Spelling suggestions: "subject:"industry byproducts"" "subject:"industry bybproducts""
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Effect of copper and nickel on the performance of an activated sludge system treating cellulose acetate wastewaterSadagopan, Rishi S. 29 September 2009 (has links)
This research investigated the effect of copper and nickel on the performance of a laboratory scale activated sludge system. The wastewater used for this research was the influent to the activated sludge process at the Hoechst Celanese cellulose acetate manufacturing plant, located at Narrows, Virginia. The influent wastewater to the experimental unit was pretreated with lime and then selected amounts of copper and nickel were added separately or together to evaluate their effects on the performance of the system.
The Specific Uptake of Metal (SUM), Dissolved Metal (DM), Total Metal Loading Rate (TMLR), and Specific Total Metal Loading Rate (STMLR) were useful parameters for analysis of the effects of the metals on activated sludge performance. No significant changes in effluent COD, SS, and OUR were observed for the acclimated activated sludge when the selected amounts of metals were added but not when either was added separately. The settling characteristics of the activated sludge deteriorated when a combination of copper and nickel were added. The SUM increased at a faster rate at higher metal loading rates than at lower metal loading rates to the reactor. The increases in dissolved metal concentrations in the mixed liquor were a linear function of the metal loading rates. / Master of Science
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Uticaj kvaliteta semenki grožđa na bioaktivne komponente i održivost hladno presovanog ulja / Impact of grape seed quality on bioactive components and stability of cold pressed oilBjelica Miloš 27 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Podizanje novih zasada i povećanje kapaciteta prerade<br />grožđa povećava količinu otpada sa kojim se suočava<br />industrija proizvodnje vina i rakije. Najbolji i najodgovorniji<br />način upravljanja otpadom je njegovo dalje iskorišćenje<br />kao nusproizvoda. U ovoj disertaciji sagledavana je mogućnost iskorišćenja<br />nusproizvoda iz različitih faza proizvodnje u vinarijama i<br />destilerijama za dobijanje semenki grožđa koje su<br />korišćene za proizvodnju hladno presovanog ulja. Hipoteza<br />se zasniva na činjenici da semenke grožđa raznih sorti iz<br />različitih faza proizvodnje vina (bela, roze ili crvena vina),<br />odnosno, rakije mogu imati sasvim različit hemijski sastav i<br />kvalitet koji svakako može da se reflektuje na kvalitet,<br />bioaktivne komponente i održivost hladno presovanog ulja.<br />Ovakav proizvod, obzirom da je dobijen hladnim<br />presovanjem, može biti veoma atraktivan za potrošače,<br />zbog svojih specifičnih senzorskih i nutritivnih<br />karakteristika.<br />Za potrebe izrade disertacije prikupljeni su nusproizvodi<br />i pripremljeni su uzorci iz vinarija i destilerija fruškogorskog<br />vinogorja. Dobijene su semenke i proizvedeno hladno<br />presovano ulje od semenki crnog grožđa sorte Merlot,<br />belog grožđa sorte Italijanski rizling i belog grožđa sorte<br />Sila, kao autohtone sorte vinove loze. Hladno presovana<br />ulja su proizvedena od semenki grožđa koje nisu prošle<br />nikakav tretman, odnosno dobijene su nakon presovanja,<br />prilikom proizvodnje belih (Italijanski rizling i Sila) i roze<br />(Merlot) vina, zatim od semenki koje su prošle proces<br />fermentacije prilikom proizvodnje crvenih vina (Merlot) i od<br />semenki koje su prošle proces fermentacije i destilacije<br />prilikom proizvodnje rakije (Merlot, Italijanski rizling i Sila).<br />Pored navedenih semenki i ulja, pripremljen je i prosečan<br />proizvodni uzorak koji predstavlja uzorak dobijen od svih<br />prikupljenih semenki. Kao uporedni uzorci korišćeno je<br />nerafinisano i rafinisano ulje od semenki grožđa nabavljeno<br />na tržištu. Za realizaciju postavljenog cilja, rad na izvođenju ove<br />disertacije obuhvatio je različite faze. U prvoj fazi<br />prikupljene su semenke grožđa i ispitivane su njihove<br />tehničko-tehnološke karakteristika i kvalitet. Zatim su od<br />navedenih semenki proizvedena hladno presovana ulja.<br />U sledećim fazama, ovako dobijena uja, zajedno sa<br />uzorkom nerafinisanog i rafinisanog ulja od semenki<br />grožđa sa tržišta ispitivana su sa aspekta senzorskog i<br />nutritivnog kvaliteta i praćene su razlike u održivosti ulja.<br />Izvršena je senzorska analiza, određivane su frakcije<br />pigmenata, karotenoidi i hlorofili, merena je transparencija,<br />a parametri boje ulja određivani su i instrumentalno.<br />Nutritivni kvalitet ulja sagledavan je na osnovu sadržaja i<br />sastava bioaktivnih komponenti, pre svega tokoferola i<br />tokotrienola, fenola i sterola. Budući da ova jedinjenja<br />ispoljavaju značajne antioksidativne aktivnosti izvršeno je i<br />ispitivanje antiradikalske aktivnosti uzoraka. Odživost ulja<br />od semenki grožđa sagledana je na osnovu početnog<br />kvaliteta i oksidativnog stanja, kao i rezultata ubrzanih<br />testova, kao što je Rancimat test, Schaal-oven test i<br />fluorescentni test.<br />Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, može se konstatovati da<br />su svi dobijeni uzorci semenki imali dobru skladišnu vlagu,<br />koja, obzirom na mali sadržaj ulja u semenkama, može da<br />osigura čuvanje semenki u dužem periodu. Sadržaj ulja u<br />semenkama, pored uticaja sorte vinove loze, zavisi i od<br />uticaja procesa kome su podvrgnute semenke pre<br />presovanja (fermentacija, destilacija).<br />Senzorska analiza ulja od semenki grožđa pokazala je<br />značajne razlike u karakteristikama koje su posledica ne<br />samo načina dobijanja ulja (hladno presovano ili rafinisano), sorte vinove loze, već i postupka dobijanja,<br />porekla i kvaliteta semenki grožđa. Uslovi kojima su<br />semenke grožđa izložene u toku alkoholne fermentacije i<br />posebno destilacije utiču na formiranje specifične arome<br />hladno presovanog ulja. I pored toga što se pojavljuje<br />izuzetno širok spektar različitih aroma, mirisa i ukusa u ulju<br />i što postoje značajne razlike u aromi ulja u zavisnosti od<br />sorte grožđa, moguće je prepoznati da li je hladno<br />presovano ulje dobijeno od semenki grožđa bez<br />fermentacije, posle fermentacije ili posle destilacije.<br />Takođe, sa aspekta boje ulja može se kazati da rafinisano<br />ulje od semenki grožđa ima svetlo žutu boju sa<br />zelenkastom nijansom, dok su hladno presovana ulja<br />intenzivnijih boja i kreću se od žuto-zelenkaste, preko<br />zelenkasto žute i svetlo zelenkaste do tamno zelene. Veći<br />udeo zelene boje imaju hladno presovana ulja od semenki<br />grožđa dobijenih posle destilacije.<br />U radu je pokazano da sadržaj pigmenata (karotenoida i<br />hlorofila) u velikoj meri zavisi od porekla semenki.<br />Postupak fermentacije doprinosi povećanju sadržaja<br />pigmenata, dok postupak destilacije, zbog visokih<br />temperatura ima negativan efekat.<br />Transparencija uzoraka hladno presovanih ulja od<br />semenki grožđa proizvedenih za potrebe disertacije kretala<br />se od 32,8% do 53,8%.<br />Sadržaj nezasićenih masnih kiselina u svim uzorcima<br />ulja od semenki grožđa veći je od 90%, pri čemu<br />dominantnu masnu kiselinu čini linolna, omega-6, masna<br />kiselina.<br />Sadržaj tokotrienola je veći od sadržaja tokoferola u uljima od semenki grožđa, a dominantni tokoferol je alfatokoferol.<br />Njegov sadržaj je veći u uzorcima ulja dobijenim<br />iz semenki nakon fermentacije i destilacije.<br />Sadržaj fenolnih jedinjenja, u zavisnosti od sorte, u<br />proseku je nešto viši u hladno presovanim uljima dobijenim<br />od crvene sorte grožđa, ali uočava se i značajan porast<br />(akumulacija) fenola u hladno presovanim uljima dobijenim<br />iz semenki grožđa nakon procesa fermentacije i destilacije.<br />Najveći pojedinačni sadržaju u ulju od semenki grožđa ima<br />ursolna kiselina, a pored nje značajniji sadržaj, mada<br />mnogo manji, pokazuju rezveratrol, kemferol i vanilinska<br />kiselina.<br />Najzastupljeniji steroli ulja semenki grožđa su β-<br />sitosterol sa udelom od 62,59-69,74%, stigmasterol sa<br />udelom od 12,13-15,00% i kampesterol sa udelom od 6,59-<br />11,94% u ukupnim sterolima. Na sadržaj fitosterola u<br />uljima od semenki grožđa nemaju uticaja procesi<br />fermentacije i destilacije kojima su podvrgnute semenke<br />pre preosvanja.<br />U radu je dokazan negativan uticaj procesa fermentacije<br />i destilacije kojima su povrgnute semenke grožđa na<br />antiradikalski potencijal dobijenih ulja. Antiradikalski<br />potencijal ulja od semenki grožđa zavisi i od sorte vinove<br />loze, kao i od načina dobijanja ulja (hladno presovano ili<br />rafinisano).<br />Procesi fermentacije i destilacije utiču i na osnovni<br />hemijski kvalitet dobijenih hladno presovanih ulja na način<br />da dovode do povećanja kiselinskog i peroksidnog broja.<br />Hladno presovana ulja od semenki grožđa pokazuju<br />dobru oksidativnu stabilnost. Rancimat test je pokazao razlike u indukcionom periodu hladno presovanih ulja od<br />semenki grožđa kao posledicu razlike u sorti, kao i u<br />načinu dobijanja semenki. Proces fermentacije utiče na<br />povećanje, a proces destilacije na smanjenje indukcionog<br />perioda.<br />Na osnovu svih dobijenih rezultata istraživanja može se<br />konstatovati da su hladno presovana ulja od semenki<br />grožđa pokazala različit nutritivni kvalitet i oksidativnu<br />stabilnost, zbog specifičnih razlika koje su posledica razlika<br />u sorti i poreklu semenki, tj. zbog specifičnog efekta<br />fermentacije i destilacije na semenke od kojih je ulje<br />proizvedeno, čime je i potvrđena hipoteza.</p> / <p>Raising new plantations and increasing the grape<br />processing capacity increases the amount of waste faced<br />by the wine and brandy industry. The best and most<br />responsible way of waste management is its further<br />exploitation as by-products.<br />In this dissertation, the possibility of using by-products from different stages of production in wineries and distilleries for<br />obtaining grape seeds, which were used for the production<br />of cold pressed oil, was examined. The hypothesis is<br />based on the fact that grape seeds of various varieties<br />from different stages of wine production (white, rose or red<br />wine), that is, brandy can have a completely different<br />chemical composition and quality that can certainly be<br />reflected on the quality, bioactive components and stability<br />of cold pressed oil.<br />Such a product, as it is obtained by cold pressing, can<br />be very attractive to consumers, due to its specific sensory<br />and nutritional characteristics.<br />For the needs of the dissertation, the by-products were<br />collected and samples were prepared from the wineries<br />and distilleries of the Fruška Gora vineyard. Seeds were<br />obtained and cold pressed oil produced from Merlot grape<br />seed, as representatives of red grape varieties, Italian<br />Riesling, as representatives of white grape varieties and<br />Sila, as new white grape varieties. Cold pressed oils were<br />produced from grape seeds that did not undergo any<br />treatment, that is, they were obtained after pressing, during<br />the production of white (Italian Riesling and Sila) and rose<br />(Merlot) wines, then from the seeds that were fermented<br />during the production of red wines (Merlot ) and seeds that<br />have undergone fermentation and distillation process<br />during the production of brandy (Merlot, Italian Riesling and<br />Sila). In addition to the mentioned seeds and oils, an<br />average production sample was prepared, which is a<br />sample obtained from all collected seeds. Unrefined and<br />refined grape seed oil purchased on the market was used<br />as comparative samples. For realization of the set goal, the work on the<br />performance of this dissertation encompassed different<br />phases. In the first phase, grape seed were collected and<br />their technical and technological characteristics and quality<br />were examined. Then cold-pressed oils were produced<br />from these seeds.<br />In the following phases, the resulting ear, together with a<br />sample of unrefined and refined grape seed oil from the<br />market, were examined from the aspect of sensory and<br />nutritional quality and differences in oil stability were<br />observed. Sensory analysis was performed, pigmentate<br />fractions, carotenoids and chlorophylls were determined,<br />transparency was measured, and oil color parameters<br />were also determined instrumentally. The nutritive oil<br />quality was examined based on the content and<br />composition of bioactive components, primarily tocopherols<br />and tocotrienols, phenols and sterols. Since these<br />compounds exhibit significant antioxidant activities, the<br />antiradical activity of the samples was also tested. The<br />stability of grape seed oils was examined based on the<br />initial quality and the oxidative state, as well as the results<br />of accelerated tests, such as Rancimat test, Schaal-oven<br />and fluorescence test.<br />On the basis of the obtained results, it can be concluded<br />that all the obtained seed samples had good storage<br />moisture, which, given the small content of oil in the seeds,<br />can ensure the storage of seeds for a longer period. The<br />content of oil in the seed, in addition to the influence of the<br />grape variety, depends on the influence of the process to<br />which the seeds are subjected to pressing (fermentation,<br />distillation). Sensory analysis grape seed oils showed significant<br />differences in characteristics that are due not only to the<br />method of obtaining oil (cold pressed or refined), grape<br />varieties, but also the method of obtaining, the origin and<br />quality of grape seed. The conditions for grape seeds<br />exposed during fermentation and especially distillation<br />affect the formation of a specific cold pressed oil. Although<br />an extremely wide range of different flavors, odors and<br />flavors in oil appear, and there are significant differences in<br />the aroma of the oil, depending on the grape variety, it is<br />possible to recognize whether the cold-pressed oil is<br />derived from the grape seed without fermentation, after<br />fermentation or after distillation. Also, from the aspect of oil<br />color it can be said that refined grape seed oil has a light<br />yellow color with a greenish shade, while cold pressed<br />grape seed oils have more intense colors range from<br />yellowish-greenish, over greenish yellow and light greenish<br />to dark green. A higher proportion of green color has cold<br />pressed grape seed oils obtained after distillation.<br />The thesis has shown that the content of pigments<br />(carotenoids and chlorophyll) depends to a great extent on<br />the origin of the seed. The fermentation process<br />contributes to increasing the content of pigments, while the<br />distillation process has a negative effect due to high<br />temperatures.<br />Transparency of cold pressed grape seed oils produced<br />for the dissertation ranged from 32.8% to 53.8%.<br />The content of unsaturated fatty acids in all samples of<br />grape seed oil is greater than 90%, with the dominant fatty<br />acid being linoleic, omega-6, fatty acid. The content of tocotrienols is higher than the content of<br />tocopherols in grape seed oils, and the dominant<br />tocopherol is alpha-tocopherol. Its content is higher in oil<br />samples obtained from the seed after fermentation and<br />distillation.<br />The content of phenol compounds, depending on the<br />variety, is somewhat higher in cold pressed oils obtained<br />from red grape varieties, but there is also a significant<br />increase in accumulation of phenol in cold pressed oils<br />obtained from the grape seed after the fermentation and<br />distillation process. The largest individual oil content of<br />grape seeds has ursolic acid, and besides it, significant<br />content, although much smaller, shows rezveratrol,<br />kemferol and vanillinic acid.<br />The most prevalent sterols of grape seed oils are β-<br />sitosterol with a share of 62.59-69.74%, stigmasterol with a<br />share of 12.13-15.00% and campesterol with a share of<br />6.59-11.94% in total sterols. Fermentation and distilation<br />processes, to which the seeds have been exposed, have<br />no effect on the content of phytosterols in grape seed oils.<br />The paper has shown the negative influence of the<br />fermentation and distillation process, to which the seeds<br />have been exposed, onto the antiradical potential of the<br />obtained oils. The antiradical potential of grape seed oils<br />depends on grape varietes, as well as on the way oil is<br />obtained (cold pressed or refined).<br />Processes of fermentation and distillation also affect the<br />basic chemical quality of obtained cold pressed oils in such<br />a way as to increase the acid and peroxide values.<br />Cold pressed grape seed oils show good oxidative stability. The Rancimat test showed differences in the<br />induction period of cold pressed grape seed oils as a result<br />of the variation in the variety, as well as in the method of<br />obtaining the seed. The fermentation process affects the<br />increase, and the process of distillation decreases the<br />induction period.<br />Based on all the obtained results, it can be concluded<br />that cold pressed grape seed oils showed different<br />nutritional quality and oxidative stability due to specific<br />differences resulting from differences in variety and seed<br />origin, i.e. due to the specific effect of fermentation and<br />distillation processes on the seeds from which the oil was<br />produced, thus confirming the hypothesis.</p>
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Evaluation of Organic Plant and Animal Ingredients for Fish FeedingTefal, Eslam Hamdy Taha 25 April 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La acuicultura orgánica o ecológica está ganando popularidad a medida que los consumidores se vuelven más conscientes de las prácticas de producción alimentaria sostenibles y respetuosas con el medio ambiente. Las dietas con ingredientes orgánicos son un componente esencial de la acuicultura ecológica. Estas dietas utilizan ingredientes orgánicos y formulaciones específicas para promover una producción de animales acuáticos más saludable y respetuosa con el medio ambiente. Se alinean con los principios de la agricultura orgánica, minimizan el uso de productos químicos sintéticos y buscan producir productos del mar más saludables y ambientalmente responsables.
La presente tesis de doctorado reúne cuatro estudios distintos con el objetivo de avanzar en nuestra comprensión de la integración de nuevos ingredientes orgánicos en las dietas de acuicultura y sus efectos en diversas especies, centrándose en la dorada (Sparus aurata), la lubina (Dicentrarchus labrax) y la trucha arcoíris (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Estos estudios exploran el crecimiento, la composición corporal, la utilización del alimento, la digestibilidad, las respuestas histológicas y la composición de la microbiota al incorporar alimentos e ingredientes orgánicos novedosos.
En el primer estudio, se investigó el efecto del alimento eco-orgánico en el crecimiento, la eficiencia nutricional, la utilización del alimento y la composición corporal de la dorada. Se ensayaron seis dietas, incluyendo una dieta de control (CONT) sin ingredientes orgánicos, cuatro dietas con 100% de ingredientes orgánicos (subproducto de trucha - TRO, subproducto de lubina - SBS, subproductos avícolas - POU y mezcla - MIX), y una dieta de control orgánico (ORG) con ingredientes orgánicos y 30% de harina de pescado. En el experimento, de 70 días de duración, se alimentó a los peces dos veces al día, comenzando con un peso inicial de 60.5 g. Los resultados revelaron que las tasas de crecimiento más altas se observaron en peces alimentados con las dietas ORG y CONT que contenían harina de pescado. Por el contrario, la dieta POU mostró la tasa de crecimiento más baja, la tasa de supervivencia más baja y el mayor índice de conversión alimentaria (FCR). La eficiencia de aminoácidos esenciales fue generalmente alta en peces alimentados con las dietas ORG y CONT, con diferencias notables en la eficiencia de retención de ácidos grasos en todas las dietas. La dieta CONT mostró la mayor eficiencia de retención, seguida por la dieta ORG. Sin embargo, la tasa de conversión económica fue menor para CONT, SBS, TRO y MIX. En resumen, el uso de dietas orgánicas de origen animal afectó el rendimiento de crecimiento de la Dorada, con un potencial prometedor a pesar de las variaciones en las tasas de conversión económica entre diferentes dietas.
En el segundo estudio, se investigó durante 120 días la utilización de nuevos ingredientes orgánicos para alimentar a la dorada de 93 ± 3.82 g de pesos inicial, centrándose en el crecimiento, los parámetros nutricionales, la digestibilidad y la histología. Se probaron cuatro dietas: una dieta de control orgánico (CON) y tres dietas con 100% de materiales orgánicos - subproducto de trucha arcoíris (TRO), subproducto de cerdo ibérico (IBE) y harina de insectos como fuente de proteínas (INS). Al final del experimento, los peces alimentados con la dieta CON mostraron el mayor peso, sin diferencia significativa entre las dietas experimentales. El contenido de proteínas crudas fue mayor en los peces alimentados con las dietas TRO e INS, mientras que el mayor valor de grasa cruda se observó en la dieta CON. Los peces alimentados con las dietas IBE e INS demostraron una alta digestibilidad, y excepto para el aminoácido esencial metionina (Met), la eficiencia de retención no mostró diferencias estadísticas. IBE tuvo la mayor tasa de hidrólisis entre las dietas. A pesar de las diferencias significativas en la dieta, la dorada mantuvo una morfología hepática típicamente saludable. Si / [CA] L'acuicultura orgànica o ecològica està guanyant popularitat a mesura que els consumidors es tornen més conscients de les pràctiques de producció alimentària sostenibles i respectuoses amb el medi ambient. Les dietes amb ingredients orgànics són un component essencial de l'acuicultura ecològica. Aquestes dietes utilitzen ingredients orgànics i formulacions específiques per promoure una producció d'animals aquàtics més saludable i respectuosa amb el medi ambient. Es alineen amb els principis de l'agricultura orgànica, minimitzen l'ús de productes químics sintètics i busquen produir productes del mar més saludables i ambientalment responsables.
Aquesta tesi de doctorat reuneix quatre estudis diferents amb l'objectiu d'avançar en la nostra comprensió de la integració de nous ingredients orgànics a les dietes d'acuicultura i els seus efectes en diverses espècies, centrant-se en la dorada (Sparus aurata), la llobina (Dicentrarchus labrax) i la truita arc de Sant Martí (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquests estudis exploren el creixement, la composició corporal, la utilització dels aliments, la digestibilitat, les respostes histològiques i la composició de la microbiota en incorporar aliments i ingredients orgànics innovadors.
En el primer estudi, es va investigar l'efecte de l'aliment eco-orgànic en el creixement, l'eficiència nutricional, la utilització dels aliments i la composició corporal de la dorada. Es van provar sis dietes, incloent una dieta de control (CONT) sense ingredients orgànics, quatre dietes amb 100% d'ingredients orgànics (subproducte de truita - TRO, subproducte de llobina - SBS, subproductes avícoles - POU i barreja - MIX), i una dieta de control orgànica (ORG) amb ingredients orgànics i 30% de farina de peix. En l'experiment, de 70 dies de durada, es va alimentar els peixos dues vegades al dia, començant amb un pes inicial de 60,5 g. Els resultats van revelar que les taxes de creixement més altes es van observar en peixos alimentats amb les dietes ORG i CONT que contenien farina de peix. Per contra, la dieta POU va mostrar la taxa de creixement més baixa, la taxa de supervivència més baixa i el major índex de conversió alimentària (FCR). L'eficiència dels aminoàcids essencials va ser generalment alta en peixos alimentats amb les dietes ORG i CONT, amb diferències notables en l'eficiència de retenció d'àcids grassos en totes les dietes. La dieta CONT va mostrar la major eficiència de retenció, seguida per la dieta ORG. No obstant això, la taxa de conversió econòmica va ser menor per a CONT, SBS, TRO i MIX. En resum, l'ús de dietes orgàniques d'origen animal va afectar el rendiment de creixement de la Dorada, amb un potencial prometedor malgrat les variacions en les taxes de conversió econòmica entre diferents dietes.
En el segon estudi, es va investigar durant 120 dies la utilització de nous ingredients orgànics per alimentar la dorada amb un pes inicial d'aproximadament 93 ± 3.82 g, centrant-se en el creixement, els paràmetres nutricionals, la digestibilitat i la histologia. Es van provar quatre dietes: una dieta de control orgànica (CON) i tres dietes amb 100% de materials orgànics - subproducte de truita arc de Sant Martí (TRO), subproducte de porc ibèric (IBE) i farina d'insectes com a font de proteïnes (INS). Al final de l'experiment, els peixos alimentats amb la dieta CON van mostrar el major pes, sense diferència significativa entre les dietes experimentals. El contingut de proteïnes brutes va ser major en els peixos alimentats amb les dietes TRO e INS, mentre que el major valor de greix brut es va observar en la dieta CON. Els peixos alimentats amb les dietes IBE e INS van demostrar una alta digestibilitat, i excepte per a l'aminoàcid essencial metionina (Met), l'eficiència de retenció no va mostrar diferències estadístiques. IBE va tenir la major taxa d'hidròlisi entre les dietes. Malgrat les diferències significatives a la dieta, la dorada va mantenir una morfologia hepàtica típicament saludable. No obstant a / [EN] The organic or ecological aquaculture is gaining popularity as consumers become more aware of sustainable and environmentally friendly food production practices. Diets with organic ingredients are an essential component of ecological aquaculture. These diets use organic ingredients and specific formulations to promote healthier and environmentally friendly aquatic animal production. They align with the principles of organic farming, minimize the use of synthetic chemicals, and aim to produce healthier and environmentally responsible seafood products.
This doctoral thesis comprises four distinct studies with the aim of advancing our understanding of the integration of new organic ingredients in aquaculture diets and their effects on various species, focusing on gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata), European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). These studies explore growth, body composition, feed utilization, digestibility, histological responses, and microbiota composition when incorporating novel organic foods and ingredients.
In the first study, the effect of eco-organic feed on the growth, nutritional efficiency, feed utilization, and body composition of gilthead sea bream was investigated. Six diets were tested, including a control diet (CONT) without organic ingredients, four diets with 100% organic ingredients (rainbow trout byproduct - TRO, European sea bass byproduct - SBS, poultry byproducts - POU, and a mixture - MIX), and an organic control diet (ORG) with organic ingredients and 30% fish meal. In the 70-day experiment, fish were fed twice a day, starting with an initial weight of 60.5 g. The results revealed that the highest growth rates were observed in fish fed the ORG and CONT diets containing fish meal. In contrast, the POU diet showed the lowest growth rate, the lowest survival rate, and the highest feed conversion ratio (FCR). The efficiency of essential amino acids was generally high in fish fed ORG and CONT diets, with notable differences in fatty acid retention efficiency in all diets. The CONT diet showed the highest retention efficiency, followed by the ORG diet. However, the economic conversion rate was lower for CONT, SBS, TRO, and MIX. In summary, the use of organic diets of animal origin affected the growth performance of gilthead sea bream, with promising potential despite variations in economic conversion rates between different diets.
In the second study, the use of new organic ingredients to feed gilthead sea bream with an initial weight of 93 ± 3.82 g was investigated for 120 days, focusing on growth, nutritional parameters, digestibility, and histology. Four diets were tested: an organic control diet (CON) and three diets with 100% organic materials - rainbow trout byproduct (TRO), Iberian pork byproduct (IBE), and insect meal as a protein source (INS). At the end of the experiment, fish fed the CON diet showed the highest weight, with no significant difference between the experimental diets. The crude protein content was higher in fish fed TRO and INS diets, while the highest crude fat value was observed in the CON diet. Fish fed IBE and INS diets demonstrated high digestibility, and except for the essential amino acid methionine (Met), retention efficiency showed no statistics differences. IBE had the highest hydrolysis rate among the diets. Despite significant differences in diet, gilthead sea bream maintained a typically healthy liver morphology. However, fish fed TRO and INS diets showed shorter measurements in the distal intestine. In conclusion, the complete replacement of fish meal with organic materials, including rainbow trout byproducts, Iberian pork byproducts, and insect meal, offers several benefits in terms of digestibility, histology, and growth performance, promoting sustainable and healthy aquaculture practices.
The third study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of using various organic proteins in the diet of European sea bass. Juvenile sea b / The first author was supported by a complete grant from the Ministry of Higher Education of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the research project had been developed with the collaboration of the Biodiversity Foundation (Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge), through the Pleamar Program, co-financed by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). / Tefal, EHT. (2024). Evaluation of Organic Plant and Animal Ingredients for Fish Feeding [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203838 / Compendio
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