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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'n Tematologiese indeks tot C.K. Oberholzer se "prolegomena van 'n prinsipiële pedagogiek", met besondere verwysing na enkele hoofaksente wat daaruit blyk (Afrikaans)

Munnik, Marian 17 April 2013 (has links)
Uit die tematologiese indeks blyk dat Oberholzer besonder waarde heg aan: Die ontologiese-antropologiese denkweg; die fenomenologiese werkwyse; die verhouding tussen onties en ontologies; opvoeding as lewensopvatlike gemoeidheid; wetenskap as bewussynsaangeleentheid; pedagogiek se relatiewe outonomie; die leefwêreldlike begronding van die Pedagogiek; behoorlikheidseise, waardes en norme; die menswording van die kind; die sin van pedagogiese kategorieë en kriteria; die pedagogiese essensies: gesag, geborgenheid, ontmoeting, openheid, steungewing, noodbelewing en volwassenheid as opvoedingsdoel.</p Die besondere persoonsindeks toon aan dat Oberholzer afkeurend staan teenoor skrywers wat naturaliste is, -isme denke as wetenskap beskou, pedagogiek as 'n toegepaste wetenskap sien, wat verabsoluteer of 'n karikatuur probeer maak van die fenomenologiese benadering, nie die grense van opvoeding raaksien nie, beweer dat opvoeding nie slegs moontlik is in die verhoudinge van volwassenes tot nie-volwassenes nie, wat nie die sin van die opvoeding ook as 'n besondere lewensopvatlike aangeleentheid raaksien nie, in 'n Cartesiaanse dualisme verval en blind is vir die feit dat outentieke pedagogiekdenke kategoriale denke is. Oberholzer staan goedkeurend teenoor skrywers wat die menslikheid van die mens nie misken nie; fenomenologie as ontologie bedryf; wetenskap ter wille van wetenskap beoefen; die aksiologies-etiese beklemtoon; die lewensopvatting sien as belemmerend by die opvoedkunde; maar noodwendig by die opvoeding; soek na pedagogiese begronding in die ontologies-antropologiese; die kindheid van die kind raaksien, wetenskaplike denke as kategorieë-aanwending sien; opvoeding sien as dialogiese aangeleentheid; pedagogiek sien as outonome wetenskap met toepassingsmoontlikheid; die ontologies-antropologiese denkweg volg; die idee van die paedagogica perennis nie bedreig nie. Uit die ondersoek na die besondere hoofaksente in die Oberholzerse pedagogiekdenke, blyk die beïnvloeding deur Heidegger, maar ook Oberholzer se insig in die betekenis van die kategoriee onties en ontologies vir 'n outentieke pedagogiekdenke. Vir Oberholzer behels wetenskapsbeoefening die denkende soeke na die ontiese; die openbaring van die oersynsgegewene wat ontologies verantwoordbaar is. Pedagogiekdenke is 'n besondere vorm van struktuurdenke en strukture het ontiese status. Pedagogiekdenke vereis kategoriee wat deursigtelikmakende middele en ontologiese gefundeerde ontwerpe vir die denke is. Oberholzer beklemtoon deurgaans dat die mens nie vasgevang kan word in 'n oorsaak-gevolg skema nie, maar dat dit essensieël gaan om die grande van menswees. Hy gebruik die Langeveldse "self-iemand-wees" uitspraak om die ontologiese gefundeerdheid van die pedagogiese aan te dui. Omdat hierdie uitspraak 'n suiwer ontologiese uitspraak is waarop alle menswetenskappe wat waarde heg aan 'n ontologiese gefundeerdheid, gegrond is, verontologiseer Oberholzer nie die pedagogiese nie, maar vestig die aandag op die ontologiese gefundeerdheid daarvan. Oberholzer soek vanuit pedagogiekperspektief in die ontologies-antropologiese synsfeer na die pedagogics relevante. Oberholzer as besondere kampvegter vir 'n outonome pedagogiek op grand van ontologiese begryping wat slegs langs fenomenologiese weg moontlik is, wil nie verontologiseer nie. Die pedagogiese gebeure is suiwer antropologiese gebeure, dus is 'n verantropologisering van die pedagogiese gebeure nie moontlik nie. Wie sê dat die mens wese is wat opvoed, dui 'n synsmodus van menswees aan en is verontologisering van die pedagogiese ook nie moontlik nie. Oberholzer toon ook die verband aan tussen lewensopvatting en opvoeding. Hy stel dit duidelik dat deskriptiewe waarderinge as wetenskapsbeoefening en preskriptiewe waarderinge as lewensopvatlike aangeleentheid ter wille van die wetenskapsbeoefening geskei moet word. Opvoeding, volgens Oberholzer, as universele verskynsel se praktykwording, is 'n lewensopvatlik bepaalde aangeleentheid. Die universele word partikulier wanneer daar bepaalde waardes, soos vergestalt in die lewensopvatting, gekies word. Keuse van bepaalde waardes impliseer standpuntstelling en dan is daar van neutraliteit geen sprake nie. Oberholzer bevestig telkens die onmoontlikheid van 'n neutrale opvoeding, want lewensopvatting bepaal die opvoedingspraktyk en pedagogiese oogmerke is ideologiese aangeleenthede. Dit is duidelik dat Oberholzer 'n neutrale pedagogiek en 'n nie-neutrale opvoeding voorstaan. ENGLISH : From the thematic index it becomes evident that Oberholzer attaches much value to: the ontological-anthropological course of reflection; the phenomenological method; the relationship between ontic and ontological, upbringing as a matter of being involved in a view of life; science as a matter of conscious being; the relative autonomy of Pedagogics; grounding pedagogics in the life world; demands concerning propriety, values, norms; the child's becoming a human being; the meaning of pedagogic categories and criteria; the pedagogic essentials: authority, security, encounter, openness, support, experiencing need and adulthood as the goal of upbringing. An index of the authors referred to by Oberholzer shows that he disapproves of those authors who are naturalists; who regard absolutism in their reflection as science; in whose eyes pedagogics is an applied science, who are guilty of absolutism or of making a caricature of the phenomenological approach, who do not observe the limits of upbringing, who proclaim that the relationship between adults and children is not a prerequisite for upbringing, who do not regard the meaning of upbringing as a matter of a particular way of life, who are victims of a Cartesian dualism and who reject the fact that authentic pedagogic reflection implies categorical reflection. On the other hand Oberholzer approves of those authors who acknowledge the humaness of a human-being; who exercise phenomenology as ontology, who practise science for the sake of science, who emphasize the axiological-ethical, who regard view of life as a hindrance as far as pedagogics is concerned but essential for upbringing, who try to ground the pedagogical in the ontological-anthropological, who observes the essentials of the child's being a child, who regard scientific reflection as the application of categories; who regard upbringing as a matter of dialogue, who regard Pedagogics as an autonomous science having the possibility of being applied, who follow the ontological-anthropological course of reflection, whose viewpoints are not a threat to the idea of the paedagogica perennis. In an attempt to discover particular main accents in Oberholzer's pedagogic reflection the influence of Heidegger becomes evident but also Oberholzer's own insight regarding the significance of the categories ontic and ontological for authentic pedagogic reflection. Oberholzer regards the practising of a science as a reflective search for the on tic; as the revealing of that which is primordially given and ontologically accountable. Pedagogical reflection is a particular form of structure reflection and structureshave ontic status. Pedagogical reflection demands categories which are employed to make something lucid and are ontologically founded designs for reflection. Oberholzer emphasizes that a human being cannot be captured in a scheme of cause and effect, but it essentially concerns the foundation of being a human. He uses Langeveld's idea of being-a-person to prove that the pedagogical event is ontological founded. Because this is a purely ontological pronouncement on which all human sciences which attach value to an ontological foundation are based, Oberholzer does not deliver the pedagogical reflection to the ontological reflection but, instead, point out that it is ontologically founded. Oberholzer searches from a pedagogical point of view for that which is pedagogically relevant in the ontological-anthropological sphere. Oberholzer as an advocate of autonomous Pedagogics based on ontological understanding, which is only possible by implementing the phenomenological method, does not intend to ontologise. The pedagogic event is a purely anthropological event with the result that anthropologising the pedagogical event is not possible. Anybody who proclaims that a human being is somebody who brings up expresses a mode of being a human with the result that ontologising the pedagogical event is not possible. Oberholzer also shows the relationship between view of life and upbringing. He advocates a distinction between a descriptive appreciation as practising science and prescriptive appreciation as a matter concerning one's view of life. According to Oberholzer practical upbringing as an universal phenomenon is a matter inseperable from one's view of life. The universal becomes particular when a choice of certain values as manifested in a view of life is made. The choice of certain values implies that one adheres to a particular point of view - so that there is no question of being natural. Oberholzer confirms the impossibility of neutral upbringing because the view of life determines the practice of upbringing and pedagogical aims are ideological matters. It is clear that Oberholzer advocates neutral Pedagogics but a not-neutral upbringing. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 1975. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

Mešovite namene – ključni parametar planiranja savremenih gradova / Mixed uses – key parameter of contemporary city planning

Carević Marina 08 December 2017 (has links)
<p>U disertaciji su istražene karakteristike mešovitih namena, kao urbanog fenomena i planerskog koncepta. Formulisan je poseban metodološki postupak, koji uključuje i redefinisanje indeksa mešovite namene, primenjen za istraživanje relacija između programske strukture grada i brojnih drugih parametara, čime je omogućeno formiranje utemeljenih stavova o savremenom gradu kao složenom sistemu. Konkretno područje izučavanja je grad Novi Sad i pet specifičnih susedstava, a na osnovu rezultata rada date su i preporuke za poboljšanje istraživanja i planiranja mešovitih namena.</p> / <p>The dissertation examines characteristics of mixed uses, as an urban phenomenon and a planning concept. А special methodological procedure, including redefinition of mixed-use index, has been formulated for exploring the relations between the program structure of the city and a number of other parameters, which enabled making of well-grounded conclusions about contemporary cities, as complex systems. The particular area of study is the city of Novi Sad and five specific neighbourhoods, and on the basis of results of the work, there were given recommendations for improving of research and planning of mixed uses.</p>

Geological and anthropogenic impacts on inorganic water quality at rural clinics in the Limpopo Province, South Africa / van Heerden, K.

Van Heerden, Karien January 2011 (has links)
This study gives insight to the origin of pollution in the water resources of the Limpopo province of South Africa. The Limpopo province is the largest rural province in South Africa. Up to 40% of the total population does not have access to sufficient water supply, resulting in adverse health effects. The purpose of this study is to determine (1) the degree of inorganic pollution of borehole water; (2) to identify the pollution sources, and (3) to determine whether the pollution is inherited from the surface water that recharges the groundwater or is caused on site near the bore holes. In order to achieve these objectives, surface water quality data (14 675 samples) and borehole water data (340 samples) at health facilities were analysed. A pollution index, defined by the following ratio: Pollution index (%) = 100 x ([Cl–] + 2[SO4^-2] + [NO3-] + 3[PO4^-3]) ÷ ([Cl-] + 2SO4^-2 + [NO3-] + [PO4^-3] + [HCO3-]) was used to determine the percentage of contribution of each chemical species towards pollution. This ratio is based on the fact that bicarbonate is released during chemical weathering of rocks whereas sulphate, nitrate, chloride, and phosphate are anthropogenic in origin. The pollution index shows that 6% of the surface waters and 21% of the borehole water is severely polluted. The pollution of the surface water is characterized by high concentrations of sulphate whereas the pollution of the borehole water is characterized by high concentrations of chloride. This indicates that the pollution of the borehole water is not so much the result of the infiltration of polluted surface water, but rather the result of on–site pollution on the surface near the bore holes. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Geography and Environmental Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Low body mass index and the associations with cardiovascular function in Africans : the PURE study / Venter H.L.

Venter, Herman Louwrens January 2011 (has links)
Cardiovascular disease is known as one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide, where low income countries or developing countries have the highest prevalence of cardiovascular disease. One of the main reasons for this statistics is acculturation that leads to changes in behavioral lifestyle and malnutrition within these countries. Low body mass index was found to be an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease in several studies. From literature it is found that body mass index is lower than the ideal body mass index and is associated with cardiovascular disease. According to Higashi (2003) a body mass index of 22.2 kg/m2 is associated with the lowest morbidity. If body mass index decreases to lower values than the ideal body mass index, a J–curve will be evident suggesting higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease associated with low body mass index. These findings imply that not only high body mass index but also a low body mass index may be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, morbidity and mortality. Whether low body mass index is associated with cardiovascular risk in an African population remains unclear. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the possible associations of low body mass index with variables of cardiovascular function in Africans, with a low socio–economic status. Methodology: This prospective cohort study (N= 2 010) is part of the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology study (PURE) conducted in the North–West Province of South Africa in 2005, where the health transition in urban and rural subjects was investigated within an apparently low socio–economic status group. Our crosssectional PURE sub–study included 496 African people from rural and urban settings, (men, N= 252 and women, N= 244) aged between 35–65 years and body mass index lower than 25 kg/m2. Subjects were sub–divided into two groups. The first group consisted of Africans with a low body mass index smaller or equal to 20 kg/m2 (men; N= 152, women; N= 94) whilst the second group consisted of Africans with a normal body mass index larger than 20 kg/m2 and smaller or equal to 25 kg/m2 (men; N= 100, women; N= 150). Systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure measurements were obtained with the validated OMRON HEM–757 device. The pulse wave velocity was measured using the Complior SP device. Blood was drawn by a registered nurse from the antebrachial vein using a sterile winged infusion set and syringes. Analyses for cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, triglycerides, gamma–glutamyl transferase and high sensitive C–reactive protein were completed utilizing the Konelab 20i. Data analyses were performed using the Statistica 10 program. Statistical analyses were executed to determine significant differences between age, body mass index and lifestyle factors as well as cardiovascular related variables in the different groups. T–tests were used to determine significant differences between independent groups. ANCOVA tests were used to determine BMI group differences independent of age, smoking and alcohol consumption. Partial correlations, which were adjusted for age, smoking and alcohol consumption, determined associations between the BMI groups and cardiovascular variables. Results: Our results indicated significantly higher mean values for the African men, with low body mass index, for cardiovascular variables (Diastolic blood pressure, 88.0 ± standard deviation (SD) 13.4 mmHg; mean arterial pressure, 103.8 ± SD 14.4 mmHg and carotid–radial pulse wave velocity, 12.6 ± SD 2.47 m/s) compared to the normal body mass index group (Diastolic blood pressure, 84.2 ± SD 12.2 mmHg; mean arterial pressure, 100.0 ± SD 13.2 mmHg and carotid–radial pulse wave velocity, 11.6 ± SD 2.00 m/s). The African women with low body mass index had a significant difference for carotid–radial pulse wave velocity (11.3 ± SD 2.43 m/s) compared to the normal body mass index group (10.6 ± SD 2.10 m/s). In African men, after the variables were adjusted for age, smoking and alcohol consumption, we revealed that diastolic blood pressure (88.0 with confidence interval (CI) [86.0– 90.0] mmHg) and carotid–radial pulse wave velocity (12.5 with CI [12.1–12.9] m/s) remained significant higher in the low body mass index group. Additionally, carotidradial pulse wave velocity was negatively associated with body mass index in African men. In the low body mass index group, Pearson and partial correlations of r= – 0.204; p= 0.012 and r= –0.200; p= 0.020 were found respectively in carotid–radial pulse wave velocity. Furthermore, in our unadjusted scatter plot with body mass index versus pulse wave velocity this negative trend of increasing carotid–radial pulse wave velocity with decreasing body mass index was noticeable in both African men and women. Even when carotid–radial pulse wave velocity was adjusted for age, smoking, alcohol consumption, mean arterial pressure and heart rate, a J–curve between carotid–radial pulse wave velocity and body mass index was still evident. Conclusion: A detrimental effect of low body mass index is evident on cardiovascular function in Africans. If body mass index decreases from the optimum value of 22.2 kg/m2 to lower values, a J–curve is evident between body mass index and cardiovascular variables suggesting higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease associated with low body mass index. In our sub–study the carotid–radial pulse wave velocity increases significantly in African men with low body mass index, thus supporting the theory that stiffening of the arteries is evident in Africans with a low body mass index. Low body mass index may contribute to the high prevalence of cardiovascular disease mortality within developing countries and therefore, increase the risk for cardiovascular disease. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Physiology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Geological and anthropogenic impacts on inorganic water quality at rural clinics in the Limpopo Province, South Africa / van Heerden, K.

Van Heerden, Karien January 2011 (has links)
This study gives insight to the origin of pollution in the water resources of the Limpopo province of South Africa. The Limpopo province is the largest rural province in South Africa. Up to 40% of the total population does not have access to sufficient water supply, resulting in adverse health effects. The purpose of this study is to determine (1) the degree of inorganic pollution of borehole water; (2) to identify the pollution sources, and (3) to determine whether the pollution is inherited from the surface water that recharges the groundwater or is caused on site near the bore holes. In order to achieve these objectives, surface water quality data (14 675 samples) and borehole water data (340 samples) at health facilities were analysed. A pollution index, defined by the following ratio: Pollution index (%) = 100 x ([Cl–] + 2[SO4^-2] + [NO3-] + 3[PO4^-3]) ÷ ([Cl-] + 2SO4^-2 + [NO3-] + [PO4^-3] + [HCO3-]) was used to determine the percentage of contribution of each chemical species towards pollution. This ratio is based on the fact that bicarbonate is released during chemical weathering of rocks whereas sulphate, nitrate, chloride, and phosphate are anthropogenic in origin. The pollution index shows that 6% of the surface waters and 21% of the borehole water is severely polluted. The pollution of the surface water is characterized by high concentrations of sulphate whereas the pollution of the borehole water is characterized by high concentrations of chloride. This indicates that the pollution of the borehole water is not so much the result of the infiltration of polluted surface water, but rather the result of on–site pollution on the surface near the bore holes. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Geography and Environmental Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Low body mass index and the associations with cardiovascular function in Africans : the PURE study / Venter H.L.

Venter, Herman Louwrens January 2011 (has links)
Cardiovascular disease is known as one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide, where low income countries or developing countries have the highest prevalence of cardiovascular disease. One of the main reasons for this statistics is acculturation that leads to changes in behavioral lifestyle and malnutrition within these countries. Low body mass index was found to be an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease in several studies. From literature it is found that body mass index is lower than the ideal body mass index and is associated with cardiovascular disease. According to Higashi (2003) a body mass index of 22.2 kg/m2 is associated with the lowest morbidity. If body mass index decreases to lower values than the ideal body mass index, a J–curve will be evident suggesting higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease associated with low body mass index. These findings imply that not only high body mass index but also a low body mass index may be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, morbidity and mortality. Whether low body mass index is associated with cardiovascular risk in an African population remains unclear. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the possible associations of low body mass index with variables of cardiovascular function in Africans, with a low socio–economic status. Methodology: This prospective cohort study (N= 2 010) is part of the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology study (PURE) conducted in the North–West Province of South Africa in 2005, where the health transition in urban and rural subjects was investigated within an apparently low socio–economic status group. Our crosssectional PURE sub–study included 496 African people from rural and urban settings, (men, N= 252 and women, N= 244) aged between 35–65 years and body mass index lower than 25 kg/m2. Subjects were sub–divided into two groups. The first group consisted of Africans with a low body mass index smaller or equal to 20 kg/m2 (men; N= 152, women; N= 94) whilst the second group consisted of Africans with a normal body mass index larger than 20 kg/m2 and smaller or equal to 25 kg/m2 (men; N= 100, women; N= 150). Systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure measurements were obtained with the validated OMRON HEM–757 device. The pulse wave velocity was measured using the Complior SP device. Blood was drawn by a registered nurse from the antebrachial vein using a sterile winged infusion set and syringes. Analyses for cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, triglycerides, gamma–glutamyl transferase and high sensitive C–reactive protein were completed utilizing the Konelab 20i. Data analyses were performed using the Statistica 10 program. Statistical analyses were executed to determine significant differences between age, body mass index and lifestyle factors as well as cardiovascular related variables in the different groups. T–tests were used to determine significant differences between independent groups. ANCOVA tests were used to determine BMI group differences independent of age, smoking and alcohol consumption. Partial correlations, which were adjusted for age, smoking and alcohol consumption, determined associations between the BMI groups and cardiovascular variables. Results: Our results indicated significantly higher mean values for the African men, with low body mass index, for cardiovascular variables (Diastolic blood pressure, 88.0 ± standard deviation (SD) 13.4 mmHg; mean arterial pressure, 103.8 ± SD 14.4 mmHg and carotid–radial pulse wave velocity, 12.6 ± SD 2.47 m/s) compared to the normal body mass index group (Diastolic blood pressure, 84.2 ± SD 12.2 mmHg; mean arterial pressure, 100.0 ± SD 13.2 mmHg and carotid–radial pulse wave velocity, 11.6 ± SD 2.00 m/s). The African women with low body mass index had a significant difference for carotid–radial pulse wave velocity (11.3 ± SD 2.43 m/s) compared to the normal body mass index group (10.6 ± SD 2.10 m/s). In African men, after the variables were adjusted for age, smoking and alcohol consumption, we revealed that diastolic blood pressure (88.0 with confidence interval (CI) [86.0– 90.0] mmHg) and carotid–radial pulse wave velocity (12.5 with CI [12.1–12.9] m/s) remained significant higher in the low body mass index group. Additionally, carotidradial pulse wave velocity was negatively associated with body mass index in African men. In the low body mass index group, Pearson and partial correlations of r= – 0.204; p= 0.012 and r= –0.200; p= 0.020 were found respectively in carotid–radial pulse wave velocity. Furthermore, in our unadjusted scatter plot with body mass index versus pulse wave velocity this negative trend of increasing carotid–radial pulse wave velocity with decreasing body mass index was noticeable in both African men and women. Even when carotid–radial pulse wave velocity was adjusted for age, smoking, alcohol consumption, mean arterial pressure and heart rate, a J–curve between carotid–radial pulse wave velocity and body mass index was still evident. Conclusion: A detrimental effect of low body mass index is evident on cardiovascular function in Africans. If body mass index decreases from the optimum value of 22.2 kg/m2 to lower values, a J–curve is evident between body mass index and cardiovascular variables suggesting higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease associated with low body mass index. In our sub–study the carotid–radial pulse wave velocity increases significantly in African men with low body mass index, thus supporting the theory that stiffening of the arteries is evident in Africans with a low body mass index. Low body mass index may contribute to the high prevalence of cardiovascular disease mortality within developing countries and therefore, increase the risk for cardiovascular disease. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Physiology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.


Bezdan Jovana 18 October 2019 (has links)
<p>U ovoj disertaciji je definisan i predstavljen pristup monitoringu poljoprivredne su&scaron;e (SPEI-based approach to agricultural drought monitoring - ADM-SPEI) u Vojvodini koji objedinjuje vi&scaron;e poznatih i priznatih metoda i kritičko mi&scaron;ljenje eksperata zasnovano na njihovom znanju i iskustvu i pri tome uzima u obzir lokalne specifičnosti agroklimatskih uslova. Iako je kreiran za područje Vojvodine, predloženi pristup monitoringu poljoprivredne su&scaron;e baziran na SPEI indeksu opisan je generalno kroz tri faze i pripadajuće korake koji su detaljno opisani i obja&scaron;njeni &scaron;to omogućava da se ADM- SPEI pristup modifikuje i primeni u bilo kojim drugim agroklimatskim uslovima. Predstavljeni pristup baziran je na modifikovanom i &scaron;iroko prihvaćenom i kori&scaron;ćenom Standardizovanom Indeksu Padavina i Evapotranspiracije (SPEI). Ovom modifikacijom SPEI je povezan sa&nbsp; specifičnom kulturom &scaron;to omogućava da se su&scaron;a, odnosno uslovi vlažnosti analiziraju individualno za specifičnu ratarsku ili povrtarsku kulturu u agroklimatskim uslovima Vojvodine. Kreiranju pristupa monitoringu poljoprivredne su&scaron;e prethodilo je istraživanje koje se tiče uticaja referentne evapotranspiracije (ET0) na rezultate SPEI indeksa kako bi se potvrdila polazna pretpostavka da različiti metodi za izračunavanje ET0 u okviru SPEI indeksa daju u nekim slučajevima značajno različite vrednosti indeksa na području Vojvodine. Iz navedenih razloga je važno koristiti metod koji najvi&scaron;e odgovara specifičnom području od interesa. Modifikacija SPEI indeksa, odnosno zamena ET0 sa ETc (potencijalnom evapotranspiracijom kulture) izvr&scaron;ena je uključivanjem ekspertskog mi&scaron;ljenja odnosno intervjuisanjem vi&scaron;e stručnjaka različitih ekspertiza iz domena kori&scaron;ćenja i upravljanja vodama u poljoprivredi &scaron;to je omogućilo da se dođe do grupne odluke koja u najvećoj meri reprezentuje lokalne agroklimatske prilike. U tu svrhu upotrebljen je Analitički Hijerarhijski Proces (AHP metod) kao podr&scaron;ka odlučivanju kako bi se dobile individualne odluke stručnjaka i da bi se u narednom koraku dobila jedna grupna odluka o najpogodnijem metodu za izračunavanje ET0, odnosno ETc. U narednoj fazi predloženog pristupa, prateći dalju proceduru originalnog SPEI indeksa izračunati su klimatski vodni bilansi kultura. Analizom su obuhvaćeni podaci sa devet meteorolo&scaron;kih stanica na području Vojvodine, kao i jedanaest ratarskih i povrtarskih kultura. Zatim je statističkim metodama odabrana odgovarajuća teorijska distribucija za koju je potvrđeno najbolje slaganje sa empirijskim vrednostima klimatskog vodnog bilansa kultura i u narednom koraku dobijen modifikovani SPEI povezan sa specifičnom kulturom (agricultural drought SPEI - AD-SPEIcrop). Pristup omogućava i direktnu transformaciju indeksa u vrednosti klimatskog vodnog bilansa kulture, odražavajući potrebe useva za vodom. Sagledavanjem su&scaron;e i sa tog aspekta omogućava analizu mogućnosti sistema za navodnjavanje u borbi protiv su&scaron;e. U sledećoj fazi izvr&scaron;ena je validacija predloženog pristupa sa vi&scaron;e različitih aspekata koji podrazumevaju: ispitivanje povezanosti indeksa sa prinosima kultura, kako na lokalnom nivou op&scaron;tina tako i na nivou cele teritorije Vojvodine; poređenje stepena slaganja sa prinosima kultura u odnosu na originalni indeks SPEI; komparaciju sa op&scaron;te priznatim i prihvaćenim indeksima su&scaron;e (SPI, SPEI i SC-PDSI); i povratnu informaciju od strane eksperata. Bazirajući se na dobijenim rezultatima u fazi validacije može se zaključiti da predloženi pristup monitoringu poljoprivredne su&scaron;e na području Vojvodine baziran na SPEI indeksu može biti uspe&scaron;no primenjen i sa dobrim performansama, odnosno da indeks AD-SPEIcrop, dobijen kao rezultat ovog pristupa, predstavlja adekvatan pokazatelj poljoprivredne su&scaron;e na području Vojvodine.</p> / <p>In the doctoral dissertation, the SPEI-based approach to agricultural drought monitoring (ADM-SPEI) in Vojvodina has been defined and presented. While integrating several well-known and recognized methods and experts&rsquo; critical opinion based on their knowledge and experience, ADM-SPEI takes into account local specificities of agro-climatic conditions. Although it was created for the Vojvodina region, the proposed approach to agricultural drought monitoring based on the SPEI index has been described in three phases alongside the corresponding steps, for which a detailed description and explanation have also been provided. This allows for the ADM-SPEI approach to be modified and applied in any other agro-climatic conditions. The presented approach is based on the modified and widely accepted and used Standardized Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI). The modification enables relating the SPEI to a specific crop, thereby ensuring the possibility for the analysis of drought or moisture conditions separately for specific field or vegetable crops in the agro-climatic conditions of Vojvodina. The creation of the approach to agricultural drought monitoring was preceded by the research of the impact of reference evapotranspiration (ET0) on the results of the SPEI index. The aim of the research was to confirm the initial assumption that different methods for calculating ET0 within the SPEI index give in some cases significantly different index values in the Vojvodina region. For these reasons, it is important to use the most appropriate method for the specific area of interest. Carrying out the modification of the SPEI index, i.e., the replacement of the ET0 with the ETc (potential crop evapotranspiration) included the involvement of experts&rsquo; opinions by interviewing experts of various expertise in the domain of water use and water management in agriculture. This led to making a group decision representing the local agro-climatic conditions. For this purpose, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP method) was used as a decision-making support in order to get experts&rsquo; individual decisions and, in the next step, to obtain a group decision on the most suitable method for calculating ET0 and ETc. In the next phase of the proposed approach, following the procedure of the original SPEI index, the cropspecific climate water balances were calculated. The analysis includes data from nine meteorological stations in the Vojvodina region, as well as eleven field and vegetable crops. Then, statistical methods were used to select the appropriate theoretical distribution which proved to best fit to the empirical values of the crop-specific climatic water balance. In the next step, the modified SPEI related to specific crops (agricultural drought SPEI - ADSPEIcrop) was obtained. The approach also enables the direct transformation of the index into the values of the climate water balance of crops reflecting the crop water needs. Examining drought from this perspective as well makes it possible to analyze the capabilities of irrigation systems to cope with drought. In the next phase, the validation of the proposed approach was carried out from several different perspectives including examining the correlation of the index with the crop yields, both at the local county level and at the level of the entire territory of Vojvodina; the comparison between the degree of the agreement of the AD-SPEIcrop and the original SPEI index with the crop yields, respectively; the comparison with the generally acknowledged and accepted drought indices (SPI, SPEI and SC-PDSI); and experts&rsquo; feedback. According to the obtained results in the validation phase, it can be concluded that the proposed approach to agricultural drought monitoring in the Vojvodina region based on the SPEI index can be applied successfully and with good performance, and that the ADSPEIcrop index obtained as a result of this approach is an adequate indicator of agricultural drought in the Vojvodina region.</p>

Biologija i ekologija ribarice (Natrix tessellata Laurenti, 1768 (Reptilia: Serpentes, Colubridae), na ostrvu Golem Grad (Prespansko jezero, Republika Makedonija) / Biology and ecology of Dice snake (Natrix tessellata Laurenti, 1768 (Reptilia: Serpentes, Colubridae), on the Golem Grad island (Prespa lake, FYR of Macedonia)

Ajtić Rastko 31 August 2016 (has links)
<p><em>Natrix tessellata </em>predstavlja vrstu neotrovne zmije koja ima &scaron;iroko rasprostranjenje.<br />Posebno interesantnu populaciju ribarica čine zmije koje naseljavaju izolovana ostrva kao &scaron;to je to slučaj na ostrvu Golem grad koje se nalazi na Prespankom jezeru u Makedoniji.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Imajući u&nbsp; vidu da je ova populacija na ovom lokalitetu izuzetno brojna i slabo istražena, cilj studije je bio da se ispita životna istorija date vrste zmija, njene osnovne morfolo&scaron;ke karakteristike, seksualni polimorfizam, zastupljenost različitih kolor morfi, dnevnu i sezonsku aktivnost, predaciju kao i njihove reproduktivne karakteristike.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Studija je sprovedena na ukupno 3850 jedinki ribarica na ostrvu Golem grad tokom prolećne i letnje sezone u periodu od 2008. do 2012. godine, a uključila je i određivanje kondicionog indeksa i njegovu vezu sa kolor morfama, polom i uzrasnim kategorijama.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Rezultati ove studije su pokazali da je populacija ribarica koja naseljava ostrvo Golem grad, specifična iz nekoliko razloga. Najpre, na relativno malom prostoru stalno je naseljen veliki broj jedinki, sa podjednakom zastupljeno&scaron;ću sve tri kolor morfe (tačkasta, siva i melanična kolor morfa) &scaron;to predstavlja specifičnost i različitost u odnosu na sve ostale lokalitete koje naseljava ova vrsta zmije. Takođe, prosečne vrednosti ispitivanih morfolo&scaron;kih karakteristika ženki su značajno veće u odnosu na mužjake u sve tri uzrasne kategorije (juvenilni, subadulti i adulti). Fertilitet i fekunditet, kao i kondicioni indeks je pokazao specifičnost u odnosu na ispitivane zone ostrva.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Sumiranjem i analizom svih iznesenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je populacija<br />ribarica <em>Natrix tessellata</em> na ostrvu Golem grad jako specifična zbog ujednačenog prisustva sve tri kolor morfe koje pokazuju svoju ekolo&scaron;ku, reproduktivnu i morfolo&scaron;ku specifičnost u odnosu na populacije ribarica koje su ispitivane na drugim lokalitetima njihovog rasprostranjenja. Kako bi se posebnost ove populacije u potpunosti&nbsp; objasnila sa različitih evolutivnih i ekolo&scaron;kih aspekata, neophodno je izvr&scaron;iti dalja ispitivanja tokom sledećih aktivnih sezona.</p> / <p><em>Natrix tessellata</em> represents one specific type of non-toxic snake that have a wide distribution. Particularly this population of dice snake is interesting because it is consists of snakes that inhabit the isolated island Golem grad in Prespa lake in FYR Macedonia.</p><p>Bearing in mind that this population at this particular site is extremely dense and poorly investigated, the goal of this study was to examine the life history of these species, its morphological characteristics, sexual polymorphism, presence of the&nbsp; different color morphs, duirnal and seasonal activity, predation and their&nbsp; reproductive &nbsp; characteristics. The study was conducted on a total of 3850 individuals of dice snake on the island Golem grad during the spring and summer season in the period from 2008. to 2012., and included the determination of the fitness index and its relationship with a color morph, sex and age categories.&nbsp;</p><p>Results of this study showed that the population of dice snakes that inhabits the island Golem grad, are specific for several reasons. First, the relatively small area has been inhabited by large number of individuals, with equal representation of all three color morphs&nbsp; (dotted, gray and melanic morph) which represents the specificity&nbsp; and diversity in relation to all other localities inhabited by this species of snake. Also, the average value of measured morphological characteristics in females&nbsp; were significantly higher than in males in all three age categories (juvenile, subadult and adult). Fertility and fecundity, and fitness index have showed the specificity acording to specific zone of the island.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; By summarizing and analyzing of results it can be conclude that the population of <em>Natrix tessellata</em> which inhabits island Golem grad are very specific due to the uniform presence of all three color morphs that demonstrate their&nbsp; environmental, reproductive and morphological specificity in comparison of dice snakes populations that have been studied in other localities of their distribution range. In order to be fully explained unicity of this population from different&nbsp; evolutionary and ecological aspects, it is necessary to do further research during the next active seasons.</p>

Growth potential of various plant species for vegetative rehabilitation of different mine tailings / Jacobus Marthinus Pretorius

Pretorius, Jacobus Marthinus January 2015 (has links)
Vegetation establishment is one of the major rehabilitation methods that are used to stabilize, cover, to minimize, mitigate or remove the contaminants from tailings storage facilities (TSF’s). Phytostabilization is a useful mechanism by which plants limit the contamination of natural systems with toxic elements. For successful occurrence of phytostabilization on mine tailings, it is vital to establish plant species that can survive the hostile conditions of the substrate. Major problems encountered with vegetation covers is the lack of natural soil properties e.g. soil structure, organic carbon and also hostile chemical conditions. Only a few species are tolerant to the different negative properties of the tailings. The main aim of this project is to identify plant species that can be used for vegetative rehabilitation of nine different types of tailings material including gypsum, gold, platinum, kimberlite, coal, fluorspar and andalusite tailings. The ability of 28 different plant species to survive in the tailings was assessed by statistically calculating the growth potential of the species and summarizing the data in graphs and an index table that calculates a specific merit value for each of the tailings-species combinations. The various plant stress factors that the species exhibited were also documented. Finally, the results were correlated with a soil physical and -chemical baseline study of the tailings to provide insight into successes and failures of certain species. The final results identified various successful tailings-species combinations, as well as failures. The index table proved to be a useful tool to identify suitable species for establishment on various tailings. The baseline study of the different tailings could be used to explain why certain species could be established successfully, as well as the reason why some species did not survive. / M (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Growth potential of various plant species for vegetative rehabilitation of different mine tailings / Jacobus Marthinus Pretorius

Pretorius, Jacobus Marthinus January 2015 (has links)
Vegetation establishment is one of the major rehabilitation methods that are used to stabilize, cover, to minimize, mitigate or remove the contaminants from tailings storage facilities (TSF’s). Phytostabilization is a useful mechanism by which plants limit the contamination of natural systems with toxic elements. For successful occurrence of phytostabilization on mine tailings, it is vital to establish plant species that can survive the hostile conditions of the substrate. Major problems encountered with vegetation covers is the lack of natural soil properties e.g. soil structure, organic carbon and also hostile chemical conditions. Only a few species are tolerant to the different negative properties of the tailings. The main aim of this project is to identify plant species that can be used for vegetative rehabilitation of nine different types of tailings material including gypsum, gold, platinum, kimberlite, coal, fluorspar and andalusite tailings. The ability of 28 different plant species to survive in the tailings was assessed by statistically calculating the growth potential of the species and summarizing the data in graphs and an index table that calculates a specific merit value for each of the tailings-species combinations. The various plant stress factors that the species exhibited were also documented. Finally, the results were correlated with a soil physical and -chemical baseline study of the tailings to provide insight into successes and failures of certain species. The final results identified various successful tailings-species combinations, as well as failures. The index table proved to be a useful tool to identify suitable species for establishment on various tailings. The baseline study of the different tailings could be used to explain why certain species could be established successfully, as well as the reason why some species did not survive. / M (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

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