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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uticaj ekoloških faktora na pojavu Marteilia refringens kod mediteranske dagnje (Mytilus galloprovincialis) / Influence of environmental factors on theoccurrence of Marteilia refringens inMediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis)

Adžić Bojan 04 July 2016 (has links)
<p>Циљ истраживања је био да се утврди појава и преваленца паразита Marteilia<br />refringens у медитеранској дагњи (Mytilus galloprovincialis) гајеној у<br />Бококоторском заливу. Осим тога имали смо за циљ да утврдимо да ли<br />еколошки фактори (температура морске воде, салинитет, концентрација<br />кисеоника, pH вредност) и присуство бактерија (Escherichia coli и стрептококи<br />фекалног порекла) утичу на појаву овог паразита у медитеранској дагњи.<br />Вршили смо испитивања на шест различитих локација &ndash; узгајалишта<br />медитеранске дагње у Бококоторском заливу. Укупно је узорковано 960 јединки<br />медитеранске дагње. Marteilia refringens је утврђена на четири локације -<br />узгајалишта. Укупна преваленца паразита Marteilia refringens је износила<br />1,25%. Кретала се од 0% на две локације, 0,56% на једној, 1,67% на једној<br />локацији до максимално 3,33% на двe локације. Пратили смо евентуалну<br />појаву паразита током дванаестомесечног периода, а утврдили смо његово<br />присуство од септембра до децембра и у марту месецу. Од праћених<br />еколошких фактора утврдили смо да највећи утицај на појаву паразита има pH<br />вредност морске воде, с тим што се Marteilia refringens појављује при нижој pH<br />вредности од просечне. Утврдили смо и утицај концентрације кисеоника у<br />морској води, при чему се Marteilia refringens јављала при вишим<br />концентрацијама кисеоника. Нисмо утврдили утицај температуре на појаву<br />паразита, али смо забележили појаву паразита при минималној температури<br />од 11,2˚C. Нисмо статистички доказали утицај салинитета и појаве бактерија у<br />морској води на појаву Marteiliae refringens. Доказали смо негативан утицај<br />појаве паразита Marteilia refringens на индекс кондиције медитеранске дагње.<br />Све мартелије утврђене цитолошким и хистолошким испитивањима смо<br />потврдили и молекуларним испитивањима, при чему смо утвдили да наши<br />изолати паразита припадају М типу Marteiliae refringens. Сви н</p> / <p>Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi pojava i prevalenca parazita Marteilia<br />refringens u mediteranskoj dagnji (Mytilus galloprovincialis) gajenoj u<br />Bokokotorskom zalivu. Osim toga imali smo za cilj da utvrdimo da li<br />ekološki faktori (temperatura morske vode, salinitet, koncentracija<br />kiseonika, pH vrednost) i prisustvo bakterija (Escherichia coli i streptokoki<br />fekalnog porekla) utiču na pojavu ovog parazita u mediteranskoj dagnji.<br />Vršili smo ispitivanja na šest različitih lokacija &ndash; uzgajališta<br />mediteranske dagnje u Bokokotorskom zalivu. Ukupno je uzorkovano 960 jedinki<br />mediteranske dagnje. Marteilia refringens je utvrđena na četiri lokacije -<br />uzgajališta. Ukupna prevalenca parazita Marteilia refringens je iznosila<br />1,25%. Kretala se od 0% na dve lokacije, 0,56% na jednoj, 1,67% na jednoj<br />lokaciji do maksimalno 3,33% na dve lokacije. Pratili smo eventualnu<br />pojavu parazita tokom dvanaestomesečnog perioda, a utvrdili smo njegovo<br />prisustvo od septembra do decembra i u martu mesecu. Od praćenih<br />ekoloških faktora utvrdili smo da najveći uticaj na pojavu parazita ima pH<br />vrednost morske vode, s tim što se Marteilia refringens pojavljuje pri nižoj pH<br />vrednosti od prosečne. Utvrdili smo i uticaj koncentracije kiseonika u<br />morskoj vodi, pri čemu se Marteilia refringens javljala pri višim<br />koncentracijama kiseonika. Nismo utvrdili uticaj temperature na pojavu<br />parazita, ali smo zabeležili pojavu parazita pri minimalnoj temperaturi<br />od 11,2˚C. Nismo statistički dokazali uticaj saliniteta i pojave bakterija u<br />morskoj vodi na pojavu Marteiliae refringens. Dokazali smo negativan uticaj<br />pojave parazita Marteilia refringens na indeks kondicije mediteranske dagnje.<br />Sve martelije utvrđene citološkim i histološkim ispitivanjima smo<br />potvrdili i molekularnim ispitivanjima, pri čemu smo utvdili da naši<br />izolati parazita pripadaju M tipu Marteiliae refringens. Svi n</p> / <p>The aim of the research was to determine the presence and prevalence of the<br />parasite Marteilia refringens in Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis)<br />cultivated in Boka kotorska Bay. In addition we aimed to determine wheather<br />environmental factors (temperature of seawater, salinity, oxygen concentration, pH<br />value) and the presence of bacteria (Escherichia coli and streptococci of faecal<br />origin) have influence on the occurrence of this parasite in the Mediterranean<br />mussels. We conducted tests at six different locations. In total 960 individuals of<br />Mediterranean mussels were sampled and included in the study. Marteilia refringens<br />was found at four locations. The overall prevalence of the parasite Marteilia<br />refringens was 1.25%. It ranged from 0% at two locations, 0,56% at one, 1.67% at<br />one to 3,33% at two locations. We traced the possible occurrence of the parasite<br />during a twelve month period, and we found its presence from September till<br />December and in March. We found that the pH value of seawater had the greatest<br />impact on the occurence of the parasite from all monitored environmental factors.<br />Marteilia refringens occurs at lower pH values than the average measured pH<br />values of seawater. We also found that Marteilia refringens occured at the higher<br />concentrations of oxygen in the seawater. We did not determine the effect of<br />temperature on the occurrence of the parasite, but we recorded the occurrence of<br />this parasite at a minimum temperature of 11,2˚C. We did not prove that salinity and<br />the presents of bacteria had an influence on the occurrence of Marteilia refringens.<br />We determined a negative impact of Marteilia refringens on the condition index of<br />Mediterranean mussel. All parasites, determined by cytologic and histologic<br />examination were confirmed by molecular methods. We determined that all our<br />isolates belonged to the M type of Marteilia refringens. All our isolates show genetic<br />uniformity, but also show genetic similarity with other isolates of Marteilia</p>

Physical activity related to health components and medical costs in employees of a financial institution / Madelein Smit.

Smit, Madelein January 2012 (has links)
Physical activity has several advantages for health. The first objective of this research was to determine the relationship between physical activity and selected physical and psychological health components. The physical components include: diabetes risk, obesity, cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. The psychological health components include stress and depression. Secondly, this research aimed to determine the relationship between physical activity and medical costs. Medical costs were divided into pharmaceutical, general practitioners and hospital claims. A total of 9 860 employees of the same financial institution in South Africa, between the ages 18 and 64 (x̄ = 35.3 ± 18.6 years), participated in the study and participation was voluntary. No differentiation was made between race groups. The assessment of selected health risk factors and physical activity was done by using the Health Risk Assessment (HRA) methodology developed by the company, Monitored Health Risk (MHM). Assessment included a physical activity, diabetes risk and cardiovascular risk questionnaire, BMI and random blood glucose measurements, as well as stress and depression scores. The amount of days absent from work in the past six months was also determined by the questionnaire. Participants was categorised in three groups – low, moderate and high physical activity participation. Medical expenditure data was obtained from Monitored Health Risk Management Pty (Ltd). Hospital, pharmaceutical and general practitioners (GP) claims included all costs occurring during a six month period. The majority of the study group showed low physical activity participation (78.27%). The results also showed that both men and women showed an increased risk for diabetes, and high physical activity levels have a practically and statistically significant effect on the reduction of diabetes risk. In this study all the physical activity groups of both males and females showed an increased average body mass index (BMI) and therefore are considered to be an increased risk according to the classification as stipulated by the study perimeters. The average means for cholesterol in all groups are categorised as low risk. No significant differences are seen between the female groups as well as between the different male groups. The men in the study group showed higher cardiovascular risk than women. There are no statistically significant differences between the women’s groups. However, regarding the male groups, the low physically active male group showed significant differences to the high physical active male group. Thus, in this study it appears that the men participating in high levels of physical activity show the lowest risk for cardiovascular disease and therefore appear to be influenced by physical activity. The majority of the study group is shown to be in the high stress category (55.48%). It seems that work issues (82%), financial problems (74%) and family problems (69%) contribute most to the population’s high stress levels and depression experience. The Physical activity index (PAI) in relation to stress only shows practical significance in moderate and high physical women. The PAI and stress-related index reports statistically (p≤0.05; 0.001) significant and practice significant difference within the population. There was also a statistically significant (p≤0.05) relation between stress and physical activity in relation to days absent. Although high levels of stress and low levels of physical activity are present in the population, the relation become statistically significant in relation with depression. The study group was divided into two groups when the medical cost was examined. One group consisted of those individuals who do not use chronic medication and the other group, those individuals that use chronic medication. The majority of the study group (chronic and nonchronic medication use), show low physical activity participation (average of 78.80%). The results show statistically and practically significant differences between the groups that do not use chronic medication and the groups that use chronic medication. The women that use chronic medication show an increase in pharmaceutical costs with an increase in physical activity. However, when investigating the GP cost of women who use chronic medication, there is only a small difference in GP cost in the different physical activity participation categories. The data shows that men have higher pharmaceutical costs than women in all the physical activity categories. The results also indicate that men who use chronic medication, participating in low levels of physical activity do show higher pharmacy and GP costs. Medical cost associated with hospitalisation of those men whose chronic medications show an average higher medical cost (R231.72 versus R672.71). The women who are on chronic medication show about two and a half times higher hospitalisation cost (R253.97 versus R650.82) and the men an almost four times higher cost (R189.34 versus R721.71). No practically significant difference was found between the groups. The women show an increased incidence of low physical activity participation (82.38%), whereas 68.80% of the men show low physical activity participation. Women who use chronic medication and participate in moderate physical activity show lower hospital costs. The women in this study group that use chronic medication and participate in high levels of physical activity show the highest hospital cost. The men’s profile indicates that medical cost due to hospital claims rise with the higher levels of physical activity. / Thesis (PhD (Human Movement Sciences))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Physical activity related to health components and medical costs in employees of a financial institution / Madelein Smit.

Smit, Madelein January 2012 (has links)
Physical activity has several advantages for health. The first objective of this research was to determine the relationship between physical activity and selected physical and psychological health components. The physical components include: diabetes risk, obesity, cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. The psychological health components include stress and depression. Secondly, this research aimed to determine the relationship between physical activity and medical costs. Medical costs were divided into pharmaceutical, general practitioners and hospital claims. A total of 9 860 employees of the same financial institution in South Africa, between the ages 18 and 64 (x̄ = 35.3 ± 18.6 years), participated in the study and participation was voluntary. No differentiation was made between race groups. The assessment of selected health risk factors and physical activity was done by using the Health Risk Assessment (HRA) methodology developed by the company, Monitored Health Risk (MHM). Assessment included a physical activity, diabetes risk and cardiovascular risk questionnaire, BMI and random blood glucose measurements, as well as stress and depression scores. The amount of days absent from work in the past six months was also determined by the questionnaire. Participants was categorised in three groups – low, moderate and high physical activity participation. Medical expenditure data was obtained from Monitored Health Risk Management Pty (Ltd). Hospital, pharmaceutical and general practitioners (GP) claims included all costs occurring during a six month period. The majority of the study group showed low physical activity participation (78.27%). The results also showed that both men and women showed an increased risk for diabetes, and high physical activity levels have a practically and statistically significant effect on the reduction of diabetes risk. In this study all the physical activity groups of both males and females showed an increased average body mass index (BMI) and therefore are considered to be an increased risk according to the classification as stipulated by the study perimeters. The average means for cholesterol in all groups are categorised as low risk. No significant differences are seen between the female groups as well as between the different male groups. The men in the study group showed higher cardiovascular risk than women. There are no statistically significant differences between the women’s groups. However, regarding the male groups, the low physically active male group showed significant differences to the high physical active male group. Thus, in this study it appears that the men participating in high levels of physical activity show the lowest risk for cardiovascular disease and therefore appear to be influenced by physical activity. The majority of the study group is shown to be in the high stress category (55.48%). It seems that work issues (82%), financial problems (74%) and family problems (69%) contribute most to the population’s high stress levels and depression experience. The Physical activity index (PAI) in relation to stress only shows practical significance in moderate and high physical women. The PAI and stress-related index reports statistically (p≤0.05; 0.001) significant and practice significant difference within the population. There was also a statistically significant (p≤0.05) relation between stress and physical activity in relation to days absent. Although high levels of stress and low levels of physical activity are present in the population, the relation become statistically significant in relation with depression. The study group was divided into two groups when the medical cost was examined. One group consisted of those individuals who do not use chronic medication and the other group, those individuals that use chronic medication. The majority of the study group (chronic and nonchronic medication use), show low physical activity participation (average of 78.80%). The results show statistically and practically significant differences between the groups that do not use chronic medication and the groups that use chronic medication. The women that use chronic medication show an increase in pharmaceutical costs with an increase in physical activity. However, when investigating the GP cost of women who use chronic medication, there is only a small difference in GP cost in the different physical activity participation categories. The data shows that men have higher pharmaceutical costs than women in all the physical activity categories. The results also indicate that men who use chronic medication, participating in low levels of physical activity do show higher pharmacy and GP costs. Medical cost associated with hospitalisation of those men whose chronic medications show an average higher medical cost (R231.72 versus R672.71). The women who are on chronic medication show about two and a half times higher hospitalisation cost (R253.97 versus R650.82) and the men an almost four times higher cost (R189.34 versus R721.71). No practically significant difference was found between the groups. The women show an increased incidence of low physical activity participation (82.38%), whereas 68.80% of the men show low physical activity participation. Women who use chronic medication and participate in moderate physical activity show lower hospital costs. The women in this study group that use chronic medication and participate in high levels of physical activity show the highest hospital cost. The men’s profile indicates that medical cost due to hospital claims rise with the higher levels of physical activity. / Thesis (PhD (Human Movement Sciences))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

The implementation of selected technologies to enhance the restoration of indigenous tree species in the deforested riparian areas in the Mapungubwe National Park, South Africa : a case study / Yolandi Els

Els, Yolandi January 2010 (has links)
Stretches of forest along the Limpopo and Shashe Rivers have been classified as a unique forest type in the vegetation of South Africa and are considered as being "critically endangered" by the South African Biodiversity Institute. Roughly 400 hectares of this riverine forest area inside the western section of the Mapungubwe National Park (MNP), a UNESCO World Heritage site, were deforested and therefore degraded due to previous agricultural cultivation practices. Given the extent of forest degradation that has occurred, the restoration of this area by means of the re–vegetation of indigenous trees to its former composition is one of the objectives of the MNP's management plan. The successful establishment of tree seedlings, especially in semi–arid systems, is however presented with a wide range of constraints and limiting conditions, which often result in very high mortality rates during restoration projects. An experimental exclosure, as identified by South African National Parks (SANParks), was therefore fenced off inside the degraded old lands to act as a demonstration site for the restoration of indigenous trees. A pilot study conducted in 2006, involved the transplantation of selected indigenous tree species with the aim of evaluating suitable re–vegetation technologies. The research contained in this dissertation was also conducted inside the experimental exclosure, where recommendations derived from the pilot study were evaluated, including the assessment of new re–vegetation technologies to enhance the establishment of the indigenous trees. This study was therefore a follow–up project which involved both field– and greenhouse trials. Seedlings of the following species were either transplanted into the experimental exclosure (field trial) or cultivated inside a controlled environment in the greenhouse at the North–West University: Acacia xanthophloea Benth. (fever tree), Berchemia discolor (Klotzsch) Hemsl. (brown–ivory), Combretum imberbe Wawra (leadwood), Faidherbia albida (Delile) A. Chev. (ana tree), Philenoptera violacea (Klotzsch) Schrire (apple–leaf), Salvadora australis Schweick. (narrow–leaved mustard tree) and Xanthocercis zambesiaca (Baker) Dumaz–le–Grand (nyala tree). During the follow–up study the effects of various enhancement treatments were tested regarding the survival, growth and physiological performance of seedlings in both the field– and greenhouse trials. The enhancement treatments consisted of the addition of compost and indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). In addition, seedlings transplanted during the pilot study, which did not include enhancement treatments, were also monitored for establishment and growth. The potential use of established Acacia tortilis Hayne trees to facilitate growth and establishment and to act as "nursing plants", was also assessed. In addition, various pre–sowing treatments were also applied to seeds of selected tree species in the greenhouse to assess the germination rate. The survivorship and growth of seedlings in both the field– and greenhouse trial were determined by using three growth parameters, namely "stem diameter at the base", "stem diameter 30 cm from the base", and "height of the tree in its natural growth form". Chlorophyll fluorescence induction (JIP test) was measured on seedlings in both trials, using the multi–parametric expression, namely performance index (PIABS), as a measure of the overall vitality of the plants of each species–treatment combination. Physical and chemical analyses were carried out on the soil inside the experimental exclosure. Basic descriptive statistics were used to analyse seedling survival and germination rates, and a two–way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the statistical significant effects of the various enhancement treatments on diameter growth in each species (p < 0.05). Fluorescence data were processed using the Biolyzer software and significant effects in each species were determined using the Student's t–test (p < 0.05). Multivariate data ordinations using the CANOCO package were used to determine the differences in soil types inside the experimental exclosure. Moisture stress due to transplantation shock, competition with dense grass cover and herbivory, resulted in an overall 55.8% seedling survival rate and negative stem diameter growth for transplanted seedlings in the field. In comparison, seedlings cultivated in the greenhouse had much higher survival rates and showed positive stem diameter growth. Most species in the greenhouse showed higher growth rates and significantly higher vitality values when planted with enhancement treatments. The responses of transplanted seedlings to the enhancement treatments were very species–specific in the field trials. Based on these results, it was concluded that the enhancement treatments were beneficial with regard to the establishment and growth of most of the species. The beneficial effect was however cancelled out by the various abiotic and biotic factors encountered in the natural environment. Seedlings transplanted in the understory of established pioneer A. tortilis trees had much lower survival rates as the extensive root system of A. tortilis most likely out–competed the transplanted seedlings for moisture and nutrients. Many seedlings were also predated by insects or small mammals which reduced the growing potential. The germination trials recorded the highest germination rates for most species when germinated in the compost–containing treatments. These trials also indicated that all of the investigated species showed higher survival rates when pre–sowing treatments, such as soaking, mechanical scarification and removing the seed from fruit, were applied. Various recommendations emphasising long–term monitoring, proper maintenance and after–care of future restoration efforts are made. These include experimental layout of exclosure plots and pretransplantation treatments of seedlings while cultivated in the nursery. During this study, the experimental exclosure was also used as a demonstration site for training and capacity building for SANParks personnel and students from academic institutions. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Environmental Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

The implementation of selected technologies to enhance the restoration of indigenous tree species in the deforested riparian areas in the Mapungubwe National Park, South Africa : a case study / Yolandi Els

Els, Yolandi January 2010 (has links)
Stretches of forest along the Limpopo and Shashe Rivers have been classified as a unique forest type in the vegetation of South Africa and are considered as being "critically endangered" by the South African Biodiversity Institute. Roughly 400 hectares of this riverine forest area inside the western section of the Mapungubwe National Park (MNP), a UNESCO World Heritage site, were deforested and therefore degraded due to previous agricultural cultivation practices. Given the extent of forest degradation that has occurred, the restoration of this area by means of the re–vegetation of indigenous trees to its former composition is one of the objectives of the MNP's management plan. The successful establishment of tree seedlings, especially in semi–arid systems, is however presented with a wide range of constraints and limiting conditions, which often result in very high mortality rates during restoration projects. An experimental exclosure, as identified by South African National Parks (SANParks), was therefore fenced off inside the degraded old lands to act as a demonstration site for the restoration of indigenous trees. A pilot study conducted in 2006, involved the transplantation of selected indigenous tree species with the aim of evaluating suitable re–vegetation technologies. The research contained in this dissertation was also conducted inside the experimental exclosure, where recommendations derived from the pilot study were evaluated, including the assessment of new re–vegetation technologies to enhance the establishment of the indigenous trees. This study was therefore a follow–up project which involved both field– and greenhouse trials. Seedlings of the following species were either transplanted into the experimental exclosure (field trial) or cultivated inside a controlled environment in the greenhouse at the North–West University: Acacia xanthophloea Benth. (fever tree), Berchemia discolor (Klotzsch) Hemsl. (brown–ivory), Combretum imberbe Wawra (leadwood), Faidherbia albida (Delile) A. Chev. (ana tree), Philenoptera violacea (Klotzsch) Schrire (apple–leaf), Salvadora australis Schweick. (narrow–leaved mustard tree) and Xanthocercis zambesiaca (Baker) Dumaz–le–Grand (nyala tree). During the follow–up study the effects of various enhancement treatments were tested regarding the survival, growth and physiological performance of seedlings in both the field– and greenhouse trials. The enhancement treatments consisted of the addition of compost and indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). In addition, seedlings transplanted during the pilot study, which did not include enhancement treatments, were also monitored for establishment and growth. The potential use of established Acacia tortilis Hayne trees to facilitate growth and establishment and to act as "nursing plants", was also assessed. In addition, various pre–sowing treatments were also applied to seeds of selected tree species in the greenhouse to assess the germination rate. The survivorship and growth of seedlings in both the field– and greenhouse trial were determined by using three growth parameters, namely "stem diameter at the base", "stem diameter 30 cm from the base", and "height of the tree in its natural growth form". Chlorophyll fluorescence induction (JIP test) was measured on seedlings in both trials, using the multi–parametric expression, namely performance index (PIABS), as a measure of the overall vitality of the plants of each species–treatment combination. Physical and chemical analyses were carried out on the soil inside the experimental exclosure. Basic descriptive statistics were used to analyse seedling survival and germination rates, and a two–way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the statistical significant effects of the various enhancement treatments on diameter growth in each species (p < 0.05). Fluorescence data were processed using the Biolyzer software and significant effects in each species were determined using the Student's t–test (p < 0.05). Multivariate data ordinations using the CANOCO package were used to determine the differences in soil types inside the experimental exclosure. Moisture stress due to transplantation shock, competition with dense grass cover and herbivory, resulted in an overall 55.8% seedling survival rate and negative stem diameter growth for transplanted seedlings in the field. In comparison, seedlings cultivated in the greenhouse had much higher survival rates and showed positive stem diameter growth. Most species in the greenhouse showed higher growth rates and significantly higher vitality values when planted with enhancement treatments. The responses of transplanted seedlings to the enhancement treatments were very species–specific in the field trials. Based on these results, it was concluded that the enhancement treatments were beneficial with regard to the establishment and growth of most of the species. The beneficial effect was however cancelled out by the various abiotic and biotic factors encountered in the natural environment. Seedlings transplanted in the understory of established pioneer A. tortilis trees had much lower survival rates as the extensive root system of A. tortilis most likely out–competed the transplanted seedlings for moisture and nutrients. Many seedlings were also predated by insects or small mammals which reduced the growing potential. The germination trials recorded the highest germination rates for most species when germinated in the compost–containing treatments. These trials also indicated that all of the investigated species showed higher survival rates when pre–sowing treatments, such as soaking, mechanical scarification and removing the seed from fruit, were applied. Various recommendations emphasising long–term monitoring, proper maintenance and after–care of future restoration efforts are made. These include experimental layout of exclosure plots and pretransplantation treatments of seedlings while cultivated in the nursery. During this study, the experimental exclosure was also used as a demonstration site for training and capacity building for SANParks personnel and students from academic institutions. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Environmental Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

'n Vergelykende kwalitatiewe beskrywing van die ontwikkelingstadia van Erik Erikson en Chakra-ontwikkeling (Afrikaans)

Smit, Jeanne 09 November 2004 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate the resemblance between the developmental stages and developmental tasks of the seven chakras (Judith, 1996) and Erik Erikson’s developmental theory (Bee, 1996). The researcher aims to describe the similarities between the chakra system and developmental psychology. The discussion of literature was divided into two components. Firstly, Stages 1-8 of Erikson’s developmental theory were discussed. Secondly, the chakra system was discussed. The researcher discussed the following concepts to explain the term chakra system: the human and the body; chakra definitions and associations, chakra names, and the colours associated with the chakras. For the purposes of this study, the functions of the separate chakras and the development of the chakra system were focal points. The study was done at a private yoga organisation in Durbanville, Cape Town, where the participants of the study regularly took part in classes. These participants were chosen because of their reliability (adults and regular participation) and their receptivity for alternative healing. Their age and gender was also relevant to the study, because the researcher used non-probability sampling. The main prerequisites for individuals to participate in the study were regular attendance and the individuals’ status as adults. / Dissertation (MA(Couns Psych))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Psychology / unrestricted

Novo rešenje za detekciju prisustva i kretanja ljudi u prostorijama na osnovu analize signala u bežičnoj senzorskoj mreži / A novel solution for indoor human presence and motion detection in wireless sensor networks based on the analysis of radio signals propagation

Mrazovac Bojan 11 February 2016 (has links)
<p>Neregularnost prostiranja radio talasa je uobičajeni fenomen koji<br />utiče na kvalitet radio veze u okviru bežične mreže, rezultujući<br />različitim obrascima prostiranja radio talasa. Ova teza daje<br />predlog nekoliko postupaka analize prostiranja radio talasa u cilju<br />bez-senzorskog otkrivanja prisustva i kretanja ljudi unutar postojeće<br />bežične mreže. Indikator primljene snage radio signala predstavlja<br />osnovni element analize, iz kog se izdvajaju informaciono,<br />amplitudsko i frekventno obeležje. Analizom navedenih obeležja<br />moguća je realizacija robusnog postupka bez-senzorske detekcije ljudi<br />koja se može primeniti u različitim rešenjima ambijentalne<br />inteligencije, zahtevajući minimalan broj elemenata fizičke<br />arhitekture, neophodnih za uspostavljanje korisnički svesnog<br />okruženja.</p> / <p>Radio irregularity is a common and non-negligible phenomenon that impacts<br />the connectivity and interference in a wireless network, by introducing<br />disturbances in radio signal&rsquo;s propagation pattern. In order to detect a<br />possible presence of a human subject within the existing radio network<br />sensorlessly, this thesis analyze the irregularity data expressed in a form of<br />received signal strength variation. The received signal strength variation is<br />decomposed into information, amplitude and frequency characteristics. The<br />combination of these three characteristics analysis enables the definition of<br />robust and cost-effective device-free human presence detection method that<br />can be exploited for various ambient intelligence solutions, requiring the<br />minimum hardware add-ons that are necessary for the establishment of a<br />user aware environment.</p>

Rani prediktori neuspeha neinvazivne mehaničke ventilacije u egzacerbaciji hronične opstruktivne bolesti pluća / Early predictors of non-invasive ventilation failure in exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Joveš Sević Biljana 09 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Iz rezultata brojnih randomiziranih kliničkih studija proizi&scaron;le su smernice u koijma se navodi da je upotreba neinvazivne ventilacije (NIV), uz farmakolo&scaron;ku terapiju, indikovana kod svih bolesnika sa te&scaron;kom egzacerbacijom hronične opstruktivne bolesti pluća (HOBP), i to sa najvi&scaron;im nivoom preporuke. Dokazano je da se upotrebom NIV-a smanjuje broj intubacija, uz smanjenje mortaliteta ali i skraćenje dužine bolničkog lečenja. S obzirom da je nekada ventilatorna potpora bila pružana isključivo u jedinicama intenzivne nege, a da je kapacitet ovakvih odeljenja gotovo stalno popunjen, postavlja se pitanje adekvatnog okruženja unutar bolnice gde se bezbedno i efikasno može primeniti neinvazivna ventilacija, ali gde se i na vreme mogu prepoznati rani znakovi njene neuspe&scaron;ne primene, nakon čega trebaobezbediti pravovremenu endotrahealnu intubaciju. Stoga su rađene brojne studije u cilju izdvajanja ranih prediktora ishoda neinvazivne ventilacije - kako u cilju ranog prepoznavanja neuspeha NIV-a i omogućavanja pravovremene intubacije, tako i u cilju stratifikacije pacijenata sa različitim stepenom rizika za neuspeh, uz obezbeđivanje adekvatnog nivoa nege i monitoringa za sve bolesnike. Ciljevi: Ciljevi istraživanja su da se utvrdi koji pokazatelji koreliraju sa neuspe&scaron;nim ishodom primene neinvazivne mehaničke ventilacije kod bolesnika sa te&scaron;kom egzacerbacijom hronične opstruktivne bolesti pluća, kako bi se kreirao prognostički model ishoda lečenja, te da se se na osnovu prognostičkog modela stratifikuju bolesnici prema stepenu rizika za neuspeh NIV-a i u skladu sa njim predloži adekvatan stepen monitoringa, odnosno kliničko okruženje za bezbedno i efikasno pružanje ventilatorne potpore. Metodologija: U Institutu za plućne bolesti Vojvodine u Sremskoj Kamenici sprovedeno je prospektivno opservaciono istraživanje u trajanju od 39 meseci, u koje je uključeno 250 konsekutivnih bolesnika hospitalizovanih zbog te&scaron;ke egzacerbacije HOBP-a sa respiratornom acidozom. NIV je primenjen u modu pritiskom podržane ventilacije ventilatorima marke Covidien tipa Airox Supportair, uz upotrebu oronazalne maske. Početni parametri su podrazumevali upotrebu ekspiratornog pozitivnog pritiska u disajnim putevima - EPAP-a od 5 cm H2O i inspiratornog pozitivnog pritiska u disajnim putevima IPAPa od 12 cm H20, koji su u potom titrirani ka ciljnim vrednostima IPAPa od 15-20 cmH2O, a u skladu sa kliničkim odgovorom. Za svakog bolesnika evidentirani su: pol, starost, ranija primena dugotrajne oksigenoterapije u kućnim uslovima, primena NIV-a tokom prethodnih hospitalizacija, komorbiditeti preko Charlson indeksa, vreme proteklo od početka hospitalizacije do započinjanja NIV-a, vrednosti pH, bikarbonata, PaCO2 i PaO2 u gasnim analizama arterijske krvi pre započinjanja NIV-a, inicijalna SpO2 i odnos PaO2/FiO2, zatim promena vrednosti pH, PaCO2 i PaO2 u gasnim analizama arterijske krvi sat vremena nakon početka primene NIV-a, inicijalni vitalni parametri - srčana frekvenca, respiratorna frekvenca, stanje svesti procenjeno Glazgov koma skalom (GCS), telesna temperatura, sistolni arterijski pritisak, diureza, a potom zbirni modifikovani ranoupozoravajući bodovni skor (MEWS-modified early warning score), prisustvo i opseg konsolidacija na radiogramu grudnog ko&scaron;a, saradnja bolesnika, te mesto primene NIV-a. Kao primarni ishod istraživanja definisan je neuspeh neinvazivne mehaničke ventilacije: intubacija ili smrtni ishod u toku hospitalizacije uzrokovan respiratornom insuficijencijom. Svaki potencijalni prediktor neuspeha je prvo evaluiran uz pomoć univarijantne analize, a potom su svi faktori rizika za koje je univarijantnom analizom utvrdjena statistička značajnost analizirani uz pomoć multivarijantne logističke regresije, u cilju utvrdjivanja adekvatnih statističkih modela. Rezultati: Od ukupno 250 bolesnika NIV je uspe&scaron;no primenjen kod 164 bolesnika (65.6%). Ukupno 139 (59.3%) bolesnika bilo je mu&scaron;kog pola, a prosečna starost svih ispitanika bila je 67 godina. Bolesnici sa neuspe&scaron;nim ishodom NIV-a imaju, prema univarijantnoj analizi: statistički značajno veće vrednosti Charlson indexa (p=0.002, OR 1.293, 95%CI 1.103-1.516), konsolidacije u &ge;2 kvadranata (p=0.000, OR 5.384, 95%CI 2.487-11.655), duže vreme od početka hospitalizacije do započinjanja NIV-a (p=0.0034, OR 1.005, 95%CI 1.000-1.009), tahikardiju (p=0.031, OR 2.292, 95%CI 1.080-4.864), vrednost GCS &le;11 (p=0.042, OR 1.000, 95%CI 0.165-0.969), veći MEWS skor (p=0.000, OR 1.708, 95%CI 1.410-2.068), niže vrednosti inicijalnog pH (p=0.004, OR 0.002, 95%CI 0.000-0.147), slabiju saradnju (p=0.000, OR 2.102, 95%CI 0.145-0.339). Mesto gde je sprovedena NIV je značajno uticalo na ishod &ndash; &scaron;anse za neuspe&scaron;an ishod su bile dvostruko veće kod bolesnika ventiliranih na op&scaron;tem odeljenju (p=0.006, OR 2.102, 95%CI 1.236-3.574). Kao nezavisni prediktori neuspeha nakon multivarijantne logističke regresije pokazali su se vrednosti Charlson-ovog indexa (p=0.043, OR 1.246, 95%CI 1.007-1.541), MEWS skora (p=0.010, OR 1.394, 95%CI 1.083-1.795), inicijalne vrednosti pH (p=0.030, OR 0.642, 95%CI 0.430-0.958) i stepena saradnje (p=0.000, OR 0.230, 95%CI 0.141-0.376). Zaključci: Bolesnici sa visokim vrednostima Charlson-ovog indeksa (preko 6 bodova) i MEWS-ovog skora (preko 4 boda), te niskom inicijalnom pH vredno&scaron;ću arterijske krvi (ispod 7.29) i niskim stepenom saradnje (manjim od 4) su bolesnici koji imaju povi&scaron;en stepen rizika za neuspe&scaron;an ishod primene neinvazivne ventilacije. Bolesnici visokog stepena rizika treba da se zbrinjavaju i neinvazivno ventiliraju na odeljenjima poluintenzivne i intenzivne nege, dok se bolesnici sa manjim stepenom rizika mogu inicijalno neinvazivno ventilirati i na op&scaron;tim odeljenjima, uz adekvatan monitoring i nadzor obučenog osoblja.</p> / <p>Introduction: Clinical guidelines that have evolved from the results of numerous randomized clinical trials state that the use of non-invasive ventilation (NIV), in addition to pharmacological therapy, is necessary in all patients wih severe exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - at the highest level of recommendation. It has been proven that the use of NIV leeds to reduction in mortality, intubation rates, and the length of stay in hospitals. Since ventilatory support in past was only delivered in intensive care units, and bearing in mind that their capacities are limited, there is a question of an adequate setting within a hospital where NIV can be used safely and efficiently, and where potential early signs of failure will be timely recognized and patient intubated, if necessary. Consequently, the studies were performed in order to identify early predictors of NIV outcome &ndash; in order to recognize NIV failure and necessity for transition towards invasive ventilation, but also in order to stratify the patients according to the level of risk, which will then dictate the necessary level of care and monitoring. Goals: This research is aimed at identification of parameters that correlate with failure of non-invasive ventilation in patients with severe exacerbation of COPD, in order to create prognostic model of outcome, which will then enable stratification of patients according to the risk of NIV failure. The model is to be used in order to determine adequate level of care and monitoring, that is, a setting within a hospital, for provision of efficent and safe ventilatory support for all patients. Methods: This 39-month prospective observational study was performed at the Institute for Pulmonary Diseases of Vojvodina in Sremska Kamenica, which included 250 consecutive patients hospitalized due to severe exacerbation of COPD with respiratory acidosis. NIV was applied as pressure support mode of ventilation with the ventilators brand Covidien, type Airox Supportair, with oro-nasal mask. Initial parameters were: expiratory positive airway pressure &ndash; EPAPof 5 cm H2O and inspiratory positive airway pressure - IPAP of 12 cm H20, which were further adjusted towards the IPAP of 15-20 cmH2O, or according to the clinical response. The following data were recorded for each patient: sex, age, earlier longterm oxygen therapy, NIV episode during the previous hospitalizations, co-morbidities through Charlson index, time elapsed from admission to NIV initiation, initial blood gas values: pH, bicarbonates, PaCO2 and PaO2, initial SpO2 and PaO2/FiO2, the subsequent changes inthe blood gas values after one hour: pH, PaCO2 and PaO2, initial vital signs - heart rate, respiratory rate, consciousness level by Glasgow coma scale (GCS), body temperature, sistolic blood pressure, urine output, and then modified early warning score - MEWS, presence of consolidation on chest X-ray, tolerance, setting where NIV was applied. Primary outcome was NIV failure defined as endotracheal intubation or death during hospitalization caused by respiratory failure. All variables were first tested with univariate analysis, and those with statistical significance were further subjected to multivariate logistic regression, in order to generate an adequate statistical model. Results: Amongst the total of 250 patients, NIV was successfully applied in 164 patients (65.6 %). There were 139 (59.3%) male patients, and average age was 67. According to the univariate analysis, patients with NIV failure had: higher Charlson index (p=0.002, OR 1.293, 95%CI 1.103-1.516), consolidation in &ge;2 quadrants (p=0.000, OR 5.384, 95%CI 2.487-11.655), longer time from admission to NIV initiation (p=0.0034, OR 1.005, 95%CI 1.000-1.009), increased heart rate (p=0.031, OR 2.292, 95%CI 1.080-4.864), GCS &le;11 (p=0.042, OR 1.000, 95%CI 0.165-0.969), higher MEWS score (p=0.000, OR 1.708, 95%CI 1.410-2.068), lower initial pH (p=0.004, OR 0.002, 95%CI 0.000-0.147), poorer tolerance (p=0.000, OR 2.102, 95%CI 0.145-0.339). The setting were NIV was applied influenced the outcome &ndash; odds for NIV failure were twice as high for the patients on general wards (p=0.006, OR 2.102, 95%CI 1.236-3.574). After the multivariate logistic regression, the following variables were identified as independent predictors of outcome: Charlson index (p=0.043, OR 1.246, 95%CI 1.007- 1.541), MEWS score (p=0.010, OR 1.394, 95%CI 1.083-1.795), initial pH (p=0.030, OR 0.642, 95%CI 0.430-0.958) and tolerance (p=0.000, OR 0.230, 95%CI 0.141-0.376). Conclusions: Patients with higher Charlson index (&gt; 6 points) and MEWS score (&gt;4 points), lower initial pH (&lt;7.29) and tolerance (&lt;4) are at a higher risk for nonivasive ventilation failure. High-risk patients should be admitted and ventilated at high dependency or intensive care units, while the low-risk patients may receive non-invasive ventilatory support on general wards, with adequate monitoring and under the trained staff supervision.</p>

Праћење имунолошких и патолошких ефеката атенуираних вакцина у имунопрофилакси бројлерских пилића против инфективне болести бурзе / Praćenje imunoloških i patoloških efekata atenuiranih vakcina u imunoprofilaksi brojlerskih pilića protiv infektivne bolesti burze / Investigation of immunological andpathological effects of attenuatedvaccines in immunoprophylaxis broilerchickens against infectious bursal disease

Spalević Ljiljana 30 September 2015 (has links)
<p>Инфективна болест бурзе (Гамборо болест) је контагиозна вирусна болест младих пилића. Узрочник је РНК вирус који припада фамилији Birnaviridae. Испољава тропизам према Фабрицијусовој бурзи доводећи до оштећења лимфоцита и атрофије. Болест се контролише вакцинацијом родитељских јединки и пријемчивих пилића. Употреба атенуираних вакцина може довести до смањења неких технолошких параметара. Циљ овог рада је био да се докаже које од примењених атенуираних вакцина, интермедијарних Гумбокал, Гумбокал D78 и интермедијарне-плус Гумбокал 228Е, индукује најбољи развитак имнунолошког одговора и доводе до најмањих оштећења у ткиву Фабрицијусове бурзе и слезене. Пратили смо да ли делују имуносупресивно на вакцину против Њукастл болести и да ли утичу на смањење телесне масе бројлерских пилића. Основне огледне групе су вакцинисане четрнаестог дана старости против Гамборо болести, а затим су од основних огледних група оформљене подгрупе које су вакцинисане против Њукастл болести у различитим временским периодима: О1-1, О2-2, О3-1 после седам дана, О1-2, О2-2, О3-2 после четрнаест дана, О1-3, О2-3, О3-3 после двадесетједан дан од вакцинације против Гамборo болести .Од првог до четрдесетдругог дана експеримента сваких седам дана је вађена крв пилићима, мерена њихова телесна маса и узорковане бурзе и слезене. Крвни серуми су испитивани на висину титра антитела ЕЛИСА тестом за Гамборо болест, а методом инхибиције хемагутинације за Њукастл болест. Највишу висину титра на Гамборо болест је показала огледна група О1, затим група О2 и најнижи О3. У огледним подгрупама О3-1, О3-2 и О3-3 се испољио имуносупресивни ефекат на имунолошки одговор према Њукастл болести. Фабрицијусовим бурзама је одређивана релативна маса и бурзални индекс да би се установило да ли је дошло до атрофије након примене вакцина. Најнижи бурзални индекс је установљен у огледној групи О3, затим у О2 и у О1. Таквим редоследом су устновљене и патохистолошке промене у бурзи. Добијени резултати указују да употреба интермедијане-плус вакцине индукује најбољи имунолошки одговор, али и најнижу релативну масу и вредност бурзалног индекса, као и нижу телесну масу у односу на инермедијарне вакцине. Примењене вакцине нису утицале на релативну масу слезене и нису довеле до појаве патохистолошких промена у њој.</p> / <p>Infektivna bolest burze (Gamboro bolest) je kontagiozna virusna bolest mladih pilića. Uzročnik je RNK virus koji pripada familiji Birnaviridae. Ispoljava tropizam prema Fabricijusovoj burzi dovodeći do oštećenja limfocita i atrofije. Bolest se kontroliše vakcinacijom roditeljskih jedinki i prijemčivih pilića. Upotreba atenuiranih vakcina može dovesti do smanjenja nekih tehnoloških parametara. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se dokaže koje od primenjenih atenuiranih vakcina, intermedijarnih Gumbokal, Gumbokal D78 i intermedijarne-plus Gumbokal 228E, indukuje najbolji razvitak imnunološkog odgovora i dovode do najmanjih oštećenja u tkivu Fabricijusove burze i slezene. Pratili smo da li deluju imunosupresivno na vakcinu protiv NJukastl bolesti i da li utiču na smanjenje telesne mase brojlerskih pilića. Osnovne ogledne grupe su vakcinisane četrnaestog dana starosti protiv Gamboro bolesti, a zatim su od osnovnih oglednih grupa oformljene podgrupe koje su vakcinisane protiv NJukastl bolesti u različitim vremenskim periodima: O1-1, O2-2, O3-1 posle sedam dana, O1-2, O2-2, O3-2 posle četrnaest dana, O1-3, O2-3, O3-3 posle dvadesetjedan dan od vakcinacije protiv Gamboro bolesti .Od prvog do četrdesetdrugog dana eksperimenta svakih sedam dana je vađena krv pilićima, merena njihova telesna masa i uzorkovane burze i slezene. Krvni serumi su ispitivani na visinu titra antitela ELISA testom za Gamboro bolest, a metodom inhibicije hemagutinacije za NJukastl bolest. Najvišu visinu titra na Gamboro bolest je pokazala ogledna grupa O1, zatim grupa O2 i najniži O3. U oglednim podgrupama O3-1, O3-2 i O3-3 se ispoljio imunosupresivni efekat na imunološki odgovor prema NJukastl bolesti. Fabricijusovim burzama je određivana relativna masa i burzalni indeks da bi se ustanovilo da li je došlo do atrofije nakon primene vakcina. Najniži burzalni indeks je ustanovljen u oglednoj grupi O3, zatim u O2 i u O1. Takvim redosledom su ustnovljene i patohistološke promene u burzi. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da upotreba intermedijane-plus vakcine indukuje najbolji imunološki odgovor, ali i najnižu relativnu masu i vrednost burzalnog indeksa, kao i nižu telesnu masu u odnosu na inermedijarne vakcine. Primenjene vakcine nisu uticale na relativnu masu slezene i nisu dovele do pojave patohistoloških promena u njoj.</p> / <p>Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro disease) is a contagious viral disease of young chickens. The causative agent is an RNA virus that belongs to the family Birnaviridae. It exhibits tropism toward bursa of Fabricius causing damage to cells and atrophy. The disease is controlled by vaccination of susceptible broiler breeders and chickens. The use of attenuated vaccines may lead to the reduction of certain production parameters. The aim of this study was to prove which of the applied attenuated vaccines, intermediate Gumbokal, Gumbokal D78 and intermediate-plus Gumbokal 228E, induces the best immunological response and leads to fewest damages to burza of Fabricijus tissue and spleen. We tracked whether it influences on immunosuppressive vaccine against Newcastle disease and if it leads to reduce of body mass of broiler chickens. Basic experimental groups were vaccinated on the fourteenth day of age against Gamboro diseases, and sub-groups were formed of the basic experimental groups which have been vaccinated against Newcastle disease in different time periods: O1-1, O2-2, O3-1 after seven days, O1-2 , O2-2, O3-2 after fourteen days, O1-3, O2-3, O3-3 after twenty-one days of vaccination against Gumboro disease. From the first to the fourty second day of the experiment, blood was extracted form the chicks every seven days, their body weight was measured and burza and spleen were sampled. Blood serum were assayed for the amount of the antibody titer by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test (ELISA) for Gumboro disease, and with Hemagglutination-inhibition test (HI) for Newcastle disease. The biggest titer for Gamboro disease were showed by experimental group O1, then O2 and group O3 the lowest. In the experimental subgroups O3-1, O3-2 and O3-3 immunosuppressive effect was exhibited on the immune response to Newcastle disease. Relative weight and bursal index were determined for burza of Fabricius to determine whether there was atrophy after administration of the vaccine. The lowest bursal index was established in the experimental group O3, followed by O2 and O1. Such sequence was establilshed also for histopathological changes in the burza. The obtained results indicate that the use of the intermediate-plus vaccine induces the best immune response, but also the lowest relative value of the mass and burzal index, as well as a lower body weight compared to the inermediate vaccine. Applied vaccines did not affect the relative weight of the spleen and have not led to the appearance of histopathological changes in it.</p>

Developing a repeat sales property price index for residential properties in South Africa / H. Bester

Bester, Hermine January 2010 (has links)
In South Africa various financial institutions and independent vendors have developed residential property valuation models to estimate the current value of historically traded properties. A natural extension to these models has been to develop historical property price indices. In this dissertation, three of the four approaches to developing property price indices will be examined. Through back–testing and other statistical methods, the most accurate and robust approach will be determined. The four major approaches available are the mean valuation per suburb, the median valuation per suburb, the repeat sales approach and hedonic regression. The mean valuation per suburb approach can be biased because of outliers in property prices. However, outliers in property prices will not influence the median valuation per suburb approach, but in cases where property values in a suburb have a skewed distribution, the valuation amount could be distorted. Neither of the above mentioned shortcomings influences the repeat sales or the hedonic regression approach. To follow the hedonic regression approach, the characteristics of the property need to be known. In South Africa, however, the available property data lacks detailed characteristics of traded properties. This dissertation will therefore focus on the first three methods. The repeat sales approach measures the growth in property prices by applying a generalized linear model to properties that have traded more than once. This approach is only possible if there is a representative amount of repeat sales able to fit a model. The focus of this project will be on the repeat sales approach, but all three the approaches discussed will be analysed to prove that the repeat sales approach is the most accurate in developing a property price index for properties in South Africa. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Risk Analysis))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

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