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Kliničke, angiografske i terapijske specifičnosti akutnog infarkta miokarda sa ST elevacijom kod osoba starijih od 75 godina / Clinical, angiographic and therapeutic specificities of STD segment elevation acute myocardial infarction in patients over 75 years of ageČanji Tibor 17 November 2014 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Pacijenti sa akutnim infarktom miokarda sa ST elevacijom treba da budu podvrgnuti reperfuzionoj terapiji, pre svega pPCI, bez obzira na životnu dob, ali zbog veće učestalosti komorbiditeta, faktora rizika za koronarnu bolest i višesudovne koronarne bolesti, kod pacijenata starije životne dobi, odluka o reperfuzionoj terapiji treba da se donese sa dobrom procenom odnosa rizik – benefit. Cilj: Utvrđene su razlike u kliničkoj slici, angiografskom nalazu, terapijskom pristupu, toku i ishodu akutnog infarkta miokarda sa ST elevacijom u starih osoba u odnosu na mlađu životnu dob (mlađi od 75 godina). Materijal i metode: U studiju je uključeno 240 pacijenata sa akutnim infarktom miokarda sa ST elevacijom, podeljeni u dve komparabilne grupe (120 bolesnika starijih i kontrolna grupa 120 mlađih od 75 godina), koji su izabrani metodom slučajnog izbora, po redosledu prijema u bolnicu. Za pacijente iz obe grupe popunjavan je upitnik, a tretirani su po jedinstvenom protokolu lečenja. Rezultati: U ispitivanom uzorku, u grupi bolesnika starijih od 75 godina reperfuziona terapija je bila primenjena u 85% slučajeva. Intrahospitalni mortalitet za ceo uzorak je 11,7% i u skladu je sa drugim istraživanjima [27]. Mortalitet u grupi pacijenata preko 75 godina je bio 12,5%, a u grupi pacijenata sa manje od 75 godina 10,8% (p=ns). Zaključak: Klinička slika bolesti kod bolesnika starije životne dobi je češće atipična što korelira sa drugim studijama [31, 35], a tok bolesti komplikovaniji i ishod lošiji. Kod bolesnika starijih od 75 godina češća je višesudovna koronarna bolest. Primarna perkutana koronarna intervencija u akutnom infarktu miokarda sa ST elevacijom u pacijenata starije životne dobi potvrđuje benefit u lečenju, toku i ishodu bolesti.</p> / <p>Introduction: Patients with ST segment acute myocardial infarction should undergo reperfusion therapy, PCI in the first place, no matter their life age. However, due to high frequency of comorbidities, risk factors for coronary disease and multi-vessel coronary disease, the decision of reperfusion therapy in elderly patients should be made according to the good evaluation or risk benefit ratio. Aim: The differences have been determined in the clinical picture, angiographic finding, therapeutic approach, course and outcome of ST segment acute myocardial infarction in elderly patients in relation to younger life age (less than 75 years). Material and methods: The study included 240 patients with ST segment acute myocardial infarction. They were randomly divided into two comparable groups according to the date of their hospitalization (120 patients older than 75 and control group of 120 patients younger than 75 years). Both groups of patients filled out the survey and were treated according to the same protocol. Results: In the examined sample of the group of patients older than 75 the reperfusion therapy was performed in 85% of cases. Intrahospital mortality for the entire sample was 11.7% and is in coherence with other researches [27]. Mortality in the group of patients older than 75 years was 12.5%, and it was 10.8% (p=ns) in the group of patients younger than 75. Conclusion: Clinical picture of disease in elderly patients is atypical thus correlating with other studies [31, 35], and course of illness more complicated and with a worse outcome. Multi-vessel disease is more common in patients older than 75 years. Primary percutaneous coronary intervention in STEMI in elderly patients confirms benefits in treatment, course and outcome of disease.</p>
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Ehokardiografski i angiološki prediktori remodelovanja leve komore nakon akutnog infarkta miokarda prednjeg zida / Echocardiographic and angiographic predictors of left ventricular remodeling after the acute anterior myocardial infarctionTadić Snežana 23 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Cilj: Kod trećine bolesnika sa akutnim ST-eleviranim infarktom (STEMI) nakon primarne angioplastike (pPCI) razvije se postinfarktno remodelovanje leve komore (LK). Cilj istraživanja je nalaženje ranih prediktora post-infarktnog remodelovanja leve komore nakon akutnog STEMI i pPCI. Metodologija: Uključeno je 210 ispitanika sa prvim akutnim STEMI prednjeg zida, lečenih pPCI. Urađena je ehokardiografija u prva 24h, a zatim nakon 6 meseci, kada su ispitanici podeljeni u 2 grupe: ispitivanu sa remodelovanjem (n=55; 26%) i kontrolnu bez remodelovanja (n=155; 74%). Ispitanici su klinički praćeni godinu dana. Rezultati i dikusija: Multivarijantnom regresionom analizom, kao najsnažniji rani prediktori post-infarktnog remodelovanja izdvojili su se: postojanje "no reflow" fenomena nakon pPCI (OR=30.0 95% CI, p<0.0001), pojava dijastolne disfunkcije u prva 24h (OR=27.7 95% CI, p<0.0001), povećan dijametar leve pretkomore - LA (OR=5.0 95% CI, p=0,044) i srčana slabost na prijemu - Killip klasa 2-4 (OR=3.4 95% CI, p=0.003.). Univarijantnom regresionom analizom, snažni prediktori su neadekvatna rezolucija ST segmenta - STR (OR 2.0 95% CI, p=0.024) i zbirni indeks zidne pokretljivosti – WMSI >2 (OR 21.6 95% CI, p<0.0001). Totalno ishemijsko vreme nije imalo uticaja na post-infarktno remodelovanje (p=0.546). Tokom jednogodišnjeg praćenja ispitanici sa post-infarktnim remodelovanjem su imali značajno veću incidencu glavnih neželjenih kardioloških događaja: rehospitalizacija (61.8% vs 22.6%; p<0.0001) / najviše rehospitalizacija zbog srčane slabosti (40% vs 2.6%; p<0.0001), sa mortalitetom 5.5%/; reinfarkta (20% vs 7.1%; p=0.007); rekoronarografija (45.5% vs 18.1%; p<0.0001); revaskularizacija (30.9% vs 11%; p=0.001). Zaključak: Kod pacijenata sa akutnim STEMI prednjeg zida lečenih pPCI, pojava "no reflow" fenomena, dijastolne disfunkcije, povećana LA i srčana slabosti na prijemu su najjači rani nezavisni prediktivni faktori za nastanak post-infarktnog remodelovanja. Značajni prediktori su i neadekvatna STR i WMSI>2. Pacijenti sa post-infarktnim remodelovanjem imaju veću incidencu glavnih neželjenih kardioloških događaja i mortaliteta.</p> / <p>Objective: Patients with ST-elevated myocardial infarction (STEMI) treated by primary angioplasty (pPCI) will develop left ventricular (LV) remodeling in one third of the cases. The purpose of this study is to determine early predictors of LV remodeling after acute STEMI and pPCI. Methods: 210 patients with a first acute anterior STEMI treated by pPCI were included. All participants underwent echocardiography in the first 24hrs and again after 6 months, after which they were divided into two groups: remodeling (n=55; 26%) and nonremodeling (n=155; 74%). Results and discussion: The most powerful independent early predictors were: "no reflow" after pPCI (OR=30.0 95% CI, p<0.0001), diastolic dysfunction in the first 24hrs (OR=27.7 95% CI, p<0.0001), increased diameter of the left atrium - LA (OR=5.0 95% CI, p=0.044) and at admission Killip class 2-4 (OR=3.4 95% CI, p=0.003), by multivariant regression analysis. Also, strong predictors were incomplete ST-resolution - STR (OR 2.0 95% CI, p=0.024) and Wall motion score index - WMSI >2 (OR 21.6 95% CI, p<0.0001), by univariant regression analysis. Total ischaemic time had no influence on LV remodeling. The group with remodeling had more frequent major adverse cardiac events (MACE) during one year follow-up: re-hospitalisation (61.8% vs 22.6%; p<0.0001) / mostly re-hospitalisation due to heart failure (40% vs 2.6%; p<0.0001) and mortality 5.5%; reinfarction (20% vs 7.1%; p=0.007); recoronagraphy (45.5% vs 18.1%; p<0.0001); revascularisation (30.9% vs 11%; p=0.001). Conclusion: For the patients with a first acute anterior STEMI, treated by pPCI, development of "no reflow" after pPCI, diastolic dysfunction, increased LA and heart failure on admission are the most powerful early independent predictors for LV remodeling. Incomplete STR and WMSI>2 are strong predictors too. Remodeling patients will have a more frequent incidence of MACE and mortality.</p>
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Specifika ošetřovatelské péče u klientů/pacientů s komplikacemi po selektivní koronarografii/PTCA / Specifications of nursering care of patiens with complications after direct SKG/PTCABLÁHOVÁ, Ilona January 2010 (has links)
Abstract In the Czech Republic there is no doubt about the tendency of gradual increase in median life expectancy, which is significantly affected by the fact that mortality from cardiovascular diseases, especially from acute coronary syndromes, has been decreasing. Besides the provable effect of a healthy lifestyle, diet and, by all means, a quality and effective pharmacotherapy, a significant development in the field of interventional cardiology contributes to this accomplishment. The number of coronographies, coronary angioplasties and implanted stents have multiplied, and today the invasive coronarographic diagnostics and percutaneous myocardial revascularization belong to the the most common diagnostic and therapeutic methods in treatment of acute forms of ischemic heart diseases. An obvious prerequisite for such a rapid development in the field of intervention coronary angiography was the establishment of a sufficiently dense network of catheter laboratories and specialized facilities, which provide a highly professional and intensive care for patients. This thesis is focused on three basic objectives: ? To survey and characterize differences in nursing care concerning various complications in patients after SKG / PCI ? To survey bio / psycho / social impacts of complications after SKG / PCI on a patient ? To identify and summarize personal and material prerequisites and requirements to ensure quality nursing care for these complicated conditions The research was conducted by using a qualitative methodology. The methods used were observation, non-standardized interviews and medical and nursing records analyses. The research survey samples on which the investigation was focused were patients with the acute coronary syndrome hospitalized in the coronary care unit in the Cardio Center in České Budějovice, their family members and also the nursing staff providing the comprehensive nursing care. The outcomes of this survey were eleven descriptive case reports characterizing the occurrence of the most frequent complications in patients with ACS after SKG / PCI. To ensure clarity, each case study is complemented by a thought map with an account of the most important nursing interventions in the management of specific acute conditions. The paper also contains a framework analysis of bio / psycho / social impacts of complicated situations on patients. It is interesting to compare this matter from the perspective of nurses and patients, which is seen in correlation graphs. The section describing the organizational and personnel provision is introduced with the characteristics of the medical process and it also contains the list of medical personnel with their qualifications and the length of experience in the Coronary care unit in České Budějovice. Summarization of the instrumental medical equipment is also based on the analysis of previous cases and is accompanied by photographs of the equipment typical and indispensable for the care of patients in the Coronary care unit, which primarily has an informative and complementary character to get an integrated view of the Coronary care unit running and the nursing staff work.
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Rana karotidna endarterektomija nakon akutnog neurološkog deficita / Early carotid endarterectomy after acute neurological deficitKoprivica Radenko 02 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Ciljevi: Cilj ove studije je da ispita bezbednost rane karotidne endarterektomije (CEA) u odnosu na odložene CEA nakon akutnog ishemijskog neurološkog deficita (TIA/CVI). Drugi cilj je da istražimo da li postoji razlika u brzini neurološkog oporavka između navedenih grupa. Metode: Ukupno 157 ispitanika u prospektivnoj studiji je praćeno 30 dana postoperativno. Grupa I ili rana CEA, je imala 50 ispitanika operisanih od 3. do 14. dana po TIA/CVI događaju. Grupa II ili odložena CEA, je imala 107 ispitanika operisanih od 15. do 180. dana nakon TIA/CVI. Praćen je proceduralni opšti i specifični morbiditet i mortalitet u 30-dnevnom postoperativnom periodu. Rankin skor (mRS) smo koristili za procenu neurološkog invaliditeta. U odnosu na vrednost mRS skora smo formirali dve podgrupe mRS<3 i mRS3. U statističkoj analizi koristili smo Pirsonov hi test, Studentov test, ANOVU analizu varijanse, Boniferonijev test i multiplu analizu varijanse za ponovljena merenja (GLM- general line model), kao i parametarsku i neparametarsku korelaciju i regresiju. Nivo značajnosti je bio 0,05. Rezultati: Prosečna starost ispitanika je bila 66,72 godine uz 66,2% osoba muškog pola. U grupi I je prosečno vreme do intervencije bilo 9,5 dana, a u grupi II 72,22 dana. Grupe su homogene u odnosu na faktore rizika i komorbiditet. Grupa I je imala 54% nestabilnih aterosklerotskih plakova u poređenju sa grupom II gde ih je bilo 31,8% (χ2 = 7.084; p < 0.01). U grupi I TIA je imalo 50% ispitanika, a u grupi II CVI nalaza je bilo 68,2% (χ2 =4.825; p <0.05). CVI do 1 cm veličine je statistički značajno više zastupljen u grupi I , a CVI do 2 cm u grupi II (χ2 = 6.913; p <0.05). Stopa CVI je u grupi I bila 2.0% a u grupi II je 2.8% (F = 0.083; p > 0.05). Stopa postoperativnog infarkta miokarda (IM) je u grupi I je 2.0% a u grupi II je 1.9%. Stopa specifičnog hirurškog morbiditeta je u grupi I 4.0% a u grupi II 3.7%. U grupi I ukupni morbiditet bio 6.0% a u grupi II 7.5%, razlika nije bila statistički značajna (F =0.921; p > 0.05). Mortaliteta u obe grupe nije bilo. CVI/IM/smrt stopa je u grupi I bio 4.0% a u grupi II je bio 4.7% (F = 0.122; p >0.05). Hiperlipidemija je signifikantan faktor rizika za CVI/IM/smrt (χ2 = 4.083; p < 0.05). Poboljšanje mRS je u grupi I imalo 52%, a u grupi II 31,8% pacijenata (χ2 = 5.903; p <0.01). Relativni rizik je 2,4 odnosno toliko puta je veća šansa da kod bolesnika dođe do promene mRS ako je bolesnik u grupi I. Pad mRS koji nastupa između trećeg i desetog dana nakon CEA je statistički visoko značajno izraženiji u grupi ranih CEA ( F 3,701 df 1 p=0,029). Kod bolesnika sa TIA u preko 60% slučajeva došlo je do pada mRS, a kod onih koji su imali CVI u oko 25.5% (χ2 = 18.050; p < 0.01). Kod Rankin skora podgrupe mRS<3 i mRS3 je pad bio značajan i po vremenu (F 18,774; df 6; p=0,000) i po podgrupi ali je daleko brži pad zapažen u podgrupi mRS<3(F 6,010; df 1; p=0,003). Zaključak: Rana CEA je jednako bezbedna kao i odložena CEA u pogledu incidence perioperativnog morbiditeta i mortaliteta. Ranom CEA se postiže znatno brži neurološki oporavak pacijenata, naročito onih sa TIA i mRS<3 skorom.</p> / <p>Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the safety of early carotid endarterectomy (CEA) in relation to the delayed CEA after acute ischemic neurological events (TIA / CVI). The second objective was to investigate whether there is a difference in speed of neurological recovery between these groups. Methods: A total of 157 patients in the prospective study followed 30 days postoperatively. Group I or early CEA, had 50 patients operated from 3 to 14 days after TIA / CVI event. Group II or delayed CEA, had 107 patients operated from 15 to 180 days after the TIA / CVI. Accompanied by the general and specific procedural morbidity and mortality in 30-day postoperative folow up. Rankin score (mRS) were used for evaluation of neurologic disability. In relation to the value of mRS score we formed two subgroups mRS <3 i mRS3. In the statistical analysis we used the Pearson chi test, Student's test, ANOVA analysis of variance, Boniferony test and multiple analysis of variance for repeated measures (GLM- general line model), as well parametric and nonparametric correlation and regression. The significance level was 0.05. Results: The mean age was 66.72 years with 66.2% of males. In Group I is the average time to intervention was 9.5 days, and in group II 72.22 days. The groups were homogeneous in relation to risk factors and comorbidities. Group I had 54% of unstable atherosclerotic plaques compared with group II, where it was 31.8% (χ2 = 7.084; p <0.01). In the group I TIA had 50% of respondents, while in group II CVI was 68.2% (χ2 = 4.825; p <0.05). CVI to 1 cm in size were significantly more frequent in the group I, a CVI to 2 cm in group II (χ2 = 6.913; p <0.05). CVI rate in the group I was 2.0%, and in group II was 2.8% (F = 0.083, p> 0.05). Postoperative myocardial infarction (MI) in the group I is 2.0%, and in group II was 1.9%. Specific surgical morbidity rate in the group I and 4.0% in the group II 3.7%. In group I total morbidity was 6.0% in group II 7.5%, the difference was not statistically significant (F = 0.921; p> 0.05). Mortality in both groups was not. CVI/IM/death rate in group I was 4.0% in group II was 4.7% (F = 0.122; p> 0.05). Hyperlipidemia is a significant risk factor for CVI/IM/death (χ2 = 4.083; p<0.05). Improving mRS in the group I had 52% and in group II 31.8% of patients (χ2 = 5.903; p <0.01). The relative risk was 2.4 times as much and is more likely to occur in patients mRS changes if the patient in group I. Improving mRS that occurs between the third and tenth days after CEA was highly statistically significantly greater in the group of early CEA (F 3,701 df 1 p = 0.029). In patients with TIA in 60% of cases there was a decline mRS, and those had CVI in about 25.5% (χ2 = 18.050; p <0.01). In Rankin score subgroups mRS <3 i mRS 3 the decline was significant and time (F 18,774; df 6; p =0.000) and in the subgroup but it is far more rapid decline observed in the subgroup mRS <3 (F 6.010; df 1; p = 0.003). Conclusions: Early CEA is as safe as the delayed CEA in respect incidence of perioperative morbidity and mortality. Early CEA is achieved significantly faster recovery of neurological patients, especially those with TIA and mRS <3 compared with delayed CEA.</p>
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Metode istraživanja podataka u evaluaciji intra-hospitalnog ishoda obolelih od akutnog infarkta miokarda lečenih primarnom perkutanom koronarnom intervencijom / Data mining methods in evaluation of intra-hospital outcome of patients with acute myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary interventionSladojević Miroslava 28 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Stratifikacija rizika je postala integralna komponenta savremenog pristupa tretmanu u kliničkoj praksi. Danas se u dijagnostici i lečenju akutnog infarkta miokarda (AIM) koriste različiti skorovi rizika kao prognostički instrumenti za kratkoročan i dugoročan ishod bolesti. Nužni proceduralni procesi, u toku primarne perkutane koronarne intervencije (pPKI), kao i saznanja o distribuciji i vrstama lezija koronarnih arterija su od velikog značaja, te se preporučuje finalna evaluacija rizika neposredno nakon izvršene pPKI. Metode istraživanja podataka omogućavaju pronalaženje skrivenih obrazaca u podacima, otkrivanje njihovih uzročno-posledičnih veza I odnosa, te razvoj savremenih prediktivnih modela. Cilj: Kreiranje i testiranje jednostavnog, praktičnog i u svakodnevnoj praksi upotrebljivog prediktivnog modela za procenu intra-hospitalnog ishoda lečenja pacijenata obolelih od AIM sa ST-elevacijom (STEMI) lečenih pPKI. Metode: Istraživanje je unicentrična, retrospektivna, ali I prospektivna studija. U retrospektivnu studiju je uključeno 1495 pacijenta sa STEMI koji su lečeni na Klinici za kardiologiju Instituta za kardiovaskularne bolesti Vojvodine (IKVBV) kod kojih je u cilju rekanalizacije infarktne arterije izvršena pPKI, u periodu od decembra 2008. godine do decembra 2011. godine. Svaki pacijent je inicijalno predstavljen sa 629 obeležja sadržanih u postojećem IKVBV informacionom sistemu, koja čine demografske karakteristike, podaci iz anamneze i kliničkog nalaza, parametri biohemijskih analiza krvi priprijemu, parametri ehokardiografskog pregleda, angiografski i proceduralni detalji i šifre prijemnih dijagnoza. U svrhu istraživanja podataka korišćeno je programsko rešenje otvorenog koda Weka. Tokom evaluacije različitih algoritama izabran je algoritam koji daje najbolje rezultate po tačnosti predikcije i ROC parametru. U sklopu retrospektivnog dela izvršena je validacija prediktivnog modela desetostrukom unakrsnom validacijom na celom skupu podataka. Prospektivnom studijom je na uzorku od 400 pacijenata sa STEMI lečenih pPKI u toku 2015. godine izvršena dodatna validacija razvijenog prediktivnog modela. Za iste pacijente je izračunavat i GRACE skor rizika, te je upoređena njegova, i prediktivna moć razvijenog modela. Rezultati: Alternativno stablo odluke (ADTree) izdvojen je kao algoritam sa najboljim performansama u odnosu na ostale evaluirane algoritme. Cost sensitive klasifikacija je korišćena kao dodatna metodologija da bi se pojačala tačnost. ADTree stablo odluke izdvojilo je osam ključnih parametara koji najviše utiču na ishod intra-hospitalnog lečenja: sistolni krvni pritisak pri prijemu, ejekciona frakcija leve komore, udarni volumen leve komore, troponin, kreatinin fosfokinaza, ukupni bilirubin, T talas i<br />rezultat intervencije. Performanse razvijenog modela su: tačnost predikcije je 93.17%, ROC 0.94. Razvijeni model je na prospektivnoj validaciji zadržao performanse: tačnost predikcije 90.75%, ROC 0.93. Široko korišćeni GRACE skor je na prospektivnom skupu postigao ROC=0.86, što pokazuje da je razvijeni prediktivni model superiorniji u odnosu na njega. Zaključak: Razvijeni prediktivni model je jednostavan i pouzdan. Njegova implementacija u svakodnevnu kliničku praksu, omogućila bi kliničarima da izdvoje visokorizične pacijente, nakon reperfuzionog tretmana, a potom kod njih intenziviraju tretman i kliničko praćenje, a sa ciljem smanjenja incidence intra-hospitalnih komplikacija i povećanja njihovog preživljavanja.</p> / <p>Introduction: Risk stratification has become an integral component of modern treatment in clinical practice. Today, the diagnosis and treatment of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) use different risk scores as a prognostic instruments for short-term and long-term outcome of the disease. The necessary procedural processes during primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI) as well as knowledge about the distribution and types of lesions in coronary arteries are of great importance, and a final risk evaluation is recommended directly after the pPCI. Methods of data mining allow finding hidden patterns in data, disclosure of their causal connections and relationships, and the development of modern predictive models. Aim: To create and test a simple, practical and usable predictive model in daily practice for the assessment of intrahospital treatment outcome of patients with AMI with STsegment elevation (STEMI) treated with pPCI. Methods: Presented research is unicentric, retrospective but also prospective study. Retrospective study included 1495 patients with STEMI who were admitted to the Clinics of cardiology of the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Vojvodina (IKVBV). For the purpose of recanalization of the infarct artery, pPCI has been performed to these patients during the period from December 2008 to December 2011. Each patient was initially described with 629 attributes from the existing information system of IKVBV. Those attributes consist of demographic characteristics, data from history and clinical findings, biochemical parameters of blood tests on admission, the echocardiographic parameters, angiographic and procedural details and admission diagnosis codes. For model development, an open source software solution Weka was used. During the evaluation of different algorithms, algorithm that gives the best results in terms of accuracy and ROC parameter was chosen. As part of the retrospective study, in order to assess the models performance, ten-fold cross-validation on the entire data set was used. A prospective study, on a sample of 400 patients with STEMI, treated with pPCI in 2015, performed additional validation of the developed predictive model. GRACE risk score was calculated for the prospective study patients and comparison with the developed model has been performed. Results: Alternative decision tree (ADTree) was isolated as an algorithm with the best performance in relation to other algorithms evaluated. Cost sensitive classification was used as an additional methodology to enhance accuracy. ADTree selected eight key parameters that most influence the outcome of intra-hospital treatment: systolic blood pressure on admission, left ventricular ejection fraction, stroke volume of the left ventricle, troponin, creatine phosphokinase, total bilirubin, T wave and the result of the intervention. The performance of the developed model are: the accuracy of the prediction is 93.17%, ROC 0.94. The developed model kept its performance in prospective validation: accuracy of prediction 90.75%, ROC 0.93. Widely used GRACE score achieved ROC = 0.86 in the prospective study patients, indicating that developed predictive model is superior to him. Conclusion: Developed predictive model is simple and reliable. Its implementation in everyday clinical practice, would allow clinicians to distinguish high-risk patients after reperfusion treatment, and then for them to intensify treatment and clinical follow-up, with an aim of reducing the incidence of intra-hospital complications and increase their survival.</p>
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Automatická detekce infarktu myokardu v signálu EKG / Automatic detection of myocardial infarction in ECGNejedlý, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the automatic detection of myocardial infarction in ECG. Semester work consists of two parts. The theoretical part provides a description of the electrical conduction system of the heart, spreading of electrical activity through the heart muscle, the methods of ECG scanning and the ECG curve. There are also mentioned the causes of myocardial ischemia and various methods of its detection. Another part is devoted to high-frequency ECG, analysis of HFQRS and clinical studies which describe the use of high-frequency ECG in diagnosis of myocardial infarction. In the practical part is proposed an algorithm using low-frequency components ECG and an algorithm using high-frequency components ECG for automatic detection of myocardial infarction. The proposed algorithms are implemented in programming environment MATLAB and tested on signals from the PTB database. The final part of the master‘s thesis is devoted to the comparison of the success of myocardial infarction by means of low frequency and high frequency components of ECG and comparison of achieved results with results from clinical studies.
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Automatická detekce ischemie v EKG / Automatic detection of ischemia in ECGNoremberczyk, Adam January 2016 (has links)
This thesis discusses the utilization of the artificial neural networks (ANN) for detection of coronary artery disease (CAD) in frequency area. The first part of this thesis is orientated towards the theoretical knowledge. Describes the issue of ECG pathological changes. ECQ are converted to frequency area. Described statistical methods and methods for automatic detection of CAD and MI. Explained the issue of the perceptron and ANN. The second deals with use of Neural Network Toolbox MATLAB®. This part focuses on counting and finding suitable parameters and making connection of band. At the end of the thesis UNS is used to detect ischemic parameters and the results are discussed. Average values for the best settings are 100% accuracy.
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Širina QRS kompleksa kao elektrokardiografski prediktor reperfuzije nakon primarne perkutane koronarne intervencije i veličine akutnog infarkta miokarda sa ST elevacijom / The Duration Of QRS Complex As Electrocardiographic Predictor Of Reperfusion After Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention And The Size Of Acute St-Elevation Myocardial InfarctionČanković Milenko 24 June 2020 (has links)
<p>Ishemijska bolest srca najčešće nastaje kao posledica razvoja aterosklerotskih promena na koronarnim krvnim sudovima koji dovode do suženja lumena i posledičnog pada protoka arterijske krvi u području vaskularizacije. Akutni oblik koronarne bolesti koji zahteva hitnu primenu reperfuzione terapije je ST elevirani infarkt miokarda. EKG ima veliki značaj u postavljanju dijagnoze ali i u proceni uspešnosti same reperfuzije. Širina QRS kompleksa jedan je od EKG parametara čija dinamika promena može ukazati na uspešnost pPKI i veličinu infarktne zone. Evaluacija širine QRS kompleksa kao prediktora veličine infarkta miokarda i reperfuzije nakon pPKI kod pacijenata sa STEMI. Ispitivanje je sprovedeno kao prospektivna, opservaciona klinička studija na Klinici za kardiologiju, Instituta za kardiovaskularne bolesti Vojvodine u periodu od januara 2016. do decembra 2018. godine. U isptivanje je uključeno 200 pacijenata sa STEMI kod kojih je urađena pPKI. Na osnovu dužine trajanja tegoba formirane su dve grupe od po 100 pacijenata. Grupa A kod kojih je totalno ishemijsko vreme bilo <6h i grupa B kod kojih je totalno ishemijsko vreme između 6 i 12h. . Sprovedeno je EKG praćenje radi procene širine QRS kompleksa intrahospitalno (pre procedure, odmah nakon pPKI kao i posle 1h i 72h) i na dve vizite ambulantno tokom šestomesečnog praćenja (nakon mesec dana i šest meseci). Ehokardiografija je urađena kod svih pacijenata intrahospitalno i na šestomesečnom ambulantnom pregledu. Širine QRS kompleksa su korelirane sa rezultatima interventne procedure procenjene TIMI protokom i TMPG, dinamikom kardiospecifičnih enzima i ehokardiografskim nalazima. U istraživanje je uključeno 71% muškaraca i 29% žena, prosečna starost uzorka iznosila je 60.6±11.39. Dužina trajanja tegoba značajno se razlikovala između grupa. U grupi A tegobe su trajale prosečno 120 minuta (90-180), dok su u grupi B trajale 420 minuta (360-600) (p<0.0005). DTB nije se značajno razlikovao, 42 minuta (31-54.5) u odnosu na 40.5 minuta (34.5-55) (p=0.818). Prosečna širina QRS kompeksa na EKG-u pre pPKI nije se značajno razlikovala između grupa, 100 msec (90-110) u odnosu na 100 msec (93-110) (p=0.308). Nakon reperfuzije uočena je značajna razlika u širini QRS kompleksa između grupa na svim intrahospitalnim kao i EKG-ima načinjenim tokom perioda praćenja. QRS kompleks je širi kod pacijenata iz grupe B (p<0.0005). Pacijenti iz grupe A koji su imali prohodnu infarktnu arteriju sa TIMI 3 protokom pre implantacije stenta imali su značajno uži QRS kompleks na incijilanom EKG-u u odnosu na pacijente kod kojih je IRA bila sub/okludirana sa TIMI protokom ≤2 (p=0.001). U grupi B prohodna infarktna arterija sa TIMI 3 protokom nije značajno uticala na širinu QRS kompleksa na inicijalnom EKG-u (p=0.144). Na EKG-ima nakon procedure QRS kompleks bio je značajno širi kod pacijenata kod kojih je TIMI protok ≤2, ali samo za grupu pacijenata koja se javila unutar 6h od početka tegoba (p=0.001). QRS kompleks kod pacijenata koji su se javili nakon 6h od početka tegoba jeste bio uži, ali bez statistički značajne razlike (p=0.336). Pearsonovim testom registrovano je postojanje negativne korelacije širine QRS kompleksa i istisne frakcije leve komore, ali i pozitivne korelacije sa WMSI i indeksiranim end sistolnim i end dijastolnim volumenom. ROC analizom pokazano je da ukoliko je QRS kompleks širi od 89 msec nakon mesec dana, 8.5 puta je veći rizik od snižene EF na šestomesečnoj kontroli (p<0.0005, AUC=0.808, cut-off=89msec.). ROC analiza pokazala je i da ukoliko je QRS kompleks širi od 99msec 1h nakon procedure, 5 puta je veći rizik od pojave MACE (p<0.0005, AUC=0.744, cut-off=99msec). Izvedena su dva matematička modela zasnovana na širini QRS kompleksa koja vrše predikciju snižene EF i pojave MACE tokom perioda praćenja. Širina QRS kompleksa je pokazatelj reperfuzije kod pacijenata sa STEMI kod kojih se načini revaskularizacija unutar 6h od nastanka tegoba. Širina QRS kompleksa mesec dana nakon STEMI predstavlja nezavisni prediktor snižene EF. Proširenje preko 89msec 8.5 povećava rizik od snižene EF. Širina QRS kompleksa jedan sat nakon pPKI predstavlja nezavisni prediktor za MACE. Proširenje preko 99msec 5 puta povećava rizik od neželjenog kardiološkog događaja. Izvedena su dva matematička modela koja koriste širinu QRS kompleksa i sa visokom preciznošću vrše predikciju MACE-a, odnosno snižene EF nakon šest meseci. </p> / <p>Ischemic heart disease most commonly occurs as a result of the atherosclerotic changes in the coronary vessels that lead to the narrowing of the lumen and consequent fall in arterial blood flow in the vascularization area. An acute form of coronary artery disease requiring immediate reperfusion therapy is ST-elevation myocardial infarction. The ECG is of great importance not only in making the diagnosis but also in evaluating the success of the reperfusion itself. The duration of the QRS complex is one of the ECG parameters whose change in dynamics can indicate the success of pPCI as well as the size of the infarct zone. Evaluation of the width of the QRS complex as a predictor of myocardial infarction size and reperfusion after pPCI in patients with STEMI. The study was conducted as a prospective, observational clinical study at the Cardiology Clinic of the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases of Vojvodina between January 2016 and December 2018. The study included 200 patients with STEMI in whom pPCI was performed. Based on the length of discomforts two groups with 100 patients were formed. Group A had a total ischemic time <6h and the total ischemic time in group B was between 6-12h. To assess the duration of the QRS complex, the ECG monitoring was performed intrahospital (before the procedure, immediately after pPCI as well as 1h and 72h after the procedure) and on two outpatient visits during the six-month follow-up period (after one month and six months). Echocardiography was performed in all patients intrahospital and at a six-month outpatient visit. The duration of the QRS complex correlated with the results of the interventional procedure that was evaluated by the TIMI flow and TMPG, the dynamics of cardiospecific enzymes and echocardiography findings. The survey included 71% of men and 29% of women with an average age of 60.6 ± 11.39. The duration of the discomforts varied significantly between the groups. In group A the discomforts lasted 120 minutes in an average (90-180), while they lasted 420 minutes in group B (360-600) (p <0.0005). DTB did not differ significantly, 42 minutes (31-54.5) versus 40.5 minutes (34.5-55) (p = 0.818). The average duration of the QRS complex on the ECG before pPCI did not differ significantly between the groups, 100 msec (90-110) versus 100 msec (93-110) (p = 0.308). After the reperfusion, a significant difference in the duration of the QRS complex was observed between the groups at all intrahospital ECGs and the ECGs performed during the follow-up period. The QRS complex was broader in group B patients (p <0.0005). Group A patients who had a patent infarct artery with TIMI 3 flow before the stent implantation had a significantly narrower QRS complex on the initial ECG compared to the patients whose IRA was sub / occluded with TIMI flow ≤2 (p = 0.001). In group B, the patent infarct artery with TIMI 3 flow did not significantly affect the duration of the QRS complex at the initial ECG. (p = 0.144). At the post-procedural ECGs the QRS complex was significantly broader in patients with TIMI flow ≤2, but only in the group of patients who arrived within 6 h from the onset of discomforts (p = 0.001). The QRS complex in patients who arrived 6 h after the onset of discomforts was narrower but without statistically significant difference (p = 0.336). The Pearson test registered the existence of a negative correlation of the QRS complex width and the left ventricular ejection fraction, but also a positive correlation with the WMSI and index end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes. The ROC analysis showed that if the QRS complex was wider than 89 msec after one month, there was an 8.5 times higher risk of decreased EF at the six-month control examination (p <0.0005, AUC = 0.808, cut-off = 89msec.). The ROC analysis also showed that if the QRS complex was wider than 99msec 1h after the procedure, there was a 5 times higher risk of MACE (p <0.0005, AUC = 0.744, cut-off = 99msec). Two mathematical models based on the width of the QRS complex were derived that predicted the lowered EF and the occurrence of MACE during the monitored period. The width of the QRS complex is an indicator of reperfusion in patients with STEMI who undergo revascularization within 6 hours from the onset of discomforts. The width of the QRS complex one month after STEMI is an independent predictor of decreased EF. Broadening over 89msec increases the risk of lowered EF for 8.5 times. The width of the QRS complex one hour after pPCI represents an independent predictor of MACE. Broadening over 99msec increases the risk of an adverse cardiac event 5 times. Two mathematical models have derived that use the width of the QRS complex and predict MACE with high precision as well as reduced EF after six months.</p>
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Význam trombofilních mutací v klinické genetice. / Importance of trombophilic mutations in clinical genetic.Vavrušková, Klára January 2010 (has links)
Trombophilia means an increased disposition to creation of trombs. Health complication incurred as a consequence of hypercoagulation can be very serious. When a trombophilic mutation is found at a patient, it brings necassity of thrombosis - control in risk situations (e.g. pregnancy, operation) for the rest of the patient's life. There were filed 300 people (206 women and 94 men) with trombophilic mutations into my study of clinical signification of trombophilic mutations. These people were examinated in years 2008 - 2010. Most of positive medical findings - 266 people, were recorded in the area of MTHFR (C677T i A1298C) mutations. There were less findings in the field of FV Leiden and FII prothrombin mutations. Multipath trombophilic mutations were found at 99 patients. I accordance with foreign literature, our results advert to clinical consequences of trombophilic mutations like: repeated spontanious aborts, cerebrovascular akcident (CA), ischaemic heart disease (IHD), thrombosis, flebothrombosis, pulmonary embolism, varicose veins, aseptic necrosis of hip bone, arterial sclerosis and aortic stenosis. Mutations MTHFR C677T and MTHFR A1298C we found mainly at patients with CA, IM and IHD. Leiden mutation was most often found at patients with thrombosis, flebothrombosis and pulmonary embolism. We...
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Erkennung zerebraler Ischämie mittels computertomographischer Perfusionskartographie und CT-AngiographieGrieser, Christian 16 February 2006 (has links)
Zielsetzung In den Industrieländern stellt der Schlaganfall nach kardiovaskulären und Krebs – erkrankungen die dritthäufigste Krankheitsgruppe dar. Im Hinblick auf die Therapie des akuten Schlaganfalls muss die bildgebende Diagnostik schnell und einfach das Ausmaß der zerebralen Ischämie beschreiben können. Ziel dieser Studie war die Einführung und die Validierung eines CT – Protokolls, welches die Diagnostik des akuten Schlaganfalls verbessern soll. Zu diesem CT – Protokoll gehören ein Nativ – CT des Schädels, eine CT – Perfusionsuntersuchung und eine CT – Angiographie. Zusätzlich wollte diese Arbeit herausfinden, ob es physiologische Unterschiede zwischen der grauen Substanz und der weißen Substanz gibt, deren Kenntnis entscheidend für die Auswertung von computertomographischen Perfusionsuntersuchungen sind. Material und Methoden Insgesamt wurden 101 Patienten (Alter von 14 – 94 Jahre, mittleres Alter 69 Jahre) mit einem 8 – bzw. 16 – Zeilen – MSCT (Light Speed Ultra oder Light Speed pro 16, GE Healthcare), die zur Abklärung einer zerebralen Ischämie zum CT vorgestellt wurden, untersucht. Zuerst wurde eine native CT – Serie akquiriert. In der Untersuchung der zerebralen Perfusion wurde eine 2 cm breite Schicht über 60 sec mit 20 intermittierenden Aufnahmen während einer Injektion von 40 ml Kontrastmittel (Iopromid, Jodgehalt von 370 mg) aufgezeichnet. Daran an schloss sich eine CT – Angiographie Untersuchung. Zur Bestimmung des regionalen zerebralen Blutflusses, des regionalen zerebralen Blutvolumens und der mittleren Verweildauer wurden definierte Messfelder (Regions of Interests, ROIs) bestimmt und mit der kontralateralen Hemisphäre verglichen. Ergebnisse Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass der regionale zerebrale Blutfluss und das Blutvolumen im Bereich der Hirnrinde höher sind als im Hirnmark. Insgesamt wurden 66 Patienten mit einer zerebralen Ischämie wurden gefunden. Bei 22 dieser Patienten konnte ein Infarktgeschehen in der Nativ – CT diagnostiziert werden. Diese Ischämien ließen sich auch in der CT – Perfusion mit reduziertem regionalem zerebralem Blutfluss und verlängerter mittlerer Verweildauer nachweisen. Zusätzlich fanden sich 44 Patienten von 101 Untersuchten, die in der CT – Perfusion ein Perfusionsdefizit aufwiesen. Bei diesen Patienten ließ sich kein entsprechendes Korrelat in der Nativ – CT nachweisen. Für 38 dieser 44 Patienten konnte eine CTA durchgeführt werden, wovon für 35 Patienten ein Korrelat zwischen der CT – Perfusion und der CTA gefunden werden konnte. Schlussfolgerung Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass es physiologische Unterschiede zwischen der Hirnrinde und dem Hirnmark gibt, deren Kenntnis für die Bewertung computertomographischer Perfusionsuntersuchungen eine wesentliche Interpretationshilfe darstellt. In Bezug auf die Diagnostik des akuten Schlaganfalls mit der Nativ – CT konnte diese Arbeit zeigen, dass der Nachweis von Infarktfrühzeichen eingeschränkt ist. Mit Hilfe der CT – Perfusion ist es möglich, anhand von zerebralen Perfusionswerten den Schweregrad und die Ausdehnung der zerebralen Ischämie zu bestimmen. Die CT – Angiographie zeigt eine gute Korrelation zur CT – Perfusion, es lassen sich zuverlässig Gefäßverschlüsse darstellen. Im Hinblick auf das weitere Therapievorgehen geben diese Methoden eine wichtige Hilfestellung, etwa zur Überlegung, ob man eine Lysetherapie durchführen sollte oder nicht. / Purpose Stroke is the third – leading cause of death in developed countries, following cardiovascular disease and cancer. There is a need for an easily and rapidly performed technique to detect cerebral ischemia in the first hours after its occurrence. The purpose of this study was the introduction and validation of a Stroke protocol which includes an unenhanced CT scan, a CT Perfusion and a CT Angiography. Furthermore, the purpose of this study was to determine if there is a difference between Perfusion parameters in gray and white matter, which are necessary to know while performing perfusion maps. Data and Methodology A total of 101 patients (age range 14 – 94, average age 69 years) were examined using multiple row CT (8 / 16 row multiple detector, light ultra speed or light speed 16, GE medical systems) for diagnosing cerebral ischemia. First a series of native images was acquired. During the examination of cerebral perfusion a 2 cm wide slab was recorded for 60 sec with 20 intermittent scans following injection of 40 ml of contrast medium with an iodine content of 370 mg / ml. By defining Regions of Interests (ROIs) regional cerebral blood flow (CBF), regional cerebral blood volume (CBV) and mean transit time (MTT) were calculated. Results Physiological regional cerebral blood flow and cerebral blood volume in gray matter were higher than in white matter. In total 66 patients with a cerebral ischemia were found. The unenhanced CT detected 22 patients with cerebral ischemia, which were confirmed by CT Perfusion in all cases. These ischemic areas revealed reduced regional CBF and extended MTT. Furthermore an ischemia correlative was discovered by perfusion analysis for 44 patients (out of 101 investigated) where the extent of the cerebral ischemia had not been visible by unenhanced CT. For 38 out of 44 patients with cerebral ischemia we were able to perform a CTA. For 35 out of these 38 patients, we found a sizable correlation between perfusion maps and CTA. Conclusion There are physiological differences for CT Perfusion parameters between gray and white matter, which are necessary to know for the interpretation of perfusion maps. However, this examination was able to show that unenhanced CT is not always capable of showing early CT signs. With the help of CT perfusion it is possible to detect the extent of acute cerebral ischemia. Furthermore, CT Angiography shows a sizable correlation compared to CT Perfusion. In conjunction, these methods give important Information for the early diagnosis and the therapeutic strategy of ischemic brain injury.
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