scale bioretention, especially concerning sub-zero winter temperatures and the limited time frame of study. The size of the mesocosms could lead to edge effects, such as preferential flows, while real-world scenarios involve slopes that create heterogeneous conditions within these basins, influencing factors like frequency and quantity of water received. Additionally, real bioretention systems are seldom planted as monocultures, thus interactions between plant species and microorganisms may impact system performance. For successful implementation of the findings of this study on a practical scale, validation through pilot projects would be essential.

Diagnostika a hodnocení mostní konstrukce / Diagnostics of the bridge structure

Wünsche, Dominik January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of bridge strustures, especially their diagnostics and evaluation. The work consists of two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with the basic description and division of bridge structures, brigde inspections and test methods, especially those that were used in the thesis during bridge inspections. The practical part includes a visual inspection of two bridges, their description, detection of faults and defects and their documentation. In the practical part, the basic maretial characteristics of concrete bridges were determined, the condition of structures was assessed and a proposal for the elimination of failures and defects was developed. In the end, the work deals with the evaluation of both bridges.

Statické a dynamické posouzení konstrukce vyhlídkové věže / Static and dynamic assessment of an outlook tower construction

Valíček, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with static and dynamic analysis of an lookout tower construction. For dynamic analysis a computational model in ANSYS software is created. Static analysis is performed by Scia Engineer software. Both of this software use finite element method. It is also focused on wind load determination by Eurocode 1, structural factor calculation, modal analysis and vortex shedding. Verification of selected parts according to Eurocodes is included.

Treatment of dissolved metals in highway runoff water : Pilot-scale trial with four reactive filter media and sand filter / Rening av lösta metaller i dagvatten från motorvägar : Försök i pilotskala med fyra reaktiva filtermaterial och sandfilter

Bianchi, Serena January 2021 (has links)
The increasing highway traffic is leading to higher and higher levels of pollutants in the stormwater, such as suspended solids, metals, oils, nutrients and PAH. This runoff water causes the degradation of water bodies quality, leading to increased interest in the treatment of highway runoff for the removal of contaminants. Traditional treatments mostly consist of sedimentation, aimed primarily at the removal of suspended solids and particlebound contaminants. Recently the concern has shifted to the dissolved and colloidal fractions of contaminants as well, metals in particular, which makes reactive media filters a potentially interesting technology for runoff water treatment. However, very little research has been carried out on this technology so far, mostly in batch laboratory experiments with synthetic runoff water. This study aims at investigating the performance of four reactive media filters (Petrit T, Polonite, D-Rainclean and Filtralite-P) and a defined filter sand used for water processing at removing dissolved and particulate-bound metals. To achieve the goal, a pilot plant has been constructed in Gröndal, south of Stockholm, inside the existing Gröndalsmagasin, a full-scale stormwater treatment plant. The catchment area is located mostly on the E4 and Essingeleden, the highest trafficked motorway in Sweden with an AADT of 140 000 vehicles. A pump feeds the pilot plant from the Gröndalsmagasin outlet, after the stormwater has been treated with flocculation and sedimentation, and collects such water in a collection vessel. The five filter media columns are fed during runoff events with a flow scaled proportionally to the influent in the Gröndalsmagasin to mimic real conditions of flow and pollutant concentrations. Field measurements of pH, turbidity and conductivity, have been carried out during the trial. Samples have also been collected with flow proportional samplers connected to the collection vessel and the outlet of the five columns, as well as in the form of grab samples from sample ports at different depths in the columns. These samples have been sent to ALS Scandinavia AB to perform lab analysis. The pH in the effluent of the reactive filter media increased to values between 10 and 13, and slowly decreased during the trial. No difference was found between the pH in Filtersand outlet and the influent water. All materials showed excellent performance at removal of dissolved and particulate-bound Zn as well as particulate-bound Cu. Dissolved Cu was removed effectively by reactive media, and to a minor extent by Filtersand. Leaching of metals was observed from three materials: Filtersand released Mn during April, Polonite released Cr, with a very good correlation with the Chloride content and Petrit-T released Ba during the entire trials. / Den ökande vägtrafiken leder till allt högre halter av föroreningar i dagvattnet, till exampel suspenderade ämnen, metaller, oljor, närings ämnen och PAH. Detta dagvatten försämrar degradering av vattenförekomsternas kvalitet, vilket har lett till ett ökat intresse för rening av dagvatten fr ̊ån motorvägar för att avlägsna föroreningar. Traditionella behandlingar består oftast av sedimentering, som främst syftar till att reducera suspenderade ämnen och partikelbundna föroreningar. På senaste tiden har intresset förskjutits till att även omfatta lösta och kolloidala fraktioner av föroreningar, speciellt metaller, vilket gör reaktiva filtermaterial till en potentiellt intressant teknik f ̈or behandling av dagvatten. Mycket lite forskning har dock gjorts om denna teknik hittills, då oftast i laboratorieexperiment med syntetiskt dagvatten. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur fyra reaktiva mediafilter (Petrit T, Polonite, D-Rainclean och Filtralite-P) och en typ av sandfilter fungerar när det gäller att avlägsna lösta och partikelbundna metaller. F ̈or att uppnå målet har en pilotanläggning byggts i Gröndal, söder om Stockholm, inuti det existerande Gröndalsmagasinet, ett dagvattenreningsverk i full skala. Avrinningsområdet ligger vid E4 och Essingeleden, den mest trafikerade motorvägen i Sverige med en ÅDT på 140 000 fordon. En pump matar pilotanläggningen fr ̊ån Gröndalsmagasinets utlopp, efter att dagvattnet har behandlats med flockning och sedimentering, och samlas upp detta vatten i ett uppsamlingskärl. De fem filtreringskolonnerna matas under avrinningshändelserna med ett flöde som är proportionellt till inflödet till Gröndalsmagasinet för att imitera verkliga förhållanden av flöde och föroreningskoncentrationer. Mätningar av pH, turbiditet och konduktivitet har utförts under försöket. Prover har också samlats in med flödesproportionella provtagare som är kopplade till uppsamlingskärlet och utloppet fr ̊an de fem kolonnerna, samt i form av grabbprover fr ̊an provtagningsöppningar på olika djup i kolonnerna. Dessa prover har skickats till ALS Scandinavia AB för laboratorieanalys. pH-värdet i utflödet fr ̊ån det reaktiva filtermediet ökade till värden mellan 10 och 13 och sjönk långsamt under försöket. Ingen skillnad hittades mellan pH-värdet i filtrets utlopp och inflödesvattnet. Alla material visade mycket goda resultat när det gäller avlägsnande av löst och partikulät bundet Zn samt partikulärt bundet Cu. Lösta Cu avlägsnades mycket effektivt av reaktiva medier och i mindre utsträckning av Filtersand. Läckage av metaller observerades fr ̊ån tre material: Filtersand släppte ut Mn under April, Polonite släppte ut Cr, med en mycket god korrelation med kloridhalten och Petrit-T släppte ut Ba under hela försöket.

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