Spelling suggestions: "subject:"identitaire"" "subject:"identitaires""
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Životní strategie úspěšných žen s dětmi ve vztahu k osobnímu a profesnímu životu / Strategies of successful women with children and careerHorká, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
My diploma thesis is focused on a qualitative research on relationship between personal and work life and the life strategies of successful women with children. The objective of this paper is to find out what is the actual life stage and the ideal stage of the women's life they strive to achieve. There will be a particular focus taken on a context of their professional career and the space that has been created between their family and personal live. Therefore, it will be about their identity strategies and how do they practice it in combination of both of their life spheres. The research is conducted by narrative- biographical interviews that are completed by a Life axis method that works well as a guide for managing the interviews, the topics of the main interest of women in particular. All research findings are confronted by professional literature. Keywords: Work/life balance, strategies for combining work and family, gender identity of women, family and labour negotiations. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Příchod a usazování Čechů v oblasti ukrajinské Volyně 1863-1880 / Arrival and Setting of the Czechs in the Area of Ukrainian Volhynia 1863 - 1880Jirka, Luděk January 2013 (has links)
This work is dealing with arrival and settlement of the Czech in Volhynia. It considers to analyse about Czech from czech countries and their arrival to Volhynia, about their settlement in this area. Theories of migrations a theories of ethnicity and identity will be also used. Aim of this work will be specification of reasons about Czech departure and their analysis of their settlement in Volhynia. From this resulted question about changes of socio-economic position in Czech and in Volhynia, which will be investigated with comparation to ukrainian majority. Author will come out from the press, especially from Národní listy, Čechoslovan and Věrná stráž, and so on from archive fonds of Národní archiv in Prague (Svaz Čechů z Volyně, Žatec 1946-1958, Československý ústav zahraniční 1928-1941) and from chronicles writed by volhynian Czechs.
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Analýza image značky PiM`s / Image analysis of the brand PiM`sVemeová, Daniela January 2010 (has links)
PiM's is young brand on the market, that is interesting by its courageous modern strategy. Main aim of my master thesis is reveal perception of the brand PiM's by consumers and compare it with its identity. Thesis is devided to theoretical and practical part. In theoretical part I defined term brand and its basic characterictics. Also I defined PiM's history and brand identity. In methodological part I chose and defined methods suited for analysis of the image. In practical part I applied methods as analysis of secondary data and survey by on-line questionaire. On these basis, I enlisted important information about image of the brand PiM's. By comparison of identity and image I reach the whole analysis of the image and I gave recommendations, how to built image successfully in the future.
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Strategie akulturace a vyjednávání identity u jedinců s migrační zkušeností / Acculturation strategies and negotiation of identity in individuals with migration experienceHolčáková, Martina January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the acculturation strategies which are used by young adults belonging to Vietnamese ethnic minority in long-term contact with majority. The main goal of the study is to analyze negotiation of identity in young adults from families with migration experience. The research question is how they reflect own previous and recent experiences and I strive to understand what meaning it has for them. In the theoretical part, I introduced the basic concepts and theories of acculturation psychology, acculturation strategies, development of identity, ethnic identity, context of ethnic communities, etc. Furthermore I deal with a number of significant links which have influence to formation of identity, for example family background, attitudes towards their own culture, possibilities for cultural transmission, language skills, context of majority. Thanks to autobiographical narratives we can see the way of daily negotiation of the identity at the young adult ethnic Vietnamese. By using the biographical design method, we will look at the strategies of acculturation, the view of actors and the subjective meanings of moments in their lives. The main research method is biographical narrative interviews with the participants. KEYWORDS acculturation, acculturation strategy, identity, ethnic...
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Corporate design fakult VŠEHasić, Benjamin January 2007 (has links)
Cílem této práce je analýza a návrh zlepšení vizuálního stylu fakult Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze. Vizuální styl fakult VŠE vychází ze základního kamene, kterým je nové logo vysoké školy. Je důleţité zmínit, že nové logo Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze a jeho aplikace, jsou popsány v přidružené diplomové práci, která s touto tvoří nedělitelný celek. Pouze s přihlédnutím k oběma pracím, je možné získat celý obraz o zvažované změně corporate identity VŠE a jejich fakult. Odvozeným cílem je vypracování corporate design manuálu. Byly uvaţovány nároky, které jsou v současné době kladeny na komunikaci firem, především pak na tu vizuální. Tyto nároky jsou popsány v teoretické části, ve které je také definováno postavení corporate designu v rámci obecného komunikačního mixu. V praktické části práce je vypracován corporate design manuál, který obsahuje aplikace nového vizuálního stylu. Ke změně vizuálního stylu fakult VŠE bylo přistupováno jako ke změně vizuálního stylu komerční organizace. Tato diplomová práce obsahuje řadu rozšíření, která v současném grafickém manuálu fakult VŠE chybí. Zahrnuje například tvorbu jednotného orientačního systému nebo doporučení pro webové stránky.
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Kultura v krizi aneb kulturní transformace? / A Culture in Crisis or Cultural Transformation?Mikhailiv, Olga January 2015 (has links)
This thesis will attempt to answer the question: A Culture in Crisis or Cultural Transformation? - The Case of Lviv?s Cultural Actors. The intention of this work is to critically assess the state of culture in Ukraine and to determine who are the real actors impacting cultural development in the country. The present study provides a brief overview of cultural legislation from independence to present-day as well as identifies the private and civil actors engaged in cultural activities in the country. Finally, in the framework of a case study, the thesis examines cultural development at the local level by taking the city of Lviv as an example.
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Gender, identita a sexualita v japonském anime / Gender, Identity and Sexuality in Japanese AnimeHoffová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
This postgraduate thesis called "Gender, Identity and Sexuality in Japanese Anime", will be dealing with the depiction and grasping of the meaning of gender, sexuality and identity and the overcoming of their traditional borderlines in Japanese anime. The meaning of the word "gender" in this thesis, is primarily referring to it's original meaning, typically used with reference to social and cultural arrangements of gender roles rather than biological differences between sexes, which is how the word "gender" is often misused. This thesis will primarily be an in-depth research of the diverse interpretation of gender, sexuality and identity in Japanese animated film from an anthropological point of view, incorporating history, tradition and social development in Japan, ranging from its very first mythological beginnings up to present day. Japanese animated film is characterized by its broad range of genres and it's diversity, which is derived not only from the richness of its own unique culture and way of thinking, but also by adopting western concepts, which are then moulded together and joined in a new original form. This manner of adopting certain aspects from other cultures and their uniting with Japanese tradition and culture created a rich fertile ground for growth of new concepts of gender, sexuality and identity. It is also thanks to this aspect, that Japanese anime has obtained a huge enthusiastic and devoted fan base all around the world. The aim of this thesis is to illuminate the background of the emergence of different concepts of gender, sexuality and identity in Japanese anime and to point out these aspects in individual film and series productions, which best depict these different concepts.
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Identita, hranice a přeshraniční spolupráce Rakousko - SlovinskoBatelková, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on two thematic units. The first on is analysis of cross-border cooperation between Austria and Slovenia. The aim of this part is to find out the forms of cooperation between the states, its advantages or disadvantages. Analysis method of realized cross-border programs and regarding current situation has been used. The second unit is focused on analysis of cross-border part citizen´s identity which is seen as specific region. Goal of this part is to find out the impacts of meeting and melting two different nations in one area but also how is the relation of these neighbour nations who are sharing one border. The implementation of research has been made by qualitative and quantitative research: participant observation, guided interview and questionnaire. The combination of these methods achieved results that could be applied to the borderland region.
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Digitální prostor z perspektivy postkolonialismu / Digital space from a postcolonial perspectiveKnapp, Dalibor January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis analyses digital space from a postcolonial perspective. It starts with defining the postcolonial perspective itself - its interests, historical context, sources and the methods it uses. Then it examines the concept of colonialism, colonial thought construction, ideas and accompanying phenomena and their application in the coloniser/colonised relation in the colonial systems. The next part presents digital space as the space of social structures, cathegorises its habitants and describes their characteristics. The author then explores, compares and analyses processes that are natural to colonialism in digital space, specifically in relation between the digital north and south, at the level of the digital identity and in the process of labour in digital space.
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Socializační potenciál dramatické výchovy při práci s romskou minoritou / Socialization Potential of Drama Education in Working with Roma MinorityGažáková, Eva January 2017 (has links)
The doctoral dissertation presents socialization potential of drama education and the possibilities for its use when working with the Roma minority in the Czech republic. First, the theoretical framework is set by defining the terms individual identity, ethnical identity, socialization, paratheatrical systems. After that the discipline drama is presented and an explanation is given as to how socialization potential is anchored in the discipline through its goal, content and methods
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