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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Herstellung und Charakterisierung pyroelektrischer P(VDF-TrFE)-Beschichtungen für Anti-Eis-Anwendungen

Apelt, Sabine 10 August 2021 (has links)
Das unerwünschte Aufwachsen oder Anhaften von Eis an z.B. Windenergieanlagen und Wärmetauschern kann zum Funktionsverlust oder zur temporären Stilllegung der gesamten technischen Anlage führen. Bekannte Abwehrmechanismen sind das aktive Beheizen der Oberflächen oder der Einsatz von Enteisungschemikalien. Um den Verbrauch der hierfür benötigten elektrischen Energie oder Enteisungsmittel zu minimieren, werden in zunehmendem Maß passive Oberflächenbeschichtungen zur Gefrierverzögerung und Adhäsionsminimierung entwickelt. Der Einsatz pyroelektrischer Materialien bietet einen Lösungsansatz, der über bisher bekannte Abwehrstrategien hinausgeht. Es wird angenommen, dass pyroelektrisch generierte Oberflächenladungen während der Abkühlung entweder förderlich oder verzögernd auf die Eiskeimbildung wirken können. Dünne Schichten aus pyroelektrischem Poly-(Vinylidenfluorid - co - Trifluorethylen) haben wegen ihrer leichten Verarbeitbarkeit, hohen Flexibilität und pyroelektrischen Eigenschaften Interesse an ihrer Anwendung als funktionelle Beschichtung geweckt. Für eine industrielle Anwendung von P(VDF-TrFE) ist jedoch ein vertieftes Verständnis darüber erforderlich, wie sich der Beschichtungsprozess auf die resultierende Kristallinität, kristallographische Orientierung und Rauheit auswirkt. Die Morphologie teilkristalliner P(VDF-TrFE)-Beschichtungen wurde in dieser Arbeit in Abhängigkeit der Beschichtungsmethode, des Lösungsmittels, der Schichtdicke und der Wärmebehandlung mithilfe von Röntgenweitwinkelstreuung, Röntgenreflektometrie und Infrarot-Reflexions-Absorptions-Spektroskopie untersucht. Mit Hilfe von Rasterkraftmikroskopie- und Kontaktwinkel-Messungen wurden die resultierende Topographie und Rauheit der Schichten überprüft. Auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse dieser Messungen kann die dominierende edge-on Orientierung der P(VDF-TrFE)-Polymerketten entweder mit einem transkristallin-artigen Mechanismus oder Konfinement-Effekten erklärt werden. An den P(VDF-TrFE)-Dünnschichten wurde eine Vielzahl von Vereisungsexperimenten mit aufliegenden Wassertropfen durchgeführt, um den Einfluss der verschiedenen Schichtparameter wie Polarisierungsrichtung, Schichtdicke, verwendetes Lösungsmittel, Beschichtungstechnologie, Substrat und Wärmebehandlung auf die erreichbare Gefrierverzögerung unabhängig voneinander zu ermitteln. Die Rauheit der Schichten sowie substratspezifische Entnetzungserscheinungen veränderten hierbei signifikant die Verteilung der Gefriertemperaturen von Wassertropfen in Kontakt mit den P(VDF-TrFE)-Dünnschichten. Im Gegensatz dazu wurde kein signifikanter Einfluss der Dicke, Morphologie oder des pyroelektrischen Effekts auf die erreichbare Gefrierverzögerung gefunden. Es kann demnach geschlussfolgert werden, dass die heterogene Eiskeimbildung stärker durch lokale Rauheiten im nm-Bereich beeinflusst wird als durch integrale Eigenschaften wie beispielsweise Oberflächenladungen. Die Eisadhäsion auf P(VDF-TrFE) wird hauptsächlich durch Rauheiten im µm-Bereich, die Umgebungstemperatur und den Ionengehalt der flüssigen Phase bestimmt. Auch hier konnte kein signifikanter Einfluss geladener Oberflächen auf die Haftfestigkeit von Eis ausfindig gemacht werden. Statistische Tests ergaben, dass die Verteilung der Gefriertemperaturen unabhängiger Tropfen auf Oberflächen einem Spezialfall der Extremwertstatistik, der so genannten Gumbel-Verteilung, entspricht. Dies ermöglicht die Definition neuartiger Temperaturkennwerte für die Weiterentwicklung und Prüfung von Anti-Eis-Oberflächen.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Einleitung und Motivation 2. Stand der Forschung 2.1. Pyroelektrika 2.1.1. Der pyroelektrische Effekt 2.1.2. Pyroelektrische Werkstoffe 2.1.3. Stabilität pyroelektrischer Materialien in wässrigen Medien 2.1.4. PVDF und P(VDF-TrFE) 2.2. Elektrochemische Doppelschicht 2.2.1. Aufbau und Modelle 2.2.2. Ursachen für Ladungen an Grenzflächen 2.2.3. Isoelektrischer Punkt und Ladungsnullpunkt 2.2.4. Orientierung von Wassermolekülen in der EDL 2.3. Vereisung 2.3.1. Wasser und Eis 2.3.2. Anti-Eis Strategien 2.3.3. Gefrierverzögerung 2.3.4. Eisadhäsion 2.4. Pyroelektrika in wässrigen Medien 2.4.1. Charakterisierungsmöglichkeiten 2.4.2. Anwendungsfelder 3. Materialien und Methoden 3.1. Materialien 3.2. Herstellung pyroelektrischer Beschichtungen 3.3. Schichtcharakterisierung 3.4. Vereisungsneigung 3.5. Statistische Methoden 4. Ergebnisse 4.1. Charakterisierung der P(VDF-TrFE) Beschichtungen 4.1.1. Schichtdicke (Ellipsometrie) und mechanische Eigenschaften 4.1.2. Morphologie (DSC, GIWAXS, XRR, IRRAS) 4.1.3. Elektrische Eigenschaften 4.1.4. Topographie (AFM und Kontaktwinkel) 4.2. Vereisungsneigung von P(VDF-TrFE) 4.2.1. Gefrierverzögerung 4.2.2. Eisadhäsion 4.3. Vergleichsmessungen auf poliertem Aluminium 4.3.1. Kontaktwinkel 4.3.2. Gefrierverzögerung 4.3.3. Eisadhäsion 5. Diskussion 5.1. Schichtherstellung, -charakterisierung und -eignung 5.1.1. Schichtdicke 5.1.2. Eignung der Charakterisierungsmethoden 5.1.3. Vergleich von Dip- und Spin-Coating 5.1.4. Eignung von P(VDF-TrFE) für Anti-Eis-Beschichtungen 5.2. Anti-Eis-Eigenschaften 5.2.1. Erreichbare Gefrierverzögerung 5.2.2. Eisadhäsion 6. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Literaturverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Symbol- und Abkürzungsverzeichnis Veröffentlichungen Anhang / Active de-icing of technical surfaces, such as for wind turbines and heat exchangers, currently requires the usage of heat or chemicals. Passive coating strategies that either postpone the freezing of covering water droplets or lower the ice adhesion strength would be beneficial in order to save costs and energy. One hypothesis is that pyroelectric active materials can either delay or promote heterogeneous ice nucleation because of the surface charges generated when these materials are subject to a temperature change. Pyroelectric poly-(vinylidene fluoride - co - trifluoroethylene) P(VDF-TrFE) thin films have created interest in their application because of their easy processibility, high flexibility and ferroelectric properties. The industrial application of P(VDF-TrFE) requires an understanding of the deposition process of films and in particular the resulting crystallinity, crystallographic orientation and roughness. In this work it has been proposed that an interface-mediated crystallization process occurs when P(VDF-TrFE) thin films are deposited from a solvent, resulting in a dominantly edge-on orientation caused either by a transcrystallinity mechanism or confinement effect. The morphology of the semi-crystalline thin film was studied as a function of the deposition method, solvent, film thickness and annealing temperature by grazing incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering, X-ray reflectometry and infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy. Atomic force microscopy measurements were used to examine the resulting topography and contact angle measurements to additionally verify the low roughness of the coatings. Freezing experiments with water droplets subjected to a cooling rate of 1K/min were made on P(VDF-TrFE) coatings in order to separate the effect of the different film parameters such as the poling direction, film thickness, used solvent, deposition process, underlying substrate and annealing temperature on the achievable supercooling. The topography and substrate-specific dewetting effects significantly changed the distribution of freezing temperatures of water droplets in contact with the P(VDF-TrFE) thin films. In contrast, no significant effect of the thickness, morphology or pyroelectric effect of the as-prepared domain-state on the freezing temperatures was found. Statistical tests revealed that the distribution of freezing temperatures of individual droplets deposited on surfaces match a special case of extreme-value statistics, the so-called Gumbel-distribution. This allows for the definition of novel parameters for the development and testing of anti-icing surfaces. The adhesion strength of ice to P(VDF-TrFE) is mainly determined by the topography, temperature and ion-content of the liquid phase. In contrast, surface charges do not significantly influence the ice adhesion strength.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Einleitung und Motivation 2. Stand der Forschung 2.1. Pyroelektrika 2.1.1. Der pyroelektrische Effekt 2.1.2. Pyroelektrische Werkstoffe 2.1.3. Stabilität pyroelektrischer Materialien in wässrigen Medien 2.1.4. PVDF und P(VDF-TrFE) 2.2. Elektrochemische Doppelschicht 2.2.1. Aufbau und Modelle 2.2.2. Ursachen für Ladungen an Grenzflächen 2.2.3. Isoelektrischer Punkt und Ladungsnullpunkt 2.2.4. Orientierung von Wassermolekülen in der EDL 2.3. Vereisung 2.3.1. Wasser und Eis 2.3.2. Anti-Eis Strategien 2.3.3. Gefrierverzögerung 2.3.4. Eisadhäsion 2.4. Pyroelektrika in wässrigen Medien 2.4.1. Charakterisierungsmöglichkeiten 2.4.2. Anwendungsfelder 3. Materialien und Methoden 3.1. Materialien 3.2. Herstellung pyroelektrischer Beschichtungen 3.3. Schichtcharakterisierung 3.4. Vereisungsneigung 3.5. Statistische Methoden 4. Ergebnisse 4.1. Charakterisierung der P(VDF-TrFE) Beschichtungen 4.1.1. Schichtdicke (Ellipsometrie) und mechanische Eigenschaften 4.1.2. Morphologie (DSC, GIWAXS, XRR, IRRAS) 4.1.3. Elektrische Eigenschaften 4.1.4. Topographie (AFM und Kontaktwinkel) 4.2. Vereisungsneigung von P(VDF-TrFE) 4.2.1. Gefrierverzögerung 4.2.2. Eisadhäsion 4.3. Vergleichsmessungen auf poliertem Aluminium 4.3.1. Kontaktwinkel 4.3.2. Gefrierverzögerung 4.3.3. Eisadhäsion 5. Diskussion 5.1. Schichtherstellung, -charakterisierung und -eignung 5.1.1. Schichtdicke 5.1.2. Eignung der Charakterisierungsmethoden 5.1.3. Vergleich von Dip- und Spin-Coating 5.1.4. Eignung von P(VDF-TrFE) für Anti-Eis-Beschichtungen 5.2. Anti-Eis-Eigenschaften 5.2.1. Erreichbare Gefrierverzögerung 5.2.2. Eisadhäsion 6. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Literaturverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Symbol- und Abkürzungsverzeichnis Veröffentlichungen Anhang

Možnosti hodnocení trvanlivosti povrchové vrstvy betonu stavebních konstrukcí / Possibilities of evaluation durability of the surface layer of concrete structures

Blažek, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on possibilities of durability evaluation of surface layer of concrete structures. The durability of concrete surface layer usually determines the durability of the structure as a unit. It has to be determined in what environment the structure is situated and what influences it has to face, to set the durability of the structure. There is a several normative prescription to set the resistance of the structure. There is formulated a summary of the most widely used and known prescriptions in the theoretical part of the thesis. It is a lot of effort to estimate the durability of the concrete by estimation of permeability of the concrete surface layer recently. Thus these methods are also formulated in the summary and there are compared the individual outputs of the tests. The permeability and pore structures of the concrete surface layer are crucial parameters for the durability of concrete structure. These parameters influence the construction properties of the concrete as well, thus the thesis is focused on relationship of the pore structure and the strength in press of the concrete.

Nosná ocelová konstrukce rozhledny / Steel Structure of Observation Tower

Virág, Patrik January 2016 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is design and structural analysis of loadbearing steel structure of observation tower, which is located southeast of Černá Hora, township Blansko. The design is processed in two options. Parts of the thesis are engineering report, structural design report for both of the options and graphical documentation in specified range. The structure’s height is 25.3 m and maximal ground plan dimension is 6 x 6 m. Steel grade S355 was chosen as main material. The sub-objectives of the structural analysis are load effects calculations (permanent load, imposed load and climatic load), entering of loads to the calculation model and calculation of internal forces and deformations. An assessment of the supporting elements and selected joints is also included. There are dynamic design features considered in the calculation. All calculations were performed in accordance with valid ČSN EN standards.

Pyroelectric Materials in Liquid Environment and their Application for the Delay of Ice Formation

Goldberg, Phil 18 March 2021 (has links)
Icing on materials surface causes operational failures as well as technical and safety issues. Furthermore, it reduces the energy efficiency of the power supply and passenger/freight transportation systems. Conventional active deicing methods are widely used to remove ice, but are often associated with uneconomically high energy consumption and high maintenance costs, often not being aware of their environmental impact. Instead, passive anti-icing methods are being sought to prevent or delay ice formation by means of physico-chemical surface treatment. Pyroelectric materials can be used as possible anti-icing surfaces after their ability to inhibit ice nucleation has been experimentally demonstrated. This makes use of the effect of the pyroelectrically induced surface charge, which changes with the ambient temperature and thus, hypothetically, exerts an influence on the dipole orientation of the water molecules at the surface. This is expected to affect the hydrogen bonding network of the interfacial water in the supercooled liquid phase, depending on the sign of surface charge. However, the Classical Nucleation Theory predicts an increased nucleation rate with increasing electric field strength of the pyroelectric surface charge irrespective of its polarity, as confirmed by many experiments. This raises the question of what exactly influences the ice nucleation. The main purpose of this thesis is to find a relationship between the pyroelectricity and the ice nucleation rate. Various theoretical and experimental investigation methods have been used to examine which of the possible influencing factors related to the pyroelectric material surface plays a major role in promoting or inhibiting ice nucleation.:Contents Abstract i List of figures xi List of tables xv 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Objective and Tasks 4 1.3 Structure of the thesis 6 2 Basics 7 2.1 Pyroelectric materials 7 2.1.1 Fundamental properties 7 2.1.2 Lithium niobate, LiNbO3 14 2.2 Ice nucleation and water freezing 21 2.2.1 Thermodynamics of ice nucleation 21 2.2.2 Factors influencing ice nucleation 26 3 Materials and Methods 29 3.1 Sample materials used for the investigation 29 3.2 Theoretical methods 31 3.2.1 Theoretical background of computational quantum mechanical modeling 31 3.2.2 LiNbO3 model system 38 3.2.3 DFT implementation in CP2K 41 3.3 Experimental methods 42 3.3.1 Optical and vibrational spectroscopy 43 3.3.2 X-ray spectroscopy 47 3.3.3 Atomic force microscopy 48 3.3.4 Environmental scanning electron spectroscopy 51 3.3.5 Pyroelectric measurement 52 3.3.6 Contact angle measurement 53 3.3.7 Icing temperature measurement 54 3.4 Tabular overview of the different methods 57 ix4 Results and Discussion 59 4.1 Results 59 4.1.1 Several results of DFT calculations 59 4.1.2 MD simulations of interfacial water 75 4.1.3 Results of optical and vibrational spectroscopy 80 4.1.4 X-ray spectroscopy on LiNbO3 surfaces 96 4.1.5 Extended treatment of the Classical Nucleation Theory 100 4.1.6 Results of atomic force microscopy 108 4.1.7 ESEM images of ice crystals grown on LiNbO3 116 4.1.8 Results of pyroelectric measurements 122 4.1.9 Results of contact angle measurements 124 4.1.10 Results of icing temperature measurements 126 4.2 Discussion 135 4.2.1 Surface charge 135 4.2.2 Surface structure 144 4.2.3 Surface reactivity 149 4.3 Conclusion of the findings and remarks 151 5 Summary and Outlook 157 5.1 Conclusion of the thesis 157 5.2 Recommendations for further investigations 161 5.3 Outlook 164 Appendix 167 A.1 Additional information to the DFT calculations 167 A.2 Background spectrum for ATR spectroscopy 175 A.3 Additional information to SFG/SHG spectroscopy 176 A.4 Additional information to the XPS results 181 A.5 Additional information to the AFM measurement 182 A.6 ESEM images of ice accretion in the sample system 187 A.7 FEM simulation of local temperature and flow velocity distribution 190 A.8 Additional information to the icing temperature measurement 203 A.9 Temperature-dependent pH variation of water at LiNbO3 surface 207 List of abbreviations and symbols 213 References 217 Publications 276 Acknowledgements 277 Erklärung 281 / Vereisung auf Werkstoffoberflächen führt einerseits zu Betriebsausfällen und andererseits zur Reduzierung der Energieeffizienz von Energieversorgungs- sowie Personen- und Gütertransportsystemen. Sie stellt nicht selten ein sicherheitstechnisches und gesundheitliches Risiko dar. Da die konventionellen aktiven Enteisungsmethoden mit hohem Energieaufwand und hohen Wartungskosten verbunden sind, wird nach passiven Anti-icing-Methoden als vorbeugende Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung/Verzögerung von Eisbildung auf physikalisch-chemisch behandelten Oberflächen gesucht. Der Einsatz dieser Werkstoffoberflächen senkt nicht nur den Energieverbrauch, sondern soll auch die Umwelt schonen. Pyroelektrische Materialien kommen als passive Anti-icing-Oberflächen in Frage, nachdem ihre eiskeimbildungshemmende Fähigkeit experimentell nachgewiesen wurde. Dabei wird der Effekt der pyroelektrisch induzierten Oberflächenladung ausgenutzt, die sich mit der Umgebungstemperatur ändert und somit, hypothetisch gesehen, einen Einfluss auf die Dipolorientierung der Wassermoleküle an der Oberfläche ausübt. Das hat je nach Vorzeichen der Oberflächenladung Auswirkungen auf das Wassermolekülbindungsnetzwerk des Grenzflächenwassers in der unterkühlten flüssigen Phase. Da die klassische Keimbildungstheorie jedoch eine erhöhte Keimbildungswahrscheinlichkeit mit zunehmender Stärke des elektrischen Feldes der pyroelektrischen Oberflächenladung unabhängig von ihrem Vorzeichen voraussagt, wie es ebenfalls in vielen Experimenten nachgewiesen wurde, stellt sich die Frage, was genau die Eiskeimbildung beeinflusst. Das Hauptanliegen dieser Arbeit ist, einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Pyroelektrizität der Oberfläche und der Eiskeimbildungsrate zu finden. Mithilfe einer Vielzahl von verschiedenen theoretischen und experimentellen Methoden wird untersucht, welcher der möglichen Einflussfaktoren im Zusammenhang mit der pyroelektrischen Materialoberfläche eine große Rolle bei der Eiskeimbildung spielt.:Contents Abstract i List of figures xi List of tables xv 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Objective and Tasks 4 1.3 Structure of the thesis 6 2 Basics 7 2.1 Pyroelectric materials 7 2.1.1 Fundamental properties 7 2.1.2 Lithium niobate, LiNbO3 14 2.2 Ice nucleation and water freezing 21 2.2.1 Thermodynamics of ice nucleation 21 2.2.2 Factors influencing ice nucleation 26 3 Materials and Methods 29 3.1 Sample materials used for the investigation 29 3.2 Theoretical methods 31 3.2.1 Theoretical background of computational quantum mechanical modeling 31 3.2.2 LiNbO3 model system 38 3.2.3 DFT implementation in CP2K 41 3.3 Experimental methods 42 3.3.1 Optical and vibrational spectroscopy 43 3.3.2 X-ray spectroscopy 47 3.3.3 Atomic force microscopy 48 3.3.4 Environmental scanning electron spectroscopy 51 3.3.5 Pyroelectric measurement 52 3.3.6 Contact angle measurement 53 3.3.7 Icing temperature measurement 54 3.4 Tabular overview of the different methods 57 ix4 Results and Discussion 59 4.1 Results 59 4.1.1 Several results of DFT calculations 59 4.1.2 MD simulations of interfacial water 75 4.1.3 Results of optical and vibrational spectroscopy 80 4.1.4 X-ray spectroscopy on LiNbO3 surfaces 96 4.1.5 Extended treatment of the Classical Nucleation Theory 100 4.1.6 Results of atomic force microscopy 108 4.1.7 ESEM images of ice crystals grown on LiNbO3 116 4.1.8 Results of pyroelectric measurements 122 4.1.9 Results of contact angle measurements 124 4.1.10 Results of icing temperature measurements 126 4.2 Discussion 135 4.2.1 Surface charge 135 4.2.2 Surface structure 144 4.2.3 Surface reactivity 149 4.3 Conclusion of the findings and remarks 151 5 Summary and Outlook 157 5.1 Conclusion of the thesis 157 5.2 Recommendations for further investigations 161 5.3 Outlook 164 Appendix 167 A.1 Additional information to the DFT calculations 167 A.2 Background spectrum for ATR spectroscopy 175 A.3 Additional information to SFG/SHG spectroscopy 176 A.4 Additional information to the XPS results 181 A.5 Additional information to the AFM measurement 182 A.6 ESEM images of ice accretion in the sample system 187 A.7 FEM simulation of local temperature and flow velocity distribution 190 A.8 Additional information to the icing temperature measurement 203 A.9 Temperature-dependent pH variation of water at LiNbO3 surface 207 List of abbreviations and symbols 213 References 217 Publications 276 Acknowledgements 277 Erklärung 281

New insight into icing and de-icing properties of hydrophobic and hydrophilic structured surfaces based on core–shell particles

Chanda, Jagannath, Ionov, Leonid, Kirillovaab, Alina, Synytska, Alla 09 December 2019 (has links)
Icing is an important problem, which often leads to emergency situations in northern countries. The reduction of icing requires a detailed understanding of this process. In this work, we report on a systematic investigation of the effects of geometry and chemical properties of surfaces on the formation of an ice layer, its properties, and thawing. We compare in detail icing and ice thawing on flat and rough hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces. We also show advantages and disadvantages of the surfaces of each kind. We demonstrate that water condenses in a liquid form, leading to the formation of a thin continuous water layer on a hydrophilic surface. Meanwhile, separated rounded water droplets are formed on hydrophobic surfaces. As a result of slower heat exchange, the freezing of rounded water droplets on a hydrophobic surface occurs later than the freezing of the continuous water layer on a hydrophilic one. Moreover, growth of ice on hydrophobic surfaces is slower than on the hydrophilic ones, because ice grows due to the condensation of water vapor on already formed ice crystals, and not due to the condensation on the polymer surface. Rough hydrophobic surfaces also demonstrate a very low ice adhesion value, which is because of the reduced contact area with ice. The main disadvantage of hydrophobic and superhydrophobic surfaces is the pinning of water droplets on them after thawing. Flat hydrophilic poly(ethylene glycol)-modified surfaces also exhibit very low ice adhesion, which is due to the very low freezing point of the water–poly(ethylene glycol) mixtures. Water easily leaves from flat hydrophilic poly(ethylene glycol)-modified surfaces, and they quickly become dry. However, the ice growth rate on poly(ethylene glycol)-modified hydrophilic surfaces is the highest. These results indicate that neither purely (super)hydrophobic polymeric surfaces, nor ‘‘antifreeze’’ hydrophilic ones provide an ideal solution to the problem of icing.

The effect on noise emission from wind turbines due to ice accretion on rotor blades

Arbinge, Peter January 2012 (has links)
Swedish EPA (Naturvårdsverket) noise level guide-lines suggest that equivalent A-weighted sound pressure levels (SPL) must not exceed 40 dBA at residents. Thus, in the planning of new wind farms and their location it is crucial to estimate the disturbance it may cause to nearby residents. Wind turbine noise emission levels are guaranteed by the wind turbine manufacturer only under ice-free conditions. Thus, ice accretion on wind turbine may lead to increased wind turbine noise resulting in noise levels at nearby residents to exceed 40 dBA SPL. The purpose of the project is to evaluate the effect on wind turbine noise emission due to ice accretion. This, by trying to quantify the ice accretion on rotor blades and correlate it to any change in noise emission. A literature study shows that the rotor blades are to be considered the primary noise source. Hence, ice accretion on rotor blades are assumed to be the main influence on noise character. A field study is performed in two parts; as a long term measurement based on the method out-lined by IEC 61400-11 and as a short term measurement in strict accordance with IEC 61400-11. These aim to obtain noise emission levels for the case of icing conditions and ice-free conditions (reference conditions) as well as background noise levels. An analysis is performed, which sets out to correlate ice measurements with wind turbine performance and noise emission. Data reduction procedures are performed according to IEC 61400-11.The apparent sound power levels are evaluated. This is performed for the case of icing conditions as well as for the case of ice-free onditions. A statistical evaluation of icing event is carried out. The results show that ice accretion on wind turbine (rotor blades) may lead to drastically higher noise emission levels. The sound power levels show an average increase of 10.6 dB at 8 m/s. However, this can occur at all wind speeds from 6 m/s to 10 m/s. Higher levels of noise, (55 to 65 dBA SPL) may be caused by very small amounts of ice accretion. Occurrences of higher levels of noise, in the range of 50 to 65 dBA SPL, are not common. Noise levels exceeding 50 dBA SPL are to expected 10.3 % of the time during the winter or 3 % of the time during one year. Correlation between measured ice accumulation and noise level is weak apart from large amounts of ice. This due to statistical noise. Taking into account the noise level guide-lines of 40 dBA SPL at residents, as is recommended by Swedish EPA (Naturvårdsverket), the increased levels of windturbine noise under icing conditions may force the power production to a halt.

De-icing and ice prevention of automotive headlamps and tail lamps : - An investigation of techniques and development of a test method / Avisning och isförebyggande åtgärder för huvudstrålkastare och baklyktor : - En undersökning av tekniker och utveckling av en testmetod

Jansson, Anders January 2014 (has links)
The work aims to study different methods suitable for de-icing and ice prevention of vehicle headlamps and tail lamps, especially LED-lights. Furthermore, the work aims to investigate the scale of the problem with insufficient or lack of de-icing on automotive lamps depending on the region and the environment the vehicle operates in. The problem with insufficient de-icing in automotive lamps was investigated by observations, tests of various lamps and a driver survey. Deicing methods were identified through a litera-ture review. The methods were studied in detail, and some were also evaluated by tests. The tests were narrowed down to temperature measurements and de-icing measurements. The latter were performed using a test method especially developed for the task. The collected data was used to evaluate whether actions are needed to be taken and to form recommen-dations for future developments. The number one priority should be to improve the tail lamps de-icing ability. Headlamps can also be improved but there is no imminent need. Insufficient de-icing of headlamps and tail lamps can potentially be a problem in all areas subjected to cold winter climate. Tail lamps should be fitted with electrical heating in order to improve the de-icing ability. They should be positioned so that snow and ice does not stack on top of them. The de-icing time of tail lamps should be less than 10 min. Truck drivers needs to be better in scraping their headlamps and tail lamps. The time needed for de-icing Scania’s H7 headlamps is 20 min for halogen version and 35 min for xenon version at -18 °C. This should be compared to the BMW LED-headlamp which needs 65 min to complete de-icing. LED-headlamps are probably limited to a de-icing time of approximately 60 min unless additional heat is added to the headlamp lens. The fastest and most efficient way to de-ice the headlamps is to use hot washer fluid. Electrically heated lenses are also effective but the de-icing process is slower. The proposed test method is a simple and effective way to compare and evaluate headlamps and tail lamps without knowing internal airflows and light sources. The way the ice layer is created on the device under test is unique to this method. The created ice layer is extremely uniform and the results are easy to evaluate. / Sammanfattning Arbetets syfte är att undersöka olika avisningsmetoder och isförebyggande åtgärder för hu-vudstrålkastare och baklyktor, speciellt LED-lampor. Ytterligare syfte är att undersöka hur stort problemet med otillräcklig avisning är beroende på vilken region och miljö som fordonen körs i. Problemet med otillräcklig avisning av fordonsbelysning har undersökts genom observatio-ner, en förarenkät samt genom tester av olika strålkastare och baklyktor. Avisningsmetoder har identifierats genom en litteraturstudie. Metoderna har studerats i detalj och några har även utvärderats genom tester. Testerna har utförts enligt en för uppgiften framtagen testme-tod. De insamlade uppgifterna har sedan används för att utvärdera om åtgärder behöver vid-tas och för att ge rekommendationer för framtida utvecklingsprojekt. Första prioritet bör vara att förbättra baklyktornas avisningsförmåga. Huvudstrålkastarna kan även de förbättras men det föreligger inte i dagsläget något akut behov av det. Otillräcklig avisning av huvudstrålkastare och bakljus kan potentiellt vara ett problem i alla miljöer med ett kallt vinterklimat. Baklyktorna bör utrustas med en eluppvärmd lins för att förbättra avis-ningen. Lamporna bör placeras på ett sådant sätt att snö och is inte kan ansamlas ovanpå dem. Avisningstiden för en baklykta bör inte överstiga 10 min. Lastbilschaufförerna behöver bli bättre på skrapa av is och snö från huvudstrålkastare och baklyktor. Avisningstiden för Scanias H7 huvudstrålkastare är 20 min för halogen versionen och 35 min för xenon versionen vid -18 °C. Detta kan jämföras med att BMW:s LED-huvudstrålkastare behöver 65 min för att avisas. LED-huvudstrålkastare är troligtvis begränsade till en avis-ningstid kring 60 min om inte någon extra värme tillförs. Den snabbaste metoden för att avisa en huvudstrålkastare är att använda varm spolarvätska men elektrotermisk avisning kan också vara mycket effektivt. Den föreslagna testmetoden är ett enkelt sätt att jämföra och utvärdera olika huvudstrålkastare och baklyktor. Det som är unikt med testmetoden är hur isskiktet på lamporna bildas. Isskiktet som skapas är extremt jämt och lätt att utvärdera.

Porovnání zkušebních metod pro stanovení mrazuvzdornosti betonu / The comparison of testing methods using for determining the frost resistance of concrete

Kněbort, David January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of evaluating the degradation of mechanical resistance of non-air-entrained concrete in the structure by frost cycles. The first part is focused on concrete, its resistance and test methods. This is followed by the definition of frost resistance, the effects of freeze-thaw on concrete at all stages of its service life and the possibilities of determining freeze-thaw resistance according to current standards. It describes in more detail selected test methods for determining frost resistance. In the practical part, it focuses on the determination of degradation resistance of test specimens made in molds and taken from the structure using reference and non-reference methods. In conclusion, it compares the different test methods and their suitability for the determination of freeze-thaw resistance.


Oliver, Michael James 19 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Testing of a new Ice Presence and State Sensor on Above Deck Structure of a Bridge

Byanjankar, Manil, Byanjankar January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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