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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing a repeat sales property price index for residential properties in South Africa / H. Bester

Bester, Hermine January 2010 (has links)
In South Africa various financial institutions and independent vendors have developed residential property valuation models to estimate the current value of historically traded properties. A natural extension to these models has been to develop historical property price indices. In this dissertation, three of the four approaches to developing property price indices will be examined. Through back–testing and other statistical methods, the most accurate and robust approach will be determined. The four major approaches available are the mean valuation per suburb, the median valuation per suburb, the repeat sales approach and hedonic regression. The mean valuation per suburb approach can be biased because of outliers in property prices. However, outliers in property prices will not influence the median valuation per suburb approach, but in cases where property values in a suburb have a skewed distribution, the valuation amount could be distorted. Neither of the above mentioned shortcomings influences the repeat sales or the hedonic regression approach. To follow the hedonic regression approach, the characteristics of the property need to be known. In South Africa, however, the available property data lacks detailed characteristics of traded properties. This dissertation will therefore focus on the first three methods. The repeat sales approach measures the growth in property prices by applying a generalized linear model to properties that have traded more than once. This approach is only possible if there is a representative amount of repeat sales able to fit a model. The focus of this project will be on the repeat sales approach, but all three the approaches discussed will be analysed to prove that the repeat sales approach is the most accurate in developing a property price index for properties in South Africa. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Risk Analysis))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Suid-Afrikaanse privaatskool-hoofde se siening van inklusiewe onderwys-implementering en skoolontwikkeling (Afrikaans)

Bezuidenhout, Herman Stephanus 01 March 2010 (has links)
Education White Paper No.6 (2001) – Special Education: Special Needs Education. Building an Inclusive Education and Training System creates the expectation that more South African schools will need to follow an inclusive approach to address, effectively, the varying educational needs of all learners. A number of South African private schools implemented inclusive programs before the publication of this white paper. This research focuses on the perceptions of four South African private school principals with regards to the implementation of these programs and the consequential development of their schools. This qualitative research generated data about the selected private schools through a semi-structured interview, a document analysis, and a literature review. The processed data displayed the principals’ perceptions about the South African private schools’ nature; location; the expertise of the various stakeholders; the schools’ criteria and considerations for administering an inclusive program; the effects of the inclusive programs on the schools’ development; the influence of an inclusive approach on the development of staff, infrastructure and administration within these schools; and the nature of the systemic changes within these private schools. The literature review confirms that inclusive education is a diffuse term and that the American IDEA legislation, as the most progressive policy in this regard, ensures comprehensive inclusive mainstream schools for all learners, irrespective of their educational needs, in the least restrictive environment in their respective communities. The interview data was transcribed, labelled according to specific markers and thematically interpreted in five groups. The data analysis showed that the location of the private school, the expertise of the stakeholders at the school and the motivation for the program’s existence all play a definitive role in the extent; nature; marketing; assessment; policy formulation; accreditation; infrastructural developments; cost; policies; procedures; decision making; leadership style; in service training and staff allocation linked to the inclusive program. There are still misconceptions and questions about inclusive education within and outside the private school milieu. The growing cost and increased workload linked to this approach impede its widespread development and make other schools hesitant to implement it in the same manner as the private schools used in this research sample. AFRIKAANS : Onderwys Witskrif Nr.6 (2001) –Spesiale Onderwys: Die vestiging van ’n inklusiewe Onderwys en Opleidingstelsel se verwagting is dat meer Suid-Afrikaanse skole ’n inklusiewe benadering sal volg om al die onderwysbehoeftes van alle Suid-Afrikaanse leerders effektief aan te spreek. ’n Aantal Suid- Afrikaanse privaatskole het voor hierdie publikasiedatum verskillende inklusiewe programme geïmplementeer. Dié navorsing werp lig op die sienings van vier Suid-Afrikaanse privaatskool-hoofde aangaande die implementering van dié programme én die skoolontwikkeling wat daaruit voortvloei. Die kwalitatiewe het data oor die geselekteerde privaatskole deur ’n semi-gestruktureerde onderhoud, ’n dokument-analise en literatuurstudie ingesamel en verwerk. Die data het die skoolhoofde se persepsies aangaande die Suid-Afrikaanse inklusiewe privaatskole se aard; ligging; die kundigheid van hulle belanghebbendes; die skole se kriteria en oorwegings om die inklusiewe program te bedryf; die effekte van die inklusiewe program op skool- ontwikkelings; die invloed van die inklusiewe benadering op die personeel-, infrastruktuur- en administratiewe ontwikkelings in dié skole; én die aard van die sistemiese veranderings in die privaatskole opgelewer. Die literatuurstudie het bevestig dat inklusiewe onderwys ‘n diffuse term is en dat die Amerikaanse IDEA-wetgewing, as die progressiefste beleid in hierdie verband, verseker dat ‘n volwaardige inklusiewe hoofstroomskool alle leerders, ongeag hulle onderwysbehoefte, in die minsbeperkte leeromgewing in hulle gemeenskap akkommodeer. Die onderhouddata is getranskribeer, volgens merkers geëtiketteer en tematies geïnterpreteer in vyf groeperings. Die data-analise toon dat die ligging van die privaatskool, die kundigheid van belanghebbendes by die skool en die motivering vir die program ‘n besliste rol speel in die omvang; aard; bemarking; assessering; beleidformulering; akkreditering; infrastruktuurontwikkelings; koste; beleide; prosedures; besluite; leierskapstyl; indiensopleiding en personeeltoewysing van die inklusiewe praktyke. Daar is steeds wanopvattings oor inklusiewe onderwys binne en buite die privaatskoolbedryf, en die verhoogde werkslas en groeiende koste hieraan verbonde rem die wydverspreide ontwikkeling en maak nuwe skole huiwerig om dieselfde stap te neem as die gevestigde skole. Copyright / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

Revizija roda Eumerus Meigen, 1822 (Diptera: Syrphidae) na Balkanskom poluostrvu / Revision of the genus Eumerus Meigen, 1822 (Diptera: Syrphidae) on Balkan peninsula

Grković (Stefanović) Ana 27 August 2018 (has links)
<p>Osolike muve predstavljaju veliku familiju dvokrilaca koja u ekosistemu ima važnu ulogu opra&scaron;ivača biljaka i razlaganja organske materije. One su takođe dobar indikator naru&scaron;enosti ekosistema.&nbsp; Stoga je poznavanje njihove taksonomije i<br />ekologije od izuzetnog značaja. Jedan od tri najbrojnija roda osolikih muva&nbsp; predstavlja rod <em>Eumerus</em>, čija revizija na Balkanskom poluostrvu je predmet ove disertacije. Balkansko poluostrvo predstavlja izuzetan centar raznovrsnosti živog<br />sveta, između ostalih familija i za osolike muve. Za rod<em> Eumerus</em>, ono je pored Srednje Azije i Južne Afrike, jedan od centara specijacije.Predstavnici roda Eumerus su uglavnom sitnije crne muve, ponekad sa crvenim trbuhom. Karakteri&scaron;u ih bele popra&scaron;ene&nbsp; trake na tergitima, dva reda trnova na metafemuru&nbsp; apikoventralno i uvučena gornja spolja&scaron;nja poprečna vena na&nbsp; krilu, često sa dva kratka ispusta na ispupčenoj strani, okrenuta ka spolja. Cilj ove disertacije bio je utvrđivanje tačnog broja&nbsp; vrsta na Balkanskom poluostrvu i razre&scaron;avanje njihove&nbsp; taksonomije. Kao rezultat, utvrđeno je 44 prisutne vrste na&nbsp; istraživanom području koje su na osnovu morfolo&scaron;ke sličnosti&nbsp; podeljene u deset grupa. Tri utvrđene vrste ne pripadaju&nbsp; nijednoj grupi. U toku ovog istraživanja otkriveno je 12 vrsta novih za nauku:<em> E. aurofinis, E. banaticus</em>, in litt., <em>E. <span id="cke_bm_182S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><span id="cke_bm_185S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>bicornis</em><span id="cke_bm_185E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><span id="cke_bm_182E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>, in<span id="cke_bm_183S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span> litt., <span id="cke_bm_186S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><em>E. crassus</em><span id="cke_bm_186E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>, <span id="cke_bm_187S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><em>E. kar<span id="cke_bm_183E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>yates</em><span id="cke_bm_187E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>, in li<span id="cke_bm_188S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>tt., <em>E. montanum</em>, <em>E.&nbsp;<span id="cke_bm_188E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span> montenegr<span id="cke_bm_184E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>inus, E. <span id="cke_bm_189E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>nigrorufus</em>, in litt.<em>, E. phaeacus</em>, in litt., <span id="cke_bm_202S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><em>E. rubrum, E. tenuitarsis</em><span id="cke_bm_202E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>, in litt. i<em> E. torsicus.</em> Geometrijska morfometrija krila je d<span id="cke_bm_203E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>ala odlične rezultate za razdvajanje&nbsp; kriptičnih taksona u okviru roda <em>Eumerus,</em> primenjena na&nbsp; vrstama grupe minotaurus. Utvrđeni su najznačajniji morfolo&scaron;ki karakteri za razlikovanje vrsta. Jedan od veoma&nbsp; značajnih rezultata ove disertacije je ključ za identifikaciju&nbsp; vrsta roda<em> Eumerus</em> na Balkanskom poluostrvu. Na osnovu morfolo&scaron;ke analize donet je zaključak da tricolor grupa&nbsp; predstavlja morfolo&scaron;ki zasebnu taksonomsku celinu sa jasnim&nbsp; indicijama da je njen rang iznad grupe vrsta. Centre diverziteta&nbsp; vrsta roda <em>Eumerus</em> na istraživanom području predstavljaju, prema bogastvu vrsta grčka ostrva Lezbos i Krf i jugoistočni&nbsp; deo Crne Gore uključujući Skadarsko jezero. Na osnovu &Scaron;enonovog indeksa diverziteta, područja sa najvećim indeksom su sledeća: ostrva Hios, Lezbos i Krf, zatim Peloponez i veći&nbsp; deo Crne Gore.</p> / <p>Hoverflies represents a large family of Diptera that have in the ecosystem an important role of pollinators and decomposer of organic matter. They are also a good indicator of ecosystem disruption. Therefore, knowledge of their taxonomy and ecology is of great importance. One of the three most numerous genus of hoverflies is the genus<em> Eumerus</em>, whose revision in the Balkan Peninsula is the subject of this dissertation. The Balkan Peninsula is an exceptional center of biodiversity, for&nbsp; hoverflies among other families. For the genus&nbsp;<em> Eumerus</em>, Balkan Peninsula is next to&nbsp; Central Asia and South Africa, one of the centers of speciation. Representatives of the genus&nbsp; Eumerus&nbsp; are mostly small black flies, sometimes with red abdomen. They are characterized by white stripes on the tergites, two rows of spines on the metafemur apico-ventrally and recessed upper outer transverse wing vein. The aim of&nbsp; this dissertation was to determine the number of species on the Balkan&nbsp; Peninsula and to resolve their taxonomy. As a result, 44 species were identified in the investigated area, which are divided into ten groups based on the&nbsp; morphological similarity. The three species identified do not belong to any group. In the course of this study, 12 new species were discovered for the science:&nbsp; <em>E. aurofinis, E. banaticus,</em> in litt.,&nbsp; <em>E. bicornis</em>, in litt.,&nbsp;<em> E. crassus,&nbsp; E. karyates</em>, in litt.,&nbsp; <em>E. montanum,&nbsp; E. montenegrinus,&nbsp; E. nigrorufus,</em> in litt.,&nbsp; <em>E. phaeacus</em>, in litt.,&nbsp; <em>E. rubrum,</em> <em>E. tenuitarsis</em>, in litt. and&nbsp; <em>E. torsicus</em>. The geometric&nbsp; morphometry of the wings gave excellent results for the separation of cryptic taxons within the genus&nbsp; Eumerus, applied to the species of the&nbsp; minotaurus&nbsp; group. The most important morphological characters for differentiating species were determined. One of the very important results of this dissertation is the identification key for species of the genus&nbsp; <em>Eumerus&nbsp;</em> on the Balkan Peninsula. Based on morphological analysis, conclusion is that the tricolor&nbsp; group represents a morphologically separate taxonomic entity with clear indications that its rank is above a group of species. The centers of diversity of the genus&nbsp;<em> Eumerus</em>&nbsp; in the research area represent, according to the species richness of the Greek island of Lesbos and Corfu and the southeastern&nbsp; part of Montenegro including the Skadar Lake. Based on the Shannon&rsquo;s Diversity Index, the areas with the highest index are as follows: the islands of Hios, Lesbos and Corfu, then Peloponnese and most of Montenegro.</p>

Rana karotidna endarterektomija nakon akutnog neurološkog deficita / Early carotid endarterectomy after acute neurological deficit

Koprivica Radenko 02 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Ciljevi: Cilj ove studije je da ispita bezbednost rane karotidne endarterektomije (CEA) u odnosu na odložene CEA nakon akutnog ishemijskog neurolo&scaron;kog deficita (TIA/CVI). Drugi cilj je da istražimo da li postoji razlika u brzini neurolo&scaron;kog oporavka između navedenih grupa. Metode: Ukupno 157 ispitanika u prospektivnoj studiji je praćeno 30 dana postoperativno. Grupa I ili rana CEA, je imala 50 ispitanika operisanih od 3. do 14. dana po TIA/CVI događaju. Grupa II ili odložena CEA, je imala 107 ispitanika operisanih od 15. do 180. dana nakon TIA/CVI. Praćen je proceduralni op&scaron;ti i specifični morbiditet i mortalitet u 30-dnevnom postoperativnom periodu. Rankin skor (mRS) smo koristili za procenu neurolo&scaron;kog invaliditeta. U odnosu na vrednost mRS skora smo formirali dve podgrupe mRS&lt;3 i mRS3. U statističkoj analizi koristili smo Pirsonov hi test, Studentov test, ANOVU analizu varijanse, Boniferonijev test i multiplu analizu varijanse za ponovljena merenja (GLM- general line model), kao i parametarsku i neparametarsku korelaciju i regresiju. Nivo značajnosti je bio 0,05. Rezultati: Prosečna starost ispitanika je bila 66,72 godine uz 66,2% osoba mu&scaron;kog pola. U grupi I je prosečno vreme do intervencije bilo 9,5 dana, a u grupi II 72,22 dana. Grupe su homogene u odnosu na faktore rizika i komorbiditet. Grupa I je imala 54% nestabilnih aterosklerotskih plakova u poređenju sa grupom II gde ih je bilo 31,8% (&chi;2 = 7.084; p &lt; 0.01). U grupi I TIA je imalo 50% ispitanika, a u grupi II CVI nalaza je bilo 68,2% (&chi;2 =4.825; p &lt;0.05). CVI do 1 cm veličine je statistički značajno vi&scaron;e zastupljen u grupi I , a CVI do 2 cm u grupi II (&chi;2 = 6.913; p &lt;0.05). Stopa CVI je u grupi I bila 2.0% a u grupi II je 2.8% (F = 0.083; p &gt; 0.05). Stopa postoperativnog infarkta miokarda (IM) je u grupi I je 2.0% a u grupi II je 1.9%. Stopa specifičnog hirur&scaron;kog morbiditeta je u grupi I 4.0% a u grupi II 3.7%. U grupi I ukupni morbiditet bio 6.0% a u grupi II 7.5%, razlika nije bila statistički značajna (F =0.921; p &gt; 0.05). Mortaliteta u obe grupe nije bilo. CVI/IM/smrt stopa je u grupi I bio 4.0% a u grupi II je bio 4.7% (F = 0.122; p &gt;0.05). Hiperlipidemija je signifikantan faktor rizika za CVI/IM/smrt (&chi;2 = 4.083; p &lt; 0.05). Pobolj&scaron;anje mRS je u grupi I imalo 52%, a u grupi II 31,8% pacijenata (&chi;2 = 5.903; p &lt;0.01). Relativni rizik je 2,4 odnosno toliko puta je veća &scaron;ansa da kod bolesnika dođe do promene mRS ako je bolesnik u grupi I. Pad mRS koji nastupa između trećeg i desetog dana nakon CEA je statistički visoko značajno izraženiji u grupi ranih CEA ( F 3,701 df 1 p=0,029). Kod bolesnika sa TIA u preko 60% slučajeva do&scaron;lo je do pada mRS, a kod onih koji su imali CVI u oko 25.5% (&chi;2 = 18.050; p &lt; 0.01). Kod Rankin skora podgrupe mRS&lt;3 i mRS3 je pad bio značajan i po vremenu (F 18,774; df 6; p=0,000) i po podgrupi ali je daleko brži pad zapažen u podgrupi mRS&lt;3(F 6,010; df 1; p=0,003). Zaključak: Rana CEA je jednako bezbedna kao i odložena CEA u pogledu incidence perioperativnog morbiditeta i mortaliteta. Ranom CEA se postiže znatno brži neurolo&scaron;ki oporavak pacijenata, naročito onih sa TIA i mRS&lt;3 skorom.</p> / <p>Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the safety of early carotid endarterectomy (CEA) in relation to the delayed CEA after acute ischemic neurological events (TIA / CVI). The second objective was to investigate whether there is a difference in speed of neurological recovery between these groups. Methods: A total of 157 patients in the prospective study followed 30 days postoperatively. Group I or early CEA, had 50 patients operated from 3 to 14 days after TIA / CVI event. Group II or delayed CEA, had 107 patients operated from 15 to 180 days after the TIA / CVI. Accompanied by the general and specific procedural morbidity and mortality in 30-day postoperative folow up. Rankin score (mRS) were used for evaluation of neurologic disability. In relation to the value of mRS score we formed two subgroups mRS &lt;3 i mRS3. In the statistical analysis we used the Pearson chi test, Student&#39;s test, ANOVA analysis of variance, Boniferony test and multiple analysis of variance for repeated measures (GLM- general line model), as well parametric and nonparametric correlation and regression. The significance level was 0.05. Results: The mean age was 66.72 years with 66.2% of males. In Group I is the average time to intervention was 9.5 days, and in group II 72.22 days. The groups were homogeneous in relation to risk factors and comorbidities. Group I had 54% of unstable atherosclerotic plaques compared with group II, where it was 31.8% (&chi;2 = 7.084; p &lt;0.01). In the group I TIA had 50% of respondents, while in group II CVI was 68.2% (&chi;2 = 4.825; p &lt;0.05). CVI to 1 cm in size were significantly more frequent in the group I, a CVI to 2 cm in group II (&chi;2 = 6.913; p &lt;0.05). CVI rate in the group I was 2.0%, and in group II was 2.8% (F = 0.083, p&gt; 0.05). Postoperative myocardial infarction (MI) in the group I is 2.0%, and in group II was 1.9%. Specific surgical morbidity rate in the group I and 4.0% in the group II 3.7%. In group I total morbidity was 6.0% in group II 7.5%, the difference was not statistically significant (F = 0.921; p&gt; 0.05). Mortality in both groups was not. CVI/IM/death rate in group I was 4.0% in group II was 4.7% (F = 0.122; p&gt; 0.05). Hyperlipidemia is a significant risk factor for CVI/IM/death (&chi;2 = 4.083; p&lt;0.05). Improving mRS in the group I had 52% and in group II 31.8% of patients (&chi;2 = 5.903; p &lt;0.01). The relative risk was 2.4 times as much and is more likely to occur in patients mRS changes if the patient in group I. Improving mRS that occurs between the third and tenth days after CEA was highly statistically significantly greater in the group of early CEA (F 3,701 df 1 p = 0.029). In patients with TIA in 60% of cases there was a decline mRS, and those had CVI in about 25.5% (&chi;2 = 18.050; p &lt;0.01). In Rankin score subgroups mRS &lt;3 i mRS 3 the decline was significant and time (F 18,774; df 6; p =0.000) and in the subgroup but it is far more rapid decline observed in the subgroup mRS &lt;3 (F 6.010; df 1; p = 0.003). Conclusions: Early CEA is as safe as the delayed CEA in respect incidence of perioperative morbidity and mortality. Early CEA is achieved significantly faster recovery of neurological patients, especially those with TIA and mRS &lt;3 compared with delayed CEA.</p>

Концептуални оквир за процену социјалне рањивости од природних хазарда у Србији / Konceptualni okvir za procenu socijalne ranjivosti od prirodnih hazarda u Srbiji / Conceptual Framework for the Social Vulnerability Assessment to Natural Hazards in Serbia

Panić Milena 12 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Рањивост од&nbsp; природних хазарда представља атрактивну тему<br />данашњице, која произилази из значаја који има за проблематику<br />природних непогода. Рањивост представља обавезну компоненту<br />сваке природне непогоде, тачније схвата се као &bdquo;контролна<br />полуга&ldquo; за смањење ризика од природних непогода. Социјална<br />рањивост од природних хазарда треба да укаже и опише ко или<br />шта је угрожено деловањем природног хазарда и у којој мери, као<br />и на обим и озбиљност последица које из потенцијалне колизије<br />могу произаћи. Из тог разлога, јавила се&nbsp; потреба да се социјална<br />рањивост измери, премери или процени у тежњи да се теоријске<br />поставке боље разумеју и добију практичну примену. Тај<br />комплексан приступ треба да пружи информације о нивоима<br />рањивости, као и отпорности одређених елемената у простору,&nbsp; а<br />потом и да омогући идентификацију покретачких фактора који<br />утичу на формирање и развој појаве социјалне рањивости. С<br />обзиром да је процена социјалне рањивости базирана на<br />званичним статистичким подацима, који дају уопштену, стерилну<br />слику стварности, за&nbsp; њено употпуњавање и хуманизацију<br />неопходно је истраживање перцепције, знања, ставова и искуства<br />становништва са природним хазардима и природним непогодама.<br />Најбољи приступ за испуњење тог циља је анкетно истраживање<br />које треба да омогући увид у поменуте карактеристике код<br />појединца, а потом обрадом добијених података и њиховим<br />уопштавањем стиче се потпуна слика о друштву и његовом<br />односу према природним хазардима и спремност за природне<br />непогоде.</p> / <p>Ranjivost od&nbsp; prirodnih hazarda predstavlja atraktivnu temu<br />današnjice, koja proizilazi iz značaja koji ima za problematiku<br />prirodnih nepogoda. Ranjivost predstavlja obaveznu komponentu<br />svake prirodne nepogode, tačnije shvata se kao &bdquo;kontrolna<br />poluga&ldquo; za smanjenje rizika od prirodnih nepogoda. Socijalna<br />ranjivost od prirodnih hazarda treba da ukaže i opiše ko ili<br />šta je ugroženo delovanjem prirodnog hazarda i u kojoj meri, kao<br />i na obim i ozbiljnost posledica koje iz potencijalne kolizije<br />mogu proizaći. Iz tog razloga, javila se&nbsp; potreba da se socijalna<br />ranjivost izmeri, premeri ili proceni u težnji da se teorijske<br />postavke bolje razumeju i dobiju praktičnu primenu. Taj<br />kompleksan pristup treba da pruži informacije o nivoima<br />ranjivosti, kao i otpornosti određenih elemenata u prostoru,&nbsp; a<br />potom i da omogući identifikaciju pokretačkih faktora koji<br />utiču na formiranje i razvoj pojave socijalne ranjivosti. S<br />obzirom da je procena socijalne ranjivosti bazirana na<br />zvaničnim statističkim podacima, koji daju uopštenu, sterilnu<br />sliku stvarnosti, za&nbsp; njeno upotpunjavanje i humanizaciju<br />neophodno je istraživanje percepcije, znanja, stavova i iskustva<br />stanovništva sa prirodnim hazardima i prirodnim nepogodama.<br />Najbolji pristup za ispunjenje tog cilja je anketno istraživanje<br />koje treba da omogući uvid u pomenute karakteristike kod<br />pojedinca, a potom obradom dobijenih podataka i njihovim<br />uopštavanjem stiče se potpuna slika o društvu i njegovom<br />odnosu prema prirodnim hazardima i spremnost za prirodne<br />nepogode.</p> / <p>Today,&nbsp; vulnerability&nbsp; to natural hazards is one of the most attractive topic, which stems from its importance for the research field of natural disasters. Vulnerability is a mandatory component of any natural disasters, more precisely understood as the &quot;control lever&quot; to reduce the natural disasters risk. Social vulnerability should point to and describe who or what is at risk from natural hazards and the extent and severity of the consequences of potential collisions. For this reason, there is a need to&nbsp; measure or estimate social vulnerability, which will enable theoretical assumptions to be better understood and receive practical application. This complex approach should provide information on the levels of vulnerability, as well as the resistance of certain elements in space,&nbsp; and then to allow the identification of the driving factors that influence the formation and development of the social vulnerability phenomena. Social vulnerability assessment is based on official statistics, which provide a general, sterile picture of reality, but its humanization is necessary through exploring of perceptions, knowledge, awareness and experiences of the society to natural hazards and natural disasters. The best approach for achieving that goal is the survey that should provide insight into the mentioned characteristics of the individual, and then processing the data and their generalization gets the full picture of the society and its relation to natural hazards and natural disasters preparedness.</p>

Efekat strukturiranog edukativnog programa o tipu 2 dijabetesa u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti na zdravstveno ponašanje i glikoregulaciju pacijenata / The effects of the structured Type 2 diabetes educational programme in primary health care on health behaviour and patient glucoregulation

Požar Hajnalka 30 November 2020 (has links)
<p>Dijabetes melitus je metaboliĉki poremećaj koji karakteri&scaron;e hroniĉna hiperglikemija i predstavlja veoma ozbiljan javno-zdravstveni problem u celom svetu. Najveći potencijal za pobolj&scaron;anje zdravlja obolelih leţi u postizanju i odrţavanju optimalne glikoregulacije. Podaci iz literature pokazuju da se sprovođenjem strukturiranih edukativnih programa o tipu 2 dijabetesa postiţu pozitivni efekti na zdravstveno pona&scaron;anje i glikoregulaciju kod obolelih koji su pohađali edukaciju. Cilj ovog istraţivanja bio je da se proceni efekat strukturirane edukacije o tipu 2 dijabetesa u primarnoj zdravstvenoj za&scaron;titi na promenu nivoa znanja, zdravstveno pona&scaron;anje, antropometrijske i biohemijske parametre glikoregulacije pacijenata. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u vidu prospektivne studije od februara do avgusta 2018. godine u Savetovali&scaron;tu za dijabetes Doma zdravlja Subotica. Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo 91 pacijenta sa dijagnostikovanim tipom 2 dijabetesa. Ispitanici su pohađali strukturirani &scaron;estonedeljni grupni edukativni program, kreiran za potrebe ovog istraţivanja. U cilju procene efekata edukativnog programa, na poĉetku i ĉetiri meseca nakon edukacije, prikupljeni su podaci o: zdravstvenom pona&scaron;anju, nivou znanja o dijabetesu (Diabetes Knowledge Test), o aktivnostima samonege u prethodnih sedam dana (The Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities) i o aktivnostima samonege prethodnih osam nedelja (The Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire), određeni su antropometrijski (telesna teţina, indeks telesne mase, obim struka i nivo arterijskog krvnog pritiska) i biohemijski parametri glikoregulacije (nivo &scaron;ećera u krvi na&scaron;te, dva sata nakon jela, nivo HbA1c) i lipidni status pacijenata. Na početku strukturirane edukacije 79% pacijenata imalo je nizak nivo znanja o dijabetesu, prosečna vrednost na DKT bila je 46,4%. Nivo samonege pacijenatna bio je nizak i prethodnih 7 dana (SDSCA 45,8%) i prethodnih 8 nedelja (DSMQ 6,75). Trećina (35%) pacijenata imala je prekomernu telesnu masu, a njih 45% bilo je gojazno (BMI 29,85&plusmn;5,47). Povi&scaron;ene vrednosti sistolnog krvnog pritiska imalo je 43%, a dijastolnog 54% pacijenata. Polovina (54,9%) pacijenata imala je idealnu glikoregulaciju (HbA1c 6,56&plusmn;0,96%). Trećina (35%) pacijenata imala je visokorizičan nivo holesterola, a 26% visokoriziĉan nivo triglicerida u krvi. Ispitivanja sprovedena ĉetiri meseca nakon strukturirane edukacije pokazuju značajno povi&scaron;en nivo znanja pacijenata o dijabetesu, tj. visok nivo sa prosečnom vredno&scaron;ću DKT 81,5%. Nivo aktivnosti samonege prethodnih 7 dana i prethodnih 8 nedelja dostigao je umeren nivo (SDSCA 57,7%; DSMQ 7,9). Utvrđeno je značajno smanjenje telesne mase pacijenata za 1,5 kg i indeksa telesne mase, BMI, za 0,58 kg/m2. Procenat gojaznih pacijenata smanjen je na 40%. Povi&scaron;ene vrednosti sistolnog krvnog pritiska imalo je 26,4% (uz proseĉno smanjenje od 4 mmHg), a dijastolnog krvnog pritiska kod 44% pacijenata (uz prosečno smanjenje od 3 mmHg). Utvrđeno je znaĉajno smanjenje nivoa HbA1c za 0,36%, idealnu glikoregulaciju postiglo je 68% pacijenata. Zabeleţeno je smanjenje nivoa ukupnog holesterola za 0,3 mmol/L i nivoa triglicerida u krvi pacijenata za 0,23 mmol/L. Broj pacijenata sa visokorizičnim nivoom holesterola smanjen je za 19,6%, a u visokoriziĉnoj kategoriji triglicerida za 12%. Rezultati studije ukazuju da su efekti strukturiranog edukativnog programa o tipu 2 dijabetesa u primarnoj zdravstvenoj za&scaron;titi značajni, povećani su nivoi znanja i aktivnosti samonege, znaĉajno je smanjena telesna masa, vrednosti arterijskog krvnog pritiska su smanjene a pobolj&scaron;ane su vrednosti pokazatelja glikoregulacije i lipidnog statusa pacijenata.</p> / <p>Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterised by chronic hyperglycaemia and is a very serious public health issue worldwide. Achieving and maintaining optimal glucoregulation represents major potential for the improvement of affected persons&rsquo; health. According to information available in relative literature, the implementation of restructured Type 2 diabetes education programmes, positive results on health behaviour and glucoregulation in persons who took part in the education. The objective of the research was to assess the effect of structured education on Type 2 diabetes in primary health care, on changes in the level of knowledge, health behaviour and the anthropometric and biochemical parameters of patients&rsquo; glucoregulation. The research was conducted in the form of a prospective study between February and August 2018 in the Diabetes Support Group of the Subotica Health Centre. The research included 91 patients who were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Research subjects attended a structured six-week group educational programme, which was specifically developed for the purpose of this research. In order to assess the effects of this educational programme from its outset and four months following the education, data concerning the following were gathered: health behaviour, level of knowledge on diabetes (Diabetes Knowledge Test - DKT), self care activities in the past seven days (The Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities - SDSCA) and self care activities in the past eight weeks (The Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire - DSMQ). These data were anthropomorphic measurements (weight, height, waist circumference and the level of arterial blood pressure) and biochemical glucoregulation parameters (blood sugar levels on an empty stomach, two hours after a meal, HbA1c levels) and patient lipid status. When the structured education first started, 79% patients had a low level of knowledge on diabetes, and the average score at the DKT was 46.4%. The level of patient self care was also low in the past seven days (SDSCA 45.8%) and past eight weeks (DSMQ 6.75%). One third (35%) of patients had excess body mass, of whom 45% were obese (Body Mass Index &ndash; BMI 29.85&plusmn;5.47). 43% of patients had higher systolic blood pressure values while 54% had higher diastolic blood pressure values. In one half of patients (54.9%), glucoregulation was ideal (HbA1c 6.56&plusmn;0.96%). One third of patients (35%) had highly elevated cholesterol levels, with 26% who had highly elevated triglyceride blood levels. Research conducted during the four-month structured education show a significantly higher level of patient knowledge of diabetes, i.e. high level with the average DKT score of 81.5%. The level of self care activities in the past seven days and eight weeks reached a moderate level (SDCA 57.7%; DSMQ 7.9). A significant reduction in body mass by 1.5 kg as well as Body Mass Index, BMI by 0.58 kg/m2 was determined. The percentage of obese patients was reduced to 40%. 26.4% of patients had increased values of systolic blood pressure (with an average reduction of 4 mmHg), diastolic blood pressure 44% of patients (with an average reduction of 3 mmHg). A significant reduction in HbA1c level by 36% was determined, while 68% of patients achieved ideal glucoregulation. The reduction of total cholesterol level by 0.3% mmol/L as well as triglycerides level by 0.23% mmol/L was recorded. The number of patients with a high-risk cholesterol level was reduced by 19.6%, and the number of patients in high-risk category of triglycerides by 12%. The results of the study indicate that the effects of a structured educational programme on Type 2 diabetes in primary health care are significant. Knowledge levels were increased along with self care activities, body mass was significantly reduced, arterial blood pressure values were reduced and glucoregulation and lipid status values improved.</p>

Uticaj faktora rizika na povređivanje prednje ukštene veze kolena u toku sportskih aktivnosti / Influence of risk factors on anterior cruciate ligament injuries during sports activities

Krstić Vladimir 13 November 2020 (has links)
<p>Ispitivanu grupu činilo je 1247 ispitanika sa povredama prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze kolena koji su operativno lečeni u periodu 2012.-2017. godina na Klinici za ortopedsku hirurgiju i traumatologiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine. Ciljevi istraživanja bili su utvrđivanje uticaja nivoa sportske aktivnosti i mehanizama povređivanja na nastanak povreda prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze kolena, zatim uticaj spolja&scaron;njih faktora rizika (vrsta sporta, rang takmičenja, vrsta podloge, trening ili utakmica, period treninga) na nastanak povreda prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze kolena, odnosno uticaj unutra&scaron;njih faktora rizika (pol, starost, BMI) na nastanak povreda ove strukture kolena. Od ukupnog broja ispitanika njih 517 (41,5%) su činili aktivni sportisti, a 730 (58,5%) rekreativci. Značajnu većinu u posmatranom uzorku su činili mu&scaron;karci (82,6%), osobe starosti od 16 do 25 godina (62,6%) i normalno uhranjenje osobe (62%). Do povrede prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze do&scaron;lo je kod njih 504 (40,5%) prilikom aktivnog bavljenja sportom, dok su se povrede prilikom rekreativnog bavljenja sportom dogodile kod 741 ispitanika (59,5%). Među aktivnim sportistima, vi&scaron;e od dve trećine se takmičilo na internacionalnom ili republičkom nivou, odnosno u najvi&scaron;im rangovima takmičenja. Kontaktnim kolektivnim sportovima (fudbal, ko&scaron;arka i rukomet) bavilo se 77,9% ispitanika. Nekontaktnim sportovima kao &scaron;to su odbojka, borilački sportovi i skijanje bavilo se 22,1% ispitanika, pri čemu je najveći broj povreda nastao prilikom igranja fudbala (51,3%). Statistički značajno vi&scaron;e povreda (i prilikom aktivnog i prilikom rekreativnog bavljenja sportom) je nastalo bez direktnog kontakta (nekontaktne povrede koje su činile 78,7% povreda), pri čemu je najveći broj povreda nastao usled promene pravca i ritma kretanja. Kod aktivnih sportista najvi&scaron;e povreda dogodilo se na utakmicama (73,8%), slede povrede na treningu (24,1%), dok se na rekreaciji povredilo svega 2,1% ispitanika. Značajno vi&scaron;e povreda dogodilo se na sredini bavljenja sportskom aktivno&scaron;ću (47,4%) u odnosu na povrede na zagrevanju, početku, odnosno kraju sportske aktivnosti. Povrede su značajno če&scaron;će nastajale na travi (42%) i parketu (28%), nego na drugim vrstama podloge. Najveći broj ispitanika povredio se noseći patike prilikom bavljenja sportskom aktivno&scaron;ću. Postoje značajne razlike u kontekstu povređivanja u zavisnosti od pola ispitanika. Žene su u značajno većem procentu povređivane prikom aktivnog bavljenja sportom, dok su se mu&scaron;karci če&scaron;će povređivali na rekreaciji. Žene su se najče&scaron;će povređivale na rukometu, mu&scaron;karci na fudbalu. U odnosu na mu&scaron;karce, kod žena su povrede znatno ređe nastajale prilikom direktnog kontakta, a kad je u pitanju mesto povređivanja, žene su se če&scaron;će nego mu&scaron;karci povređivale na treningu. Preko 50% žena je povređeno na parketu, dok se najveći broj mu&scaron;karaca povredio na travi. Ispitanici sa prekomernom telesnom masom značajno če&scaron;će su se povređivali prilikom rekreacije, dok su se normalno uhranjeni če&scaron;će povređivali prilikom aktivnog bavljenja sportom. Faktori rizika za nastanak povreda prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze su brojni i specifični, odnosno da za svaku populacionu kategoriju postoje rizici, ali se uočava da su u svim sportovima, na svim podlogama i kod svih ispitanika povrede najče&scaron;će nastajale nekontaknim mehanizmom povređivanja. Formiranjem registra povređenih omogućilo bi se bolje razumevanje faktora rizika i njihovog međusobnog uticaja, kao i definisanje profila osoba pod najvećim rizikom za nastanak povrede prednje ukr&scaron;ene veze kolena. Na taj način obezbedile bi se potrebne informacije za planiranje preventivnih programa usmerenih na smanjenje rizika od povređivanja i omogućilo bi se sprovođenje odgovarajućih mera selektivne prevencije.</p> / <p>The study group consisted of 1247 respondents with anterior cruciate ligament injuries who were surgically treated in the period 2012-2017. at the Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Clinical Center of Vojvodina. The objectives of the study were to determine the impact of sports activity levels and injury mechanisms on the occurrence of anterior cruciate ligament injuries, then the impact of external risk factors (type of sport, competition rank, type of surface, training or match, training period) on the occurrence of anterior cruciate ligament injuries and the influence of internal risk factors (gender, age, BMI) on the occurrence of injuries of this knee structure. Out of the total number of respondents 517 (41.5%) were active athletes, and 730 (58.5%) were recreational athletes. A significant majority in the observed group were men (82.6%), persons aged 16 to 25 years (62.6%) and normal BMI respondents (62%). Anterior cruciate ligament injury occurred in 504 of them (40.5%) during active sports, while injuries during recreational sports occurred in 741 respondents (59.5%). Among active athletes, more than two thirds competed at the international or national level- in the highest ranks of the competition. Contact collective sports (football, basketball and handball) were practiced by 77.9% of respondents. 22.1% of respondents practiced non-contact sports such as volleyball, martial arts sports and skiing. The largest number of injuries occurring while playing football (51.3%). Statistically significantly more injuries (both during active and recreational sports) occurred without direct contact (noncontact injuries-78,7% of total injuries number), with the largest number of injuries caused by changes in the direction and rhythm of movement. Among active athletes, most injuries occurred in matches (73.8%), followed by injuries in training (24.1%), while only 2.1% of respondents were injured in recreation. Significantly more injuries occurred in the middle of engaging in sports activity (47.4%) compared to injuries during the warm-up, beginning and end of sports activity. Injuries occurred significantly more often on grass (42%) and floor (28%) than on other types of surfaces. Most of the respondents were injured wearing sneakers while doing sports. There are significant differences in the context of injury depending on the gender of the respondents. A significantly higher percentage of women were injured during active sports, while men were more often injured during recreational sport activities. Women were most often injured in handball, men in football. Compared to men, injuries were much less common in women during direct contact, and when it comes to the place of injury, women were injured more often than men during training acitivities. Over 50% of women were injured on the floor, while the largest number of men were injured on the grass. Subjects with overweight were significantly more likely to be injured during recreational sport acitivites, while those with normal BMI were more likely to be injured during active sports. Risk factors for anterior cruciate ligament injuries are numerous and specific and there are risks for each population category, but it is noticed that in all sports, on all surfaces and in all subjects, injuries were most often caused by a noncontact injury mechanism. The formation of a Register of injuries would enable a better understanding of risk factors and their mutual influence, as well as the definition of the profile of persons at greatest risk for the occurrence of an anterior cruciate ligament injury. This would provide the necessary information for planning prevention programs aimed at reducing the risk of injury and would enable the implementation of appropriate selective prevention measures.</p>

Understanding communication experiences and job satisfaction of employees at a state institution

Dingalo, Margaret-Ann Limakatso 08 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English and Afrikaans / There is a growing recognition of the role internal communications play in the overall functioning of an organisation. Scholars link effective internal communications with business performance and in the context of a government institution it means that in order to improve service delivery they must pay attention to the effectiveness of their communication practices. To execute its mandate effectively the Government Communications and Information systems (GCIS) as an entity responsible for managing communications on behalf of government has to ensure that it leads by example in this regard. The purpose of this study is to explore and describe communication experiences of GCIS employees. To answer the research question a cross-sectional survey of n=40 randomly selected employees was conducted at the GCIS head office. The survey resulted in initial findings which were further explored by interviewing nine (n=9) purposefully selected individuals. Results indicate that employees are satisfied with communications in general. Evidence suggests that not all communication channels are considered reliable however, perceptions of trust or reliability regarding channels is influenced by an inherent culture at the GCIS that equates authority and rank with trust. Concerns were raised with official channels in particular which are perceived as slow, outdated and irrelevant, blamed in part on bureaucratic processes. Findings show that there is a strong positive relationship between communication satisfaction and job satisfaction in line with findings from other studies. This underscores the importance of effective internal communication practices in state institutions. If communication is effective, evidence suggests that it will lead to employee job satisfaction. It is therefore recommended that the GCIS conducts a strategic review of its internal communication systems and practises in order to evaluate their effectiveness in helping to achieve communication goals of the organisation. A follow up study be conducted at the GCIS to measure the implementation of recommendations made in this study. Furthermore, research is recommended within the government sector as this will provide a holistic view of communication experiences within state institutions in South Africa, in particular the influence of bureaucratic systems. / Daar word toenemend erkenning gegee aan die rol wat interne kommunikasie speel in die algemene funksionering van 'n organisasie. Geleerdes koppel effektiewe interne kommunikasie met ondernemingsprestasie, en in die konteks van 'n regeringsinstelling beteken dit dat hulle, ten einde dienslewering te verbeter, moet let op die effektiwiteit van hul kommunikasiepraktyke. Om sy mandaat effektief uit te voer, moet die Regeringskommunikasie- en Inligtingstelsels (GCIS) as 'n entiteit wat namens die regering verantwoordelik is vir die bestuur van kommunikasie verseker dat dit 'n voorbeeld hiervan is. Die doel van hierdie studie is om kommunikasieervarings van werknemers van GCIS te verken en te beskryf. Om die navorsingsvraag te beantwoord, is 'n deursnee-opname van (n=40) lukraak geselekteerde werknemers by die GCIS-hoofkantoor gedoen. Die opname het gelei tot aanvanklike bevindings wat verder ondersoek is deur nege (n =9) onderhoude met doelgerigte geselekteerde onderhoude. Die resultate dui daarop dat werknemers oor die algemeen tevrede is met kommunikasie. Bewyse dui daarop dat nie alle metodes as betroubaar beskou word nie, maar dat persepsies van vertroue of betroubaarheid ten opsigte van kanale beïnvloed word deur 'n inherente kultuur by die GCIS wat gesag en rang met vertroue vergelyk. Daar is ook kommer uitgespreek met amptelike kommunikasiekanale wat gesien word as stadig, verouderd en irrelevant, en deels die skuld op burokratiese prosesse. Bevindinge toon dat daar 'n sterk positiewe verwantskap bestaan tussen kommunikasiebevrediging en werkstevredenheid, in ooreenstemming met bevindings van ander navorsers. Dit onderstreep die belangrikheid van effektiewe interne kommunikasiepraktyke by staatsinstellings. As kommunikasie effektief is, dui die getuienis daarop dat dit tot werkstevredenheid van die werknemers sal lei. Daarom word aanbeveel dat die GCIS 'n strategiese oorsig van sy interne kommunikasiestelsels en -praktyke uitvoer om die doeltreffendheid daarvan te evalueer om die organisasie se kommunikasiedoelwitte te bereik. n Opvolgstudie word by die GCIS uitgevoer om die implementering van die aanbevelings wat in die studie gemaak is, te meet. Verder word navorsing binne die owerheidsektor aanbeveel, aangesien dit 'n holistiese siening bied van kommunikasie-ervarings binne staatsinstellings in Suid-Afrika, veral die invloed van burokratiese prosesse. / Communication Science / M.A. (Communications)

Žemės ūkio technika prekiaujančių įmonių konkurencingumo didinimas / Increase of competitiveness in agricultural equipment selling companies

Mockuvienė, Asta 08 June 2005 (has links)
Final work of the University Undegraduate Studies, 60 pages, 9 figures, 11 tables, 52 references, 16 appendixes. Key words – total index of item competitiveness, total index of item group competitiveness, competition, competition limiting, competition conditions, competition strategy, competition market, competitiveness, competitiveness evaluation, competitiveness factors, competitive advantage, competitors, summary economical parameters index of competitiveness, summary qualitative parameters index of competitiveness, summary index of company’s goods competitiveness. Research object – agricultural equipment selling companies. Research subject – competitiveness in agricultural equipment selling companies. Research aim – to identify possibilities of creating competitiveness in agricultural equipment selling companies. Research tasks: - to dispute theoretical principals of competitiveness; - to prepare methodology of evaluation competitiveness of agricultural equipment; - to analyse market of agricultural equipment; - to estimate competitiveness of chosen agricultural equipment; - to identify conditioning to obtain the competitive advantage. Research methods: - comparative analysis of special literature sources; - comparative analysis of agricultural equipment competitiveness based on counting relative indexes; - interview with companies managers and other employees; - statistical analysis, graphic, data grouping other methods. Research period : year 2000 – 2004. In this final... [to full text]

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