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Measurement and phenomenology of the proton structure function Fâ†2 using the 1996 and 1997 ZEUS data at HERARuske, Olaf Christian January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Double Excitations in Helium Atoms and Lithium CompoundsAgåker, Marcus January 2006 (has links)
This thesis addresses the investigation of doubly excited 2l´nl states in helium atoms and double core excitations in solid lithium compounds. Measurements on He are made in field free environments and under the influence of electric and magnetic fields, using synchrotron based inelastic photon scattering. Cross sections for scattering to singly excited final states are directly determined and compared to theoretical results and are found to be in excellent agreement. Radiative and spin-orbit effects are quantified and are shown to play an important role in the overall characterization of highly excited He states below the N =2 threshold. A dramatic electric field dependence is also observed in the flourecence yield already for relatively weak fields. This signal increase, induced by electric as well as magnetic fields, is interpreted in terms of mixing with states of higher fluorescence branching ratios. Double core excitations at the lithium site in solid lithium compounds are investigated using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS). The lithium halides LiF, LiCl, LiBr and LiI are studied as well as the molecular compounds Li2O, Li2CO3 and LiBF4. States with one, as well as both, of the excited electrons localized at the site of the bare lithium nucleus are identified, and transitions which involve additional band excitations are observed. A strong influence of the chemical surrounding is found, and it is discussed in terms of the ionic character of the chemical bond.
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The aim of nuclear structure studies is to observe and describe the structures and associated symmetries in nuclei, which in turn help us in understanding the nature of nucleon-nucleon interactions in a nucleus as a many-body quantum system. The protons and neutrons as constituents of a nucleus and their interactions are responsible for nuclear properties. The evolution of nuclear structure as a function of valence nucleon number, i.e., the number of nucleons beyond a magic number, can be inferred from the experimental level scheme and transition rates. In particular, the studies of low-lying, low-spin excited states in stable nuclei provide valuable information on the interplay of valence neutrons and protons in nuclear structure. The decay scheme and knowledge of transition strengths in the low-lying states become a benchmark for testing theoretical model predictions and understanding the underlying microscopic foundations of nuclear structure. Along with the experimental techniques, theoretical models have been developed to explain and describe the observed nuclear properties, e.g., shell model, Fermi-gas model, optical and liquid-drop models, and several “collective” models.
94/40Zr50 nucleus with 2 protons and 4 neutrons above the shell closures of the 88/38Sr50 core nucleus is considered as a nearly spherical nucleus. Such nuclei present a vibrational structure; surface vibration of the nucleus about a spherical shape. In addition to the symmetric excitations, in which proton and neutron oscillations are in phase, there are another class of excitations in which the wave function is not fully symmetric with respect to the exchange of protons and neutrons. These states are so called mixed-symmetry (MS) states. Such excitations have been observed in the N= 52 neighboring isotones. In this study, the low-lying structure of 94/40Zr has been studied with the (n, n'ƴ) reaction at the University of Kentucky and Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratories (TUNL) facilities, to identify symmetric and MS excitations in this nucleus.
A decay scheme has been established based on excitation function and coincidence measurements. Branching ratios, multipole mixing ratios, and spin assignments have been determined from angular distribution measurements at En= 2.3, 2.8, and 3.5 MeV. Lifetimes of levels up to 3.4 MeV were measured by the Doppler-shift attenuation method (DSAM), and for many transitions reduced transition probabilities were determined. The experimental results were used for the identification of collective symmetric and mixed-symmetric (MS) multiphonon excitations. The 2+/2 state at 1671.4 keV has been identified as the lowest MS state in 94Zr; B(M1; 2+/ms → 2+/1 ) = 0.31(3) μ2/N. This state has an anomalous decay behavior, i.e., B(E2; 2+/ ms → 0+/1 ) = 7.8(7) W.u., which is unusually large compared to the B(E2; 2+/1 → 0+/1 ) = 4.9(3) W.u. More anomalies were identified in the states above the 2+/ms state. For example, the 4+/2 state at 2330 keV decays strongly to the 2+/1 state, B(E2; 4+/2 → 2+/1 ) = 20+3/−2 W.u., compared to the 4+/1 state at 1469 keV, B(E2; 4+/1 → 2+/1 ) = 0.878(23) W.u. The experimental results revealed additional interesting and unusual properties of the low-lying states in 94Zr. Shell model calculations were performed with the Oxbash code, using the Vlow k interaction. Also, the IBM-2 predictions in the vibrational limit were compared with the experimental results. The results from neither of these nuclear models were in good agreement with the observed transition strengths, e.g., the B(E2; 2+/ms → 0+/1 ) value. These observations may indicate that the contributions of valence nucleons in the low-lying excited states of 94Zr differ from what has been perscribed by the shell model and the IBM-2 model. The effects of the Z = 40 and N = 56 subshell closures should be also considered. In a simple interpretation, the excited states are classified in two distinct categories, i.e., those populating the 2+/2 state and those decaying to the 2+/1 state. This approach suggests that in 94Zr the low-lying states may be related to two-configurations coexistence.
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Reggeons in pQCDGriffiths, Scott January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Topics in quantum field theory : 1. Schwinger's action principle ; 2. Dispersion relations for inelastic scattering processesKibble, T. W. B. January 1958 (has links)
The subject matter of this thesis falls into two distinct parts. Chapters II to IV are devoted to a discussion of Schwinger's action principle, and chapters V and VI are concerned with the proof of dispersion relations for inelastic meson-nucleon scattering. The material of chapter II is based on some work done in collaboration with Dr. J.C. Polkinghorne, which has been published (Kibble and Polkinghorne 1957). This work was concerned with the clarification of certain points connected with the class of permissible variations in Schwinger's principle. There are, however, substantial changes in the present treatment, principally deriving from the introduction, in section II-5, of the concept of relative phases. This chapter is restricted to the case of non-relativistic quantum theory, and the discussion is extended to relativistic quantum field theory in chapter III. These chapters are devoted to a reformulation of Schwinger's action principle, and an investigation of the consequences of the new form of the action principle. Some of this material is necessarily contained in the work of Schwinger (1951, 1953a), but the treatment differs from his in several important respects. These are discussed in greater detail in section 2. Chapter IV is devoted to a discussion of higher order spinor Lagrangians, with particular reference to the use of a two-component field satisfying a second-order equation rather than a four-component spinor satisfying a first-order equation. This procedure has been suggested by Feynman and Gell-Mann (1958) in connection with their universal Fermi interaction. The work presented in this chapter was done jointly with Dr. J.C. Polkinghorne, and has been published (Kibble and Polkinghorne 1958). Chapters V and VI are devoted to a proof of the dispersion relations for the process in which a single meson is scattered on a nucleon into a state with several mesons. The proof follows the general lines of that by Bogolyubov, Medvedev and Polivanov (1956) for the case of elastic meson-nucleon scattering, This work has also been published (Kibble 1958). The notation employed in the thesis is summarized in appendix A. Appendix B is devoted to a discussion of consistency conditions on the Lagrangian function. The chapter number is omitted in references to sections or equations, except in the case of cross references between chapters.
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Approche théorique des collisions réactives de type ion-molécule / Theoretical collision type reactive ion-moleculeGannouni, Mohamed Achref 20 November 2014 (has links)
La collision entre l'ion hydroxyle (OH+) et l'atome d'hydrogène (H) joue un rôle majeur en physico-chimie de l'atmosphère et en astrophysique. Pour l'étude de ce système, nous avons générés la surface d'énergie potentielle tridimensionnelle (SEP-3D) globale doublet de la réaction H + OH+ --- H2O+ (X2B1)--- O + H2+. Les calculs électroniques ont été effectués au niveau MRCI avec la base aug-cc-pV5Z en incluant la correction des erreurs de superposition de base (BSSE). Cette SEP couvre la région moléculaire et les régions des longues portées pour les différents canaux : OH+ + H, O + H2+ et la réaction d'échange d'hydrogène. La qualité de la SEP a été validée après une comparaison des constantes spectroscopiques de H2O+ (X2B1) et des fragments diatomiques, des niveaux rovibroniques de H2O+ (X2B1), l'énergie de dissociation et de la barrière à linéarité pour H2O+ (X2B1) aux données expérimentales et théoriques existantes. Un bon accord est trouvé. Après avoir déterminé la SEP, nous avons utilisé les outils de la dynamique quantique indépendante du temps pour calculer les sections efficaces élastiques et inélastiques désexcitation de OH+ (v=0, j=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 et 7) en collision avec l'atome d'hydrogène sur un large domaine d'énergie cinétique. Nous avons ainsi déterminé les taux désexcitation rotationnelle pour des températures allant de 10 à 200K. Nous avons également utilisé la surface quadruplet de Martinez et al. pour déduire ces taux désexcitation. Les résultats montrent que les sections efficaces inélastiques calculées sur la surface doublet sont en moyenne au moins deux à trois fois plus importantes que leurs correspondantes obtenues sur la surface quartet. Les potentiels à longue portée des deux surfaces étant identiques, ce résultat montre qu'un modèle basé sur la seule longue portée du potentiel ne pourrait pas rendre compte de la dynamique inélastique de ce système / The collision between the hydroxyl cation (OH+) and hydrogen atoms (H) plays a major role in physical chemistry of the atmosphere and astrophysics. To study this system, we generated the global three-dimensional potential energy surface (3D-PES) of the reaction H + OH+ ---- H2O+ (X2B1) ---- O + H2+. The electronic calculations were performed at the MRCI level with aug-cc-pV5Z basis including the basis set superposition error (BSSE) correction. This PES covers the molecular region and the long ranges close to the OH+ + H, O + H2+ and the hydrogen exchange channels. The quality of the PES is checked after comparison of the spectroscopic constants of H2O+ (X2B1) and of the diatomic fragments, the rovibronic levels, the dissociation energy, and the barrier to linearity of H2O+ (X2B1) to available experimental and theoretical data. A good agreement is found. Then, we used the tools of time-independent Quantum Dynamics to calculate the elastic and inelastic cross sections for the de-excitation of OH+ in collision with the hydrogen atom over a wide range of kinetic energy. We have thus determined the rotational de-excitation rate coefficients for temperatures ranging from 10 up to 200K. The results show that the inelastic cross sections on the doublet surface are on average at least two to three times larger than their cross section obtained on the previously computed cross sections using the quartet surface. Since, the long range parts of the doublet and the quartet PESs are identical, our work invalidates hence previous cross section determination. When only long range potentials are considered. Therefore, we recommend using fully the global 3D PES for scattering and reactive collision relevant for atmospheric and astrophysical studies
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Exame da interferência coulombiana-nuclear no espalhamento inelástico de 6Li em 76Ge / Coulomb-Nuclear Interference in the Inelastic Scattering of 6Li on 76Ge.Zhang, Xinxin 25 June 2015 (has links)
A análise da Interferência Coulombiana-Nuclear (ICN) foi aplicada à distribuição angular experimental do espalhamento inelástico de 6Li de 28,0 MeV em 76Ge, na excitação do estado 2_1^+. Os dados foram adquiridos no sistema Pelletron-Espectrógrafo Magnético Enge do LAFN do IFUSP. Na detecção dos íons emergentes, no plano focal do imã, foi utilizado um detector sensível à posição (PSD) de barreira de superfície (área de detecção de 47 × 8 mm^2 e espessura útil de 500 m). No presente trabalho foi introduzida a técnica de processamento digital de pulsos (PDP) no sistema de aquisição. Foram medidos espectros associados a vinte e seis ângulos de espalhamento na região angular de interesse: 10^o_Lab 55^o. A análise foi realizada na aproximação de Born com ondas distorcidas (DWBA) utilizando o potencial nuclear de transição descrito pelo modelo do potencial óptico deformado (DOMP) e parâmetros ópticos globais. O ajuste das previsões sobre a distribuição angular experimental foi realizado pela minimização do ^2 através do método iterativo de Gauss. O ajuste permitiu a extração dos parâmetros correlacionados: _2^N, comprimento de deformação nuclear e C_2=(_2^C)(_2^N ), razão entre os comprimentos de deformação de carga e nuclear. Os valores dos parâmetros correlacionados obtidos neste trabalho foram C_2=1,101(20) e _2^N=1,08(21) fm. Testes estatísticos através da simulação de Monte Carlo de 5000 novos conjuntos de dados comprovaram a qualidade do método empregado no ajuste dos parâmetros correlacionados. A metodologia aplicada na análise da ICN, permitiu a extração da razão (B(E2))B(IS2) ,que é proporcional ao quadrado de C_2, com boa precisão devido ao cancelamento da incerteza no fator de escala, das seções de choque absolutas. Os resultados obtidos no presente trabalho são inéditos e permitiram análise da evolução da coletividade ao longo da cadeia de isótopos pares de germânio, em conjunto com os valores obtidos nos isótopos 70,72,74Ge estudados previamente. Os resultados ao longo da cadeia indicaram que, apesar de uma leve predominância da contribuição dos prótons em relação aos nêutrons na excitação dos primeiros estados quadrupolares dos 70,72,76Ge, a contribuição dos nêutrons é consideravelmente maior para o 74Ge. Este aumento sugere forte mistura de configurações na descrição do estado fundamental deste isótopo. / The inelastic scattering of 28,0 MeV 6Li on 76Ge in the excitation of the 2_1^+ state, has been studied with the Coulomb-Nuclear Interference (CNI) analysis. The data were measured at the Pelletron-Enge-Spectrograph facility at LAFN-IFUSP. A solid-state position sensitive silicon detector (PSD) (500 m thickness and 47 × 8 mm^2 area) was used to measure the data at the spectrometer focal plane. Digital pulse processing (DPP) was implemented in the acquisition system. Twenty-six spectra were measured at carefully chosen scattering angles in the range of 10^o_Lab 55^o to obtain an angular distribution. The analysis was performed with the Distorted Wave Born Approximation (DWBA) and applied for the nuclear transition potential, the Deformed Optical Potential Model (DOMP), under well-established global optical parameters. The fit of the predicted cross sections to the experimental data through ^2 minimization, using the iterative method of Gauss, allowed for the extraction of the correlated parameters, _2^N, the mass deformation length, and C_2=(_2^C)(_2^N ), the ratio between charge and mass deformation lengths. The correlated parameters obtained in the present work were C_2=1,101(20) and _2^N=1,08(21) fm. Statistical tests, through a Monte Carlo simulation of 5000 new data sets, validated the method employed in the correlated parameters fit. The methodology applied for the CNI analysis allowed the extraction of ratio(B(EL))(B(ISL)), which is proportional to the square of C_2, with a good precision due to the scale uncertainties cancellation of the absolute cross sections. The values of B(IS2) and of the ratios (B(E2))(B(IS2)) obtained in the present work have not been reported before and allow the study of the evolution of the collectivity throughout the even-A germanium chain together with former results obtained for the 70,72,74Ge isotopes. The results along the chain indicate that although the protons relative to the neutrons reveal a small predominant contribution in 70,72,76Ge to the first quadrupole excitation, the neutron role is strongly enhanced in 74Ge. This behaviour suggests a strong mixing configuration in the 74Ge ground state description
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<p>A novel system has been simulated with accompanying
experimental data that is designed to provide spatial information of elemental
concentrations at biologically relevant levels.
Using a deuterium-deuterium (DD) neutron generator, two large
high-purity germanium (HPGe) detectors operating in tandem, and the associated
particle imaging (API) technique, elemental iron concentrations as low as 100
ppm have been resolved <i>in vivo</i> in the
liver of a simulated reference man with an equivalent dose to the region of
interest of < 5 mSv and an estimated whole body dose of 0.82 mSv. Using the Monte Carlo Neutral Particle (MCNP)
transport code, achievable spatial resolutions in the projective and depth
dimensions of < 1 cm and < 3 cm are achievable, respectively, for
iron-containing voxels on the order of 1,000 ppm Fe – with an overall 225 ps
system timing resolution, 6.25 mm<sup>2</sup> imaging plate pixels, and a
Gaussian-distributed DD neutron source spot with a diameter of 2 mm. Additionally, as a departure from Monte Carlo
simulations, the underlying concepts of fast neutron inelastic scatter analysis
as an initial surrogate to true associated particle neutron elemental imaging
(APNEI) were demonstrated using a DD neutron generator, iron-made interrogation
targets, a sodium iodide detector, and physical neutron/gamma shielding, which
yielded an approximate detection limit for iron of 3.45 kg which was simulated
to improve to 0.44 kg upon incorporation of the associated particle collimation
API technique allows concentrations of elements such as iron to be quantified
due to time-tagged electronic collimation and corresponding background signal
reduction. Inherent to the API process
is the collection of spatial and temporal information, which allows the
perceived origin of a photon signal to be identified in 3D space. This process was modeled algorithmically in
MCNP and employed using relevant equipment and shielding geometries. By leveraging the capabilities of modern-day neutron
generator and coincident timing technologies with high throughput signal
processing discrimination, the applicability of APNEI to disease diagnostics
and etiological research is promising.
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Estudo de mecanismos de reação nuclear no sistema 7Li+120Sn utilizando coincidências -partícula / studies on nuclear reactions mechanisms in the system 7Li+120Sn using gamma-particle coincidencesZagatto, Vinicius Antonio Bocaline 02 April 2015 (has links)
Medidas em coincidência gamma-partícula da reação 7Li+120Sn foram realizadas na faixa de energia de 2.6 a 3.9 MeV por nucleon. Além do canal inelástico, foram observados os canais de pick-up de próton e stripping de um e dois nêutrons, sendo que, para o último caso, cálculos teóricos de DWBA e CRC comparados com o canal elástico demonstram que esta transferência ocorre de maneira sequencial (two-step) e não direta. Este trabalho consolida a existência de canais já anteriormente observados (pick-up de próton e stripping de um nêutron) além de observar pela primeira vez a existência do canal de strippinp de dois nêutrons, no entanto, ele tem um caráter pioneiro pois é o primeiro a medir distribuições angulares de todos esses canais. Tanto o pick-up de próton quanto o stripping de dois nêutrons tiveram de levar em conta na análise cálculos de Monte Carlo que simulassem o efeito da quebra dos projéteis 8Be e 5Li, respectivamente. Fatores espectroscópicos para alguns estados desses canais foram obtidos e são condizentes com os valores esperados considerando o modelo de single particle e a indistinguibilidade de partículas nos casos dos núcleos 119In e 122Sn. Por outro lado, são muito pequenos (ordem de 10e-2) para estados do 121Sn, fato esse gerado pela provável falta de acoplamento de mais canais de reação que reduzem o fluxo da transferência de nêutron. Foram observados também núcleos gerados a partir da transferência seguida de emissão de partículas. / $\\gamma$-particle coincidence measurements of the $^7$Li$+^{120}$Sn reaction were made in the $2.6$ to $3.9$ MeV/nucleon energy range. Besides the inelastic channel, the proton {\\it pick-up} and one/two neutron {\\it stripping} were observed, whereas, for the last case, DWBA and CRC calculations were compared to experimental elastic scattering data and demonstrated that this transfer occurs in a sequential ({\\it two-step}) rather than a direct way. This work consolidates the existence of some channels that have already been observed (proton {\\it pick-up} and neutron {\\it stripping}) and also observes for the first time the existence of the two neutron {\\it stripping} channel, however, it still retains its pioneering as it is the first one to measure the angular distributions for all these channels. The proton {\\it pick-up} and the two neutron {\\it stripping} channels had to take into account in their analysis Monte Carlo calculations to simulate the projectile breaking effect ($^8$Be and $^5$Li, respectively). Spectroscopic factors for some states of these channels were found and are consistent with the expected values considering the {\\it single particle} model and the particle indistinguishability for the $^{119}$In and $^{122}$Sn cases, however, these factors are too small (magnitude order of $10^{-2}$) for the $^{121}$Sn case. This was generated most likely by the lack of coupling of some of the reaction channels that would reduce the one neutron transfer flux. Nuclei generated by the transfer followed by particle emission were also observed.
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Scalar Field Theories of Nucleon InteractionsDick, Frank Albert 25 April 2007 (has links)
This dissertation documents the results of two related efforts. Firstly, a model of nucleon-nucleon (NN) interactions is developed based on scalar field theory. Secondly, the relativistic 2-body Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) is generalized to handle inelastic processes in the ladder approximation. Scalar field theory describes the behavior of scalar particles, particles with spin 0. In the present work scalar field theory is used to describe NN interactions mediated by pion exchange. The scalar theory is applied to nucleons despite the fact that nucleons are fermions, spin 1/2 particles best described by fourcomponent Dirac spinor fields. Nevertheless, the scalar theory is shown to give a good fit to experiment for the total cross sections for several reactions [1]. The results are consistent with more elaborate spinor models involving one boson exchange (OBE). The results indicate that the spin and isospin of nucleons can to some extent be ignored under certain conditions. Being able to ignore spin and isospin greatly reduces the complexity of the model. A limitation of the scalar theory is that it does not distinguish between particle and anti-particle. Consequently one must decide how to interpret the s-channel diagrams generated by the theory, diagrams which involve particle creation and annihilation. The issue is resolved by extending the scalar theory to include electric charge, and formulating NN interactions in terms of complex scalar fields, which are able to describe both particles and anti-particles. A generalized Bethe-Salpeter equation (GBSE) is developed to handle inelastic processes in the ladder approximation. The GBSE, formulated using the scalar theory, is new, and introduces a systematic method for analyzing families of coupled reactions. A formalism is developed centered around the amplitude matrix M' defined for a given Lagrangian. M' gives the amplitudes of a family of reactions that arise from the Lagrangian. The formalism demonstrates how these amplitudes, to 2nd order, segregate into independent groups of coupled BSE's. The GBSE formalism is applied to the coupled BSE (CBSE) of Faassen and Tjon (FT) [2] for the reaction N+N->N+Delta, showing that the CBSE is missing a coupling channel, and in the expansion, under counts ladder diagrams. A proof is given of the equivalence of the series of ladder diagrams generated by M' and the S-matrix. A section on future work discusses several projects for further development and application of the GBSE.
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