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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of glutamate homeostasis on the survival of M. bovis BCG

Gallant, James Luke 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of the tuberculosis disease, is estimated to infect a third of the world’s population and is therefore, arguably, the most successful human pathogen in recorded history. Immense efforts to understand the genetic factors and biochemical processes underlying the complex interactions between M. tuberculosis and its host cells have delivered staggering insights into the profound proficiency by which this bacterium establishes and maintains an infection. It is now clear that M. tuberculosis can interfere with the immune responses initiated by host cells in such a manner as to subvert the various bactericidal conditions established by these cells and thus eliminate the tubercle bacilli that infect them. Specific characteristics of M. tuberculosis which provide it with this ability include a nearly impenetrable cell wall, secretion systems which secrete special factors which directly interact with host immune factors. This enables M. tuberculosis to modulate the activities of the host environment and unique metabolic adaptations of M. tuberculosis allows the organism to survive in the hypoxic, oxidative, nitrosative, acidic and nutrient poor environment of immune cell phagosomes and to persist for decades in a quiescent state in otherwise healthy people. New observations into the pathways which constitute energy, carbon and central nitrogen metabolism, among others, in M. tuberculosis, suggest that a carefully orchestrated homeostasis is maintained by the organism which may modulate the concentrations and ameliorate the effect of molecules that are important to defensive strategies employed by host cells. Here we discuss various recent studies as well as new information provided by this study, focusing on central metabolism and its regulation in M. tuberculosis. We aim to highlight the importance of nitrogen metabolism in the subversive response employed by M. tuberculosis to survive, colonise and persist in the host. We argue that the homeostatic regulation of nitrogen metabolism in M. tuberculosis presents a profound vulnerability in the pathogen which should be exploited with compounds that inhibit the activities of various effector proteins found in this pathway and that are unique to the organism. Such compounds may provide valuable novel chemotherapies to treat tuberculosis patients and may alleviate the burden of multiple drug resistance which plagues tuberculosis treatments. Specifically, in this study we investigate the role of M. bovis BCG glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and glutamate synthase (GltS) by subjecting knockout mutants of the aforementioned gene products to various cellular stress conditions. Furthermore, we investigated how the genomes of each M. bovis BCG strain was affected post deletion of the aforementioned protein products. The role of GDH was also tested in an murine macrophage model of infection to elucidate potential importance to colonisation and infection. This study provides novel results indicating an importance of GDH toward the resistance of nitrosative stress as well as a requirement for optimal persistence in RAW 264.7 macrophages. In addition, it was found that GltS is dispensable for resistance against nitrosative stress. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, die organisme wat die aansteeklike siekte tuberkulose veroorsaak, infekteer ongeveer ‘n dêrde van die wêreld populasie en is daarom, waarskynlik, een van die mees suksesvolle menslike patogene in geskiedenis. In die afgelope jare is daar noemenswaardige poging aangewend om genetiese faktore sowel as biochemiese prosesse te verstaan wat die komplekse interaksies tussen M. tuberculosis en sy gasheer selle verduidelik. Dit is nou voor die hand liggend dat M. tuberculosis kan inmeng met die reaksies van die immuun sisteem, om dus die bakteriosidiese omgewing wat geskep word deur die selle van hierde sisteem te vermy. Daar is spesifieke kenmerke van M. tuberculosis wat toelaat dat die bacilli so ‘n omgewing kan weerstaan. Hierdie kenmerke is, onder andere, ‘n byna ondeurdringbare selwand en uitskeiding sisteme wat spesiale faktore vrystel. Hierdie faktore het die vermoë om direk met die gasheer immuun sisteem ‘n interaksie te hê wat dus die immuun sisteem moduleer. Verder, is M. tuberculosis se metabolisme aan gepas om die organisme te help teen die lae suurstof, hoë oksidatiewe en stikstof stress, lae pH en lae voedingswaarde omgewing te oorleef. M. tuberculosis het ook die vermoë om vir ‘n onbeperkte tyd in ‘n statiese toestand te oorleef, in gashere wat toon as gesond. Nuwe waarnemings in die energie, koolstof en sentrale stikstof metaboliese paaie stel voor dat ‘n homeostase gehandhaaf word deur M. tuberculosis, wat die konsentrasies van verskeie molekules moduleer of die effek van molekules wat deur die gasheer vrygestel word as ‘n verdedigings meganisme versag. In hierdie dokument bespreek ons verskeie studies, asook nuwe inligting voortgebring deur hierdie studie, wat fokus op sentrale metabolisme en sy regulering in M .tuberculosis. Ons raak aan die vermoë van M. tuberculosis om intrasellulêr te oorleef, koloniseer en voort te bestaan in ‘n gasheer. Ons vemoed dat die homeostatiese regulering van stikstof metabolisme in M. tuberculosis n diepgaande kwesbaarheid in die patogeen skep wat die potentiaal het om uit gebuit te word. Molekules kan gesintiseer word wat die aktiwiteite van verskeie ensieme in hierdie padweg inhibeer en sodoende die organisme hinder. Sulke molekules mag dalk as waardevolle en oorspronklike medisynes ontwikkel word om tuberkulose patiënte meer suksesvol te behandel asook om die las van middelweerstandige bakterieë te verlig. Met betrokke tot hierdie spesifieke studie, het ons die rol van glutamaat dehidrogenase (GDH) en glutamaat sintase (GltS) van M. bovis BCG bestudeer deur om die uitslaan mutante van die genoemde geen produkte aan verskeie sellulêre stress toestande bloot te stel. Die effek van die verlore gdh en gltBD gene op die evolusie van die genome van elke M. bovis BCG uitslaan mutant ras ten opsigte van die wilde tipe was ook bestudeer. Die rol van GDH was getoets in ‘n muis makrofaag model van infeksie om te bepaal of GDH n funksie het in koloniseering en infeksie van M. bovis BCG. Hierdie studie het nuwe bevindinge voort gebring wat die belangrikheid van GDH in die weerstand teen stikstof oksied stress. Daar is verder bevind dat GDH n vereiste toon vir die suksessvolle oorlewing van M. bovis BCG in RAW 264.7 macrofage

Disease dynamics in patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis residing in a high incidence community

Van Rie, Annelies 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Drug-resistant tuberculosis poses a threat to global tuberculosis control by the WHO DOTS strategy. Studies in the United States and Europe have shown (i) that drug-resistant tuberculosis is present in every country; (ii) that, by contrast to previous dogma, drug-resistant bacilli are virulent and can be transmitted, especially in institutional settings and to immunocompromised patients; and (iii) that the majority of cases arise by acquisition of drug resistance due to errors in the management of TB cases. (iv) Furthermore, it has been shown that the extremely high case fatality rates of the 1980s and early 1990s can be reduced by individualized, but costly treatment. However, the majority of drug-resistant TB cases reside in the developing world. Data on disease epidemics in less developed parts of the world are scarce. The aim of this thesis was to study the disease dynamics of drug-resistant TB in a developing country where TB is endemic. All cases of drug-resistant TB during a 5-year period in two communities with poor socioeconomic living conditions were included for this observational study. Three different methods were used: restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), mutation detection analysis by dot-blot hybridisation technique and a Geographic Information System. Results of RFLP analysis and mutation detection analysis showed that community outbreaks of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains occur, even without the involvement of immunocomprimised patients. Infection with a drug-resistant strain occurred in new patients (primary drug resistance) as well as in patients treated before (exogenous reinfection). Exogenous reinfection was also shown to be an important mechanism of recurrence after previous cure for drug-sensitive TB. Transmission of drug-resistant strains occurred more frequent in areas with lower socioeconomic living conditions. The relative contribution of transmission differed substantially between the group of multi drugresistant (two thirds of cases) and single-drug-resistant (no cases) cases, which probably reflects the prolonged infectiousness of multi drug-resistant cases. To stop the growing epidemic of multi drug-resistant TB, prevention of acquisition as well as transmission of drug-resistant tuberculosis will be required. This will only be possible in areas where a DOTS strategy is well functioning and with a modification of central elements of the standard DOTS mechanism: a "DOTS-plus" strategy. Early and accurate diagnosis of drug resistance is essential for effective management. Diagnosis based on two direct smear tests might have to be replaced by routine drugsusceptibility tests at diagnosis. Because the routine performance of phenotypic drugsusceptibility tests was inferior to the performance of genotypic tests, the development of an affordable commercial kit testing a limited number of mutations conferring resistance could be of great value in the global fight against multidrugresistant TB. Because of the importance of early diagnosis, selective active contact tracing for multidrug-resistant cases, additional to the routine passive contact tracing, could prove to be cost-effective. Individualized treatment regimens are effective in reducing the failure rate, mortality and probably transmission of multidrug-resistant TB. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis is a problem confronting the efforts for global tuberculosis control. Efficient strategies to turn the tide exist, but international political commitment and financial support will be essential. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Middel weerstandige tuberkulose hou 'n bedreiging in vir globale tuberkulose kontrole deur die WGO DOTS strategie. Studies in die Verenigde State en Europa het getoon (i) dat middel weerstandige tuberkulose in alle lande voorkom; (ii) dat, in teenstelling met vorige dogma, middel weerstandige bakterieë virulent is en oorgedra kan word, veral in inrigtings en aan immuun-onderdrukte pasiënte; en (iii) dat die meeste gevalle ontstaan deur die verwerwing van middel weerstandigheid a.g.v. die foutiewe hantering van tuberkulose gevalle. (iv) Bykomend is getoon dat die ontsettende hoë mortaliteit syfers van die 1980s verlaag kan word deur geindividualiseerde, maar duur behandeling. Die meeste middel weerstandige tuberkulose gevalle woon egter in die ontwikkelende wêreld. Data oor siekte epidemies in minder ontwikkelde dele van die wêreld is skaars. Die doel van hierdie tesis was om die siekte dinamiek van middel weerstandige tuberkulose te bestudeer in 'n ontwikkelende land waar tuberkulose endemies is. Alle gevalle van middel weerstandige tuberkulose gedurende 'n 5-jaar periode in twee lae sosio-ekonomiese gemeenskappe, is in hierdie studie ingesluit. Drie verskillende metodes is gebruik: restriksie fragment lengte polimorfisme (RFLP), mutasie analise deur dot-blot hibridisasie en 'n Geografiese Inligting Stelsel. Resultate van die RFLP analise het getoon dat uitbrake van middel weerstandige Mycobacterium tuberculosis stamme in die gemeenskap voorkom, selfs sonder die aantasting van immuun-onderdrukte pasiënte. Infeksie met middel weerstandige stamme het voorgekom in nuwe pasiënte (primêre middel weerstandigheid) en ook in pasiënte wat reeds voorheen behandel is (eksogene herinfeksie ). Daar is ook gevind dat eksogene herinfeksie 'n belangrike meganisme was van herhaalde tuberkulose na vorige genesing van middel sensitiewe tuberkulose. Die oordrag van middel weerstandige stamme het meer dikwels voorgekom in areas met laer sosioekonomiese omstandighede. Die relatiewe bydrae van oordrag het merkwaardig verskil tussen multi-middel weerstandigheid (twee derdes van gevalle) en enkelmiddel weerstandigheid (geen gevalle). Dit weerspieël waarskynlik die verlengde periode van infektiwiteit van die multi-middel weerstandige gevalle. Die bekamping van die groeiende epidemie van multi-middel weerstandige tuberkulose, vereis die voorkoming van verworwe sowel as oorgedraagde middel weerstandige tuberkulose. Dit sal slegs moontlik wees in areas waar 'n DOTS strategie reeds goed funksioneer en met 'n aanpassing van die sentrale elemente van die roetine DOTS meganisme: 'n "DOTS-plus" strategie. Vroeë en akkurate diagnose van middel weerstandigheid is essensieël vir effektiewe hantering. Diagnose gebaseer op twee direkte sputum smeer toetse mag moontlik vervang moet word deur roetine middel sensitiwiteit bepalings by diagnose. Die roetine fenotipiese middel sensitiwiteit bepaling is gevind om minderwaardig te wees in vergelyking met die genotipiese toetse. Die ontwikkeling van 'n bekostigbare toetsstelsel wat die mees algemene mutasies vir middel weerstandigheid sal opspoor, kan van groot waarde wees in die stryd teen mutimiddel weerstandige tuberkulose. Aangesien vroeë diagnose so belangrik is, kan aktiewe kontak opsporing koste-effektief wees. Ge-individualiseerde behandelingskedules is effektief om die sukses van behandeling en oorlewing te verbeter, en moontlik ook om die oordrag van multi-middel weerstandige tuberkulose te verminder. Multi-middel weerstandige tuberkulose is 'n probleem vir die globale kontrole van tuberkulose. Effektiewe strategieë om die vloed te stuit, bestaan, maar politieke verbintenis en geldelike ondersteuning sal essensieël wees.

An immunochemical and serological study of the surface antigens of Salmonella typhi

Tsang, Shiu-wah, Raymond, 曾肇華 January 1987 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Microbiology / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Immune escape mechanisms in EBV-associated nasal NK/T-Cell lymphoma

Shen, Lijun., 沈立軍. January 2002 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Pathology / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Biochemical, functional and immunogenic characterisation of the SARS spike glycoprotein: implications for thedevelopment of a subunit vaccine

Kam, Yiu-wing., 甘曜榮. January 2007 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Microbiology / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Immune responses of human respiratory epithelial cells to respiratory syncytial virus and human metapneumovirus

Yip, Ming-shum, 葉名琛 January 2007 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine / Master / Master of Philosophy

Vaccine development against the severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus (SARS-CoV) using SARS-CoV spike protein

Law, Ka-man., 羅嘉敏. January 2005 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Zoology / Master / Master of Philosophy

Immune regulation in response to mycobacterial infection

Cheung, Ka-wa, Benny, 張嘉華 January 2007 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

The immunomodulatory effects of Chinese medicinal products Yun Zhi andDanshen: flow cytometric studies

傅凱文, Fu, Hoi-man, Kelvin. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Zoology / Master / Master of Philosophy

Mechanic assessments of autoimmune responses induced by dendritic cells upon interactions with dying cells: therole of IL-10

Ling, Guangsheng., 寧珖聖. January 2009 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

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