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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Régularisation d´images sur des surfaces non-planes

Lopez Perez, Lucero Diana 15 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Nous nous intéressons aux approches par EDP pour la régularisation d´images scalaires et multivaluées définies sur des supports non plans et à leurs applications à des problèmes de traitement des images. Nous étudions la relation entre les méthodes existantes et les comparons en termes de performance et complexité d´implémentation. Nous développons de nouvelles méthodes numériques pour traiter des opérateurs de type divergence utilisés dans les méthodes de régularisation par EDPs sur des surfaces triangulées. Nous généralisons la technique de régularisation du Flot de Beltrami pour le cas des images définies sur des surfaces implicites et explicites. Des implémentations sont proposées pour ces méthodes, et des expériences sont exposées. Nous montrons aussi une application concrète de ces méthodes à un problème de cartographie rétinotopique.

Studies On Bayesian Approaches To Image Restoration And Super Resolution Image Reconstruction

Chandra Mohan, S 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
High quality image /video has become an integral part in our day-to-day life ranging from many areas of science, engineering and medical diagnosis. All these imaging applications call for high resolution, properly focused and crisp images. However, in real situations obtaining such a high quality image is expensive, and in some cases it is not practical. In imaging systems such as digital camera, blur and noise degrade the image quality. The recorded images look blurred, noisy and unable to resolve the finer details of the scene, which are clearly notable under zoomed conditions. The post processing techniques based on computational methods extract the hidden information and thereby improve the quality of the captured images. The study in this thesis focuses on deconvolution and eventually blind de-convolution problem of a single frame captured at low light imaging conditions arising from digital photography/surveillance imaging applications. Our intention is to restore a sharp image from its blurred and noisy observation, when the blur is completely known/unknown and such inverse problems are ill-posed/twice ill-posed. This thesis consists of two major parts. The first part addresses deconvolution/blind deconvolution problem using Bayesian approach with fuzzy logic based gradient potential as a prior functional. In comparison with analog cameras, artifacts are visible in digital cameras when the images are enlarged and there is a demand to enhance the resolution. The increased resolution can be in spatial, temporal or even in both the dimensions. Super resolution reconstruction methods reconstruct images/video containing spectral information beyond that is available in the captured low resolution images. The second part of the thesis addresses resolution enhancement of observed monochromatic/color images using multiple frames of the same scene. This reconstruction problem is formulated in Bayesian domain with an aspiration of reducing blur, noise, aliasing and increasing the spatial resolution. The image is modeled as Markov random field and a fuzzy logic filter based gradient potential is used to differentiate between edge and noisy pixels. Suitable priors are adaptively applied to obtain artifact free/reduced images. In this work, all our approaches are experimentally validated using standard test images. The Matlab based programming tools are used for carrying out the validation. The performance of the approaches are qualitatively compared with results of recently proposed methods. Our results turn out to be visually pleasing and quantitatively competitive.

Methods for Text Segmentation from Scene Images

Kumar, Deepak January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Recognition of text from camera-captured scene/born-digital images help in the development of aids for the blind, unmanned navigation systems and spam filters. However, text in such images is not confined to any page layout, and its location within in the image is random in nature. In addition, motion blur, non-uniform illumination, skew, occlusion and scale-based degradations increase the complexity in locating and recognizing the text in a scene/born-digital image. Text localization and segmentation techniques are proposed for the born-digital image data set. The proposed OTCYMIST technique won the first place and placed in the third position for its performance on the text segmentation task in ICDAR 2011 and ICDAR 2013 robust reading competitions for born-digital image data set, respectively. Here, Otsu’s binarization and Canny edge detection are separately carried out on the three colour planes of the image. Connected components (CC’s) obtained from the segmented image are pruned based on thresholds applied on their area and aspect ratio. CC’s with sufficient edge pixels are retained. The centroids of the individual CC’s are used as nodes of a graph. A minimum spanning tree is built using these nodes of the graph. Long edges are broken from the minimum spanning tree of the graph. Pairwise height ratio is used to remove likely non-text components. CC’s are grouped based on their proximity in the horizontal direction to generate bounding boxes (BB’s) of text strings. Overlapping BB’s are removed using an overlap area threshold. Non-overlapping and minimally overlapping BB’s are used for text segmentation. These BB’s are split vertically to localize text at the word level. A word cropped from a document image can easily be recognized using a traditional optical character recognition (OCR) engine. However, recognizing a word, obtained by manually cropping a scene/born-digital image, is not trivial. Existing OCR engines do not handle these kinds of scene word images effectively. Our intention is to first segment the word image and then pass it to the existing OCR engines for recognition. In two aspects, it is advantageous: it avoids building a character classifier from scratch and reduces the word recognition task to a word segmentation task. Here, we propose two bottom-up approaches for the task of word segmentation. These approaches choose different features at the initial stage of segmentation. Power-law transform (PLT) was applied to the pixels of the gray scale born-digital images to non-linearly modify the histogram. The recognition rate achieved on born-digital word images is 82.9%, which is 20% more than the top performing entry (61.5%) in ICDAR 2011 robust reading competition. In addition, we explored applying PLT to the colour planes such as red, green, blue, intensity and lightness plane by varying the gamma value. We call this technique as Nonlinear enhancement and selection of plane (NESP) for optimal segmentation, which is an improvement over PLT. NESP chooses a particular plane with a proper gamma value based on Fisher discrimination factor. The recognition rate is 72.8% for scene images of ICDAR 2011 robust reading competition, which is 30% higher than the best entry (41.2%). The recognition rate is 81.7% and 65.9% for born-digital and scene images of ICDAR 2013 robust reading competition, respectively, using NESP. Another technique, midline analysis and propagation of segmentation (MAPS), has also been proposed. Here, the middle row pixels of the gray scale image are first segmented and the statistics of the segmented pixels are used to assign text and non-text labels to the rest of the image pixels using min-cut method. Gaussian model is fitted on the middle row segmented pixels before the assignment of other pixels. In MAPS, we assume the middle row pixels are least affected by any of the degradations. This assumption is validated by the good word recognition rate of 71.7% on ICDAR 2011 robust reading competition for scene images. The recognition rate is 83.8% and 66.0% for born-digital and scene images of ICDAR 2013 robust reading competition, respectively, using MAPS. The best reported results for ICDAR 2003 word images is 61.1% using custom lexicons containing the list of test words. On the other hand, NESP and MAPS achieve 66.2% and 64.5% for ICDAR 2003 word images without using any lexicon. By using similar custom lexicon, the recognition rates for ICDAR 2003 word images go up to 74.9% and 74.2% for NESP and MAPS methods, respectively. In place of passing an image segmented by a method, manually segmented word image is submitted to an OCR engine for benchmarking maximum possible recognition rate for each database. The recognition rates of the proposed methods and the benchmark results are reported on the seven publicly available word image data sets and compared with these of reported results in the literature. Since no good Kannada OCR is available, a classifier is designed to recognize Kannada characters and words from Chars74k data set and our own image collection, respectively. Discrete cosine transform (DCT) and block DCT are used as features to train separate classifiers. Kannada words are segmented using the same techniques (MAPS and NESP) and further segmented into groups of components, since a Kannada character may be represented by a single component or a group of components in an image. The recognition rate on Kannada words is reported for different features with and without the use of a lexicon. The obtained recognition performance for Kannada character recognition (11.4%) is three times the best performance (3.5%) reported in the literature.

From content-based to semantic image retrieval : low level feature extraction, classification using image processing and neural networks, content based image retrieval, hybrid low level and high level based image retrieval in the compressed DCT domain

Mohamed, Aamer Saleh Sahel January 2010 (has links)
Digital image archiving urgently requires advanced techniques for more efficient storage and retrieval methods because of the increasing amount of digital. Although JPEG supply systems to compress image data efficiently, the problems of how to organize the image database structure for efficient indexing and retrieval, how to index and retrieve image data from DCT compressed domain and how to interpret image data semantically are major obstacles for further development of digital image database system. In content-based image, image analysis is the primary step to extract useful information from image databases. The difficulty in content-based image retrieval is how to summarize the low-level features into high-level or semantic descriptors to facilitate the retrieval procedure. Such a shift toward a semantic visual data learning or detection of semantic objects generates an urgent need to link the low level features with semantic understanding of the observed visual information. To solve such a 'semantic gap' problem, an efficient way is to develop a number of classifiers to identify the presence of semantic image components that can be connected to semantic descriptors. Among various semantic objects, the human face is a very important example, which is usually also the most significant element in many images and photos. The presence of faces can usually be correlated to specific scenes with semantic inference according to a given ontology. Therefore, face detection can be an efficient tool to annotate images for semantic descriptors. In this thesis, a paradigm to process, analyze and interpret digital images is proposed. In order to speed up access to desired images, after accessing image data, image features are presented for analysis. This analysis gives not only a structure for content-based image retrieval but also the basic units ii for high-level semantic image interpretation. Finally, images are interpreted and classified into some semantic categories by semantic object detection categorization algorithm.

Sir Philip Sidney et les marges de la culture visuelle élisabéthaine / Philip Sidney and the margins of Elizabethan visual culture

Dulac, Anne-Valérie 11 December 2010 (has links)
La légende nationale élaborée autour de Sir Philip Sidney [1554-1586] à la période élisabéthaine a contribué à dissimuler de nombreux aspects de l’expérience visuelle de « l’icône culturelle » du protestantisme anglais. En effet, les monuments picturaux érigés à sa mémoire ont gravé dans la rigidité du marbre les lignes d’un régime représentatif européen à vocation humaniste et exemplaire qui a échoué à reproduire les traits du courtisan. Au cours des deux dernières décennies du XXe siècle, le développement des visual culture studies a permis de démontrer la friabilité des socles taxinomiques de la matière visuelle élisabéthaine en élargissant la notion d’image à des domaines jusque-là négligés [imprese, miniatures, médaillons de cire]. Mais bien que des formes alternatives de visualité aient ainsi pu être envisagées, ces nouvelles lectures de la mimésis sidneyenne ne sont pas parvenues à s’extraire d’une compréhension ethnocentrée de la perspective. Loin d’offrir le reflet insulaire d’un archaïsme pictural exotique, les ornements dédiés à ou conçus par Sidney s’inscrivent pourtant au cœur de l’histoire de rencontres visuelles entre le « propre » et le « barbare » qui mettent en lumière toute l’incertitude étiologique et généalogique des dernières années du règne des Tudor. Les effets de rémanence du Kitab al-manazir [De Aspectibus] d’Ibn al-Haytham [Alhacen] dans la compréhension des « intentions » du visible élisabéthain seront dès lors envisagés comme l’aspect le plus lumineux de la dimension anthropologique du geste mimétique sidneyen. / The national legend surrounding Sir Philip Sidney [1554-1586] in the Elizabethan era has played a significant part in concealing many aspects of the courtier’s visual experience. The marble fixity of pictorial monuments erected in memory of England’s favourite Protestant « cultural icon » has mostly failed to register his features. This has been made apparent through the development of visual culture studies. Since emerging in the 1980’s, this interdisciplinary field has led to the laying bare of the brittle material of Elizabethan visual taxonomies, by encompassing within the ‘pictorial’ frame new kinds of images [imprese, limnings, wax medallions]. Yet, although opening up onto alternative visual modes, the latest forays into Sidneyan mimesis have remained firmly rooted in an ethnocentric approach of perspective. Conversely, far from reflecting an exotic, insular or archaic pictorial response to visual culture, Sidney’s ornaments -whether created by or dedicated to him- draw on encounters between ‘gentle’ and ‘barbarous’ visual histories, thus highlighting Tudor England’s ‘etiological uncertainty’. As a result, the many aspects of Ibn al-Haytham [Alhacen]’s Kitab al-mananazir [De Aspectibus] transpiring through Elizabethan optics will emerge as central to the building up and understanding of the anthropological dimension of Sidney’s mimesis.

From content-based to semantic image retrieval. Low level feature extraction, classification using image processing and neural networks, content based image retrieval, hybrid low level and high level based image retrieval in the compressed DCT domain.

Mohamed, Aamer S. S. January 2010 (has links)
Digital image archiving urgently requires advanced techniques for more efficient storage and retrieval methods because of the increasing amount of digital. Although JPEG supply systems to compress image data efficiently, the problems of how to organize the image database structure for efficient indexing and retrieval, how to index and retrieve image data from DCT compressed domain and how to interpret image data semantically are major obstacles for further development of digital image database system. In content-based image, image analysis is the primary step to extract useful information from image databases. The difficulty in content-based image retrieval is how to summarize the low-level features into high-level or semantic descriptors to facilitate the retrieval procedure. Such a shift toward a semantic visual data learning or detection of semantic objects generates an urgent need to link the low level features with semantic understanding of the observed visual information. To solve such a -semantic gap¿ problem, an efficient way is to develop a number of classifiers to identify the presence of semantic image components that can be connected to semantic descriptors. Among various semantic objects, the human face is a very important example, which is usually also the most significant element in many images and photos. The presence of faces can usually be correlated to specific scenes with semantic inference according to a given ontology. Therefore, face detection can be an efficient tool to annotate images for semantic descriptors. In this thesis, a paradigm to process, analyze and interpret digital images is proposed. In order to speed up access to desired images, after accessing image data, image features are presented for analysis. This analysis gives not only a structure for content-based image retrieval but also the basic units ii for high-level semantic image interpretation. Finally, images are interpreted and classified into some semantic categories by semantic object detection categorization algorithm.


Reiter, April Ann 25 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Développement des indicateurs de la qualité de vie urbaine à l'aide de la télédétection à très haute résolution spatiale cas de la ville de Hanoi

Pham, Thi Thanh Hien January 2010 (has links)
In studies of urban quality of life, the information that can be extracted from satellite images is limited by image resolution and by the standard method of pixel classification. Recently, very high spatial resolution (VHSR) satellite images have allowed the development of new remote sensing application, especially for complex urban areas. Despite of the numerous advantages of the object-oriented approach for VHSR image processing, the parameters used to carry it out, especially at the object creation stage, are not very well documented. Moreover, the evaluation of urban quality of life has never considered the perception of inhabitants of the zones under study. This dissertation therefore addresses these two issues and aims 1) at testing a systematic ways of achieving the best parameters for object-oriented classification with the software Definiens and 2) at quantifying the relation between objective indicators and perceived satisfaction. Hoàn Kiém district, in Hanoi, Vietnam, was chosen as our zone of interest. The image used for this study is a 0,7m spatial resolution Quickbird image.In the first part of the dissertation, we identify eight land occupation classes on the image: lakes, river, parks, groups of trees along streets, isolated trees, large road and residential blocks. Using these classes and additional cartographic information, we calculate nine quality of life indicators that correspond to two central aspects of urban life: commodity (urban services) and amenity (urban landscape). For each group of indicators, we carried out a principal components analysis to obtain non-correlated components. We then conducted a survey with eight city planning experts who live and work in the zone under study to obtain an assessment of the satisfaction of inhabitants towards their area of residence. The weight of each component in the determination of quality of life was achieved through an ordinal regression whose independent variables are the components and the dependent variable is the level of satisfaction as evaluated by the experts. The weights were then used to interpret the importance of our indicators for quality of life. Our results show that it is possible to classify land occupation types with a good accuracy: our average accuracy rate is 80.5%. As for the weight of quality of life indicators, our results allow us to make methodological and interpretative contributions. Contrary to previous work, our method allows us to evaluate the explanatory power of our model. Our regression shows that 22% of variation in satisfaction towards commodity and nearly 54% of variation in satisfaction towards amenity can be attributed to our indicators. As for the nature of the factors playing a role in quality of life, our results show that the relation between indicators and perceived satisfaction is not linear, which had never been shown in previous studies. Satisfaction towards commodity increases when transportation and health care are both sufficient. Satisfaction towards amenity is on the other hand largely determined by residential space, while vegetation plays a minor role, contrary to what was found in the urban zones of developed countries.

Scalable Perceptual Image Coding for Remote Sensing Systems

Oh, Han, Lalgudi, Hariharan G. 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2008 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Fourth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 27-30, 2008 / Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California / In this work, a scalable perceptual JPEG2000 encoder that exploits properties of the human visual system (HVS) is presented. The algorithm modifies the final three stages of a conventional JPEG2000 encoder. In the first stage, the quantization step size for each subband is chosen to be the inverse of the contrast sensitivity function (CSF). In bit-plane coding, two masking effects are considered during distortion calculation. In the final bitstream formation step, quality layers are formed corresponding to desired perceptual distortion thresholds. This modified encoder exhibits superior visual performance for remote sensing images compared to conventional JPEG2000 encoders. Additionally, it is completely JPEG2000 Part-1 compliant, and therefore can be decoded by any JPEG2000 decoder.

On axioms and images in the history of Mathematics

Pejlare, Johanna January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation deals with aspects of axiomatization, intuition and visualization in thehistory of mathematics. Particular focus is put on the end of the 19th century, before DavidHilbert's (1862–1943) work on the axiomatization of Euclidean geometry. The thesis consistsof three papers. In the first paper the Swedish mathematician Torsten Brodén (1857–1931)and his work on the foundations of Euclidean geometry from 1890 and 1912, is studied. Athorough analysis of his foundational work is made as well as an investigation into his generalview on science and mathematics. Furthermore, his thoughts on geometry and its nature andwhat consequences his view has for how he proceeds in developing the axiomatic system, isstudied. In the second paper different aspects of visualizations in mathematics areinvestigated. In particular, it is argued that the meaning of a visualization is not revealed bythe visualization and that a visualization can be problematic to a person if this person, due to alimited knowledge or limited experience, has a simplified view of what the picture represents.A historical study considers the discussion on the role of intuition in mathematics whichfollowed in the wake of Karl Weierstrass' (1815–1897) construction of a nowheredifferentiable function in 1872. In the third paper certain aspects of the thinking of the twoscientists Felix Klein (1849–1925) and Heinrich Hertz (1857–1894) are studied. It isinvestigated how Klein and Hertz related to the idea of naïve images and visual thinkingshortly before the development of modern axiomatics. Klein in several of his writingsemphasized his belief that intuition plays an important part in mathematics. Hertz argued thatwe form images in our mind when we experience the world, but these images may containelements that do not exist in nature.

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