Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ikonographie""
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Mincovnictví období římské tetrarchie 284 - 312 n. l.: Organizace, Nominály, Ikonografie / Coinage of Roman Tetrarchy 284-312 A.D.: Organization, Nominals, IconographyLužický, David January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the period, which was not fully researched until now by the czech numismatists. It is a unique numismatic work fully dedicated to the tetrarchic period in czech language. Its center of gravity lies in the detailed study of the production of coins and iconography, both before the reform, in 294, and afterwards. It is also given a description of previous period of the end of the third century AD to facilitate the understanding of monetary developments and policies of the tetrarchic period. The study of the numismatic material and literature allow to deliver new opinions concerning the disintegration of tetrarchic system and of the monetary reforms from the end of the third century AD. It is discussed the problematic of using marks on coins, which are usually interpreted as an indication of nominal value. The work includes a detailed study of 1,752 gold coins of the second half of the 3rd century, which helps to clarify the vague classification of gold coins and their standards. Attached is a catalog of the Roman imperial coins from AD 284-337, which are deposited in the Charles University collection of ancient. These coins have not been published until now. Key words: Tetrarchy, Diocletian, Constantinus, nummus, monetary refroms, coinage, marks of value, XXI, Heraclea, golden...
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Možnosti využití genderové analýzy při interpretaci tzv. žánrových scén na černo- a červenofigurové keramice / Possibilities and limits of gender analysis for interpretation of the so called genre scenes on the Black and Red Figured vasesKroutilová Jamrichová, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
Black and red figured pottery is a captivating, while also a vast and demanding subject of research. For decades, vases were primarily studied as valuable art objects and scenes depicted on them considered as testimonies of ideas and lives of their creators and users. Many researchers focussed on interpreting the scenes captured on these vessels. When studying works by our research predecessors, it can be noted that their methods and conclusions were often influenced by the socio-cultural context in which they lived and worked. The aim of this thesis is not to create new, surprising interpretations of selected scenes or to point at erroneous interpretations of other researchers. The aim of this work is to draw attention to how contemporary society has influenced researchers and the methods they use and conclusions they draw when interpreting scenes considered for long periods as immutable, final and undisputable. While re-evaluating adopted conclusions I drew on gender studies and gender analysis which require a multidisciplinary approach to research and interpretation of vase paintings. In four subject areas I pointed out to what extent the dichotomies within which we are used to think and with which we work, i.e. dichotomies of masculine - feminine, public - private, exterior - interior, but also...
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Dílo Fabiána Puléře / The Work of Fabián PuléřSvitáková, Kristina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with Fabian Puléř, an illuminator who lived in the 2nd half of 16th century in Prague, and about his workshop in the Old Town. The main theme is the graduals and their fragments, which were made in his shop or are believed to be made there (the Metropolitan St. Vitus Temple Gradual, the Gradual of Čáslav, the Gradual of Žlutice, three illuminations from the collection of National Gallery in Prague, the two-part St. Valentine's Gradual from the Old Town, the fragments of Kaňkovský Gradual, the Gradual of Louny owned by Jan Táborský of Klokotská Hora, the Gradual of Český Brod), their description and cataloguization. Apart of critically rewieving the literation on the subject to this day, my thesis follows the life of Fabian Puléř regarding archival sources and also influences and impulses behind his work. It also contains crucial chapter about iconography of utraqistic musical manuscripts and about the litterateur brotherhoods, who ordered these hymnic books.
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Images of eternity in 3D: the visualization of ancient Egyptian coffins through photogrammetryLucarelli, Rita January 2016 (has links)
By using the technique of photogrammetry for the 3D visualization of ancient Egyptian coffins decorated with magical texts and iconography, this project aims at building up a new digital platform for an in-depth study of the ancient Egyptian funerary culture and its media. It has started in August 2015 through the support of a Mellon Fellowship for the Digital Humanities at UC Berkeley and up until now it has focused on ancient Egyptian coffins kept at the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology of UC Berkeley. The main outcome will be a digital platform that allows to display a coffin in 3D and where users will be able to pan, rotate, and zoom in on the coffin, clicking on areas of text to highlight them and view an annotated translation together with other metadata (transcription of the hieroglyphic text, bibliography, textual variants, museological data, provenance, etc.)
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Kamenné sarkofágy v Egyptě ve 3. tisíciletí před Kristem / Stone Sarcophagi in Egypt during the 3rd Millenium BCŠtěpánová, Věra January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the origin and development of stone sarcophagi in the Old Kingdom. Based on documentation of finds and their statistical processing aims to characterize the main diachronic trends in specific social classes of ancient Egyptian society.
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Amenhotep III. - sluneční a královská ideologie / Amenhotep III - solar and royal ideologyBělohoubková, Dana January 2016 (has links)
The reign of Amenhotep III represents one of the most crucial period of the Eighteenth Dynasty. Over the course of this dynasty, royal ideology, as a major means of power of the Egyptian ruler, was constantly being developed and underwent significant alterations. One long lasting debate has focused on the possibility that Amenhotep III was already deified during his lifetime, but up to now no detailed study that would analyse contemporary documents, whether connected to the king himself or related to his officials, has taken place. The aim of this thesis was to find and answer to this question by means of an analysis of written and iconographic sources from both the royal sphere as well as the domain of the officials. The result of this research, based among others on an in-depth study of the names, epithets and iconography of the ruler, indicates that Amenhotep III was already deified during his life and it allows even the definition of his divine characteristics and aspects as a solar god. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Starověký šperk Střední Asie a jeho vztahy ke šperkařskému umění anitického Středomoří / Ancient Jewellery of Central Asia and its relations to the Jewellers' art of Ancient Mediterranean.Belaňová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
Central Asia, crossroads of ancient trade routes known as the Silk Road, absorbed for centuries the pulses of travelling cultural influences and created an environment for the existence of original artistic expression, which can be seen in jewellery making as well. The dissertation thesis deals with analysis of the findings from excavation units and individual pieces of jewellery, in most cases made of gold, which were often largely inspired by the culture of the ancient Mediterranean. The historical - geographic perspective of the work is focused primarily on territory of ancient Bactria and Gandhara - southern part of the former Soviet republics of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, then northern and eastern Afghanistan and northern Pakistan. These areas were in the past centers of military activities and political formations, followed up in many aspects on the Mediterranean traditions. These political formations contributed distinctly to the dissemination and preservation of some elements of ancient cultural heritage in Central Asian architecture, sculpture and other fine arts and crafts. Most jewelry findings come from a fairly turbulent period of the 1st century AD, when the territory of Central Asia saw the progressive formation of Kushan Empire. The main part of the thesis consists of summary of the...
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Kniha jako klenot - Frankoflámské knihy hodinek z pražského Klementina / Book as a Jewel, Fancoflemish Books of Hours from the National Library in PraguePrůšová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
PhDr. Kateřina Průšová Book as a Jewel, Francoflemish Books of Hours from the National Library in Prague Abstract The purpose of this dissertation is to present the first comprehensive catalogue of Franco-Flemish books of hours from the collections of the National Library in Prague (hereafter, NK). Some of the included manuscripts were already published in journals some of them have never been published previously. The core of the catalogue is a formal and stylistic analysis of books of hours, including an attribution to the individual masters and workshops, localization and dating based on a comparison of stylistically related manuscripts. This work is a development from previous my research done on Parisian books of hours [NK Břevnov 297, NK Osek 70 and NK XXIII G 89; Master's thesis and 'rigorous work']. Six books of hours come from the National Library in Prague [NK XXIII H 22, NK Břevnov 296, NK XXIII F 198, NK XXIII G88, NK Osek 65, NK VI D 25] and one manuscript in the collection of the Lobkowicz family at Nelahozeves castle, previously deposited in the Prague National Library [with a shelf- mark VI Fg 67]. The catalogue covers the period of the greatest flowering of Flemish book illumination from the first half of the 15th century to the beginning of the 16th century. The books of hours from the...
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Mince 9. a 10. století v archeologických nálezech z českých zemí a jejich přínos pro počátky našich dějin / Coins of the 9th and 10th centuries in archaeological discoveries from the Czech lands and their contribution to the beginning phase of the Czech historyPolanský, Luboš January 2019 (has links)
Coins of the 9th and 10th centuries in archaeological discoveries from the Czech lands and their contribution to the beginning phase of the Czech history. The dissertation is focused on coins of the 9th and 10th centuries found on the territory of the Czech lands. Their archaeological context and detailed numismatic description bring new data, which can help to complete and precise our knowledge of the early medieval phase of the Czech history. Number of coins dating to the period before production of the first issues in the Czech lands (i.e. the coins of the 9th century and the first half of the 10th century) discovered on the mentioned territory increased. Their chronology is the following: the Old- Bohemian phase, the Old-Moravian phase and the Early Přemyslid phase, which is described in the first chapter of the dissertation - Coin finds before the beginning of the coinage in the territory of the Czech lands. The text brings results pointing to different monetary development of Bohemia and Moravia of that period. The new finds indicate a specific role of Bohemia in relationship with the Bavarian centre of the Frankish Empire. This situation culminates in production of the first coins in the Czech lands during the first half of the 960s. The second chapter of the dissertation - Beginning of the coinage...
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Ikonografie provinění a trestu v řeckém a římském výtvarném umění / The Iconography of Crime and Punishment in Greek and Roman Visual Arts With Special Regard to Female TransgressorsVacinová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
The enemies are at the gates. Being dazzled by their golden jewels - or perhaps fascinated by their handsome leader - a girl makes a pact with them and betrays her city and her own kin. However, instead of the promised reward, she is killed by her beneficiary. In a particular variant of this story, the girl's name is Tarpeia and the city is Rome, the agreed reward are golden bracelets of the hostile Sabines and the murder weapons are their shields being worn - surprise! - on their left arms together with the jewels. The rendering of this scene in the Roman visual arts is of the primary interest of this thesis. As a particular event linked tightly to the legendary history of Rome, the Punishment of Tarpeia is generally believed to lack any closer iconographic parallels in the Etruscan and Greek arts; sometimes it is even supposed that the traitress is portrayed as a kind of heroic figure, not a negative one. Having analysed the surviving scenes of the Punishment of Tarpeia, I put that opinion into question suggesting they were artificially designed and composed in full accordance with the traditional imagery of the trespassers in the Greek and Etruscan visual arts. To support my assumption, I turn to scrutinize the compositions as well as minor details of contentually related scenes in the Greek and...
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