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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Monetární politika v České republice / Monetary policy in the Czech Republic

Kuchař, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis follows up accomplishment of Maastricht criterion by the Czech Republic and forecast the accomplishment till the year 2018. The thesis contains the dependence of the household consumption at the exchange rate between the Czech crown and euro. In the theoretical part of the thesis the monetary policy and its main goals and instruments are described. The function and tasks of central bank are covered as well. In theoretical part are also described the important monetary institutions for the Czech Republic as the Czech national bank, European central bank and International monetary fund. In the practical part of the thesis are two analyses. The first analyzes the factors of monetary policy between years 1998 and 2004. The second one analyzes the accomplishment of the Maastricht criterion between years 2004 and 2014 and there is also the prognosis of the future development till the year 2018. In the end of the thesis is compiled a model interpreting the dependence between exchange rate and household consumption. The exchange rate between Czech crown and euro has been chosen because of the intervention of the Czech national bank.

Zahraniční dluhy Nigérie a její řešení

Nwachukwu, Chidi Augustine January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Vliv měnových spekulací na reálné makroekonomické ukazatele ČR

Sodomka, David January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Dopady ekonomické krize na alokaci úspor domácností na finančním trhu v ČR a SR

Koreňovská, Dominika January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Změna vlivu monetární politiky na inflaci během finanční krize v zemích Visegrádské čtyřky

Dobešová, Anna January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Bude pro ČR přijetí eura skutečně výhodou?

Bálintová, Silvia January 2008 (has links)
ČR je členskou zemí EU od 1. května 2004. Z tohoto členství vyplývá závazek, že dříve nebo později vstoupí ČR do eurozóny. Termín přijetí eura však v ČR zůstává v současné době neznámý. Na jedné straně vznikají začleněním do eurozóny přínosy, na druhé straně náklady podmíněné plněním maastrichtských konvergenčních kritérií, a zároveň členstvím v eurozóně.

Cieľovanie inflácie v Českej republike: história a súčasná situácia v podmienkach finančnej krízy / Inflation Targeting in The Czech Republic: History and Current Situation Under The Circumstances of The Economic Crisis

Kolesár, Michal January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis analyzes the inflation targeting regime. The theoretical part describes the basic mechanism of the regime, which consists of setting the inflation targets and the exceptions when the inflation rate may deviate from the targeted zone. Further part describes production of conditional and unconditional forecasts and operational steering of central bank interest rates. In the theoretical part are also summarized the advantages and disadvantages of the regime. The empirical part of this thesis consists in application of the theoretical findings to the practical experiences of CNB. It describes the process of setting the inflation targets and forecasting procedure of CNB. Final part of the thesis summarizes the successes and failures of practical application of the regime in the Czech Republic.

Vliv vstupu do eurozóny na vybrané makroekonomické ukazatele / Impact on GDP and inflation connected with euro adoption

Makovec, Petr January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is focused on year to date performance of common currency euro. Especialy it's impact on main macroeconomic indicators -- GDP and inflation. Analytical part of this study compairs long-term developement of this indicators in countries, which has adopted euro and those who has not. Objective of this thesis is formulation of conclusions, regarding benefits of euro adoption in light of GDP and inflation.

Determinants of foreign direct investment in Ghana

Owusu, Maxwell Nuamah January 2019 (has links)
The flow of foreign direct investment (FDI) is seen as an important source for achieving greater and faster economic growth, particularly in the emerging market economies and other developing countries. This study will examine the factors that induce foreign investors to operate in Ghana. This will take into consideration the significant influence between the dependent variable (FDI) and the observed explanatory variables ((GDPgrowth, inflation, exchange rate, trade openness and natural resources from 1975 – 2016) and (government stability and corruption from 1984 – 2016)). The study uses ordinary least square (OLS) and ARDL regression model to examine the influence between FDI and the proposed explanatory variables that are anticipated to determine FDI inflows into Ghana. The unit root test shows that only GDP and inflation were stationary at the ordinary level while other variables were stationary when we combined the variables as one. In order to solve the problem of spuriousness and the consequent of the determinant of FDI, FDI was used as a dependent variable over other variables considered. The result of the OLS regression model show that GDP growth, exchange rate, natural resources and government stability have positive influence on FDI while inflation, trade openness and corruption have negative influence on FDI but only exchange rate and natural resources said to be statistically significant. Result of ARDL was divided into two part. Variables that ranges from 1975 – 2016 were used as an explanatory variable for the first part while all the variables including government stability and corruption were used as second part. The result for ARDL regression model shows that all the variables from 1975 – 2016 are statistically significant while the second part shows that only inflation, exchange rate, trade openness and government stability are statistically significant. The uniqueness of this research after using ARDL regression model and OLS regression model is that the two models show that there is statistical significant influence between FDI and the independent variables (GDP, natural resources, trade openness, inflation, exchange rate, government stability and corruption).

Relantionship between Inflation and Exchange Rate in Ghana

Seth, Kofi Adu January 2019 (has links)
This thesis was aimed at investigating the volatility and relationship between inflation rates and exchange rates in Ghana. The data for the study was obtained from the World Data Bank, the Bank of Ghana, and the Ghana Statistical Service. It covered a period from 1980 to 2016. The main variables were the real exchange rate and inflation. The software used to run the data was Stata. The study employed Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model. The VAR model was chosen by reason that the data set were integrated but not cointegrated. The study result shows that in the short-run, a percentage change in the variability of the real exchange rate induces 54% change in the variability of inflation rate. Again, a percentage change in the variability of real exchange rate induces 90% change in the variability of real exchange rate.

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