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Vnímaná inflace - nový fenomén po zavedení eura v hotovostní podobě / Perceived Inflation - The New Phenomenon After The Euro ChangeoverSmrčková, Gabriela January 2005 (has links)
The thesis focuses on theoretical and empirical analysis of the deterioration of price perception among European consumers after the introduction of the euro banknotes and coins. The aim of the thesis is to find out the major factors which provoked a rapid increase of the indicator of perceived inflation after 2002, while inflation in euro zone continued developing moderately, and to derive some conclusions for economic policy of candidate countries to euro introduction. There are at least four reasons why it matters to analyse the distortion of the indicator of perceived inflation from the HICP index which measures the inflation in the euro zone. Firstly, from the political and economical perspective there is a risk of weak support for the European monetary integration. Secondly, the distortion of price perception can deteriorate the belief in the official statistics. Thirdly, the inaccurate price perception can lead to wrong consumer decisions having an impact on a volume or a structure of national consumption. Last but not least, there is a risk of a negative impact on price expectations. In order to meet its goals, the thesis stases several hypotheses which analyse the problem from two perspectives. Firstly, from a mere review of detailed prices in the period of the introduction of the euro banknotes and coins (Hypotheses: (i) the consumers are more sensitive towards some price movements, therefore the deterioration of the indicator of perceived inflation can be explained by the abnormal evolution of some prices in the critical period of the euro introduction, (ii) convergence of the new euro prices towards round prices lead to frequent price movements having an impact on price perception) Secondly, from the point of view of limited perception of prices by consumers (Hypothesis: (iii) consumers does not behave rationally when deciding about prices therefore they are not able to perceive all price movements). The thesis is organized in three chapters. The first chapter is mainly theoretical and introduces the problem of perceived inflation. It is followed by two chapters which combine empirical and theoretical analysis of the drivers of perceived inflation after the euro introduction. Within its conclusions, the thesis identifies a combination of several factors that caused a rapid increase of the indicator of perceived inflation after the changeover which have their origins in a changed monetary environment. The effects coming from using rounded conversion rates instead of the official ones in mental conversions of the new euro prices to the old prices in national currencies, limited the possibility for consumers to perceive correctly the price movements. Moreover, higher sensitivity towards price increases in comparison to price decreases and a higher inflation in some areas led to blaming the new currency for high inflation. The irrational behaviour of consumers in relation to prices was strengthened by the effects of the new currency. The thesis also states that while the increase of the indicator of perceived inflation had no negative impact on inflation expectations, the deterioration of inflation perception might negatively influence consumption.
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Inflace v České republice / Inflation in the Czech RepublicMatýsková, Klára January 2016 (has links)
The thesis aims to analyze the evolution of inflation in the Czech Republic over the past fifteen years and compare it with the values of inflation Visegrad Group countries, as countries with common characteristics. The research part describes and explains the concepts related to the topic that are necessary to understand the issue. The analytical part is dedicated to specific data on rates of inflation and other selected indicators in the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and the Slovak Republic. The conclusion summarizes the most important findings from the data is a solved problem. The average annual inflation rate in the Czech Republic in 2015 was 0,3 %. In the meantime monitored fifteen years the inflation rate ranged from 0,1% to 6,3%. In 2008 was recorded compared to the previous year, an increase of 3,5 p.p. To was due to the anti-inflationary effects that were let up from the impact of the economic crisis.
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Distribuční dopady inflace v České republice / Distributional Effects of Inflation in the Czech RepublicLinhartová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
Consumer price index captures the changing costs of the consumer basket of a typical household. Despite differences in spending patterns, change in con- sumer price index is used as a measure of inflation for the whole population. The aim of this thesis is to assess how close to the official inflation rate house- holds are and determine which groups have significantly different inflation. Using the Czech data from the Household Budget Survey over the 1990-2012 period we calculated specific inflation for each household in our sample. We first found out that on average only two thirds of households are close to the official inflation rate, which led us to the construction of subgroup price indices. In the empirical part, we examined the effect of household characteristics on inflation by applying the fixed effects estimation. We found that low-income households, pensioners, households in urban areas and households with few members have higher than average inflation.
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Inflační cílování a vnímaná inflace: Empirická analýza / Inflation targeting and inflation perceptions: an empirical analysisKlubíčková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis I examine the effect of introduction of inflation targeting as a monetary policy regime on the difference between actual inflation and perceived inflation. Perceived inflation is used in the analysis in contrast with previous research, because inflation perceptions are extracted from consumer surveys conducted in individual European Union countries on the whole population sample and thereby enable me to examine the effect that the introduction of inflation targeting has across the whole population. A panel data set of 19 European Union members and 1 candidate, including 7 inflation targeters, is used in the analysis, with monthly information from the period beginning in January 1990 and ending in December 2012. Based on the analysis using fixed-effects model with specific dummy variables to capture the difference-in-differences element, I find that inflation targeters experience lower differences between actual and perceived inflation and that the difference between actual and perceived inflation decreases after the introduction of inflation targeting. Furthermore, various groups divided according to socio-economic characteristics of the consumer survey respondents tend to be affected in a different way by the introduction of inflation targeting, although to a limited extent. JEL...
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Lze považovat produkční mezeru za vhodný ukazatel inflace? / Can We Consider Inflation as a Suitable Indicator of Inflation?Kloudová, Dana January 2011 (has links)
Output gap belongs to standard indicators of inflationary pressures used in central banks. The aim of this paper is to find the answer to the question, whether we can consider output gap as a suitable indicator of inflation for the Czech economy. First hypothesis, which we analysed is that we can estimate output gap only with uncertainty. For confirmation or refutation of this hypothesis we used ten models of estimation of output gap. The second hypothesis is that output gap can be used as suitable indicator of inflation. For testing of this hypothesis we chose gap model from Coe, McDetmott (1997) -- with the level of output gap and the change (difference) of output gap. All tests confirmed, that central bank can use inflation as a useful indicator of inflation.
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Současná finanční krize očima rakouské školy / The Current Financial Crisis Through the Eyes of the Austrian SchoolPfeifer, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
The thesis aims to defend the irreplaceable role of the Austrian business cycle theory in explaining the current financial crisis in the U.S.. Attention is also paid to applied measures of American economic policies and their impact on the elimination of the purification process of the recession. Furthermore, the work deals with the identification of preventive measures, which would reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of economic cycles. Recommendations by representatives of the Austrian School are described as difficult to implement on the basis of number of arguments. In the work are therefore proposed more realistic measures to limit the volatility of the economic cycle, which emanate mainly from the composite price index, which is the subject of this text. The index reflects the price development in all stages of production and should therefore in monetary policy matters replace the current use of price indicators, based on the inflated scale of consumption, taking into account only minimal effects of monetary expansion. The work deals with the calculation of the composite price index for the United States, which used the instrument of Skounsen indicator of gross domestic output. The development of the composite price index in the US is then analyzed and compared with the development of other macroeconomic variables. Based on this examination, we recommend the use of composite price index for monetary policy regime of inflation targeting and the implementation thereof by the Federal Reserve monetary policy.
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Zohľadnenie inflácie v bilančnom výsledku hospodáreniaMesík, Jaroslav January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou vlivu inflace na účetní údaje jak ve stadiu jejich zpracování (běžné účtování s ohledem na inflaci), tak také - a to zejména - ve stadiu přípravy a prezentace výkazů účetní závěrky. Diplomant se věnuje fenoménu inflace zevrubně podaným popisem ilustrovaným číselnými příklady. Inflace není chápána primárně jako makroekonomický jev s jeho nezbytnými souvislostmi, i když pochopitelně je nutno z makroekonomického přístupu vycházet. Problematika inflace je popisována s ohledem na obtíže, které důsledky jevu přinášejí podnikovému účetnictví, a na obecné postupy řešení těchto obtíží, historicky přijímané a použité. Vyústění postupů řešení představuje v současné době platné znění Mezinárodních účetních standardů, resp. Mezinárodních standardů účetního výkaznictví, speciálně IAS 29.
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Analýza vývoje českého akciového trhuCajthaml, David Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Český akciový trh v posledních letech zažíval neuvěřitelný boom. V roce 2004 rostl pražský index PX meziročně o 56,6%, v roce 2005 o 42,73% a nakonec v roce 2006 o 5,8%. Byly období, kdy pražská burza rostla nejvíce z celé Evropy. Zažila ale také několik korekcí svého vývoje. A právě na analýze těchto korekcích se snažím v mé diplomové práci najít faktory ovlivňující český akciový trh nejvíce. Co bylo jejich příčinou? Proč index PX ztrácel na hodnotě? Jsou to vyspělé trhy, které ovlivňují pražský trh nejvíce, je to vývoj ve střední Evropě, nebo je snad Praha k těmto vlivům imunní? Ovlivňuje nějakým způsobem pražský akciový trh cena ropy? Byl největší propad na burze v historii (v roce 2006 během cca. měsíce propad o 24,74%) způsoben událostmi v USA, nebo byla prvotní příčina někde úplně jinde? Domnívám se, že nalezením odpovědí na výše položené otázky definuji faktory, které český akciový trh ovlivňují nejvíce. Nejprve analyzuji jednotlivá období(propady českého akciového trhu v letech 2004, 2005 a 2006) a poté provádím průnik nejdůležitějších faktorů pro definování těch pro pražskou burzu nejvýznamějších.
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Teorie politického cyklu v praxiZápotočná, Zuzana Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Na základě analýzy makroekonomických veličin je potvrzeno fungování politického cyklu v České republice.
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Japonská ekonomika v období americké okupaceHoráček, David January 2007 (has links)
Základním cílem Američanů v poválečném Japonsku bylo provést zásadní společenské reformy, které by z Japonska učinily jejich významného politického a obchodního spojence. Z hlediska kladného a trvalého přijetí těchto reforem japonským obyvatelstvem však klíčovou roli hrála především hospodářská politika vlády a americké okupační moci, neboť pouze rostoucí životní úroveň obyvatel mohla tento základní cíl naplnit. Nastartování válkou zničené japonské ekonomiky se proto rychle stalo významným tématem okupace. Tato práce analyzuje motivy a dopady všech významných opatření realizovaných v průběhu okupace, které měly zásadní vliv na vývoj japonské ekonomiky a životní úrovně. Z tohoto pohledu je práce dělena na dva základní bloky. V první části je hodnocena především fiskální politika japonské vlády, její přístup k poválečné inflaci a k centrálnímu řízení ekonomiky. Druhá část práce potom analyzuje tři zásadní reformy okupační moci týkajících se demonopolizace, pozemkové reformy a odborového hnutí. Cílem práce je kromě analýzy hospodářské politiky také rozhodnout, do jaké míry nakonec americká okupace přispěla k budoucí ekonomické prosperitě Japonska.
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