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”Var dig själv, men…” : En kvalitativ studie av könsnormer så som de uttrycks i tips inför arbetsintervjuerBlom Bringlöv, Agnes January 2016 (has links)
I den här kvalitativa netnografiska studien analyseras råd och tips inför arbetsintervjuer riktade till män respektive kvinnor. Datamaterialet kommer från online-forumen Flashback och Familjeliv men även från artiklar med tips från bemanningsföretagen Poolia och Monster, Arbetsförmedlingen, tidningen Karriär och fackförbundet Unionen. Den teoretiska grunden är baserad på Goffmans teori om “impression management”, Hirdmans genusteori, Heiders attributionsteori och Zimmerman och West ”doing gender”. Resultatet visar att kvinnor får fler råd om utseende än män och råden som ges är även mer specifika. Typiskt manliga egenskaper är de mest åtråvärda och präglar därför en majoritet av intervjutipsen, även de som är riktade till kvinnor. Kvinnor uppmanas till att agera typiskt maskulint, och att inte vara för feminina då det kan minska deras jobbchanser. Män uppmanas till att vara sig själva medan kvinnor får mer tydliga direktiv om hur de ska bete sig, hur de ska klä sig och vad de ska säga. Feminina egenskaper anses vara dåliga och manliga/diskreta egenskaper är önskvärda. Kvinnor uppmanas även till återhållsamt uppförande medan män uppmanas till att framhäva sig. Ett beroendeförhållande där arbetsgivaren har övertaget framkommer också. Detta upprätthålls genom att den arbetssökande uppmuntras anpassa sig efter arbetsgivarens behov. Även arbetsgivare deltar i nätmaterialet och bidrar till att reproducera de observerade normerna.
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The Role of Impression Management in Goal SettingChin, Weiman Raymond January 2006 (has links)
This paper examines the effect of impression management on goal level and commitment to the goal. Participants involved in a goal-setting program in the United States were asked to complete a web survey regarding their desire to impress superiors and their commitment to the goal. The specific dependant measures were self-set goal and goal commitment. No statistically significant differences were found between high and low desires to manage impressions with respect to goal set, but a higher desire to manage impressions was positively correlated with a higher degree of goal commitment. This finding suggests that triggering impression management is beneficial for situations in which high goal performance is desired as it increases goal commitment. Future studies could verify these results using larger sample sizes and tackle such issues as goal performance.
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The Role of Impression Management in Goal SettingChin, Weiman Raymond January 2006 (has links)
This paper examines the effect of impression management on goal level and commitment to the goal. Participants involved in a goal-setting program in the United States were asked to complete a web survey regarding their desire to impress superiors and their commitment to the goal. The specific dependant measures were self-set goal and goal commitment. No statistically significant differences were found between high and low desires to manage impressions with respect to goal set, but a higher desire to manage impressions was positively correlated with a higher degree of goal commitment. This finding suggests that triggering impression management is beneficial for situations in which high goal performance is desired as it increases goal commitment. Future studies could verify these results using larger sample sizes and tackle such issues as goal performance.
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Interpersonal affirmation: How close others influence self-authenticity.DiDonato, Theresa E. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Brown University, 2008. / Vita. Advisor : Joachim I. Krueger.
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Differential functioning by high and low impression management groups on a Big Five applicant screening toolCox, Brennan Daniel. Thomas, Adrian L., January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Auburn University, 2009. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 77-87).
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Readability and Thematic Manipulation in Corporate Communications: A Multi-Disclosure and Trans-Tasman InvestigationRichards, Glenn William January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the prevalence of two significant impression management strategies, thematic and reading ease manipulation, across a range of distinct corporate communications and explore the determinants of such practices.
While previous studies have examined thematic and reading ease manipulation, these have viewed such impression management techniques in isolation. This research is the first to simultaneously examine the prevalence of these impression management strategies across such a range of corporate communications. In particular, no previous studies have looked at the thematic and reading ease manipulation of standalone CSR reports or compared the various sections/disclosures included within the same annual report. Of significance are the inclusion of several additional themes, namely Activity; Optimism; Certainty; Realism and Commonality, advancing the scope of thematic manipulation research from the limited positive and negative themes.
It is important to examine a range of correspondence because no one form of correspondence is the same. Financial notes are heavily regulated and audited and thus should be less susceptible to manipulation. CSR disclosures have little to no regulation or audit process and as such are very susceptible to manipulation. Likewise, the two distinct reports service different audiences, who can be expected to have different expertise.
This research discovers what firm characteristics are determinates of the readability and thematic content in particular specific disclosure types, industries and country of listing. Financial performance tests reveal that there is evidence of manipulation of readability to obfuscate the disclosures of poor performing companies while the themes of these poorly performing company’s disclosures closely mirror those that are performing well. In addition to the traditional performance based tests, a novel new test that combines the traditional thematic positivity variable and readability shows that positive disclosures are significantly more readable than negative ones, strengthening the obfuscation hypothesis. This research also motivates the need of a purpose built reading ease formula based on corporate disclosures that outputs a result that allows the comparison of disclosures. Indeed a very basic example of such a formula is developed as a starting point for additional research.
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A clinical and laboratory evaluation of the rubber base "wash technic" for taking impressions of inlay, crown, and bridge preparations thesis submitted in partial fulfillment ... in operative dentistry ... /Ciépiélewski, Jacques. January 1960 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1960.
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Solid modeling and process of injection molding of an orthodontic impression trayGeorgakis, Evangelos George. January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--California State University, Long Beach, 1999. / eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references.
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Solid modeling and process of injection molding of an orthodontic impression trayGeorgakis, Evangelos George. January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--California State University, Long Beach, 1999. / eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references.
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A clinical and laboratory evaluation of the rubber base "wash technic" for taking impressions of inlay, crown, and bridge preparations thesis submitted in partial fulfillment ... in operative dentistry ... /Ciépiélewski, Jacques. January 1960 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1960.
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