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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structural and mechanistic studies on prolyl hydroxylases

Chowdhury, Rasheduzzaman January 2008 (has links)
Oxygen dependent prolyl-4-hydroxylation of the alpha-subunit of the hypoxia inducible transcription factor (HIF-alpha) plays an essential role in the hypoxic response. Hydroxylation of proline residues in the N- or C-terminal oxygen dependent degradation domains (NODD or CODD) increases the affinity of HIF-alpha to the von Hippel-Lindau protein (pVHL) by approx. 1000 fold so signalling for HIF-alpha degradation. With limiting oxygen, HIF-alpha hydroxylation slows, it dimerises with HIF-beta and activates the transcription of a gene array. Prolyl-4-hydroxylation also stabilises the triple helix structure of collagen, the most abundant human protein. Both the collagen and the HIF prolyl hydroxylases (PHDs) are Fe(II) and 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) dependent oxygenases. Crystal structures of PHD2 in complex with CODD were determined in the current study. Together with biochemical analyses, the results demonstrate that catalysis involves a mobile region of PHD2 that encloses the hydroxylation site and stabilises the PHD2.Fe(II).2OG complex. When bound to PHD2 the pyrrolidine ring of the non-hydroxylated proline-residue adopts a C⁴-endo conformation. Evidence is provided that 4R-hydroxylation enables a stereoelectronic effect that changes the proline conformation to the C⁴-exo state, as observed when hydroxylated HIF-alpha is bound to pVHL and in collagen. The results help to rationalise NODD/CODD selectivity data for PHD isoforms and the effects of clinically observed mutations on PHD2 catalysis. Analyses on the interaction of nitric oxide with PHD2 are described and discussed with respect to regulation of the hypoxic response by nitric oxide.

Hypoxie-induzierter Zelltod und Veränderungen der HIF-1-Aktivität in PC12-Zellen

Charlier, Nico Nawid 09 February 2004 (has links)
Der Transkriptionsfaktor hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) trägt zur Expression von adaptiven Genen unter hypoxischen Bedingungen bei. Zusätzlich wurde vermutet, dass HIF-1 eine Rolle in der Regulation des späten neuronalen Zelltodes spielt. Suspensionszellen und adhärenten PC12-Zellen mit Nervenwachstumsfaktor (NGF) behandelt, wurden als ein experimentelles Modell für die Untersuchung der Beziehung zwischen Hypoxie induziertem Zelltod und Aktivität von HIF-1 herangezogen. Zelltod wurde durchflusszytometrisch mit einer Doppelfärbung (Annexin V und Propidium-Jodid) der Zellen und durch eine Analyse der allgemeinen Zelltodparameter wie LDH und die mitochondriale Dehydrogenase bestimmt. Parallel wurden Zellen mit einem Kontrollvektor und einem hypoxiesensitiven Vektor mit drei Hypoxie-bindenden-Elementen (HBE) transfiziert und die durch HIF-1 aktivierte Luciferase gemessen. Hypoxieexposition der NGF-behandelten PC12-Zellen resultierte in einer höheren Zelltodrate verglichen mit den unbehandelten Kontrollzellen. PC12 Zellen, zwei Tage mit NGF behandelt, zeigten eine bis zu 10-fach verminderte HIF-1-Aktivität. Diese Verminderung könnte zu dem erhöhten hypoxie-induzierten Zelltod durch verminderte Expression von HIF-1alpha-regulierten Genen, welche für die Anpassung an Hypoxie verantwortlich sind, beitragen. Die Verminderung der HIF-1 Aktivität und der Anstieg der Hypoxiesensitivität könnte darauf hinweisen, dass NGF als eine Art hierarchisch organisiertes Signalmolekül fungiert. / The transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) strongly contributes to the expression of adaptive genes under hypoxic conditions. In addition, HIF-1 has been implicated in the regulation of delayed neuronal cell death. Suspension-grown and adherent PC12 cells treated with NGF were used as an experimental model for studying the relationship between hypoxia-induced cell death and activation of HIF-1. Cell damage was assessed by flow cytometry of double-stained (annexin V and propidiumiodide) cells, and by analysis of the overall death parameters LDH and mitochondrial dehydrogenase. In parallel, cells were transfected with a control and a three-hypoxia-responsive-elements (HRE)-containing vector and HIF-1-driven luciferase activity was determined. Exposure of NGF-treated PC12 cells to hypoxia resulted in a higher cell death rate when compared to untreated controls. PC12 cells exposed for 2 days to NGF exhibited a decrease of HIF-1 activity up to a factor of ten. This decrease may contribute to the enhanced hypoxia-induced cell death via reduced expression of HIF-1alpha-regulated genes resposible for adaptation to hypoxia, like those for glucose transport proteins and enzymes of the glycolytic chain. The decrease in HIF-1 activity and the increase in hypoxia sensitivity may suggest that NGF act as an hierachically organized signaling molecule.

Estudo da correlação entre a expressão de genes reguladores do estado de hipóxia e a intensidade da resposta inflamatória aguda. / Study the function of genes regulating the hypoxia state in determining the intensity inflammatory response.

Siqueira, Débora Mathias de 14 April 2009 (has links)
A hipóxia ocorre quando a demanda de oxigênio molecular necessário para gerar ATP é insuficiente. Os genes ativados por hipóxia compreendem o gene Hif-1a (Hipóxia-fator induzível 1a), Vegf-a (fator de crescimento endotelial vascular a), Arnt e Vhl (von Hippel-Lindau). Neste estudo foram utilizadas linhagens de camundongos geneticamente selecionados para alta (AIRmax) ou baixa (AIRmin) resposta inflamatória aguda (AIR). Foram realizados testes biológicos para caracterizar as reações inflamatórias produzidas por Biogel e TPA, bem como o tipo PAH cancerígeno. Testamos a expressão de mRNA de genes de hipóxia e caracterização de polimorfismo da região codificadora do Hif-1a no cromossomo 12. Camundongos AIRmax demonstraram uma maior reação inflamatória que os AIRmin para biogel e TPA enquanto o inverso foi observado com o DMBA. Os conjuntos de dados de fenótipos, expressão gênica e polimorfismo candidatam a região do cromossomo 12, que contém, entre outros, o gene Hif-1a, como participante da regulação da AIR. / Hypoxia occurs when the demand for molecular oxygen necessary to generate ATP is insufficient. Genes activated by hypoxia comprise the Hif-1a gene (Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1a), Vegf-a (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor a), Arnt and Vhl (von Hippel-Lindau). In this study we used lines of mice genetically selected for high (AIRmax) or low (AIRmin) acute inflammatory response (AIR). We conducted biological tests to characterize the inflammatory reactions produced by Biogel and TPA, and the type PAH carcinogen. We tested the mRNA expression of genes of hypoxia and characterization of polymorphism of the coding region of Hif-1a gene on chromosome 12. We found that the mice AIRmax had greater intensity of the inflammatory reaction that AIRmin to biogel and TPA while the reverse was observed with the DMBA. The data sets of phenotypes, gene expression and polymorphism applying the region of chromosome 12 that contains, among others, the gene Hif-1a, as part of the regulation of AIR.

Estudo da invasão de hepatócitos de rato por Shigella flexneri: análise da influência da hipóxia sobre a injúria celular / Study of rat hepatocytes invasion by Shigella flexneri: analysis of hypoxia influence on cellular injury

Lima, Camila Bárbara Cantalupo 07 February 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo avaliou a capacidade de invasão de hepatócitos de rato por Shigella flexneri (S. flexneri) nas condições de normóxia e hipóxia. O estudo do microambiente de hipóxia tem grande importância, por estar presente em muitas doenças hepáticas, além de aumentar a translocação quando presente no lúmen intestinal. Bactérias invasivas como S. flexneri podem romper a barreira intestinal e chegar ao fígado através da circulação portal. O efeito da invasão bacteriana das células hepáticas é pouco conhecido. Neste trabalho buscamos pesquisar as alterações morfológicas e funcionais de hepatócitos de rato após infecção por S. flexneri na presença e na ausência de hipóxia. Para esta finalidade foram utilizados hepatócitos de rato cultivados pela técnica de cultura primária. Vários parâmetros foram analisados, tais como: taxa de invasão celular pela bactéria, quantificação da produção e liberação de DHL, produção de TNF-, taxa de morte celular por apoptose e a expressão do fator de transcrição HIF-1a. Os resultados mostraram que a metodologia empregada para a obtenção do microambiente hipóxico foi satisfatória, com redução de 70% da pO2 inicial (atingindo 43.2 mmHg in vitro ou 6.5% O2). A invasão de hepatócitos de rato por S. flexneri foi menor nas células previamente expostas à hipóxia quando comparada com a invasão das células cultivadas em normóxia. A viabilidade dos hepatócitos não apresentou diferenças significativas entre os grupos experimentais, variando entre 74 e 86%. A liberação de TNF- nas situações de normóxia e hipóxia foi similar, embora as células infectadas em normóxia tenham aumentado a liberação desta citocina. Na condição de hipóxia + infecção a liberação de TNF- foi menor do que na condição de normóxia + infecção, porém ambos os grupos produziram aumento significativo da citocina em relação aos controles normóxicos e hipóxicos. Este resultado sugere que a presença da bactéria no interior das células aumenta significativamente a liberação de TNF-pelos hepatócitos. A produção de DHL também foi maior de forma significativa no grupo hipóxico em relação ao grupo normóxico, porém não apresentou alteração nos grupos infectados por S. flexneri após uma hora. As taxas de apoptose aumentaram nos grupos hipóxia e nos grupos infectados com S. flexneri de maneira similar, variando entre 24 e 31%, quando comparados aos grupos controle em normóxia. A expressão do fator de transcrição HIF ocorreu nos grupos: hipóxia, normóxia + infecção e hipóxia + infecção, evidenciando que a infecção por S. flexneri induz a expressão deste fator. Em seu conjunto, nossos resultados buscam contribuir para o maior conhecimento da interação entre S. flexneri e hepatócitos em condição de hipóxia e normóxia. Tal conhecimento poderá ser útil na construção de futuras estratégias para auxiliar no combate a esta importante bactéria invasiva, principalmente nos casos de septicemia / This study evaluated the invasiveness of rat hepatocytes by Shigella flexneri (S. flexneri) in normoxia and hypoxia conditions. The study of hypoxia microenvironment is of great importance, since hypoxia is present in many liver diseases and increases bacterial translocation when present in intestinal lumen. Invasive bacteria such as S. flexneri can disrupt the intestinal barrier and reach the liver through portal circulation. The effect of bacterial invasion in liver cells is poorly understood. In this study we investigated the morphological and functional changes of rat hepatocytes after infection with S. flexneri in the presence and absence of hypoxia. For this purpose we used primary cultures of rat hepatocytes. Several parameters were analyzed, such as: bacterial invasion cell rate, quantification of LDH production and release, TNF-a production, cell death rate by apoptosis and expression of the transcription factor HIF-1a. The results showed that the methodology used to obtain the hypoxic microenvironment was satisfactory, with 70% reduction of initial pO2 (to 43.2 mmHg in vitro or 6.5% O2). The invasion of rat hepatocytes by S. flexneri was lower in cells previously exposed to hypoxia compared with the invasion of cells grown in normoxia. The viability of hepatocytes showed no significant differences between experimental groups, ranging between 74% and 86%. The release of TNF-a in situations of normoxia and hypoxia was similar, although the infected cells in normoxia have increased the release levels of this cytokine. In hypoxia + infection condition the release of TNF-a was lower than normoxia + infection condition, but both groups produced a significant increase in cytokine release when compared to normoxic and hypoxic controls. This result suggests that the presence of bacteria inside the cells significantly increases the release of TNF-a by hepatocytes. DHL production was also significantly greater in the hypoxic group compared to the normoxic group, but had no change in the groups infected with S. flexneri after an hour. The apoptosis rates increased in hypoxia and infected groups in a similar way, varying between 24% and 31% when compared with control group in normoxia. The expression of HIF- 1a transcription factor occurred in hypoxia, normoxia + infection and hypoxia + infection groups, indicating that infection with S. flexneri induces the expression of this factor. Overall, our results sought to contribute to a greater understanding of the interaction between S. flexneri and hepatocytes under hypoxia and normoxia conditions. Such knowledge may be useful in building future strategies to assist in combating these major invasive bacteria

The regulation of hypoxia-responsive gene expression by hydroxyl radicals and intracellular calcium / Die Regulation der hypoxia-responsiven Gen-Expression durch Hydroxylradikale und intrazelluläres Calcium

Liu, Qing 22 January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

The Molecular Mechanisms for Maintenance of Cancer Stem Cells in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: A Dissertation

Zhang, Haojian 23 May 2012 (has links)
Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a clonal hematopoietic stem cell disorder associated with the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph) that arises from a reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22, thereby resulting in the formation of the chimeric BCR-ABL oncogene encoding a constitutively activated tyrosine kinase. BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) induce a complete hematologic and cytogenetic response in the majority of chronic phrase CML patients. However, TKIs cannot efficiently eradicate leukemia stem cells (LSCs) because of the insensitivity of LSCs to TKIs. Therefore, developing new strategies to target LSCs is necessary and critical for curing CML, and success of this approach depends on further understanding the molecular mechanisms by which LSCs survive and are maintained. In Chapter I, I briefly introduce CML disease, BCR-ABL oncoprotein, and TKIs. I also describe the identification and features of LSCs. Several key pathways in LSCs including Wnt/ß-catenin, hedgehog, FoxO, Bcl6 and HIF1, are discussed. I also propose our strategy to identify unique molecular pathways that are important for LSCs but not their normal stem cell counterparts. In Chapter II, I describe our finding about the function of the positive regulator, HIF1α, in CML development and LSC survival. I show that loss of HIF1α impairs the maintenance of CML through impairing cell cycle progression and inducing apoptosis of LSCs, and I also report that p16Ink4a and p19Arf mediate the effect of HIF1α on LSCs, as knockdown of p16Ink4a and p19Arf rescues the defective colony-forming ability of HIF1α-/- LSCs. As detailed in Chapter III and IV, through comparing the global gene expression profiles of LSCs and HSCs, I find two novel regulators, Blk and Scd1, which act as tumor suppressors in CML development. In Chapter III, I show that Blk is markedly down-regulated by BCR-ABL in LSCs, and that c-Myc and Pax5 mediate this down-regulation. Deletion of Blk accelerates CML development; conversely, Blk overexpression significantly delays the development of CML and impairs the function of LSCs. I also demonstrate that p27, as a downstream effector, is involved in the function of Blk in LSCs. Blk also functions as a tumor suppressor in human CML stem cells, and inhibits the colony-forming ability of human CML cells. In Chapter IV, I investigate the function of another negative regulator, Scd1, in CML LSCs, and find that expression of Scd1 is down-regulated in mouse LSCs and human CML cells. We report that Scd1 acts as a tumor suppressor in CML, as loss of Scd1 causes acceleration of CML development and overexpression of Scd1 delays CML development. Using a colony-forming assay, I demonstrate that Scd1 impairs the maintenance of LSCs due to the change of expression of Pten, p53 and Bcl2. Importantly, I find that both Blk and Scd1 do not affect normal hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) or hematopoiesis. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that HIF1α is required for the maintenance of CML LSCs, and conversely that Blk and Scd1 suppress the function of LSCs, suggesting that combining TKI treatment with specific targeting of LSCs will be necessary for curing CML.

Estudo da invasão de hepatócitos de rato por Shigella flexneri: análise da influência da hipóxia sobre a injúria celular / Study of rat hepatocytes invasion by Shigella flexneri: analysis of hypoxia influence on cellular injury

Camila Bárbara Cantalupo Lima 07 February 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo avaliou a capacidade de invasão de hepatócitos de rato por Shigella flexneri (S. flexneri) nas condições de normóxia e hipóxia. O estudo do microambiente de hipóxia tem grande importância, por estar presente em muitas doenças hepáticas, além de aumentar a translocação quando presente no lúmen intestinal. Bactérias invasivas como S. flexneri podem romper a barreira intestinal e chegar ao fígado através da circulação portal. O efeito da invasão bacteriana das células hepáticas é pouco conhecido. Neste trabalho buscamos pesquisar as alterações morfológicas e funcionais de hepatócitos de rato após infecção por S. flexneri na presença e na ausência de hipóxia. Para esta finalidade foram utilizados hepatócitos de rato cultivados pela técnica de cultura primária. Vários parâmetros foram analisados, tais como: taxa de invasão celular pela bactéria, quantificação da produção e liberação de DHL, produção de TNF-, taxa de morte celular por apoptose e a expressão do fator de transcrição HIF-1a. Os resultados mostraram que a metodologia empregada para a obtenção do microambiente hipóxico foi satisfatória, com redução de 70% da pO2 inicial (atingindo 43.2 mmHg in vitro ou 6.5% O2). A invasão de hepatócitos de rato por S. flexneri foi menor nas células previamente expostas à hipóxia quando comparada com a invasão das células cultivadas em normóxia. A viabilidade dos hepatócitos não apresentou diferenças significativas entre os grupos experimentais, variando entre 74 e 86%. A liberação de TNF- nas situações de normóxia e hipóxia foi similar, embora as células infectadas em normóxia tenham aumentado a liberação desta citocina. Na condição de hipóxia + infecção a liberação de TNF- foi menor do que na condição de normóxia + infecção, porém ambos os grupos produziram aumento significativo da citocina em relação aos controles normóxicos e hipóxicos. Este resultado sugere que a presença da bactéria no interior das células aumenta significativamente a liberação de TNF-pelos hepatócitos. A produção de DHL também foi maior de forma significativa no grupo hipóxico em relação ao grupo normóxico, porém não apresentou alteração nos grupos infectados por S. flexneri após uma hora. As taxas de apoptose aumentaram nos grupos hipóxia e nos grupos infectados com S. flexneri de maneira similar, variando entre 24 e 31%, quando comparados aos grupos controle em normóxia. A expressão do fator de transcrição HIF ocorreu nos grupos: hipóxia, normóxia + infecção e hipóxia + infecção, evidenciando que a infecção por S. flexneri induz a expressão deste fator. Em seu conjunto, nossos resultados buscam contribuir para o maior conhecimento da interação entre S. flexneri e hepatócitos em condição de hipóxia e normóxia. Tal conhecimento poderá ser útil na construção de futuras estratégias para auxiliar no combate a esta importante bactéria invasiva, principalmente nos casos de septicemia / This study evaluated the invasiveness of rat hepatocytes by Shigella flexneri (S. flexneri) in normoxia and hypoxia conditions. The study of hypoxia microenvironment is of great importance, since hypoxia is present in many liver diseases and increases bacterial translocation when present in intestinal lumen. Invasive bacteria such as S. flexneri can disrupt the intestinal barrier and reach the liver through portal circulation. The effect of bacterial invasion in liver cells is poorly understood. In this study we investigated the morphological and functional changes of rat hepatocytes after infection with S. flexneri in the presence and absence of hypoxia. For this purpose we used primary cultures of rat hepatocytes. Several parameters were analyzed, such as: bacterial invasion cell rate, quantification of LDH production and release, TNF-a production, cell death rate by apoptosis and expression of the transcription factor HIF-1a. The results showed that the methodology used to obtain the hypoxic microenvironment was satisfactory, with 70% reduction of initial pO2 (to 43.2 mmHg in vitro or 6.5% O2). The invasion of rat hepatocytes by S. flexneri was lower in cells previously exposed to hypoxia compared with the invasion of cells grown in normoxia. The viability of hepatocytes showed no significant differences between experimental groups, ranging between 74% and 86%. The release of TNF-a in situations of normoxia and hypoxia was similar, although the infected cells in normoxia have increased the release levels of this cytokine. In hypoxia + infection condition the release of TNF-a was lower than normoxia + infection condition, but both groups produced a significant increase in cytokine release when compared to normoxic and hypoxic controls. This result suggests that the presence of bacteria inside the cells significantly increases the release of TNF-a by hepatocytes. DHL production was also significantly greater in the hypoxic group compared to the normoxic group, but had no change in the groups infected with S. flexneri after an hour. The apoptosis rates increased in hypoxia and infected groups in a similar way, varying between 24% and 31% when compared with control group in normoxia. The expression of HIF- 1a transcription factor occurred in hypoxia, normoxia + infection and hypoxia + infection groups, indicating that infection with S. flexneri induces the expression of this factor. Overall, our results sought to contribute to a greater understanding of the interaction between S. flexneri and hepatocytes under hypoxia and normoxia conditions. Such knowledge may be useful in building future strategies to assist in combating these major invasive bacteria

Estudo da correlação entre a expressão de genes reguladores do estado de hipóxia e a intensidade da resposta inflamatória aguda. / Study the function of genes regulating the hypoxia state in determining the intensity inflammatory response.

Débora Mathias de Siqueira 14 April 2009 (has links)
A hipóxia ocorre quando a demanda de oxigênio molecular necessário para gerar ATP é insuficiente. Os genes ativados por hipóxia compreendem o gene Hif-1a (Hipóxia-fator induzível 1a), Vegf-a (fator de crescimento endotelial vascular a), Arnt e Vhl (von Hippel-Lindau). Neste estudo foram utilizadas linhagens de camundongos geneticamente selecionados para alta (AIRmax) ou baixa (AIRmin) resposta inflamatória aguda (AIR). Foram realizados testes biológicos para caracterizar as reações inflamatórias produzidas por Biogel e TPA, bem como o tipo PAH cancerígeno. Testamos a expressão de mRNA de genes de hipóxia e caracterização de polimorfismo da região codificadora do Hif-1a no cromossomo 12. Camundongos AIRmax demonstraram uma maior reação inflamatória que os AIRmin para biogel e TPA enquanto o inverso foi observado com o DMBA. Os conjuntos de dados de fenótipos, expressão gênica e polimorfismo candidatam a região do cromossomo 12, que contém, entre outros, o gene Hif-1a, como participante da regulação da AIR. / Hypoxia occurs when the demand for molecular oxygen necessary to generate ATP is insufficient. Genes activated by hypoxia comprise the Hif-1a gene (Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1a), Vegf-a (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor a), Arnt and Vhl (von Hippel-Lindau). In this study we used lines of mice genetically selected for high (AIRmax) or low (AIRmin) acute inflammatory response (AIR). We conducted biological tests to characterize the inflammatory reactions produced by Biogel and TPA, and the type PAH carcinogen. We tested the mRNA expression of genes of hypoxia and characterization of polymorphism of the coding region of Hif-1a gene on chromosome 12. We found that the mice AIRmax had greater intensity of the inflammatory reaction that AIRmin to biogel and TPA while the reverse was observed with the DMBA. The data sets of phenotypes, gene expression and polymorphism applying the region of chromosome 12 that contains, among others, the gene Hif-1a, as part of the regulation of AIR.

Mechanistic study of aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT)-mediated signaling

Wang, Yu 01 January 2013 (has links)
A novel aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT)-interacting peptide (Ainpl) was characterized from human liver cDNA library using phage display. Ainpl suppresses hypoxia inducible factor-1a (HIF-1α) signaling pathway through an ARNTdependent manner. HIF-1α is known to be overexpressed in more than 90% of solid tumors, and the inhibition of HIF-1α is proved as an effective approach to suppress tumor growth. ARNT, as the obligatory heterodimeric partner of HIF-1α for downstream gene activation, was used as a bait to screen for Ainpl. Ainpl specifically interacts with the helix-loop-helix (HLH) subdomain of ARNT, but not with HIF-1α. GFP-Ainpl is localized in both cytoplasm and nucleus, and suppresses HIF-1α signaling by two mechanisms: (1) cytoplasmic GFP-Ainp 1 retains ARNT in the cell cytoplasm and (2) nuclear GFP-Ainpl inhibits HIF-1α/ARNT heterodimerization. The suppression of Ainpl on HIF-1α signaling was reversed by introducing ARNT into the cells using transient transfection. We further utilized HIV TAT protein transduction domain to deliver 6His-TAT-Ainpl into three different cancer cell lines (Hep3B, HeLa, MCF-7), and found that 6His-TAT-Ainpl co-localizes with ARNT in the cell nucleus. 6His-TATAinpl can be detected inside the cells after 30 min of transduction, and can reach the maximum level at 2 h. 6His-TAT-Ainp 1 remained detectable in the cells up to 96 h and had a half life of 24 h after transduction. In addition, 6His-TAT-Ainp 1 suppresses HIF-1α downstream genes at both message and protein levels in a dose-dependent manner. Taken together, molecules that target the HIF-1α and ARNT interface can be developed as viable drugs to suppress HIF-1α signaling.

Insulin Receptor Substrate-2 (IRS-2): A Novel Hypoxia-Responsive Gene in Breast Cancer: A Dissertation

Mardilovich, Katerina 11 May 2011 (has links)
Breast cancer is the most common malignancy among women in the U.S. While many successful treatments exist for primary breast cancer, very few are available for patients with metastatic disease. The purpose of this study was to understand the role of Insulin Receptor Subtrate-2 (IRS-2) in breast cancer metastasis. IRS-2 belongs to the IRS family of cytoplasmic adaptor proteins that mediate signaling from cell surface receptors, many of which have been implicated in cancer. Although the IRS proteins are highly homologous in structure and have some complementary functions, growing evidence supports that the IRS proteins have unique roles in cancer. IRS-1 has been shown to promote tumor cell proliferation, while IRS-2 has been positively associated with cancer cell invasion, glycolysis and tumor metastasis. In the current work, we identified IRS-2 as a novel hypoxia-responsive gene in breast carcinoma cells. In contrast, IRS-1 expression does not increase in response to hypoxia, supporting the notion of their non-overlapping functions. Hypoxia promotes the adaptation and resistance of cancer cells to chemo- and radiation therapy, and also promotes tumor cell survival, invasion and metastasis by selecting for aggressive tumor cells that can survive under stressful low oxygen conditions. We have shown that IRS-2 upregulation in response to hypoxia promotes Akt signaling and tumor cell viability and invasion. We identified a cell context-dependent role for Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF) in the regulation of IRS-2 expression in hypoxia, with HIF-2 playing a more dominant role than HIF-1. We also demonstrate that binding of Snail, a regulator of the EMT, to the IRS-2 promoter keeps the chromatin in an open conformation that is permissive for HIF-dependent transcription of IRS-2 in hypoxia. IRS-2 is not upregulated by hypoxia in well-differentiated epithelial-like carcinoma cells that do not express Snail, implicating IRS-2 gene expression as part of the EMT programming. In summary, we have identified an endogenous mechanism by which cancer cells can shift the balance of IRS-1 and IRS-2 to favor IRS-2 expression and function, which promotes survival, invasion, and ultimately metastasis. Understanding the mechanism of IRS-2 regulation by hypoxia may reveal new therapeutic targets for metastatic breast cancer.

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