Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inn vitro cultures"" "subject:"iin vitro cultures""
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Valeriana glechomifolia : crescimento e produção de valepotriatos em diferentes meios nutritivos e avaliação preliminar de atividade neurofarmacológicaMaurmann, Natasha January 2006 (has links)
Valeriana glechomifolia é uma espécie vegetal endêmica da região sul do Brasil. Ela acumula valepotriatos em todos os seus órgãos, que são os possíveis componentes sedativos das espécies de Valeriana utilizadas farmaceuticamente. Foi comparado o crescimento in vitro de V. glechomifolia em meios de cultura sólidos Murashige e Skoog completo (MS), com 75% dos nutrientes inorgânicos (MS 75) ou em uma formulação modificada (M ) em culturas mantidas a longo prazo, por até 9 meses sem subcultura. Alterações da biomassa, do desenvolvimento de raízes e partes aéreas, bem como a produção dos valepotriatos acevaltrato, valtrato e diidrovaltrato foram avaliadas mensalmente. O maior aumento de biomassa e desenvolvimento foliar foi detectado em plantas cultivadas em meio MS, e o melhor desenvolvimento radicular foi observado em plantas cultivadas em meio MS modificado (M ) durante o cultivo. A análise por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência mostrou que o máximo de rendimento de valtrato e diidrovaltrato foi após os seis meses de cultivo em plantas em meio M , enquanto a maior concentração de acevaltrato foi encontrada em plântulas cultivadas em meio MS 75, após sete meses de cultivo. Os resultados sugerem uma relação direta entre crescimento e acúmulo de valepotriatos, e um efeito positivo do aumento da quantidade de micronutrientes e de mesoinositol nos rendimentos valepotriatos em plantas mantidas em longo período de cultivo. Também foi analisado o efeito neurocomportamental de um extrato contendo uma mistura de valepotriatos (EV) de V. glechomifolia. Camundongos adultos foram tratados com doses de 1, 3 e 10 mg/kg de EV ou veículo, 30 minutos antes dos testes. Durante a exploração no campo aberto, os camundongos tratados com 10 mg/kg mostraram redução na locomoção e no comportamento exploratório (número de rearings) em comparação aos animais controle, e o EV não induziu alteração na ansiedade. Todos os grupos realizaram normalmente a tarefa de memória de reconhecimento de novo objeto, exceto o grupo que recebeu 3 mg/kg, que apresentou piora na memória de reconhecimento do novo objeto. Os resultados indicaram que os camundongos tratados com valepotriatos não apresentaram déficits de memória aversiva de longa duração, e apenas a dose de 3 mg/kg apresentou um prejuízo na tarefa de memória de reconhecimento de novo objeto, além de uma possível propriedade sedativa na dose de 10 mg/kg. / Valeriana glechomifolia is a plant species endemic to southern Brazil. It accumulates the terpene derivatives valepotriates, the presumed sedative components of the pharmaceutically used species of Valeriana, in all of its organs. In vitro growth of V. glechomifolia on solid Murashige and Skoog (MS) without phytohormones at full, 75% (MS 75) or on a modified formulation (M ) was compared in long term stock cultures kept for up to 9 months without subculture. Changes in biomass accumulation, development of roots and shoots, as well as the production of valepotriates acevaltrate, valtrate and didrovaltrate were monthly evaluated. The best root development was observed in plants grown on modified MS medium (M ∆ ), whereas highest biomass accumulation and leaf development were detected in MS medium grown plants throughout the period. High Performance Liquid Chromatography analysis showed maximal valtrate and didrovaltrate yields on M ∆ grown plants harvested after six months of culture, whereas acevaltrate concentration was highest on MS 75 grown plants after seven months of culture. The overall results suggest a direct relationship between growth and valepotriate accumulation, and a positive effect of increases in micronutrient and myo-inositol amounts on valepotriate yields of long-term stock-cultures. An extract containing a mixture of valepotriates (EV) of V. glechomifolia was evaluated in relation to neurobehavioral parameters. Adult mice were treated with doses of 1, 3 and 10 mg/kg of EV or vehicle, 30 minutes before tests. During exploration of an open field, mice treated with 10 mg/kg showed reduced locomotion and reduced exploratory behavior (number of rearings) compared to control animals, and the EV did not induce alterations in anxiety. All groups performed normally the task of novel object recognition memory, except the group receiving 3 mg/kg dose, which showed decrease in novel object recognition memory. The results indicated that mice treated with valepotriates presented no deficits in long-term memory for aversive training and presented an impairment in novel object recognition memory task only at 3 mg/kg, as well as a possible sedative proprieties at 10 mg/kg.
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Vliv derivátů pyrazinu na obsah sekundárních metabolitů v in vitro kulturách rostlin - III. / The effect of pyrazine derivatives on secondary metabolites content in plant cultures in vitro - III.Blahnová, Kristýna January 2021 (has links)
One of the possibilities how to increase the production of secondary metabolites (SM) in plant in vitro cultures is the method of elicitation. The aim of this work was to determine the effect of an abiotic elicitor from the class of pyrazine derivatives 1-benzyl-3-(pyrazin-2-yl)urea on the production of flavonolignans of silymarin complex and flavonoid taxifolin in the plant culture Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. Pyrazine derivatives are investigated for their herbicidal properties, so elicitation proceeds by the mechanism of stress inducing effect. Tissue cultures were grown on Murashige and Skoog growth medium with the addition of the growth regulator α-naphthylacetic acid. Elicitation was performed on both callus and suspension cultures. The elicitor was used in three different concentrations: c1 = 100.0 mg/100 ml; c2 = 10.0 mg/100 ml; c3 = 1.00 mg/100 ml. Particular samples were taken after 6, 24, 48, 72 and 168 hours of elicitor effect, control samples after 6, 48 and 168 hours. After drying, the callus and suspension tissues were extracted with methanol and the content of the monitored secondary metabolites was determined by HPLC. It was also tested if SM are released into the growth medium. Flavonolignans silybinin A and silybinin B were not detected in any of the analyzed samples. The...
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Charakterisierung pflanzlicher in vitro Kulturen am Beispiel SonnenblumeGeipel, Katja, Bley, Thomas, Steingroewer, Juliane 22 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Wirkstoffgewinnung mittels chemischer Synthese führt oft zu Stereoisomeren, welche aufwendig getrennt werden müssen und manche Moleküle sind nur sehr kostenintensiv oder gar nicht darstellbar. Landwirtschaftliche Gewinnung bedeutet Nachteile wie Schadstoffeinsatz und großer Flächenbedarf. Der Einsatz von pflanzlichen Zell- und Gewebekulturen überwindet die genannten Hürden [1, 2]: mit Methoden der Pflanzenbiotechnologie ist es möglich, pflanzliche Inhaltsstoffe in ihrer natürlichen, bioaktiven Form das ganze Jahr über unabhängig von biotischen/abiotischen Umweltfaktoren bei gleichbleibender Qualität und Quantität zu produzieren [3, 4].
Suspensionskulturen und hairy roots gelten momentan als die in vitro-Kulturtypen mit dem größten biotechnologischen Potential. Erstere sind in Flüssigmedium kultivierte Kalluszellen. Bei Kallus handelt es sich um undifferenzierte Pflanzenzellen, welche tumorartig wachsen und durch Zugabe von Pflanzenhormonen an der Differenzierung gehindert werden. Hairy roots entstehen durch Infektion eines Pflanzenteils mit dem Bodenbakterium Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Die so erhaltene Haarwurzelkultur kann ohne Hormonzusatz vermehrt werden, ihre Morphologie erfordert aber häufig eine Anpassung bestehender Kultivierungsgefäße [2, 5]. / In advance of industrial applications of in vitro plant cell or tissue cultures e.g., as bioactive ingredients for pharmaceuticals, an intense characterization concerning growth and productivity has to be performed. Innovative respiration measurement techniques in shake flask scale were applied to investigate and compare heterotrophic, photomixotrophic and hairy root cultures of sunflower. Furthermore, the qualification of RAMOS for screening of plant in vitro cultures is discussed.
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Virocidní účinnost ribavirinu a acyklických nukleosid fosfonátů na virus mozaiky ředkvičky / Antiviral effect of ribavirin and acyclic nucleosid phosphonates against Radish mosaic virusVOZÁBOVÁ, Tereza January 2010 (has links)
Evaluation of the antiviral effectiveness of ribavirin and acyclic nucleotide phosphonates to radish mosaic virus. Virus inoculation of plants with RaMV and immunological assay of the virus by ELISA. Subsequent application of antiviral agents and monitoring relative content of the virus in plants. Subsequent processing of data in tables and graphs, and then statistical evaluation.
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Vliv abiotických elicitorů na obsah sekundárních metabolitů v in vitro kulturách rostlin - II. / The effect of abiotic elicitors on secondary metabolites content in plant cultures in vitro - II.Tomaidesová, Barbora January 2021 (has links)
The Effect of Abiotic Elicitors on the Content of Secondary Metabolites in In vitro Plant Cultures - II. The method of elicitation is used for the increased production of secondary metabolites in in vitro plant cultures. In this study, there the effect of pyridine derivate N-(5-chlorpyridin-2-yl)-4-ethylbenzamide in three concentration - 3.845.10-3 mol/l; 3.845.10-4 mol/l and 3.845.10-5 mol/l for the production of flavonolignans in callus and suspension cultures of Silybum marianum was tested. The evaluation of elicitation effect proceeded after 6, 24, 48, 72 a 168 hours against control samples without the elicitor treatment after 24 and 168 hours. In the same intervals the samples of culture medium were taken and assessed. The cells were cultivated on Murashige and Skoog medium with 10 mg/ml of α-naphtylacetic acid as growth regulator. The obtained and adjusted samples were analysed by the HPLC method. From the parts of silymarin complex were detected silychristin, silybin A, isosylibin A, isosilybin B. Flavonoid taxifolin wasn̕ t detected in any case. In callus culture, there was achieved a maximal production of all detected components of silymarin complex (30.508 μg/g DW) after 168 hours of elicitor treatment in concentration of 3.845.10-4 mol/l, it was about only substance - silychristin. The...
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Análise química e estabelecimento de culturas in vitro de Aspidosperma cylindrocarpon Muell. Arg. e Aspidosperma polyneuron Muell. Arg. / Chemical analysis and establishment of in vitro culture of Aspidosperma cylindrocarpon Muell. Arg. and Aspidosperma polyneuron Muell. Arg.Cornelio, Melânia Lopes 08 October 2002 (has links)
As espécies Aspidosperma polyneuron Muell. Arg. e Aspidosperma cylindrocarpon Muell. Arg. pertencentes à família Apocynaceae, de ocorrência natural no estado de São Paulo, foram objeto de investigação química e estabelecimento de culturas in vitro. Como não havia relatos da composição dos alcalóides presentes nas folhas de ambas as espécies, nossos estudos foram concentrados nessa parte do vegetal. Adicionalmente, foi analisado a composição dos óleos voláteis destas espécies. Como são descritas diversas atividades biológicas para os alcaloides indólicos, foram analisados as atividades antitumoral, antimicrobiana e antimalárica dos extratos de alcalóides totais. Os alcalóides das folhas de A. polyneuron foram obtidos através de partição ácido-base com solventes orgânicos e foram isolados por técnicas cromatográficas de adsorção, sendo analisadas por CG/MS. Na espécie A. polyneuron foram identificados 5 alcalóides indólicos do tipo aspidospermatano: aspidospermina, desmetil-aspidospermina, desmetóxi-aspidospermina, cilindrocarina e pirifolidina. O estudo químico das folhas de A. cylindrocarpon, através de técnicas cromatográficas e CG/MS permitiu a identificação de alcalóides indólico do tipo aspidospermatano (aspidospermina, N-benzoíl-cilindrocarina, N-benzoíl-20-hidróxi-cilindrocarina, N-cinamoíl-20-hidróxi-cilindrocarina) do tipo erbunano (16-epi-vincamina) e do tipo hetero-ioimbano (tetra-hidro-alstonina). Os óleos voláteis foram obtidos das folhas por destilação por arraste a vapor. O óleo de A. polyneuron apresentou um constituinte majoritário, o diterpeno caureno (73,7%), e aldeídos de cadeia longa. No óleo volátil das folhas de A cylindrocarpon foram identificados 25 constituintes que correspondem a 96,1 % do óleo bruto. Principalmente sesquiterpenos hidrocarbonados (germacreno-D, β-cariofileno) e sesquiterpenos oxigenados (espatulenol, epi-globulol e globulol), além de monoterpenos hidrocarbonados (α-pineno) e oxigenado (linalol) e aldeídos de cadeia longa. Na cultura de células in vitro de A. polyneuron, foi possível apenas a indução de calos friávies. A cultura de células da A. cylindrocarpon foi estabelecida desde as células não diferenciadas. Dos calos até as suspensões celulares. As culturas apresentram fase lag com aproximadamente 4 dias, seguida de uma fase de crescimento exponencial e de uma fase com crescimento linear, com duração de 15 dias. Após essa fase as células entram numa fase estacionária de crescimento. Nos ensaios de autobiografia para determinação da atividade antifúngica frente aos fungos Clasdosporium cladosporiodes e Clasdosporium sphaerospermum, ambos extratos de alcalóides totais apresentaram respostas positivas. A atividade antimalárica foi avaliada em cepas mutantes de Saccharomyces cerevisiae deficientes em sistema de reparo do DNA (RS321, Rad 52Y). Neste ensaio, apenas os alcalóides das folhas de A. cylindrocarpon apresentaram atividade. A atividade antitumoral foi determinada in vitro com isolados de Plasmodium falciparum sensíveis a cloroquina (K1) e resistentes (Palo Alto). Como havia relato dessa atividade para A. polyneuron foram feitos testes apenas para A. cylindrocarpon (folhas e ramos). Os extratos alcaloídicos apresentaram uma forte inibição do desenvolvimento dos parasitas. A Cl50 para o isolado K1 foi de 9,0µg/ml para os ramos e folhas 8,0µg/ml e para o isolado Palo Alto, ramos foi de 13,3µg/ml e folhas 10,5µg/ml. / Aspidosperma polyneuron Muell. Arg. and Aspidosperma cylindrocarpon Muell. Arg. belong to Apocynaceae and naturally occur in São Paulo State (Brazil). Both species were chemically investigated and in vitro cultures established. As there were no previous studies concerning the alkaloid composition from the leaves, our studies were focused on this plant part. Moreover, the volatile oil composition was determined for both species. As several biological activities have been described for indole alkaloids, the antimicrobial, antitumor and antimalarial activities were assayed for the total alkaloids. The leaf alkaloids were extracted by acid/base partitioning with organic solvents and isolated by adsorption chromatography techniques. The isolated alkaloids were analysed by GC-MS. A. polyneuron leaves afforded 5 aspidospermatane alkaloids: aspidospermine, demethoxy-aspidospermine, demethylaspidospermine cylindrocarine and pyrifolidine. In A. cylindrocarpon leaves different indole alkaloid skeletons were identified, 4 aspidospermatanes (aspidospermine, N-benzoyl-cylindrocarine, N-benzoyl-20-hydroxy-cylindrocarine, N-cynamoyl-20-hydroxy-cylindrocarine), 1 eburnane (16-epi-vincamine) and 1 heteroyohimbane (tetrahydroalstonine). The volatile oils were extracted from the leaves by steam distillation. A. polyneuron oil consisted of one single major compound, the diterpene kaurene (73,7%), and several long chain aldehydes. On the other hand, from the A. cylindrocarpon oil 25 constituents could be identified corresponding to 96.1 % of the crude oil. The major components were sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (germacreno-D, β-caryophyllene), oxygenated sesquiterpenes (spathulenol, epi-globulol, globulol), a monoterpene hydrocarbon (α-pinene), an oxygenated monoterpene (linalool) and also several long chain aldehydes. For A. polyneuron, callus cultures were induced, while for A. cylindrocarpon was also possible the establishment of cell suspension cultures. A. cylindrocarpon cell suspension cultures showed a lag phase of growth for approximately 4 days. The lag phase was followed by a growth phase for 15 days. After 20 days of culture the cells showed a stationary growth. Alkaloid extract from both species showed a antifungal activity in the bioautography assay with Clasdosporium cladosporiodes and C. sphaerospermum. The antitumor activity was evaluated with mutant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains deficient in the DNA repair system (RS321 and Rad 52Y). In this assay, only the leaf alkaloids of A. cylindrocarpon presented activity. In vitro antimalarial assay were performed with Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine sensitive (K1) and resistant (Palo Alto). As such an activity was previously reported for A. polyneuron, only A. cylindrocarpon alkaloid extracts from leaves and stems were tested. Both alkaloid extracts showed strong inhibition of the parasite development. The IC50 for the K1 isolate were 9.0 µg/ml for the leaves and 8,0 µg/ml for the stems. The Palo Alto isolated presented a higher IC50, 13,3 µg/ml stems and 10,5 µg/ml.
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Oxygen Glucose Deprivation and Hyperthermia Induce Cellular Damage in Neural Precursor Cells and Immature NeuronsLuca, Luminita Eugenia 18 December 2008 (has links)
Hyperthermia damages both developing and adult brains, especially when it occurs after ischemia or stroke. Work presented in this dissertation used in vitro models of these stresses to investigate mechanisms underlying damage to immature neurons and neural precursors cultured from embryonic rat brain. Studies described in Chapter 2 investigated the effects of a brief, intense hyperthermic stress (30-45 min at 43ºC). This stress produced a selective depletion of nestin-immunoreactive neural precursor cells, and reduced proliferation, as evidenced by reduced BrdU incorporation into young Tuj1-immunoreactive neurons. The stress activated caspase 3, and produced multiple signs of nuclear damage as well as early and persisting mitochondrial depolarization. Cycloheximide, an inhibitor of protein synthesis, reduced cell death. All these findings suggest an apoptotic death process. Studies described in Chapter 3 used a combination of oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD, 2 h) followed by mild 41ºC hyperthermia for 90 min (T). The combined OGDT stress reduced both survival in monolayer cultures and colony-forming ability in neurospheres. Cell death occurred gradually over 2 days, and was accompanied by caspase activation that began within 6 h post-stress. Post-stress application of cycloheximide or a general caspase inhibitor (especially qVD-OPH) reduced cell death, but specific inhibitors of caspases 2, 3, 8 or 9 were ineffective. OGDT led to upregulation of the pro-apoptotic protein Bim as well as redistribution of Bax from cytoplasm to mitochondria within 6 h. Persisting mitochondrial depolarization began within 3 h following the combined OGDT stress, but not following individual OGD or T stresses alone. These findings suggest that OGD sensitizes neural precursor cells to hyperthermia-induced damage, and that the combined OGDT stress kills neural precursors via apoptotic mechanisms that include activation of mitochondrial death pathways. Results of these studies suggest that immature neurons and neural precursors are especially vulnerable to hyperthermia-induced damage via apoptotic mechanisms. Pan-caspase inhibitors may be a promising therapeutic strategy to preserve viability of these cells following stroke with hyperthermia.
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Análise química e estabelecimento de culturas in vitro de Aspidosperma cylindrocarpon Muell. Arg. e Aspidosperma polyneuron Muell. Arg. / Chemical analysis and establishment of in vitro culture of Aspidosperma cylindrocarpon Muell. Arg. and Aspidosperma polyneuron Muell. Arg.Melânia Lopes Cornelio 08 October 2002 (has links)
As espécies Aspidosperma polyneuron Muell. Arg. e Aspidosperma cylindrocarpon Muell. Arg. pertencentes à família Apocynaceae, de ocorrência natural no estado de São Paulo, foram objeto de investigação química e estabelecimento de culturas in vitro. Como não havia relatos da composição dos alcalóides presentes nas folhas de ambas as espécies, nossos estudos foram concentrados nessa parte do vegetal. Adicionalmente, foi analisado a composição dos óleos voláteis destas espécies. Como são descritas diversas atividades biológicas para os alcaloides indólicos, foram analisados as atividades antitumoral, antimicrobiana e antimalárica dos extratos de alcalóides totais. Os alcalóides das folhas de A. polyneuron foram obtidos através de partição ácido-base com solventes orgânicos e foram isolados por técnicas cromatográficas de adsorção, sendo analisadas por CG/MS. Na espécie A. polyneuron foram identificados 5 alcalóides indólicos do tipo aspidospermatano: aspidospermina, desmetil-aspidospermina, desmetóxi-aspidospermina, cilindrocarina e pirifolidina. O estudo químico das folhas de A. cylindrocarpon, através de técnicas cromatográficas e CG/MS permitiu a identificação de alcalóides indólico do tipo aspidospermatano (aspidospermina, N-benzoíl-cilindrocarina, N-benzoíl-20-hidróxi-cilindrocarina, N-cinamoíl-20-hidróxi-cilindrocarina) do tipo erbunano (16-epi-vincamina) e do tipo hetero-ioimbano (tetra-hidro-alstonina). Os óleos voláteis foram obtidos das folhas por destilação por arraste a vapor. O óleo de A. polyneuron apresentou um constituinte majoritário, o diterpeno caureno (73,7%), e aldeídos de cadeia longa. No óleo volátil das folhas de A cylindrocarpon foram identificados 25 constituintes que correspondem a 96,1 % do óleo bruto. Principalmente sesquiterpenos hidrocarbonados (germacreno-D, β-cariofileno) e sesquiterpenos oxigenados (espatulenol, epi-globulol e globulol), além de monoterpenos hidrocarbonados (α-pineno) e oxigenado (linalol) e aldeídos de cadeia longa. Na cultura de células in vitro de A. polyneuron, foi possível apenas a indução de calos friávies. A cultura de células da A. cylindrocarpon foi estabelecida desde as células não diferenciadas. Dos calos até as suspensões celulares. As culturas apresentram fase lag com aproximadamente 4 dias, seguida de uma fase de crescimento exponencial e de uma fase com crescimento linear, com duração de 15 dias. Após essa fase as células entram numa fase estacionária de crescimento. Nos ensaios de autobiografia para determinação da atividade antifúngica frente aos fungos Clasdosporium cladosporiodes e Clasdosporium sphaerospermum, ambos extratos de alcalóides totais apresentaram respostas positivas. A atividade antimalárica foi avaliada em cepas mutantes de Saccharomyces cerevisiae deficientes em sistema de reparo do DNA (RS321, Rad 52Y). Neste ensaio, apenas os alcalóides das folhas de A. cylindrocarpon apresentaram atividade. A atividade antitumoral foi determinada in vitro com isolados de Plasmodium falciparum sensíveis a cloroquina (K1) e resistentes (Palo Alto). Como havia relato dessa atividade para A. polyneuron foram feitos testes apenas para A. cylindrocarpon (folhas e ramos). Os extratos alcaloídicos apresentaram uma forte inibição do desenvolvimento dos parasitas. A Cl50 para o isolado K1 foi de 9,0µg/ml para os ramos e folhas 8,0µg/ml e para o isolado Palo Alto, ramos foi de 13,3µg/ml e folhas 10,5µg/ml. / Aspidosperma polyneuron Muell. Arg. and Aspidosperma cylindrocarpon Muell. Arg. belong to Apocynaceae and naturally occur in São Paulo State (Brazil). Both species were chemically investigated and in vitro cultures established. As there were no previous studies concerning the alkaloid composition from the leaves, our studies were focused on this plant part. Moreover, the volatile oil composition was determined for both species. As several biological activities have been described for indole alkaloids, the antimicrobial, antitumor and antimalarial activities were assayed for the total alkaloids. The leaf alkaloids were extracted by acid/base partitioning with organic solvents and isolated by adsorption chromatography techniques. The isolated alkaloids were analysed by GC-MS. A. polyneuron leaves afforded 5 aspidospermatane alkaloids: aspidospermine, demethoxy-aspidospermine, demethylaspidospermine cylindrocarine and pyrifolidine. In A. cylindrocarpon leaves different indole alkaloid skeletons were identified, 4 aspidospermatanes (aspidospermine, N-benzoyl-cylindrocarine, N-benzoyl-20-hydroxy-cylindrocarine, N-cynamoyl-20-hydroxy-cylindrocarine), 1 eburnane (16-epi-vincamine) and 1 heteroyohimbane (tetrahydroalstonine). The volatile oils were extracted from the leaves by steam distillation. A. polyneuron oil consisted of one single major compound, the diterpene kaurene (73,7%), and several long chain aldehydes. On the other hand, from the A. cylindrocarpon oil 25 constituents could be identified corresponding to 96.1 % of the crude oil. The major components were sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (germacreno-D, β-caryophyllene), oxygenated sesquiterpenes (spathulenol, epi-globulol, globulol), a monoterpene hydrocarbon (α-pinene), an oxygenated monoterpene (linalool) and also several long chain aldehydes. For A. polyneuron, callus cultures were induced, while for A. cylindrocarpon was also possible the establishment of cell suspension cultures. A. cylindrocarpon cell suspension cultures showed a lag phase of growth for approximately 4 days. The lag phase was followed by a growth phase for 15 days. After 20 days of culture the cells showed a stationary growth. Alkaloid extract from both species showed a antifungal activity in the bioautography assay with Clasdosporium cladosporiodes and C. sphaerospermum. The antitumor activity was evaluated with mutant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains deficient in the DNA repair system (RS321 and Rad 52Y). In this assay, only the leaf alkaloids of A. cylindrocarpon presented activity. In vitro antimalarial assay were performed with Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine sensitive (K1) and resistant (Palo Alto). As such an activity was previously reported for A. polyneuron, only A. cylindrocarpon alkaloid extracts from leaves and stems were tested. Both alkaloid extracts showed strong inhibition of the parasite development. The IC50 for the K1 isolate were 9.0 µg/ml for the leaves and 8,0 µg/ml for the stems. The Palo Alto isolated presented a higher IC50, 13,3 µg/ml stems and 10,5 µg/ml.
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Charakterisierung pflanzlicher in vitro Kulturen am Beispiel SonnenblumeGeipel, Katja, Bley, Thomas, Steingroewer, Juliane January 2014 (has links)
Wirkstoffgewinnung mittels chemischer Synthese führt oft zu Stereoisomeren, welche aufwendig getrennt werden müssen und manche Moleküle sind nur sehr kostenintensiv oder gar nicht darstellbar. Landwirtschaftliche Gewinnung bedeutet Nachteile wie Schadstoffeinsatz und großer Flächenbedarf. Der Einsatz von pflanzlichen Zell- und Gewebekulturen überwindet die genannten Hürden [1, 2]: mit Methoden der Pflanzenbiotechnologie ist es möglich, pflanzliche Inhaltsstoffe in ihrer natürlichen, bioaktiven Form das ganze Jahr über unabhängig von biotischen/abiotischen Umweltfaktoren bei gleichbleibender Qualität und Quantität zu produzieren [3, 4].
Suspensionskulturen und hairy roots gelten momentan als die in vitro-Kulturtypen mit dem größten biotechnologischen Potential. Erstere sind in Flüssigmedium kultivierte Kalluszellen. Bei Kallus handelt es sich um undifferenzierte Pflanzenzellen, welche tumorartig wachsen und durch Zugabe von Pflanzenhormonen an der Differenzierung gehindert werden. Hairy roots entstehen durch Infektion eines Pflanzenteils mit dem Bodenbakterium Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Die so erhaltene Haarwurzelkultur kann ohne Hormonzusatz vermehrt werden, ihre Morphologie erfordert aber häufig eine Anpassung bestehender Kultivierungsgefäße [2, 5]. / In advance of industrial applications of in vitro plant cell or tissue cultures e.g., as bioactive ingredients for pharmaceuticals, an intense characterization concerning growth and productivity has to be performed. Innovative respiration measurement techniques in shake flask scale were applied to investigate and compare heterotrophic, photomixotrophic and hairy root cultures of sunflower. Furthermore, the qualification of RAMOS for screening of plant in vitro cultures is discussed.
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In vitro propagation and ex situ conservation of the Western-Mediterranean endemic species Lapiedra martinezii Lag. (Amaryllidaceae)Juan Vicedo, Jorge 22 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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