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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Computational Modeling of Immune Signals

Starzl, Ravi 01 January 2012 (has links)
The primary obstacle to enabling wide spread adoption of composite tissue transplantation, as well as to improving long term solid organ transplant outcomes, is establishing a personalized medication regimen optimizing the balance between immunosuppression and immune function the individual minimum effective level of immunosuppression. Presently, the clinical gold standard for monitoring immune function is histologic inspection of biopsy for tissue damage, or monitoring blood chemistry for signs of organ failure. These trailing indicators reflect damage that has already accumulated, and are of little use in proactively determining the immunologic state of a patient. Samples collected from small animal surgical models were used to quantify the amount of immune signaling protein present (cytokines and chemokines) under various experimental conditions. Patterns in protein expression that reliably discriminate amongst the groups were then investigated with statistical inference methods such as the logistic classifier, decision tree, and random forest, operating in both the original feature space and in transformed feature spaces. This work demonstrates computational methods are effective in elucidating and classifying cytokine profiles, allowing the detection of rejection in composite tissue allografts well in advance of the current clinical gold standard, and shows that the methods can be effective in solid organ contexts as well. This work further determines that cytokine patterns of inflammation associated with rejection are specific to the structure and composition of the tissue in which they occur, and can be distinguished from immune signaling patterns associated with unspecific inflammation, wound healing, or immunosuppressed tissue. Clinical translation of these findings may provide novel computational tools that enable physicians to design personalized immunosuppression strategies for patients. The methods described in this work also provide information that can be used to investigate the biological basis for the observed immune signaling patterns. Further development may provide a computational framework for identifying novel therapeutic strategies in other pathologies.

The Evolving Landscape of Biomarkers for Anti-PD-1 or Anti-PD-L1 Therapy

Tunger, Antje, Sommer, Ulrich, Wehner, Rebekka, Kubasch, Anne Sophie, Grimm, Marc-Oliver, Bachmann, Michael Philipp, Platzbecker, Uwe, Bornhäuser, Martin, Baretton, Gustavo, Schmitz, Marc 06 April 2023 (has links)
The administration of antibodies blocking the immune checkpoint molecules programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) or programmed cell death 1 ligand 1 (PD-L1) has evolved as a very promising treatment option for cancer patients. PD-1/PD-L1 inhibition has significantly enhanced expansion, cytokine secretion, and cytotoxic activity of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes, resulting in enhanced antitumor responses. Anti-PD-1 or anti-PD-L1 therapy has induced tumor regression and improved clinical outcome in patients with different tumor entities, including melanoma, non-small-cell lung cancer, and renal cell carcinoma. These findings led to the approval of various anti-PD-1 or anti-PD-L1 antibodies for the treatment of tumor patients. However, the majority of patients have failed to respond to this treatment modality. Comprehensive immune monitoring of clinical trials led to the identification of potential biomarkers distinguishing between responders and non-responders, the discovery of modes of treatment resistance, and the design of improved immunotherapeutic strategies. In this review article, we summarize the evolving landscape of biomarkers for anti-PD-1 or anti-PD-L1 therapy.

Suivi fonctionnel de la greffe d'îlots de Langerhans : interêt de l'imagerie IRM et de l'immuno-monitoring cellulaire / Monitoring of Langerhans islet transplantation : MRI imaging and cellular immune monitoring efficiency

Chopard-Lallier, Sophie 07 May 2013 (has links)
La greffe d'îlots de Langerhans permet de traiter le diabète de type 1 en restituant une insuline-sécrétion. La moitié des patients reprend l'insuline dans les 5 ans. Cette perte de fonction s'explique par l'absence d'outils de monitoring. Le but de notre travail était de déterminer l'efficacité de l'IRM à diagnostiquer un rejet de greffe, et d'évaluer l'intérêt du monitoring cellulaire chez les patients.Imagerie IRM chez le ratMéthodes : Des îlots syngéniques, allogéniques ou xénogéniques ont été greffés par voie intra-portale à des rats diabétiques après marquage avec une nanoparticule de fer (ferucarbotran). Les IRM étaient réalisées dans une IRM clinique 3T.Résultats : La décroissance du signal était différente suivant les 3 types de greffes. Le signal IRM des greffes allogéniques était significativement plus bas à J4 alors que la glycémie était normale. En prenant un seuil de 84% à J4, l'IRM permet d'obtenir une sensibilité de 91% et une spécificité de 70% Innnuno-monitoring cellulaireMéthodes : Des réactions lymphocytaires mixtes étaient réalisées entre les PBMC des patients greffés, et les splénocytes des donneurs. La réaction immunitaire était évaluée par la sécrétion d'IFNy (ELISpot), par la prolifération cellulaire (cytométrie du flux du Ki67), et par le dosage des cytokines (Bioplex). Le résultat était corrélé à la fonction du greffon évaluée par le (3-score).Résultats : Les patients avec une mauvaise fonction montraient une plus grande réactivité anti-donneur avec l'ELISpot IFNy (p=0,007, r=-0,50) et l'index de prolifération (p=0,006, r=-0,51). Les patients avec une mauvaise fonction avaient des taux d'IFNy, IL-5 et IL-17 plus élevés. / Langerhans islet transplantation allows curingtype 1 diabetes by restoring an endogenous insulin secretion. Halfof patients will resume insulin withinyears. This loss of function may be explained by the lack of monitoring tools able to diagnose an ongoing graft failure. The aims of our work were toevaluate the efficiency of MRI to diagnose islet graft rejection, and to assess the feasibility of immune cellular monitoring in transplanted patients.MRI in the rat mortelMethods: Syngeneic, allogeneic and xenogeneic islets were transplanted intra-portally to diabetic rats after labeling with superparamagnetic ironoxide nanoparticles (ferucarbotran). Images were acquired on a clinical 3T MRI scanner.Results: The signal decreasing was different between the 3 types of transplantations. At day 4, the MRI signal in allogeneic group was significantlylower while glycaemia remained normal. With a cut-off value of 84% at day 4, sensitivity of 91% and specificity of 70% were obtained.Cellular immune monitoringMethods: Mixed lymphocyte cultures were performed with peripheral blood mononuclear cells from recipients and splenocytes from donors. Immunereactivity was assessed by the release of IFNy (ELISpot), cell prolifération (flow cytometry of Ki67), and cytokine quantification (Bioplex). Theresults were correlated to the islet graft function assessed by (5-score.Results: Patients with low islet function showed higher cellular reactivity against donor cells assessed by ELISpot IFNy ((p=0,007, r=-0,50) andproliferation index (p=0,006, r=-0,51). Patients with low graft function had higher levels of IFNy, IL-5 and 1L-17.

Gestörte Homöostase von Inflammation und Antiinflammation bei Risikopatienten nach Herzchirurgie / standardisiertes Immunmonitoring zur Prädiktion infektiöser Komplikationen

Strohmeyer, Jens-Christian 08 February 2006 (has links)
Kardiochirurgische Eingriffe unter Einsatz der Herzlungenmaschine führen über die Sekretion proinflammatorischer Mediatoren im allgemeinen zu einer systemischen Entzündung (SIRS). Um das Ausmaß zu begrenzen, wird diese von einer systemischen Gegenregulation (CARS) begleitet, die mit zunehmender Ausprägung den Organismus anfällig für sekundäre Infektionen macht. Septische Krankheitsbilder zählen zu den häufigsten Todesursachen auf operativen Intensivstationen mit jährlichen Kosten in Milliardenhöhe. Gerade die Früherkennung ist klinisch von größter Wichtigkeit. Bei der Suche nach neuen Infektionsmarkern ist das Verständnis der immunologischen Grundlagen eine Grundvoraussetzung. In dieser Studie sollte untersucht werden, ob das Modell "systemische Immunaktivierung - Gegenregulation mit Immundepression - hohe Infektanfälligkeit" auf Risikopatienten nach Herzchirurgie übertragen werden kann. Außerdem sollte untersucht werden, ob ein standardisiertes Immunmonitoring in der Lage ist, bei diesen Patienten Infektionen frühzeitig vor klinischer Manifestation vorherzusagen, und ob diese neuen Immunparameter konventionellen Routine-Infektionsmarkern (SIRS-Kriterien, CRP) in ihrer diskriminativen Aussagekraft überlegen sind. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Modell an diesem Patientenkollektiv bestätigt werden kann. Die Immunaktivierungsmarker total-IL-8 (nach Erythrozytenlyse), PCT und ex vivo Elastase, sowie das antiinflammatorische IL-10 im Plasma und der Immunkompetenzmarker HLA-DR auf Monozyten zeigten am 1. postoperativen Tag ein hohes diskriminatives Potential, Infektionen im 6-tägigen postoperativen Verlauf vorherzusagen. Analysen der ROC-Kurven ergaben für HLA-DR eine AUC von 0,75, die AUC von total-IL-8 betrug 0,73, ex vivo Elastase erreichte 0,72, und PCT und IL-10 kamen jeweils auf 0,68. Dagegen konnten konventionelle Infektionsmarker nicht signifikant zwischen Patienten mit versus ohne postoperativer Infektion unterscheiden (CRP), beziehungsweise errechnete sich für 2 positive SIRS-Kriterien eine AUC von nur 0,66. Durch die bei einem solchen Patientenkollektiv erstmalige Verwendung hochstandardisierter Messverfahren (exakte Quantifizierung von Oberflächenmolekülen, semi-automatisches ELISA-System) wurde neben einer besseren Quantifizierung der gestörten Homöostase zwischen Inflammation und Antiinflammation eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die klinische Etablierung dieser neuen Marker geschaffen. Auf dieser Basis lassen sich früh identifizierte Risikopatienten adjuvanten Therapieversuchen zuführen. / Basically, cardiac surgery involving cardiopulmonary bypass leads to systemic inflammation (SIRS) by the secretion of proinflammatory mediators. In order to limit its extend, systemic inflammation is associated with systemic counter-regulation (CARS), which, under some circumstances, may lead to high susceptibility of the organism to secondary infections. Septic disease is among the most common causes of death in surgical ICUs, the costs are estimated at several billion Euros per year. The early diagnosis in particular is of great importance clinically. Understanding of the immunologic principles is a basic assumption with regard to finding new markers of infection. This study was performed to determine whether the model "systemic immune activation - counter-regulation and immune depression - high susceptibility to infections" could be transferred to risk patients after cardiac surgery. In addition, a standardized immune monitoring program should be examined regarding its ability to predict infection in this patient population before clinical manifestation. It should also be determined if these new parameters have more discriminative power than conventional routine markers of infection (SIRS, CRP). The results show that this model can be confirmed in this patient collective. On the 1st postoperative day markers of immune activation, total-IL-8 (after lysis of erythrocytes), PCT and ex vivo elastase, as well as anti-inflammatory IL-10 in plasma and the marker of immune competence, HLA-DR on monocytes, have high discriminative potential to predict infections during the 6-day postoperative course. AUCs of the ROC were 0.75 for HLA-DR, 0.73 for total-IL-8, 0.72 for ex vivo elastase, 0.68 for both PCT and IL-10. On the other hand, conventional markers of infection were not able to discriminate significantly between patients with infection versus those without (CRP), or they only had an AUC of 0.66 (for 2 positive SIRS criteria). By using well-standardised laboratory methods (exact quantification of surface molecules, semi-automatic ELISA-system), which were used for the first time in such a patient collective, an important basis for clinical establishing these new markers was created, in addition to a better quantification of the immunologic unbalance (inflammation versus anti-inflammation). Thus, it is possible to supply early identificated risk patients for adjuvant therapy trials.

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