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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Brain drain in Kazakhstan in 1999-2008

Mukhtarova, Naila January 2010 (has links)
Brain drain of Kazakhstan in 1999-2008 Abstract The objective of this study is to analyze and evaluate the main trends and development of brain drain process in Kazakhstan for period from 1999 to 2008. Several key topics are discussed in this work: the economic and social context of skilled migration: employment patterns of highly skilled persons in Kazakhstan; the role of educational migration. In the first part of the work was given general patterns of brain drain in the world and overview of relevant literature. In the second part were analyzed trends of highly skilled migration in Kazakhstan. The data are taken from censuses and other relevant data sources. The data collection is provided by the Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Keywords: brain drain, migration, socio-economical situation, remittances, oralmans, education.

Slučování rodin migrantů ze třetích zemí / Third country migrants family reunification

Holeňová, Anežka January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of family reunification of third countries immigrants. Whole work is focused mainly on families with all family members coming from non-EU country. Rights and obligations of this group are highly influenced by the EU directive on family reunification 2003/86/ES, implemented into Czech law in 2005. Second group, which is discussed in the work, are families with one member being Czech or EU national and the other family members from non-EU countries. This work examines current legislative, which influences family reunification and examines its consequences on immigrants experience through the whole reunification process and their life - based on semi structured interviews. The main aim of this work is to explain current family reunification legislative and its development, using policy documents, stenographic protocols from debates of members of the legislature or election programs

Imigrační politika Velké Británie a její specifika v rámci Evropské unie

Macháčková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of United Kingdom´s immigration policy and its specifics with regards to the European Union. This thesis focuses on what is the impact of the political decisions on immigration flow. It also looks at the specific relationship of United Kingdom and European Union when it comes to immigration policy. This thesis starts with the theoretical framework. Historical overview of British immigration policy follows. Then this thesis should also contribute to mapping of actual and current immigration policy in the United Kingdom. At the same time this thesis focuses on the current direction of immigration flow, motivation factors of the immigrants and how does the immigration in UK impact the current policies or even the public opinion. It also looks on the importance of the immigration topic from Brexit perspective. This thesis explores the changes in British immigration policy and the current restrictive direction.

Současná imigrace občanů Ruské federace do České republiky / Current immigration of citizens of the Russian Federation to the Czech Republic

Pits, Anastasia January 2022 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the current immigration of Russian citizens to the Czech Republic. The topic is reviewed mainly in the context of demographic deficit and population aging. Russian migration to the Czech Republic has a long history but over time its form and structure have changed significantly. At the same time, migration can have both positive and negative consequences for the Czech Republic, especially from a political and socio-economic point of view. This work presents the concept of so-called replacement migration applied to the Russian minority in the Czech Republic as a possible solution to the emerging demographic problems in the country. Therefore, the extent to which the concept of replacement migration is functional and whether the Russian minority in the Czech Republic is a suitable subject for this concept will be examined. This diploma thesis is a case study with elements of comparative analysis, based on available theoretical concepts and statistical data. Exploring further this topic could open a discussion on the role of migration in the Czech Republic in context of increasing alarming demographic changes.

Imigrácia do EÚ so zameraním na priestor Stredomoria / Immigration to the EU focused on the Mediterranean region

Janičkovičová, Lýdia January 2009 (has links)
The thesis discusses the transformation of southern European countries, Italy and Spain, from traditionally countries of emigration into countries of immigration. It starts from historical migration flows which result in so-called Mediterranean model of immigration characteristic for the region in the last two decades. The paper analyses the composition of immigrants in both countries, focusing on the ethnic composition, the motives of residence and employment status compared with overall employment in the EU context. Since the south European countries concerned are significantly affected by inflows of migrants by sea in recent years, the thesis also focuses on problematic areas of the Mediterranean, detention centers and cooperation with source countries. The main aim of this work is to analyze how these two countries handle the phenomenon of immigration and what recourse did they choose in creating their own immigration policies towards both legal and illegal immigration. The second objective is then to bring some comparison of the two countries in the approaches to integration of immigrants.

Islamofobie v Evropě: příklad Česka a Španělska / Islamophobia in Europe: example Czechia and Spain

Sobotová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
SOBOTOVÁ, J. (2014): Islamofobie v Evropě: příklad Česka a Španělska. Univerzita Karlova, Praha, 153 s. The thesis is concentrated on problems which are connected with Islamophobia in Europe. Czechia and Spain have been chosen as model regions. The thesis is put to the theoretical-methodological frame of the new cultural geography and geography of religion. Islamophobia problems are examined from the view of majorities in non-Muslim states. The major purpose of the thesis is verification of three premises by the theoretical methods, research of literature and other professional sources, and empirical procedures, analysis of questionnaires and available datasets. First of all if level of Islamophobia is lower between young generation or elder generation; then if higher level of knowledge about Islam (theology, history, etc.) allows lower level of Islamophobia or if it is valid in the opposite way; and thirdly if it is higher level of Islamophobia in Spain or in Czechia because of the more frequent contact with Muslim culture and society, or if it holds true in the opposite way. Interesting results have been found out during the analysis of questionnaires. These results were verified existence of two different types of Islamophobia. Key words: Islam, Islamophobia, immigration, acculturation,...

Otázka imigrace v díle Chimamandy Ngozi Adichie Americanah a Chris Cleava The Other Hand / Question of Immigration in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Americanah and Chris Cleave's The Other Hand

Khazanovych, Tetyana January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore immigration from Nigeria to the United States and United Kingdom in contemporary Nigerian and English literature by comparing two novels, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Americanah and Chris Cleave's The Other Hand. The authors' authentic experience is described and their opinion on the pressing issues connected with immigration, such as reasons for immigration and psychological trauma associated with it are explored.

Analýza postojů majoritní populace vůči imigrantům na úrovni vybraných států Evropské unie / Analysis of attitudes of the majority population towards immigrants at the level of selected countries of the European Union

Vavřička, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on attitudes of the majority population against immigrants on the national level. In selected countries of the European Union, these attitudes are analysed with the goal of confirming causality between heterogeneous make-up of the population (in terms of proportion of foreign-born residents in the population) and the degree of xenophobia of the majority population. The work is based on the concept of contact hypothesis and assumes that the larger the relative size of the population of foreign-born residents is, the more positive the attitudes of the majority population are. Attitudes of the majority populations are studied on two levels. First, through the opinions of the European Social Survey 2014 respondents, and second, by the election results of populist radical right-wing parties, which are typically associated with firm anti-immigrant policies. While the levels of xenophobia expressed by the ESS respondents partially fits the expected model, the connection between results of relevant political parties and the percentage of foreign-born residents in the population was not proven. The contradictory results of both analyses are attributed to a so-called "modern racism". Keywords: xenophobia, immigration, radical right, contact hypothesis, Europe

Integrace cizinců v České republice: analýza a perspektivy / Integration of migrants in the Czech Republic : Analysis and Perspectives

Vykopalová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the work is analysis of the situation of foreigners in the Czech Republic and of the function of the state in the field of immigration and integration. The first chapter covers migration development and the current characteristics of minorities in the Czech Republic. The second chapter describes theoretical immigration and integration models and their application in the government integration conceptions. It also deals with attitudes of the czech political parties to this issues. The last part of the work is devoted to the SWOT analysis of immigration and integration in the Czech Republic.

Integrace thajských migrantů v Česku / Integration of Thai Migrants in Czechia

Šnajdr, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the process of integration of Thai migrants into Czech society. The main aim is to explore the issue of Thai integration in Czech Republic by a quantitative research which haven`t been done fully in Czech Republic yet. Then on the basis of gained data to compare the state with another countries and to set the strategy of Thai integration in Czech Republic among the classic patterns of migrant behaviour or to identify the differences which could be specific only for Czech Republic. The thesis consists three main parts: theoretical, descriptive and practical. The introduction outlines the background of Thai migration. The theoretical framework, that follows, sets the gained information into theoretical concept of migration theories and defines important terms that accompany this thesis. Those analyzed information then help to evaluate the data gained by the practical part. The integral component of the thesis is descriptive part which outlines the development and reality of the investigated topic. The results of the questionnaire survey and interviews among Thai migrants in Czech Republic are presented in the practical part of this work. The conclusion establishes discourse between the theory and observed findings. There is also an assessment of the achieved results within the frame of...

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