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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Redukce rizika tichých a symptomatických mozkových infarktů pomocí sonolýzy při koronární angioplastice a stentingu / Sonolysis in Risk Reduction of Symptomatic and Silent Brain Infarctions during Coronary Angioplasty and Stenting

Viszlayová, Daša January 2020 (has links)
Background: Cerebral complications of coronary catheterizations are transient ischemic attack (TIA) and stroke. Silent stroke (SCI) does not cause acute neurological dysfunction. It might cause many disorders including dementia. Sonolysis is therapeutic method. Sonolysis should be the method for reducing the risk of symptomatic and asymptomatic brain ischemic lesions in patients undergoing elective coronary angioplasty or stenting. Aims: To analyse patients with cardiac disease indicated for elective coronary catheterization: 1) Assess the incidence of acute/subacute SCI on brain magnetic resonance (MR) imaging; 2) Investigate factors influencing the frequency and type of microembolic signals (MES) detected using transcranial Doppler (TCD) in patients undergoing elective coronary intervention, and to correlate the frequency and type of MES with detection of new brain ischemic lesions using MR. Examine changes in cognitive function at 30 days post procedure in relation to pretreatment scores; 3) Test the clinical efficacy and safety of perioperative sonolysis in patients undergoing elective coronary catheterization. Methods: 1) 144 patients were enrolled to the study. Brain MR was performed before cardiac intervention. The presence of acute and subacute SCI was evaluated, SCI volume was measured and risk...

När livet ställs på sin spets : Patienters upplevelser av att drabbas av en hjärtinfarkt

Furnander, Fredrik, Natanaelsson, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
Hjärt-kärlsjukdom är en sjukdomskategori som drabbar människor över hela världen, bara i Sverige insjuknar årligen över 36000 individer i en akut hjärtinfarkt. Sjukdomen leder till en rad förändringar hos patienten som inte bara är av fysisk utan även själslig karaktär. När den mänskliga kroppen påverkas som en direkt följd av hjärtinfarkten sker även en förändring i patientens självbild, hon uppvisar ett unikt reaktionsmönster av känslor och funderingar som inte kan återfinnas hos någon annan. För att förstå den enskilde individens situation måste vårdpersonal våga närma sig patienten i samtal, detta kan dock försvåras av en tidspressad arbetssituation på sjukhusavdelningen.Syftet är att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att drabbas av en hjärtinfarkt. Studien bygger på den forskningsmodell som syftar till att bidra till evidensbaserad omvårdnad med grund i analys av kvalitativ forskning. Efter litteratursökning samt kvalitetssäkring valdes elva artiklar ut som grund för studien, de granskades med hjälp av en kvalitativ analysmetod. Innehållet i materialet bestod av intervjuer där patienter berättade om sina upplevelser av att drabbas av en hjärtinfarkt. Utifrån vår analys av de elva artiklarna framkom tre teman som beskriver patienternas upplevelser; 'Existentiellt hot', 'Förändrad livsroll' samt 'Den professionella vården'. Diskussionen lyfter fram vikten av att vårdpersonal ser på patienten som en unik individ och planerar omvårdnaden därefter istället för att distansera sig. / Program: Sjuksköterskeutbildning

Prognose des raumfordernden Mediainfarktes bei konservativer vs. operativer Therapie am Universitätsklinikum Würzburg 1993-2005 / Prognosis of conservative vs. surgical treatment of the space-occupying middle cerebral artery infarction at the University Hospital Wuerzburg 1993-2005

Pizon, Dorothea January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Studie wurden Schlaganfallpatienten untersucht, die einen ausgedehnten Infarkt im Versorgungsgebiet der A.cerebri media erlitten und wegen Bewusstseinstrübung (sog. Maligner Mediainfarkt) auf der Neurologischen Intensivstation des Universitätsklinikums Würzburg im Zeitraum von 1991 bis 2005 behandelt wurde, um herauszufinden, welchen Einfluss eine operative Behandlung auf den kritisch erhöhten Hirnsdrucks zusätzlich zur konservativen Intensivtherapie auf Mortalität sowie langfristige Lebensqualität hatte. Insgesamt konnten die Daten von 292 Patienten ausgewertet werden, wovon 259 konservativ und 33 operativ behandelt worden waren. Es zeigte sich insgesamt, dass eine stillschweigende günstige Selektion für eine Trepanation sprach (jünger, eher keine Aphasie, weniger Komorbiditäten). Die Hemikraniektomie senkte die Mortalität in der Akutphase hochsignifikant (K: 22, 4%, T: 3,0%; p=0,009). Sie hatte erwartungsgemäß auch einen positiven Einfluss auf das Vigilanzniveau: die Quote von wachen Patienten war bei Entlassung der Trepanierten um 66% höher als bei Aufnahme, bei den konservativ Behandelten war sie nur um 33,3 % gestiegen. Das vorherrschende Symptom bei Aufnahme und Entlassung war eine motorische bzw. sensomotorische Hemiparese. Der Anteil der Aphasiker bei den 201 konservativ therapierten Patienten, die den stationären Aufenthalt überlebt haben, ist von bei Aufnahme 56,2% auf bei Entlassung 48,6% gesunken. Bei den 32 trepanierten Patienten ist er dagegen mit 50% gleich geblieben, obwohl 2/3 aller Patienten an der nicht-dominanten Hemisphäre operiert worden waren. Es war und ist auch nicht zu erwarten, dass eine Entlastung von Hirndruck qualitativ die hirninfarktbedingten Symptome beseitigt. Die Nachbefragung der Patienten fand im Schnitt 64,7 Monate nach erlittenem Mediainfarkt statt. Inzwischen waren von den 259 konservativ Behandelten 47,1% verstorben, von den 33 Hemikraniektomierten nur 24,2%. Die poststationäre Mortalität im weiteren Verlauf war anteilsmäßig gering (K: 24%, T: 21,2%). Die Überlebensdauer der Trepanierten war dreimal so lang wie die der nicht operierten (K: 11,6 Monate, T: 34,4 Monate). Diese Unterschiede im Langzeitüberleben sind wahrscheinlicher auf die geringeren Komorbiditäten der Trepanierten zurückzuführen, als auf die stattgehabte Operation an sich. Allerdings ist nicht auszuschließen, dass die durch Trepanation frühzeitiger verbesserte Wachheit sich auch günstig auf lebensverkürzende Folgekomplikationen ausgewirkt haben könnte. In der Nachbefragung zeigte sich, dass bezüglich der erworbenen körperlichen Funktionsdefizite, gemessen am Barthel Index, zwischen den beiden Kollektiven kein signifikanter Unterschied bestand. Die ehemals konservativ behandelten Patienten kamen auf durchschnittlich 75, die trepanierten Patienten auf 60 von 100 Punkten. Im Lebensalltag schlägt sich dieser Unterschied von 15 Punkten relevant nieder, aber insgesamt liegen beide Patientenkollektive im Bereich einer leichten bis nicht vorhandenen Abhängigkeit. Die vergleichbaren Langzeitdaten von Patienten mit Mediainfarkt liegen in einem ähnlichen Bereich. Erstmalig werden hier Langzeitdaten solcher Patienten über die Lebensqualität vorgelegt, gemessen mit dem SF-36. Nachvollziehbar zeigte sich ein deutlicher Unterschied zur Lebensqualität der Durchschnittsbevölkerung, insbesondere im Bereich der körperlichen Belastbarkeit. Für uns unerwartet günstig fielen die Antworten auf der eher psychologischen Ebene aus. Es zeigten sich bei allen Punkten des SF-36 keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen dem konservativ behandelten und den hemikraniektomierten Patienten, so dass die Operation als solche keinen eigenständigen Einfluss auf die langfristige Lebensqualität nahm. Zusammengefasst verbesserte die osteoklastische Trepanation des raumfordernden malignen Mediainfarkts die Überlebenschance in der Akutphase signifikant, was mit inzwischen publizierten kontrollierten Studienergebnissen übereinstimmt. Der Langzeitverlauf nach überlebter Akutkrankheit gestaltet sich unabhängig von der Trepanation. Es gibt aufgrund der erworbenen Behinderung eine weiterhin relativ hohe längerfristige Sterblichkeit. Bemerkenswert ist, dass die Selbsteinschätzung der Lebensqualität von Patienten mit einer erheblichen infarktbedingen körperlichen Behinderung psychologisch-emotional nur geringfügig von der Selbstwahrnehmung in der nicht- behinderten Durchschnittsbevölkerung. Dass bedeutet, dass Spekulationen über die zukünftige Lebensqualität keinen Einfluss auf die Operationsindikation nehmen sollten. / In this retrospective study we looked at the sub-group of stroke patients who suffered a large infarction in the area of the middle cerebral artery and were treated in neurological intensive care between 1991 and 2005 due to imminent or already existent decreased conscious level (so called malignant middle cerebral artery infarction) (n=292). The aim was to find out what influence a surgical treatment has on stroke-related increased intracerebral pressure additionally to the usual conservative intesive therapy with regards to acute and longterm survival. In total data from 292 intensiv care patients was evaluated, which consisted of 259 purely conservatively and 33 surgically treated patients. 
Altogether there was a positive selection for surgically treated patients (younger, no aphasia, less comorbidities). Decompressive hemicraniectomy lowered the mortality in the acute phase significantly (c: 22.4%, h: 3.0%; p=0.009). As expected decompressive hemicraniectomy also positively influenced the conscious level: the number of fully alert patients on discharge was 66% higher than on admission. In the group of the conservatively treated patients this number was only 33% higher (on discharge: c: 87% and h: 90.6% fully alert).The mean physical findings on discharge from neurological intensive care showed no significant difference between the conservatively and surgically treated group. The main symptoms were – as on admission – a motor or sensomotor hemiparesis. The prevalence of aphasia dropped in the group of 201 conservatively patients who survived the hospital stay from 56.2% on admission to 48.% on discharge (p= 0.5). In the 32 patients after hemicraniectomy who survived the hospital admission the number of aphasic patients did not change from admission to discharge (50%). It is not expected that a release of intracerebral pressure completely resolves stroke-connected symptoms. During the stay on intensive care physical and neuropsychological function was not systemically assessed using stroke function scales so we cannot comment on how the symptoms changed quantatively after the treatment. There is a possibility that arguments would be pro-hemicraniectomy. On average 64.7 months passed between the stroke and the follow-up examination. In the meantime 47.1% of the 259 conservatively treated patients had died. Of 33 patients after decompressive hemicraniectomy only 24.2% had died (p=0.01). There was a significant difference in the hospital mortality (c: 24%, h: 21.2%). The longterm mortality showed a smaller difference (c: 24%, h: 21.2%). The survival period of the surgically treated patients was three times longer (c: 11.6%, h: 34.4 months). The difference in survival length is most likely due to less comorbidities in the surgically treated patients than to the hemicraniectomy itself. However it can also not be ruled out that due to the earlier achieved improvement of conscious level postoperatively potential future complications could be prevented. With regards to acquired physical functional deficits, measured with the Barthel index, both groups did not reveal any significant difference (p=0.10). The mean Barthel index in the conservatively treated patients was 75 out of 100 and 60 out of 100 in the patients after decompressive hemicraniectomy. That means that patients from both groups were either independent or slightly dependant from other people in their every day life. For the first time we were presenting longterm data on subjective quality of life from patients after middle cerebral artery infarction, measured with the SF-36 health survey [Bullinger et al. 1998]. As expected there was a major difference between our patient group and a comparable average population, especially in areas like “physical function”. The results on a more psychological level like “vitality” and “mental health” were better than expected. They only mildly differed from the average population. The SF-36 health survey did not show any significant difference between the conservatively treated and the surgically treated group. That indicates how the decompressive hemicraniectomy alone did not have an influence on longterm quality of life. In summary the survival rate was inreased significantly by decompressive hemicraniectomy in malignant middle cerebral artery infarction at the University Hospital Wuerzburg between 1991 and 2005, which was also confirmed by other publicated controlled studies [Jüttler et al. 2007; Vahedi et al. 2007; Fandino et al. 2004]. It is remarkable that the subjective quality of life of patients with a considerable disability differs only slightly from the perception of a non-impaired control group. That means that speculations about a future quality of life should not influence a decision for or against decompressive hemicraniectomy.

Vliv chronické hypoxie na ischemickou toleranci srdce u spontánně hypertenzních potkanů / The effect of chronic hypoxia on cardiac ischemic tolerance of spontaneously hypersensitive rats

Zajíčková, Pavlína January 2013 (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to discover the influence of adaptation to chronic hypoxia on ischemic tolerance of heart - this experiment was carried out on two different hypertension kinds of laboratory rats. Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and rats from a conplastic strain SHR/OlaIpcv-mtBN/Crl , whose mitochondrial genome of the SHR strain was replaced with a mitochondrial genome of the normotensive strain Brown Norway, were exposed to continuous normobaric hypoxia (10% O2) for a period of 3 weeks. On the other hand, the control group of rats was kept in normoxia. At the end of the adaptation period, the ischemic tolerance of heart and the mitochondrial aconitase expression were examined. In the case of both hypertensive strains, the chronic hypoxia led to a significant drop in the size of a myocardial infarction and also to a drop in the number of reperfusion arrhythmias. In the case of the SHR strain, the incidence of ischemic arrhythmias decreased. Chronic hypoxia had no impact on the aconitase expression for both analysed strains. This thesis showed that the ischemic tolerance of heart can be enhanced in the case of the SHR strain. On the other hand, the mitochondrial genome of the SHR strain does not seem to play any significant role in protection mechanism. Key words: chronic hypoxia,...

Vliv morfinu na expresi a distribuci alfa a beta podjednotek trimerních G-proteinů v myokardu potkana / The effect of morphine on expression and distribution of the alpha and beta subunits of trimeric G-proteins in the rat myocardium

Bartoňová, Iveta January 2011 (has links)
Morphine is a clinically very important drug from the opioid group that is used for treatment of severe pain because of its strong analgetic effect. Opioid receptors mediating the morphine effect interact with the Gi/o class of trimeric G-proteins. Opioid receptors also occur in heart tissue and morphine can thus potentially exercise its effect on the function of this organ. The major aim of this project was to pursue consequences of long-term treatment with morphine on expression and distribution of selected heterotrimeric G-protein subunits in the rat heart. Potential cardioprotective effects of this drug have also been studied. Laboratory rats of the Wistar strain were treated with morphine (1 mg/kg/day or 10 mg/kg/day) for 10 or 28 days. The control group was treated with saline solution. Prolonged treatment with morphine did not cause any effects on Gs, Gi, Gz, Gq/11, G subunits, but the expression of Go rather decreased. The results of subsequent experiments showed that prolonged administration of high doses of morphine may reduce the area affected by infarction and reduced the frequency of ventricle arrhythmias depending on dose and duration of morphine administration. Key words: morphine, myocardium, opioid receptor, G-protein subunits, infarction.

Znalosti žáků určitých středních škol severních a středních Čech o vybraných civilizačních onemocněních / The knowledge of certain pupils in secondary schools from the area of North and Central Bohemia about selected diseases of civilisation

Jírová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the problems of diseases of civilization. The work is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part explains what are diseases of civilization, how they arise and how they can be prevented. For each disease (coronary heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer) the thesis describes in more detail how and why they arise, what are the risk factors, what preventive measures exist and how to treat the disease. In the practical part, the thesis is devoted to the research of pupils' knowledge in the field of diseases of civilization of selected schools. Using a questionnaire, we dermined the knowledge of the pupils of two secondary schools and found the variance in their knowledge. Furthermore, this knowledge of pupils was compared with their knowledge two years ago when a similar questionnaire was completed in the same schools. The purpose of this thesis was to find out how the knowledge of identical pupils of these two schools changed after two years. The final discussion shows how the knowledge of pupils has changed after two years. It was found that pupils' knowledge improved overall. Cancer, diabetes and obesity knowledge have all improved. There was a slight deterioration in the question concern the number of patients. There was no change in the...

Potřeby pacienta na JIP po prodělaném infarktu myokardu vyžadující V-A ECMO podporu / The needs of the ICU patient after myocardial infarction requiring V-A ECMO support

Procházková, Tereza January 2021 (has links)
The incidence of acute myocardial infarction is still high. One of the methods of reperfusion therapy is the cardiac surgery by coronary artery bypass graft, which may be postoperatively complicated by the development of postcardiotomy cardiogenic shock with the urgency of the venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (V-A ECMO). The quality of very specialized and complex care for these long-term hospitalized patients depends on understanding their needs and ways of saturation. The aim of this study is to present these needs from the perspective of the patient and their family. Research questions ain to identify the main aspect of recovery, the factors negatively affecting the mental state of patients, the ways to help them by healthcare professionals and family, how can healthcare professionals help the family and how this experience has affected both the family and the patient. The research is carried out using a qualitative method of semistructured interview with six respondents with this type of anamnesis, who were hospitalized between 2015 and 2021 in the ICU of cardiac surgery department, and three of their relatives. According to the study's findings the main aspect of recovery is the patient's mental well-being. The dependence on help of others, muscle weakness and loss of intimacy...

Úloha sukcinátu v ischemické toleranci srdce potkanů / The role of succinic acid in cardiac ischemic tolerance in rats

Kordač, Petr January 2021 (has links)
Succinate is one of the intermediate in the Krebs cycle, which in recent years has been shown to interfere with other cellular events, some of which may affect cardiac ischemic tolerance. The aim of this project was to clarify its cardioprotective role in rat hearts subjected to acute ischemia-reperfusion. The myocardial resistance to acute ischemia (infarct size and incidence and severity of ischemic and reperfusion arrhythmias) was analyzed using the Langendorff method of isolated perfused heart at a constant flow with acute succinate administration. Local ischemia was induced by ligation of left anterior descending coronary artery. Acute administration of 1 mM succinate before 60 minutes of ischemia or before reperfusion only had a beneficial effect on reducing the infarct size by 25-30 % compared to the control group. At the same time, it had an adverse effect on the incidence and severity of ischemic and reperfusion arrhythmias. Key words: Succinate, heart, rat, heart-attack, ventricular arrhythmias

Korelacija ultrazvučnih karakteristika ateroskleroze karotidnih arterija i prisustva kardiometaboličkih faktora rizika kod bolesnika sa ishemijskim moždanim udarom / The correlation of ultrasound characteristics of carotid atherosclerosis and the presence of cardiometabolic risk factors in the patients with ischemic stroke

Živanović Željko 04 December 2015 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Ateroskleroza je najče&scaron;ća bolest karotidnih arterija i uzrok je oko 20% svih ishemijskih moždanih udara (IMU). Osim stepena stenoze i određene karakteristike karotidnog plaka označavaju povi&scaron;en rizik za IMU. Ultrazvukom je moguće pouzdano evaluirati aterosklerotske promene na karotidnim arterijama. Iako su faktori rizika (FR) za aterosklerozu istovremeno i FR za IMU, prisustvo identičnih FR kod pacijenata sa IMU, ne znači i prisustvo istog stepena ateroskleroze na karotidnim arterijama. CILJ: Utvrđivanje povezanosti pojedinih ultrazvučnih karakteristika karotidne ateroskleroze, sa prisustvom različitih kardiometaboličkih FR i njihovih biomarkera, kod pacijenata sa IMU. MATERIJAL I METODE: U istraživanje je uključeno 120 pacijenata sa nekardioembolijskim IMU u karotidnom slivu koji su podeljeni u dve grupe; 60 sa lakunarnim i 60 sa nelakunarnim infarktom mozga. Svim pacijentima je određivano prisustvo FR, kao &scaron;to su hipertenzija, dijabetes, hiperlipoproteinemija, pu&scaron;enje, gojaznost, metabolički sindrom, hiperhomocisteinemija i inflamacija. Beležene su vrednosti krvnog pritiska, glikemije, glikoliziranog hemoglobina, parametara lipidskog statusa, apolipoproteina (Apo) A-I i B, lipoproteina a, indeksa telesne mase (BMI), homocisteina, C reaktivnog proteina (CRP). Pomoću karotidnog dupleks ultrazvuka određivane su vrednosti intima-medijalnog zadebljanja (IMT), morfologija plaka, povr&scaron;ina plaka, stepen stenoze. Demografske karakteristike, FR i njihovi biomarkeri, te ultrazvučne karakteristike karotidne ateroskleroze, poređene su između dve grupe pacijenata. Kori&scaron;ćeni su hi-kvadrat test i t-test. Korelacije FR i vrednosti njihovih biomarkera sa različitim karakteristikama karotidnog plaka, određivane su upotrebom Pearsonovog koeficijenta korelacije r i Kramerovog V. Upotrebom regresionih analiza ispitivan je prediktivni značaj određenih FR i njihovih biomarkera u pojavi pojedinih karakteristika karotidnog plaka. REZULTATI: Vi&scaron;e pacijenata sa lakunarnim infarktom je imalo hipertenziju (98.3% naspram 85%; p=0.021). Pacijenti sa lakunarnim infarktom imali su veće vrednosti BMI (27.6 kg/m2 naspram 25.9 kg/m2; p=0.029), dok su pacijenti sa nelakunarnim infarktom imali veće vrednosti CRP (16.4 mg/l naspram 6.8 mg/l; p=0.001). Demografske karakteristike, ostali FR i njihovi biomarkeri, kao i vrednosti karotidnog IMT se nisu značajno razlikovali između dve grupe pacijenata. Pacijenti sa nelakunarnim infarktom su imali veći stepen karotidne stenoze (79.7% naspram 33.2%; p=0,0001), kao i če&scaron;će prisustvo heterogenog plaka (73.3% naspram 35%; p&lt;0,001), hipoehogenog plaka (51.7% naspram 16.7%; p&lt;0.001) i neravnog plaka (81.7% naspram 21.7%; p&lt;0,001). Sa vrednostima IMT značajno (p&lt;0.05) su korelirali životna dob pacijenata (r=0.276), dijabetes (Cramerovo V=0.236), metabolički sindrom (Cramerovo V=0.247), HDL holesterol (r=-0.254), LDL/HDL (r=0.306), ApoA-I (r=-0.386) i ApoB/ApoA-I (r=0.359). Sa prisustvom heterogenog plaka su korelirali metabolički sindrom (Cramerovo V=0.246), ApoB (r=0.213), ApoB/ApoA-I (r=0.207) i povi&scaron;en CRP (Cramerovo V=0.266). Sa neravnom povr&scaron;inom plaka značajno je korelirao povi&scaron;en CRP (Cramerovo V=0.283). Sa stepenom stenoze značajno su korelirali BMI (r=-0.180) i povi&scaron;en CRP (Cramerovo V=0.301). Nezavisni prediktori povi&scaron;enih vrednosti IMT bili su starija životna dob pacijenata (&beta;=0.230; p=0.006), ApoA-I (&beta;=-0.244; p=0.008) i ApoB/ApoA-I (&beta;=0.247; p=0.007). Prediktori prisustva heterogenog plaka bili su mu&scaron;ki pol (p=0.011; OR=3.425), ApoB (p=0.007; OR=8.972), BMI (p=0.0001; OR=0.380), metabolički sindrom (p=0.003; OR=4.555) i povi&scaron;en CRP (p=0.018; OR=2.800). Prediktori prisustva hipoehogenog plaka bili su ApoB (p&lt;0.001; OR=29.2), BMI (p=0.02; OR=0.514), metabolički sindrom (p&lt;0.001; OR=9.224) i povi&scaron;en CRP (p=0.046; OR=2.659). Povi&scaron;en CRP bio je jedini prediktor prisustva neravnog plaka (p=0.002; OR=3.203), kao i prisustva većeg stepene karotidne stenoze (&beta;=0.270; p=0.002). ZAKLJUČAK: Iako je karotidna stenoza znatno zastupljenija među pacijenatima sa nelakunarnim nego lakunarnim nekardioembolijskim IMU, prisustvo kardiometaboličkih FR, njihovih biomarkera i vrednosti IMT se bitno ne razlikuje između ove dve grupe pacijenata. Osim stenoze i prisustvo heterogenog, hipoehogenog i neravnog karotidnog plaka nosi povi&scaron;en rizik za IMU. Među FR i njihovim biomarkerima ApoA-I i ApoB su najbolji prediktori karotidne ateroskleroze. Apolipoprotein B i metabolički sindrom su najjače povezani sa prisustvom heterogenog i hipoehogenog plaka. Povi&scaron;en CRP kod pacijenata sa akutnim IMU može biti znak destabilizacije plaka i ukazivati na prisustvo signifikantne karotidne stenoze.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Atherosclerosis is the most common disease of carotid arteries, causing 20% of all ischemic strokes. Besides the degree of stenosis, certain characteristics of carotid plaques indicate an increased risk for stroke. Carotid ultrasound can reliably evaluate atherosclerotic changes in carotid arteries. Although the risk factors for atherosclerosis are the same as the risk factors for stroke, the presence of identical risk factors in patients with stroke does not necessarily mean the presence of the same degree of carotid atherosclerosis. AIM: To determine correlation of certain characteristics of carotid atherosclerosis detected by ultrasound with the presence of various cardiometabolic risk factors in patients with ischemic stroke. METHODS: The study included 120 patients with noncardioembolic ischemic stroke in the anterior circulation, who were divided into two groups; 60 with lacunar and 60 with nonlacunar brain infarction. The presence of cardiometabolic risk factors, such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipoproteinemia, smoking, obesity, metabolic syndrome, hyperhomocysteinemia, and inflammation, was evaluated in all patients. Data regarding blood pressure, glycemia, glycated hemoglobin, lipid status parameters, apolipoprotein (ApoAI and ApoB), lipoprotein a, body mass index (BMI), homocysteine, and C-reactive protein (CRP) were collected. Intima-media thickness (IMT), carotid plaque characteristics (morphology, surface) and the degree of stenosis were determined by carotid duplex ultrasound. Demographic characteristics, risk factors, biomarkers, as well as ultrasound characteristics of carotid atherosclerosis, were compared between patients with lacunar and nonlacunar stroke. Two-sample student t-test and &chi;2 test were used for comparisons. In order to assess the correlation of various risk factors and their biomarkers with different characteristics of carotid plaques, we used the Pearson correlation coefficient r and Cramer&#39;s V. Regression analysis was used to evaluate the association of risk factors and their biomarkers with various carotid atherosclerosis characteristics. RESULTS: More patients with lacunar stroke had hypertension (98.3% vs. 85%; p=0.021). Patients with lacunar stroke had higher BMI values (27.6 kg/m2 vs. 25.9 kg/m2; p=0.029), while patients with nonlacunar stroke had higher CRP values (16.4 mg/l vs. 6.8 mg/l; p=0.001). Demographic characteristics, other risk factors and their biomarkers, as well as carotid IMT were not significantly different between the two groups of patients. Patients with nonlacunar stroke had a higher degree of carotid stenosis (79.7% vs. 33.2%; p=0.0001) and a higher prevalence of heterogeneous plaques (73.3% vs. 35%; p&lt;0.001), hypoechogenic plaques (51.7% vs. 16.7%; p&lt;0.001), and plaques with irregular surface (81.7% vs. 21.7%; p&lt;0,001). IMT was significantly (p&lt;0.05) correlated with the age of patients (r=0.276), diabetes (Cramer&rsquo;s V=0.236), metabolic syndrome (Cramer&rsquo;s V=0.247), HDL cholesterol (r=-0.254), LDL/HDL (r=0.306), ApoA-I (r=-0.386) and ApoB/ApoA-I (r=0.359). The presence of a heterogeneous plaque was correlated with metabolic syndrome (Cramer&rsquo;s V=0.246) ApoB (r=0.213), ApoB/ApoA-I (r=0.207) and elevated CRP (Cramer&rsquo;s V=0.266). A plaque with irregular surface was correlated with elevated CRP (Cramer&rsquo;s V=0.283). The degree of carotid stenosis was correlated with BMI (r=-0.180) and elevated CRP (Cramer&rsquo;s V=0.301). The independent predictors of higher values of IMT were older age (&beta;=0.230; p=0.006), ApoA-I (&beta;=-0.244; p=0.008), and ApoB/ApoA-I (&beta;=0.247; p=0.007). The predictors of the presence of a heterogeneous plaque were male gender (p=0.011; OR=3.425), ApoB (p=0.007; OR=8.972), BMI (p=0.0001; OR=0.380), metabolic syndrome (p=0.003; OR=4.555) and elevated CRP (p=0.018; OR=2.800). The predictors of the presence of a hypoechogenic plaque were ApoB (p&lt;0.001; OR=29.2), BMI (p=0.02; OR=0.514), metabolic syndrome (p&lt;0.001; OR=9.224) and elevated CRP (p=0.046; OR=2.659). Elevated CRP was the only independent predictor of a plaque with irregular surface (p=0.002; OR=3.203) and of a higher degree of carotid stenosis (&beta;=0.270; p=0.002). CONCULSIONS: Although carotid stenosis is significantly more pronounced in patients with nonlacunar than those with lacunar noncardioembolic ischemic stroke, cardiometabolic risk factors, their biomarkers and carotid IMT do not differ significantly between the two groups of patients. In addition to stenosis, a presence of heterogeneous, hypoechogenic and irregular-surface carotid plaques indicates an increased risk for ischemic nonlacunar stroke. Among the cardiometabolic risk factors and their biomarkers, ApoAI and ApoB have the strongest association with carotid atherosclerosis. Apolipoprotein B and metabolic syndrome have the strongest association with a heterogeneous and hypoechogenic carotid plaque. Elevated CRP in patients with acute ischemic stroke may be a sign of carotid plaque destabilization and can indicate a significant carotid stenosis.</p>

Genetické a proteomické analýzy vybraných poruch kardiovaskulárního systému / Genetic and Proteomic Screening in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease.

Šímová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyse a genetic and proteomic aspects that could play an important role in development of chosen cardiovascular disease. Matrix metalloproteinases are enzymes that contribute strongly to the degradation of extracellular matrix components. In this study the serological levels of MMP-2 and MMP-9 were investigated using immunological testing in patients with aortic valve disease and in patients with myocardial infarction. Significantly higher levels of MMP-2 and MMP-9 were determined in both above mentioned groups of patients. Association of serum levels of MMP-2 and MMP-9 and development of concomitant aortic dilatation was not confirmed in patients with aortic valve disease. Changes in serum levels within 24 hours and after 6 months post myocardial infarction were characterized. About 10 % of patients operated for aortic valve disease suffer simultaneously from ascending aortic dilatation. The current study did not reveal any significant genetic variation in TGFBR2 gene and in chosen exons of FBN1 gene in these patients. Further genetic research is needed to identify the cause of the pathology in aortic wall. Gene expression of selected genes was measured by microarray screening in patients with myocardial infarction. These genes were related to MMPs and did not show...

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